GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS LECCO CAMPUS CREDITS EDITORIAL PROJECT BY THE STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND THE COMMUNICATION AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT PRINTED IN: OCTOBER 2009 WELCOME TO POLITECNICO DI MILANO GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS LECCO CAMPUS INDEX 2 Welcome 3 Lecco Campus 4 Airports and Railways 5 Public transports in Lecco 6 Mail and phone Service 7 Useful Telephone Numbers 8 Important Offices- Exchange Students 11 Official Enrolment- Exchange Students 12 Official Enrolment- International Students 14 WebPoliself Services 16 Residence Permit 18 Residence Permit Renewal 19 The Cost of the Residence Permit 20 Codice fiscale 21 How to open a bank account 22 Health Insurance 24 Politecnico Libraries 26 Computer Facilities 27 Comitato Universitario Sportivo C.U.S. (University Sport Committee) WELCOME Dear Student, we hope this practical handbook will help you get to know more about life at the Politecnico di Milano. Please read it and keep it for future reference during your stay. Our aim is to provide you with practical information about life as a new international/ exchange student at the Politecnico and as a new member of the wider Lecco community. The staff of our international office wish you well as you begin your studies at the Politecnico and we look forward to getting to know you. This booklet is produced for information only. Every effort is made to ensure that it is accurate at time of going to print. However, the university is not bound to any error or omission therein. October 2009 2 GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT LECCO CAMPUS Lecco campus is divided into four buildings scattered around the city: r i$uCVJMEJOHWJB.BSDPE0HHJPOP" XIFSF most of the lectures take place r i"uCVJMEJOHWJB"NFOEPMB BOPUIFSCVJMEJOH mainly used for lectures r 1SPNFTTJ4QPTJCVJMEJOHDPSTP1SPNFTTJ4QPTJ 29), where the labs are located r $BNQVT1PJOUWJB(IJTMBO[POJ UIFêSTU Italian example of open university research centre. The Welcome Desk is located on building C. When you arrive at the Lecco railway station, cross the square and then turn left entering via Sassi; pass the êSTUJOUFSTFDUJPOXJUIUSBēDMJHIUTFOUFSJOHWJB. E0HHJPOP BOEBѫFSNFUSFTZPVXJMMêOEUIF$ CVJMEJOHPOUIFSJHIUTJEFPGUIFTUSFFUUIFSFTBCJH yellow board next to the main gate). The office is at the second floor and it is opened from Monday to 'SJEBZBNUISPVHIQN 3 Welcome Desk Lecco i#VJMEJOHu$BNQVT$ PQFOGSPN.POEBZUP'SJEBZ QIPOF e-mail: [email protected] skype account: welcome.lecco AIRPORTS AND RAILWAYS From the airport, you can reach Milano as follows: Linate Airport r #VTUPCentrale railway station every 30 minutes GSPNUP r #VTOUPpiazza San BabilaFWFSZNJOVUFT GSPNUP Malpensa Airport r 5SBJO.BMQFOTB&YQSFTTUPCadorna railway TUBUJPOFWFSZNJOVUFTGSPN5FSNJOBM r .BMQFOTB#VT&YQSFTTUPCentrale railway station UXJDFQFSIPVSBUNJOVUFTBOE GSPN UPGSPN5FSNJOBMFYJUTUPQO r 4IVUUMF"JS1VMMNBOUPCentrale railway station FWFSZNJOVUFTGSPNUPGSPN 5FSNJOBMFYJU 4 Lecco can be easily reached by train from Milan, either from the Central railway station (Milano Centrale) or from Porta Garibaldi station, both served by bus and underground lines. You can check the train timetable on the website "TJOHMFUSJQGSPN.JMBOUP-FDDPDPTUTFVSP Orio al Serio Airport r #VTUPCentraleSBJMXBZTUBUJPOEBJMZUSJQT GSPNUP r #VTUPLambrateSBJMXBZTUBUJPOEBJMZUSJQT GSPNUP From the Orio al SerioBJSQPSUZPVDBOêSTUUBLFB CVTUPUIF#FSHBNPSBJMXBZTUBUJPOBOEUIFOBUSBJO to Lecco (30 minutes). GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT PUBLIC TRANSPORTS IN LECCO The public transportation system within and around the city of Lecco is run by two companies, LeccoTrasporti and LineeLecco. All the information about routes and timetables is available at: and A single trip ticket within the city of Lecco costs ΠBOEJUJTWBMJEGPSNJOVUFT There are other possibilities: NVMUJQMFUJDLFU EBZUSBWFMDBSE TUVEFOUNPOUIMZUJDLFU TUVEFOUDBSEWBMJEGPSNPOUIT Π Π Π Π You can purchase monthly or 9-month tickets only after getting a travel card for students. You can get ZPVSDBSEBU-JOFF-FDDP)2MPDBUFEJOQJB[[B#JPOF UFM A copy of your passport, the certificate of student status (issued by the Politecnico), two passport-sized photos and 10 euro are required. 5 MAIL AND PHONE SERVICE 6 Poste Italiane is the national mail service. Offices BSFPQFOGSPNBNUPQNCVUUIFDFOUSBMPOF the close one to C building (viale Dante Alighieri, JTPQFOVOUJMQN4UBNQTDBOCFCPVHIUOPU only in post offices, but also at tobacconists and CBSTEJTQMBZJOHBi5TJHOu4PNFTFSWJDFTTVDIBT registered mail, are offered only by post offices. Apart from traditional mail services, Poste Italiane also offers banking services such as checking accounts and pre-paid credit cards. Please check for more details about all services offered, office location and timetables. Phone services are provided by different companies which offer various services and rates depending on the time of the day, the type of call, etc. .PTUIPVTFTIBWFBêYFEUFMFQIPOFMJOFCVUNPCJMF phones are extremely popular. Mobile phone services are offered by different companies at various rates. All companies have the possibility to activate prepaid cards (the cheapest possibility) or contracts. To sign up with one of the companies you need: r"WBMJE*%DBSEPSQBTTQPSU r:PVScodice fiscale It usually takes a few hours to activate your card. Another alternative are public pay phones, which are JEFOUJêFECZSPVOETJHOTXJUIBUFMFQIPOFPOUIFN They are spread throughout the city and in many bars and shopping centres as well as in airports and railway stations. A phone card is required to make phone calls from public phones. Cards can be purchased at newsstands, tobacconists, bars. GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS r Carabinieri (police with military and civil duties) 112 r State Police 113 r Municipal Police 0341 481343 r Emergency Health Assistance 118 r Firemen 115 7 IMPORTANT OFFICES EXCHANGE STUDENTS StuDesks StuDesks are reference units of the International Exchange Office for incoming and outgoing students, in the framework of an exchange QSPHSBNNF#FGPSFEVSJOHBOEBѫFSUIFJSTUBZBU the Politecnico di Milano, incoming students will get support from their StuDesk. StuDesk1 "SDIJUFDUVSFJO.JMBOP-FPOBSEPBOE1JBDFO[B campus WJB(PMHJ*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZmѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] 8 Studesk2 Engineering in Milano Leonardo, Lecco and Cremona campuses WJB(PMHJ*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZmѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] StuDesk3 Engineering and Design in Como campus WJB7BMMFHHJP*$PNP PQFOJOHIPVST5VFTEBZBOEѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT StuDesk4 "SDIJUFDUVSFJO.JMBOP#PWJTBDBNQVT WJB%VSBOEP*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZmѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] StuDesk5 &OHJOFFSJOHJO.JMBOP#PWJTBBOE1JBDFO[BDBNQVTFT WJB%VSBOEP*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZmѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] StuDesk6 %FTJHOJO.JMBOP#PWJTBDBNQVT WJB%VSBOEP*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZmѮVSTEBZm QIPOFGBY [email protected] StuDesk7 Architecture in Mantova campus WJB4DBSTFMMJOJ*.BOUPWB PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZ8FEOFTEBZBOE'SJEBZ QIPOFGBY [email protected] 9 StuDesk8 Programmi di Doppia Laurea e Programma Athens WJB(PMHJ*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZm8FEOFTEBZm QIPOF [email protected] 4UV%FTL1SPHFUUJ*OUFSOB[JPOBMJ 1SPHSBNNJEJTUBHFJOUFSOB[JPOBMJ WJB(PMHJ*.JMBOP PQFOJOHIPVST.POEBZm8FEOFTEBZm QIPOF [email protected] Studesk Unitech 1JB[[B-FPOBSEPEB7JODJ on appointment upon necessity QIPOF 'BY [email protected] 10 GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT OFFICIAL ENROLMENT EXCHANGE STUDENTS 8IBUZPVOFFEUPEPêSTUXIFOBSSJWJOHJO-FDDP is to go to the Welcome Desk (indicated on the application form) for enrolment procedures, bringing with you the following documents: r ZPVSBDDFQUBODFMFUUFS r ZPVSQBTTQPSUPS*%DBSE r ZPVSTUVEFOUWJTBJGZPVBSFBOFYUSB European citizen r BQBTTQPSUTJ[FEQIPUP You will receive two official matriculation letters, one in English, the other in Italian, which will be useful for bureaucratic matters. Shortly after your enrolment, your magnetic student card and your record booklet will be available. The student card will give you access to all campus facilities (computer rooms, libraries, departments etc.) and it must also be used to enrol to courses and exam sessions. The record booklet, where professors will write the exam result, date and title, must be shown at each examination. 11 OFFICIAL ENROLMENT INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS #FGPSFBOEBѫFSZPVSBSSJWBMB8FMDPNF%FTLXJMM TVQQPSUZPVJOPSHBOJ[JOHZPVSTUBZѮJTPēDFXJMM provide you with information about accomodation, stay permit, health insurance and anything concening your life in Lecco. Welcome Desk Lecco C Building PQFOGSPN.POEBZUJP'SJEBZ QIPOF e-mail:[email protected] skype account: welcome.lecco In order to start the procedures to enrol officially at the Politecnico di Milano: r 'JSTUSFHJTUFSBUUIF8FMDPNF%FTLPGSFGFSFODF (you will need your codice fiscale – you can ask the Italian Embassy for it) 12 r *GZPVIBWFBDSFEJUDBSEBOEZPVScodice fiscale, you can enrol through the website r (JWFUIFGPMMPXJOHEPDVNFOUTUPUIFSegreteria Studenti (if not already submitted from the Italian Embassy/Consulate together with i.PEFMMP'u B #BDIFMPSEJQMPNBPSBDFSUJêDBUFJTTVFECZ a competent office, translated into Italian and DFSUJêFECZUIF*UBMJBO%JQMPNBUJD3FQSFTFOUBUJWF in the country the educational system of the university issuing the diploma belongs to (for FYBNQMFGPSBVOJWFSTJUZXJUI#SJUJTIFEVDBUJPOBM GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT system in Peruvian territory the Italian Diplomatic Representative of reference is the Italian Embassy/ Consulate in London) C i%FDMBSBUJPOPGWBMVFuDichiarazione di