Curriculum Vitae
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Date of birth
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JUNE 3,1976
Work experience
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0039 3338702372
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Affiliate Researcher
Research theme:
“I nidi domiciliari in Italia e in Toscana: professionalità a confronto” – (Family day
care centers in Italy and Tuscany: comparing professionalization)
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Peer Reviewer
Reviewer of Universities’ Research Products for the National Agency for the
Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR)
Minister of Education, University and Research, National Government, Italy (MIUR)
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Pedagogical Consultant
Pedagogical Consultant in 2 ECEC initiatives for the “Azienda di Servizi alla Persona
– Casa Valloni” in Rimini (Emilia Romagna).
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
ASP Valloni, Rimini
Trainer for educators of ECEC services in San Miniato, Lucca, Grosseto, on the
following themes: reading with children; families-educators’ relationship; relational
dynamics in the working groups; pedagogical documentation
Municipality of Lucca; Municipality of San Miniato (Bottega di Geppetto Resource
and Reserch Center on Childhood); ISIDE Municipality of Grosseto
Evaluator and Researcher
Evaluator and Researcher in the project: “Quality in ECEC centers runned by ARCA
Social Cooperative in Tuscany”. The aim was to evaluate the quality of ECEC
initiatives runned by ARCA by the use of the Manual edited by the Tuscan Region in
collaboration with the Innocenti National Research Center. The evaluation has
been a starting point to develop reflection in the working groups in order to
negotiate the concept of quality.
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2011-2013
Occupation or position held Research Collaborator
Main activities and Research theme: Análisis de las competencias y el rol de los profesionales en los
responsibilities programas de apoyo a la parentalidad en la primera infancia: un estudio comparado
(analysis of the role and competences of practitioners in family-education programs: a
comparative study)
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Balearic Islands (Spain), and
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Occupation or position held Project Coordinator
Main activities and responsibilities Project coordinator in the project “Consortium CO&SO Guidelines” which had the
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aim of creating Pedagogical Guidelines for the ECEC initiatives (35 in total) managed
by 5 Social Cooperatives that are partners of Consortium CO&SO in Tuscany
Name and address of employer Consortium CO&SO, Florence
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Dates 2009-2010
Occupation or position held Affiliate Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities Research theme:
Pedagogical Research in ECEC initiatives: from research to reflection to
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2007-2009
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Affiliate Researcher
Research theme:
“Bambini e genitori immigrati nei servizi per l’infanzia: modelli educativi e questioni
di metodo”- (“Immigrant children parents in ECEC centres: educational models and
methods”)- Collaboration with the national research project of the University of
Parma, the University of Milan-Bicocca, the CNR (National Research Centre) of
Rome, the University of Florence – Cofinanziamento Miur – Ministry of Education
and Research. The research was a national branch of the international research
Children Crossing Borders: Immigrant Parent and Staff Perspectives on Preschool
led by Joseph Tobin
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, and Department of
Education, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Dates 2006-present
Occupation or position held Master’s Degree Coordinator
Main activities and responsibilities Master’s degree Coordinator, level II “Coordinamento pedagogico di asili nido e
servizi per l’infanzia”-( “Pedagogical coordination of ECEC centers”) for aspiring
educational coordinators
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence
Dates 2006-present
Occupation or position held Member of the editorial staff
Main activities and responsibilities Member of the editorial staff for “Rivista italiana di Educazione Familiare”- (“Italian
review on family education”).
Name and address of employer Prof. Enzo Catarsi, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2007-present
Occupation or position held Pedagogical coordinator
Main activities and responsibilities Pedagogical coordinator in 4 ECEC centers in cities on the outskirts of Florence
(Scandicci, Sesto Fiorentino, Calenzano). The centers are run by a Social
Cooperative (see “employer” below). Coordination includes the organization of
staff reunions (with teachers and teaching assistants), the elaboration, monitoring
and review of the pedagogical projects, in a reflective-systemic perspective.
