Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
Edited by Marcia B. Hall
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N.B.: The various churches, confraternities, streets, etc. of Rome are indexed individually by name. Non-Roman sites and
organizations are indexed by city. Places named for saints (e.g., churches) are alphabetized by the saint’s name, regardless of
whether it’s preceded by S. (San, -ta, to), Ss. (Santi), or SS. (Santissima, -mo, -mi); but English St. (e.g., St. Peter’s) is treated
as though spelled “Saint.” Figures are indexed by page number, shown in boldface italics.
Abromson, Morton C., 17
Accademia di San Luca, refounded, 267
Ackerman, James S., 16
Acqua Felice, 285
Acqua Vergine aqueduct, restored, 264
Adrian VI, pope, 13, 24, 146, 160–1, 224, 276
disapproved of art, 16
S. Agostino, 62, 63, 86
Emtombment (Michelangelo), 152
facade (Giocomo da Pietrasanta), 69, 69
interior, 71, 71
Isaiah (Raphael), 128
tombs: of Ammanati, Costanza (Mino), 81,
83; of Ammanati, Jacopo, cardinal
(Mino), 81, 82; of Rovere, Girolamo
Basso della (A. Sansovino), 131; of
S. Monica (Isaia da Pisa), 72, 73; of
Sforza, Ascanio (A. Sansovino), 131
Agresti, Livio
Gonzaga Chapel (S. Spirito in Sassia), 223
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252
Sala Regia (Vatican), 228, 262
Alberti, Durante, Madonna della Vallicella
Adored by Angels (Ss. Nereo e Achilleo),
Alberti, Giovanni and Cherubino, 298–300
Ascension of Christ (S. Prassede), Pl. XXXI
S. Giovanni in Laterano, 300
Sala Clementina (Vatican), 300, Pl. XXIX
Alberti, Leone Battista, 6, 7, 52, 56, 58, 60,
61, 62, 92
S. Andrea, Mantua, 118
Alberti, Michele, Baptism of Christ (S. Pietro
in Montorio), 222
Aldobrandini, Pietro, cardinal, 305
edict protecting antiquities, 312
Aldrovandini, Ulisse, guidebook, 205
Alexander VI, pope, 7, 19, 96–100, 107, 119,
134, 184
patronage, 69, 250
portrait, 91
Alexandria, library, 9
Alfonso of Aragon, 62
Altemps, Marco Sittico, cardinal, patronage,
Altoviti, Bindo, patronage, 211, 222
Ammanati, Bartolomeo
De Monte Chapel (S. Pietro in
Montorio), 220
De Monte Palace, 219
Villa Giulia, 217–19; nymphaeum, 217,
Villa Medici, 271–2
S. Andrea della Valle, Grimaldi, Giocomo
della Porta,Volterra, 303
Ss. Andrea e Gregorio, 229
S. Andrea in Via Flaminia, 219
Siciolante, decorations 219
Tibaldi, decorations, 219
Vignola, 219, 303–4
Angelico, Fra
Nicholas V Chapel (Vatican), 9, 15, 59–60,
Ordination of St. Lawrence (Vatican), 59
Ordination of St. Stephen (Vatican), 58, 59,
Orvieto Cathedral, frescoes, 119
St. Lawrence Distributing Alms (Vatican), 59,
S. Angelo in Percheria, 303
S. Anna dei Palafrenieri,Vignola, 304
SS. Annunziata, Annunciation (F. Zuccaro),
Antoniano, Silvio, 277–8, 296, 302
S. Antonio dei Portoghesi, 62, 72
Apollo Belvedere, 98, 112, 156
S. Apollonia, 258
Ss. Apostoli, 46, 60, 229
tomb of Pietro Riario (Bregno), 80–1, 81
Apuleius, 130
Arch of Constantine, 88
Arch of Janus, 285
Aretino, Pietro, attacks on Michelangelo’s
Last Judgment, 196
Arezzo, Pieve (Vasari), 220
Aristotle, 8
Rhetoric, 7
Armenini, Giovanni Battista, advice to
young artists, 165
Arnolfo di Cambio, 42, 65, 68, 73, 92, 99, 100
ciboria: S. Cecilia, 42, 43; Old St. Peter’s,
42; S. Paolo fuori le Mura, 42
effigy of Honorarius IV, 42
head of Charles of Anjou (S. M. in
Aracoeli), 42
tomb of Boniface VIII (Old St. Peter’s),
Assisi, S. Francesco, 33–9, 45
Crucifixion (Cimabue), 34, 34
St. Mark the Evangelist (Cimabue), 33, 34
see also Assisi Master
Assisi Master, Life of St. Francis (Assisi), 35–9
Apparition to Gregory IX, 38
Dream of Innocent III, 38, 39
Funeral and Canonization of St. Francis, 35,
Institution of the Crib at Greccio, 36, 36
Miracle of the Crucifix, 38, 38
Miracle of the Spring, 37, 37–8
St. Francis Preaching before Honorarius III,
39, 40
© Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
Edited by Marcia B. Hall
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S. Atanasio dei Greci, 258, della Porta, 266
Augustine, St., 8
Avignon, 2, 9, 15, 27, 28, 44, 45, 46, 160
Babylonian Captivity, 2, 15, 25, 44–6, 88
Baglione, Giovanni, 287, 294, 296, 308, 314
Life of Constantine (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
S. Balbina, portico, 95
Bandinelli, Baccio
Design for the Tomb of Clement VII
(Providence), 175, 176
at Loreto, 154
statues for Castel Sant’Angelo, 199
Bandini, Pier Antonio, patronage, 277
Barbo, Marco, cardinal, patronage, 95
Barbo, Pietro, see Paul II
Barkan, Leonard, 16
Barnes, Bernadette, 17
Barocci, Federico
Casino of Pius IV, 227
Moses cycle (Villa Belvedere), 227
post-Tridentine style, 232
Visitation (Chiesa Nuova), 290, 291
Baronino di Casale Monferrato, Bartolomeo,
Palazzo Capodiferro–Spada, 211, 212
Baronio Cesare, cardinal, 296, 297, 298, 302
Annales ecclesiastici, 276
Martyrologium romanorum, 270
Ss. Nereo e Achilleo restored, 306
patronage, 231, 270, 276
S. Bartolomeo, 258
Basilica of Maxentius (“Temple of Peace”),
Baths of Diocletian, 229, 304
Battle of Lepanto, 256
Bellarmine, Robert, 296
Belli,Valerio, gem engravings, 204
Belvedere Antinous, 198
Belvedere corridor reconstructed, 198
Belvedere Statue Court, 16, 112
closed to public, 247
entrances walled up, 161
Paul III added statues, 198
Bembo, Pietro, 7
Benedict XI, pope, 44
Bernardino of Siena, St., 8, 85
S. Bernardo alle Terme, stuccos (Mariani),
304, 305
Bernini, Lorenzo, Chigi Chapel (S. M. del
Popolo), 132
Fountain of the Moor (Piazza Navona),
fountains, 273
Bertoja, Jacopo, 236
Entry into Jerusalem (Oratory of the
Gonfalone), 252
Sala d’Ercole (Caprarola), 235
Sala degl’Angeli (Caprarola), 237
Béziers, 45
Biondo, Flavio, 55, 57
Black Death, 3
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Blasi, Luca, organ (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
Blunt, Anthony, 266
Bober, Phyllis, and Ruth Rubinstein, Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture, 20
Boccaccio, Genealogia degli dei, 294
Bologna, 176
Bonaventura, texts for Life of St. Francis
(Assisi), 35
Boniface IV, pope, 42
Boniface VIII, pope, 28, 44, 45
ciborium (Old St. Peter’s), 42
Jubilee of 1300, 27, 40, 42
relief portrait (S. Giovanni in Laterano), 54
tomb, Pl. III
Borgia Apartments (Vatican), 19, 23, 96, 97,
119, 123, Pl.VIII
built as new wing, 60
Borgia, Rodrigo, 64
Borgo, 56, 57
Borgo Leonino, fortifications, 58, 86
Borgo Pio, 228
Borja, Francisco, 251
Borromeo, Carlo, cardinal, 8, 230, 294, 296,
297, 298
chastised Cardinal Gambara, 226
treatise on architectural reform, 226, 252,
276, 277
Borromeo, Federico, cardinal, 305
Borromini, Francesco, drawing of frescoes,
S. Giovanni in Laterano, 46, 47
Bosch, Hieronymus, 220
Bosco, S. Croce, 250
Bosio, Antonio, 276
Botticelli, Sandro
Punishment of Korah (Sistine Chapel), 88,
89, 90, Pl.VI
Temptation of Christ (Sistine Chapel), 88
Bracciolini, Poggio, 60
Bramante, Donato, 6, 15, 16, 107
cordonata, 198
Cortile del Belvedere, 95, 111, 111, 112,
116, 158
drawing of Nicholas V’s plan for restoring
St. Peter’s, 59
facade,Vatican palace, 63, 112, 142
Palazzo dei Tribunali, 132
St. Peter’s, 116–19, 118, 119
Santa Casa di Loreto, 153, 153, 154
spiral staircase, 112
tegurium removed (St. Peter’s), 296
Tempietto, 89, 110, 110, 118
Brandolini, Aurelio, 86, 91–2
Bregno, Andrea, tombs
of Albertoni, Ludovico, 81
of Albret, Louis d’, cardinal (S. M. in
Aracoeli), 76, Fig. 48 79
of Piccolomini (Cathedral, Siena), 108, 109
of Riario, Pietro (Ss. Apostoli), 81, 81
of Rovere, Giovanni Basso della, 80–1
of Roverella, Bartolomeo (S. Clemente),
80, 80
Bril brothers, 25
Bril, Paul
Baptism of St. Clement, Sala di Clementina),
300, Pl. XXIX
Martyrdom of St. Clement (Sala di
Clementina), 300
Broeck, Henrick van den, 288, 293
Brown, Beverly Louise, 17
Brucker, Gene A., 16
Brummer, Hans Henrik, 16
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 3, 4
relief, Baptistry, Florence, 54
Bruno, Giordano, 296
Bruschi, Arnaldo, 16
Caetani, Enrico, cardinal, patronage, 308–9
Calixtus III, pope, 62, 64
Calvo, Marco Fabio, 6
Capitoline Hill (Campdoglio), 1, 5, 258, 286
views: 191; anonymous (Paris), 189, 189;
Michelangelo, 189, 190
Capodiferro, Girolamo, cardinal, patronage,
Capodimonte, Farnese residence, 203
Cappella Clementina (St. Peter’s), 297
mosaics (Roncalli), Pl. XXVIII
Cappella della Madonna della Colonna
(St. Peter’s), and Giacomo della Porta,
Cappella della Madonna della Strada, 290
Cappella del Sacramento (Vatican), 196
Cappella di S. Michele (St. Peter’s), and
Giacomo della Porta, 297
Cappella Gregoriana (St. Peter’s), 193, 286,
290, 295
Giocomo della Porta, 260, 261
mosaics (Muziano, Nebbia), 262
Cappella Paolina (Vatican), 196–7, 262
Conversion of St. Paul (Michelangelo), 196,
Crucifixion of St. Peter (Michelangelo), 196,
Sangallo, A., 196
stained glass (Pastorino da Siena), 196
stuccowork (Perino), 196
Cappella Sistina (S. M. Maggiore), 17, 132,
262, 286, 287, 288, 295
marble veneer imitated, 309
tabernacle of the Sacrament (Torrigiani,
Luca del Duca), 286, Pl. XXIV
tombs of Pius V and Sixtus V, 286
Capponi, Luigi
funerary bust of Andrea Bregno (S. M.
