ª∞À ª∞.π.O™ 2014 A Monthly E-Publication of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. 520 S. Ponca Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 KOINONIA GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY Paschal Message from Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos, Protopresbyter If we truly believe, then we should boast to the whole world that we believe in Him! Christos anesti! It was so exciting seeing disciples were with him throughout the duration thousands of people coming to the church ser- of his ministry; they witnessed all the miracles vices throughout Holy Week. Are we not and the resurrection of Lazarus from the tomb. blessed to be celebrants of and participants in But it wasn’t the disciples alone who witnessed the resurrection of the resurrection of our Lazarus; there were hunLord Jesus Christ? dreds of people from the As Orthodox ChrisI love the passage in I village of Bethany who tians, we should be proud Corinthians (15:13–14) were there and witnessed of the fact that we have everything that happened. kept our traditions strong where St. Paul says, “But All those people who witand vibrant. I hope that if there be no Resurrecnessed this great event bethe spiritual experience of fore the Passion of our celebrating Pascha has tion of the dead, then Lord—were they all blind? strengthened our minds, Christ is not risen, and if Or were they all lying? souls, and bodies and that Christ has not risen, then If you had been there and we experience our own witnessed these major personal Passover. I love is our preaching vain, and events happening in front the passage in I your faith is also vain.” of your eyes, would you Corinthians (15:13–14) have lied about it, or would where St. Paul says, “But if you be truthful enough to there be no Resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen, and if Christ support the findings? Why should we hide our has not risen, then is our preaching vain, and faith in Christ? If we truly believe, then we should boast to the whole world that we believe your faith is also vain.” These are beautiful words to describe what in Him. We should share with the world the light, Jesus went through to bring to all of us the understanding that he truly rose from the dead and hope, and joy that have come through the Cross. that he conquered death for the redemption of “God so loved the world that he gave us His only humankind. After his resurrection, Jesus Christ Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not appeared to Mary Magdalene first and said to perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do We sing in the service during the Paschal night, you seek?” Then on the first day of the week, “Christ is the new Passover, the living sacrifice, Jesus went to his disciples and said, “Peace be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the with you.” When we express the word Pascha, world.” Let us worship Him, the Lord of life and we should know that it celebrates the promise death, the Lord who is risen and who bestows of life in the face of death. The resurrection of Christ must fill our lives resurrection upon all creation. He is the Bread more radiantly than the bright light of the rays of Life who has come down from heaven and of the sun. But just as one can hide from the rays who is given for the life of the world! Let us also of the sun in a cold dark place, so also can one glorify God with thanksgiving and with great joy distance oneself from the light of the resurrec- for each other with the holy kiss of peace, repeating the sacred words: tion of Christ. And this is what I’m trying to tell you: our CHRIST IS RISEN! good Lord gave us the opportunity to choose TRULY HE IS RISEN! for ourselves the way we will follow Him. His K O I N ø N I ∞ 2 ª∞À 2014 ¶·Û¯·ÏÈÓfi Ì‹Ó˘Ì· ·Ô ÙÔÓ ¶·Ù¤Ú· ªÈ¯·‹Ï §. ¶·ÛÙÚÈÎfi, ¶ÚˆÙÔÚÂÛ‚‡ÙÂÚÔ ∂¿Ó Ú¿ÁÌ·ÙÈ ÈÛÙ‡ԢÌÂ, ÙfiÙ ı· Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· ‰È·Ù˘Ì·Ó›˙Ô˘Ì Û ÔÏfiÎÏËÚÔ ÙÔÓ ÎfiÛÌÔ fiÙÈ ÈÛÙ‡ԢÌ ےA˘ÙfiÓ. 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PROTOPRESBYTER FR. MICHAEL PASTRIKOS, PASTOR CHURCH OFFICE TELEPHONE: 410-633-5020 – CHURCH FAX: 410-633-4352 – CELL: 443-742-8314 www.stnicholasmd.org CHURCH SECRETARY ORGANIST MARIA SALPEAS PETE BISBIKIS PARISH COUNCIL STANLEY CAVOURAS DEMOS ANASTASIADES, PRESIDENT GUS KARAGIANNOPOULOS, VICE PRESIDENT STAMATIA IEROMONAHOS, RECORDING SECRETARY CONSTANTINE FRANGOS, CORRESP’NG SECRETARY POPI PARAGIOS, TREASURER EMMANUEL DIACOGIANNIS, ASST. TREASURER BOARD MEMBERS: JOHN CHRISSOMALIS, SAM GLAVA, JOHN KOROLOGOS, SPIROS MINAS, FRANK MITSOS, DIMITRIOS STAKIAS, KYRIAKOS STAMOULIS, EMMANUEL THEOHARIS PHILOPTOCHOS NORA KEFALAS, PRESIDENT EVAGELIA SALIARIS, VICE PRES. IRENE VASILIOS, 2ND VICE PRES. CHRISTINE ZERVOS, TREASURER PATTY ORFANOS, ASST. TREAS. MARIA GIORGAKIS, REC. SEC. RENEE THEMELIS, CORRES. SEC. ZOE PERDIKAKIS, ADVISOR TO THE BOARD PROTOPSALTI/CHOIR DIRECTOR GEORGE ROSSIS ASSISTANT PSALTI GEORGE CHRISOVERGIS SEXTON DIAMONDS ROSE TSAKALOS, PRESIDENT ROSE CORNIAS, VICE PRESIDENT ANASTASIA HATZIEFTHIMIOU, SECRETARY MARY SERAFIS, TREASURER BOARD MEMBERS: SOULA GIANNAKOULIAS, SOULA KAPETANAKOS, EVE LALLAS, KELLY PAPADOPOULOS G.O.Y.A. ELENI KLOSTERIDIS, PRESIDENT NICHOLAS KARELAS, VICE-PRESIDENT GEORGE TOPOUZOGLOU, TREASURER ARGIRI STAKIAS, CORRESP. SECRETARY FOULA PROTOPAPAS, RECORDING SECRETARY MEHALIS ARGETAKIS & IRENE GIORGAKIS, HISTORIAN KOSTAS ORFANOS, SARGEANT AT ARMS KELLY ARGETAKIS, DIRECTOR ADVISORS: MARIA GIORGAKIS, EFTHIMIA ATSIDIS, VIRGINIA POLYCHRONIS, KATINA PALAS, BECKY ROSSIS-BARNES AND PATRICIA TOPOUZOGLOU. J.O.Y POPI PARAGIOS, PROGRAM COORDINATOR YOUTH VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS: FOULA PARAGIOS, RENE ANGELOS, KRISTINA ANASTASIADES, KATERINA IEROMONAHOS SUNDAY SCHOOL KYRA KONDUDIS, NURSERY & PRE-K LIA KARAGIANOPOULOS, NURSERY & PRE-K YANA KARABELAS & NIKI CANNING, KINDERGARTEN PENNY GERAPETRITIS, FIRST GRADE ANTONIA SFIRIOU, SECOND GRADE PHAEDRA AVGERINOS, THIRD GRADE GEORGE KARAGIANOPOULOS, FOURTH GRADE CHRISTINA ARAVIAKIS, FOURTH GRADE VOULA G. SAKELAKIS, FIFTH GRADE CHRISSY COSSIS, SIXTH GRADE VASILI FILIPPOU, SEVENTH GRADE EFFIE CANNING, EIGHTH GRADE ELIAS COSSIS & ADAM AGAPIOS, NINTH GRADE EMILY COSSIS, TENTH GRADE & CO-DIRECTOR SOFIA GERAPETRITIS, CO-DIRECTOR AFTERNOON GREEK SCHOOL VASILIKI KALOGRANI, TEACHER CHARA RONTOULI-BACHER, TEACHER CHRISOVALANDOU DIAKOKOMNINOS, TEACHER DESPINA CHATZAKOU-LARENTZOS, TEACHER DR. ANASTACIA CHRYSSOS-LIVADITIS, TEACHER GEORGIOS PAPACHARALAMPOUS, TEACHER GREEK SCHOOL P.T.A. VASSILIKI KOUMOUDIS, PTA PRESIDENT AMALIA SYROPOULOS-KOSTRIVAS, VICE-PRESIDENT FOULA GIORGAKIS-CEJPEK, SECRETARY NANCY ANASTASIADES, TREASURER SOPHIA GERAPETRITIS, ASSISTANT TREASURER ª∞.