Name and address of employer Cooperativa Sociale Convoi, Florence
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Dates 2008-present
Occupation or position held Collaborator
Main activities and responsibilities Collaborator for the Bibliographic Review “Infanzia e Adolescenza” (Childhood and
Adolescence) by the Istituto degli Innocenti. The pedagogical review is meant to
provide people working in the educational field a choice of useful texts available on
the market pertaining to the educational system.
Name and address of employer Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
4 months spent in Belgium, collaborating with several organizations, with the aim
of studying the Belgian ECEC system and “compare” it with the Italian one, with
particular attention to family participation in an intercultural perspective. The
collaboration was particularly close with the VBJK Center in Gent
Name and address of employerCenter VBJK of Gent (Vormings Centrum voor Begeleiding de van het Jonge Kind –
Type of business or sector Resource and Research Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education); Department
of Social Studies of the University of Ghent; Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences of the University of Liège; Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of
the University of Mons-Hainaut; ONE of the French-speaking Community (Office de la
naissance et de l'Enfance); RIEPP (Reseau des initiatives Enfants-ParentsProfessionnels).
Grant by the Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI).
Occupation or position held Trainer
Main activities andTrainer in the intercultural project led by Art Gold Lebanon, with the aim of creating a
responsabilitiessocial infrastructure for young people in Beirut (Lebanon). Subject: Methodology in
education. Proposals for an intercultural approach.
Name and address of employer Organizations involved: Tuscan Region, ARCI Toscana, Uisp-Peace Games,
Cooperativa Il Progetto, University of Florence, Province of Florence, Municipalities of
Prato, Grosseto, Siena, UNADP Art Gold Lebanon
Dates 2008
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilitiesLecturer: “Methodology of work in day cares” workshop for ECEC educators
Name and address of employer Cooperativa Sociale Silver and Cooperativa Sociale La Borsa di Mary Poppins,
Type of business or sector Cooperativa Sociale (Social Service Coop)
Dates 2008-2011
Occupation or position held Family education facilitator
Main activities and responsibilities Facilitator of communication in “paths” with parents attending ECEC centers (see
below), in an “sharing and empowering” perspective
Name and address of employer Cooperativa Sociale Convoi, Florence
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Dates May 2007- December 2007
Occupation or position held Member of examining board
Main activities and responsibilitiesActing pedagogical expert in the examining board for the appointment of childcare
workers for ECEC services within the Istituto degli Innocenti.
Name and address of employer Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence
Dates July 2007- November 2007
Occupation or position held Lab professor in qualification courses
Main activities and responsibilities Professor in the Children’s Literature Lab in qualification courses for nursery and
elementary school teachers (Cities of Prato and Florence). Course theme: Reading
with children at home and at school.
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2005-2012
Occupation or position held Lab professor
Main activities and responsibilities Professor in the lab “La ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa in educazione”
(Qualitative and quantitative research in education), for students at Bachelor level
at the University of Florence (12 hours a year)
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2005-2006
Occupation or position held Class and workshop tutor
Main activities and responsibilities Class and workshop tutor in the “Modulo professionalizzante per Tecnico Esperto
di Biblioteche per Ragazzi” (Specialization course for expert librarians for children’s
libraries) in the Faculty of Educational Sciences.
Name and address of employer Prof. Enzo Catarsi, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Florence
Dates 2003-2007
Occupation or position held Specialization course organizer
Main activities and responsibilities Organizing the logistics of specialization courses “La relazione d’aiuto nella scuola e
nei servizi socio-educativi e socio-sanitari”, University of Florence, Department of
Educational Sciences.
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, Unviersity of Florence, Italy
Dates 2003-2006
Occupation or position held SSIS (Teacher’s Training College)Tutor
Main activities and responsibilities SSIS tutor in specialization courses for high school teachers (mandatory course for
teachers who want to teach secondary school), University of Florence
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Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates 2006-2010
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: “La relazione tra educatrici e genitori nell’asilo nido” (Teacher-parent
relations in ECEC centers) workshop for students at Bachelor level, University of
Florence, (12 hours per year)
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates December 2006
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: “Leggere per crescere” (Reading and growth)) workshop promoted by
GlaxoSmithKline Spa for day care’s teachers in the province of Padova. Theme: “La
lettura ad alta voce e le strategie per promuoverla” (Reading with children, and
how to promote it).