sopra Minerva), 82–3, 84
Miracle of Pope Gregory the Great
(S. Gregorio Magno), 82, 84
reliquary frontal (S. Pietro in Vincoli), 82
tomb for the Bonsi brothers (S. Gregorio
Magno), 82
Caprarola, 227, 232, 233, 233–8
Anticamera del Concilio, Life of Paul III,
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978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
Edited by Marcia B. Hall
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Camera dell’Aurora (T. Zuccaro), 236, 236
Peruzzi, 203–4, 234
Ridolfi, grotesques, 234
Sala d’Amalthea (T. Zuccaro), 235, 235
Sala degl’Angeli (Bertoja, de’ Vecchi,
Raffaellino da Reggio), 237
Sala dei Fasti Farnesiani, 236
Sala del Mappamondo (Vanosino, de’
Vecchi, Raffaellino da Reggio), 237
Sala d’Ercole (Bertoja, F. Zuccaro), 235
Sangallo, A., 203–4, 234
Vignola, 204, 234
Zuccaro, F., 234, 235
Zuccaro,T., 234, 235, 236
Carafa, Oliviero, cardinal, patronage, 95
Caraglio, Gian Jacopo, 162, Loves of the Gods
(Perino, Rosso), 168
Caravaggio, 17
Calling of St. Matthew (S. Luigi dei
Francesi), 314, 315
Caro, Annibale, 186
employed by A. Farnese, 207, 222
programs: Cappella del Pallio, 209; Caprarola, 235, 236; Worship of Ceres (Vasari),
222; zodiacal scenes (Vasari), 222–3
Villa Altoviti, loggia 222
Carpaccio,Vittore, 107
Carracci, Annibale, Galleria (Palazzo
Farnese), 312–14, Pl. XXXII
Cartari, Le immagini de i dei degli antichi, 294
Casale (or Casaletto) of Pius V, 250
Casali, Battista, 12
Casino of Pius IV, 17, 250, Pl. XXIII
antiquities removed, 247
Barocci, 227
Ligorio, 227
Santi di Tito, 227
Zuccaro, F., 227
Cassignola, Giacomo, 251
Castagno, Andrea del, Bibliotheca Graeca
frescoes, 60
Castel Sant’Angelo, 17, 33, 57, 86, 175
Cellini imprisoned in, 204
decoration, 190, 198–200
Sala della Giustizia, 199
Sala di Perseo (Perino), 200
Sala di Psiche (Perino), 200
Sala Paolina (Perino), 199, 200, Pl. XIX;
stufetta, 164
Castiglione, Baldassare, 6
Catacomb of the Giordani, 276
S. Caterina de’ Funari, 230
S. Caterina della Rota, Flight into Egypt
(Muziano), 223, 223
Cati, Pasquale, 290–1
Council of Trent (S. M. in Trastevere), 291
Life of the Virgin (S. M. in Trastevere), 291
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (S. Lorenzo),
291, 292
Presentation of the Council’s Decree to Pius IV
(S. M. in Trastevere), 291
Cavalieri d’Arpino, see Cesari, Giuseppe
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Cavalieri, Giovanni Battista, English Martyrs
cycle (Circignani), 270
Cavallini, Pietro, 32, 34, 35
Annunciation (S. M. in Trastevere), 32, 32
Last Judgment (S. Cecilia), 32, Pl. II
in Naples, 45
S. Cecilia
S. Cecilia (Maderno), 307, 308
ciborium (Arnolfo), 42, 43
Last Judgment (Cavallini), 32, Pl. II
renovated (Giacomo della Porta), 306
Cecilia Metella, see tomb of Cecilia Metella
Cellini, Benvenuto, 171, 222
return after the Sack, 176
work for Paul III, 204
S. Celso (neighborhood), 56
Cesari, Bernardino, Life of Constantine
(S. Giovanni in Laterano), 302
Cesari, Giuseppe, 17, 293, 298
Ascension of Christ (S. Prassede), 302,
Battle between the Romans and the Veii and
Fidenae (Palazzo dei Conservatori), 312,
Cappella Olgiati (S. Prassede), vault, 310
Caravaggio in his shop, 314
cupola mosics (St. Peter’s), 298, 299
nave Clementina (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
302, Pl. XXX
Cesati, Alessandro (il Grechetto), medals
Ganymede, 204
Paul III, 198, 204
Cesi, Federico, cardinal, patronage, 216, 230,
Cesi, Francesco, antique sculpture collection,
205, 212
Cesi, Pier Donato, cardinal, patronage, Chiesa
Nuova, 270
Chapel of Sts. Martin and Sebastian (Vatican),
Charles V, emperor, 164, 187, 204
crowned in Bologna, 176, 198
triumphal entry (1536), 16, 188, 206, 257
Charles of Anjou, 29
head by Arnolfo, 42
Chastel, André, 17
Chermedio (or Chermandio),Tizio, palace
facade frescoes (F. Zuccaro), 235
Chiesa Nuova (S. M. in Vallicella), 21, 307
Longhi, M., and Matteo da Città di
Castello, 270
Visitation (Barocci), 290, 291
S. Chiara, 229
Chigi, Agostino, 12, 22, 128, patronage, 130–
2, 134, 150, 160
Cholet, Jean, cardinal, patronage, 33, 42
Ciampelli, Agostino (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 300
Cicero, 3, 7
Cigoli, Ludovico, St. Jerome Translating the
Bible (S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini), 308,
Crucifixion (Assisi), 34, 34
St. Mark the Evangelist (Assisi), 33, 34
Circignani, Niccolò, 293
English Martyrs series (S.Tommaso di
Canterbury), 270
Martyrdom of St. Agnes (S. Stefano
Rotondo), 269, 269–70
Oratorio del Crocifisso, 272
Circus Maximus obelisk, 281
Clement I, pope, 300
Clement IV, pope, tomb, 28
Clement V, pope, 5, 44, 46
Clement VII, pope, 13, 146, 156, 162–76
incarcerated in Castel S. Angelo, 184, 198
patronage, 16; as cardinal, 149–52, 157
Clement VIII, 296–314
S. Giovanni in Laterano, renovation, 250
patronage, 17, 246, 258, 264
S. Clemente, Crucifixion (Masolino), 51, 51
St. Catherine Debates the Scholars of
Alexandria (Masolino), Pl. IV
tomb of Bartolomeo Roverella (Bregno
and workshop with Dalmata), 80, 80
Cleopatra, 219
Clovio, Giulio
Book of Hours, 209
book of offices, 204
introduced Spranger, 251
Coffin, David, 17
Cola di Rienzo, 1, 5, 33
Collegio Romano, 252, 258, 269
Valeriano, 266
Colocci, Angelo, 6, 7
Colonna family, 2, 30
patrons, S. M. Maggiore, 45
Colonna, Jacopo, cardinal, 31, 49
Colonna, Marcantonio, 257
Colonna, Pietro, cardinal, 49
Colonna, Pompeo, 5, 7
Colonna, Stefano, 5
Colonna,Vittoria, 7, 232
Colosseum, 4, 5, 6, 33, 46
Columella, 218
Column of Marcus Aurelius, 267
St. Paul (T. della Porta, Sormani), 284
Column of Trajan, St. Peter (T. della Porta,
Sormani), 284
Constance, Council of, 46
Constantine, emperor, 286
Constantinople, fall of, 62
Conte, Jacopino del, S. Giovanni Decollato,
Conti, Cesare, 293
Cordier, Nicholas, Angels (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
Cortesi, Paolo, 8, 12
De Cardinalatu, 61
Cortile del Belvedere (Vatican), 16, 158, 249
theater destroyed, 247, 280
see also Bramante, Cortile del Belvedere
Cortile del Pappagallo (Vatican), 41
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978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
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Ss. Cosma e Damiano, 261, 303
Cosmati, 62
Costa, Ottavio, patronage, 314
S. Costanza, 75, 261
Counter-Reformation, 20, 21, 24, 112, 132,
216, 246, 276–7, 302
Battle of Lepanto, 257
Church Militant, 286
cult of martyrs, 270
Florentine reform style, 308
painters at Casino Pius IV, 227
reform of art, 253
triumphalist spirit, 282
Courtright, Nicola, 17
Crespi,Tiberio, 199
Crivellli, casa, facade reliefs, Life of Paul III,
Croce, Baldassare
Oratorio del Crocifisso, 272
Sistine campaigns, 288
Curia, 2, 25, 27, 52, 58, 60, 61, 128, 185
French members, 28
reorganized, 278
Dacos, Nicole, 17
Dalmata, Giovanni, 76, 83
tomb of Bartolomeo Roverella (with
Bregno) (S. Clemente), 80, 80
D’Amico, John, 16
Daniele da Volterra, see Volterra, Daniele da
Dante, 6
Danti, Egnatio, Galleria delle Carte
Geografiche (Vatican), 263–4
Davidson, Bernice, 17
De’ Conti, Sigismondo, patronage, 128
Della Gatta, Bartolomeo, 89
Della Valle, antique sculpture collection,
Del Monte, Francesco Maria, cardinal,
patronage, 314
De Monte, Balduino, bought Palazzo
Branconia dell’Aquila, 219
Dempsey, Charles, 313
D’Este, Ippolito
ordained, 232
patronage, 223
Villa d’Este, 232, 233
D’Estouteville, Guillaume, patronage, 62, 65,
66, 67, 69, 83, 86, 87
De Tolnay, Charles, 16, 17
de’ Vecchi, Giovanni
Caprarola, 237, 293
Gesù cupola decoration, 268
S. Lorenzo in Damaso, 230
post-Tridentine style, 232
St. Helen Orders the Search for the True Cross
(Oratorio del Crocifisso), 272, 273
tondo mosaics (St. Peter’s), 297
DiFederico, Frank, 262
Di Giammaria, Paola, 17
Dolci, Giovannino de’, 88
Ss. Domenico e Sisto, 250
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Domus Aurea (Golden House of Nero), 22,
23, 107, 11, 119
explored by Raphael and Giovanni da
Udine, 142
model for Sala dei Pontifici, 156
Donatello, 4, 5, 52
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (Old
St. Peter’s), 53, 53
tomb of Martin V (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 52, 52
Donation of Constantine, 61, 164
Dosio, Giovanni Antonio, 224
drawing of the Cortile del Belvedere, 111
Duca, Giacomo del, Orto Farnesiani, 272
tomb of Elena Savelli (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 254–5, 255
Duca, Lodovico del, 254
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (S. M.
Maggiore), 286, Pl. XXIV
Dürer, Albrecht, 161
Egidio da Viterbo, 128
El Greco, employed by A. Farnese, 254
Enckevoirt,Wilhelm von, cardinal,
patronage, 161
Ciceronianus, 16
“Julius Excluded from Heaven,” 11–12
Eugenius IV, pope, 2, 52–5, 56, 71, 74
Farnese, Alessandro, cardinal, 188
employees: Caro, 207, 222; El Greco, 254;
Spranger, 251
Il Gesù built by, 230, 251, 251–2, 268, 268,
270, 289
S. Lorenzo in Damaso, 252
made/ordained cardinal, 187, 232
occupied Palazzo della Cancelleria, 203
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252–3, 253
Orto Farnesiani, 272
patronage, 16, 207–9, 227
rival to Francesco Cesi, 212
tomb of Paul III, 193
Farnese Hercules, 202
Farnese, Odoardo, cardinal, patronage, 312
Farnese, Orazio, betrothed to Diane de Valois,
Farnese, Ottavio, 186, 188, 216
Farnese, Pier Luigi, 13, 186, 188, 203, 204
Farnese, Ranuccio, cardinal, 203, 230, 272
bought Ricci villa, 221
Farnese, Ranuccio, duke of Parma, 312
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, patrons,
Ficino, Marsilio, 172
Filarete, Porta Argentea (St. Peter’s), 53, 54‒5,
Flora, 202
Baptistry: Last Judgment, 33; relief
(Brunelleschi), 54
Cappella de’ Principi, 249
S. Lorenzo (Michelangelo), 134, 149, 154,
Ospedale degl’Innocenti, 3
Florence, Council of (Union), 20, 52, 56
gallery, stucco frames, 211
School of, 221
Fontana, Domenico
Cappella Sistina (S. M. Maggiore), 262,
286, 287, Pl. XXIV
Lateran palace, 279, 280
obelisks, 283
S. Susanna, 292
tomb of Nicholas IV (S. M. Maggiore),
275, 275–6, 286
Vatican Library, Salone Sistino, 288–9,
Vatican obelisk, transported, 282, 284
Villa Montalto, 272
Fontana, Giovanni, Palazzo di Sisto V, 298
Fontana, Lavinia, Vision of St. Hyacinth
(S. Sabina), 308, 309
Fontana, Prospero, 189
Palazzo De Monte, decorations, 219
The Seven Hills of Rome (Villa Giulia), 218,
Villa Belvedere, frescoes, 220
Forum, 46
Fountain of Moses, 285
Fouquet, Jean, Portrait of Eugenius IV (S. M.
