Documents required to get married in UK Between two Catholics in UK 1 1. Baptismal Certificate/Certificato di Battesimo (Issued within 6 months of the date of the wedding Emesso entro 6 mesi prima del matrimonio) 2. Confirmation Certificate/Certificato di Cresima 3. Statutory Declaration of Freedom (Witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths) 4. Marriage details Form/Istruttoria Matrimoniale (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) 5. Certificate from local Town Hall (Registry Office) Blue Form (Need to bring a proof of ID) Certificato dal Town Hall della zona (Comune) Modello Blu (È necessario presentare una forma di identificazione) There must be no impediment to the marriage: an existing marriage bond or close family or blood relationship. Non ci devono essere impedimenti al matrimonio: matrimonio precedente o consanguineità. NB If you wish your marriage to be registered in Italy, you have to go to the Italian Consulate after the wedding with your original marriage certificate. Between Catholic and Church of England, Greek-Orthodox, etc. For a Catholic 1. Baptismal Certificate/Certificato di Battesimo (Issued within 6 months of the date of the wedding Emesso entro 6 mesi prima del matrimonio) UK 2 2. Confirmation Certificate/Certificato di Cresima 3. Statutory Declaration of Freedom (Witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths) 4. Mixed Religion/Mista Religione (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) This is done by the priest and Permission being obtained from Westminster Chancery Office. The Catholic will be required to sign an undertaking to continue living their own faith and to do all in their power to have children from the marriage baptised and brought up in the Church. 5. Marriage details Form/Istruttoria Matrimoniale (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) 6. Certificate from local Town Hall (Registry Office) Blue Form (Need to bring a proof of ID) Certificato dal Town Hall della zona (Comune) Modello Blu (È necessario presentare una forma di identificazione) There must be no impediment to the marriage: an existing marriage bond or close family or blood relationship. Non ci devono essere impedimenti al matrimonio: matrimonio precedente o consanguineità. NB If you wish your marriage to be registered in Italy, you have to go to the Italian Consulate after the wedding with your original marriage certificate. Between Catholic and Church of England, Greek-Orthodox, etc. For a baptised party of another denomination 1. Baptismal Certificate/Certificato di Battesimo UK 2 (Original is sufficient) 2. Statutory Declaration of Freedom (Witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths) 3. Mixed Religion/Mista Religione (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) This is done by the priest and Permission being obtained from Westminster Chancery Office. The Catholic will be required to sign an undertaking to continue living their own faith and to do all in their power to have children from the marriage baptised and brought up in the Church. 4. Marriage details Form/Istruttoria Matrimoniale (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) 5. Certificate from local Town Hall (Registry Office) Blue Form (Need to bring a proof of ID) Certificato dal Town Hall della zona (Comune) Modello Blu (È necessario presentare una forma di identificazione) There must be no impediment to the marriage: an existing marriage bond or close family or blood relationship. Non ci devono essere impedimenti al matrimonio: matrimonio precedente o consanguineità. NB If you wish your marriage to be registered in Italy, you have to go to the Italian Consulate after the wedding with your original marriage certificate. Between Catholic and un-baptised person (e.g. Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, an unbaptised party etc.) For a Catholic UK 3 1. Baptismal Certificate/Certificato di Battesimo (Issued within 6 months of the date of the wedding Emesso entro 6 mesi prima del matrimonio) 2. Confirmation Certificate/Certificato di Cresima 3. Statutory Declaration of Freedom (Witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths) 4. Disparity of Cult (Form to be completed) This is done by the priest and Dispensation being obtained from Westminster Chancery Office. The Catholic will be required to sign an undertaking to continue living their own faith and to do all in their power to have children from the marriage baptised and brought up in the Church. 5. Marriage details Form/Istruttoria Matrimoniale (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) 6. Certificate from local Town Hall (Registry Office) Blue Form (Need to bring a proof of ID) Certificato dal Town Hall della zona (Comune) Modello Blu (È necessario presentare una forma di identificazione) There must be no impediment to the marriage: an existing marriage bond or close family or blood relationship. Non ci devono essere impedimenti al matrimonio: matrimonio precedente o consanguineità. NB If you wish your marriage to be registered in Italy, you have to go to the Italian Consulate after the wedding with your original marriage certificate. Between Catholic and un-baptised person (e.g. Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, an unbaptised party etc.) For an unbaptised party of another denomination UK 3 1. Statutory Declaration of Freedom (Witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths) 2. Disparity of Cult (Form to be completed) This is done by the priest and Dispensation being obtained from Westminster Chancery Office. The Catholic will be required to sign an undertaking to continue living their own faith and to do all in their power to have children from the marriage baptised and brought up in the Church. 3. Marriage details Form / Istruttoria Matrimoniale (Form to be completed - Modulo da completare) 4. Certificate from local Town Hall (Registry Office) Blue Form (Need to bring a proof of ID) Certificato dal Town Hall della zona (Comune) Modello Blu (È necessario presentare una forma di identificazione) There must be no impediment to the marriage: an existing marriage bond or close family or blood relationship. Non ci devono essere impedimenti al matrimonio: matrimonio precedente o consanguineità. NB If you wish your marriage to be registered in Italy, you have to go to the Italian Consulate after the wedding with your original marriage certificate. Additional matters You are free to choose any florist, any Organist, any Singer you wish, however should you have any difficulties finding one, we can suggest the following: Flowers Mr Peter Bertoncini T 020 8503 0258 M 07885 399 198 (If there are 2 or more couples getting married on the same weekend, they MUST all agree to have the same florist and the same flowers.) Organ and Singer(s) Mr Antonio Pappano M 07973426208 Rice and Confetti Throwing any confetti or rice inside the Church is forbidden. You may do so outside the Church. There will be a cost of £10 pounds for the lady cleaning both steps and street. Cost (As suggested from the Diocese of Westminster) Pre-marriage Course We ask for a donation. If you wish you can ask for a Gift aid declaration form. Weddings We suggest £300 pounds donation. However, the donation is entirely up to you.