Name and address of employer GlaxoSmithKline Spa, Padova
Dates October and April 2006
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: Teaching workshop promoted by Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione
“La Bottega di Geppetto” (Resource and Research Center on Childhood) for ECEC
educators in the towns of Borgo San Lorenzo, Rufina, Scarperia and Dicomano (8
hours). Theme: ““La lettura ad alta voce al nido” (Reading with children in ECEC
Name and address of employer Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione sull’infanzia “La Bottega di Geppetto” del
Comune di S. Miniato (Pisa)
Dates February 2006
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: “Mafalda giorno per giorno”. Teacher training course run by CESVOT and
Associazione Famiglie Aperte, Pisa (5 hours). Theme: “Bambini immigrati a scuola:
valorizzare diversità e comunanze” (Immigrant children in the school system:
promoting diversities and similarities).
Name and address of employer CESVOT and Associazione Famiglie Aperte di Pisa
Dates January-February 2006
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: IFTS Teacher training course “Tecnico Esperto di Biblioteche per Ragazzi”
(Expert librarians for children’s libraries) organized by the Agenzia per lo Sviluppo
Empolese Valdelsa. Theme: “Giusi Quarenghi, scrittrice per bambini e ragazzi”
(Giusy Quarenghi, children’s author)
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Name and address of employer Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa, Empoli (FI
Dates 2005
Occupation or position held Vocational guidance counsellor
Main activities and responsibilitiesHelping students orient themselves in the various courses offered in the
Name and address of employer Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Dates September-October 2005
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: Training Course for Family guidance counsellors promoted by the
Associazione Ulisse, Pontedera (20 hours). Theme: “pedagogia del nido e
competenza relazionale dell’educatore. Il rapporto con i genitori” (ECEC centers
and parent-teacher relationship. The role of documentation)
Name and address of employer Associazione Ulisse, Pontedera (Pisa)
Dates June 2005
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: B.A.D.A. Teacher training course promoted by the Associazione Sestoidee
del Comune di Sesto Fiorentino for home-teacher training (8 hours). Theme:
“Pedagogia della famiglia e pedagogia interculturale al nido” (Family education and
intercultural education in ECEC centers)
Name and address of employer Associazione Sestoidee del Comune di Sesto Fiorentino (Florence)
Dates April 2005
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities Lecturer: Teacher training course for nursery school and kindergarten teachers in
Milan under the direction of the Cooperativa Sociale “Farsi Prossimo” (2 hours).
Theme: “Interculturalità e plurilinguismo in età prescolare” (Intercultural and
multilingual ECEC centers)
Name and address of employer Cooperativa Sociale “Farsi Prossimo”, Milan
Dates April 2005
Occupation or position held Research worker
Main activities and responsibilities COSPE (Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries) Research worker
for “Il Calendario Cinese. Osservazione sul plurilinguismo a scuola” (The Chinese
Calender: observing multilingual children at school) in the Don Minzoni Elementary
School of Florence(10 hours)
Name and address of employer COSPE Onlus (Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries) Florence
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Dates January-April 2005
Occupation or position held Trainer
Main activities and responsibilities Training for ECEC educators of the Municipality of Siena. Theme: “progettazione e
documentazione: un confronto tra stili e metodologie” (programming and
documenting: comparing styles and methods).
Name and address of employer Siena City Hall
Dates 2001-2005
Occupation or position held Childcare worker
Main activities and responsibilities Childcare educator at “La Giostra di Firenze multicultural ECEC centre”, run by the
Cooperativa Sociale Tangram in collaboration with COSPE Onlus (Cooperation for
the development of Emerging Countries) for children from the ages of 16 to 36
months and their families
Name and address of employer COSPE (Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries), Florence
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
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March 2004
Lecturer: Teacher training course for day care and kindergarten teachers promoted
by Cooperativa Sociale “La casa di tutti i colori”, Milan.
