Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name/ Surname
Laura Caciagli
Work experience
Work experience and seminars on SCIENCE COMMUNICATION
Occupation or position held
November 2011 onwards
Science journalist at the Euro – Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
(CMCC) in Lecce, (Italy)
Web content writing: writing articles for TEC (; the CMCC’s blog about climate
change and policy while writing articles and interviewing top scientists, policy
makers, science communication experts for ClimateScience&Policy
(, the CMCC’s online journal aimed to
foster a public debate on climate change topics with contributions from recognized
experts in the field; Social Media Managing (CMCC's facebook and twitter
page administration); collaboration on the different activities of communication of
the CMCC's Press Office (public relations, translations, editing, etc).
The Euro – Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC); 16, Via Augusto
Imperatore, 73100, Lecce, Italy
Research Institute
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
October 2011 – January 2012
Freelancer at external relations, media and communication unit (Unità Relazioni
Esterne, Media e Comunicazione) of CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche) of Pisa (Italy)
Writing and editing the bimonthly newsletter of SERIT (Security Research in Italy; ), a joint initiative on Homeland Security of CNR and
Finmeccanica; writing articles about ICT and Internet for the CNR’s newsletter; collaboration on the different activities of communication of the Press
Office, especially in supporting the design and development of multimedia
CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche); 1, Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 56100, Pisa,
Research Institute
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
March 2011-May 2011
Trainee at external relations, media and communication unit (Unità Relazioni
Esterne, Media e Comunicazione) of CNR, in Pisa
Organization of an “Internet festival”, an event realized in collaboration with the
Science festival of Genova, writing and editing articles, involvement in the different
activities of communication of the Press Office (writing press releases,
organization of press tour and conferences)
CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche); 1, Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 56100, Pisa,
Research Institute
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
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Laura Caciagli
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
March 2010 onwards
Science journalist free-lance
Writing articles about Science (Biology and Physics) and Technology
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
March 2010 onwards
Science journalist free-lance
Writing articles about Science and Technology
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
July 2010 onwards
Science journalist free-lance
Writing articles of Ecology and Environment
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
November 2010 – July 2011
Science journalist free – lance
Writing articles about Science and Science Journalism
Le Scienze (the Italian edition of Scientific American)
Newspapers, publishing
Galileo, giornale di scienza e problemi globali (an online journal about science and
Newspapers, publishing
Newspapers, publishing
Jekyll (, the SISSA’s (International School for Advanced
Studies, Trieste, Italy) blog about Science Journalism and Science Communication
Type of business or sector
Newspapers, publishing
Title of qualification
subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
On 22nd -23rd October 2010
Certificate of attendance. Seminar Title: “Energia ed Ambiente, aggiornare
giornalisti e addetti stampa”
Institutional communication, Environment Communication, New Media.
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
March-April 2008
Science explainer
Organisation hands-on activities for all school groups, science explainer
Consiglio nazionale Ordine Giornalisti, Federazione nazionale della Stampa
Italiana, Autorità per l'Energia e il Gas.
Ludoteca Scientifica (XVII settimana della Cultura Scientifica); 25, via Nicola
Pisano (area dei vecchi macelli), 56100, Pisa, Italy
No profit organisation
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Laura Caciagli
March 2007
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
Science explainer at the exhibition “Grandi scienziate del '900”
Organisation hands-on activities for all school groups, science explainer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of
Type of business or sector
2002 and 2004
Science explainer
Cataloguing and labelling plants, science explainer and naturalistic guide
Associazione per la diffusione della cultura scientifica e tecnologica “La Limonaia”;
4 Vicolo del Ruschi, 56100, Pisa, Italy
No profit organisation
Orto Botanico “Pietro Pellegrini”, Pian della Fioba (Massa)
University, Botanic Garden
Education and training
Education and training
Title of qualification
subjects/occupational skills
26 June 2014 (attendance 28 - 31 October 2013)
Master in European Project Planning (Master in Europrogettazione) +
Thematic Workshop "Europa 2020"
European Project Planning and Management (Project-Cycle-Management, Goal
Oriented Project Planning methodologies, Logical framework etc); EU institutions
and programs; Analysis of European funding opportunities; Europe 2020;
Workshop GOPP and EU project planning lab.
EuropaCube - Innovation Business School (Strada Maggiore 32, 40125 Bologna,
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
Title of qualification
November 2009 – February 2012
Master in Science Communication
Thesis Title: “Siamo tutti orsi polari: le nuove narrative della comunicazione
ambientale per affrontare le sfide globali”.
Supervisor: Giancarlo Sturloni
Theory and practice of science communication, risk communication, medical
communication, creative and science writing, science and literature, journalism,
publishing and editing, institutional communication, multimedia, science
museology, scientific courses (Neuroscience, Biology, Environment and Ecology,
Maths and Physics)
SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste, Italy
subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
Title of qualification
subjects/occupational skills
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Laura Caciagli
PhD in Evolutionistic Biology (curriculum Anthropology).
Thesis Title: “High resolution analyses of paternal lineages in Dagestan ethnic
Supervisor: Prof. G. Paoli.
My main interest lay in research mainly focused on the study of genetic structure of
ancient and modern populations, testing population models with reference to
selective forces, isolation, and demographic dynamics.
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
Title of qualification
subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
Title of qualification
Level in national or
international classification
subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of
organisation providing
education and training
University of Pisa (Department of Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, laboratory of
Molecular Anthropology), Pisa, Italy
Post-degree internship
Population Genetics, Molecular Anthropology; Biomolecular characterization of
human populations.
