The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM The Craco Census of 1857 The "Stato di popolazione per l’anno 1857" for the "Comune di Craco" provides a unique insight into the town and its inhabitants during that era. This historical document will help Society members learn more about the old town and also provide them with details about any ancestors that were residing there 150 years ago at time before the town and Italy was changed by unification. The census was submitted to Italian authorities as complete on January 30, 1858 and reflects the status of the town as of year end 1857. The makeup of the town was reported as 594 adult males, 769 adult females, 252 males under 14 years old and 228 females under 12 years old for a total population of 1,843 inhabitants. They resided in 503 separate households. The folio is formatted in large sheets that measure 16 inches by 10 inches with columns across two pages that tabulate the information recorded by the enumerator. The left hand page captures the location and household composition quantifying the members by factors of relationship to the household head, age, and sex along with totaling the members of the family. Following is the data that was recorded in the columns of this page of the form. Street Name (Nome della Strada) There were only 15 streets identified and their names are listed below. Casale – households 1- 109 S. Lonardo – households 110 – 125 Monistero – households 126 – 142 S. Rocco - households 143 – 164 Le Tempe – households 165 – 191 Piazza – households 192 – 236 S. Giovanni – households 237 – 242 Pagina 1 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM S. Giovanni – households 237 – 242 Ospedale – households 243 – 264 L’Arco – households 269 – 292 Pisterno – households 293- 356 Piazzola – households 357 – 377 Chiesa – households 378 – 405 Lamazza – households 406 – 423 Castello – households 424- 462 S. Barbera – households 463- 481 Blank – households 482 - 503 House No. (Num. della casa se via sia) The census form had a place for the house number but none were filled in so all fields are blank. First Name & Surname Of Head of Household (Nomi e Cognomi de’ Propritari delle Case) The first and last name of the head of the household was listed. Sequence Number (Num. d’ordine delle famiglie) Each household was given a separate number running sequentially from 1 through 503 although there were some errors in the numbering sequence. The enumerator skipped numbering household 229, numbered two consecutive households 303, and mislabeled households 300-307 as 200-207. Family Composition (Famiglie) Under this large heading details about the family members were tabulated under several subheadings: Surname (Cognome) Listed is the last name of each family member. Note, under Italian customs married females retained their maiden names. First Name (Nomi di tutt’i componenti la famiglia) Listed is the first name of each family member. Relationship to Head of Household (Grado di parentela rispetto al capo di famiglia o di Pagina 2 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Relationship to Head of Household (Grado di parentela rispetto al capo di famiglia o di domestico) The following were the entries made during the census for this item: Cognato, -a (brother-in-law, sister-in-law) Cugino, -a (cousin) Domestica (housekeeper) Figlio, –a (son, daughter) Figliastro, -a (stepchild) Figlioccio, -a (godchild) Fratello (brother) Genero (son-in-law) Madre (mother) Marito (husband) Moglie (wife) Niponte (nephew, niece, grandchild) Nuora (daughter-in-law) Padre (father) Sorella (sister) Suòcero, –a (father-in-law, mother-in-law) Zio, – a (uncle, aunt) Age at Dec. 31 (Eta’ d’ anni compiuti al 31 dicembre) The age in years was written in. No. Family Members (No. De’ Componenti La Famiglia) This subheading breaks down family members as follows: Adults (Adulti) Pagina 3 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM The categories are Maschi (male) and Femine (female). Males Under 14 years old (Maschi prima degli anni 14) Females under 12 years old (Femine prima degli anni 12) Total (Totale). The right hand page of the folio has additional information recorded about the conditions in each family including marital status, possession of property, employment, health and legitimacy of birth. Status (Condizione) Under this large heading details about the family members were tabulated under several subheadings: Marital State (Naturale) The following were the entries made during the census for this item: Conjugato (married) Calibe (bachelor, bachelorette, single, unmarried) Nubile (unmarried woman) Vedovo (widowed) Employment (Civile) There are five columns categorizing employment of the individuals. Posses property or assets (Possidente di beni stabili di qualunque natura) There is either a notation of Prosp. or the field is blank. Employed in Liberal Arts (Impiegati ad arti liberali) Ecclesiastics, Priests, Friars (Ecclesiastici, Preti, Frati, Monache) Employed in Labor (Addetti ad art meccaniche) Unemployed (Mendici) There is a notation in the appropriate column with one of the following: Pagina 4 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Barbiere (barber) Calzolaio (shoemaker) Contadino (farm laborer, peasant) Falegname (joiner, carpenter) Farmaciso (pharmacist) Ferraio (blacksmith) Filatrice (spinner) Frate (Frair) Juddiacarro (judiciary, lawyer) Medico (Doctor) Mendia (beggar) Monaca (Nun) Mugnaio (miller) Muratore (mason) Preti (priest) Proprietario (landlord) Sacerdote (priest) Sarto (tailor, seamstress) State of Health (Stato Di Salute) The form notes the following should be identified: If of good conformation (Si de buona conformazione organica) If there are notable defects (Se con notabili difetti) If chronically ill or delicate (Se cronico, o eagionevole) Below are entries made in this column: Pagina 5 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Anacoretica (anchoretic, hermit-like) Anghilosato (heart ailment) Braccio-morzo (cripled arm) Buona (good) Cieco (blind) Deforme (deformed) Epilettica (epileptic) Malattia (diseased) Matto (crazy) Nano (dwarf) Pazzo (crazy) Sordo-moto (deaf & dumb) Sordo (deaf ) Valetudinario (sickly or weak) Zoppo (crippled) Observations (Observazioni) The form notes the following should be identified: Born legitimate or illegitimate (Nato legittimo, o illegittmo). Died naturally or accidentally (Morto, naturale, o casuale). New domicile or established (Nuovo domiciliato, e perche). Immigrant or established (Emigrato, e perche). Other means of support, lacking any employment, etc. (Altri inezzi di sussistenza, mancando qui defti nella condizionecivile ec.) Below are the only entries made in this column: Ligittimo (legitimate) Pagina 6 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Illegittimo (illegitimate) The Town Make-up As might be expected the town was totally based on an agrarian society. The vast majority of the town’s households were employed in various forms of farm labor with their employment listed as "Contodino." This term, which is often translated as peasant, was much wider in scope and did not define any of the skills and professions that were necessary to manage the farms. There were 316 households classified as contadino and they were laboring on the land owned by the 164 households listed as "Proprietario" - landlords. There is no way the census could provide an understanding of the interactions between the classes however during this era each Italian "… municipality resembled a large family – intensely loyal to its members and rituals." The locations of the households on the streets in the town suggest that in some parts of the town they lived together in close proximity regardless of social status, while there were also some streets that were densely populated with peasants, and areas outside the street limits (characterized as "blank") that were probably farms with no peasants listed. Proprietario Households Nome della Strada Other "Civile" Households 61 Casale (109) 48 8 S. Lonardo(16) 8 7 Monistero (17) 10 7 S. Rocco (22) 15 12 Le Tempe (27) 15 18 Piazza (44) 26 2 S. Giovanni (6) 4 1 Ospedale (21) 20 2 L’Arco (26) 24 5 Pisterno (65) 60 5 Piazzola (21) 16 Pagina 7 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM 5 Piazzola (21) 16 9 Chiesa (28) 19 1 Lamazza (17) 16 6 Castello (40) 34 0 S. Barbera (19) 19 20 Blank (20) 0 Besides those working the land there were others in the town making up part of the structure. At the lowest end of the spectrum were 4 households classified as "mendia" – beggars. All four households shared a similarity; they were headed by single women. In one case, a 62 year old widow, who probably had no family to take her in lived alone while in the case of the other three households the three women were all mothers of young children classified as "illegittimo" illegitimate. In one of the households there was also an older sister residing there that was unmarried and her health condition was noted as "Zoppo" – crippled. There was one other individual in the town classified as mendia and it seems to be an unusual arrangement. This was a 20 year old woman that resided with a peasant family. The head of the household was a widow and the relationship of the 20 year old to the head of the household was classified as a "Domestica" – servant but the younger woman was not in good health being classified as "Valetudinario" - sickly or weak. The other members of this household were two adult sons and an adult daughter all of whom were unmarried and in good health. Perhaps, this was some act of kindness on the part of the household by taking in this sickly girl since it would seem that the other members would be able to perform the duties and chores of the "casa" rather than rely on a domestic. Supporting the specialized needs of the town were a small group of tradesmen and service providers. Many of these were classified as proprietaro but also listed with the services or trade they provided. Logically, someone operating as a blacksmith, miller or furniture maker would need to own their own property to house the specialized equipment needed to operate their trade. And in the case of the town’s blacksmiths all 3 households owned property with a fourth person in town classified as "Ferraio" that was the unmarried 22 year old son of one of the smiths. There was only one miller and one barber but the services they provided were probably also done by most individuals as part of their household routines and probably utilized the miller and barber for special circumstances. There were 6 "Filatrice" – spinners, none of whom owned property and were probably processing wool from the farms. There were 3 women who were widowed in this group and lived alone. The one unmarried woman who headed a household also had an unmarried sister living with her