sopra Minerva), 71
Francese, Mario, 221
Francesco del Borgo, 75–6
Palazzetto Venezia (Palazzo Venezia), 74, 75,
Franciscan Order, recognized, 28
Francis of Assisi, St., 4
Franco, Battista
covered walkway to S. M. in Aracoeli, 203
decorations for Charles V’s entry, 188
difficulty finding work, 206–7
S. Giovanni Decollato, 212
François I, 147, 150, 164, 187
Frascati, developed for villeggiatura, 204,
Ricci sold villa to Ranuccio Farnese, 221
Freedberg, Sydney J., 19, 314
Freiberg, Jack, 17, 264
Friedländer,Walter, 18
Frommel, Christoph, 118
Fugger, Hans Jacob, patronage, 230–2
Fugger, Johann Jacob, 12
Galesino, Pietro, 288
Galli, Jacopo, 99
Gambara, Giovanni Francesco, cardinal,
patronage, 226, 238
Gambi, Lucio, 17
Galleria delle Carte Geografiche (Vatican),
263–4, 265, 287
Danti, 263
Mascarino, architect, 263
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Muziano, 263
Nebbia, 263
Gallonio, Antonio, 276
Genoa, S. Stefano, Stoning of St. Stephen
(Romano), 168, 169
Gentile da Fabriano
Life of St. John the Baptist (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 47, 47, 51, 53
Gentilleschi, Orazio, Apostles, Doctors of the
Church (S. Giovanni in Laterano), 302
Gesù, 21, 230, 270, 307
Assumption of the Virgin (Valeriano,
Pulzone), Pl. XXVI
Circumcision (Muziano), 268, 289, 289
de’ Vecchi (cupola), 268
facade (Giocomo della Porta), 268, 268
plan (Vignola), 251, 251–2
rivaled by S. Andrea della Valle, 303
Gesualdo, Alfonso, cardinal, patronage, 303
Gherardi, Cristofano, 190
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 32, Gates of Paradise
(Baptistry, Florence), 54, 83
Ghirlandaio brothers,Vatican Library, 10
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 23, 88, 107
Gilbert, Creighton, 17
Gilio da Fabriano, Dialogo, 253, 277, 294
Gill, Meredith J., 15
Giacomo da Pietrasanta, facade, S. Agostino,
63, 69
S. Giacomo degli Incurabili
Maderno, 303
Volterra, F. da, 303, 304
S. Giacomo degli Spagnuoli, 62, 72, 156
Giorgione, 150
Giotto, at Naples, 45
career, 42–4
compared to Cavallini, 32, 33
disputed author of St. Francis cycle (Assisi),
37, 38
Navicella (Old St. Peter’s), 42, 45
Stefaneschi altarpiece, 44, 44, 83
Giovanni and Pacio da Firenze, 45
S. Giovanni Decollato, Oratory, 17, 223
Life of St. John the Baptist. 212–13, Pl. XX
S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, 132
foundation stone laid, 222
St. Jerome Building a Monastery (Passignano),
St. Jerome in Prayer (Sant di Tito), 308
St. Jerome Translating the Bible (Cigoli), 308,
Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, 229
S. Giovanni in Laterano, 4, 17, 63, 229, 301–2
Alberti brothers, 300
Angels (Mariani, Cordier), 302
Apostles (Nebbia et al.), 302
Ciampelli, 300
Cosmatesque pavement, 46
Doctors of the Church (Nebbia et al.), 302
Gentile da Fabriano and Pisanello
frescoes, 46, 47
Gregory XIII renovations, 264
© Cambridge University Press
Life of Constantine (Nebbia et al.), 302
nave Clementina, 302, Pl. XXX
organ (Montano), 302
restored, 246, 250
Sacrament altar (Olivieri), 302
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (Targone),
tombs: of Martin V (Donatello), 52, 52;
Savelli, Elena (Duca), 254–5, 255
transept ceiling (Landini), 301, 302
Volterra, F. da, Sacrament Chapel, 264
Giovio, Paolo, employed by A. Farnese, 207
S. Girolamo degli Schiavoni, 285
S. Giusepppe a Capo de Case, 304
Giustiniani, Benedetto, cardinal, 305
Giustiniani,Vincenzo, patronage, 314
Goldthwaite, Richard, 16
Gonzaga family, 186
Gonzaga, Federico, patronage, 170
Gonzaga, Giulio Cesare, cardinal
ordained, 232
patronage, 223
Goritz, Johannes, 72, 161
patronage, 128
Gozzoli, Benozzo, Augustine’s Departure from
Rome to Milan (San Gimignano), 56, 57,
Grandoli, Farnese residence, 203
Great Schism, 15, 25, 46
S. Gregorio Magno
altar relief (Capponi), 82, 84
tomb of Bonsi brothers (Capponi), 82
Gregory XI, pope, 46
Gregory XIII, pope, 197, 228, 253, 254, 258–
68, 295, 297, 302
calendar reform, 262
Deeds of Gregory XIII, 258, 259
S. Giovanni in Laterano, renovation, 250
patronage, 266–7
Sala Regia, 23, 257; completed, 262–3
Gregory XIV, pope, 295–6
Grillo, Angelo, 278
Grimaldi, Fra Francesco, architect, S. Andrea
della Valle, 303
Guerra, Giovanni, Sistus V’s painting
campaigns, 287, 288
designs for cupola mosaics (St. Peter’s),
Guidetti, Guido, Cesi Chapel (S. M.
Maggiore), 231
Hadrian’s Villa, 112, 158, 233
Hall, Marcia B., After Raphael, 19
Harprath, Richard, 17
Hartt, Frederick, 18, 19
Heemskerck, Martin van, Roman sojourn, 24
view of Benediction Loggia, 63, 63
view of Villa Belvedere, 93, 94
Henry II, king of France, 187
Henry IV, king of France, 296
Henry VIII, king of England, 184
Henry of Winchester, guide to Rome, 62
High Renaissance, 20
Honararius III, pope, recognized Franciscan
Order, 28
Horse Tamers (Dioscuri), 189, 190
restored, 286
Hunter, John, 17
Ignatius of Loyola, 251
Inghirami,Tommaso, 12, 13
Innocent III, pope, 28, 84, 88, 93–6
ciboria by Arnolfo, 4
consolidated Lateran palace, 40
erected Vatican palace, 40
mosaics at Old St. Peter’s, S. Paolo fuori le
Mura, 41, 42
Innocent VIII, pope, 93–6
and Villa Belvedere, 6, 15, 19, 60, 111
Innocent IX, pope, 296
Isaac Master, disputed author of St. Francis
cycle (Assisi), 37
Isaia da Pisa, tombs
of Eugenius IV (S. Salvatore in Lauro), 73,
of S. Monica (S. Agostino), 72, 73
Isola Bisentina, Farnese residence, 203
Jacquio, Ponsio 221
Jesuit Order, 25, 185, 251, 253, 266, 268, 289,
290, 304
Casa Professa, 252
missionaries against Protestants, 269
see also Gesù
Jubilee of 1300, 27, 40, 42
Jubilee of 1475, 86
Jubilee of 1550, 189
Jubilee of 1575, 260, 264, 266
Jubilee of 1585, 278
Jubilee of 1600, 296, 304, 306, 312
Julius II, pope, 5, 11, 12, 15, 60, 92, 107–32,
133, 134, 184, 267
patronage: as cardinal, 76, 87–8, 92, 98, 119;
Santa Casa di Loreto, 153
renewing Roman Empire, 15, 19, 24
tomb, see Michelangelo, tombs: Julius II
Julius III, pope, 211, 216–20
patronage, 16, 184, 189
Julius Caesar, 6
Keller, Rolf E., 17
Kent, Dale, 16
Kent,William, 16
Labacco, Antonio, built model of St. Peter’s,
191, 193
Ladislau of Naples, plundered Rome, 46
Lafréry, Antonio
Holy Year Pilgrimage to the Seven Churches of
Rome, 264, 266
view of Palazzo Farnese cortile, after
Michelangelo, 201
Lagraulas, Jean de Bilhères, cardinal,
patronage, 99
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Landini,Taddeo, 264
Fontana delle Tartarughe (Piazza Mattei),
272, 274
Palazzo di Sisto V, 298
transept ceiling (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
301, 301
Laocoon, 112, 116
Parmigianino drawing of, 166
Lateran Baptistry, restored, 264, 300
Lateran complex, 28–9, 44, 52; see also Santa
Lateran palace, 17
consolidated by Innocent III, 40
rebuilt (D. Fontana), 279, 280
see also Sancta Sanctorum
Laureti,Tommaso, Sala dei Capitani (Palazzo
dei Conservatori), 294, 295, 312
Lecce, Matteo da, Oratory of the Gonfalone,
Leo X, pope 13, 112, 128, 132–54, 160, 161,
162, 168, 184, 191
awarded brother citizenship, 16, 160
Leonardo da Vinci, in Rome, 147
John the Baptist (Paris), 147, 148
Madonna and Child with St. Anne (Paris),
Mona Lisa (Paris), 147, 148
oil mural experiment, 173
sfumato, 22, 149
Leto, Giulio Pomponio, 5, 7, 62, 184
Lewine, Milton, 270
Ligorio, Pirro
Casino of Pius IV, 227, Pl. XXIII
S. Giovanni Decollato, 212
Loggia delle Cosmografie (Vatican palace),
S. Maria sopra Minerva, 250
Palazzetto of Pius IV, 228
Sala Regia, 228
St. Peter’s, 224
tomb of Paul IV (S. M. sopra Minerva),
Torre Pia (Vatican), 247
Villa d’Este (Tivoli), 233
Lilio, Andrea, 293
Lippi, Filippino, Carafa Chapel (S. M. sopra
Minerva), 19, 95, 95–6
Livorno, S. Caterina (Vasari), 249
Livy, 294, 312
Loggia delle Cartografie (Vatican palace), 17,
Loggia delle Cosmografie (Vatican palace),
loggia of Cardinal Bibbiena (Vatican palace),
23, 142, 143, 163 Fig. 98
Loggia of Leo X (Logge) (Vatican palace), 17,
23, 142, 143, 144, 145, 158, 163, 198,
Pls. XV, XVI
Volterra, D. da, landscapes, 219
Longhi, Martino the Elder
Altemps Chapel (S. M. in Trastevere), 290
Cappella Olgiati, 309
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Chiesa Nuova, 270
Palazzo del Senatore, towers, 266
Longhi, Silla, 264, 302, 312
Lorenzetto, 204
decorations for Charles V’s entry, 188
Jonah (S. M. del Popolo), 131
St. Peter (Ponte S. Angelo), 204
Sangallo commissioned, 205
S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura, 61
S. Lorenzo in Damaso, 95
Cavalieri d’Arpino [G. Cesari], 230
Coronation of the Virgin with Sts. Lawrence,
Damasus, Peter and Paul (F. Zuccaro),
230, 230, 252
de’ Vecchi, 230
Pomerancio, 230
S. Lorenzo in Panisperna, 230
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (Cati), 291, 292
Loreto, Santa Casa (Holy House), 152–4, 153
Adoration of the Shepherds (A. Sansovino),
153–4, 154
Lucan, 1
Lucian, 130
S. Luigi dei Francesi, 62
Calling of St. Matthew (Caravaggio), 314,
Lupa Capitolina (she-wolf), 27, 189
Luther, Martin, 13, 133, 164, 175, 276; see also
Macioce, Stefania, 17
Maderno, Carlo
S. Cecilia (S. Cecilia), 307, 308
palazzi, 311
S. Susanna, 305
Madonna dei Monti, 270, 271, 290, 307
Madonna, Maria Luisa, 17
Maffei, Mario, 158
Magi, Giovanni, Stellar Plan of Sistine Rome,
282, 283
Magliana, hunting lodge, 93, 203
Mander, Karel van, 251
Manetti, Giannozzo, 56, 60
Manetti, Latino Giovenale, 188
Manilii, house of, 63
Mantegna, Andrea, Camera degli Sposi
(Mantua), 23
Villa Belvedere, 6, 15, 19, 23
Mantua, Palazzo Te (Romano), 170
S. Marcello al Corso
Crucifixion Chapel (Perino), 214
Frangipane Chapel (T. Zuccaro), 224–5,
Life of the Virgin (Salviati), 231, 231
Marcellus II, pope, 185, 224
S. Marco, 6, 62
portico, 74, 76
Marcus Aurelius, equestrian statue, 27, 189
Margaret of Austria, 186
S. Maria ad Martyres, 303
S. Maria degli Angeli, Michelangelo, 229,
229, 246, 249, 250
S. Maria dei Monti, see Madonna dei Monti
S. Maria dell’Anima, 62, 72
Life of the Virgin (Siciolante), 231–2
Madonna with Saints (Romano), 168, 170
Resurrection of Christ (Salviati), 213, 213–14
tombs: Adrian VI (Peruzzi), 273; JülichKleve, Karl Friedrich von (Riviera,
Pippo), 273, 274
S. Maria della Consolazione, Passion of Christ
(T. Zuccaro), 211
S. Maria della Pace, 95
Cesi Chapel, 170, 216, 217
cloister (Bramante), 94, 95
Resurrection of Christ (Sebastiano), 176
S. Maria della Scala, 304
S. Maria della Strada, 251
S. Maria dell’Orto
Life of the Virgin (T. Zuccaro), 224, 225
Vignola, facade, 224
S. Maria del Popolo, 60, 86
Birth of the Virgin (Sebastiano), 174, 176
Chigi Chapel (Raphael and others), 22,
23, 131, 131–2, 261, Pl. XIV
choir vault (Pinturicchio), 119
Teodoli Chapel (Mazzoni), 255–6, 257
tombs: of Albertoni, Ludovico (Bregno),
81; of Rovere, Giovanni Basso della
(Bregno), 80–1, 92; Rovere, Girolamo
Basso della (A. Sansovino), 131; Sforza,
Ascanio (A. Sansovino), 131
S. Maria Egiziaca, 258
S. Maria in Aracoeli, 28, 33
Arnolfo’s head of Charles of Anjou, 42
Bufalini Chapel (Pinturicchio), 85–6, 87
covered walkway from Palazzo Venezia,
monument to Cardinal Louis d’Albret
(Bregno), 76, 79
S. Maria in Campo Marzio, 260
S. Maria in Monserrato, St. James
(J. Sansovino), 156, 157
S. Maria in Traspontina, 250
S. Maria in Trastevere, 31, 2, 41–2, 53
Altemps Chapel (Cati), 290
Annunciation (Cavallini), 32, 32
S. Maria in Vallicella, see Chiesa Nuova
S. Maria in Via, 304
S. Maria Maggiore, 4, 62, 88, 295
Assumption of the Virgin (Masolino), 48, 49
Assumption of the Virgin (Siciolante), 229
ceiling, 250
choir renovated, 230
Christ Enthroned (Rusuti), 31, 31
ciborium (Mino da Fiesole), 65–8, 66‒7,
Coronation of the Virgin (Torriti), 30, 30–1
focus of Sistine street plan, 282, 283
Founding of S. M. Maggiore (Masolino), 49,
Jerome Removing a Thorn from the Lion’s Paw
(Mino da Fiesole), 68, 68
Life of the Virgin, 304
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Martyrdom of St. Catherine (Siciolante), 231,
254, 254
mosaics (fifth-century) restored, 304
restoration, 246, 258
Sforza Chapel (Michelangelo), 229
Sixtus V Chapel, see Cappella Sistina
tombs: of Nicholas IV, 275, 275–6, 286
(Fontana, Sormani); of Sforza cardinals
(della Porta), 229
vault, 69
Mariani, Camillo
Angels (S. Giovanni in Laterano), 302
stuccos (S. Bernardo alle Terme), 304, 305
S. Maria sopra Minerva, 4
Altar of St. Jerome (Mino), 68, 68
Annunciation (A. Romano), 72, 72
Carafa Chapel (Lippi), 19, 95, 95–6; tomb
of Paul IV, see tombs subentry below
facade, 62
frescoes, cubiculum of St. Catherine of
Siena, 72
funerary bust of Andrea Bregno
(Capponi), 82–3, 84
interior, 70, 70, 71
Risen Christ (Michelangelo), 154–6, 155,
tombs: Paul IV (Guglielmo della Porta),
224, 250; of Pucci,Virginia
(anonymous), 255, 256
Marius, 286
S. Marta, 229
Martelli family, patrons, 156
Martial, 160
Martin V, pope, 2, 5, 7, 15, 46–52, 56
restored basilicas, 46–8
tomb (S. Giovanni in Laterano), 52, 52
Martinez, Lauro, 16
Martini, Simone
Life of St. Martin of Tours (Assisi), 45
Redeemer (Avignon), 45, 45
Mascarino, Ottaviano
Galleria delle Carte Geografiche (Vatican),
263–4, 265
Palazzo del Quirinale, 258, 262, 264–6,
295, 296; oval stair, 266, 267
Palazzo Sisto V, 290
S. Salvatore in Lauro, 303
Masolino, 15, 62
Assumption of the Virgin (S. M. Maggiore),
48, 49
Crucifixion (S. Clemente), 51, 51
Founding of S. M. Maggiore (S. M.
Maggiore), 49, 49
St. Catherine Debates the Scholars of
Alexandria (S. Clemente), Pl. IV
Massei, Asdrubale, patronage, 311
Massei, Girolamo, Adoration of the Cross
(Ss. Nereo e Achilleo), 306, 307
Massimo family, 311
Master Gregory, guide to Rome, 62
Master Cosmatus, Sancta Sanctorum (Lateran
complex), 29, Pl. I
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Master IR, print of Paul III as Alexander the
Great, 198
Mateo Giovannetti da Viterbo, at Avignon,
Mattei, Muzio, patronage, 272
Matteo da Città di Castello, Chiesa Nuova,
Matteo da Siena, Martyrdom cycle (S. Stefano
Rotondo), 269
Maturino, 164
killed in Sack, 176
Mausoleum of Augustus, 216
obelisk, 283
Mazzoni, Giulio, 211
Palazzo Capoferrato–Spada, 256
Teodoli Chapel, stuccos (S. M. del
Popolo), 255–6, 257
Medici, Alessandro de’, cardinal, 301, 304
Medici family, 186, 187
Medici, Ferdinando de’, cardinal, patronage,
271, 294
Medici, Giuliano de’, duke of Florence, 149
Leonardo’s patronage, 147
Medici, Giulio de’, cardinal, see Clement VII
Medici, Ippolito de’, cardinal, patron of
Vasari, 206
Medici, Lorenzo de’ (“il Magnifico”), 13,
132, 184
visit to Rome, 62
Meleghino, Jacopo, 188, 196, 198, 203
Melozzo da Forlì, Sixtus IV and His Nephews,
11, 61, 88, Pl.V
Michelangelo, 7, 13, 15, 17, 165
Ancestors of Christ, 120, 122, 123, Pl. X
Bacchus, 98, 98–9
Battle of Cascina, 19
cangiantismo, 148, 150, 175
Capitoline, 189, 190, 191, 229
Captives, 112, 114, 116, 116, 117
cartoons: for Cesi Chapel altarpiece
(Venusti), 216; executed by Pontormo,
Conversion of St. Paul, 196, 197, 220, 226
Creation of Adam, 120, 122, 150
Crucifixion of St. Peter, 116, 196, 197
David, 108
death, 246, 314
Deluge, 121, 122
De Monte Chapel (supervised; S. Pietro in
Montorio), 220
Doni Holy Family, 150
Entombment (London), 20, 152
fortifications of Rome, 188
S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, 229
influenced by mosaic cycles, 32
inhibited development of sculpture, 205
Isaiah, 120, 121
Jonah, 122
Last Judgment, 17, 24, 155, 176, 193–6, 195,
204; “errors” criticized, 226
S. Lorenzo (Florence), 134, 149, 154, 162
S. Maria degli Angeli, 229, 229, 246, 250
Mausoleum of Augustus, plan to
transform, 216
Moses, 12, 112, 113 (in situ), 114, 115, 120
Palazzo de’ Conservatori, facade, 229
Palazzo Farnese, 200‒2, 201–2
Pauline Chapel, 17, 21, 192, 196
Pietà, 99, 99–100; Parmigianino drawing
of, 166
plan for new Jesuit church, 246
Porta Pia, 228, 228, 246
and Raphael: influence on, 146; rivalry, 150
Ricci Chapel (S. Pietro in Montorio), 222
Risen Christ (S. M. sopra Minerva), 154–6,
155, 176
Sacrifice of Noah, 121
St. Peter’s, 192, 194, 247, 250; under Pius
IV, 229
and Sebastiano, 172; drawing for his Raising
of Lazarus, 150, 151; letter from, 176
Sforza Chapel (S. M. Maggiore), 229
Sistine Chapel ceiling, 12, 18, 19, 22, 24,
88, 122, 294, Pls. IX, X; as inspiration to
Carracci, Farnese Palace, 313; as inspiration to G. Cesari, Cappella Olgiati, 310
Sleeping Cupid, 130
Temptation and Expulsion of Adam and Eve,
120, Pl. IX
tombs: Julius II, 12, 108–10, 112, 114–16,
113‒17, 118, 134, 154, 193, 196; Piccolomini (Cathedral, Siena), 108, 110, 116
Victory (Florence), 112, 114
Villa Giulia, 218
Vittoria Colonna, 232
Volterra, D. da, his associate, 210, 215–16
Michele Grechi da Lucca, covered walkway
to S. M. in Aracoeli, 203
Michelozzo, 52, 61
Milvian Bridge, 62, 164
Mino da Fiesole, 15, 92
Assumption of the Virgin (S. M. Maggiore),
66, 67
ciborium (S. M. Maggiore), 65, 66, 83
Jerome Removing a Thorn from the Lion’s Paw
(S. M. Maggiore), 68, 68
Last Judgment (Old St. Peter’s), 79–80, 80
Miracle of the Snow (S. M. Maggiore), 66–7,
tombs for Ammanati family (S. Agostino):
Costanza, 81, 83; Jacopo, cardinal, 81, 82
Mitchell, Bonner, 16
Modena, Pellegrino da, 156
Molho, Anthony, 16
Molza, Francesco Maria, employed by
A. Farnese, 207
Montaigne, 258
Montano, Giovanni Battista, organ
(S. Giovanni in Laterano), 302
Monte Giordano, Orsini compound, 46
Montelupo, Raffaello da, at Loreto, 154
decorations for Charles V’s entry, 188
St. Michael (Castel S. Angelo), 199
Montemellino, Francesco, 188
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Montepulciano, Ricci Palace, 220
Morel, Philippe, 294
Mosca, Simone, Cesi Chapel (S. M. della
Pace), 216
Palazzo Farnese, 204
Pozzo di S. Patrizio, Orvieto, 204–5
Moschini, Simone, 264
Motte, Pierre de la, 312
Mula, Marcantonio, cardinal
Casino of Pius IV, 227
Sala Regia, 227–8
Muziano, Girolamo, 17, 293
Cappella Gregoriana, mosaics (St. Peter’s),
260, 262
