A10 194 Rosa Alcaro English for Business Studies Copyright © MMVI ARACNE editrice S.r.l. www.aracneeditrice.it [email protected] via Raffaele Garofalo, 133 A/B 00173 Roma (06) 93781065 ISBN 978–88–548–0686–3 I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo, sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Non sono assolutamente consentite le fotocopie senza il permesso scritto dell’Editore. I edizione: luglio 2006 I ristampa aggiornata: settembre 2006 C o n t e n t s Introduction.......................................................................................13 Some advice for reading and understanding EAP (English for Academic Purposes) texts.................................................................14 Chapter 1 Business Administration IAS (International Accounting Standards):.............................…16 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions .............................................................................................................19 Vocabulary activity: ………………………………............……...…20 Cloze test………………………………....................………….……21 Writing activity: summary………................……………………..…23 Total Value – Towards the true value of family and privately held firms:………………...............................................................……...24 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching……………................................................................……..31 Vocabulary activity:………………...................................……..….. 33 Cloze test…………….………….....................………….…………..34 Readings: ……………………………….....................……..…...….37 American Accounting Association – European Accounting Association .........................................................................................38 The Family Business Network …………….....................…………..42 KMU-HSG: A University Institute in charge of SMEs ………...….42 Grammar Point: ………………………….…..............................…43 5 Unit 1) Meeting someone for the first time. Articles: the definite article. The indefinite article ………..................................................44 Personal Pronouns. Adjectives: Possessive adjectives pronouns. The possessive case. Demonstratives adjectives and pronouns. Plural nouns. Irregular plurals………………………………….........…..…46 The Present Simple: Verb to be. Verb to have. The imperative…….49 The Present Simple: To work. There is/there are. Wh-questions. The Present Continuous. Spelling. Quantities. Use of some, any, no. Something, anything, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere……………………........................….………51 Exercises:………………………………………………............……58 Presentation of your company ……………………...............………61 Chapter 2 Organisation Theory Decision and Motivation: …………………………….................…64 Reading activities : Comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching …………………………………………………72 Vocabulary activity:…….......................…………………………….74 Cloze test………………………….........................……….…….…..75 The Organization of Work and Human Resources: the different mechanisms governing work contribution: Evaluation, Reward and Mobility/Development:……...….........………………………..77 Reading activities: Comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching…………………..……...............…………...….82 Vocabulary activity:…………………………..............….......….......84 Cloze test………………………….......................………………..…85 Readings: ..........................................................................................89 Organizations studies ………………………………..............…...…90 Grammar point: ...............................................................................93 Unit 2) The Past Simple: Verb To Be. Regular and irregular verbs. The Present Perfect. …………………………….....……………...…94 6 Much, many, a lot of, lots of. Little, a little, few, a few………..........98 The Past Continuous. The Present Perfect Continuous. The Past Perfect. The Past Perfect Continuous…………………....................99 Prepositions. Comparatives and Superlatives. Adverbs. Irregular adjectives and adverbs ……………………………….....…….……105 Exercises: …………………………………………...........…...…...109 Sending a fax : ……………………….............................................114 Chapter 3 Marketing 1) The Central Role of Strategic Marketing Planning in Marketing Management: ………………………..…………...…..116 1.1) Corporate and Division Strategic Planning: …………...…116 2) Business Unit Strategic Planning: ………..............……...…..119 3) Product Planning: …………………….......................…..…... 122 Reading activities: Comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching……............................................……………………..…..124 Vocabulary activity: ………………………………….....................126 Cloze test………………….....................………………………..…127 Creating Brand Equity: ………………………………….............130 Reading activities: Comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching…………………………....................................................135 Vocabulary activity: ……………………….........………………....137 Cloze test………………….................………………………….….138 Managing Holistic Marketing Organisation:………........…..….140 Reading activities: Comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching………………………………............................................147 Vocabulary activity: ……………………............………………….149 Cloze test……………………………….........………………….….150 7 Readings:..........................................................................................153 Three working papers on Marketing: (Abstracts) ………...............154 Microsoft ………………………………………...........…………...156 Grammar Point :…...……………………........……………….….159 Unit 3) Relative Clauses and Pronouns. …………………......…...160 The Simple Future. Will. The Future Continuous. The Future Perfect ……………………………………………………………………...161 Dates…………………………….......………………………..…....163 Exercises: …………………………....................……………….…164 Describing your department ………………………….....................165 A telephone conversation …………………………...........…….…165 Chapter 4 Banking and Finance 1) The ECB: ………………………………...……………………168 2) The strategic intents of the Eurosystem; First strategic intent: ...........................................................................................................169 2.1) Second strategic intent: ………………….................……...170 2.2) 2.2) Third strategic intent: …………………............…….170 2.3) Fourth strategic intent: ………………………...............…..171 3) Organisational principles for the fulfilment of Eurosystem functions by all members of the Eurosystem:…………..……….171 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions ...........................................................................................................173 Grammar activity: ……………….....................…………………...174 Cloze test :……………………….............…………………………175 The Bank of Italy:…………… ……………………......................177 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions ...........................................................................................................181 Cloze test………………………………….............………………..182 The Bank of England: About the Bank……….........................…185 8 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions ...........................................................................................................187 Grammar activity: ……………………………............……………187 Cloze test…………………………………….............…………..…188 The Bank of England: Organisation of the Bank………………191 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions …………...........................................................................................194 Grammar activity: ………………………............…………………194 Cloze test: …………………………........................………………195 Writing activity: summary………………............…………………197 The Federal Reserve System: ……………………………...….…198 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions …………...........................................................................................202 Cloze test……………………….............…………………………..203 Overview of Financial Markets: …………………..................….205 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open question, matching…………………………..……..........................................209 Vocabulary activity: ……………………….................……………210 Cloze test……………………….................………………….…….212 Money Markets versus Capital Markets: …………………..…..214 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching……………………….....................................…………...219 Vocabulary activity: ……………………………………......….…..220 Cloze test……………………………..............…………………….221 An overview on Borsa Italiana Group: …………………..…..…223 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching….....................................…………………………….…..227 Vocabulary activity:……………………………...……………….. 229 Cloze test………………………………..............………………….230 Readings: ........................................................................................233 Two successes of the euro: the single monetary policy and European financial integration ……………………..………………………...234 Economia USA, accelera la locomotiva …………………………...239 9 Translation: The USA economy accelerates the locomotive ….…..241 Grammar Point :…………………………………............……….243 Unit 4): Like + Infinitive or –ing form?…………………..........…244 Modal Verbs. Uses of Modal Verbs. ……………………................244 Exercises………...…………………..................…………………...248 The Passive Form …...............................................………………..249 Exercises:…………………….............................……………….....252 A company profile ………………………………….....………..…254 Chapter 5 Health Care Management Managing the care of health and the cure of disease. Part I: Differentiation..................................................................................256 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching………................................…………………………..…..261 Vocabulary activity: ………………….………………………..…..262 Cloze test……………….…………………………………..………264 Managing the care of health and the cure of disease. Part II: Integration …………...................................................…………....266 Reading activities: comprehension activity: true-false, open questions, matching…............................................………………………...….273 Vocabulary activity: ………………………………................…….274 Cloze test………………………….................……………………..276 Readings: .......................................................................................279 The National Health Service …………………………..........….....280 Grammar Point :……...…………………………................……..285 Unit 5): Conditional Form. …………………….........................….286 Have something done…………………………............................…289 Exercises: …………………………................…………………….289 10 Reported Speech. Question Tags. The Verb to Get. Some common uses of to get …….....................................................……………....291 Clauses of purpose, clauses of reason, clauses of concession, time clauses.............................................................................................. 294 Exercises: …………………………………………................….…296 A model of business letter……………………….......................…..299 Glossary: …………………………………………..……….…….301 Bibliography: ………………………………………....................307 11 12 I n t r o d u z i o n e La conoscenza della lingua inglese costituisce attualmente un requisito essenziale per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro dei giovani. Per questo motivo, gli studenti universitari, per potersi affermare nella loro attività lavorativa futura, devono dimostrare di possedere una formazione adeguata e completa corredata da una solida preparazione linguistica. Questo volume ha l’obiettivo di fornire gli strumenti necessari alla comprensione e alla decodificazione di testi e articoli redatti in lingua inglese che hanno come oggetto la letteratura economico-aziendale contemporanea. Per questa ragione, esso è rivolto a studenti frequentanti corsi di laurea ad indirizzo economico-aziendale con un livello almeno intermedio di conoscenza della lingua inglese. I brani proposti presentano argomenti relativi a discipline di studio prettamente aziendali: economia aziendale, organizzazione aziendale, marketing, banking and finance, health care management. Ogni brano illustra contenuti economico-aziendali proponendone il lessico specialistico. Attraverso una serie di attività come, true-false questions, open questions, matching, vocabulary, cloze tests, gli studenti, dopo aver letto il testo per coglierne i concetti principali (skimming), potranno procedere ad una ricerca di informazioni più specifiche e dettagliate (scanning) al fine di arricchire le loro proprietà lessicali relative allo specifico settore economico-aziendale. Inoltre, i brani e le letture aggiuntive proposte possono essere anche riassunti, nonché costituire argomento di conversazione in aula con il docente. Tale volume si propone dunque come strumento didattico flessibile. Alla fine di ogni capitolo è possibile trovare le unità grammaticali essenziali della lingua inglese corredate da esempi ed esercizi. Unitamente alla progressione grammaticale, le units propongono anche un uso del linguaggio specialistico economico-aziendale con una terminologia specifica presente negli esempi e negli esercizi. Inoltre, un glossario inglese-italiano, che raccoglie termini ed espressioni presenti nei brani proposti, è stato aggiunto alla fine del volume allo scopo di agevolare la comprensione dei contenuti e l’apprendimento di vocaboli riferiti, in particolare, a contesti economico-aziendali. Rosa Alcaro 13 G Some advice for reading and understanding English for Academic Purposes (EAP) texts General comprehension x x Read the whole passage and ask yourself: what is the text about? What are the main points covered in the text? Detailed comprehension + vocabulary search x Read each paragraph. Underline the difficult or unknown words. Find them in a dictionary. x Ask yourself: what’s the key-concept of the paragraph? Underline the sentence(s) mentioning the key-concept(s). x Do not translate the text. Get the meaning of concepts. 14 C h a p t e r B U S I N E S S 1 A D M I N I S T R A T I O N 15 IAS (INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS) The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) is a private technical-professional body, founded in 1973 and reorganized into the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2001, with the aim to promoting convergence of accounting standards used by companies and other economic organizations for company communication beyond natural borders. The IASB is made up of fourteen board members, who are solely responsible for issuing the International Accounting Standards (IAS). The publication of final Standards, Exposure Drafts and their relevant Interpretations (IFRIC interpretations), requires the approval of at least eight of the fourteen IASB board members. The IASB publishes annual report on the activities performed during the previous year in which the priorities for the coming year are announced. This report supplies a basis and an opportunity for the parties concerned to make comments. On April 1st 2001, the IAS were renamed International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The adoption of these accounting standards, provided they ensure a high level of transparency and comparability of the financial information within the Union, will be obligatory for all the companies within the Union whose shares are traded publicly. Since 2005, all listed companies had to compile their consolidated financial statements in accordance with the international accounting standards issued by the IASB. On this point, Parliament and the European Council have adopted European Union Rules (no. 1606/2002) 1) concerning the application of the standards mentioned above and the Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (Italian Accounting Body) was established. The evolution underway with regard to accounting regulations will result in the need for the companies concerned to acquire the necessary knowledge for the correct application of these standards with deep changes in the company accounting systems that provide the necessary data for the preparation of the financial statements. Adapted from: www.iasb.org 16 The first commitment for the Italian financial and insurance sector is the absorption of the Community Directive (no. 2001/65/CEE) which obliges the member states to comply with the IAS 39 on the evaluation of the financial instruments already beginning from the 2004 financial statements. To adopt an International accounting standard to be applied within the Union, this must comply with the basic requirements established by the directives of the Council, 2) its application involves an authentic and fair view of the financial position and performance of a firm. Therefore, the fundamental standard underlying IAS and IFRS is the so-called fair value. 