valore) issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representative as JOEJDBUFEJOQPJOUB SFMBUFEUPUIF#BDIFMPSEFHSFF D DFSUJêFEBDBEFNJDUSBOTDSJQUDPOêSNJOH the examinations passed, issued directly by the VOJWFSTJUZBOEEVMZDPOêSNFECZUIF*UBMJBO Diplomatic Representative. The Politecnico di Milano does NOT require a translation of DFSUJêDBUJPOTXSJUUFOJO&OHMJTI'SFODIPS4QBOJTI d) Detailed study programmes for each of the courses taken at the university to obtain the #BDIFMPSEFHSFFVOJWFSTJUZRVBMJêDBUJPOPO letterhead or stamped by the university where the student has achieved the degree. Politecnico di Milano does NOT require the translation of detailed study programmes if written in English, French or Spanish e) Copy of your student visa 13 WEBPOLISELF SERVICES WebPoliself are computer services provided to all students at the Politecnico di Milano. Poliself computers are located in most of the buildings within the campuses but the same service is available online, by entering the WebPoliself section on the web-site The services offered by WebPoliself are divided into: r Bpublic area, where the access is open to all students r Bpersonal area, where to access the services you need to log-in by dialling matriculation number and secret code (both provided at the time of official enrolment) 14 The main services offered in the public area are: rDMBTT5JNFUBCMF r PēDFIPVSTGPSFBDIQSPGFTTPS r FYBNJOBUJPOEBUFTBOEDMBTTFT r JOTUSVDUJPOTPOIPXUPTVCNJUZPVSTUVEZQMBOT r JOTUSVDUJPOTPOIPXUPFOSPMJOFYBNJOBUJPO sessions r BQQMJDBUJPOQSPDFEVSFTGPSUIFFOSPMNFOUUP i-BVSFB.BHJTUSBMFuBOESFMBUFESFTVMUT r BQQMJDBUJPOQSPDFEVSFTGPSFOSPMNFOUUPUIF i-BVSFB.BHJTUSBMFuêOBMFYBNJOBUJPOAppello di Laurea Magistrale) to be awarded your MSc degree GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT The main services offered in the personal area are: r êOBMJ[BUJPOPGZPVS-FBSOJOH"HSFFNFOU (Exchange students) r FOSPMNFOUGPSFYBNJOBUJPOTFTTJPOT r TVCNJTTJPOPGZPVSZFBSMZTUVEZQMBO r PQQPSUVOJUZUPDIFDLZPVSFYBNJOBUJPOSFTVMUT r FOSPMNFOUGPSEFHSFFFYBNJOBUJPOTFTTJPOT 1MFBTFOPUFUIBUUIFFOSPMNFOUUPFYBNJOBUJPO sessions through Webpoliself is compulsory. Only if enrolment is carried out correctly through the system, it will be possible to record examination results in the academic career and insert them in the transcript of records. WebPoliself services also provide the opportunity to access an institutional e-mail account. 15 RESIDENCE PERMIT If you are an EUDJUJ[FOZPVOFFEUPSFHJTUFSJOUIF Ufficio Anagrafe (Registry Office) of the Comune di Lecco. You should present the following documents: r ZPVSQBTTQPSUPS*%DBSE r POFNBUSJDVMBUJPOMFUUFSJTTVFECZUIF1PMJUFDOJDP di Milano r QIPUPDPQZPGUIFEPDVNFOUBUJPODFSUJGZJOHUIF BWBJMBCJMJUZPGBEFRVBUFêOBODJBMSFTPVSDFTBCPVU FVSPFHTDIPMBSTIJQDFSUJêDBUJPOBOEQSJOU out of your bank account) r ZPVSIFBMUIJOTVSBODFTFFQBHF :PVXJMMCFBTLFEUPêMMJOUIFSFHJTUSBUJPOGPSN 16 *GZPVBSFBDJUJ[FOPGBnon-EUDPVOUSZZPVXJMMêMM out the so-called kit to apply for a residence permit XJUIJOEBZTBѫFSZPVSBSSJWBMJO*UBMZ Please ask your Desk of reference for information regarding the collection of the Kit, which should be completed with the following documents: r BQIPUPDPQZPGZPVSQBTTQPSUXJUIWJTBBMMUIF pages of the passport must be photocopied) r GPVSQBTTQPSUTJ[FEQIPUPT r UIFBDDFQUBODFMFUUFSJTTVFECZUIF1PMJUFDOJDPEJ Milano (the duration of your degree course has to be clearly