Theme: Interculturalità in età prescolare. L’esperienza dello spazio-gioco
multiculturale La Giostra di Firenze, (Intercultural children in pre-school age. Real
life experiences in the multicultural day care centre La Giostra di Firenze)
Cooperativa Sociale “La casa di tutti i colori”, Milan
Research Assistant
Research Assistant for the University of Florence for the project “Rapporto tra
famiglie immigrate e istituzioni fiorentine” (Immigrant families and Florentine
facilities) commissioned by the City of Florence Work and Immigration Office.
Assessorato alle Politiche del Lavoro e dell’Immigrazione, Florence City Hall (Work
and Immigration Office)
Assessorato alle Politiche del Lavoro e dell’Immigrazione
Co-coordinator for the specialization courses: “Tutor dell’Obbligo Formativo”
(Tutors in schools), “Tutor di circoli di studio” (Tutors for study groups) , and
“Tecnico esperto di biblioteche per ragazzi” (Expert librarians for children’s
libraries), Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Florence (under the
scientific direction of Prof. E. Catarsi)
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Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Pedagogical Coordinator
Main activities and
Pedagogical coordinator for “La Giostra di Firenze multicultural ECEC centre”, run
by the Cooperativa Sociale Tangram in collaboration with COSPE Onlus
(Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries) for children from the
ages of 16 to 36 months and their families.
Main activities: coordinating staff meetings, monitoring the pedagogical project,
link between COSPE and the Municipality of Florence
Name and address of employer
COSPE Onlus (Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries), Florence
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
December 2001
educator and project coordinator
Creation of the multicultural project “Viaggio tra i paesi: Russia, Iran, Ghana”
(Travelling through Russia, Iran and Ghana) for the association “La Tenda della
Luna”, held in the kindergarten within the Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence
Associazione interculturale “La Tenda della Luna”, Florence
Associazione interculturale “La Tenda della Luna”
Title of qualification awarded
March 2007
Master (II level) in Pedagogical Coordination of ECEC centers
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Pedagogy, psychology, legislation, management – 110 cum laude
Name and type of organisation
providing education and
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Name and type of organisation
providing education and
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June 2006
Ph.D in: “Metodologia della Ricerca Pedagogica. Teoria e Storia” (Pedagogical
research methods: Theory and History.)
Ph.D thesis: “La relazione tra educatrici e genitori nell’asilo nido” (The relation
between parents and teachers in ECEC services) under the guidance of Prof. Enzo
Catarsi - Excellent
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
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Title of qualification awarded
Degree in Educational Sciences
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Thesis: : “La capacità di essere solo come risorsa creativa e relazionale” (Being
alone: creative and relational resource. Under the guidance of Prof. Maria
Antonella Galanti) – 110 cum laude
Name and type of organisation
providing education and
Department of Educational Sciences, University of Florence, Italy
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
High school Diploma
Latin and Greek language, literature and culture, Italian, philosophy, English,
history, art, maths and sciences.
Liceo Classico Michelangiolo, Florence
Main participation to Training
Courses and International
• Date
August 2009
EECERA annual conference – “Diversities in Early Childhood Education” –
• Date
Seminar: “Infanzia: tempi di vita, tempi di relazione” (Childhood: life and
relationships) promoted by Gruppo Nazionale Nidi Infanzia, Verona March15-17
• Date
November 4, 2005
Seminar: “L’infanzia nelle politiche locali” (Childhood in local politics) promoted by
the Gruppo Nazionale Nidi Infanzia held in the Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence
Seminar: “Le culture dell’infanzia” (Early childhood culture), organized by Gruppo
Nazionale Nidi-Infanzia, Genova
• Date
May 8, 2004
Seminar: “L’interculturalità in età prescolare. Esperienze a confronto” (Mixed
culture in pre-school children. Comparing experiences) promoted by the City of
Florence and COSPE-Onlus and the Cooperativa Sociale Tangram held in La Giostra
di Firenze, day care centre.
