JESA INVESTMENT & MANAGEMENT CO., CO. LTD. In this issue: n Right people in right places: up to the challenge n Il 13esimo Piano Quinquiennale cinese: le priorita’ di Pechino echino e le opportunita’ per le societa’ estere n China’s 13th 5-years-plan: plan: main priorities and opportunities NEWSLETTER – JULY 2015 YOUR PARTNER INFAST FAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE Right people in right places: up to the challenge For it envisages high degrees of professionals’ turnover, the t Chinese labour market can be deemed a “liquid market”. This By Alessandra Mischiati, Tommaso D’Amico, Enrico Borsari, Giovanni Pastore – Jesa Human resources’ selection and identification is a key process for the successful development of a company in China. Any successful hiring process should begin by mapping the ideal candidate in terms of role and responsibilities, skills and experience, aptitude itude and traits. From here on out, the focus must switch to what ideal candidates want. want Between companies’ requirements and candidates’ expectations there is an ocean of complexities ranging from national labour laws and organizational flows to common practices and cultural fits that managers cannot ignore when doing business in China. precondition should underlie any hiring strategy triggered over China. China Recruiting ecruiting managers should elaborate strategies able to first attract and then retain sought-after profiles. However, before defining any kind of hiring approach,, companies need to know what sort of incentives they have to set up so as to attract candidates. Although compensation ompensation is still a key priority pri for job seekers in China, this is not the only parameter companies should use to pull and retain talents. Other than salary, compensation packages must gather together better benefits’ suites. Of course, se, ensuring better benefits is meant to be a never-ending process. Indeed, as a the market frequently changes, companies are required to review benefits and salaries on a constant basis so as to be sure of their alignment with competitors’ compensation policies. Even though remunerative packages allow targeting profiles while fulfilling pre-established established budget constrains, the mere use of this incentive might lead anywhere but straight to the best profile. Either the misconception or the total disregard of cultural and background differences between China and the mothercou country drives companies far from the chosen target. For instance, what is mostly required by Chinese candidates and what might be overlooked by foreign comco panies is the necessity to assure a “work-life” life” balance possibly refined and tailored for individual candidates.. Although different ages put different emphasis on it, interestingly, work-life work balance is a key priority for alll individuals in the workplace. Such a parameter reaches its peak of importance for Chinese talents in their mid-age mid (late 30s and 40s). Indeed, for or they are living the age of the family fam responsibilities, child rearing and caring elderly relatives is a priority. priority JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 2 YOUR PARTNER INFAST FAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE Nevertheless, they are experiencing an important phase in their opportunities and 74% has an up-to-date CV. The implication of such a professional growth. To find companies able to assure such a balance result is that Chinese professionals and senior executives carry a become a top priority. certain propensity to be curious. But what hat starts with curiosity could lead to more serious issues for employers: how to avoid their eme Foreign companies settled in China need to move away from ployees to be curious, in other terms, how to retain them. Once again perspectives and habits gathered through years of experience in we are at the very beginning:: recruiters must know who the talents western environments. In several cases profiles’ research is carried out they are looking for are and what are the best-matching matching incentives sets based on headquarters workflow’s schemes and organizational charts, for different individuals. It goes without saying that the t effectiveness ignoring structures and precautions best matching the Chinese labour of any retaining strategy is deeply rooted in the continuous update of market. Multinational corporations should always bear in mind that benefits schemes. different countries require diverse organizational charts, which in turn leads to job positions and duties not necessarily aligned with traditional profiles. Hiring in China is a complicated and time-consuming time process. Professional recruiting methodologies should be well applied and customized in order to meet both corporations’ needs and local labour Best performing firms recognize that traditional recruiting methods are not applicable in the Chinese environment and avoid market unwritten rules. The latter is nothing but a great opportunity for companies to self-transform and grow. undertaking a simplistic approach to hiring.. More and more HR managers rely on a complex, multi-pronged pronged and people-focused people approach to find, select and retain best talents. The complexity of such a task often prompts companies to approach