CURRICULUM VITAE Devis Valenti UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée, Monde Byzantin (Université Paris-­‐Sorbonne, Collège de France) Paris, France E-­‐mail: [email protected] FIELDS OF RESEARCH Early Medieval Sculpture in Venice, in Veneto and in the Adriatic area Byzantine Sculpture in Venice and in Veneto Iconography of power (Constantine, Charlemagne) Altarpieces: history, typologies and liturgy Decorative patterns in the mosaics of the San Marco Basilica in Venice Archive research on the museum collection of Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice EDUCATION 2009 Ph.D. in History of Art Department of Art History, University Ca' Foscari of Venice Dissertation: “Le immagini multiple dell’altare: dagli antependia ai polittici” (Multiple Images of the Altar: from Antependia to Polyptychs) (Committee: Prof. Giordana Trovabene, Prof. Sergio Marinelli, Prof. Annapaola Zaccaria) 2004
European Master (with Distinction) in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage University of Caen Basse-­‐Normandie (France), University of Salamanca (Spain), University of Cassino (Italy), University of Siena (Italy) and Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy) 2001 B.A. (with Distinction) in Art History and Conservation of Cultural Heritage University Ca' Foscari of Venice Thesis: “The Ancient Diocese of Montefeltro: Paleochristian and Early Mediaeval Evidences,” (Supervisor: Prof. Giordana Trovabene) INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES 2015-­‐2016 Post-­‐doc research in UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée, Monde Byzantin (Université Paris-­‐Sorbonne, Collège de France) on the project: “Les motifs décoratifs dans les mosaïques de la basilique de Saint-­‐Marc à Venise : influences et circulation des modèles en Méditerranée medieval” 2003-­‐2004 Internship at the “Musée National du Moyen Age, Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny” in Paris RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2014-­‐2015 Research Grant for an archive research on the conservation history of some paintings in the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, for the PRIN Project 2012 (financed by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research) “Artworks stories: from sources to digital. Pilot project for the research and communication in museums of the conservation history of artworks” (University of Pisa, University of Turin, University of Venice). Venice Unity Director: prof. Maria Chiara Piva 2010 Research Grant at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice for a study on Early Medieval sculpture in the Veneto Region since 2004 Cataloguing activities of the early medieval sculpture in the Venetian dioceses for the “Corpus of Early Medieval sculpture”: book series of the Centro Italiano di Studi Sull’Alto Medioevo di Spoleto (Italian Foundation in Early Medieval Studies) ACADEMIC ACTIVITY 2013-­‐2014 Adjunct professor Department of Philosophy and Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice “Art History from Ancient to Late Mediaeval” 2013-­‐2014 Editor, “Aldebaran 2. Storia dell’arte” 2008-­‐2014 Examiner and tutor for students and Bachelor’s candidates in Medieval Art History, ICON, Italian University Online, University of Pisa 2012-­‐2013 Editor, “Venezia Arti,” the Journal of the Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Department, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2010-­‐2013 Adjunct professor Department of Philosophy and Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice “Medieval Art History I” and “Medieval Art History II” 2002-­‐2010 Seminars on Liturgical Sculpture and Furnishings from Paleochristian to Early Middle Age and on Stone Sculpture in Venice’s Basilica San Marco Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2004-­‐2009 Seminar: “Stone Sculpture’s Techniques from Medieval to Modern Times” Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2006-­‐2007 Coordinator for “P.O.N.T.I.”, European Project for Gender Equality University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2004-­‐2006 Tutor of Master in History and Conservation of Goldsmith’s Art Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2002-­‐2005 Supervisor for the courses of “Paleochristian Art History” and “Medieval Art History” Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2004-­‐2005 Supervisor/Tutor for Bachelor’s candidates in Medieval Art History Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice 2002-­‐2003 Seminar on Methodology for undergraduate Bachelor’s candidates Department of Art History, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice SCIENTIFIC COMITEES Since 2013 Vice-­‐president of the Società di Studi Storici per il Montefeltro (Society for Historical Studies of Montefeltro) and member of the Scientific Committee of the journal “Studi montefeltrani” FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS, HONORS 2015-­‐2016 Post-­‐doc Fellowship “Fernand Braudel IFER-­‐Incoming”, financed by Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris, France) 2011 Publication Award for doctoral dissertation, “Le immagini multiple dell’altare: dagli antependia ai polittici” Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 2005 Fellowship from the Centro Italiano di Studi Sull’Alto Medioevo (Spoleto) 2004-­‐2007 Doctoral Research Fellowship University Ca’ Foscari 2003-­‐2004 The Leonardo da Vinci Fellowship for research at the Musée National du Moyen Age – Thermes et Hotel de Cluny, Paris 2002-­‐2003 Fellowship financed by the Veneto Region and European Social Fund for the research “Census of Early Medieval Sculptures in Museums of the Veneto” PUBLICATIONS Monographs 2012 Le immagini multiple dell’altare: dagli antependia ai polittici. Tipologie compositive dall’alto medioevo all’età gotica (“Ricerche” series, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University Ca’ Foscari), Il Poligrafo, Padova 2012, pp. 1-­‐680. 