stated!) –The letter has to be stamped by the Italian Diplomatic/Consular representation where the entry visa is issued r BDPQZPGZPVSIFBMUIJOTVSBODFѮFIFBMUI insurance can be bought abroad: in such case, it will have to be validated by the Italian Embassy in your country (if not already in English). You can also buy a health insurance upon your arrival in Italy (see pg.22) GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT When asking your permit for the first time, please remember to specify it is not a renewal. Lecco Police office periodically issues a list of the permits ready to collect on http://questure. and then on “Stranieri”. Permits can be withdrawn Monday through ѮVSTEBZGSPNUPQNBUUIFQuestura di Lecco Ufficio immigrazione (Immigration office), located in, via Leonardo da Vinci, 2 Lecco. 17 RESIDENCE PERMIT RENEWAL In case of renewal of the residence permit, you will CFBTLFEUPêMMPVUUIFLJUUPBQQMZGPSBSFTJEFODF QFSNJUNPEVMFPOMZ XIJDIJTBWBJMBCMFBUUIF Post Office. The Kit must be handed in at the Post Office together with the following documents: r BWBMJEQBTTQPSUXJUIWJTBDPQZPGUIFQBHFXJUI personal data and dates of validity and expiration of the document r ZPVSPSJHJOBMQFSNJU r DPQZPGUIFEPDVNFOUBUJPODFSUJGZJOHUIF BWBJMBCJMJUZPGBEFRVBUFêOBODJBMSFTPVSDFTBCPVU FVSPFHTDIPMBSTIJQDFSUJêDBUJPOBOEQSJOU out of your bank account) r ZPVSUSBOTDSJQUPGSFDPSETXJUIQSPPGPGFYBN TVDDFTTGVMMZQBTTFEJODBTFPGUIFTUSFOFXBMBOE 2 exams successfully passed for each following renewal r ZPVSIFBMUIJOTVSBODF 18 GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT THE COST OF THE RESIDENCE PERMIT r &VSPiNBSDBEBCPMMPuBTUBNQUIBUDBOCF QVSDIBTFEBUBOZUPCBDDPOJTUXJUIBi5uTJHOPVU of the shop) to be put on the residence permit application r &VSPUPCFQBJEBUUIFTFDPOETUFQPGUIF procedure, when handing in the Kit to the Post Office r &VSPUPCFQBJEBUUIF1PTU0ēDFUPHFUUIF Electronic Residence Permit 19 CODICE FISCALE The codice fiscaleJTBOBMQIBOVNFSJDJEFOUJêDBUJPO code issued by the Ministry of Finances. You need to have your own codice fiscale in order to open a bank account or to sign any contract. In order to obtain your codice fiscale you have to go UPUIFOFBSFTUi6ēDJPEFMMF&OUSBUFuBDDPSEJOHUP the area you live in. r *GZPVBSFBDJUJ[FOPGUIF&6PSPGPOFPGUIF following countries: Andorra, Argentina, "VTUSBMJB#PMJWJB#SB[JM#SVOFJ$BOBEB$IJMF China (Hong Kong and Macao only), South Korea, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, El Salvador, (VBUFNBMB)POEVSBT*TSBFM+BQBO.FYJDP Monaco, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, San Marino, Singapore, USA, Vatican, 7FOF[VFMBZPVPOMZOFFEUPbring your passport r Otherwise you must bring your passport and your residence permit receipt 20 At the ”Ufficio delle Entrate” you will be asked to fill in a specific form for the issue of your codice fiscale. GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT HOW TO OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT #BOLTBSFPQFO.POEBZUP'SJEBZGSPN".UP 1.BOEGSPN1.UP1. The requirements to open a bank account are: r 5PCFPGBHFBUMFBTU r 5PIBWFBWBMJE*% r 5PIBWFBcodice fiscale r /PUUPIBWFHPOFCBOLSVQU After having signed the contract, the bank supplies you with an account number. This number will be required in any future transaction so it is essential not to lose or forget it. #FGPSFCFJOHBCMFUPNBLFBOZUSBOTBDUJPOJUJT necessary to make an initial deposit on your bank BDDPVOU5SBWFMMFSTDIFDLTDIFDLTBOEGPSFJHO currency can be exchanged at banks, change offices, railway stations and/or airports. Banca Popolare di Sondrio is the official bank of the Politecnico di Milano. 