π.O™ 2014 K O I N ø N I ∞ 3 MESSAGE FROM THE PARISH PRESIDENT Dear parishioners, Christ has risen! The warmth and love of our Lord Jesus Christ was felt throughout our beloved St. Nicholas Church during Holy Week. Thanks go to our tireless pastor, Father Michael, who singlehandedly served our community—no small task when thousands prepare to receive Holy Communion throughout this time. A tremendous thank you is extended to all the parish volunteers and parish organizations, specifically the Ladies Philoptochos, the Diamonds, GOYA, the Stewardship Committee, the ecclesiastical choir, our chanters, altar boys, and Parish Council members (former, current, and newly elected) for helping to prepare the church for Holy Week services. I am grateful for the tireless dedication of the Ladies Philoptochos members throughout Holy Week and to all who volunteered to decorate the epitaphios and complete the endless tasks necessary to bring us through the sorrow of Christ’s Passion, culminating into the joyful celebration of his Resurrection. We also appreciate the donations offered by our parishioners in the form of flowers, supplies for Holy Unction, and all the other offerings made during this Lenten season. Special thanks go to John Korologos for donating and preparing the four lambs, roasted potatoes, and salad, as well as to Ikaros restaurant for providing the mageiritsa served after the Divine Liturgy on Holy Saturday night. This year, over 150 churchgoers enjoyed this wonderful traditional meal. We are sincerely grateful to everyone for their continued love and dedication to our Saint Nicholas Church. I would like to report that we received a generous donation from the Diacoloukas and the Korologos families to begin the installation of new restroom facilities on the second floor of the Plateia. During the month of April 2014, we have been working diligently overseeing the construction process of these new facilities. If you would like to donate funds toward this effort, please make your contribution payable to the St. Nicholas Plateia Fund. Any amount, large or small, to offset the overall construction costs will be greatly appreciated. Please join us on Thursday, June 5, for the opening ceremonies of the St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival. I urge everyone to come forth to volunteer your time and effort in any capacity during the four day festival. With everyone’s help, we will be able to continue our mission to raise St. Nicholas to an even higher level. To volunteer at the festival, please contact Christine Zervos at 410-627-0202. In parting, I leave you with the quote from Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” May the joy of our risen Lord be with you and your famiIn Christ, lies. Demos Anastasiades, Parish Council President M∏¡Àª∞ ΔOÀ ¶ƒO∂¢ƒOÀ Δ∏™ ∫Oπ¡OΔ∏Δ∞™ ∞Á·ËÙÔ› ÂÓÔÚ›Ù˜, ÃÚÈÛÙfi˜ ∞Ó¤ÛÙË! ∏ ·Á¿Ë Î·È Ë ˙ÂÛÙ·ÛÈ¿ ÙÔ˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘ Ì·˜ πËÛÔ‡ ÃÚÈÛÙÔ‡ ¤ÁÈÓ ·ÈÛıËÙ‹ Û ÔÏfiÎÏËÚË ÙËÓ ·Á·Ë̤ÓË Ì·˜ ÂÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘ ηٿ ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· Ù˘ ªÂÁ¿Ï˘ ∂‚‰ÔÌ¿‰·˜. ŒÓ· ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ Â˘¯·ÚÈÛÙÒ ÛÙÔÓ ·ÎÔ‡Ú·ÛÙÔ ÈÂÚ¤· Ì·˜, ·Ù¤Ú· ªÈ¯·‹Ï, Ô ÔÔ›Ô˜ ÌfiÓÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ˘ËÚ¤ÙËÛ ÙËÓ ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿ Ì·˜ ÙË ªÂÁ¿ÏË ∂‚‰ÔÌ¿‰·. ∞˘Ùfi ‰ÂÓ ·ÔÙÂÏ› ÌÈÎÚfi ¤ÚÁÔ, fiÙ·Ó ¯ÈÏÈ¿‰Â˜ ÈÛÙÔ› ÂÙÔÈÌ¿˙ÔÓÙ·È Ó· Ï¿‚Ô˘Ó ÙË £Â›· ∫ÔÈÓˆÓ›· ÙÔ‡Ù˜ ÙȘ ¿ÁȘ ̤Ú˜. 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K O I N ø N I ∞ 4 ª∞À 2014 ∞¶OΔ∂§∂™ª∞ΔA ∂∫§O°ø¡ ✧_ELECTION RESULTS Parish Council Reelection Results As directed by Metropolitan Evangelos of the New Jersey Metropolis, the St. Nicholas Parish Council reelection was held in the Philoptochos Room on Sunday, April 6, 2014. A total of 133 stewards voted in the reelection. No absentee ballots were allowed. The following is the list of candidates with the number of votes received: Demos Anastasiades: 105 votes Jason Filippou: 101 votes Gus Karagianopoulos: 100 votes George Gus Diacoloukas: 96 votes Eleni Stakias Kostakis: 87 votes William Fakas: 65 votes Frank Mitsos: 60 votes There were seven positions to be filled. The five candidates who received the highest number of votes will serve a three-year term, and the remaining two candidates will serve a two-year term. This plan will bring the terms of office back on schedule, with five council members being elected each year for a three-year term. Two candidates, Vasileki (Vaso) Dimidis Karanikolis and Steve Tsakalas, submitted requests to be removed from the list of candidates. We wish the newly elected and current Parish Council members a very productive year, and we pray that their decisions are guided by the Holy Spirit as they serve his church. The Election Committee Efthimia Atsidis, Tina Harris, and Patricia Topouzoglou ∞¶√Δ∂§∂™ª∞Δ∞ ∂∫§√°ø¡ Δ√À ¢π√π∫∏Δπ∫√À ™Àªμ√À§π√À ™‡Ìʈӷ Ì ÙȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ ÙÔ˘ ™Â‚·ÛÌȈٿÙÔ˘ ªËÙÚÔÔÏ›ÙÔ˘ ¡¤·˜ πÂÚۤ˘ ∂À∞°°∂§√À, Ë Â·Ó¿ÏË„Ë ÙˆÓ ÂÎÏÔÁÒÓ ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘ ¤Ï·‚·Ó ¯ÒÚ· ÛÙȘ 6 ∞ÚÈÏ›Ô˘ 2014 ÛÙË ·›ıÔ˘Û· Û˘Ó‰ÚÈ¿ÛÂˆÓ Ù˘ ºÈÏÔÙÒ¯Ô˘. ∂„‹ÊÈÛ·Ó 133 ¿ÙÔÌ·. ¢ÂÓ ÂÂÙÚ¿ËÛ·Ó „ËÊÔ‰¤ÏÙÈ· ·fiÓÙˆÓ. √È ˘Ô„‹ÊÈÔÈ Ô˘ ÂÍÂϤÁËÛ·Ó Â›Ó·È ÔÈ ·ÎfiÏÔ˘ıÔÈ Î·Ù¿ ÛÂÈÚ¿ Ô˘ ¤Ï·‚·Ó ÙÔ˘˜ ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚÔ˘˜ „‹ÊÔ˘˜: ¢‹ÌÔ˜ ∞Ó·ÛÙ·ÛÈ¿‰Ë˜: 105 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ π¿ÛˆÓ ºÈÏ›Ô˘: 101 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ ∫ÒÛÙ·˜ ∫·Ú·ÁÈ·ÓÓfiÔ˘ÏÔ˜: 100 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜ ¢È·ÎÔÏÔ˘Î¿˜: 96 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ ∂ϤÓË ™Ù·ÎÈ¿ ∫ˆÛÙ¿ÎË: 87 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ μ·Û›Ï˘ º¿Î·˜: 65 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ ºÒÙ˘ ªËÙÛfi˜: 60 „‹ÊÔ˘˜ À‹Ú¯·Ó ÂÙ¿ ı¤ÛÂȘ Ô˘ ¤Ú ӷ Î·Ï˘ÊıÔ‡Ó. √È ¤ÓÙ ÚÒÙÔÈ ˘Ô„‹ÊÈÔÈ Ì ÙÔ˘˜ ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚÔ˘˜ „‹ÊÔ˘˜ ı· ˘ËÚÂÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ó ÙËÓ ÎÔÈÓfiÙËÙ· ÁÈ· ÙÚ›· ¯ÚfiÓÈ·, Î·È ÔÈ ‰‡Ô ÂfiÌÂÓÔÈ ˘Ô„‹ÊÈÔÈ ÁÈ· ‰‡Ô ¯ÚfiÓÈ·. ∞˘Ùfi˜ Ô ÙÚfiÔ˜ ı· ·ӷʤÚÂÈ ÙÔÓ ¯ÚfiÓÔ ˘ËÚÂÛ›·˜ ÙˆÓ ÌÂÏÒÓ ÛÙÔ Î·ÓÔÓÈÎfi Ù˘ Ú˘ıÌfi, ‰ËÏ·‰‹, ı· ÂÎϤÁÔÓÙ·È ¤ÓÙ ˘Ô„‹ÊÈÔÈ Î·Ù’ ¤ÙÔ˜ Î·È ı· ˘ËÚÂÙÔ‡Ó ÁÈ· ÙÚ›· ¯ÚfiÓÈ·. ¢‡Ô ˘Ô„‹ÊÈÔÈ, Ë μ·ÛÈÏÈ΋ (μ¿Ûˆ) ¢ÈÌ‹‰Ë ∫·Ú·ÓÈÎÔÏ‹ Î·È Ô πÛ›‰ˆÚÔ˜ Δ۷οϷ˜, ÚÔÙ›ÌËÛ·Ó Ó· ·ÔÛ‡ÚÚÔ˘Ó ÙËÓ ˘Ô„ËÊÈfiÙËÙ¿ ÙÔ˘˜. ∂˘¯fiÌ·ÛÙ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ÓÂÔÂÎÏÂÁ¤ÓÙ˜ ÛÙÔ ¢ÈÔÎËÙÈÎfi ™˘Ì‚Ô‡ÏÈÔ Î·Ï‹ ÂÈÙ˘¯›·, Î·È ÚÔÛ¢¯fiÌ·ÛÙ 'Ôˆ˜ ÙÔ ÕÁÈÔ ¶Ó‡̷ Ô‰ËÁ› ÙȘ ·ÔÊ¿ÛÂȘ ÙÔ˘˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÎÎÏËÛ›· Ì·˜. ∞fi ÙËÓ ∂ÊÔÚ¢ÙÈ΋ ∂ÈÙÚÔ‹ ∂˘ı˘Ì›· ∞ÙÛ›‰Ë, ∞ıËÓ¿ ÷گ·Ú›‰Ë, ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ ΔÔÔ‡˙ÔÁÏÔ˘ St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival 2014 Food Preparation Schedule ª∞.