CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 DETAILED CV dr. Gaia Giuliani CONTACT DETAILS Dept. Scienze Politiche e Sociali University of Bologna Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna, Italy telephone numbers: 07843870209 +3925719685 email: [email protected] skype: gaiamaquigiuliani websites/blogs: & LANGUAGE SKILLS Excellent speaking, writing and reading skills: Italian (mother tongue) and Spanish Good speaking, writing and reading skills: English. Good understanding and fair speaking skills: French. QUALIFICATIONS 1. 2001-2005: DPhil. in History of Ideas/History of Political Thought • Studi Politici Europei e Euroamericani at the Department of Studi politici, University of Turin (completion, 17/02/05). • Research project: ‘Liberalismo, utilitarismo e impero. La History of British India di James Mill e il suo contesto’ (Liberalism, Utilitarianism and Empire. The J. Mill’s History of British India and its context). • Supervisors: profs. Maria Teresa Pichetto (University of Turin, Italy) and Guido Abbattista (University of Trieste, Italy). 2. 1994-2001: BA (Laurea) in Political Sciences, Political Theory • University of Bologna, 110/110, cum laude (with honour) (completion 22/06/01). • Research project: ‘Racism in the Age of Globalization: Theories and Practices of Exclusion’. • Supervisors: Profs. Carlo Galli (University of Bologna) and Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna). PRESENT APPOINTMENT (Oct 2013-) Non-stipendiary research assistant at the Dept. Scienze politiche e sociali, University of Bologna PRESENT EMPLOYMENT (November 2014): temporary employement as history schoolbooks writer with a major Italian pubisher for education (Zanichelli). The contract covers two projects: the editing of a school-book on History/History of culture (XVIII-XIX centuries) and the co-writing of a schoolbook on History/History of culture of the XX century. The whole editing/writing project started at the beginning of September and ends the 1st October 2014. VISITING POSITIONS April2014-December2014: Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London. Oct 20013-Dec2013: Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS), Dept. od Sociology and Social Policies, University of Leeds. 2008-2011: Associate visiting scholar at TfC, at University of Technology Sydney (NSW). 2007-2008: Honorary visiting scholar at TfC, at University of Technology Sydney (NSW). 1 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 GRANTS AND AWARDS 1. June 2014: ‘Bianco e nero. Storia dell’identità razziale degli italiani’ co-authored book with dr. Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Loyola University, Chicago, Ill.) has been awarded by the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS) with the best book award 2013 for the category of 20-21st centuries. 2. 13th November 2009- 12th May 2010: ‘Representations of the Self and its Others in British Australia’, Endeavour (postdoctoral) Research Fellowship (issued by the Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations of the Australian Government), at the Transforming Cultures Research Centre [TfC], University of Technology, Sydney [UTS]. Supervisor: Prof. Ilaria Vanni Accarigi (25.000AUS$: GBP: 14946). 3. 2009: Award for Graduate Student Excellence in teaching (2008-2009) issued by the University of California representative at the University of Bologna (University of California, Centro Studi di Bologna) 4. 2007-2009: ‘Representation of migrants, Aborigenees and white sovereign subjects in British Australia’, Post-doctoral Fellowship (two years), issued by the University of Bologna (€15,000 per year; GBP: 12.800 per year). 5. 2007: ‘Italiani brava gente. L’immaginario razziale in Italia e Australia tra la fine del XX secolo e il Fascismo’ (Italians good people. The Racial imaginary in Italy and Australia between the end of 19th century and Fascism), Marco Polo Fellowship issued by the University of Bologna for a 3 months’ research program at TfC, UTS (€4000; GBP: 3413). 6. 2001-2005: ‘Representation of the Self and its Others in British colonial India’, PhD Fellowship issued by the University of Turin, Italy (€ 10.000 per year; GBP: 8533 per year). 7. 