whose health was classified as "Pazzo." There were two older men also listed as filatrice who headed households without children but were married with their wives classified as contadino. Perhaps this trade was available to those who were not able to perform the labor required of a contadino or could not leave their homes. Pagina 8 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM not leave their homes. Along a different line were the 5 households and 7 people classified as "sarto" - tailor or seamstress. There were two households that had two tailors residing in them and working together. In one a father and son who were property owners shared the work and in the other the male head of the household who also was a property owner worked with an apparently unrelated male "domestico’ who was also listed as "zoppo" – crippled. In the other three households the male heads of the household, who were all property owners, were classified as the tradesman. This group, due to their property ownership seemed to be in a better "condizione." There were 10 shoemakers in the town. In four households the head was a "calzolaio" but the others in the house were classified as contadino. There was also an older single male who lived alone and practiced the trade. None of these households were property owners. In other cases where the trade’s people were property owners they were for the most part male heads of households. In one case, an older widowed female property owner’s son-in-law who resided with her practiced the trade. And in what seems unique, there was an unmarried older single female practicing the trade and living with her unmarried sister. The building needs for the town were supplied by the 6 "falegname" - carpenters and 11 "muratore" - masons. Virtually all were property owners and one household even had a father and son who were masons and another son who was a carpenter. In another instance the household’s father and oldest son were tailors and the next oldest son was a mason. There was only one instance where a mason was not a property owner and the rest of his family was classified as contadino. The town had one individual listed as "Juddiacarro" - meaning judiciary or lawyer who served the needs for their legal service. The town’s medical needs were attended to by 2 "medico" - doctors who were members of the same family and one "farmaciso" - pharmacist. The town’s pharmacist lived in an extended household with his wife, an adult daughter and son, his mother and an aunt. The daughter was listed as "monaca" – nun. The two doctors lived in a unique household that may have been connected with one of the churches in town. The doctor listed as the head of the house was a 62 year old and his relationship was listed as "zio" – uncle and the other doctor was a 26 year old listed as "nipote" – nephew. There were four other members of the household and all were listed as nephews with three classified as "preti" – priest. Besides this household that reflected Craco’s founding by ecclesiastics were several others made up of members of the church. The last household on Via Monestero was almost certainly the monastery. There were 10 men residing there and classified as "frate" – friars. Interestingly, their names reflected the names of the surrounding towns, for example Fr. Nicola, Fra. Vincenzo, & Giusippe Da Craco, Fra. Prospero & Fra. Domenico Da Ferandina, Fra. Luigi Da Pisticci. The other residents were, Fra. Bernardino, Fra. Paolino, Fra. Salvatore, & Fra. Gennaro Da S. Arcangelo. Dispersed throughout other households were individuals that were classified as "Ecclesiastici." There were two households that included a "Diacono" – deacon, and in both cases they were the first born sons of widowed mothers who were property owners. There were seven other households that included a preti. They all were property owning households and either the priest residing there was the first born son or he was the head of the house. Besides these individuals there was one Pagina 9 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM was the first born son or he was the head of the house. Besides these individuals there was one "sacerdote" – clergyman who was also the first born son of a property owner. There were two other persons categorized as an ecclesiastic, the two were daughters of an 82 year old widow who while living with her were also listed as nuns. We also get an understanding of health conditions on the town by examining "Stato Di Salute." The vast majority of the townspeople were classified as "Buona" - good and only 31 individuals having some other notation. It would seem that when only 2% of the population is suffering from some observable health problems conditions in the towns were indeed "good." There were 9 individuals who suffered from "valetudinario" – sickly or weak and it was the most common health problem that seemed to be solely borne by the contadino with on one property owner suffering from this but was such a general observation it is impossible to understand a cause. The next most common observation was the 6 individuals classified as "zoppo - crippled. The form of this handicap must have varied but it was only listed for individuals that were contadino, mendia, and domestica. These do not seem to have impacted the majority of the individuals form participating in the society. The domestica was living in the household of a property owner and