π.O™ 2014 K O I N ø N I ∞ 5 6 K O I N ø N I ∞ ª∞À 2014 ª∞À LITURGICAL CALENDAR Sun. May 11: (Sunday of the Paralytic): Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Sun. May 18: (Sunday of the Samaritan Woman): Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Weds. May 21: (Sts. Constantine & Helen, Equal to the Apostles): Orthros 8:45 a.m. D.Lit. 10:00 a.m. Sun. May 25: (Sunday of the Blind Man): Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Mon. May 26: (Memorial Day at the Oak Lawn Cemetery): Memorial services 10:00 a.m. Thurs. May 29: (Holy Ascension): Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Fri. May 2: GOYA monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Sat. May 3: GOYA away basketball tournament. Mon. May 5: The Ladies Philoptochos monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Sat. May 10: The Ladies Philoptochos Mother’s Day Tea from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. May 10: GOYA away basketball tournament. Sun. May 11: Mother’s Day tribute by the Ladies Philoptochos. Mon. May 12: St. Nicholas PTA meeting at 6 p.m. Tues. May 13: Diamonds monthly meeting at 1:00 p.m. Wed. May 14: Bible Study from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sat. May 17: The Ladies Panchian monthly meeting at 1 p.m. Sun. May 18: Last day of Sunday School; graduation cer- UPCOMING EVENTS Mark your calendars! Sun. June 1: Greek School 6th grade graduates presented in church. Thurs. June 5: Opening ceremonies of the St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival with DJ Tsakiris (2–6 p.m.) and Yiannis Lignos (7–11 p.m.) in the large social hall of St. Nicholas Church. Various unplugged/acoustic performances 7–11 p.m. at the Greektown Square and Event Center (GTS). Fri June 6: Metron Ariston performs 7–11 p.m. in the large social hall of St. Nicholas Church; Native Grave/Chatterbox/ Seven X Seventy perform 8–11 p.m. at GTS; Kalomira with Apollonia and DJ Tsakiris perform 10:30 p.m.–2 a.m. at GTS. Sat. June 7: Playground Etiquette perform 1–4 p.m. at GTS; Angelee Gerovailiou/Cosmic Sauce/JVMP perform 4–7 p.m. at GTS; Stathmos performs 7–11 p.m. at St. Nicholas Church; Metron Ariston performs 8–11 p.m.; Vaggelis Konitopoulos and Apollonia 10 p.m.–2 a.m. Sun. June 8: DJ Evan Orfanos performs 2–6 p.m.; Metron Ariston with Apollonia performs 6:30–11 p.m. Tues June 17–Fri. June 20: Vacation Bible School (tentative). Fri. June 20: Friday Night Fights (live professional wrestling). Doors open at 6 p.m. Mon. June 23–Fri. Aug. 1: Greek School Summer Camp daily 9 a.m.–3 p.m. emony immediately after Divine Liturgy. Sun. May 18: The Ladies Philoptochos scholarship presentation. Sun. May 18: The Diamonds to honor Patron Ss. Constantine and Helen. Wed. May 21: Last Day of Greek School classes. Fri. May 23: GOYA end-of-year dinner celebration. Wed. May 21: Last Day of Greek School classes and 6th Grade celebratory graduation dinner. Wed. May 28: Bible Study from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wed. May 28: Greek School end-of-year program from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sat. May 31: Greek School end-of-year trip to Valleybrook Country Club. K O I N ø N I ∞ ª∞.π.O™ 2014 PHOTOGRAPHS FROM OUR PARADE AÓ Î·È Ô Î·ÈÚfi˜ ‰ÂÓ ‹Ù·Ó ̷˙› Ì·˜, Ï›ÁË ‚ÚԯԇϷ Ì·˙› Ì ÏÈÁ¿ÎÈ ÎÚ‡Ô, Ë ·Ú¤Ï·ÛË Ù˘ 25˘ ª·ÚÙ›Ô˘ ¤ÁÈÓ Ԉ˜ ¿ÓÙ· Ì ÌÂÁ¿ÏË ÂÈÙ˘¯›·. 7 K O I N ø N I ∞ 8 ª∞À 2014 COMMUNITY NEWS ✧ ∫Oπ¡OΔπ∫∞ ¡∂A SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! As Sunday school teachers, we hope we have been able to spread the message of our dear and beloved son of God, Jesus, and the Orthodox faith to our students and to teach them how important it is to put into practice what they learn in the classroom and in church. As we see our students participating in the lessons, learning various prayers, preparing through fasting to take Communion, attending church with their families, and researching and presenting a topic on their Orthodox religion during the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, we feel proud that we have played a small part in their religious education. At this time we want to congratulate those students who participated in the parish level of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival this past March. We would like to extend our appreciation to our judges, Rebecca Loumiotis, Joanne Stakias, and Tina Harris, and also a big thank you to our timekeeper, Yana Karabellas. And again we want to say thank you to our finalists, who represented our church at the district level of the Festival on April 5. Our Senior Division finalists were Konstantinos Loukas and Eleni Pikounis. Our Junior Division finalist was Markella Cornias. We look forward to having them and many more students participate next year! With the last day of Sunday school fast approaching (May 18), we remind parents to continue to bring their children to church services on Sunday and other holy days during the summer too. On May 18, we will have graduation ceremonies for our tenth-grade class and award the scholarship money to our Senior finalist in the Oratorical Festival. We, the Sunday school staff, extend to all of our church families wishes for a safe and blessed summer. NEA Δ√À ∫∞Δ∏Ã∏Δπ∫√ ™Ã√§∂π√ ÃÚÈÛÙfi˜ ·Ó¤ÛÙË! ∞ÏËıÒ˜ ·Ó¤ÛÙË! ø˜ ‰È‰¿ÛηÏÔÈ ÙÔ˘ ∫·Ù˯ËÙÈÎÔ‡ ™¯ÔÏ›Ԣ, ÂÏ›˙Ô˘Ì fiÙÈ Â›¯·Ì ÙË ‰˘Ó·ÙfiÙËÙ· Ó· ‰È·‰ÒÛÔ˘Ì ÙÔ Ì‹Ó˘Ì· ÙÔ˘ ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Ì·˜ ÀÈÔ‡ ÙÔ˘ £Âfi, ÙÔ˘ πËÛÔ‡, Î·È ÙËÓ √Úıfi‰ÔÍË ›ÛÙË ÛÙÔ˘˜ Ì·ıËÙ¤˜ Ì·˜, Ó· ÙÔ˘˜ ‰È‰¿ÍÔ˘Ì fiÛÔ ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎfi Â›Ó·È Ó· ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÛÙÔ‡Ó ÛÙËÓ Ú¿ÍË ·˘Ù¿ Ô˘ Ì·ı·›ÓÔ˘Ó ÛÙËÓ Ù¿ÍË Î·È ÛÙËÓ ÂÎÎÏËÛ›·. 