1996-1997: Erasmus Fellowship for a stay of one year at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bilbao-Leioa (Spain) (issued by the University of Bologna). ACADEMIC MEMBERSHIPS InteRGRace (Interdisciplinary/Intersectional Research Group on Race and Racisms) University of Padova, since 2014. CIRSPG (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca. Studi Sulle Politiche di Genere) University of Padova, since 2009: CSC (Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Culturale) University of Padova, 2014: White Space Network (advisory board) University of Leeds (UK), since 2012: ACS (Association for Cultural Studies), since 2010. ACRAWSA (Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association) 2009-2010. AISDP (Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine Politiche), since 2009. EASA (European Association for Studies of Australia, 2009-2010). Endeavour Research Alumni, since 2010. KEYNOTE AT CONFERENCES In 2011, as a Keynote speaker, I have been invited to give the paper on ‘Settler colonialism and its colour lines’, at 10th ASNEL Graduate Summer School ‘Spaces of Projection’, Universities of Bern and Basel (SWI), 5-9 Sept. COLLABORATIONS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS A. As a non-stipendiary research assistant and executive assistant I have completed n. 3 EU FP7 funded Collaborative projects (a): 1) with the ‘Bologna Unit’ of Mig@net ( – approved by EU commission, 7th Frame program (2010-2012). Project Funding: € 1.397.240 (GBP: 1.192.340); 2) with the ‘Bologna Unit’ of GeMIC ( - 2008-2011. Project Funding: € 1.019.250 (GBP: 869.781); 3) with the ‘Bologna Unit’ of ATACD (, approved by 2 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 EU commission, 6th Frame program (2008-2010). Project Funding: € 643.797 (GBP: 549.386). B. As research assistant I have participated to n.3 international project: 1) in a team for a research (2005-2007) funded by Feminist Review editorial collective [profs. Nirmal Puwar (Goldsmiths University, UK) and Jackie M. Andall (University of Bath, UK)] culminated in the publication of a special issue on Italian feminisms (2007); 2) funded collaboration (rembursements) with the Nordic colonial mind network (2004-ongoing) – funded by the Nordic Council NOS-HS. Collaboration since Oct. 2010. Official website:; 3) funded by WUN (rembursements) with the Worldwide University Network - White Spaces Network (2009-ongoing) – funded by WUN. Collaboration since June 2012. Official website: C. As research assistant I have completed to n.4 of domestic funded project: 1) in the research project coordinated by prof. Sandro Mezzadra on Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Political Theory financed by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) through the University of Bologna (ex 60%). Duration: 2005-2008; 2) funded collaboration (rembursements) in a team for a research (2005-2007) on women, citizenship and political participation in Italy funded by the CIRSPCG (University of Padua, Italy) and coordinated by profs. Alisa del Re and Laura Balbo (University of Padua) culminated in the publication of a special issue of the Italian review Inchiesta (2007). 3) funded collaboration (stipendiary) with Dr. Lorenza Maluccelli for a research (2005-2006) financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research and coordinated by profs. Tamar Pitch (University of Perugia, Italy) and Massimo Pavarini (University of Bologna) on ‘Security policies and Gender governance in the Italian cities of Modena and Bologna’. The results of this research project have been published by Carocci (Rome), 2006. 4) funded collaboration (stipendiary) with prof. Tiziano Bonazzi (who was Head of the same Dept.) for a research (2002-2003) at the [ex] Dept. of Politica Istituzioni Storia (University of Bologna, Italy) on the political concept of ‘Western civilization’. 5) funded collaboration (stipendiary) with the Istituto Gramsci of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna (IGER) for the organization of a cycle of conferences Laboratorio di analisi politica at the Instituto (2001-2002). D. As leader and funder of the InteRGRace [Interdisciplinary Research Group on Race and Racisms born ufficially in February 2014 – based as a Research Group at the University of Padova, Dept. of FSPPA, and as an Association at the Peace School (Scuola di Pace) di Monte Sole (Bologna)] I am member of the projecting committee now committed to a fundraising plan that include grants from the EU, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, national, international and multinational fundations. Its aims are both scholarly exchange, production, and dissemination on an academic level of knowledges around issues of race from an intersectional and interdisciplinary angle; and exchanges of existing good practices, production of educational and school materials, translation of academic knowledges into policies