also was classified as a seamstress. The others were all parts of households with the exception of one 60 year old woman who was unmarried and classified as contadino. There were three individuals suffering from "anghilosato" - a heart ailment. Two of the individuals were teen aged children in the same household of property owners and the other was a teenaged daughter in a contadino household. There were two "epilettica" – epileptic individuals in town who also were active part of society. Both, contadino, they were heads of households, one a 52 year old widow and the other a 52 year old father. The two individuals with mental health problems classified as "matto" and "pazzo" were also part of households only there were in different circumstances. One was a 32 year old woman living with her unmarried sister who was supporting them as a spinner. The other was a 17 year old son in the house of a contadino. The two individuals listed as "deforme" – deformed shared similar circumstances. Both were contadino and unmarried middle-aged women living in households with their sisters. And there were two individuals who were categorized as ""nano" - dwarf which was the description of a 53 year old wife of a property owner’s household, and also of a nine year old daughter of another property owner. There were single instances of "sordo-moto - deaf & dumb, the 14 year old son of a property owner; "malattia" – diseased, classified the situation of a two year old girl living in a contadino household which also had a family member classified as crippled; "anacoretica" for a 38 year wife and mother in the house of a contadino; "braccio-morzo"- crippled arm described a 72 year old contadino who was the head of his household; "sordo" – deaf was the condition of a 48 year old mothering-in-law living with her contadino family, and "ciecco" - blind described the state of a 26 year old unmarried man living with his contadino household. The other item that was categorized for the inhabitants of the town was "Observazioni" which dealt with legitimacy. There were 25 individuals classified as illegitimate and all were in families classified as mendia or contadino. Most of the individuals were young children living in the households of unmarried mothers and they carried her surname. There were some exceptions for instance there was a 34 year old woman who was a property owner and had a son and daughter classified as illegitimate. There was also the situation of a 30 year old domestic in a large household of a property owner who had who had a 7 year old illegitimate daughter. There was a similar situation with a 31 year old domestic with a 5 year old illegitimate son. Pagina 10 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM When looking at the surnames appearing in the census there were 320 different names appearing in the household enumeration. There were 129 names that appeared only once. The 30 most common last names are: Households Surname 38 Mormondo 35 Matera 21 Branda 20 Mastronardi 19 Forgione 19 Galante 17 Rubertone 16 Spera 16 Tanico 14 Grossi 14 Paduano 13 Ferrante 13 Lorubio 11 Santalucia 10 Avena 10 Rivello 10 Viggiano 10 Zafferese 9 Colabella 9 Guarigha 9 Ragone Pagina 11 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 9 Ragone 9 Roccanova 9 Sarubbi 9 Stabile 8 Camperlengo 8 Conte 8 DiPierro 8 Francaville 8 Manghise 3/10/12 5:22 PM When looking at this data 150 years after it was recorded it is difficult to go much further than a rudimentary summary to characterize the town. It is important to remember that for 800 years before this census was taken the townspeople had been building and establishing the social structure and formulating their relationships. For us today, the most important information are the actual details of each household as they are invaluable to any descendants providing a precious insight into their family’s past. Table of all households listed in the 1857 Craco Census Strada HH # Monistero 140 Addreco Casale 84 Adduno Casale 89 Albano Casale 103 Albano Lamazza 406 Albano Castello 447 Albano Piazzola 373 Aldessio Casale 81 Aldunsio Surname Pagina 12 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Pisterno 302/204 Aldunsio Casale 104 Animarito Monistero 141 Animarito S. Rocco 158 Anorati Casale 94 Arena Piazza 218 Arena Piazza 226 Arleo 227 Piazza Arleo Chiesa 401 Armando Casale 61 Attariaccio Casale 62 Attariaccio Casale 63 Avena Casale 63 Avena Pisterno 293 Avena Pisterno 323 Avena Pisterno 327 Avena Pisterno 351 Avena Pisterno 355 Avena Chiesa 382 Avena Castello 448 Avena 484 Avena Piazza 203 Baldassaro Piazza 207 Baldassaro Pagina 13 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 207 Baldassaro Pisterno 325 Baldassaro Pisterno 347 Baldassaro Ospedale 264 Barberio S. Rocco 143 Barbetta Casale 12 Barbinieri Ospedale 260 Barnalla Piazza 234 Benardone Ospedale 243 Benardone Casale 22 Benedetto Chiesa 395 Benedetto Casale 4 Beradone 307/207 Beradone Casale 42 Bernadino S. Rocco 156 Bernadino Ospedale 244 Bernadino L’Arco 277 Bernadone Pisterno 316 Bernadone Piazzola 372 Bernadone Chiesa 399 Bernadone Lamazza 407 Bernadone Pisterno 309 Bianculli Pisterno 341 Bianculli Pisterno Pagina 14 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Chiesa 393 Bianculli Castello 449 Bianculli S. Barbera 473 Bianculli 502 Bianculli 54 Birillio Casale L’Arco 267 Blangieri Casale 56 Bona Piazza 227 Bonilla Casale 15 Branda Casale 34 