• Date
Training course: “Il rapporto tra genitori ed educatrici al nido (the relation between
parents and teachers in day care)” promoted by Agenzia per lo Sviluppo
dell’Empolese Valdelsa a Empoli (FI)
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• Date
February 2002
Participant at the National Convention on day care education held in Florence:
“Percorsi educativi di qualità per i bambini e le bambine in Europa” (Quality
educational phase for children in Europe)
• Date
80 hour training course for teachers in multicultural institutions by C.O.S.P.E. Onlus
(Cooperation for the development of Emerging Countries), Florence
• Date
Italian delegate at the Seminar on immigration in Europe held in Madrid by O.N.G.
S.C.I. (Servizio Civile Internazionale)
• Date
Training course by O.N.G. S.C.I. for volunteers for Africa, Asia and South America
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Main recent presentations in
October 2012:
“Co-constructing professional learning: pathways towards quality, equity and
respect for diversity in ECEC” – Opatija, Croatia – ISSA-DECET network, 15th-17th
october 2012
Title of the presentation: Negotiating quality: a co-reflective Tuscan path
July 2012:
“Learning Through the Arts and Literature: A Collaboration Celebrating Innovation
and Inspiration in International Education” – Northampton, Massachusetts, USA –
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art and Smith College
Title of the presentation: Telling stories creates stories: an Italian experience
March 2012:
“XVIII Convegno Nazionale dei Servizi Educativi e delle Scuole dell’Infanzia”,
Montecatini Terme – Gruppo Nazionale Nidi Infanzia
Title of the presentation: Accoglienze e Appartenenze: continuità e pluralità delle
relazioni al nido (Approaches and “belongnesses”: continuity and plurality of
relations in ECEC initiatives)
November 2011:
“Guardare al futuro con gli occhi dei bambini”, San Miniato (PI)– Bottega di
Geppetto, Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione sull’infanzia
Title of the presentation: Accogliere al plurale. Famiglie, partecipazioni,
appartenenze (Meeting in a “plural” way. Families, participations, belongnesses)
September 2011:
“A scuola nessuno è straniero” – Firenze – Giunti Editor
Title of the presentation: Bambini alla ricerca di sé tra parole e sguardi di qui e
d’altrove (Children in search for themselves amongst words and views from near and
far away)
April 2011:
“Cominciare bene per crescere bene” – Università Salesiana, Roma – Giunti Editor
Title of the presentation: Tessere fili tra casa e scuola: un laboratorio di lettura con i
genitori (Building bridges between home and school: a reading workshop with
November 2010:
XIII Congrés International AIFREF (Association International de Formation et de
Recherche en Education Familiale) – Firenze – AIFREF
Title of the presentation: Il legame si fa percorso. Il colloquio individuale al nido
(Relationship is a path. The individual meetings with parents in ECEC initiatives)
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Personal skills and
Mother tongue: Italian
“Family tongue”: farsi (Iranian)
very good
very good
very good
very good
very good
very good
very good
very good
very good
Dutch (flamish)
Iranian (farsi)
Computer skills and
Driving licence
Excellent computer skills: Word, Internet, Outlook, Power Point, Excel, Systat,
Hyper Research
Category B
Volunteer work and
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
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Apprenticeship for Masters course in Pedagogical Coordination for day care and
Childcare facilities
150 hours in the Pedagogical Coordination offices for the City of Florence.
Acquisition of administration and pedagogical skills.
City of Florence
Apprenticeship for Masters course in Pedagogical Coordination for day care and
Childcare facilities
150 hours in the Pedagogical Coordination offices for the City of Pistoia.
Acquisition of administration and pedagogical skills
City of Pistoia
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Main activities and
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Type of business or sector
200 hours in the Cooperativa Sociale G. Barberi of Florence.