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PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Christ is risen! We would like to thank everyone for your very generous donations FOR the epitaphio flowers. May God bless your families with many years of health and happiness. We held a very successful tsourekia bake sale thanks to the owners of Sun Bakery. Their labor of love and generosity was greatly appreciated, and all proceeds will go toward the philanthropic missions of the Philoptochos Society. Please join us Saturday, May 10 at 1:00 p.m. for our annual Mother’s Day Tea (requested donation $5.00). Bring a friend and enjoy the afternoon! Scholarships will be awarded on Sunday, May 18. We wish all our graduates continued success! On May 6 at 7:00 p.m. our last Philoptochos General Meeting of the year will take place. Please join us as we come to the conclusion of another successful year in helping those less fortunate. But rest assured that even though the meetings stop for the summer, the mission continues! God bless. ¡∂∞ Δ∏™ ºπ§√¶Δ√Ã√À ÃÚÈÛÙfi˜ ·Ó¤ÛÙË! £· ı¤Ï·Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÚÔÛ¤ÊÂÚ·Ó ÁÂÓÓ·Èfi‰ˆÚ· ÙȘ ‰ˆÚ¤˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ·ÁÔÚ¿ ÙˆÓ ·Óı¤ˆÓ ÙÔ˘ ÂÈÙ·Ê›Ô˘. √ £Âfi˜ Ó· ¢ÏÔÁ› ÙȘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂȤ˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ÁÈ· ÔÏÏ¿ ¯ÚfiÓÈ· Ì ˘Á›· Î·È Â˘Ù˘¯›·. ∏ ÒÏËÛË ÙˆÓ ÙÛÔ˘ÚÂÎÈÒÓ ÂÛÙ¤ÊıË Ì ÌÂÁ¿ÏË ÂÈÙ˘¯›·, ¯¿ÚË ÛÙÔ˘˜ ȉÈÔÎً٘ ÙÔ˘ Sun Bakery. ∏ ·Á¿Ë ÙÔ˘˜ Î·È Ë ÁÂÓÓ·ÈÔ‰ˆÚ›· ÙÔ˘˜ ÂÎÙÈÌ‹ıËΠ۠ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ ‚·ıÌfi Î·È fiÏ· Ù· ¤ÛÔ‰· ı· ¿Ó ÛÙȘ ÊÈÏ·ÓıÚˆÈΤ˜ ·ÔÛÙÔϤ˜ Ù˘ ºÈÏÔÙÒ¯Ô˘. ¶·Ú·Î·Ï›Ûı ӷ ˘ÔÛÙËÚ›ÍÂÙ Ì ÙËÓ ·ÚÔ˘Û›· Û·˜ ÙÔ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÙÛ¿˚ Ì·˜ ÙÔ ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ 10 ª·˝Ô˘ 2014 ÛÙȘ 1:00 Ì.Ì. 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Children ages 3-12 are welcome! Children are separated into a younger and an older group in order to ensure that each child is properly challenged. This is a great activity to keep our culture alive—please join us! UPCOMING PRACTICES: Date Non-Competetive Primary April 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 6:00-6:30 6:00-6:30 6:00-6:30 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:30 6:30-7:30 6:30-7:30 6:30-7:30 May 27 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:30 The schedule is tentative and may change; please check your e-mail periodically. Questions: [email protected] Âηȉ‡ÂÙ·È ÛˆÛÙ¿. √ ¯ÔÚfi˜ ›ӷ ÌÈ· ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈ΋ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈfiÙËÙ· Ô˘ ÎÚ·Ù¿ ˙ˆÓÙ·Ófi ÙÔÓ ÔÏÈÙÈÛÌfi Ì·˜. ¶ÚÔÛ¯›˜ ËÌÂÚÔÌËӛ˜ Ú·ÎÙÈ΋˜ ÂÍ¿ÛÎËÛ˘: 29 ∞ÚÈÏ›Ô˘, 6 ª·˝Ô˘, 13 ª·˝Ô˘, 20 ª·˝Ô˘ Î·È 27 ª·˝Ô˘ 2014. ΔÔ ÌË ·ÓÙ·ÁˆÓÈÛÙÈÎfi ÁÎÚÔ˘ ¤Ú¯ÂÙ·È ·fi ÙȘ 6:00–:30 Î·È ÙÔ Î·ÓÔÓÈÎfi Ì·˜ ÁÎÚÔ˘ ¤Ú¯ÂÙ·È ·fi ÙȘ 6:30–:30ÌÌ. ΔÔ ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· Â›Ó·È ‰ÔÎÈÌ·ÛÙÈÎfi Î·È ÌÔÚ› Ó· ·ÏÏ¿ÍÂÈ. ¶·Ú·Î·Ïԇ̠ӷ ÂϤÁ¯ÂÙ ٷ e-mail Û·˜ Ù·ÎÙÈο ÁÈ· Û¯ÂÙÈΤ˜ ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜. ∞Ó ¤¯ÂÙ ·Ôڛ˜ ‹ ı¤ÏÂÙ ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ˜ ÏËÚÔÊÔڛ˜, ·Ú·Î·Ï¤ÈÛÙ ӷ Ì·˜ ÛÙ›ÏÂÙÂ Ì‹Ó˘Ì·: [email protected]. ™·˜ ÂÚÈ̤ÓÔ˘ÌÂ! GREEK FOLK FESTIVAL NEWS Join us from Thursday, June 5 through Sunday June 8 for the annual St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival! Come for traditional Greek food and pastries, costumed folk dancing, Greek gifts, Orthodox icons and books, church tours, live music, and indoor dining! Free admission, come rain or shine! Keep up to date with the most recent news by liking us on Facebook and checking out the festival website: www.greekfolkfestival.org. This year we have the most amazing musical performances yet. Come enjoy live performances by Yiannis Lignos, Metron Ariston, Kalomira, Vangelis Konitopoulos—and more! º∂™Δπμ∞§ - ∂§§∏¡π∫√ §∞π∫√ ¶∞¡∏°Àƒπ ∞°π√À ¡π∫√§∞√À ™·˜ ηÏԇ̠ÛÙÔ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘, ÙÔ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎfi §·˚Îfi Ì·˜ ¶·ÓËÁ‡ÚÈ, ·fi ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 5 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ ̤¯ÚÈ Î·È ÙËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 8 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘! ∂Ï¿Ù ӷ Á¢ı›Ù ٷ ·Ú·‰ÔÛȷο ÂÏÏËÓÈο Ì·˜ Ê·ÁËÙ¿ Î·È ÁÏ˘Î¿, Ó· ı·˘Ì¿ÛÂÙ ٷ ÎÔÛÙÔ‡ÌÈ· Î·È ÙÔ˘˜ ·Ú·‰ÔÛÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ ÂÏÏËÓÈÎÔ‡˜ ¯ÔÚÔ‡˜, Ó· ·ÁÔÚ¿ÛÂÙ ÂÏÏËÓÈο ‰ÒÚ·, √Úıfi‰Ô͘ ÂÈÎfiÓ˜ Î·È ‚È‚Ï›·, Ó· Û˘ÌÌÂÙ¤¯ÂÙ ÛÙȘ ÂÚÈËÁ‹ÛÂȘ ÛÙÔ˘ ÂÎÎÏËÛÈ·ÛÙÈÎÔ‡ ¯ÒÚÔ˘, Ó· ·ÔÏ·‡ÛÂÙ ˙ˆÓÙ·Ó‹ ÌÔ˘ÛÈ΋ Î·È Ó· ÁÂ˘Ì·Ù›ÛÂÙ ÛÙËÓ ÙÚ·Â˙·Ú›· Ì·˜ (ÎÏÈÌ·ÙÈ˙fiÌÂÓË)! ∏ ›ÛÔ‰Ô˜ Â›Ó·È ÂχıÂÚË. ∂Ï¿Ù ӷ ‰È·ÛΉ¿ÛÂÙ Ì ʛÏÔ˘˜ Î·È ÁÓˆÛÙÔ‡˜, Ì ‚ÚÔ¯‹ ‹ Ì Ïȷο‰·. £· Û·˜ ÂÓËÌÂÚÒÓÔ˘Ì Ì ÙȘ ÈÔ ÚfiÛÊ·Ù˜ Âȉ‹ÛÂȘ ̤ۈ ÙÔ˘ Facebook, ηıÒ˜ ›Û˘ ̤ۈ ÙÔ˘ ‰È·‰ÈÎÙ‡Ô˘ ÛÙË ÈÛÙÈÔÛÂÏ›‰· Ì·˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï: www.greekfolkfestival.org. º¤ÙÔ˜ ¤¯Ô˘Ì ٷ ÈÔ ÂÎÏËÎÙÈο ÌÔ˘ÛÈο Û˘ÁÎÚÔÙ‹Ì·Ù·. £· ·ÔÏ·‡ÛÂÙ ÙÔÓ °È¿ÓÓË §ÈÁÓfi, ÙÔ ª¤ÙÚÔÓ ÕÚÈÛÙÔÓ, ÙËÓ ∫·ÏÔÌÔ›Ú· Î·È ÙÔÓ μ·ÁÁ¤ÏË ∫ÔÓÈÙfiÔ˘ÏÔ, Ô˘ ¤Ú¯ÂÙ·È ÁÈ· ÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Ì·˜ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·, Î·È ÔÏÏ¿ ¿ÏÏ·! ORGANIZATION «BOROUME» Dear fellow parishioners, As you may know, I took a year’s sabbatical in 2013 which I spent mostly in Greece. Greece is facing some difficult times, and while there I volunteered at an organization called BOROUME, which means “We can” in Greek. BOROUME is helping combat food insecurity in Greece by eliminating food waste. It matches donations of food from individuals and companies with organizations that support the needy. It was founded in 2012 and now provides 150,000 meals to the needy a month. When I came back to the US, I decided to organize a fundraiser for BOROUME on May 21 at my favorite Greek restaurant, Ikaros. The invitation is printed in this issue of the Koinonia, and I hope you can join me. If you are not able to attend, please consider a contribution to Friends of BOROUME. I urge you to learn more about BOROUME by checking out the website: www.boroume.gr/, which is available in Greek, German, and of course English. Thank you, Nick Politakis Oƒ°∞¡π™ªO™ «ª¶√ƒ√Àª∂» ∞Á·‹ÙÔ› Ê›ÏÔÈ Î·È ÂÓÔÚ›Ù˜, Ÿˆ˜ ›Ûˆ˜ ÁÓˆÚ›˙ÂÙÂ, ‹Ú· ¿‰ÂÈ· ÂÓfi˜ ¤ÙÔ˘˜ ÙÔ 2013 ·fi ÙË ‰Ô˘ÏÂÈ¿ ÌÔ˘, ÙËÓ ÔÔ›· ¤Ú·Û· ˆ˜ › ÙÔ Ï›ÛÙÔÓ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·. ∏ ∂ÏÏ¿‰· ·ÓÙÈÌÂÙˆ›˙ÂÈ ‰‡ÛÎÔϘ ÛÙÈÁ̤˜, Î·È ÂÓÒ ‹ÌÔ˘Ó ÂΛ, ÚÔÛʤÚıËη Ó· ‚ÔËı‹Ûˆ ÂıÂÏÔÓÙÈο ÌÈ· ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛË Ô˘ ÔÓÔÌ¿˙ÂÙ·È ª¶√ƒ√Àª∂. ∏ ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛË ·˘Ù‹ ‚ÔËı¿ ÛÙËÓ Î·Ù·ÔϤÌËÛË Ù˘ ÛÈÙÈÛÙÈ΋˜ ·Ó·ÛÊ¿ÏÂÈ·˜ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·, Ì ÙËÓ ÂÍ¿ÏÂÈ„Ë ÙˆÓ ·Ô‚Ï‹ÙˆÓ ÙÚÔʛ̈Ó. ¢¤¯ÂÙ·È ‰ˆÚ¤˜ ÙÚÔÊ›ÌˆÓ ·fi ȉÈÒÙ˜ Î·È ÂÙ·ÈÚ›˜ Î·È ÔÚÁ·ÓÒÛÂȘ Ô˘ ‚ÔËıÔ‡Ó ÙÔ˘˜ ¿ÔÚÔ˘˜. π‰Ú‡ıËΠÙÔ 2012 Î·È ÙÒÚ· ÚÔÛʤÚÂÈ 150.000 Á‡̷ٷ Û ·fiÚÔ˘˜ οı ̋ӷ. ŸÙ·Ó ¤ÛÙÚ„· ÛÙȘ ∏¶∞, ·ÔÊ¿ÛÈÛ· Ó· ÔÚÁ·ÓÒÛˆ ¤Ó·Ó ¤Ú·ÓÔ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ª¶√ƒ√Àª∂ Î·È ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÛÙȘ 21 ª·˝Ô˘ ÛÙÔ ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ ÌÔ˘ ÂÏÏËÓÈÎfi ÂÛÙÈ·ÙfiÚÈÔ, ÿηÚÔ˜. ∂Ï›˙ˆ fiÙÈ ı· ÌÔÚ¤ÛÂÙ ӷ ›ÛÙ ̷˙› ÌÔ˘. ∂¿Ó ‰ÂÓ Â›ÛÙ Û ı¤ÛË Ó· ·Ú·‚ÚÂı›ÙÂ, Û·˜ ·Ú·Î·ÏÒ Ó· ÛÙ›ÏÂÙ ÙË ‰ˆÚ¿ Û·˜ ÛÙÔ˘˜ º›ÏÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘ ª¶√ƒ√Àª∂. ªÔÚ›Ù ӷ Ì¿ıÂÙ ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ· Û¯ÂÙÈο Ì ÙÔ ª¶√ƒ√Àª∂ ·Ó ¿Ù ÛÙËÓ ÈÛÙÔÛÂÏ›‰· www.boroume.gr. ΔÔ Î›ÌÂÓÔ Â›Ó·È ÁÚ·Ì̤ÓÔ ÛÙ· ÂÏÏËÓÈο, ÁÂÚÌ·ÓÈο Î·È Ê˘ÛÈο ∞ÁÁÏÈο. ™·˜ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙÒ, ¡›ÎÔ˜ ¶ÔÏÈÙ¿Î˘ DIAMONDS NEWS On Tuesday, May 13 at 1:00 p.m., we will hold our last meeting for this ecclesiastical year. We will review all our activities of the past year and will plan ahead for the year to come. We wish everyone in K O I N ø N I ∞ 10 ª∞À 2014 COMMUNITY NEWS ✧ ∫Oπ¡OΔπ∫∞ ¡∂A our parish a pleasant, relaxing, and safe summer. We hope to have more new members join us next September! On Sunday, May 18, we will honor our patron saints, Constantine and Helen, with an artoklasia service. And after the Divine Liturgy, we will sell loukoumades. Please support our organization. Thank you in advance for your generosity. NEA ∞¶√ Δ∞ ¢π∞ª∞¡Δπ∞ ΔËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË, 13 ª·˝Ô˘ ÛÙȘ 1:00 Ì.Ì., ı· ¤¯Ô˘Ì ÙËÓ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· Û˘Ó‰ڛ·ÛË ÁÈ· ·˘Ùfi ÙÔ ÂÎÎÏËÛÈ·ÛÙÈÎfi ¤ÙÔ˜. £· οÓÔ˘Ì ·ÓÂͤٷÛË fiÏˆÓ ÙˆÓ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔÙ‹ÙˆÓ Ì·˜, Î·È ı· ÚÔÁÚ·ÌÌ·Ù›ÛÔ˘Ì ÁÈ· ÙÔ ÂfiÌÂÓÔ ¤ÙÔ˜. ∂˘¯fiÌ·ÛÙ Û fiÏÔ˘˜ ¤Ó· ηÏfi, ÍÂÎÔ‡Ú·ÛÙÔ Î·È ·ÛʷϤ˜ ηÏÔη›ÚÈ. ∂Ï›˙Ô˘Ì ӷ ¤¯Ô˘Ì ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚ· Ó¤· ̤ÏË Ì·˙› Ì·˜ ÙÔÓ ÂÚ¯fiÌÂÓÔ ™Â٤̂ÚÈÔ! ΔËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋, 18 ª·˝Ô˘, ı· ÙÈÌ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ÙÔ˘˜ ÚÔÛٿ٘ ·Á›Ô˘˜ Ì·˜, ∞Á›Ô˘˜ ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ Î·È ∂ϤÓË, Ì ·ÚÙÔÎÏ·Û›· ˘¤Ú ˘Á›·˜ ÙˆÓ ÌÂÏÒÓ ÙÔ˘ ÔÚÁ·ÓÈÛÌÔ‡ Ì·˜. ∂›Û˘, ÌÂÙ¿ ÙË £Â›· §ÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›· ı· Ô˘Ï¿Ì ÏÔ˘ÎÔ˘Ì¿‰Â˜. ¶·Ú·Î·Ïԇ̠ӷ ˘ÔÛÙËÚ›ÍÂÙ ÙÔÓ ÔÚÁ·ÓÈÛÌfi Ì·˜. ™·˜ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙԇ̠ÂÎ ÙˆÓ ÚÔÙ¤ÚˆÓ ÁÈ· ÙË ÁÂÓÓ·ÈÔ‰ˆÚ›· Û·˜. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The St. Nicholas Plateia (Greektown Square and Event Center) needs YOU! Please sign up in the church office to help with the following activities: building clean-up, yard clean-up, kitchen clean-up, and inventory. For more information, please contact e Diacoloukas at 410-218-3337. Thank you for your help! GREEKTOWN CDC We want to thank all the volunteers who came out to help during our community cleanups held in Greektown on April 26, 2014. It was a successful event. assist further in your spring cleaning efforts, mark your calendars for the Third Annual “Paper Shred-A-Thon” event, scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2014, at Canton Safeway, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Just bring your boxes of documents for shredding to the mobile shredding trucks. This is a free event. Job Opportunity: Director of Development. The Greektown CDC is looking to hire an individual with experience in community organizing, economic development, and grant writing. Preferred qualifications: college degree, residence in Greektown, good writing skills. Salary commensurate with qualifications. If you are interested, send a brief two-page resume with the subject line “Job Resume” to [email protected]. is May 15, 2014. A Red Line meeting was held by the city’s Department of Planning. A target start date is planned for 2015–2016, with a 2021 completion. Our Highlandtown/Greektown station design is ongoing. The Greektown CDC partnered with the Mora Crossman Recreation Center during its Violence Prevention Week and coordinated guest speakers who gave a presentation on gang prevention. The city has begun a new mechanical street-sweeping program. Odd sides of the streets will be swept on the first Wednesday of each month, and even sides of the streets will be swept on the second Wednesday of each month. To allow thorough sweeping, your vehicles must be moved from the street from 8am to 4pm. Please visit the city’s website (http://cityview.baltimorecity.gov) for more information. The Greektown CDC and the Greektown Business Alliance have installed new Greektown banners throughout our business district. The O’Donnell Square development went before the Planning Commission for a minor amendment to the planned development. This amendment added several more home constructions to the original proposal; the Greektown CDC supported that change. We encourage all our residents to dial 911 immediately when witnessing suspicious or criminal activity. Call 311 or submit your request online (www.baltimorecity.gov); use the “request service” icon for nonemergencies and to request city services (trash, zoning, liquor board, etc.). Believe in your community! Colonel John E. Gavrilis, CEO SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS ✧ ∫∞Δ∏Ã∏Δπ∫∞ ¡∂A Our finalists (front row) with Father Michael (far right) and our judges and timekeeper (back row, L-R): Rebecca Loumiotis, Joanne Stakias, Tina Harris, and Yana Karabellas. Representing our church at the District Festival (L-R): Eleni Pikounis, Konstantinos Loukas, and Markella Cornias. ª∞.π.O™ 2014 K O I N ø N I ∞ 11 CELEBRATING HOLY EASTER ∂OƒΔ∞∑ø¡Δ∞™ ΔO ∞°πO¡ ¶∞™Ã∞ ªÂ ÌÂÁ·ÏÔÚ¤ÂÈ· ÂÔÚÙ¿Û·Ì ÙÔ ÕÁÈÔÓ ¶¿Û¯·. Easter was celebrated at Saint Nicholas Church with large crowds attending. K O I N ø N I ∞ 12 ST. NICHOLAS GREEK SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP ∂§§∏¡π∫O ™ÃO§∂πO ∞°πOÀ ¡π∫O§∞OÀ ∫∞§O∫∞πƒπ¡∏ ∫∞Δ∞™∫∏¡ø™∏ ª∞À 2014 ª∞.