Branda Casale 54 Branda Casale 95 Branda Casale 105 Branda Monistero 136 Branda S. Rocco 144 Branda S. Rocco 145 Branda S. Rocco 147 Branda Piazza 200 Branda Piazza 220 Branda Ospedale 262 Branda L’Arco 283 Branda Pisterno 331 Branda Pisterno 337 Branda Pagina 15 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Pisterno 338 Branda Piazzola 366 Branda Chiesa 400 Branda Castello 425 Branda Castello 435 Branda S. Barbera 480 Branda Pisterno 314 Bresina Lamazza 408 Brunetti Piazza 208 Busso S. Lonardo 110 Caccitore Casale 53 Calabreze Monistero 136 Calabreze S. Rocco 151 Calabreze S. Rocco 152 Calabreze Piazza 206 Calabreze Piazza 211 Calabreze Piazza 223 Calabreze Chiesa 405 Cammarota o Cammarota Monistero Casale 104 Camperlengo Piazza 230 Camperleng0 Piazza 232 Camperlengo L’Arco 270 Camperlengo Pagina 16 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM L’Arco 270 Camperlengo L’Arco 273 Camperlengo Pisterno 327 Camperlengo Pisterno 328 Camperlengo Piazzola 364 Camperlengo Le Tempe 182 Cancati S. Barbera 478 Cantanaso 500 Carighia L’Arco 275 Carlucci Casale 32 Caruso Ospedale 247 Caruso Ospedale 262 Caruso L’Arco 265 Caruso 485 Casano Ospedale 248 Cascio Chiesa 383 Casella Monistero 130 Cassano S. Rocco 148 Cassino S. Lonardo 124 Castronova Le Tempe 173 Catansano Piazzola 369 Chiarito Piazza 209 Chiarito Monistero 135 Chimuto Pagina 17 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Le Tempe 165 Chimuto Le Tempe 179 Chimuto Piazza 213 Cianco Piazza 198 Cigliano L’Arco 276 Cigliano L’Arco 291 Cigliano Lamazza 415 Cigliano 494 Cinghano Le Tempe 176 Colabella Casale 41 Colabella Casale 47 Colabella Le Tempe 166 Colabella Le Tempe 178 Colabella Piazza 208 Colabella L’Arco 274 Colabella Pisterno 306/206 Colabella Pisterno 329 Colabella Piazzola 365 Colabella Casale 93 Conte Casale 106 Conte Casale 107 Conte Le Tempe 169 Conte Piazza 197 Conte Pagina 18 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 205 Conte Piazza 231 Conte Ospedale 247 Conte Piazza 208 Continaso S. Giovanni 241 Continaso Pisterno 310 Continaso Pisterno 346 Continaso terMoniso 141 Contosocca Castello 447 Cuscio Castello 461 Cuscio S. Barbera 466 Cuscio S. Barbera 467 D' Addiego Chiesa 403 D' Addiono Piazzola 376 D' Adduno Pisterno 352 D' Addurio Lamazza 412 D' Addurno Ospedale 260 D' Alesandro Ospedale 259 D' Ambrosio Pisterno 334 D' Aspimonte Pisterno 336 D' Aspimonte Piazzola 372 D' Aspimonte Chiesa 387 D' Aspimonte 217 Pagina 19 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 217 D' Aspimonte Ospedale 248 D' Aspimonte S. Rocco 156 D' Aspimonte 500 D' Effemina 483 D' Elia Castello 450 D' Emma S. Barbera 468 D' Emma Piazza 196 D' Errico S. Lonardo 111 D'adduno Casale 48 D'Alesandro Pisterno 302/202 D'Anzi Le Tempe 170 D'Aquara Ospedale 250 D'Aquara Ospedale 251 D'Aquara L’Arco 290 D'Aquara Piazza 210 D'arretta S. Lonardo 119 De Cesare Monistero 133 De Cesare Le Tempe 170 De Cesare Le Tempe 179 De Cesare Pisterno 301/201 De Cesare Chiesa 395 De Cesare S. Barbera 466 De Cesare Pagina 20 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM S. Barbera 466 De Cesare Casale 96 De Cesare Casale 101 De Cesare Castello 455 De Fratello Piazza 204 De Mario Ospedale 255 De Palma Ospedale 260 De Palma Castello 448 Defino S. Barbera 480 Defino Le Tempe 165 Delesore Casale 46 Delesoro Casale 33 Delgare Castello 441 Delopole Casale 38 Deutici Piazzola 358 Di Crieco Piazza 215 Di Fardo Pisterno 311 Di Giulio Pisterno 313 Di Giulio S. Barbera 465 Di Giulio Ospedale 258 Di Grillo S. Rocco 143 Di Picano Piazza Pisterno 195 317 Di Pierro Di Pierro Pagina 21 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Pisterno 318 Di Pierro Pisterno 323 Di Pierro Chiesa 400 Di Pierro Lamazza 410 Di Pierro Lamazza 416 Di Pierro Castello 443 Di Pierro Ospedale 256 Di Preso L’Arco 291 Di Sabato Pisterno 300/200 Di Santo 487 Di Sauto Chiesa 378 Di Soulo S. Lonardo 110 Di Vito S. Rocco 153 Di Vito S. Barbera 476 Di Vito Casale 42 Diafilomatti Casale 85 Dioppronetti L’Arco 278 Dolcemile Pisterno 323 Dolcemile S. Rocco 157 Donadio Ospedale 252 Donadio Ospedale 252 Donadio Pisterno 333 Donadio Piazza 226 Doti Pagina 22 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 226 Doti Casale 74 Doudria Casale 85 D'Urso Le Tempe 189 Elia L’Arco 278 Elia L’Arco 279 Elia Pisterno 311 Elia Pisterno 318 Elia Pisterno 348 Elia 500 Elia Ospedale 257 Episcopio L’Arco 283 Episcopio Chiesa 394 Episcopio Piazza 194 Errico Piazza 201 Errico Pisterno 332 Errico Le Tempe 176 Esposito S. Giovanni 237 Faghiaganiti Piazzola 376 Ferrandina Casale 52 Ferrante Piazza 204 Ferrante Piazza 205 Ferrante Piazza 232 Ferrante Pagina 23 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM S. Giovanni 238 Ferrante S. Giovanni 239 Ferrante L’Arco 275 Ferrante L’Arco 280 Ferrante L’Arco 282 Ferrante L’Arco 289 Ferrante Pisterno 333 Ferrante Chiesa 392 Ferrante S. Barbera 470 Ferrante Ospedale 245 Fittapoldi Pisterno 343 Fittapoldi Lamazza 409 Fittapoldi Lamazza 415 Fittapoldi Castello 449 Fittapoldi Casale 1 Forgione Casale 18 Forgione Casale 35 Forgione Casale 50 Forgione Casale 65 Forgione Casale 93 Forgione Casale 100 Forgione Casale 102 Forgione Pagina 24 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 102 Forgione S. Lonardo 112 Forgione S. Lonardo 115 Forgione S. Rocco 161 Forgione Piazza 199 Forgione Ospedale 250 Forgione Pisterno 308 Forgione Pisterno 352 Forgione Piazzola 357 Forgione Chiesa 386 Forgione 496 Forgione 498 