Working with young people with special needs
Cooperativa Sociale G. Barberi di Firenze
Participant in an international meeting of one week on the theme: multiculturalism
in Europe and foreign children in schools. Agape Centre, Torino
Cooperativa Sociale G. Barberi di Firenze
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Type of business or sector
200 hours at the Cooperativa Sociale G. Barberi in Florence. Teaching Italian as L2
to non-native italian children in elementary school. (Scuola elementare Vittorio
Veneto and Scuola elementare Lavagnini – Florence)
Cooperativa Sociale G. Barberi, Florence
July-August 2001
Nord-Sud exchange programme run by O.N.G. S.C.I. (Servizio Civile
Internazionale/Civil Service). Volunteer in the Masai village in Kenya (Enajbor Ajijik)
O.N.G. S.C.I. (Servizio Civile Internazionale)
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Sharmahd N. (2007), La relazione tra educatrici e genitori al nido:
aspettative e percezioni reciproche (Parent-teacher relationships in ECEC
centers: expectations and reciprocal perceptions), Edizioni del Cerro, Tirrenia
Sharmahd N., Terlizzi T. (2008), Contesto e relazioni: educatrici e genitori nei
nidi pistoiesi (Context and Relationships: teachers and parents in ECEC centers
in Pistoia), Junior, Bergamo
Sharmahd N. (2011), Ricerca pedagogica e servizi per l’infanzia (Pedagogical
Research in ECEC initiatives), Junior, Bergamo
Sharmahd N. (2011), Un’italiana non italiana (An italian not italian), Gingko
Ed., Bologna
Catarsi E., Sharmahd N. (2012) (a cura di), Qualità del nido e autoformazione
riflessiva. Una rilevazione nei nidi gestiti dalla Cooperativa Arca (Quality of
ECEC initiatives and “reflective training”. A research in the Cooperative Arca),
Junior, Bergamo
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Sharmahd N. (2006), Giusi Quarenghi: scrivere tra sogno e realtà, (Giusi
Quarenghi. Writing between dreams and reality), in Catarsi E., Bacchetti F., I
«Tusitala». Scrittori italiani contemporanei di letteratura giovanile, Edizioni
del Cerro, Tirrenia (PI), pg. 160-178
Sharmahd N. (2006), Le aspettative degli studenti nei confronti
dell’Università, (The expectations of University students), in Catarsi E. (a cura
di), Autobiografie scolastiche e scelta universitaria, Firenze University Press,
Florence, pg. 47-66
Sharmahd N. (2009), Il nido come spazio di incontro tra e con le famiglie:
l’esperienza di San Miniato (meeting parents: the San Miniato experience), in
Fortunati A., Tognetti G. (a cura di), Famiglie, servizi per l’infanzia e
educazione familiare (Families, ECEC services ed family education), Junior,
Bergamo, pp. 113-133
Sharmahd N. (2010), Crescere raccontandosi: Le storie di Beatrice Masini
(growing up by telling stories: the stories of Beatrice Masini), in Catarsi E. (a
cura di), La fantasia al potere. Gli scrittori dei bambini tra gli ultimi due secoli
(Power to the fantasy. Children writers in the last two centuries), Armando
ed., Roma
Sharmahd N. (2011), Il legame si fa percorso: il colloquio individuale al nido,
in Catarsi E., Pourtois J-P., Educazione familiare e servizi per l’infanzia –
Education familiale et services pour l’enfance, Atti del XIII Congresso
Internazionale AIFREF, Firenze 17-19 novembre 2010, Florence University
Press, Firenze, pp. 345-349
Sharmahd N. (2012), Lo spazio e (è) il bello (the space is the beauty), in Catarsi
E., Sharmahd N. (2012) (a cura di), Qualità del nido e autoformazione
riflessiva. Una rilevazione nei nidi gestiti dalla Cooperativa Arca (Quality of
ECEC initiatives and “reflective training”. A research in the Cooperative Arca),
Junior, Bergamo, pp. 57-74
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Sharmahd N. (2004), Costruire la relazione educatrici-genitori al nido (Building
