Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria Informatica
Corso di Sistemi Distribuiti e Cloud Computing
A.A. 2014/15
Valeria Cardellini
Scelta e validità del progetto
•  Comunicare entro 21/6/2015 le seguenti
–  componenti del gruppo (nominativi ed email)
–  progetto scelto
•  Numero max di prenotazioni per ogni tipo di
•  Comunicare e concordare tempestivamente
eventuali modifiche relative al gruppo
•  Progetto valido solo per l'A.A. 2014/15
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Consegna e discussione del progetto
•  Consegna: circa dieci giorni prima della discussione
del progetto
–  Quando consegnare? Durante l’A.A, non ci sono date
–  Cosa consegnare? CD con codice, relazione ed eventuali
risultati sperimentali; relazione (no codice) anche in formato
–  Relazione possibilmente scritta in forma di articolo scientifico
(max 12 pagine in formato ACM o IEEE)
•  Discussione: tutti i componenti del gruppo nella
stessa data
–  Cosa presentare? Una parte del progetto per ciascun
componente del gruppo con ludici (max 10 minuti per
–  Domande e testing del sistema/servizio durante la
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Common requirements for all projects
•  You can choose the programming language
•  You can either use Amazon Web Services (AWS)
through the AWS Educate program or IBM Bluemix
•  You can use support libraries and tools to develop
your project (of course they should not overlap with
the project goals!)
–  Be careful: their use must be properly mentioned in the
project report
•  System/service with configurable parameters (no
–  Through a configuration file/service
•  You must test all the functionalities of your developed
system/service and present and discuss the testing
results in the project report
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Common requirements for all projects (2)
•  System/service supports multiple, autonomous entities
contending for shared resources
•  System/service supports real-time updates to some
form of shared state
•  System/service state should be distributed across
multiple client or server nodes
–  The only allowed centralized service can be one that supports
users logging on, adding or removing clients or servers, and
other housekeeping tasks
•  System/service scalability and elasticity
•  System/service fault tolerance, in particular system/
service continues operation even if one of the
participant nodes crashes (optionally, recovers the
state of a crashed node so that it can resume
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Overview of projects
•  Project 1: DEBS 2015 Grand Challenge
–  2/3 students per team
•  Project 2: Log Analysis
-  2/3 students per team
•  Project 3: Elastic File System in the Cloud
-  3 students per team
Project 4: Key-Value Store Service for Mobile Cloud
and IoT
-  2/3 students per team
Project 5: Your Own Distributed System using
Consensus Protocols
-  2/3 students per team
Project 6: Cloud-based application/service using IBM
-  2/3 students per team
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 1
•  DEBS 2015 Grand Challenge
For data visualization see: https://vimeo.com/31298658
•  Solve two queries:
–  Query 1: Frequent routes
–  Query 2: Profitable areas
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 1: platform
•  Use Apache Storm or some other distributed
stream processing (DSP) system
–  The DSP system can be managed on AWS EC2
instances or IBM Bluemix VMs
–  Amazon Kinesis could not be included in the AWS
Educate grant
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 2
•  Log file service
•  Design and realize an application for log file
acquisition and analysis (e.g., Web logs)
using both:
–  Batch processing (e.g., MapReduce)
–  Data stream processing
•  Which kind of analysis? It is your choice!
–  Some basis requirements will be provided in the
detailed project description
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 2: platform
•  For batch processing: use the Apache
Hadoop framework
–  Also available as Amazon Web Service (i.e., AWS
Elastic MapReduce, EMR)
•  For data stream processing use Apache
Storm or some other distributed stream
processing (DSP) system
–  The DSP system can be installed and managed
on AWS EC2 instances or IBM Bluemix VMs
–  Amazon Kinesis could not be included in the AWS
Educate grant
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 2: details
•  Propose your logging service by June 21
–  In 1 page briefly describe your project’s idea
–  The number of students in the team depends on
the chosen service
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 3
•  Elastic file system in the Cloud
•  Idea: distributed file system that supports
application scale-up and scale-down
–  Applications tag files with different levels of
consistency and persistence (only certain files and
directories are to be kept consistent across VMs)
–  The file system leverages the elastic nature of VM
–  Scale-down can be challenging due to need to
perform state reintegration in case of stateful
services (if a file is divided into chunks, chunks
have to be properly moved/replicated before the
corresponding VM is retired)
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 4
•  Key-Value Store Service for Mobile Cloud
and IoT
–  Idea: to provides a simple key-value store for
mobile applications and low-energy sensors
–  With this service, an application can store and
retrieve application-wide state information as text
by using key-value pairs
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 5
•  Design, implement, and test a distributed
system by implementing your own
application, such as a multi-player game or a
transaction system
•  Requirements: those already listed plus you
must use a distributed consensus protocol
(e.g., Paxos or 2PC)
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 5: details
•  Which kind of system? It is your choice!
•  Propose your distributed system by June 21
–  In 1 page briefly describe your project’s idea
–  The number of students in the team depends on
the chosen system
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 6
•  Design, implement, and test a distributed
application/service using IBM Bluemix
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15
Project 6: details
•  Which kind of application/service? It is your
•  Propose your distributed system by June 21
–  In 1 page briefly describe your project’s idea
–  The number of students in the team depends on
the chosen application/service
Valeria Cardellini - SDCC 2014/15

Progetti Scelta e validità del progetto