Forgione Casale 64 Fortuna Le Tempe 190 Fortuna Lamazza 411 Fortuna Lamazza 421 Fortuna Castello 447 Fortuna Le Tempe 181 Francavilla Piazza 228 Francavilla S. Giovanni 242 Francavilla L’Arco 269 Francavilla Lamazza 408 Francavilla Pagina 25 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM 482 Francavilla 483 Francavilla 485 Francavilla L’Arco 280 Franco Pisterno 349 Franco S. Barbera 475 Fuzzi Pisterno 305/205 Gaetano Pisterno 335 Gaetano Castello 458 Gaitano Casale 1 Galante Casale 46 Galante Casale 60 Galante Casale 68 Galante Casale 80 Galante Casale 94 Galante Casale 100 Galante 114 Galante Monistero 138 Galante S. Rocco 146 Galante S. Rocco 150 Galante Le Tempe 191 Galante Piazza 212 Galante Ospedale 258 Galante S. Lonardo Pagina 26 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Ospedale 258 Galante Piazzola 377 Galante Chiesa 378 Galante Chiesa 379 Galante Chiesa 388 Galante Chiesa 390 Galante Casale 9 Galasso Casale 26 Galasso Casale 63 Galasso S. Rocco 163 Galasso Pisterno 354 Galasso Castello 455 Galasso S. Rocco 149 Galgano Casale 109 Galicato S. Lonardo 116 Gallichio Chiesa 385 Galoppo Piazza 228 Galotico S. Lonardo 122 Galtieri S. Lonardo 123 Galtieri Pisterno 304/204 Galtieri Piazzola 362 Galtieri Casale 79 Gammigrillo Pagina 27 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Le Tempe 186 Garanghia 503 Gasperlo Piazzola 372 Geraldi Chiesa 384 Geraldi Lamazza 420 Gerardo Castello 430 Gesualdi Castello 436 Gesualdi S. Rocco 148 Giammatti Casale 58 Giammino Pisterno Le Tempe 307/207 Gianna 487 Giocoli 499 Girghatti 188 Grachi S. Rocco 149 Granci Casale 50 Grassi Casale 66 Grieco Casale 73 Grieco S. Lonardo 118 Grieco Castello 452 Grieco S. Barbera 474 Grieco S. Barbera 475 Grieco S. Barbera 476 Grieco Casale 31 Grippoldi Pagina 28 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 31 Grippoldi Casale 13 Grisaldi Castello 462 Grisaldi Casale 31 Grossi Casale 38 Grossi Casale 75 Grossi S. Lonardo 118 Grossi S. Lonardo 120 Grossi S. Lonardo 121 Grossi S. Giovanni 242 Grossi Pisterno 296 Grossi Pisterno 304/204 Grossi Chiesa 402 Grossi Chiesa 404 Grossi Chiesa 405 Grossi Castello 439 Grossi Castello 456 Grossi Casale 95 Guariglia Piazza 214 Guariglia Ospedale 244 Guariglia Ospedale 261 Guariglia L’Arco 285 Guariglia Pagina 29 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM L’Arco 285 Guariglia L’Arco 292 Guariglia Piazzola 358 Iacavelli Casale 3 Iacavoni Casale 31 Iacavoni 482 Grossi Casale 30 Guariglia Casale 55 Guariglia Casale 70 Guariglia Monistero 131 Iacavoni 492 L’Arco Casale 273 56 488 Iamaro Triunfo Ianillo Idecco Casale 3 L’Arco 272 Itandrea Monistero 132 Izzo Castello 454 La Cava Piazzola 368 La Gualona Piazzola 371 La Gualona Castello 451 La Gualona Ospedale 249 La Guvara Casale 51 La Inivara Inmigrello Pagina 30 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 39 La Padula Piazza 218 La Petina Casale 99 La Pilla Le Tempe 167 La Porchio Le Tempe 173 La Porchio Piazza 224 La Porchio Casale 85 La Porchio Casale 54 La Porchio S. Rocco 155 La Porchio Piazza Piazza 232 233 La Porchio La Porchio Chiesa 384 La Porchio Chiesa 396 La Porchio Castello 453 La Porchio S. Lonardo 110 La Porta Piazza 234 La Porta L’Arco 269 La Porta Pisterno 325 Laino Pisterno 334 Laino Casale 39 Lalingua Pisterno 296 Lapilla Casale 109 Larosa Ospedale 253 Larosa Pagina 31 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Ospedale 253 Larosa Castello 462 Launia S. Barbera 474 Lauria Pisterno 339 Lauria Le Tempe 188 Lauruzano Castello 450 Laviero Monistero 126 Lazazzera Casale 12 Lazzera Casale 67 Leannone Piazza Casale 234 6 Leone Lerillo Monistero 137 Lo Bosco Piazza 192 Lo Bosco Castello 437 Lo Bosco S. Rocco 162 Lo Prato Casale 90 LoCaso Pisterno 297 LoCaso Pisterno 326 LoCaso 500 Lohagua Castello 444 Lombardi S. Barbera 477 Lombardi Ospedale 246 Lombardo Ospedale 253 Lombardo Pagina 32 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Monistero 13 Lorubio Monistero 137 Lorubio Piazza 225 Lorubio Pisterno 312 Lorubio Pisterno 333 Lorubio Pisterno 340 Lorubio Pisterno 351 Lorubio Lamazza 413 Lorubio Castello 432 Lorubio Castello 433 Lorubio Castello 444 Lorubio S. Barbera 469 Lorubio 67 Maffei S. Barbera 468 Magatti Le Tempe 176 Magistro Chiesa 398 Magistro Castello 434 Magistro Castello 442 Magistro Castello 456 Magistro Piazza 213 Magonni S. Rocco 159 Malfeso Monistero 135 Manghise Piazza 193 Manghise Casale Pagina 33 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 194 Manghise Piazza 223 Manghise Ospedale 263 Manghise L’Arco 290 Manghise Piazzola 362 Manghise Piazzola 377 Manghise S. Rocco 144 S. Lonardo 117 Monistero 138 Marrese Casale 60 Marrese Le Tempe 168 Marrese Le Tempe 182 Marrese Ospedale 252 Marrese Ospedale 262 Marrese Pisterno 316 Margiotta 494 Marino L’Arco 277 Marmo Pisterno 336 Marmo Piazzola 365 Marmo Castello 427 Marmo Casale 84 Maronna Castello 442 Maronna Castello 451 Maronna Manghise Marrese Pagina 34 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 16 Marra Casale 18 Mastronardi Casale 34 Mastronardi Casale 37 Mastronardi Casale 40 Mastronardi Casale 59 Mastronardi Casale 91 Mastronardi Casale 106 Mastronardi S. Lonardo 123 Mastronardi Monistero 126 Mastronardi Monistero 129 Mastronardi S. Rocco 152 Mastronardi S. Rocco 154 Mastronardi Piazza 209 Mastronardi S. Giovanni 239 Mastronardi S. Giovanni 241 Mastronardi Ospedale 251 Mastronardi L’Arco 286 Mastronardi Pisterno 314 Mastronardi