parent-teacher relations in day care), in “Il processo formativo. Rivista sulla
scuola e l’extra-scuola”, n. 2, pp. 36-51
Sharmahd N. (2004), Giusi Quarenghi: scrivere tra sogno e realtà (Giusi
Quarenghi. Writing: dreams and reality), in “Fare formazione”, n.2, Ed del
Cerro, Tirrenia (Pi), pp. 64-79
Sharmahd N. (2006), Interculturalità in età prescolare (Intercultural education
in pre-school age), in “Bambini”, a XXII, n. 1, pp. 62-65
Sharmahd N. (2006), Comunicazione interculturale e plurilingue (Intercultural
and multilingual communication), in “Bambini”, a XXII, n. 2, pp. 22-26
Sharmahd N. (2008), Per un’idea di bambino e di nido (Reaching an idea of
children and day cares) in “Vita dell’infanzia”, n. 5-6-7-8, pp. 59-65
Sharmahd N. (2008), Voci di famiglie immigrate e insegnanti a confronto: una
riflessione su alcuni focus group condotti nelle scuole dell’infanzia fiorentine
(foreign families and teachers: a reflection about some focus groups
conducted in kindergartens in Florence), in “Rivista italiana di Educazione
familiare”, n. 2, pp. 37-48
Sharmahd N. (2009), Parent participation(s): a glance at the belgian reality in
relation to the italian one, in “Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare”, n. 2,
pp. 47-63
Sharmahd N. (2010), Confrontarsi tra genitori al nido (Parents sharing
experiences in ECEC centres), in “Bambini”, a XXVI, n. 1, pp. 68-71
Sharmahd N. (2012), I servizi, luoghi di riflessività dialogante (ECEC services as
reflective-interactive places), in “Bambini”, a. XXVIII, n. 7, pp. 37-41
Catarsi E., Sharmahd N. (2013), Quelque pas vers l’”écoute” et l’accueil des
families: l’entretien avec les parents à la crèche, in “Revue Internationale de
l’Éducation Familiale”, in press
Sharmahd N. (2013), Il nido come micro-società tra differenze e comunanze:
famiglie, partecipazioni, appartenenze, in “infanzia”, in press
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Reviews -Text: Galardini A. L. (by), Crescere al nido. Gli spazi, i tempi, le attività, le relazioni,
Carocci, Roma, 2003. Published in “Vita dell’infanzia”, n. 7, September 2003, Opera
Nazionale Montessori, Rome.
-Text: Catarsi E. (by), Essere genitori oggi. Un’esperienza di educazione familiare
nell’Empolese Valdelsa, Edizioni del Cerro, Pisa, 2003. Published in “Bambini”, n.5,
May 2004, Junior, Bergamo
-Text: Rossi B., L’educazione dei sentimenti. Prendersi cura di sé, prendersi cura degli
altri, Unicopli, Milan, 2004. Published in “Bambini”, n.8, October 2004, Junior,
-Text: Terlizzi T., L’educatrice di asilo nido. Ruolo e percezione della professionalità, ed
del Cerro, Pisa, 2005. Published in “Vita dell’infanzia”, 2005
-Text: Catarsi e., Fortunati A., Educare al nido. Metodi educativi nei servizi per
l’infanzia, Carocci, Rome, 2005. Published in “Vita dell’infanzia”, 2005
-Text: Musatti T., Picchio M., Un luogo per bambini e genitori nella città.
Trasformazioni sociali e innovazione nei servizi per l’infanzia e le famiglie, il Mulino,
Bologna, 2006. Published in “Rivista italiana di Educazione Familiare”, n. 1, Jan-June
2006, Edizioni del Cerro, Tirrenia (Pi)
-Text: Iafrate R., Rosnati R., Riconoscersi genitori. I Percorsi di Promozione e
Arricchimento del Legame Genitoriale, Erickson, Trento, 2007; Pedrazza M.,
L’educatore extrascolastico. Capire e utilizzare le variabili di personalità, Carocci,
Roma, 2007; Rossi G., Boccacin L. (by), Capitale sociale e partnership tra pubblico,
privato e terzo settore, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007. Published in the Bibliographic
Review “Infanzia e Adolescenza”, Istituto degli Innocenti, nn. 1-2 2008
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