BEST WORKPLACE HEALTH PROMOTION PRACTICES TOWARDS OLDER PEOPLE WITHIN THE EU PROHEALTH 65+ PROJECT . U Moscato (1), A Poscia (1), D I La Milia (1), A Collama; (2), W Ricciardi (1), S Golinowska (3), A Borghini (1), N Magnavita (1) (1): Department of Public Health, Università Ca[olica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy; (2): Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Università Ca[olica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy (3) Ins;tute for Public Health, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. !
BACKGROUND Europeans are living longer than ever before and longevity launched new challenges in Public Health. Integrated ac;ve ageing policies should include a comprehensive age management of workforce that could promote produc;vity, workability and quality of life of older worker. This work presents the development and valida;on process of a template to inves;gate best workplace health promo;on prac;ces towards older people in Europe. !
METHODS This research is a part of the study “Pro-­‐Health 65+. Health promo;on and preven;on of risk -­‐ ac;on for seniors” funded by the EU-­‐CHAFEA. A comprehensive literature review of health promo;on prac;ces and programs for older workers was conducted between December 2014 and March 2015 through google© and pubmed-­‐medline© using as keywords: Ageing, Worker, Health Promo;on. The results were used to create a template that in the following months will be validated by the PRO-­‐Health65+ advisory board and will be sent to the top 1000 major companies, selected from several interna;onal ranking classifica;on, to analyze their health promo;on and preven;on strategies targeted at the older worker. RESULTS At the end of the literature review, seventeen milestones were selected and were used to create a 10 mul;ple choice template. Main areas inves;gated are: seYng, implementa;on period, financing body and related costs, provider, target and outcomes. Outcomes were classified in: work climate and employability of older worker; be[er and flexible work life; interven;on for Health Promo;on, preven;on of work related and occupa;onal disease, rehabilita;on of long term sick/managing of worker with chronic diseases. CONCLUSIONS •  New policies are needed to achieve the change in culture necessary to encourage and enable people to work longer. Improved older worker integraIon and enhanced employment outcomes among older workers will be key means through which economies can adjust to the pressures of populaIon ageing. •  Renewed workplaces, improved work organizaIon and management styles, increased awareness and jusIce at work are prerequisites for health promoIon for aged workers. Contacts : Prof. Umberto Moscato & Dr.ssa Alice Borghini, Hygiene SecIon of Public Health InsItute – Catholic University of Sacred Heart – Rome, Italy -­‐ L.go F. Vito, 1 – 00168 – Rome, Italy [email protected] 

Poster Project Pro-Health 65+ at the conference