Circumcision (Gesù), 268, 289, 289
Confraternità dei Bresciani (lost), 254
Flight into Egypt (S. Caterina della Rota),
223, 223
Galleria delle Carte Geografiche (Vatican),
263–4, 265
Gregory XIII’s favorite artist, 254, 267
Villa d’Este, 233
Nagel, Alexander, 20
Nanni di Baccio Bigio
Casale of Pius V, 250
employed by De Monte, Farnese, Ricci,
plans for new Jesuit church, 251
Ricci villa (Villa Medici), 221
Naples, 17, 45
Aragonese Arch, 60, 64, 65
Narbonne, 149–50, 162
Nardini, Stefano, patronage, 87
Nebbia, Cesare, 292–3
Cappella Gregoriana (St. Peter’s), mosaics,
Galleria delle Carte Geografiche (Vatican),
263–4, 265
Life of Constantine (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (S. Susanna), 293,
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252
Sistus V’s painting campaigns, 287, 288
tondi mosaics (St. Peter’s), 297
Ss. Nereo e Achilleo
Adoration of the Cross (Massei), 306, 307
Madonna della Vallicella Adored by Angels
(D. Alberti), 306
St. Domitilla with Sts. Nereus and Achilleus
(Roncalli), 306
Neri, St. Philip, 231, 276, 277, 290, 304
Nero, 1
Nicholas III, pope
restorations, 32; of Sancta Sanctorum,
28–9, 29, 48, Pl. I
tomb, 42
Nicholas IV, pope, 29–30
Nicholas V, pope, 5, 9, 10, 56–62, 64, 68, 74,
86, 87, 107, 110, 117
Cappella del Sacramento, 196
© Cambridge University Press
S. Nicola in Carcere, 305
Nogari, Paris
Life of Constantine (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
Oratorio del Crocifisso, 272
Notre-Dame des Doms, Avignon, Redeemer
(Martini), 45, 45
Nucci, Avanzino, 293
Ospedale di S. Giacomo, 200
Ospedale di S. Spirito, 88, 200
The Funeral of Sixtus IV, 84, 85
Ostia, S. Aurea (Pontelli), 76, 78
Episcopal Palace, Conquest of a Mountain
Fortress (Ripanda), 130, 130
Ostrow, Steven F., 17
Ovid, 130, 158, 219, 312
obelisks, reerected, 282–3
Oberhuber, Konrad, Alexandrine style, 19, 20
Old St. Peter’s, 28, 30, 40–4
apse mosaic, 41, 41
Benediction Loggia, 63, 63, 64, 74
ceiling, 250
Chapel of St. Andrew, 63, 65, 65
ciborium, 42, 83, 85
images reused in New St. Peter’s, 260
Porta Argentea (Filarete), 53–4, 54‒5
portico and mosaics, 46
Stefaneschi altarpiece (Giotto), 44, 44, 83
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (Donatello),
53, 53
tombs: Boniface VIII (Arnolfo di Cambio),
Pl. III; Innocent VIII (Pollaiuolo), 92, 93;
Paul II (Mino da Fiesole), 80, 80; Sixtus
IV (Pollaiuolo), 90, Pl.VII
see also St. Peter’s
Olgiati, Bernardo, treasurer general,
patronage, 309
Olivieri, Pietro Paolo
Adoration of the Magi (S. Pudenziana), 309
S. Andrea della Valle, 303
Andromeda, 312
Apollo and Marsyas, 312
Sacrament altar (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
O’Malley, John, 16
Oratorian Order, 231, 290, 296
Oratorio del Crocifisso, 261, 272
frescoes (Circignani, Croce, Nebbia,
Nogari, Roncalli), 272
St. Helen Orders the Search for the True Cross
(de’ Vecchi), 272, 273
Oratorio del SS. Crocifisso di S. Marcello,
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252–3, 253, 272,
Oratory of S. Filippo Neri, 306
established in Chiesa Nuova, 270
Orfei, Luca, 288
Orsini family, 2, 30
burials, 28
Monte Giordano compound, 46
and tomb of Cecilia Metella, 46
Orsini, Francesco, patronage, 62
Orsini, Latino, cardinal, patronage, 62
Orsini,Vittoria, 232
Orto Farnesiani, 272
Papal Palace, 28
Pozzo di S. Patrizio, 204–5
Pacioli, Luca, On the Divine Proportion, 8
Palazzetto of Pius IV, Ligorio, 228
Palazzetto Venezia, see Palazzo Venezia
Palazzo Albertoni, 271
Palazzo Altemps, 87
Palazzo Altoviti, 222
Worship of Ceres (Vasari), 222
Palazzo Caetani, 210
Palazzo Capizucchi, 271
Palazzo Capodiferro–Spada, 23
Life of Scipio, 211
stuccoes, 211, 212, 256
Palazzo Cardelli, 219
Palazzo Crescenzi, 271
Palazzo dei Conservatori, 56
Battle between the Romans and the Veii and
Fidenae (G. Cesari), 312, 313
Life of Scipio (Sala del Trono), 190
Punic Wars (Ripanda), 124, Pl. XII
Sala dei Capitani (Laureti), 294, 295
Sala delle Aquile, 190
Sala delle Oche, 190
Palazzo dei Senatori, 28, 41
facade (Giacomo della Porta, Rainaldi),
interior (Giocomo della Porta), 266
towers (M. Longhi), 266
Palazzo del Governo Vecchio, 87
Palazzo della Cancelleria (Pontelli?), 64, 76,
78, 95, 210
Cappella del Pallio (Salviati), 208, 208–9
humanists employed by A. Farnese, 207
plays performed, 208
Sala dei Cento Giorni (Vasari), 23, 207,
207, Pl. XVIII
“volta dorata,” 156, 160
Palazzo della Rovere, 87
Palazzo del Quirinale, Mascarino, 258, 262,
264–6, 285, 295, 296, 303
oval stair, 266, 267
Palazzo Farnese, 200–3, 219
courtyard (Giacomo della Porta), 271
Deeds of the Farnese frescoes (Salviati), 187,
187, 202
Galleria (Carracci), 312–14, Pl. XXXII
Michelangelo, 200‒2, 201–2
Porta, Guglielmo della, 203
Sangallo, 201
Triumph of Bacchus (D. da Volterra), 202, 203
Vignola, 203
Palazzo Firenze, 219
Palazzo Giustiniani, Maderno, 311
Palazzo Lancelloti, Maderno, 311
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Palazzo Maffei, 271
Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, 204, 210,
Life of Quintus Fabius Maximus (D. da
Volterra), 210
Perino, 210
Peruzzi, 210
Palazzo Mattei, Alexander the Great cycle
(T. Zuccaro), 211
Palazzo Mattei di Giove, Maderno, 311
Palazzo Mattei di Paganica, 210
Palazzo Ricci–Sacchetti
Life of David (Salviati), 220, 222
Nanni di Baccio Biagio, 220
Palazzo Rucellai (now Ruspoli), Galleria
(Zucchi), 293–4, Pl. XXVII
Palazzo Salviati al Collegio Romano,
Maderno, 311
Palazzo Santacroce, Maderno, 311
Palazzo Sisto V, 295
Fontana, 280, 298
Giocomo della Porta, 298
Landini, 298
Mascarino, 290
Palazzo Spada, see Palazzo Capodiferro–Spada
Palazzo Venezia, 6, 22, 62, 63, 188, 201
architect, 75
built by Paul II, 74
Palazzetto Venezia, 74, 75, 77
as Paul II’s summer residence, 203
Sala Regia, 60
Worship of Ceres (Vasari) (originally Palazzo
Altoviti), 222
Paleotti, Gabrielle, cardinal, Discorso, 253, 276,
277, 278, 291
decried grotteschi, 294
Parma, duchy of, 186, 216
Pantheon, 4, 33, 53, 117, 258, 304
marble revetment, 132, 261
model for Chigi Chapel, 22, 131
Raphael’s tomb, 160
restored, 228
Panvinio, Onofrio, 276
S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane, 304
S. Paolo fuori le Mura, 29, 53
ceiling, 250
frescoes restored, 28
mosaics, 41
Paradinas, Alfonso, 62
Paris, 45
Parmigianino, Francesco, 18, 162, 163, 166–8,
Bufalini Chapel (S. Salvatore in Lauro), 166
drawings, 166; Nymphs Bathing (Uffizi),
166, 168
Sala dei Pontifici, 166
Vision of St. Jerome (London), 176
Partner, Peter, 16
Partridge, Loren, 16, 252
Passignano, Domenico, St. Jerome Building a
Monastery (S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini),
© Cambridge University Press
Pastor, Ludwig von, 16, 281, 312
Pastorino da Siena, stained glass (Cappella
Paolina), 196
Paul, St., 8
Paul II, pope, 5, 6, 10, 11, 59, 62, 74–9, 117
patronage as cardinal, 62, 201
Paul III, pope, 7, 132, 184–204
Cesati medal of, 198, 204
coronation floats, 206
Council of Trent convened by, 13
patronage, 16, 17, 228
tomb (Guglielmo della Porta), 189, 191,
Paul IV, pope, 185, 223, 224–5
ascetic, 16
considered destroying Michelangelo’s Last
Judgment, 196, 224
enforced Roman Inquisition, 13
Penni, Gianfrancesco
as Raphael’s artistic heir, 156
Sala di Costantino, frescoes, 146, 164, 165
Peretti, Camilla, patronage, 292, 293, 304
Pergamon, library, 9
Perino del Vaga, 134, 163, 176
Cappella Paolina, stuccowork, 196
cope for Paul III, 204
Creation of Eve (S. Marcello), 214
designed theatrical sets, 208
Evangelists (S. Marcello), 214
Farnese Casket, designs for, 209, 209
Florence visited, 170
Genoa, Palazzo Doria, 176
Grifoni Chapel frescoes (overpainted)
(S. Marcello), 231
Moses Crossing the Red Sea (Milan), 170
Noli me tangere (SS.Trinità dei Monti), 215
Palazzo Baldassini, 164
Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, 210, 210
Pisa left for Rome, 206
Pucci Chapel (SS.Trinità dei Monti), 215
Raising of Lazarus (SS.Trinità dei Monti),
209, 214, 214
Sala dei Pontifici (Vatican), 156, 160
Sala Paolina (Castel S. Angelo), 199, 200,
202, Pl. XIX
Sala Regia, stuccowork, 197, 199
Spalliera (Sistine Chapel), 204, 205
Stanza della Segnatura, dado frescoes, 204
Story of David (Vatican), 164
Story of Joshua (Vatican), 164, Pl. XVI
Perugino, Pietro
Assumption of the Virgin (Sistine Chapel),
91, 91
Collegio del Cambio (Perugia), 119
Entombment (Williamstown), 171, 171
Giving of the Keys to St. Peter, 88, 89, 89,
Virgin and Child (St. Peter’s), 90–1
Peruzzi, Baldassare, 124, 227
Caprarola, 234
Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, 204, 210,
reconstructed Belvedere corridor, 188
Ricci Palace (Montepulciano), 220
St. Peter’s, 117
secret garden, 198
tomb of Adrian VI (S. M. dell’Anima),
Villa Farnesina, 130
“volta dorata” (Cancelleria), 156
Peruzzi, Sallustro, S. M. in Traspontina, 250
Peter Lombard, Sentences (Sententiae), 12
Petrarch, 1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 44, 45
