bracci doccia shower arms CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10230 cm 10 10230/1 cm 20 10230/2 cm 50 CS NK OR CO satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color 100-200-500 20 1/2" CR cromo chrome 1/2" Braccio doccia quadro attacco a soffitto in ottone Ceiling brass arm for shower-heads CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10225 cm 30 10225/1 cm 35 10225/2 cm 40 CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia quadro in ottone Ceiling brass arm for shower-heads MISURA SIZE 10220 cm 35 10220/2 cm 40 350/400 70 1/2" 20 CODICE CODE 1/2" Braccio quadro doccia in ottone Brass arm for shower-heads CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color bracci doccia shower arms CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10340 cm 10 10340/1 cm 20 10340/2 cm 25 CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia attacco a soffitto in, ottone Ceiling brass arm for shower-heads CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10245 cm 30 10245/1 cm 35 10245/2 cm 40 CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia in ottone Brass arm for shower-heads 300/350/400 MISURA SIZE 10240 Ø 18 cm 30 10240/1 Ø 18 cm 35 10240/2 Ø 18 cm 40 70 1/2" 20 CODICE CODE 1/2" Braccio doccia in ottone Brass arm for shower-heads CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color bracci doccia shower arms CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10300 cm 30 10300/1 cm 35 10300/2 cm 40 CR CS OR CO BR cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome oro gold colore color bronzo bronze Braccio doccia in ottone con rosone stile antico Brass arm for shower-heads with old style flange MISURA SIZE 10250 Ø 18 cm 30 10250/1 Ø 18 cm 35 10250/2 Ø 18 cm 40 CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color 300/350/400 70 1/2" 20 CODICE CODE 1/2" Braccio doccia in ottone con rosone minimalista Brass arm for shower-heads with minimal flange CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10310 cm 35 CR BR NK OR CO cromo chrome bronzo bronze nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia in ottone con attacco 3⁄4” M Brass arm for shower-heads with 3⁄4” M connection bracci doccia shower arms CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10320 cm 30 CR BR NK OR CO cromo chrome bronzo bronze nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia sagomato in ottone Shaped brass arm for shower-heads CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10330 cm 30 CR BR NK OR CO cromo chrome bronzo bronze nichel nickel oro gold colore color Braccio doccia sagomato in ottone con attacco 3⁄4” M Shaped brass arm for shower-heads with 3⁄4” M connection 200 - 300 - 350 CODICE CODE MISURA SIZE 10350/20 cm 20 10350/30 cm 30 10350/35 cm 40 CR cromo chrome Ø 18 1/2" 20 1/2" Braccio doccia in ottone Brass arm for shower-heads CODICE CODE CR CS NK OR CO cromo chrome satinato/cromo matt/chrome nichel nickel oro gold colore color 10370 165 1/2" Ø 56 15 1/2" Braccio doccia in ottone Brass arm for shower-heads