How traineeships work Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Traineeship ¾ ¾ ¾ It is a highly valuable activity in your Study Programme It is a process that places the student at the centre stage. It provides formal training, new skills and often helps you find a job. A Glossary with Guidelines… ¾ Referent Teacher : it is the person who will first interview the student after submission of the application; the teacher will have to make sure the application has been filled in correctly and sign it. ¾ Advisor: is the personal advisor who will be assigned to the student after submission of the application. He is the one who will undersign the Traineeship project. First Step ¾ Choose an area of interest to start a traineeship by looking at existing offers on the MarketPlace degli Stage portal, the Home Page or the noticeboard for Tirocini del Dipartimento, Take an informative interview with one the TRAINEESHIP Referents ¾ The names of the Referents are listed on the noticeboard of the Tirocini del Dipartimento, ¾ What follows…. You will need to find a hosting institution or company, under the guidance of your advisor and the support of the MarketPlace degli Stage portal visible on the Home page. ¾ Online, at, you will have to fill in a traineeship application, which must be undersigned by the Referent Teacher for Traineeships. You will also have to provide data about the hosting institution together with a short description. ¾ Your application will have to be forwarded to the Ufficio Tirocini, in the periods below: z from January 15th to February 15th. z from April 15tth to May 15 th. z from September 15th to October 15th. ¾ And again…… ¾ Initiate a Traineeship Agreement; If the company you have chosen is not already part of an agreement, they will have to register online at the page and proceed to enter into an agreement. ¾ Wait for the assignment of an ADVISOR, after the terms for filing an application have elapsed, and go to the webpage of the progetto formativo of Tirocinio. This will have to printed and handed in at the Ufficio Tirocini in two copies, at least seven days before your departure. To conclude ¾ Keep your Traineeship Register fully updated throughout the whole period ¾ The Register, together with the Registration Document, may be downloaded from ¾ months from the end of the Traineeship at the Traineeship Office, undersigned by the ADVISOR and the REFERENT of the hosting student.