21 HEALTH INSURANCE *OPSEFSUPPCUBJOZPVSSFTJEFODFQFSNJUXJUIJO working days after your arrival in Italy, you need to have a health insurance valid for Italy. This can be either a private insurance subscribed in your home country, or one purchased in Italy. Among these you can get your insurance from INA-Assitalia ΠPOFZFBSEVSBUJPO PS44//BUJPOBM)FBMUI 4FSWJDFΠZFBSMZGPSTUVEFOUT 1MFBTFOPUF that the INA-Assitalia insurance covers emergency treatments at the hospital only. In order to register in INA-Assitalia, you must go to the post office and ask for a blank payment bulletin, XIJDITIPVMECFêMMFEPVUXJUIUIFGPMMPXJOHEFUBJMT c/c postale n.: 71270003 intestato a: "HFO[JB(FOFSBMFEJ3PNB*/""44*5"-*" causale: polizza sanitaria studenti stranieri da 6 a 12 mesi (for a yearly assitance) 22 The SSN (/BUJPOBM)FBMUI4FSWJDF) gives you the possibility to choose a doctor who will visit you for any problem (free of charge), and who will refer you to specialists if necessary (dentists, orthopedics, FUD BTXFMMBTQSFTDSJCFNFEJDJOFTPSTQFDJêDIFBMUI examinations. In order to register to the 44/, you must go to the post office and ask for a blank payment bulletin, XIJDITIPVMECFêMMFEPVUXJUIUIFGPMMPXJOHEFUBJMT c/c postale n.: 379222 JOUFTUBUPB"NNJOJTUSB[JPOF153FHJPOF Lombardia DBVTBMFJTDSJ[JPOFWPMPOUBSJB4TO GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT Once you carry out the payment, you should go to the ASL local office of your city area. You can view a list of ASL, according to your district of residence, where you can enrol for the National Health Services at If you are an EU citizen, in order to enrol at the SSN you need to present: r ѮFSFDFJQUPGBQBZNFOUUP44/ r 0OFPGUIFGPMMPXJOH&VSPQFBOGPSNT E106, E109 (o E37), E120, E121 (o E33) If you are an FYUSB&6DJUJ[FO, in order to enrol at the SSN you need to present: r ѮFSFDFJQUPGBQBZNFOUUP44/ r :PVScodice fiscale r ZPVSQBTTQPSU r ZPVSSFTJEFODFQFSNJUSFDFJQU r NBUSJDVMBUJPOMFUUFSJTTVFECZUIF1PMJUFDOJDPEJ Milano 23 POLITECNICO LIBRARIES University Library Services provide students with a network of libraries for research and study on different university campuses: 4FSWJ[J#JCMJPUFDBSJ-FPOBSEP: includes the VOJWFSTJUZTUXPIJTUPSJDMJCSBSJFTTVDIBTUIF$FOUSBM Engineering Library and the Central Architecture Library. 4FSWJ[J#JCMJPUFDBSJ#PWJTB: includes the Durando Campus Library for the Schools of Architecture and Design and the Engineering Teaching Library. 4FSWJ[JP5FTJF%PDVNFOUB[JPOF5F%0$: includes a collection of graduate theses from the I School of Architecture (Facoltà di Architettura e Società), provides planning materials such as current and historic maps, urban and territorial plans and TQFDJBMJ[FEEBUBCBTFT To access University Library System services, users NVTUCFSFHJTUFSFEBOEBVUIPSJ[FEJOUIFVOJWFSTJUZ login system. 