π.O™ 2014 K O I N ø N I ∞ 13 PLEDGES FOR 2014 ✧ ∂£∂§O¡Δπ∫∏ ¶ƒO™ºOƒ∞ 2014 MR/MRS AGAPIOS DIAMANTIS MR/MRS AHLADIOTIS JOHN & EFFIE MRS AMARANTIDIS PARTHENA MR ANDERSON EMANUEL P. JR. MR ANGELOU MICHAEL MR/MRS ARGEROPOULOS TED MR/MRS ARGYRAKIS DESPINA MR/MRS ATSALIS GUS MR BATES SAM MRS BISBIKIS HELEN MS CHAGETAS ANGELA MRS CHRISSOMALLIS SOPHIE MRS CHRISTESSON STAVROULA MRS CORNIAS CLARA MR/MRS CORNIAS LARRY MRS DARDAMANIS EVA MR/MRS DIAKANTONIS NICKOLAOSMRS DINIOTIS ANASTASIA MR/MRS ECONOMIDES CHRIS MR/MRS FAKAS VASILIOS MR/MRS FILIPIDIS NICHOLAS MS FLEZANIS KATHERINE MR/MRS FOTINOS GERASIMOS MRS FOTOPOULOS GEORGIA MR/MRS FRANGOS CONSTANTINE MR/MRS GAZONAS-ZIKOU GEORGE MS GEORGAS GEORGE MR/MRS GIALAMAS MARINOS MS GILLAND SOPHIA MRS GLYKIADIS DESPINA HALKIAN “SAINT NICHOLAS” MR/MRS HARRIS SPYROS MS HATZIEFTHIMIO ANASTASIA MR/MRS HIGGS MATTHEW MR/MRS HOFFERBERT JOHN MR/MRS IORDANOU CHRISTOFORO MR/MRS KAARMICHALIS THEOLOGOS MRS KAITIS DESPINA MR/MRS KALIS EUGENIA MR/MRS KAMINARIS DEMETRIOS MS KAPUTSOS SYLVIA MS KARAGIANNIS MARIA MR/MRS KARAGIANNOPOLI GUS & SUE MR KARAMIHALIS GEORGE MS KARELLAS EUGENIA M. MR/MRS KATRIS ANTONIOS MR/MRS KATSIKIDES TOM & NICOLE MRS KELIS TSAMBIKA MR/MRS KEVAS JOHN & MARIA MR/MRS KLOSTERIDES SPIROS MRS KOLOTOS DORA MISS KONTOUDIS KYRA MR KOSMOS GEORGE MR/MRS KOUKIDES HARRY MRS KOULATSOS ANASTASIA MR/MRS KOUTSANTONIS DEMETRIOS MR/MRS KOVIOS PETE MS LAMBROW STEPHANIE MS LERICOS IRENE MR/MRS MAKRIS MARIKA MRS MATSANGOS ARGYRO MR/MRS MAYER FRANCIS L. MR/MRS MIMAROS STAVROS MR/MRS MONIODIS MICHAEL MRS NEOFITOU ATHINA MR/MRS NISTAZOS NICKOLAS Z. OLYMPIAN “OLYMPOS” MRS PANTAZONIS MARY MR/MRS PAPADIMITRIOU NICHOLAS MR PAPADOPOULOS SOLON MR/MRS PAPPAS MARIA FRIMRS PASTRIKOS MICHAEL MR/MRS PATINIOTIS PANAGIOTIS MR/MRS PERDIKAKIS GEORGE MR/MRS PIKOUNIS JAMES MR/MRS POLYCHRONIS ARISTIDES MR/MRS REPPAS IRODOTOS MR ROLOGAS STAVROS MR ROROS PETE JOHN MR/MRS ROUSSOS ANTHONY MR/MRS SALIARIS KONSTANTINO MRS SARIGIANIS CHRISTINE MR SAZAKLIS ANTONIOS MR SERDENES CHRISTOS MR/MRS SFIRIOU ANTONIOS MR SOLLON JAMES MRS SOPHOCLEOUS HELEN MS SOURANIS ANNETE MRS SOURANIS PARASKEVI MR/MRS STAKIAS JOHN MR/MRS STAMATOPOULO JOHN MR/MRS STAVLAS NIKOLAOS MR/MRS STEWART JOHN MR/MRS SYROPOULOS NICHOLAS MR/MRS TAKOS STEVE MR/MRS TAYLOR KEVIN & ELENI MS THEMELIS STELLA MR/MRS TRIANTAFILLOS COSTAS MR/MRS TRINTIS BASILIOS MR/MRS TSAKALAS STEVEN MR TSAMPICOS GEORGE MR/MRS TSIRONIS NICK MRS VASILAKOPOULO PARASKEVI MRS VAVAKAS KIRIAKI MR/MRS VIZANIARIS ALEXANDROS MR/MRS YACUMIS WILLIAM MR/MRS ZISSIMOS GUS PETE MR/MRS AGAPIOS NICHOLAS MR/MRS ELEVROGIANNIS GEORGE MRS ANAN ELIZABETH MR/MRS ANDREWS MARIA MR/MRS ANTONAS NICK MR/MRS ARGETAKIS GEORGE MRS ASHBY ATHELENE MR/MRS ATSIDIS IOANNIS MRS BILIS AMALIA MR/MRS CARDIGES ANN MR/MRS CHRISOVERGIS GEORGE MR/MRS CHRIST PHILIP MS CHUVALAS DIMITRA MRS CORNIAS DESPINA MR/MRS CORNIAS MICHAEL C. MR/MRS DEMETRIOS LOUIZOS MR/MRS DIAKOKOMNINOS KOSMAS MR DIOSES RONALDO MR/MRS EFTHIM IOU SPIROS MRS FAKAS ZENOVIA MRS FILIPPOU CARMEN MR FORAKIS GEORGE MR/MRS FOTINOS JAMES MS FRANGAKIS IRENE MR/MRS FRANGOS JOHN MR/MRS GEORGALAS MICHAEL MR GEORGE ANTHONY M. MRS GIANNAKOULIAS DIONISIA MR/MRS GIORGAKIS JOHN & MARIA MR GLYKIADIS KONSTANTINO MR/MRS HALKIAS EMMANUEL MRS HATZIDAKIS ANGELIKI MR HATZIGEORGALI ANTONIOS MR/MRS HINELINE BRUCE MR/MRS HONDROULIS ANDREANOS MR/MRS JANKOWIAK DAVID & MARY MR KAIKIS ANDREW MR/MRS KALAMARAS EFSTATHIOS MS KALOGRANI VASILIKI MR/MRS KAPETANAKOS ELIAS & STE MR/MRS KARABELAS PANAGIOTIS MR/MRS KARAGIANNIS PAVLOS & JO MR KARAMANLIDES ANTONIOS MR/MRS KARANIKOLIS NIKOS MR/MRS KASTELLORIZIOS KONSTANTINO MR/MRS KATSAROS EMANUEL MR/MRS KAZAMIAS GUS MR/MRS KELLEY-CHRIST SHAWN MR/MRS KILLIAS SAVVAS MR/MRS KOLIADIS EMMANUEL MRS KONDYLAS DESPINA MISS KONTOUDIS PATRICIA MR/MRS KOSTAKIS GEORGE MR/MRS KOUKIDES JOHN MR/MRS KOULATSOS DIONISIOS MR/MRS KOUTSANTONIS GEORGE MR/MRS KOVIOS STEVE MRS LARENTZOS JAMES MR/MRS LOUMIOTIS DIMITRIOS MR/MRS MALTAS JOHN & ZOE MR/MRS MATTHEWS ANN MRS MILLER MARY MRS MINAS GEORGE J. MR/MRS MONIODIS MICHAEL MR/MRS MICOLAIDIS VASILIOS MR/MRS NYCHIS GEORGE MR/MRS ONASIS THEODORE MIUMRS PANTELIS GABRIEL MR/MRS PAPADOPOULOS ANASTASIOS MR/MRS PAPAGEORGIOU SOCRATES MR/MRS PAPPAS IRENE MISS PASTRIKOS NOMIKI MR/MRS PATRAS LEONARD N. MRS PHILIPPOU POPI MR/MRS PIKOUNIS JOHN & DEBBIE MR/MRS PRASSINAS JAMES MR/MRS REPPAS SOTERIOS MR/MRS ROROS GEORGE I. MR/MRS ROROS DIMITRIOS MR/MRS ROXANIS DEAN & SOULA MRS SALIARIS MARIA MR/MRS SARIGIANIS THOMAS MRS SAZAKLIS EFTIHIA MR/MRS SFAKIANOUDIS GEORGE K. MR/MRS SISKOS STEFANOS MR/MRS SOLLON NICK MR/MRS SOPHOCLEUS GREGORY MR SOURANIS GEORGE MR SOURANIS STANLEY MR/MRS STAKIAS MICHAEL MRS STAMIDES GEFSI MR/MRS STAVRAKIS JIMMY MRS STRAKES KATHERINE MR/MRS SZULIMOWSKI HENRY MR/MRS TARATSIDES ATHENA MR/MRS TETTERIS STEVE MR/MRS THEOHARIS EMMANUEL MR/MRS TRIANTAFILOS PETE MR/MRS TRINTIS NICOLAOS MS TSAKALOS JEANETTE MR/MRS TSAMPOS MICHAEL MR/MRS TZIMOS PETE MISS VASILIADES MARIA MR/MRS VERENAKIS MICHAEL MRS VOURVOULAS SOPHIA PLEDGED TOTALS: $175,755.00 MR/MRS YENIAS DENO MR/MRS ZOULIS JOHN MRS AGELOPAS SOPHIE MR/MRS AMANN MARY & FRANZ MR/MRS ANASTASIADES DEMOS MR ANGELOPOULOS CHRIS MRS APESOS ANTIGONE MR ARGETAKIS NICHOLAS MRS ATHANASIOU JOANNA MR BAKOLILAS GEORGE MR/MRS BIRCH PETER DR/MRS CARDIGES NICHOLAS M. MR/MRS CHRISOVERGIS NICHOLAS MRS CHRIST STASA MRS CONWAY ROSE MR/MRS CORNIAS GEORGE C. MR CORNIAS NICHOLAS MRS DENDRINOS EVANGELIA MR/MRS DIMIDIS DEMETRIOS MR/MRS DOUKELIS GEORGE MR/MRS ELIOU ERNEST MRS FANTIS PENELOPE MRS FILIPPOU IRENE MR/MRS FORAKIS MICHAEL MR/MRS FOTIOU JOHN MR/MRS FRANGAKIS SOFOULA MR/MRS GALIATSATOS GERASIMOS MR/MRS GEORGALAS NICHOLAS MR/MRS GIAKOUMAKIS NICK MR/MRS GIANNAKOULIAS GEORGE MRS GLAVA KIKI MR/MRS GRABAU KEVIN MR HANDAKAS PAUL MR HATZIDAKIS KONSTANTINO MRS HATZIKOSMAS AMALIA MR/MRS HIOTES SOTIRIOS MR/MRS IEROMONAHOS DIMITRIOS MRS JOHNS ASPASIA MR/MRS KAIKIS CLEMIS MR/MRS KALAMBIHIS ALEXANDROS MR/MRS KAMBANOPOULO STELIOS MRS KAPETANAKOS SOULA MR/MRS KARAGIANNIS DEMETRIOS MRS KARAGIANNIS SHOSHANA MR/MRS KARAMANLIDES KYRIAKOSMS KARAS EVELYN MR/MRS KASTELLORIZIOS NICHOLAS MR/MRS KATSAROS MICHAEL MR/MRS KEFALAS MIKE & NORA MRS KEPREOS GEORGIA MR/MRS KIMOS JAMES MR/MRS KOLIOFOTIS PETROS MR/MRS KONTOKOSTAS STEFANOS MR/MRS KORNIAS GEORGE MR KOSTOS JOHN MR/MRS KOUKOULAS EMMANUEL MR/MRS KOUMOUDIS SOTIRIS MR/MRS KOUTSANTONIS THEODORE MS LALLAS EVE MR LASKARIDIS NIKOLAOS MRS LYGOLIMENOS ALEXANDRA MR/MRS MARVELIS VASILIOS MR/MRS MAVRODONTIS ZAHARIAS MR/MRS MILLETT & ALEX EARL MR/MRS MITSOS FRANK MR/MRS MORAITIS ARISTIDES MR NICOLARAKIS MICHAEL MR/MRS NYCHIS VASILIOS MR/MRS PADOUSIS JOHN E. MR/MRS PANTOULIS NICK MR PAPADOPOULOS ASIMAKIS MR/MRS PAPATHAKIS MATTHEW MR/MRS PARALIS KONSTANTINO MR/MRS PATERAKIS CHARLES MR/MRS PATRAS PETE MR/MRS PIKOUNIS EMMANUEL MR POLITAKIS NICHOLAS MRS PROAKIS KOULA MR RODITIS THEODOROS MR/MRS ROROS JOHN P. MR/MRS ROSSIS GEORGE MR SAKELLIS GEORGE MR/MRS SALPEAS EMMANUEL D. MR/MRS SARIOGLOU ATHANASIOS