and social practices, and internationalisation of local and national expertises around issues of race, racism, sexism, class, religious, age, ableism based discriminations. Members of InteRGRace also are: drs. Gabriele Proglio, Sabrina Marchetti, Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh, Annalisa Frisina, Elisa Arfini, Daniele Salerno, Vincenza Perilli, Francesca Vianello, profs. Devi Sacchetto and Roberta Sassatelli, and Maria Chiara Patuelli. In 2014 InteRGRace is organising/committed in a series of events (booklaunches, symposia, workshops at the universities of Macerata, Florence, Padua and Bologna). CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DISCIPLINES: 1. RESEARCH GROUPS InteRGRace (Interdisciplinary/Intersectional Research Group on Race and Racisms) University of Padova and Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole, since 2014 ( 2. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT Distopie (for a Gender studies, Cultural, Critical Race and Whiteness, and Postcolonial studies analysis of distopic narratives), since 2013 ( 3 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 3. EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES 2006-2014: Member of the secretarial editing team of the ‘A’ ranked (Anvur) Italian academic journal of Cultural Studies, Studi culturali. Since 2013, Secretary of the Editors of the journal. As such I review 30 papers a year in average. The journal’s Anvur evaluation is of academic journals’ class ‘A’. 2013-: Member of the International Advisory Board of the Australian academic journal Settler Colonial Studies. 4. EVENTS ORGANIZED 16th December 2014: First Annual symposium of InteRGRace (Interdisciplinary/Intersectional Research Group on Race and Racisms) on ‘Intersectional costructions of the marked body’ – University of Padua, Italy. 21st May 2014: (Round Table): live version of the round table included in Studi culturali journal [‘The thin white line. Intersections of race, gender, and class in postcolonial Italy’, n. 2/2013] organised by TrAme, InteRGRace, Dept. Philosophy and Communication (Unibo) and Studi culturali with dr. Gaia Giuliani as chair and as paper givers and discussants: prof. Cristina Demaria (University of Bologna); drs. Devi Sachetto (University of Padua), Sonia Sabelli (University of Rome, ‘La Sapienza’), Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh (Università di Macerata) and Vincenza Perilli (InteRGRace). May2013-April2014: (Booklaunches of) Bianco e nero. Storia dell’identità razziale degli italiani (bookshops in Roma, Bologna, Florence, Torino; University of Padova, University of Florence, University of Leeds and University of Newcastle). 26-30 April 2011: (Conference panel) ‘Colonialism, settler colonialism, indigeneity and migration: new perspectives for Postcolonial Theory’ at the International EACLALS Triennial Conference in Istanbul, Bogazici (Bosphorus) University. Co-panelists: prof. Nandita Sharma (University of Hawaii), Dr. Kiran Grewal (University of Sydney). 3rd May 2010: (International Round Table) ‘Settler colonialism and colour line: a topicality’?, UTS, Sydney. Co-panelists: Drs. Lorenzo Veracini (the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne; Dinesh J. Wadiwel, Maria Giannacopoulos (Macquarie University), Kiran Grewal (University of Sydney). 28th October 2009: (Book-launch of) Temporaneamente tua. Corpi, sessualità, potere (ex Dept. Politica Istituzioni Storia, now Social and Political Sciences, University of Bologna). 5th March 2009: (National Symposium) ‘Tutti i colori del Bianco. Prospettive teoriche e sguardi storici sulla whiteness’ (All colours of whiteness. Theoretical perspectives and historical gazes on whiteness)(ex Dept. Politica Istituzioni Storia, University of Bologna). October 2005: series of focus-group on Italian feminisms with a number of scholars and activists (Feminist Review number on «Italian feminisms», n. 87 (3), 2007). 5. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Books Authored 1. 2017-2018: (Eng) Race, Nation and Gender in Modern and Contemporary Italy, Palgrave, London, ‘Mapping Global Racism’ book-series, fortcoming Winter. 2. 2008: (It) Beyond curiosity. James Mill e la nascita del governo coloniale britannico in India (Beyond Curiosity. James Mill and the Creation of British Colonial Rule in India), Aracne, Rome. Co-Authored 3. 2016: (It) co-authored Giuliani, G., Perilli, V., and Proglio, G, Un posto al sole. Mediterraneità e bianchezza nella cultura visuale italiana 1948-2013, Le Monnier/Mondadori Education, Firenze/Milano, forthcoming Winter. 4 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 4. 2015: (It) Giuliani, G. Proglio, G., Distopie. Storia della paura nella narrazione fantascientifica e horror dal dopoguerra a oggi (Distopias. History of Fear from WWII Aftermath up to Today), Le Monnier-Mondadori Education, Milano (forthcoming). 5. 2013: (It) Giuliani, G. e Lombardi-Diop, C., Bianco e nero. Storia dell’identità razziale degli italiani (Black and White. History of the Italians’ Racial Identity), Le Monnier-Mondadori Education, Milano. Translated 6. 2012: Mohanty, C.T. (2003), Feminism without Borders, It. Trans. Ombre Corte, Verona. 7. 2009: Asad, T. (2009), On Suicide Bombings, It. Trans. Raffaello Cortina, Milano. 8. 2009: Butler, J. (1987), Subjects of Desire, It. Trans. Laterza, Rome-Bari. 9. 2002: Guha, R. and Spivak, G.C. (1988), Subaltern Studies, It. Trans. Ombre Corte, Verona. Edited 10. 2015: (It) Giuliani, G. (ed.), Il colore della nazione (The colour of the nation), Ediesse, Roma, forthcoming. 11. 2014: (It) Giuliani, G., Martucci, Ch., Galetto, M. (eds), L’amore ai tempi dello tsunami. Affetti, Sessualità e Modelli di Genere in Mutamento (Love in the times of tsunami. Mutating affectivities, sexuality and gender models), Ombre corte, Verona. 2. Special issues 12. 2013: (It) Giuliani, G. (ed.), ‘La sottile linea bianca. Intersezioni tra razza, genere e classe nell’Italia postcoloniale’ (The thin white line. Intersections of race, gender, and class in postcolonial Italy), special issue, Studi Culturali, 2. 13. 2010: (It) Giuliani, G. (ed.), ‘Tutti i colori del bianco. Prospettive teoriche e sguardi storici sulla “whiteness”’(All colours of whiteness. Theoretical perspectives and historical gazes on whiteness), special issue, Studi Culturali, 1. 3. Book chapters [PEER REVIEWED] Single 14. 2015: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘Uneven whiteness. Images of Blackness and Whiteness in contemporary (postcolonial) Italy (2010-2013)’ in Pecic, Z., Andersen, A., Suarez, J., Jensen, L. (eds) After the Empires: Reflections of European Colonialism in a Globalised World (forthcoming). 15. 2014: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘La zona d’ombra. Genere, agency e bianchezza nell’Italia contemporanea’ (provisional title), in Proglio, G., Mari, L., Deplano, V. (eds), Subalternità e agency: Percorsi di ricerca tra letteratura e storia, Aracne, Roma. 16. 2014: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘I nuovi confini della cittadinanza: segegazione, inclusione, eliminazione’ (The new borders of citizenship: segregation, inclusion, elimination) in bookseries MediAzioni by the Docucity project (University of Milano, Statale) Città confinate (provisional title),, Firenze. 17. 2013: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Per una’analisi intersezionale dell’orientalismo nella televisione italiana contemporanea’ (For an intersectional analysis of Tv orientalism), in Proglio, G. (ed.), Orientalismi italiani vol. 3, Antares, Castagnito. 18. 2012: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Bianchezza’ (Whiteness) in Mascat, J., Perilli, V., Marchetti, S. (eds.), Femministe a parole. Grovigli da districare, Ediesse, Rome. 19. 2012: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Famiglie’ (Families) in Mascat, J., Perilli, V., Marchetti, S. (eds.), Femministe a parole. Grovigli da districare, Ediesse, Rome. 20. 2011: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Dislocazione e transito perenne tra i generi e le sessualità’ (Constant dislocations and transit between genders and sexualities), in Fantone, L. (ed.), 5 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 Genere e precarietà, Scriptaweb, Napoli. 21. 2010: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘Whose whiteness? Cultural dis/locations between Italy and Australia, in Pugliese, J. (ed.), Transmediterranean. Diasporas, Histories, Geopolitical Spaces’, Peter Lang, Brussels. 22. 2007: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘The body, sexuality, and precarity’, Feminist Review, 3(87). 23. 2007: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Donne Politica Istituzioni. Uno spazio “politico” in sé’ (Women, Politics, Intitutions. A political space per se), Inchiesta, 1. 24. 2007: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Il principio di Color Blindness e il dibattito europeo su razza e razzismo’ (The colour-blindess principle and the European debate on race and racism), in Casadei, T., Re, L. (eds.), Società multiculturale, immigrazione, sicurezza: problemi di integrazione sociale, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia. 25. 2007: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Fascismo e biopolitica. L’editoria emiliano-romagnola e la questione della razza’ (Fascism and bio-politics. Publishing houses in Emilia-Romagna and the race question), in Tortorelli, G. (ed.), Editoria e cultura in Emilia-Romagna dal 1900 al 1945, Compositori, Bologna. Collective 26. 2013: (It) Giuliani, G. Martucci, Ch., ‘The Love Word. Autonarrazioni a confronto 19932013’ (The Love Word. Selfnarratives 1993-2013), in Giuliani, G., Martucci, Ch., Galetto, M. (eds), L’amore al tempo dello Tsunami. Affetti, Sessualità e Modelli di Genere in Mutamento (Mutating affectivities, sexuality and gender models), Scriptaweb, Napoli, forthcoming in December. 4. Articles in academic journals [PEER REVIEWED] Single authored 27. 2013: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘L’Italiano negro. The Politics of Colour in Early 20th Century Italy’, Interventions, vol. 16 (4). 28. 2013: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Non ci sono italiani negri. Il colore legittimo nell’Italia contemporanea’ (There ain’t black Italians. The legitimate colour in contemporary Italy), in Studi Culturali, 2. 29. 2012: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Lombroso, l’Australia e il Duce: nazione, migrazione e bianchezza’ (Lombroso, Australia and the Dux: nation, migration and whiteness), Zapruder – Storie in movimento, 28. 30. 2012: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘Matching-Colours. Settler Colonialism and Its Colour Lines’, Arena journal. 31. 2012: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Colonialismo settler e razza. Per una mappatura del colore nel Pacifico’ (Settler colonialism and race. For a carthography of race in the Pacific), Politica e società, 2. 32. 2012: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Assegnazione del colore e agency’ (Colour assignment and agency), Filosofia politica, 1. 33. 2011: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘Throwaway Labour. Blackbirding and a white Australia’, JEASA ejournal. 34. 2011: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Assegnazione del colore e lavoro servile. Il fenomeno del Blackbirding nel contesto australiano’ (Colour assignment and indentured labour. Blackbirding in the Australian context), La società degli individui, 42. 35. 2011: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Il bianco negro. La bianchezza in Italia dall’Unità al Fascismo’ (The black white. Whiteness in Italy from the Unity to Fascism), il Mulino, 456 (4). 36. 2010: (It) Giuliani, G., (introduction to the special issue), ‘Tutti i colori del bianco. Prospettive teoriche e sguardi storici sulla “whiteness”’ (All the colours of white. Theoretical perspectives and historical angles on ‘whiteness’) – special issue of Studi Culturali, 1. 6 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 37. 2010: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Fantasie di bianchezza nell’Australia indipendente’ (White fantasies in federal Australia), Studi Culturali, 1. 38. 2009: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Due sotto l’impero. India e Australia nel XIX secolo’ (Two under the Empire. India and Australia in 19th century), Scienza e politica, 41. 39. 2008: (Eng) Giuliani, G., ‘The body, sexuality, and precarity’, Feminist Review, 3(87). 40. 2007: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘“Responsibility implied superiority and inferiority”. La History of British India di J. Mill e il nuovo immaginario imperiale britannico’ (J. Mill’s History of British India and the new British imperial imaginary), Filosofia politica, 3. 41. 2007: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Donne Politica Istituzioni. Uno spazio “politico” in sé’ (Women, Politics, Intitutions. A political space per se), Inchiesta, 1. 42. 2006: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Il concetto di impero nel pensiero politico inglese tra il XVII e la prima metà del XIX secolo’ (The concept of empire in the English political thought, 17th-first half of 19th century), Il pensiero politico, 1. 43. 2003: (It) Giuliani, G., ‘Paul Gilroy e il dibattito contemporaneo sul razzismo’ (Paul Gilroy and the contemporary debate on racism), Filosofia politica, 2. 5. Book reviews (in Italian and international academic journals) 2002-2014: published in Feminist Review (UK (forthcoming); Borderland e-journal (AUS); Journal of Postcolonial Networks JPN (UK); Ricerche di Storia Politica, Studi Culturali, Pensiero politico, Filosofia politica, Nuova informazione bibliografica (IT). 