24 0VSTFSWJDFTBUUIFDBNQVTFT Books loan :PVDBOCPSSPXVQUPCPPLTGSPNEJĒFSFOU libraries. *OUFSTZTUFNMPBO :PVDBOCPSSPXVQUPCPPLTGSPNBOZ4#"MJCSBSZ In order to facilitate the usability of UIFTFSWJDFTGSPNUIFEFDFOUSBMJ[FEDBNQVTFTJUJT possible to use the inter-system loan. Consultation You can consult all the material of the libraries at the various campuses. GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT 0OMJOFTFSWJDFT r UIFDPMMFDUJWFDBUBMPHVFPGUIF6OJWFSTJUZ (OPAC): through this service you can research documents belonging to the libraries of the University. r on line papers and data bank: on line consultation of various data banks and more than POMJOFQBQFST r an e-books collectionFMFDUSPOJDCPPLTGPS Engineering and Architecture. r 10-*TFBSDI: meta-search engine for simultaneously locating and searching in on-line, subscriber and free resources and an environment offering customised services. r JOUFSMJCSBSZMPBOBOE%PDVNFOUTEFMJWFSZ r UIFPOMJOFSFGFSFODFTFSWJDFChiedi@lla tua bibliotecaBWBJMBCMFIPVSTBEBZXIJDICSJOHT ZPVBOBOTXFSXJUIJOUIFOFYUIPVST All these services are available both on the IP net of the University and at home, through proxy service. :PVXJMMêOEBMMUIFOFDFTTBSZJOGPSNBUJPOBU The library at the Lecco campus is located in, WJB.BSDPE0HHJPOP"0QFOJOHIPVSTBSF .POEBZm'SJEBZGSPNUPѮFMJCSBSZ IBTTFBUTBUEJTQPTBMPGTUVEFOUTѮFCPSSPXJOH TFSWJDFJTPQFO.POEBZm'SJEBZGSPNUP Students need their student card in order to borrow books and are allowed to borrow a maximum of 2 books each time, and to keep them for 2 weeks NBYJNVN#PSSPXJOHJTQPTTJCMFPOMZGPSTUVEFOUT who have the library card. For more information on the library at the Lecco campus please refer to 25 COMPUTER FACILITIES All the students of the Politecnico di Milano are assigned an e-mail account. The e-mail address is created according to the following rules: [email protected] 'PSFYBNQMFi.BSJP#JBODIJuXPVMEHFU [email protected] In order to read messages received through this account you have to enter the website, then click on Webmail and insert your matriculation number and your password (you will receive both of them when you will be officially enrolled). ѮFBDDPVOUJTBWBJMBCMFBMMXFFLIPVSTBEBZ This e-mail address is used by the Politecnico di Milano to send its students all the necessary information concerning didactic, cultural and extracurricular activities of the institution. Through this e-mail account, students can send/ receive messages to/from another e-mail address. 26 GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT COMITATO UNIVERSITARIO SPORTIVO C.U.S. (UNIVERSITY SPORT COMMITTEE) Students Sport Activities in all the campuses of the Politecnico di Milano except for the Como campus, BSFPSHBOJ[FECZUIF6OJWFSTJUZ4QPSU$PNNJUUFF (C.U.S.). $64FOSPMNFOUDPTUTΠ*OTVSBODFGPSBMM activities as well as medical check-up for noncompetitive performance are included in the enrolment fee. Members of the Cus can either take part in sport courses or participate to the competitions PSHBOJ[FE'PSBMMUIFJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVUBDUJWJUJFT and enrolment at the Lecco campus you can go to Segreteria di DirezioneJOWJB.BSDPE0HHJPOPGSPN .POEBZUP'SJEBZGSPNUPBOEGSPN UP"MMTUVEFOUTFOSPMMFEBU$64SFDFJWF the card to access the different services. CUS sport centres in Lecco are: r$FOUSP4QPSUJWP#JPOFWJB#VP[[J r$FOUSP(JOOJDP1BMFTUSFWJBEFMM*TPMB $64TUVEFOUTDBOIBWFBSFEVDUJPOPOB NPOUIDBSEGPSêUOFTTPSTXJNNJOHBDUJWJUJFT in one of these centres and can also participate in TQPSUTBDUJWJUJFTPSHBOJ[FECZUIF1PMJUFDOJDPEJ Milano at the Lecco campus. For more information, please visit then click on i4FEFFUFSSJUPSJPuBOETVDDFTTJWFMZPOi5FOUPMJCFSPu 27 28 GUIDEFORINTERNATIONALSTUDENT