Pisterno 319 Mastronardi Chiesa 393 Mastronardi Casale 5 Matera Pagina 35 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 5 Matera Casale 11 Matera Casale 14 Matera Casale 30 Matera Casale 51 Matera Casale 53 Matera Casale 73 Matera Casale 82 Matera Casale 84 Matera S. Lonardo 111 Matera Monistero 132 Matera Monistero 135 Matera S. Rocco 160 Matera S. Rocco 162 Matera S. Rocco 164 Matera Le Tempe 169 Matera Le Tempe 174 Matera Le Tempe 183 Matera Le Tempe 191 Matera Piazza 199 Matera Piazza 207 Matera Piazza 222 Matera S. Giovanni 237 Matera Pagina 36 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Giovanni 237 Matera Ospedale 258 Matera L’Arco Matera 279 Pisterno Pisterno 295 337 Matera Matera Pisterno 338 Matera Pisterno 343 Matera Pisterno 353 Matera Pisterno 355 Matera Piazzola 360 Matera Chiesa 380 Matera Chiesa 389 Matera Chiesa 391 Matera Chiesa 399 Matera Lamazza 417 Matera Castello 449 Matorrise Casale 56 Mauriano Pisterno 345 Mazriotti Pisterno 347 Mazriotti Casale 86 Mercadante Le Tempe 189 Mercante 306/206 Mercante 66 Miadonna Pisterno Casale Pagina 37 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Chiesa 386 Miadonna Chiesa 402 Miadonna L’Arco 284 Minione L’Arco 274 Molesano Piazza 226 Molterno Castello 431 Montari Casale 13 Montefano Lamazza 406 Montesano Casale 41 Mormando Casale 43 Mormando Casale 55 Mormando Casale 59 Mormando Casale 62 Mormando Casale 77 Mormando Casale 81 Mormando Casale 98 Mormando Casale 107 Mormando Casale 108 Mormando S. Lonardo 113 Mormando S. Lonardo 124 Mormando S. Lonardo 125 Mormando Monistero 129 Mormando Pagina 38 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Le Tempe 177 Mormando Le Tempe 190 Mormando Piazza 195 Mormando Piazza 201 Mormando Piazza 217 Mormando Piazza 235 Mormando Ospedale 245 Mormando L’Arco 267 Mormando L’Arco 272 Mormando Pisterno 295 Mormando Pisterno 297 Mormando Pisterno 298 Mormando Pisterno 341 Mormando Pisterno 342 Mormando Piazzola 361 Mormando Piazzola 366 Mormando Piazzola 367 Mormando Chiesa 392 Mormando Chiesa 397 Mormando Lamazza 407 Mormando Castello 445 Mormando Castello Castello 446 453 Mormando Mormando Pagina 39 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Castello 457 Mormando Castello 458 Mormando Castello 459 Mormando S. Barbera 464 Mormando Pisterno 331 Muzio Casale 74 Nardaudria 486 Nardaudria Piazza 214 Navazio Casale 96 Nigro Monistero 133 Nigro S. Rocco 151 Nigro Piazza 221 Nigro Le Tempe 175 Onorati Lamazza 418 Onorati Casale 17 Paduano Casale 47 Paduano Casale 83 Paduano Casale 87 Paduano Casale 88 Paduano Le Tempe 187 Paduano Piazza 198 Paduano Piazza Piazza 202 230 Paduano Paduano Pagina 40 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 230 Paduano S. Giovanni 238 Paduano Ospedale 256 Paduano Ospedale 259 Paduano Ospedale 263 Paduano Pisterno 339 Paduano 491 Padula Casale 21 Palidoro Casale 99 Palumbo Le Tempe 182 Paone Pisterno 330 Parisi Pisterno 299 Parziale Pisterno 313 Parziale Casale 102 Parziale Monistero 127 Parziale S. Rocco 145 Parziale Chiesa 397 Parziale S. Barbera 471 Parziale Piazza 218 Parzialo Le Tempe 185 Parzillo Pisterno 354 Pascanello Lamazza 413 Pascanello Castello 437 Pascanello Pagina 41 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM S. Barbera 465 Pascanello 490 Pascanello Casale 24 Pascarella Casale 25 Pashini S. Rocco 148 Passarelli Pisterno 308 Passicano Ospedale 259 Patrocolo Monistero 126 Patuisa Pisterno 324 Patuisa Castello 454 Pefighetti 496 Peloso Casale 24 Pepe Lamazza 412 Pepe Casale 6 Petrocelli 495 Pietro L’Arco 279 Pignataro Pisterno 302/202 Pignataro Pisterno 328 Pignataro Chiesa 381 Pignataro Chiesa 387 Pignataro Chiesa 388 Pignataro Ospedale 265 Pirretti Piazza 231 Pitrelli Pagina 42 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 231 Pitrelli Casale 97 Pitrello Casale 32 Piziole Piazza 233 Plati L’Arco 275 Plati Chiesa 392 Polidoro Chiesa 403 Potenza Casale 23 Pugliese Casale 66 Quaranta Le Tempe 171 Ragone Le Tempe 189 Ragone Piazza 196 Ragone Pisterno 326 Ragone Piazzola 369 Ragone Chiesa 388 Ragone Chiesa 393 Ragone Castello 445 Ragone 488 Ragone Piazza 221 Ranculli S. Rocco 155 Ricardone Casale 2 Rigirone Casale 31 Rigirone Casale 38 Rigirone 486 Rigirorca Pagina 43 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM 486 Rigirorca 487 Rigirorca 489 Rigirorca Casale 10 Rinaldi Casale 14 Rinaldi Casale 19 Rinaldi Casale 21 Rinaldi Casale 24 Rinaldi Casale 29 Rinaldi Casale 33 Rinaldi Casale 36 Rinaldi Casale 49 Rinaldi Casale 51 Rinaldi Casale 52 Rinaldi Casale 57 Rinaldi Casale 58 Rinaldi Casale Casale Casale 77 92 108 Rinaldi Rinaldi Rinaldi S. Lonardo 119 Rinaldi S. Lonardo 125 Rinaldi Monistero 128 Rinaldi Monistero 139 Rinaldi Pagina 44 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Monistero 139 Rinaldi S. Rocco 150 Rinaldi Le Tempe 171 Rinaldi Piazza 206 Rinaldi Piazza 212 Rinaldi Piazza 219 Rinaldi Piazza 224 Rinaldi Piazza 235 Rinaldi L’Arco 265 Rinaldi L’Arco 287 Rinaldi L’Arco 289 Rinaldi Pisterno 294 Rinaldi Pisterno 303/203 Rinaldi Pisterno 309 Rinaldi Pisterno 310 Rinaldi Pisterno 312 Rinaldi Pisterno 321 Rinaldi Pisterno 324 Rinaldi Pisterno 330 Rinaldi Pisterno 356 Rinaldi Piazzola 358 Rinaldi Chiesa 380 Rinaldi Chiesa 381 Rinaldi Pagina 45 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Chiesa 382 Rinaldi Lamazza 409 Rinaldi Castello 424 Rinaldi Castello 425 Rinaldi Castello 426 Rinaldi Castello 428 Rinaldi Castello 452 Rinaldi S. Barbera 