recruitment agencies. agencies In 2015, 67% of the companies established in China gives head-hunting head the highest rate of efficacy, while 46% and 43% of them still combine recruiting agencies with personal networks and online job boards respectively.. Finding the appropriate candidates is getting more and more difficult, and companies need to tailor and mix sourcing strategies to reach out the desired result. If attracting and recruiting ideal employees in China is not simple, retaining talented personnel sonnel is even more challenging. The 97% of Chinese professionals is open to hearing about new job JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 3 YOUR PARTNER INFAST FAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE Il 13esimo Piano Quinquiennale cinese: le priorita’ di Pechino e le opportunita’ per le societa’ estere By Saro Capozzoli, Stefania Bianco, Marco Nugnes, Gianluca Lazzarin, Lazzarin Obiettivi economici chiave Obiettivi non economici chiave •PIL annuale: incremento 7% •Consumo Consumo carburante nonnon fossile: incremento 11.4% Enrico Borsari – Jesa • Urbanizzazione: incremento 4% (47% al 51%) Negli ultimi 30 anni l’economia cinese è cresciuta costantemente. Il PIL •Spesa R&D : soglia minima 2.2% del PIL è avanzato mediamente del 10% all’anno e il tasso d’urbanizzazione nello stesso periodo ha raggiunto quota + 250%. Il rapido sviluppo ha permesso a milioni di cittadini dii uscire dalla soglia della povertà ma ha • Consumer Price Index: minore o al massimo pari al 4% annuo •Emissioni Emissioni di CO2/unità di PIL: riduzione 17% •Copertura Copertura forestale: incremento 21.66% •Agenti Agenti inquinanti COD e diossido di carbonio: riduzione 8% anche sollevato la questione della sostenibilità. Se è pur vero che la crescita cinese non ha avuto eguali è da sottolineare come il prezzo dello sviluppo sia stato pagato principalmente in termini ambientali. Ad oggi la Cina, la cui popolazione è fortemente assoggettata agli effetti dello squilibrio ambientale risulta essere uno tra i paesi che più contribuiscono all’inquinamento globale. Queste tematiche erano già Tabella 1: Principali obiettivi del 12esimo esimo piano quinquiennale. Tutte le variazioni hanno base il risultato provissorio del piano quinquiennale precedente (100%). Dati KPMG percentuali), la a Cina non è al pari con obiettivi quali la quota di energia ottenuta da fonti non-fossili, l’efficienza efficienza energetica e la riduzione del consumo di carbone. state oggetto di confronto durante il 12esimo piano quinquennale quin (2011- 2015) durante il quale venne enfatizzato il concetto di “crescita 13° Piano Quinquennale: probabili direzioni sostenibile”. le”. Ciononostante, con il 13esimo piano quinquennale già alle porte, molte delle tematiche legate all’eco-sostenibilità sostenibilità della crescita economica rimangono irrisolte. Come si evince dalla tabella di cui sopra, oltre a target di stampo economico, il 12esimo piano quinquiennale identificava anche obiettivi quali sostenibilità ambientale ed efficienza energetica. Nonostante tutti i target economici siano stati raggiunti (la a crescita del PIL si è mantenuta al 7 percento e l’urbanizzazione è cresciuta di 4 punti Alcune informazioni riguardo il 13° piano quinquennale sono già state rilasciate. Tra il 2015 ed il 2020 la Cina punterà sull’innovazione e su s miglioramenti strutturali. Ad oggi, uno dei vantaggi competitivi della Cina risiede nell’abilità di adattare e migliorare gliorare le tecnologie sviluppate da competitor esteri ottenendo allo stesso tempo una riduzione dei costi attraverso l’implementazione produttiva roduttiva su larga scala. Nei prossimi anni, il governo cinese si concentrerà sul settore terziario e sull’alta tecnologia. gia. Gli investimenti volti ad ottenere un vantaggio di JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 4 YOUR PARTNER INFAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE costo assumeranno una posizione secondaria mentre emergeranno Barriere d’ingresso nel mercato più basse. Il Paese sta ora opportunita’ per investitori interessati al processo di trasformazione domandando più investimenti di matrice straniera. Tuttavia, le industriale ed al contestuale sviluppo economico cinese. Enterprise Surveys svolte da World Bank suggeriscono che “l’accesso Wang Lezhi dell’istituto di ricerca del dipartimento di international ai finanziamenti” continuera’ a rappresentare la sfida più grande per trade and economy cooperation, fa notare come gli investimenti fare affari in Cina. Probabilmente Pechino implementerà nuove stranieri che hanno lasciato la Cina negli ultimi anni appartengano ad management una frazione di imprese mosse dalla ricerca della sola manodopera a d’approvazione per imprese straniere piu’ snella ed a “maglie larghe” basso costo. Lezhi afferma inoltre che la porzione di investimenti che possa facilitare l’ingresso sul mercato cinese. policies: ci si aspetta dunque una procedura richiesta dall’industria manifatturiera e’ in calo, mentre e’ in crescita la porzione richiesta dall’industria dei servizi. Sicuramente la struttura Nuove opportunità di business. La Cina sta incoraggiando del futuro sviluppo economico cinese da maggior spazio agli l’inserimento di soggetti esteri nella “festa dell’innovazione”. Gli investimenti esteri. Il governo sta promuovendo e continuera’ a investitori dovranno quindi prestare particolare attenzione a quei promuovere il consumo domestico, percepito come il prossimo motore settori che il governo cinese intendera’ incoraggiare e liberalizzare della crescita. Sara’ la spesa, piuttosto che il risparmio ad essere maggiormente. Tra gli altri il settore dell’IT technology, della incentivata. manifattura di alta gamma, il settore aerospaziale, della robotica e Zhang Guobao, direttore della National Energy Administration ha dichiarato che per raggiungere tale obiettivo, entro il quello delle telecomunicazioni-. 