In collaboration with World History Academy and
Department of History, Archeology and Art History
Xu Guangqi (1562-1633), a Christian
at the Ming Court
1 - 2 December 2014
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Room NI 110 - via Nirone 15 - Milano
Free and open to the public
Working language: English
Monday 1st December 2014
Morning session - h 9.30
- Welcome greetings
- Introductory remarks on Xu Guangqi and his writings
- Presentation of the Research Project: “Xu Guangqi
and cross-cultural dialogue”
- Discussion
Afternoon session - h 14.30
- Xu Guangqi’s Christian texts
- Authorship problems
- Discussion
Tuesday 2nd December 2014
Morning session - h 9.30
- A Chinese Christian of the Ming period?
- Xu Guangqi and his understanding of the “Great West”
- Discussion
Ulteriori informazioni disponibili online
LI Tiangang, Full professor, Director of the Xu-Ricci Dialogue
Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC
Jean-Paul WIEST, Former Research Director of The Beijing
Center for Chinese Studies, Beijing, PRC
Agostino GIOVAGNOLI, Full professor, Director of the
History Dept. Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy
Thierry MEYNARD, Full Professor of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen
University, Guangzhou, PRC
Gianni CRIVELLER, Sinologist, Italy
Elisa GIUNIPERO, Researcher, History Dept. Università
Cattolica, Milan, Italy
Matteo NICOLINI-ZANI, Sinologist, Italy
Luisa PATERNICÓ, Chinese language Professor, Università
degli Studi Internazionali, Rome, Italy
Chiara PICCININI, Sinologist, Confucius Institute Università
Cattolica, Milan, Italy
REN Xiaomeng, Chinese language Teacher, Confucius
Institute Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy
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INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore