-ire verbs
1st category
-ire verbs, first category
dormire means to sleep
stem: dorm-
*(io) dormo
*(tu) dormi
*(lui/lei) dorme
(noi) dormiamo
(voi) dormite
*(loro) dormono
-ire verbs
2nd category
-ire verbs, second category
capire means to understand
stem: cap-
(noi) capiamo
(voi) capite
*(io) capisco
*(tu) capisci
*(lui/lei) capisce *(loro) capiscono
-ire verbs, second category
How do you know whether to use
the first or second category?
Song to remember:
Count back 5, if you see a vowel
then use –isc…
isco, isci, isce, iscono… io tu, lui, lei,

-ire verbs - White Plains Public Schools