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
On 19th November 2003
Degree in Biology (course of study: Ecology)
Thesis Title: “Le regolazione dell'apertura stomatica in risposta alla luce azzurra: è
una proteina simile a una rodopsina, il recettore per la luce azzurra?”
supervisor: Prof. R. Lorenzi
110/110 summa cum laude
Genetics, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Plant Physiology,
Zoology, Ecology, Epidemiology, Chemistry, Biophysics, Anthropology, Applied
Ecology, Ethology, Bio-informatics.
Department of Botanical Sciences, laboratory of Plant Physiology, Botanic Garden,
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Personal skills and
Mother tongue
Other languages
Good knowledge of spoken and written English, Excellent knowledge of spoken
and written Science English.
Good knowledge of spoken and written French.
Social skills and
- team spirit;I have worked in a research team for six years.
- good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work
experience as science communicator and my travels abroad.
- good communication skills gained through my experience as journalist and science
Organisational skills and
During my PhD I was involved in the organization of training programmes and
During my Master in Science Communication at SISSA I am trained in workshops
and scientific events organization. I was in particular involved in the organization of
the following events:
1) “Il dolore non necessario”, a workshop focused on pain and pain management;
2) “Aggiungi un senso a tavola - Un viaggio alla scoperta del piacere di mangiare”,
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Laura Caciagli
a “sensorial dinner” with a neurosurgeon, a psychologist, a food designer and a
wine steward, to understand how we taste food and drink with our brain and
Computer skills and
Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes and with WordPress/HTML.
Additional information PUBLICATIONS
Degree Thesis
1) “La regolazione dell’apertura stomatica in risposta alla luce azzurra: è una proteina
simile ad una rodopsina, il recettore per la luce azzurra?”
Doctoral thesis
2)“High resolution analyses of paternal lineages in Dagestan ethnic groups”
Master Thesis
3) “Siamo tutti orsi polari: le nuove narrative della comunicazione ambientale per
affrontare le sfide globali”
Articles for newspapers, magazines, blogs etc
Articles published on TEC – Earth and Climate, a blog on a changing climate,
the blog edited by the Euro – Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC,
Lecce, Italy)
In Italian:
In English:
Articles published on ClimateScience&Policy, the online journal edited by the
Other articles:
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Laura Caciagli
“Respirare sott’acqua”, Le Scienze - edizione italiana di Scientific
American, maggio 2010.
“Nuvole organizzate-Un passo avanti verso la comprensione dei
cambiamenti climatici”, Le Scienze - edizione italiana di Scientific
American, ottobre 2010.
“Potere del quarzo-Questo minerale sarebbe cruciale per la
deformazione dei continenti”, Le Scienze - edizione italiana di Scientific
American, maggio 2011.
“Nodi quantistici di diamante”, Le Scienze - edizione italiana di Scientific
American, giugno 2011.
“Non sempre chi inquina paga-Dopo il disastro ambientale del Golfo del
Messico, pare che l’Italia non abbia imparato la lezione”, BIO ECO GEO
magazine - rivista di ecologia, ambiente, cultura e attualità a 360°, ottobrenovembre 2010.
“Europa: allarme Sindrome del naso bianco”, pubblicato il 3 marzo 2010
sul giornale online Galileo - giornale di scienza (
• “Il gene per sopravvivere agli allagamenti”, pubblicato il 15 marzo 2010
sul giornale online Galileo-giornale di scienza (
• “Progetto Pegaso: al via undici studi pilota”, pubblicato il 12 aprile 2010
sul giornale online Galileo-giornale di scienza (
• “Peccioli, la città dei robot”, pubblicato il 23 agosto 2010 sul giornale
online Galileo - giornale di scienza (
• “Climate dates: tutto online”, pubblicato il 10 settembre 2010 sul giornale
online Galileo - giornale di scienza (
• “Plastica addio. Pisa e la spesa amica dell’ambiente” (con intervista
audio ascoltabile online), pubblicato il 4 gennaio 2011 sul giornale online
Jekyll - comunicare la scienza (
• “Quel che resta del nucleare” / SPECIALE GIAPPONE, intervista a
Massimo Zucchetti (con intervista audio ascoltabile online), pubblicato il
22 marzo 2011 sul giornale online Jekyll - comunicare la scienza
• “Se non ora quando? Il grido forte e chiaro di Roma”, pubblicato il 16
febbraio 2011 sul blog di scienza e questioni di genere Il tetto di cristallo.
• “La storia vista dall'alto”, pubblicato nell'ottobre 2011 su (N.19), la
newsletter del (Iit - Cnr di Pisa).
• “L'illusione della pura forma”, pubblicato nell'ottobre 2011 su
(N.19), la newsletter del (Iit - Cnr di Pisa).
• Publications on Science Communication
• “Uno scienziato in vetrina”, intervista a Giorgio Bardizza, (con
intervista audio ascoltabile online), pubblicato il 24 novembre 2010 sul
giornale online Jekyll - comunicare la scienza. (
• “Giornalismo scientifico: una bussola per la formazione”, pubblicato l’8
dicembre 2010 sul giornale online Jekyll - comunicare la scienza.
• “La comunicazione della scienza nel futuro professionale dei giovani
canadesi”, pubblicato il 23 gennaio 2011 sul giornale online Jekyll comunicare la scienza (
• “La discussione sul nucleare in Italia? Faziosa e immatura” / SPECIALE
GIAPPONE, Intervista a Marco Cattaneo (con intervista audio
ascoltabile online), pubblicato il 28 marzo 2011 sul giornale online Jekyllcomunicare la scienza (
Consentita la divulgazione dei dati ai sensi della legge 675 del 31-12-1996 e del
decreto legislativo n.196 del 30-06-2003 sulla privacy.
Lecce, 10/06/2015
Signature: Laura Caciagli
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Laura Caciagli

Surname Laura Caciagli Nationality Italian Work experien