2020 lo stipendio medio annuale dovra’ essere doppio rispetto ai livelli del decennio precedente. A corollario, obiettivi “secondari” del piano Green energy. La Cina vuole aumentare la percentuale di energia avranno come fulcro tematiche quali l’ incremento della percentuale di ottenuta da fonti non-fossili. Il comparto “Green Energy” potra’ godere energia ricavata da fonti non-fossili, la diminuzione degli squilibri di una crescita notevole. sociali e lo spinoso problema dell’inquinamento, tutti target mancati dal precedente piano quinquiennale. Il settore dei servizi. I cambiamenti nella struttura della domanda d’investimenti porteranno il settore dei servizi ad essere connotato da Opportunità per le imprese estere una elevata presenza estera. Le aspettative sono di una presenza La Cina sta provando a trasformare la propria economia in maggiore rispetto a quella vista fino ad ora nel settore manifatturiero “technology-driven” e ad elevare la qualita’ della vita dei suoi cittadini specie nel segmento assicurativo, della salute, del tempo libero e dei attraverso l’aumento del reddito pro-capite. L’implementazione di viaggi, cultura e sport. questo piano economico modifichera’ il modo di fare affari in Cina. In questo periodo di transizione, quali saranno le opportunità per gli investitori stranieri? JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 5 YOUR PARTNER INFAST FAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE Beni d’importazione. Infine, l’aumento della domanda interna e dei the concept of “Higher quality growth”.. Nevertheless, in the 13th five redditi medi incrementeranno eranno il consumo potenziale di beni di lusso years plan, most of the issues related with a sustainable growth still creando nuovi mercati per gli storici brand occidentali. remain. Below, the main targets of the 12th five years plan. La Cina ha intuito che un’economia forte è fatta sia di fattori economici sia di fattori non economici. Una crescita sostenibile appare ora come Key economic targets Key non economic targets una delle principali preoccupazioni del governo cinese. Il prossimo decennio sarà cruciale per la Cina. Le decisioni economiche e le politiche monetarie di Pechino influenzeranno il futuro della sua economia ed impatteranno sull’economia mondiale. La Cina non sara’ più un fornitore “silenzioso” e “sfruttato” per la fornitura di manodopera a basso costo, ma diverra’ un partner alla pari nello sviluppo di business internazionali. •Annual GDP: 7% growth •Urbanisation: increase 3% (from 47% to 51% ) •Spending on R&D: increase to 2.2% of GPD •Hold inflaction (CPI): at or below 4% per year China’s 13th 5-years-plan: main priorities and opportunities By Saro Capozzoli, Stefania Bianco, Marco Nugnes, Enrico Borsari – Jesa •Non-fossil fossil fuel usage: increase to 11.4% •CO2 CO2 emissions/unit of GDP: reduction to 17% •Forest Forest coverage : increase to21.66% •Pollutants Pollutants COD/sulfur dioxide: decrease to 8% Table 1: China 12th 5-years-plan’s main goals All of the variations base on the previous 5-years-plan’s plan’s result (100%). Source: KPMG As we can see, together with economic targets, other goals concerning environmental sustainability and energy efficiency were setse In the past 30 years China has been constantly growing. Its GDP tled. China almost achieved alll the economics targets presented in the grew around 10% per year on average and China’s urban population 12th FYP. GDP growth’s rate has been kept on average 7 percent and grew around 250%. The country’s rapid development lifted million of the urbanization ation increased by 4 percentage points. However, aca citizens out of poverty but raised the question of sustainability. sustaina cording to a mid-term term review conducted in 2014, China is behind on Chinese huge growth has been unequal –the the gap between rich and targets such as non-fossil energy usage,, energy efficiency, and carbon poor increased- and took the country to be one of the most polluted in reduction emissions the world. The government has already tired to overcome these problems in the 12th Five years Plan (2011-2015) which ch emphasized JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 6 YOUR PARTNER INFAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE 13TH five years plan: likely directions must double by 2020. The 12th FYP addressed issues such as pollution and the gap among different social classes. Since China failed to Some information about the 13th 5 years plan has been released achieve the expected target during the period between 2011 and 2015 already. Likely, in the period of 13th five-year-plan (it goes from 2015 it probably would repurpose these goals in the 13th