472 Rinaldi Casale 95 Rivello Monistero 130 Rivello Monistero 134 Rivello Ospedale 254 Rivello L’Arco 270 Rivello Pisterno 349 Rivello Piazzola 361 Rivello Chiesa 378 Rivello Lamazza 413 Rivello Castello 425 Rivello Castello 461 Rivillise 497 Rizzo Piazzola 370 Rizzo S. Barbera 463 Roberto Casale 83 Roccanova Pagina 46 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Le Tempe 172 Roccanova Piazza 195 Roccanova L’Arco 271 Roccanova Pisterno 345 Roccanova Castello 436 Roccanova Castello 440 Roccanova Castello 441 Roccanova S. Barbera 470 Roccanova Casale 71 Romano S. Lonardo 122 Romano S. Rocco 149 Romano 501 Romano Ospedale 243 Rondinelli Casale 19 Rondinello Le Tempe 180 Rondinello Casale 8 Rubertone Casale 72 Rubertone Casale 80 Rubertone Casale 83 Rubertone Casale 93 Rubertone S. Rocco 161 Rubertone Le Tempe 183 Rubertone Piazza 216 Rubertone Pagina 47 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Piazza 216 Rubertone Piazza 217 Rubertone Piazza 217 Rubertone Pisterno 350 Rubertone Piazzola 367 Rubertone Piazzola 375 Rubertone Castello 440 Rubertone Castello 448 Rubertone Castello 457 Rubertone 4 Ruibertone Casale Pisterno 305/205 Russo Chiesa 404 Russo Castello 243 Russo Castello 427 Russo Casale 75 Sabino Casale 105 Sabino S. Lonardo 120 Sabino L’Arco 288 Salandreso L’Arco 286 Salerno Pisterno 303/203 Salerno Pisterno 325 Salerno Chiesa 404 Salerno Piazzola 368 Salimando Pagina 48 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 43 Santa Lucia Casale 44 Santa Lucia Casale 45 Santa Lucia Casale 70 Santa Lucia Casale 103 Santa Lucia Piazza 192 Santa Lucia Piazza 203 Santa Lucia Pisterno 298 Santa Lucia Castello 437 Santa Lucia S. Barbera 467 Santa Lucia Monistero 483 Santa Lucia Monistero 140 Santucci S. Rocco 158 Santucci S. Rocco 163 Santucci Le Tempe 165 Sarafino Le Tempe 167 Sarafino Casale 11 Sarubbi Casale 86 Sarubbi Monistero 127 Sarubbi S. Rocco 160 Sarubbi Le Tempe 169 Sarubbi Piazza 219 Sarubbi Piazza 236 Sarubbi Pagina 49 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Pisterno 315 Sarubbi Piazzola 362 Sarubbi Chiesa 402 Sassone Casale 7 Scalese Casale 69 Scamone Le Tempe 177 Seccafino Ospedale 243 Sevillo Ospedale 254 Sevillo Pisterno 342 Sillari S. Barbera Pisterno Ospedale 464 294 249 Sillari Silvari Simonetti Casale 26 Simonetti Casale 60 Simonetti Casale 87 Simonetti S. Rocco 159 Simonetti L’Arco 288 Simonetti Piazzola 363 Simonetti Chiesa 401 Simonetti Casale 74 Sinise Pisterno 317 Solimando Castello 459 Solomone Casale 22 Spera Pagina 50 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 23 Spera Casale 102 Spera Le Tempe 185 Spera Ospedale 246 Spera Ospedale 248 Spera Pisterno 313 Spera Pisterno 320 Spera Pisterno 322 Spera Pisterno 346 Spera Piazzola 373 Spera Piazzola 374 Spera Chiesa 395 Spera Chiesa 398 Spera Lamazza 411 Spera Castello 438 Spera 489 Spera Casale 20 Stabile S. Lonardo 122 Stabile L’Arco 287 Stabile L’Arco 292 Stabile Pisterno 322 Stabile Pisterno 340 Stabile Pisterno 350 Stabile Pagina 51 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Pisterno 350 Stabile Piazzola 359 Stabile Piazzola 360 Stabile Casale 91 Taghinanti Piazza 209 Taghinardi S. Lonardo 116 Tamaro Ospedale 264 Tanaco L’Arco 268 Tangardi Piazza 221 Tangiora Pisterno 332 Tanico Lamazza 422 Tanico Castello 423 Tanico Castello 429 Tanico Castello 460 Tanico 484 Tanico Casale 78 Tannico Casale 89 Tannico S. Lonardo 118 Tannico Monistero 139 Tannico Le Tempe 166 Tannico Le Tempe 178 Tannico Le Tempe 184 Tannico Le Tempe 186 Tannico Pagina 52 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Le Tempe 186 Tannico Piazza 236 Tannico Pisterno 327 Tatarulo Casale 91 Tenante Casale 92 Tenante Le Tempe 180 Tezira Castello 430 Tolitico S. Rocco 150 Tomisillo Le Tempe 181 Torraca Lamazza 412 Torraca Lamazza 418 Torraca Lamazza 419 Torraca Castello 428 Torraca L’Arco 280 Triunfo Pisterno 345 Triunfo Casale 64 Trumisillo Casale 52 Tuarco Casale 28 Tuzio Casale 82 Tuzio Piazza 216 Tuzio Pisterno 301/201 Tuzio Pisterno 337 Tuzio Pisterno 343 Tuzio Casale 496 Tuzio Pagina 53 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM Casale 496 Tuzio Casale 498 Tuzio Casale 76 Tuzzi S. Barbera 475 Vaituro 8 Valinato Casale L’Arco 282 Valinato Chiesa 379 Valinato Ospedale 255 Valio Casale 36 Veltre Piazzola 371 Ventri Pisterno 356 Vicarola Chiesa 383 Viccari Pisterno 320 Vicorola Pisterno 348 Vicorola Piazzola 357 Vicorola Casale 27 Viggiano Casale 35 Viggiano S. Lonardo 113 Viggiano S. Lonardo 114 Viggiano S. Lonardo 115 Viggiano Piazza 210 Viggiano S. Giov'ni 240 Viggiano Pagina 54 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM L’Arco 275 Viggiano Pisterno 315 Viggiano Lamazza 414 Viggiano S. Giovanni S. Barbera 240 465 Villone Viltre Casale 65 Vitilli Casale 20 Vito S. Rocco 147 Vitorelli Ospedale 258 Vitorelli Lamazza 410 Vitorelli Piazza 202 Vivento Pisterno 299 Vivento S. Barbera 479 Vivento L’Arco 281 Vivinto L’Arco 288 Vivinto L’Arco 284 Votile S. Rocco 146 Vozri Piazzola 374 Zaccaro Chiesa 390 Zaccaro Casale 67 Zafferase Casale 90 Zafferase S. Rocco 161 Zafferase L’Arco 266 Zafferase Pagina 55 di 56 The Craco Census of 1857 3/10/12 5:22 PM L’Arco 266 Zafferase L’Arco 284 Zafferase Piazzola 370 Zafferase Chiesa 394 Zafferase Castello 433 Zafferase Castello 438 Zafferase S. Barbera 469 Zafferase Monistero 134 Zosangele Click here to return to Genealogy Page 2007 The Craco Society (Inc.). All Rights Reserved. Pagina 56 di 56