MIGRANTS INTEGRATION PORTAL www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it EXPERIENCES IN THE TERRITORY Initiatives in favour of socio-labour integration of migrants Centra Il Futuro! Guidance to employment and post-diploma education Centra Il Futuro! is the project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo and promoted since November 2013 by the association of Young Muslims of ItalyDivision of Turin, in partnership with the Province of Turin, the Department for Labour, Training and Guidance, the Municipality of Turin, the Councillorship for Integration ad Equal Opportunities Policies, the Social Cooperative ORSO – Centre for Research FIERI. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/centra-il-tuo-futuro.aspx "LIFT": apprenticeships for migrant nationals in the province of Biella Città Studi SpA of Biella is the promoting authority of the project “LIFT”, aimed to the social-employment inclusion of non-EU migrants. ANOLF and Cassa di Risparmio of Biella Foundation are the project partners. LIFT is the project promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and by Italia Lavoro (a company entirely owned by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance) and is financed through the funds from the Revolving fund for Vocational Training and the Access to the European Social Fund. The objective is the activation of apprenticeships in favour of nonEU migrants, with particular reference to the applicants for and the beneficiaries of international protection. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/biella-progetto-lift.aspx S.O.F.I.I.A.2 : support, guidance, training, entrepreneurship for migrants in the sector of agriculture Implemented by the Ministry for Agricultural Policies, S.O.F.I.I.A.2 is the second edition of the project aimed to improve employment and foster the placement in the labour market of young nationals from third Countries committed in agriculture through actions targeted to promote forms of self-entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/sofiia-2.aspx Course for "civil maintenance operators" in Turin The course for "civil maintenance operators" destined to asylum seekers and organised by the training agency Engim Piemonte San Luca of Torino is about to start. Registrations are open. The course begins in February 2014 http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/corso-di-addetto-allamanutenzione-civile.aspx Training course for “salespersons” in Biella Città studi promoted the training course for Salespersons destined to 12 foreign and unemployed young and adults aged over 18. The course was approved and funded by the Province of Biella with ESF funds, and addressed to both women and men (Law 125/91 – Law 903/77). The course began last 18th November 2013, and will finish next 25th June 2014, for a total duration of 600 hours, 240 of which of stages, performed from 13th March to 10th June 2014 in businesses such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, outlets. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/addetto-vendite.aspx ORIENTA-LAVORO: personalised actions and differentiated supporting activities Orienta-Lavoro has been managed since 1st February 2010 by the Orienta Association, including Associazione di Promozione Sociale Nuove Idee, Associazione Arci Comitato Territoriale di Prato, San Martino Società Cooperativa Sociale and Arké Cooperativa Sociale, the latter being the lead partner. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/orienta-lavoro.aspx Diversitalavoro: employment for foreigners, disabled and trans-genders On 28th November, Diversità al Lavoro – a project promoted by People, UNAR (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazione Razziale), Sodalitas Foundation and Adecco Foundation for Equal Opportunities will be implemented. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Diversitalavoro.aspx RE.LA.R. program for preventing undeclared work The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies promotes the Network Services program for the prevention of undeclared work (RE.LA.R.) funded under the ESF PON Governance and system Actions –Ob.1convergence. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Relar-fase-II.aspx Orientation courses and employment “Percorsi di Orientamento e Avviamento a Lavoro” – POAL to promote the employability of migrant citizens in uncomfortable conditions, through employment information services, orientation to work and informal skills enhancement in accordance with the activation of individual custom services. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/PAOL.aspx "Read, Write, Work" "Read, Write, Work" is the title of the project funded by the Region of Abruzzo through the European Social Fund, and dedicated to non-EU migrants in the province of L'Aquila, with the objective of promoting the work placement through a path along 15 months which alternate phases of orientation, training, "matching", until the "work-experience" in accordante with employment in companies in the territory http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Leggo,-Scrivo,-Lavoro.aspx Free-of-charge training course of carpentery Centro Angelo Pescarini Scuola Arti e Mestieri presents the free-of-charge training course in Carpentery structured in 180 hours of classroom/laboratory and 120 hours of internship in local companies. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Corso-saldocarpentiere.aspx Free-of-charge training path in refrigeration techniques Centro Angelo Pescarini Scuola Arti e Mestieri presents the free-of-charge training course in refrigeration techniques. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Frigorista.aspx Free-of-charge course of trimmer and grafter in Puglia Professional Free-of-charge training course of for trimmer–grafter non-EU migrant technician. citizens. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/corso-potatoreinnestatore.aspx LIFT - Lavoro Immigrazione Formazione Tirocini (Work Immigration Training Placements) LIFT: working placement of 25 non-EU migrants through a training course supported with European Social Fund, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/LIFT.aspx Traditional and innovative construction techniques Scuola Edile di Imperia presents an integrated path dealing with construction and recovery techniques in accordance with traditional and innovative procedures. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/tecniche-muratorie.aspx "Roma Include” Project: employability and self-employment for migrant citizens Roma Capitale, in co-operation with Cooperativa Roma Solidarietà – Caritas Formazione Imprenditoriale, present development and integration actions inclusion. Il SOLCO – Città dei Mestieri, CRS Roma e IRFI – Istituto Romano per la “Roma include” project to foster in favour of migrant citizens’ social http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Roma-include.aspx Prossimi al lavoro: re-integrarsi attraverso il lavoro mese Associazione San Marcellino onlus, Cooperativa sociale il Melograno, Associazione Massoero 2000 onlus, Veneranda compagnia di misericordia onlus, Centro sportivo Pala don Bosco, Provincia religiosa San Benedetto Don Orione, Cooperativa sociale la scopa meravigliante, Fondazione San Marcellino onlus sono promotori del progetto “Prossimi al lavoro” in atto dal mese di gennaio 2012 al di settembre 2014. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Prossimi-al-lavoro.aspx Buoni lavoro, 3D instructions by Cinformi Cinformi present a series of 3D videos dedicated to “buoni lavoro”. Cinformi, the immigration information center of the Department of international solidarity and Coexistence of the Autonomous Province of Trento. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/Buoni-lavoro-videoCinformi.aspx L.A.V.O.RO: training courses promoted by Abruzzo Region Associazione Formazione Giovani Piamarta Afgp “Centro Giuseppe Guerrieri” in Roseto degli Abruzzi presents the project “L.A.V.O.R.O. L’Agire Verso Ogni Rotta” aimed at the working placement of 50 non-Community citizens resident in Abruzzo by building professional paths and a better definition of working skills in terms of know-how, capabilities and technical expertises. http://www.integrazionemigranti.gov.it/esperienze-territorio/Lavoro-Formazione/Pagine/LAVORO.aspx