FYP, planning to to 2020) China will push on innovation drivers and structural upgrades. increase usage of non-fossil energy. China’s current competitive advantages in innovation lie in the ability to adapt and improve technologies developed overseas. Further, Opportunities for foreigners Chinese enterprises are capable to both achieve cost reductions China is trying to both shift to a technology-driven economy and scaling up the production and improve technology’s feature through become a higher income country. The implementation of this strategy incremental process innovation. In the next years, Chinese govern- would modify the way of doing business in China. In this turning trend, ment will focus on services and high-tech manufacture. Low-cost what will be the opportunities for foreign investors? oriented investment would be no longer welcomed in China, whereas there would be a lot of opportunities for foreign investors to participate Lower market entry barriers. The country is now demanding more in China's economic development and industry transformation. Wang foreign investments. However, World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys Lezhi, researcher at the international trade and economy cooperation suggest that “access to finance” is the greatest challenge to do research institution of commerce department, pointed out how foreign business in China. Likely, Beijing would implement new management investments that have left China in recent years were mostly low-cost policies, the approval procedure for foreign enterprises would be oriented. The structure of investments’ demand highlights that the narrow, which means it will be easier and more predictable for for- portion required by manufacturing industries is decreasing while the eign-invested company to entry and set up in China. portion required by service industry is increasing. Of course, this new economy structure means greater space for New business opportunities. China is encouraging foreign investors foreign investments. The government is now pushing and will keep on to get involved in “the fest of innovation”. Investors have to pay at- pushing the domestic consumption, perceived as the next major en- tention to the fields Chinese government is encouraging such as new IT gine of growth: spending instead of saving. In order to achieve this technology - and high-end equipment manufacturing –aerospace and goal, Zhang Guobao, Director of the National Energy Administration telecom equipment-. declared that, with respect to 2010s levels, the average annual income JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 7 YOUR PARTNER INFAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE Green energy. China is willing to raise non-fossil energy as a percentage of primary energy. Likely, all the green energy-related sectors will enjoy a remarkable growth. The service sector. The changes in the structure of the investment demand are creating more opportunities for foreigners. The industry of services would overcome the manufacturing sector, opening new markets for foreign companies in insurances, housekeeping, health, travelling, leisure, culture and sport sectors. Imported goods. Lastly, the domestic consumption increase and the average incomes would potentially raise the consumption of luxury and imported goods creating new possibilities for Western brands. China well understood that a strong economy is made of both economic and non-economic factors. A sustainable growth appears now to be one of the main concerns Chinese authorities are worried about. The next decade will be crucial for China. The decisions Beijing will take will likely affect the future of its economy and would have a strong impact on the worldwide economy too. Likely, these drastic changes would change the dynamics of doing business in China. China would be no longer a silent supplier exploited because of its low labour costs but an equal partner in businesses’ development. JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 8 YOUR PARTNER INFAST GROWING COUNTRIES CHINA - HONG KONG–SAUDI ARABIA – MONGOLIA - CHILE CONTRIBUTORS Scott Sun (Supervisor) Saro Capozzoli Alessandra Mischiati Enrico Borsari Stefania Bianco Marco Nugnes Tommaso D’Amico Gianluca Lazzarin Good planets suitable for ADDRESS IN SHANGHAI Humans are hard to find. Please think of the environment before printing For inquires and suggestions regarding this newsletter or for any other concerns, please contact us anytime at: [email protected] Our Newsletters: hp/Publication/news.html LA N E 1 1 2 FE N Y A N G RO AD – H O U S E 4 20 00 3 1 SH A N GH A I - CH I N A Tel +86 21 64331555 Fax +86 21 62880072 Offices also in: Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Chile LEGAL NOTICE The content of this newsletter iscomposed and written by JESA, and thus it is not reproducible and cannot be diffused indiscriminately without JESA’s consent. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep our contacts informed about important changes occurring in China; any use of it that differs from the initial purpose must be authorized by JESA. JESA Investment & Management Co.,Ltd.,House 4,Lane 112, FenYang Rd., 200031 Shanghai, China Tel +86 21 64331555, 64335666, 64338787, Fax +86 21 62880072 Email: [email protected], Website: 9