Petronius, 9
Philo of Alexandria, 10, 11
Piacenza, duchy of, 186, 216
Piazza Colonna, fountain (della Porta), 264
Piazza del Popolo, fountain (della Porta),
Piazza Mattei, 210
Fontana delle Tartarughe, 272, 274
Piazza Navona, fountains (della Porta), 264
Piazza S. Pietro, fountain, 95
Piazza Venezia, 1
Piccolomini, Francesco, cardinal, see Pius III
Piccolomini Library (Siena), see Pinturicchio,
Piccolomini Library
Pienza, 59
cathedral, 63
Piermatteo d’ Amelio, Sistine Chapel ceiling,
Piero della Francesca, 88
Pietrangeli, Carlo, 17
S. Pietro, see Old St. Peter’s; St. Peter’s
S. Pietro in Montorio, 151
Borgherini Chapel (Sebastiano), 173,
De Monte Chapel (Vasari), 220, 221
Ricci Chapel (D. da Volterra), 221
S. Pietro in Vincoli, 12, 88
tomb of Julius II, 112, 113; see also
Michelangelo, tombs: Julius II
Pinelli, Antonio, 17
Pinelli, Domenico, cardinal, patronage, 304
Pino, Marco
Life of Alexander the Great (Castel
S. Angelo), 200
Life of Bacchus (Palazzo Farnese), 202
Resurrection of Christ (Oratory of the
Gonfalone), 252
Pinturicchio, 124
Borgia Apartments, 19, 23, 90, 91; Legend
of St. Catherine. 98, Pl.VIII; Story of Isis
and Osiris, 96, 97
Bufalini Chapel (S. M. in Aracoeli), 85–6,
S. Maria del Popolo, choir vault, 119
Piccolomini Library (Siena), 107, 108, 110,
119, 142
Sistine Chapel, 85
Villa Belvedere, 6, 15
Pio da Carpi, Rodolfo, cardinal
tomb (SS.Trinità dei Monti), 251
villa, garden of antique statuary, 212
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Pippo, Niccolò, 312
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (S. Giovanni
in Laterano), 302
tomb of Karl Friedrich von Jülich-Kleve,
273, 274
Pisa, 46
Pisanello, frescoes (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
46, 47, 51, 53
Lancelot cycle (Mantua), 23
Pius II, pope, 10, 62–74, 107
Pius III, pope, 107, 110
Piccolomini tomb (Cathedral, Siena), 108,
Pius IV, pope, 185, 225–9, 264
bust, 227
S. Giovanni in Laterano, renovations, 250
modifications to Michelangelo’s Last
Judgment, 196
Sala Regia decoration, 198
sold antiquities from Villa Giulia, 219
Pius V, pope, 224–5, 246, 247–51, 253, 296
ascetic, 16
closed Belvedere Statue Court, 112, 247
sold/removed antiquities, 13, 247, 312;
Casino of Pius IV, 227
Platina (Bartolommeo Sacchi), 10, 88, 90
Lives of Jesus Christ and the Popes, 11
Plato, 8
Symposium, 9
Pliny the Younger, 111, 157, 218
Plutarch, 294
Poitiers, 45
Polidoro da Caravaggio, 164, 205, 210
Discovery of the Tomb of Numa Pompilius
(Villa Lante), 160
drawing for Meeting of Janus and Saturn,
160, 161
facade by, F. Zuccaro drawing showing,
165, 166
fled to Naples, 176
Palazzo Baldassini, 164
Palazzo Gaddi facade, 165, 167
Palazzo Milesi facade frescoes, 164–5;
Rubens drawing, 166, 167
Poliziano, Angelo, 132
Pollaiuolo brothers, papal tombs, 15, 19
of Innocent VIII (St. Peter’s), 92, 93
of Sixtus IV (St. Peter’s), 90, Pl.VII
Pomerancio, 230
Ponte Sant’Angelo, 56, 58
St. Peter (Lorenzetto), 204
Ponte Sisto, 86
Pontelli, Baccio, 88
S. Aurea, Ostia, 76, 78
Palazzo della Cancelleria, 76, 78
Pontormo, Jacopo, 18
executed Michelangelo’s cartoons, 150
Porcari conspiracy, 60
Porcari, Stefano, 5
Porta, Giacomo della, 311
S. Atanasio dei Greci, 266
Cappella Gregoriana, 193, 260, 261, 262
© Cambridge University Press
and S. Cecilia renovation, 306
Fontana delle Tartarughe, 272, 274
Gesù, facade, 268, 268
Madonna dei Monti, 270, 271
nave Clementina (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
palazzi, 271; Palazzo dei Senatori, facade,
266, 303; Palazzo di Sisto V, 298
St. Peter’s, 247, 260, 296‒7; dome, 193, 279,
279–80; high altar, 290
Porta, Guglielmo della
Cesi Chapel (S. M. Maggiore), 231
fountains for piazzi, 264
Massimi Chapel, stucco (SS.Trinità dei
Monti), 225
S. Silvestro al Quirinale, designs, 224
tombs: of Paul III, 189, 191, 194; Paul IV
(designs), 224; of Sforza cardinals (S. M.
Maggiore), 229
work for Paul III, 205
Porta Pia, Michelangelo, 228, 228
Porta,Tommaso della, 260
St. Paul (Column of Marcus Aurelius),
St. Peter (Column of Trajan), 284
Porto di Ripetta, 219
post-Tridentine Rome, 232
and Assumption imagery, 277–8
Marian icons, 260
see also Tridentine Rome
Pozzo, Giovanni Battista, 292
S. Prassede, Cappella Olgiati, 308, 309–10
Ascension of Christ (G. Cesari, G. Alberti),
decorated (G. Cesari, F. Zuccaro), 310
Passion of Christ, 304–5
patron (Olgiati) for building (M. Longhi),
S. Prisca, 62, 305
reliquary frontal (Capponi), 82
Prodi, Paolo, 178
Protestantism, 13, 20, 21, 184, 187, 188, 247
attacks on Mary, 260, 290
cult of relics, 272
salvation by faith, 289
Protestant Reformation, 131
Prudentius, 291
Pucci,Virginia, tomb of (S. M. Sopra
Minerva), 255, 256
S. Pudenziana, Cappella Caetani
Adoration of the Magi (Olivieri), 309
vault mosaics (F. Zuccaro, Rossetti), 309;
cf. 311
Volterra, F. da, 309
Pulzone, Scipione, 293
“arte senza tempo,” 308
Assumption of the Virgin (S. Silvestro), 277–8,
288, fig. 198 277
Assumption of the Virgin (Gesù), 290,
studied Fra Bartolomeo, Andrea del Sarto,
Ss. Quattro Coronati, 229
Quednau, Rolf, 17
Quintilian, 13
Institutions of Oratory, 7
Rabelais, François, 188
Raimondi, Marcantonio, 166–8
I modi (Romano), 168, 169
Judgment of Paris (Raphael), 166
Parnassus (Raphael), 123, 125, 127
Rainaldi, Girolamo, facade, Palazzo dei
Senatori, 303
Ranaldi, Federico, 288
Raphael, 13, 15, 17, 107, 116, 119, 130, 222
Assumption of the Virgin, for Chigi Chapel
(S. M. del Popolo), 176
Battle of Ostia, 135, 136, 142, 146
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, 121, 147, 147;
destruction proposed, 224; influenced
G. Cesari (Palazzo dei Conservatori),
Blinding of Elymas, 141
buried in Pantheon, 160
Charge to Peter, 139, 141
chiaroscuro mode of coloring, 174
Chigi Chapel (S. M. del Popolo), 130,
131, 131–2, Pl. XIV
Conversion of Saul, 140, 141
Conversion of the Proconsul, 141, 142
Coronation of Charlemagne, 136, 137
Death of Ananias, 142
Disputa, 123, 124
Entry of Cardinal de’ Medici to Florence, 140
(in border), 142, 146
experiment with oil mural, 173
Expulsion of Heliodorus, 127, 127
Fire in the Borgo, 18, 134–5, 135, 136, 137
Healing the Lame Man, 141, 142
influences: Leonardo, 147, 148; Raphael,
Isaiah (S. Agostino), 128
Judgment of Paris, Raimondi engraving of,
Judgment of Solomon, 124
Jurisprudence, 123
Liberation of Peter, 127, 150, Pl. XIII
loggia of Cardinal Bibbliena, 142, 143, 143
loggia of Leo X, 142, 143, 144, 145,
Pls. XV, XVI
Madonna di Foligno (Vatican), 128, 129, 151
Mass at Bolsena, 126, 126–7
Miraculous Draught of Fishes, 139, 141
Palazzo Branconia dell’Aquila, 211, 219
Parmigianino drawings after, 166
Parnassus, 123–4, Pl. XI; Raimondi
engraving of, 125
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (Paris), 18,
Portrait of Donna Velata (Florence), 147
Portrait of Julius II (London), 11, 16
Portrait of Pope Leo X (Florence), 71, 133,
133, 134
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Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (Florence),
128, 128
Repulse of Attila from Rome by Leo I, 134
rivalry with Michelangelo and Sebastiano,
150, 175
Rosso speaking ill of, 170
Sacrifice at Lystra, 142
St. Paul Preaching at Athens, 141, 141, 142
St. Peter’s, 117, 134
Sala di Costantino, 18, 19, 135, 142, 146–7,
147; influenced Laureti, 294
Sala dei Palfrenieri, frescoes destroyed, 224
School of Athens, 123, 124; cartoon, 24
Sistine Madonna (Dresden), 21, 152
Spasimo di Sicilia (Madrid), 152
Stanza d’Eliodoro, 18, 126–8, 135
Stanza della Segnatura, 12, 18, 23, 123,
123–6; coloring, 148, Pl. XII
Stanza dell’Incendio, 18, 134, 138, 148
Stoning of St. Stephen, 139–41, 140
tapestry cartoons (London), 18, 137–42,
141, 148, 204
Transfiguration (Vatican), 18, 21, 22, 148,
149–52, 175, 220, Pl. XVII
Villa Farnesina, Loggia of Psyche, 218, 313
Villa Madama, 158, 159, 160
Vision of Constantine, 147, 147
Reggia, Raffaellino da
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252
Palazzino Gambara (Villa Lante, Bagnaia),
Sala degl’Angeli (Caprarola), 237
Sala del Mappamondo (Caprarola), 237
Riario, Girolamo, patronage, 87
Riario, Raffaele, 95, 98
patronage, 129–30, 201
vice-chancellor, 156
Ricci, G. B., 293
Life of Constantine (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
Ricci, Giovanni, cardinal, patronage, 220–2
ties to Farnese, 220
Ridolfi, Antenore, Caprarola, grotesques, 234
Riegl, Alois, 18
Riofreddo, Oratory, Christ in Glory, 49–50,
Ripanda, Jacopo, 19, 124
Conquest of a Mountain Fortress (Ostia), 130,
Peace Treaty between the Romans and the
Carthaginians, 124, Pl. XII
Sala dei Capitiani frescoes replaced, 294
Riviera, Edigio della, 264, 312
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (S. Giovanni
in Laterano), 302
tomb of Karl Friedrich von Jülich-Kleve
(S. M. dell’Anima), 273, 274
Rocca, Angelo, 288
Roman Academy, 161
Roman Inquisition, 13, 185, 296
Romano, Antoniazzo, Annunciation (S. M.