MR/MRS SEAL CHARLES MR/MRS SFAKIANOUDIS JOHN MR/MRS SKANDALIS GEORGE MS SOLOMONIDES ATHENA G. MR/MRS SOULIKAS GEORGE MR/MRS SOURANIS MICHAEL MR/MRS SPENCER ERIC AND MS STAKIAS STELLA MR/MRS STAMOULIS GEORGE MR/MRS STAVRAKIS MARIA MR/MRS STRATAKOS LEONIDAS MRS TAGLIAMBURIS KATHERINE MR TARATSIDES GEORGE MR/MRS THEMELIS JOHN & RENEE MR/MRS TOPOUZOGLOU ANASTASIOS MR/MRS TRIKOULIS DEMETRIOS MRS TRIPOLITIS NINA MRS TSAKALOS ROSE MR/MRS TSERKIS GEORGE UNITED CHIOS SOCIETY MR/MRS VASILIOS FRANK MR/MRS VERGOS GEORGE MR/MRS VOXAKIS JOHN & IRENE PAYMENTS $129,950.00 MR/MRS YIANAKIS STEVE AHEPA LORD BALTIMORE MR/MRS AMARANTIDIS HARRY MR/MRS ANASTASIS FOTINI MR/MRS ANGELOS JOHN & IRENE MR/MRS ARAVIDES NICHOLAS MR/MRS ARGIROPOULOS WILLIAM MS ATHOS JANET MS BALOMAS PATRICIA MR BISBIKIS PETE MR CAVOURAS STANLEY MR/MRS CHRISSOMALLIS JOHN & TERI MRS CHRISTAKOU STAVROULA MR/MRS CORNIAS CALLIOPI MRS CORNIAS KALLIOPI T. MR CURTIS JOHN MR/MRS DIACOLOUKAS GUS & MARY DR/MRS DIMITRI GEORGE N. MRS DOUSKAS VASILIKI MR/MRS FAKAS JAMES MR/MRS FILIPIDIS JAMES & EFFIE MR FILIPPOU NICHOLAS MR/MRS FORAKIS NICHOLAS MR FOTIS KONSTANT MS FRANGOS ANGELIKI MR/MRS GAVRILIS JOHN MR/MRS GEORGAS ANTHIE MR/MRS GIALAMAS ANDREAS MR/MRS GIANNAS STYLIANOS MR GLAVAS SOCRATES GREEKTOWN C.D.C. MS HARRIS ATHENA MR/MRS HATZIDIMITRIOU JOHN JR. MS HAZIMIHALIS MARIA MR/MRS HIOTIS MICHAEL MR/MRS IEROMONAHOS PANTELIS MR/MRS JONES KENNY MRS KAITIS ANGELA MARY MRS KALIAKOUDAS SOFIA MRS KAMINARIS BARBARA MR/MRS KAPUTSOS MARSHALL MS KARAGIANNIS HARRIET MISS KARAGIANNOPOU ELENI MRS KARAMIHALIS ELEFTHERIA MRS KARDIASMENOS METAXIA MRS KASTRUNES DOLORES MR/MRS KATSAS STAVROS MRS KELEPESIS EUGENIA MR/MRS KEVAS GEORGE MR/MRS KLOSTERIDES MICHAEL MR/MRS KOLKAS EUGENIA MR/MRS KONTOUDIS KONSTANTINO MR/MRS KOROLOGOS SPIROS MR/MRS KOTZIAS CHRIS MR/MRS KOUKOULAS EMMANUEL MR KOUROUPIS STEVE MR/MRS KOUTSOURIS STYLIANOS MR LALLAS JOHN MR/MRS LAZAROU TED & MARY MR MAKE DIMITRIUS MR/MRS MASTROMANOLI MANUEL MR MAVRONIS NICHOLAS MR/MRS MILONAS KIMON MR/MRS MOELLER PATRICIA ZOE MRS MOSKONAS VASILIKI MRS NIKOLETOS VASILIKI MR/MRS O’DRUDY LEO K. III MR/MRS PALAS JOHN MR/MRS PAPADIMITRIOU EMMANUEL MR/MRS PAPADOPOULOS EFSTATHIOS MR/MRS PAPAVASILIOU THARRENOS MRS PAROS MARY MR PATERAKIS JOHN MR/MRS PELTSEMES IRENE MR/MRS PIKOUNIS GEORGE E. MRS POLITES DESPINA MR/MRS PROTOPAPAS EMMANUEL MR/MRS ROLOGAS ANASTASIOS MR/MRS ROROS PETE & NIKKI MRS ROSSIS-BARNES TSAMBIKA MR/MRS SALARIS STEPHEN MRS SALPEAS MARIA MR/MRS SARIOGLOU NIKOLAOS MRS SERAFIS MARY MS SFIRIOU ANTONIA MR/MRS SKORDALOS V ASILIOS MR/MRS SOLOS I KONSTANTINO MR/MRS SOULIKAS JAMES & JOAN MR/MRS SOURANIS NICHOLAS MR/MRS STAKIAS DIMITRIOS MRS STAMATHIS KIKI MR/MRS STAVLAS MICHAEL MR/MRS STEFANONI/STAK MICHAEL MRS SYROPOULOS AMALIA MRS TAHINOS STEPHANIE MR/MRS TASKER-GIOKA DAMIANOS MR THEMELIS JOHN MRS TREANTAFELLO HELEN MR/MRS TRIKOULIS JOANNE MRS TSAKALAS JULIE MRS TSAKIRIS ANASTASIA MR/MRS TSERKIS VASILIOS MRS VASILAKOPOLILO ANASTASIA MS VATAKIS TESSIE MR/MRS VERGOS JOHN MS VOXAKIS SAMANTHA MRS ZERVAS HELEN BALANCE $45,805.00 K O I N ø N I ∞ 14 ª∞À 2014 EASTER EGG HUNT ✧ ∫À¡∏°π ΔOÀ ¶∞™Ã∞§π¡OÀ ∞À°OÀ Lazarus Saturday and Easter Egg Hunt festivities with great fun and lage participation! ST. NICHOLAS PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT January thru March 2014 ORDINARY INCOME/EXPENSE Stewardship Greek School Registration Sales—Candles Sales—Flowers Sales—Dances Donations—Church Donations—Trays Donations—Church Hall Donations—Memorial Donations—Flowers Donations—Christmas Card Plateia Income Youth Income Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Flowers Expense Dance Expense Greek Festival Expense Total GOGS Gross Profit PAYROLL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 75,699.00 6,788.00 19,953.00 20.00 7,118.66 1,181.90 3,797.00 105.00 4,650.00 600.00 20.00 1,491.00 500.00 121,923.58 $ $ $ $ $ 133.05 3,093.80 2,700.00 5,926.85 115,996.71 $ $ $ 760.00 9,216.00 9,976.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 168.32 1,602,75 237.09 450.00 16,000.00 500.00 6,975.72 544.00 458.16 2,907.58 1,710.00 2,097.00 356.14 1,332.00 139.00 35,477.76 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,199.92 2,620.00 35.31 883.00 611.68 150.00 8,330.36 1,857.05 15,687.32 EXPENSE: CAPITAL COSTS Capital Improvements Church Accounting Total CAPITAL COSTS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION Accounting Advertising Bank Fees Clergy Laity Congress Fair Share( Archdiocese) Gifts Insurance—General Liability Insurance –Workers Comp Ineterst Expense Office Expense Postage and Delivery Professional Fees-Subcontract Printing Expenses Telephone Miscellaneous Total GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION: OCCUPANCY COSTS Alarm Monitoring Building Maintenance Janitor’s Supplies Permits & Licenses Trash Removal Pest/Termite Control Utilities Water & Sewer Total OCCUPANCY COSTS Church Personnel Payroll Priest Payroll Greek School Teachers Payroll Choir Leader Payroll Assistant Chantor Organist Payroll Payroll Taxes Pension Employee Benefits (Health) Auto/Housing Allowance Total PAYROLL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,726.99 10,722.99 8,152.00 2,112.51 1,000.00 1,250.00 3,212.47 1,000.00 7,314.00 1,500.00 50,990.96 $ $ $ 5,636.96 2,526.82 8,163.78 $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,103.56 318.90 4,422.46 124,718.28 (8,721.57) (8,721.57) $ $ $ 4,103.56 318.90 4,422.46 PLATEIA OPERATING EXPENSES Plateia, BG&E Plateia, Water & Sewer Total PLATEIA OPERATING EXPENSES YOUTH AND EDUCATIONAL Books/CDs Scholaship Total YOUTH AND EDUCATIONAL TOTAL EXPENSES Net Ordinary Income Net Income YOUTH AND EDUCATIONAL Books/CDs Scholaship Total YOUTH AND EDUCATIONAL BALANCE SHEET REPORT (AS OF MARCH 31ST, 2014) Church Personnel Payroll $ 14,726.99 Fair Share - Archdiocese (2014 year-to-date balance)$ 15,585.00 Equity line of Credit balance: $ 17, 747.43 Plateia Mortgage balance: $ 401,319.35 TOTAL $434,651.78 KOINONIA DEADLINE Please submit your article(s) to the Koinonia staff by the deadline stated below. ISSUE MONTH: JUNE 2014 DEADLINE: MAY 16th You may drop your article off at the church office or e-mail it to Demos <[email protected] LITURGICAL HOURS: The Liturgical hours remain the same throughout the year. Sunday services: Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 10 a.m. Weekday Liturgy: Orthros 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Vespers services: 7:00 p.m. ª∞.