2008 La scultura altomedioevale nel Montefeltro, San Leo 2008, pp. 1-­‐231. Articles in Books 2014 Alle origini del polittico veneziano: il motivo a conchiglia, in “Aldebaran 2. Storia dell’arte”, a cura di S. Marinelli, Verona 2013, pp. 25-­‐54. Articles in Journals In press Il reimpiego dei capitelli antichi nella cattedrale romanica di San Leo: alcune considerazioni alla luce di recenti scoperte, in “Studi montefeltrani”, 34, 2013/14. 2013 Persistenze dei motivi decorativi altomedievali nella scultura romanica del Montefeltro, in “Studi montefeltrani”, 33, 2011/12, pp. 101-­‐130. 2008 Un capitello medievale nel lapidario di Monselice , in “Wangadicia”, IV, 2008, pp. 111-­‐
128. 2005 Un pluteo mediobizantino dal Museo Diocesano di Padova, in “Venezia Arti”, 15-­‐16, 2001-­‐02 (2005), pp. 187-­‐190. 2003 Tre frammenti altomedioevali inediti dai depositi del Museo di Castelvecchio, in “Verona illustrata”, 16, 2003, pp. 5-­‐11. Conference Proceedings In press Alcune considerazioni sulle cornici decorative dell’apparato musivo nella basilica di San Marco a Venezia, in “Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of AIEMA (Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique)”, Venice, september 11th-­‐15th 2012 In press In press In press In press 2015 2014 2014 2012 2008 2007 2005 Conformità e deroghe ai modelli bizantini nei mosaici delle cupole e degli arconi a San Marco, in “Soffitti veneziani. La decorazione di volte e soffitti a Venezia dal XV al XVIII secolo”, Venice, december 4th-­‐5th 2014 Mosaici dipinti: evocazioni marciane nelle pale del Rinascimento veneziano, in “Atti del XXI Colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico”, Reggio nell’Emilia, march 18th-­‐21st 2015 Persistenze dei motivi decorativi antichi nei mosaici parietali bizantini (secoli XI-­‐XII), in “Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of AIEMA (Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique)”, Madrid, september 14-­‐18 2015 Les motifs décoratifs dans les mosaïques de Saint-­‐Marc à Venise : le contexte artistique médiobyzantin et quelques problèmes d’interprétation, in “Actes du 3ème Colloque International Le répertoire décoratif et iconographique en méditerranée antique et médiévale”, Tunis, december 2nd-­‐4th 2013 Il sistema ornamentale nei mosaici dell’atrio di San Marco a Venezia, in “Atti del XX Colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico”, Rome, march 19th-­‐22nd 2014, Tivoli 2015, pp. 623-­‐632. I motivi decorativi del Duecento nei mosaici di San Marco a Venezia, in “Hortus Artium Medievalium”, 20, 2014, pp. 842-­‐853. Aspetti ornamentali nei mosaici della basilica di San Marco a Venezia: la cornice a rosette, in “Atti del XIX Colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico”, Isernia, march 13th-­‐16th 2013, Tivoli 2014, pp. 713-­‐724 L’iconografia del potere imperiale: Carlo Magno come “novus Constantinus”, in “Ikon”, 5, 2012, pp. 115-­‐138 Costantino a cavallo: persistenze di un’iconografia nel medioevo in “Niš & Byzantium, Symposium VI: The 1670th Anniversary of the Death of St. Emperor Constantine the Great, 337 -­‐ 2007 ”, Niš (Serbia), june 2nd-­‐5th 2007, Niš 2008, pp. 165-­‐183 Iconografia di Costantino nell’arte medievale italiana, in “Niš & Byzantium, Symposium V: 1700. Anniversary of the Proclamation of Constantine as Emperor, 306-­‐2006”, Atti del convegno, Niš (Serbia), june 2nd-­‐5th 2006, Niš 2007, pp. 331-­‐ 355 Due capitelli bizantini da Treviso, in “Venezia, Arti e Storia. Studi in onore di Renato Polacco”, a cura di Letizia Caselli, Jacopo Scarpa, Giordana Trovabene, Venice 2005, pp. 226-­‐235 Reviews and Miscellaneous 2013 Vetusta Servare. I reimpieghi di scultura architettonico-­‐decorativa a Ravenna e nel ravennate tra tarda antichità e altomedioevo by Rita Zanotto, review in “Venezia Arti”, 22/23, 2008/09 (2013), pp. 167-­‐170. 2010 100 Descriptions sheet of artistic and historical sites in Venice Società MP MIRABILIA Servizi 2006 Bizantini, Croati e Carolingi. Alba e tramonto di regni e imperi, review in “Venezia Arti”, 17-­‐
18, 2003-­‐2004 (2006), pp. 155-­‐157. 2005 Konstantinopel. Scultura bizantina dai musei di Berlino, review in “Venezia Arti”, 15-­‐16, 2001-­‐02 (2005), pp. 169-­‐170. 2004 X. Dectot, D. Valenti, L’oratoire des duchesses de Bourgogne (scientific catalogue entry for the conference series “1 Mois 1 Oeuvre”, march 2004, at Musée National du Moyen Age – Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny, Paris) 

curriculum vitae