sopra Minerva), 72, 72
© Cambridge University Press
Romano, Giulio, 18, 19, 163, 192, 294
architect,Villa Madama, 158, 160
Baptism of Constantine, 164, 165
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, see Raphael
chiaroscuro mode of coloring, 174
Donation of Constantine, 164
I modi, 168, 169
loggia of Leo X, 143
Madonna del gatto (Naples), 168, 169
Madonna with Saints (S. M. dell’Anima),
168, 170
as Raphael’s artistic heir, 156
Sala di Costantino, 146, 147, 164, 165
Stanza d’Eliodoro, 134
Stoning of St. Stephen (Genoa), 168–9
Vision of Constantine, see Raphael
Romano, Luzio, frescoes
Castel S. Angelo, 200
Palazzo dei Conservatori, 189
Romano, Paolo, 76, 86
reliquary for head of St. Andrew (Old
St. Peter’s), 65, 65
Sts. Peter and Paul (now Ponte S. Angelo),
64, 64
Romulus, 1, 188
Roncalli, Christofano, 293
Life of Constantine (S. Giovanni in
Laterano), 302
mosaic decorations, Cappella Clementina
(St. Peter’s), Pl. XXVIII
Oratorio del Crocifisso, 272
St. Domitilla with Sts. Nereus and Achilleus
(Ss. Nereo e Achilleo), 306
Rosselli, Cosimo, 88
Rossellino, Bernardo, reconstruction of Old
St. Peter’s, 15, 59, 117
Rossi, Domenico de, Deeds of Gregory XIII,
258, 259
Rosso Fiorentino, 18, 163, 170–2
Cesi Chapel (S. M. della Pace), 170, 216,
Dead Christ with Angels (Boston), 170,
171–2, 176, fig. 123 170
Death of Cleopatra (Brunswick), 171, 172
Deposition of Christ (D. da Volterra), 215,
Loves of the Gods (Raimondi), 168
Moses and the Daughters of Jethro (Uffizi),
Röttgen, Herwarth, 17, 302, 312
Rovere, Domenico della, cardinal, patronage,
87, 88, 119
Rovere, Giuliano della, cardinal, see Julius II
Rovere, Isabella della, patronage, 304
Rowland, Ingrid D., 15, 16, 20, 25
Rubens, Peter Paul
drawing after Polidoro, Rapes of the Sabines,
166, 167
workshop organization, 134
Rubinstein, Nicolai, 16
Rucellai, Bernardo, 62
Rucellai, Giovanni, Zibaldone, 62
Rucellai, Orazio, patronage, 294
Ruffini, Mario, 199
Rusuti, Filippo
Christ Enthroned (S. M. Maggiore), 31, 31
in France, 44
S. Sabina, 29
apse fresco (T. Zuccaro), 231
Celestial Paradise and Life of St. Hyacinth
(F. Zuccaro), 308
restored, 285
Vision of St. Hyacinth (L. Fontana), 308, 309
Sacchi, Andrea, view of Il Gesù before
renovations, 269
Sack of Rome, 13, 16, 17 163, 164, 175–6,
184, 198, 219
Sistine tapestries stolen, 138
slow recovery after, 214, 205, 210
St. Peter’s, 4, 107, 138, 188
Bramante, 116–19, 118, 119, 191
Cappella Gregoriana (Giocomo della
Porta), 193, 260, 261, 262
cupola mosaics (G. Cesari), 298
dome (Giocomo della Porta), 260, 279, 279
Four Evangelists, tondi (Nebbia, de’Vecchi),
high altar refurbished, 296
Julius III, little progress under, 220
lantern, 295, 296
Ligorio, 224; dismissed by Pius V, 229
Michelangelo, 192, 194, 224, 260
orb (Torrigiani), 296
Paul IV and, 224
pendentives, cupola decorated (Nebbia et
al.), 297, 299
Peruzzi, 191
Pietà (Michelangelo), 99, 99–100
Pius IV and, 194, 229
Sangallo, Antonio da, 117, 118–19, 191;
plan, 192; models, 192, 193
tegurium removed, 296
tomb of Paul III (Guglielmo della Porta),
193, 194
Vignola, 247, 260
see also Old St. Peter’s
Sala di Costantino (Vatican), 17, 142, 146,
147, 156, 164, 165, 173
Gregory XIII and, 262
influenced Laureti, 294
Raphael and, see Raphael, Sala di
work halted, 161
Sala dei Pontifici (Vatican), 156, 160, 163
Sala Paolina (Perino), 202
Sala Regia (Vatican), 23, 197–8, 199, 228,
250, 262, 287
Agresti, 228, 262
Battle of Lepanto (Vasari), 198, 257, 258,
Gregory XIII and, 23, 257; completed,
Pius IV’s campaign, 227–8
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St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (Vasari), 198,
263, 263
Salviati, F., 198, 228
Samacchini, 262
Sangallo, Antonio da, 196
Siciolante, 228, 262
stuccowork: Perino, 197, 199, 209;
Volterra, D. da, 197–8, 205, 228
Zuccaro,T., 228, 262
Salviati, Antonio Maria, cardinal, patronage,
Salviati, Francesco, 23
Birth of the Virgin (S. M. del Popolo),
finished, 174, 176
Birth of the Virgin (S. Marcello), 231, 231
Chigi Chapel, 132
decorations for Charles V’s entry, 188
Deeds of Paul III (Palazzo Farnese), 187,
187, 202
employed by cardinal Giovanni Salviati,
friends: Sbarri, 209;Vasari, 206
Life of David (Palazzo Ricci–Sacchetti),
220, 222
maniera (mannerist) style, 232
Meeting of Janus and Saturn and Beheading of
John the Baptist (Cancelleria), 208, 208–9
Resurrection of Christ (S. M. dell’Anima),
213, 213–14
Sala Regia, 198, 228
Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth
(S. Giovanni Decollato), 212–13, Pl. XX
wax figurines, 24
Samacchini, Orazio, Ricci apartment (Vatican
palace), decorations, 220
Sancta Sanctorum (Lateran complex) (Master
Cosmatus), 33, 34, 48, 61, 89, 280, Pl. I
Cosmati pavement, 29
restored by Nicholas III, 28, 29, 29, 48
Sangallo, Antonio da, the Younger, 186
Cappella Paolina, Sala Regia, Scala Regia,
Caprarola, 234
Castel S. Angelo, fortified, 199
Cesi commission for Rosso, 170, 171
chapel, S. Giocomo degli Spagnolo, 156
decorations for Charles V’s entry,
supervised, 206
and Farnese: palace, 210; summer
residences, 203
fortifications of Rome, 188
St. Peter’s, 117, 118–19, 191; plan, 192;
models, 192, 193
Villa Madama, 157, 158
Sangallo, Aristotile da, designed theater sets,
Sangallo, Francesco da, Loreto, 154
Sansovino, Andrea
Adoration of the Shepherds (Loreto), 153–4,
tombs (A. Sansovino): of Rovere, Girolamo
Basso della, 131; of Sforza, Ascanio, 131
© Cambridge University Press
Sansovino, Jacopo, 192
Madonna and Child (Madonna del Parto)
(S. Agostino), 156
St. James (Florence), 156
St. James (S. M. in Monserrato), 156, 157
Santacroce family, 311
Santi di Tito, Casino of Pius IV, 227
reformed style, 232
St. Jerome in Prayer (S. Giovanni dei
Fiorentini), 308
sarcophagus with eroe (Malibu), 172, 172
Savelli family, 311
and Theater of Marcellus, 46
Savonarola, Girolamo, 8, 20
Sbarri, Manno, and Giovanni Bernardi,
Farnese Casket, 209, 209
Scala Regia (Vatican), Antonio da Sangallo,
196, 197
Scala Santa (Lateran complex), 264, 288
Scipio Africanus, 188
Scorel, Jan van, 161
Sebastiano del Piombo, 130, 147, 148, 172–6
Birth of the Virgin (S. M. del Popolo), 174,
176, 216
chiaroscuro mode of coloring, 148, 152
Chigi Chapel, 132
Death of Adonis (Florence), 150
Flagellation of Christ (S. Pietro in
Montorio), 173, 173–5
and Michelangelo: his protégé, 216; his
surrogate in Rome, 150; prepared wall
for Last Judgment, 196
Pietà (Viterbo), 150
Piombatore, 176
Portrait of Clement VII (Naples), 162, 163
Portrait of Clement VII [with Beard] (Los
Angeles), 163, 163
Raising of Lazarus (London), 22, 149,
149–52, 173, 175
Resurrection of Christ (S. M. della Pace),
rivalry with Raphael, 175
Transfiguration (S. Pietro in Montorio), 173,
Venice sojourn, 176
Visitation (S. M. della Pace), 216
Septimius Severus, emperor, 285
Septizonium, 285
Settis, Salvatore, 16
Sforza, Caterina de’ Nobili, patronage, 304
Sfondrato, Paolo Emilio, cardinal, patronage,
Shearman, John, 16, 19, 22
reconstruction of installation of Sistine
tapestries, 138, 138
Siciolante da Sermoneta, Girolamo, 17
S. Andrea, decorations, 219
Assumption of the Virgin (S. M. Maggiore),
Life of Christ (S. M. della Pace), 216
Life of Scipio (Palazzo Capodiferro), 211
Life of the Virgin (S. M. dell’Anima), 231–2
Martyrdom of St. Catherine (S. M.
Maggiore), 254, 254
reformist spirit, 254
Sala Paolina (Castel S. Angelo), 200
Sala Regia, 228, 262
Siena, Cathedral
Piccolomini Library (Pinturiccio), 107, 108
Piccolomini tomb (Bregno), 108, 109, 110
Signorelli, Luca, 89, Orvieto frescoes, 119,
S. Silvestro al Quirinale
Assumption of the Virgin (Pulzone), 277, 277
plan to rebuild, 224
S. Silvestro in Capite, 304
Singer, Charles, 16
Sirleto, Guglielmo, cardinal, 230, 270
Sistine Chapel (Vatican palace), 107, 138
Assumption of the Virgin (Perugino), 91, 91
Giving of the Keys to St. Peter (Perugino),
88, 89, 89, 140
Punishment of Korah (Botticelli), Pl.VI
Raphael tapestries: designed for, 137;
installation reconstructed, 138
Sixtus IV project, 10, 15, 23, 88–90, 119
spalliera (Perino) to hang below Last
Judgment, 204, 205
see also Michelangelo, Last Judgment;
Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel ceiling
Sixtus II, pope, 60
Sixtus IV, pope, 11, 60, 75, 79–93, 107, 278
bronzes given to the Capitoline, 27, 98
renovations of Rome, 132
tomb (St. Peter’s), 53, 90, Pl.VII
and Vatican Library, 10
see also Sistine Chapel
Sixtus V, pope, 21, 258, 268, 278–89, 296, 302,
Cappella Sistina (S. M. Maggiore), 17, 132,
262, 286, Pl. XXIV
patronage, 16, 17, 228, 238, 267; as cardinal,
272, 275–6
raised obelisks, 13, 282–3
St. Peter’s dome, 260
Vatican Library, 13, 288–9, Pl. XXV
Smith, Graham, 17
Socrates, 8
Sodoma, 130, 215
Sormani, Leonardo, 211, 231
St. Paul (Column of Marcus Aurelius), 284
St. Peter (Column of Trajan), 284
St. Peter and St. Paul (S. Pietro in
Montorio), 222
tomb of Nicholas IV (S. M. Maggiore),
275, 275–6
Spinario, 27
S. Spirito in Sassia, Gonzaga Chapel (Agresti),
Spranger, Bartholomäus
Christ in the Garden, 251
employed by A. Farnese and Pius V
Last Judgment (Bosco), 251
Passion, 251
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978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
Edited by Marcia B. Hall
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Stadium of Domitian, 46
Starn, Randolph, 16
Stati, Cristoforo, 312
Stefaneschi, Bertoldo, cardinal, 32
Stefaneschi, Giocomo, cardinal, patronage,
43, 45–6
S. Stefano Rotondo, 258, 293
Martyr cycle (Circignani, Matteo da Siena,
Tempesta), 269
Martyrdom of St. Agnes, 269, 269–70
Steinberg, Leo, 17
Strada Felice, 282
Strada S. Giovanni, 282
Strada Pia, 286
Subiaco, printing press, 70
Suetonius, 111
S. Susanna, 291–3
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (Nebbia), 293,
new chapel (Fontana), 292
restoration (Maderno), 305
Swiss Guards, Chapel (Vasari), 250
Tacitus, 111
Targone, Pompeo,Tabernacle of the
Sacrament (S. Giovanni in Laterano),
Tempesta, Antonio, 269
Theatine Order, 185, 222, 224, 303
Tibaldi, Pellegrino
S. Andrea, decorations, 219
Family of Darius before Alexander (Castel
S. Angelo), 200
Palazzo Poggi (Bologna), 313
Palazzo Ricci, 221
Villa Belvedere, frescoes, 219
Tino da Camaino, at Naples, 45
Tintoretto, Jacopo, 223, wax figurines, 24
Danaë with Cupid (Naples), 206, 207
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (Venice), 252
Pope Paul III (Naples), 185
Pope Paul III with His Grandsons (Naples),
186, 186
Tolomei, Claudio, employed by A. Farnese,
tomb of Cecilia Metella (Capo di Bove), 46,
S.Tommaso of Canterbury, English Martyrs
cycle (Circignani), 269
Tor de’ Conti, 33
Tor de’ Specchi, Life of S. Francesca Romana,
85, 86
Torquemada Juan de, cardinal, patronage, 70,
71, 72
Torre delle Milizie, 33
Torre Pia (Vatican), chapels (Vasari, Zucchi),
247–9, 261
Torrigiani, Bastiano, 260
orb (St. Peter’s), 296
Tabernacle of the Sacrament (Cappella
Sistina), 284, Pl. XXIV
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Torriti, Jacopo, 32
Coronation of the Virgin (S. M. Maggiore),
30, 30–1
Torso Belvedere, 107
Tower of the Winds (Vatican), 17, 262
Trajan’s Forum, 128
Trent, Council of, 7, 13, 17, 20, 21, 155, 185
architecture, 252
concluded, 225
decree on art, 226, 276
fresco of (Cati), 290
revitalized Church, 246
Tridentine Rome, 305–6
honoring Eucharist, 303
see also post-Tridentine Rome
Trexler, Richard, 16
Tribolo, Niccolò, work at Loreto, 154
SS.Trinità dei Monti
Assumption of the Virgin (D. da Volterra),
216, Pl. XXI
Deposition of Christ (D. da Volterra), 215,
Pucci Chapel (Perino, Zuccari), 215
Raising of Lazarus (Perino), 214, 214
tomb of Rodolfo Pio da Carpi, 251
Trinkaus, Charles, 16
Trophies of Mars (reliefs), 286
Truce of Nice, 198
Truchess, Otto von, cardinal, 231
Turini, Baldassare, patronage, 160
Udine, Giovanni da 22
abandoned Rome, 206
Loggia delle Cosmografie (Vatican palace),
stuccos, 227
loggia of Bibbiena (Vatican), 142, 143
returned after the Sack, 176
Sala dei Pontifici (Vatican), 156
Stufetta (Castel S. Angelo), 164
Villa Madama, 158, 160
Ugonio, Pompeo, 276
Urbino, Ducal Palace, 64, 76
Utrecht, 160, 161
Vacca, Flaminio, collector of antiquities,
Vaga, Perino del, see Perino del Vaga
Valentano, Farnese residence. 203
Valerian, 291
Valeriano, Giuseppe
Assumption of the Virgin (Gesù), 290,
Collegio Romano, 252, 266
Vanosino da Varese, Giovanni Antonio
Loggia delle Cartografie (Vatican palace),
maps, 227
Sala del Mappamondo (Caprarola), maps,
Varro, 218
Vasari, Giorgio
Ananias Healing the Blinded Saul (S. Pietro
in Montorio), 220
attributed St. Francis cycle (Assisi) to
Giotto, 37–8
Battle of Lepanto (Sala Regia), 198, 257,
258, 262
Calling of Peter and Andrew (Arezzo), 220
Cardinal Ippilito de’ Medici, patronage,
Chapel of St. Michael (Vatican), 249, 261
Chapel of St. Peter Martyr (Vatican), 248
Chapel of St. Stephen (Vatican), 248, 248
Coronation of the Virgin (Livorno), 249
De Monte Chapel (S. Pietro in
Montorio), 220, 221
Julius III favorite, 216–17
Lives, 17, 161, 165, 188; on Giotto vs.