3) In second place, it is necessary that, in agreement with the conclusion of the Council of July 17, 2000, the standard contributes to the European public interest and, finally, complies with the fundamental criteria concerning the quality of information expected for the financial reports the users make use of. A technical accounting committee (Efrag) provides the European Commission in charge with the support and technical consultancy necessary for the valuation of the international accounting standards according to these general guidelines. An adequate and rigorous application system of the new standards is also fundamental to strengthen investor’s trust in the financial markets. Pursuant to article 10 of the treaty, the member states will adopt adequate measures to guarantee their compliance with the international accounting standards. The European Commission will maintain contact with the member states, in particular through the committee of European regulation authorities for real estate values (CAERVM), to establish a common approach concerning the application. The member states of the European Union will be able to defer until 2007 the application of some provisions for those companies whose shares are treated on a public market within the Union and on a regulated market of a third country and which has already applied another set of internationally recognised standards as the main basis for their consolidated accounts as well as for the companies whose securities are treated only on a regulated market. It is considered crucial that, after 2007, a sole set of international accounting standards (IAS) is applied to all the companies within the Union whose shares are treated on a regulated public marked within the Union. 17 The first application of the IAS by companies will be regulated by the new and specific IAS accounting standard called “First Time Application”, in order to guarantee uniformity among the member countries of the Union and the recognition of possible sanctions on an international level. 1) Already in June 2000 the Commission published the announcement “The EU strategy for financial information: the path to follow” in which it is proposed that all the companies within the Union whose shares are traded on a public markets prepare their consolidated accounts in compliance with a sole set of accounting standards, the International Accounting Standards (IAS), by 2005 at the latest. 2) Decision 1999/468/CE of the Council, June 28, 1999, reporting on the methods for the exercising of the execution competences conferred to the Commission and the statement issued by the Commission to the European Parliament on February 5, 2002 on the implementation of the legislation concerning financial services. 3) “Fair Value” (current value or fair value): compensation for the exchange of an asset or paying off a liability, among conscious and willing parties, in an operation among third parties. E.g. for financial instrument the market value, exchange value of the same in active market, is considered the best indicator of fair value. These transactions are always considered as carried out or able to be carried out in “normal market condition”, and not, for example, as forced sales. 18 Reading activities : Comprehension activity: 1) Say whether the following sentences are true or false : 1) The IASB is a Committee responsible for issuing the International Accounting Standards worldwide. 2) The IASB is composed of thirteen members. 3) The IASB does not issue annual reports. 4) IFRS is the new English acronym for IAS. 5) Transparency and comparability of financial information within the European Union have always been compulsory. 6) An international accounting standard that will be adopted by the Union must encompass complete and fair view of the financial position and performance of an enterprise according to the basic principles fixed by the Council. 7) The Efrag is a committee responsible for providing contact among the member states. 8) “First Time Application” will be available before 2007. 1 2 3 4 True False 2) Answer the following questions: 1) What are the IAS? 2) Have the IAS changed their name? 19 5 6 7 8 3) What is their function? 4) What have Parliament and the European Council issued? 5) What do companies have to do in accordance with the European Union rules? 6) What is “fair value”? 7) What is the Efrag’s role? 8) What may happen after 2007? 9) What does the expression “First Time Application” mean? Vocabulary activity: 1) Find words in the text which mean: 1) principle, criteria ……..…………………………...................; 2) to conform ….…………………………….….........................; 3) usage ...……………………………….....................................; 4) monetary assessment, appraisal ………………..........…........; 5) to ensure, rely on ………………………….............................; 6) to postpone, delay ………………………...........…................; 7) to improve, boost …………………………......................…... 2) Find words in the text corresponding to the following definitions: 1) An economic situation in which the price for something is decided by how much there is of it to sell and how many people want to buy it. 20