π.O™ 2014 K O I N ø N I ∞ 15 DONATIONS IN MEMORIAM In memory of George Sfakianoudis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Skordalos United Chios Society Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Stakias Ms. Maria Salpeas Mr. & Mrs. George Tsampos Mrs. Despina Glykiadis & Kostas Mrs. Clara T. Cornias Mr. & Mrs. Irodotos Reppas Mrs. Kiki Vavakas & Family Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Stroumbis Mr. & Mrs. Kon/nos Karagiannopoulos Mrs. Dora, George Kolotos Mr. & Mrs. Takis Papadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Theoharis Dimitrios & Paraskevi Stamargas (Chios, Greece) Mrs. Despina Cornias Michael & Fotini Cornias John & Renee Themelis Kalliope & Froso Marusiodis Mrs. Lia Karagiannopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Aristides Polychronis Dimitrios & Politimi Roros Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsakalos Stefanos & Katina Yianakis Ms. Maria D. Cornia / Lazaros Isidoros & Eleni Roros George & Kiki Roros Mr. & Mrs. John P. Roros Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tsampos Mrs. Lemonia Stavrou Charles & Olga Paterakis Mr. & Mrs. George Soulikas Ms. Tina Stratakis & Family Ms. Joy Brown Mr. Avraam Karas & Family John & Maria Giorgakis George W. & Nicoletta Roros Mrs. Vasiliki Klosterides Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Mavrodontis Mrs. Paraskevi Stamatiou Pikounis (Chios Greece) Mr. & Mrs. George Pikounis Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Pikounis Mrs. Eleftheria Karamihalis, Theologos & George Ms. Carol J. Depasquale In memory of John Glykiadis Ms. Anastasia Hatziefthimiou Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pikounis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilis Skordalos United Chios Society John & Renee Themelis Dr. Savas & Connie Tsakiris George W. & Nicoletta Roros In memory of Maria Ignatiadoy & Spiros Mazarakis Nicholas & Smaro Aravidis In memory of Eugenia Roros Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsakalos In memory of Helen Papavasili Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mastromanolis In memory of Maria Ignatiadoy & Spiros Mazarakis Nicholas & Smaro Aravidis In memory of Mihail Argyrakis Despina Argyrakis In memory of Panormitis Hatzigiannis Dennis & Margo Koulatsos In memory of Stella Eleftheriou Lucas & Renee Papavasiliou In memory of Tsambika Philippou Dennis & Margo Koulatsos In memory of Tsambikos Diacoloukas Dennis & Margo Koulatsos ∂ÀÃ∞ƒπ™Δ√Àª∂ £¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ·fi Ù· ‚¿ıË Ù˘ ηډȿ˜ Ì·˜ fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ Ì·˜ Û˘Ì·Ú·ÛÙ¿ıËÎ·Ó ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ¯·Ìfi ÙÔ˘ ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡, πø∞¡¡∏ °§À∫π∞¢∏, Ì ÔÔÈÔ‰‹ÔÙ ÙÚfiÔ. ¢¤ÛÔÈÓ· °Ï˘ÎÈ¿‰Ô˘, ™‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˜ °Ï˘ÎÈ¿‰Ë˜, ÀÈfi˜ ∫·È ÔÈ ·‰ÂÏʤ˜ ÙÔ˘. 16 K O I N ø N I ∞ ª∞À 2014 JOURNEY OF FAITH PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND, TURKEY, PONTOS & CONSTANTINOPLE Led by Reverend Father Michael Pastrikos of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Baltimore, Maryland THE HOLY LAND Your pilgrimage to the Holy Land will be an unforgettable and spiritually rewarding journey! Visit and venerate Christendom’s most sacred sites. See where Jesus spent most of his life and performed the many miracles you have read about in the Bible. Visit the cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, and Tiberias! Among the many sites and churches you will see are the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Church of St. Anne and the Pools of Bethesda, the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, the Prison of Christ (Praitorion), the Church of the Holy Apostles and the Church of the Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor. Take the cable car up to the Mt. of Temptation Monastery and see the rock that Jesus actually prayed by. Visit the Church of the Nativity and touch the spot where Christ was born! Among the other sites you will see are the Church of Tabgha, Cana, the Church of the Annunciation, the Garden of Agony, the Monastery of St. Gerasimos Iordanitis, Lazarus’ Tomb, Church of St. Elisseos and Zacchaeus Tree. Take a boat-ride on the Sea of Galilee and experience a spiritual baptism in the River Jordan. Enjoy a private audience with Patriarch Theophilos III (subject to his availability) and attend midnight Liturgy at the Holy Sepulcher. TURKEY CONSTANTINOPLE: Our pilgrimage will take us to Constantinople, the heart of Orthodoxy. Visit the seventeenth-century Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate. Pray at the St. George Cathedral and venerate the Holy Relics of St. Gregory the Theologian and St. John Chrysostom. Participate in a private audience with His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (subject to his availability). Visit the most important sites for the Greek Orthodox in Constantinople: Agia Sophia, the Church of the Holy Savior of Chora, Baloukli Monastery and its Underground Shrine of Zoodochos Peghe, Topkapi Palace, which houses the relics of St. John the Baptist, Panagia Blacherna, where the beautiful hymn “Te Ypermacho” was chanted over 1,400 years ago, and the Grand Bazaar. PONTUS: Visit the area of Pontus, on the shores of Turkey’s Black Sea and in the Pontic Alps, where Greeks once lived. The Pontic Greeks had a continuous presence in the region of Pontus (modern-day northeastern Turkey), Georgia, and northeastern Anatolia from at least 700 BC until 1922. Like Armenians, Assyrians, and other Ottoman Greeks, the Greeks of Trapezounta suffered widespread massacres and what is now usually termed ethnic cleansing at the beginning of the twentieth century, first from the Young Turks and later from Kemalist forces. Visit the historic monastery of Panagia Soumela near Trapezounta, on the mountains rising up on the south coast of the Black Sea. In 2010 the Turkish government allowed Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to preside at the first historic liturgy there in eighty-eight years. According to tradition, the Monastery of Panagia Soumela was established in AD 386 by the Athenian monks Barnabas and Sofronios on the steep cliffs of Mount Melas, south of the city of Trapezounta (Trabzon) and has for sixteen centuries been the symbol of the Hellenism of Pontus. DATES WILL BE ANNOUNCED SHORTLY! Cloud Tours Inc. 31–09 Newtown Ave., Long Island City, NY 11102 Tel: 718-721-3808 Toll Free: 800-223-7880 Fax: 718-795-4356 E-mail: [email protected]