Cavallini, 32; on Leonardo, 147;
on Michelangelo, 224; on Polidoro da
Caravaggio, 164; proposal for, 204;
on Raphael, 24, 142; on Udine, 142;
on Volterra, D. da, 205
maniera (mannerist) style, 232, 250
Martyrdom of St. Peter Martyr (Vatican), 248
masque decorations, 294
Medici, Ippolito de’, as patron of, 206
as painter, 176, 187, 190
Paul III Inspecting New St. Peter’s
(Cancelleria), Pl. XVIII
Rome described: of Paul III, 204; of Pius V,
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (Sala Regia),
198, 263, 263
Sala dei Cento Giorni, 23, 202, 207, 207–8
Sala Regia, 228, 262–3
Slaughter of Coligny and His Huguenot Followers, see St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Stoning of St. Stephen (Vatican), 248, 249
Veltroni, Stefano, as pupil, 220
Villa Giulia, 217–19; nymphaeum, Pl. XXII
workshop organization, 134
Worship of Ceres (Palazzo Venezia), 222
zodiacal scenes (Villa Altoviti), 223
Vatican Library, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 128
Salone Sistino, 288–9, Pl. XXV
Vatican palace, 112
Chapel of St. Michael (Vasari), 249, 261
Chapel of St. Peter Martyr (Vasari), 248
Chapel of St. Stephen (Vasari), 248, 248
Gregory XIII renovations, 258
Innocent III builds core, 40
loggia of Cardinal Bibbiena (Raphael), 23,
142, 143, 143, 163
loggia of Leo X (Logge) (Raphael), 17,
23, 142, 143, 144, 145, 158, 163, 198,
Pls. XV, XVI
Nicholas V Chapel (Angelico), 9, 15,
59–60, 61
Ordination of St. Stephen (Angelico), 58, 59,
Ricci apartment (Samacchini), 220
St. Lawrence Distributing Alms (Angelico),
59, 59
St. Stephen Distributing Alms (Angelico), 58
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978-0-521-62445-9 - Rome
Edited by Marcia B. Hall
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Sala Clementina (Alberti brothers),
298–300, Pl. XXIX
Sala dei Palfrenieri, Raphael frescoes
destroyed, 224
Stoning of St. Stephen (Vasari), 248, 249
Vatican obelisk (“St. Peter’s Needle”), 13, 33,
267, 282, 284
Vecchi, Giovanni de’, see Giovanni de’ Vecchi
Vegio, Matteo, 55
Veltroni, Stefano, pupil of Vasari, 220
Ricci apartment (Vatican palace),
grotesques, 220
S.Venantius, Chapel of (Lateran Baptistery),
264, 300
Venice, colore, 22
Venus (Belvedere Statue Court), 198
Venusti, Marcello, altarpiece, Cesi Chapel
(S. M. della Pace), 216
Verrocchio, Andrea del, 23
Via Angelica, 228
Via de’ Baullari, 201
Via del Clemente, 219
Via dei Condotto, 219
Via del Corso, 189
Via della Fontanella Borghese, 219
Via della Lungara, 132
Via del Panico, 189
Via del Quirinale, 228
Via di Monserrato, 201
Via di Porta S. Lorenzo, 282
Via Gregoriana (now Via Merulana), 264,
Via Giulia, 132
Via Panisperna, 282
Via Paola, 189
Via Pia, 228, 282
Via Recta, 86
Via Sistina, 86
Via Trinitatis, 219
Via XX Settembre, 228
Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da
S. Andrea in Via Flaminia, 219, 303–4
S. Anna dei Palafrenieri, 304
Caprarola, 204, 234
designed theatrical sets, 208
Gesù, 251, 251–2
S. Maria dell’Orto, facade, 224
Orto Farnesiani, 272
Palazzo Farnese, 203
St. Peter’s, 247
Villa Giulia, 218
Villa Belvedere, 6, 60, 93, 94
Fontana frescoes, 220
Innocent VIII and, 6, 15, 19, 60, 111
Mantegna and, 6, 15, 19, 23
Moses cycle (Barocci and T. Zuccaro), 227
Pinturicchio, 6, 15
Tibaldi frescoes, 219
Volterra, D. da, frescoes, 219
© Cambridge University Press
Villa della Navicella, collection of antiquities,
Villa d’Este (Tivoli), 17, 271
interior (Muziano, F. Zuccaro), 233
Ligorio adaptation, 233
Villa Farnesina, 60, 130–1, 132, 160, 202, 218,
Villa Giulia, 217–19, 218, 220, 221, 228
antiquities removed/sold, 219, 247
nymphaeum (Ammanati,Vasari), Pl. XXII
The Seven Hills of Rome (T. Zuccaro), 218,
Villa Lante, 156, 160, 164
frescoes by Polidoro da Caravaggio, 160,
Villa Lante (Bagnaia), 226, 237, 237–8
Villa Madama, 156, 157–60, 158, 159, 162,
163, 164, 217
Villa Medici
Ammanati, 271
Ricci ownership, 221, 271
Villa Montalto, 238, 272, 285
Villani, Giovanni, 27
S.Vitale, 304
Vitelli, Alessandro, 188
Viterbo, Papal Palace, 28
Vitruvius, 4, 8, 13, 60, 130, 157, 204
Viviani, Antonio, 293
Volterra, Daniele da, 23
assisted Perino, 214, 215
Assumption of the Virgin (SS.Trinità dei
Monti), 216, Pl. XXI
Deposition of Christ (SS.Trinità dei Monti),
215, 215–16
Evangelists (S. Marcello), 214
S. Giovanni in Laterano, ceiling, 250
Life of Quintus Fabius Maximus (Palazzo
Massimo), 210
loggia of Leo X, landscapes, 219
modified Michelangelo’s Last Judgment,
Ricci Chapel (S. Pietro in Montorio),
Sala Regia (Vatican), stuccoes, 197–8, 205,
Stanza della Cleopatra (Villa Belvedere),
frescoes, 219
Triumph of Bacchus (Palazzo Farnese), 202,
Volterra, Francesco da, S. Giocomo degli
Incurabili, 303–4, 304
S. Andrea della Valle, 303
S. Giovanni in Laterano, 264
S. Pudenziana, 309
Weisz, Jean S., 17
Wilhelm V, duke of Bavaria, patronage, 291
Wind, Edgar, 172
Wohl, Hellmut, 19, 20
Wölfflin, Heinrich
Classic Art, 17–18, 152
Principles of Art History, 21
Zeri, Federico, 290
Zuccari, Alessandro, 306
Zuccaro, Federico
academic style, 308
Annunciation (SS. Annunziata), 253
Cappella Caetani, vault mosaics
(S. Pudenziana), 309
Cappella Olgiati, altarpiece (S. Prassede),
Caprarola, 234, 235
Celestial Paradise and Life of St. Hyacinth
(S. Sabina), 308
Coronation of the Virgin with Sts. Lawrence,
Damasus, Peter and Paul (S. Lorenzo in
Damaso), 230, 230, 252
Frangipane Chapel (S. Marcello), 231
Life of St. Eustace, facade frescoes,
Chermedio palace, 235
Life of the Virgin (S. M. dell’Orto), 224, 225
Moses cycle (Villa Belvedere), 227
Oratory of the Gonfalone, 252
Pucci Chapel (SS.Trinità dei Monti), 215
reformist spirit, 254
Sala d’Ercole (Caprarola), 235, 253
Salotto Dipinto (Palazzo Farnese), 202
Taddeo Drawing after the Antique; . . .
Copying a Facade by Polidoro, 165, 166
Taddeo Painting the Facade of Palazzo Mattei,
210, 211
Villa d’Este, 233; Sala de Gloria, 253; Sala
della Fama, 253
Zuccaro,Taddeo, 176
Alexander the Great cycle (Palazzo Mattei),
Camera dell’Aurora (Caprarola), 236, 236
Caprarola, 234, 235
Casino of Pius IV, 227
Conversion of St. Paul (S. Marcello), 224–5,
facade frescoes (Palazzo Mattei), 210, 211
Frangipane Chapel (S. Marcello), 231
Life of the Virgin (S. M. dell’Orto), 224, 225
Passion of Christ (S. M. della Consolazione),
Pucci Chapel (SS.Trinità dei Monti), 215
Raphael his model, 224
S. Sabina, apse frescoes, 231
Sala d’Amalthea (Caprarola), 235, 235
Sala Regia (Vatican), 228, 262
Salotto Dipinto (Palazzo Farnese), 202
The Seven Hills of Rome (Villa Giulia), 218,
Zucchi, Jacopo, 247
Palazzo Rucellai, Galleria, 293–4, 313,

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