MALPENSA OFFICE : NUOVA CARGO CITY CARGO BUILDING E 21010 AEROPORTO MALPENSA VARESE (ITALY) TEL. 02-58583033 FAX. 02-58583230 e-mail: [email protected] PARTITA IVA 04343191005 CODICE FISCALE 03326660150 Malpensa, 9 December 2008 Alla cortese attenzione del Responsabile Export Aereo Oggetto: DIMINUZIONE “FUEL SURCHARGE” Gentile Cliente, Con il presente vi comunichiamo che a partire da Lunedi’ 22 Dicembre 2008 il Fuel Surcharge verrà diminuito di € 0.20 /kg . Si applicherà quindi un Fuel Surcharge di € 0.60 / kg sul peso reale da indicare nel Due Carrier (farà fede la data dell’imbarco della merce e non quella di emissione della LTA). *************************************************************** Attention to Export Airfreight Rep. Subject: “FUEL SURCHARGE” decrease Dear customer, We inform you that the Fuel Surcharge will decrease by € 0.20/kg, effective from Monday 22 nd DEC 2008. Agents should apply a Fuel Surcharge of € 0.60/kg , to be indicated in “due carrier” in the AWB (applicable from departure date and not AWB issue date). Best regards, Korean Air Cargo Italy RUE DES VOYELLES - BATIMENT 3520 – BP 12527 – 95709 ROISSY CDG CEDEX – FRANCE Roissy CDG Airport, 8th December, 2008 F.A.O Air Export Dpt. Object: FUEL SURCHARGE DECREASE Dear Sirs, Please be advised that we will decrease our Fuel surcharge (MYC) Effective as from 22nd December 2008 Fuel Surcharge will be decreased from 0.80 to 0.60 Eur/kg, based on Gross weight. Reference date: departure manifest We thank you for your attention. Faithfully, Korean Air Cargo