6. Conference papers all single-authored by Gaia Giuliani Between 2008 and 2014 I have presented papers at national and international conferences and symposia, which exemplifies the transnational and global contributions that I offer to the European and extra-European debates on colonial and postcolonial, critical race and whiteness, gender issues. These events have been held at the following universities: 2014 (It) “Mediterraneità e bianchezza. Il razzismo italiano tra fascismo e articolazioni contemporanee” at the two days symposium on Cultura, transcultura, razza. Categorie della differenza, dinamiche di differenziazione e razzializzazione transnazionali, University of Macerata (Ita), 10-11 June. 2014 (It) “People or perish: leggere Lombroso in Australia dopo l’approvazione della White Australia Policy” at the symposium Global Lombroso? Eredità e persistenze del discorso sulla “razza” nella costruzione delle scienze sociali, at the Biblioteca di Storia moderna e contemporanea, Roma (Ita), 13 May. 2014: (Eng) “The future (past?) boundaries of citizenship: elimination (War of the worlds, 2005), inclusion (Monsters, 2010), contamination (District 9, 2009)” at the International conference Memories of the Future, Chelsea College of Arts, UAL and the Institute of Modern Languages Research (UK), 2-3 May. 2013: (Eng) “Fears of disaster and white fantasies in European popular culture (2001-2013)" at the Cultures of Disasters. An international conference on humanistic disaster studies, University of Oslo (Nor), 6-8 November. 2013: (Eng) “Critical Whiteness Studies, Intersectionality and Emotional coding as the fundational analytical scheme for an anti-Racist university and society” at the international Building an Anti-Racist University, University of Leeds (UK), 18 October. 2013: (Eng) “Fears of disaster and (post-)human raciologies in European popular culture (2001-2013)” International Conference The Posthuman: differences, embodiments, performativity, University of Roma 3 (Ita), 11-14 September. 2013: (Eng) “Omino bianco. Images of Blackness and Whiteness in contemporary (postcolonial) Italy, 2010-2012”, International Conference After the Empires Reflections of European colonialism in a globalized world, Roskilde University (Den), 29-31 May. 2012: (Eng) “European self-representation(s) in a time of crisis” at the International Conference on Implications of the Eurozone crisis for perceptions, politics and policies of 7 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 migration, University of Malmö (Swe), 29-30 November. 2012: (Eng) “The Construction of Italianness: Race and whiteness in Liberal and early Fascist Italy”, 2nd Global Conference Images of whiteness. Exploring critical issues Mansfield College, University of Oxford (UK), 7-9 July. 2012: (Eng) “The Construction of Italianness: Masculinity and Race in Liberal and Early Fascist Italy” at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute’s conference on Reimagining White Ethnicity. Expressivity, Identity, Race, City University of NY (USA), 27-28 April. 2011: (Eng) “Prior-ness, In-sidedness and Out-sidedness: Colour-assignment at the Foundation of the Settler Body-Politic” at the International Graduate Conference on Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations: Decolonizing The Social Sciences And The Humanities, Frankfurt Research Center For Postcolonial Studies, Goethe-University Frankfurt (Ger), 1618 June. 2011: (Eng) “Postcolonial Theory and the construction of Otherness in settler colonialism” at the EACLALS Triennial Conference, Bogazici University, Istanbul (Tur) 26-30 April. 2011: (Eng) “Coloring geographies of power. The color line in settler colonialism” at the “Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide: Settler Colonialism/Heteropatriarchy/White Supremacy” Conference, University of California Riverside (USA), 10-12 March. 2010: (Eng) “Relocating blackness. The construction of the Italian whiteness 1861-1945” at the “Reconceptualising postcolonial national identities in the Nordic countries – and beyond”, Third Workshop in the Series Decoding the Nordic Colonial Mind, Oslo University College (Nor), 13-14 October. 2010: (Eng) “The politics of colour in Liberal and early Fascism Italy” at the International Seminar on Postcolonial Europe, Dept. Culture and Identity, Roskilde University (Den), 12 October. 2010: (Eng) “Throwaway Labour. Blackbirding and a white Australia”, at the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) 10th Conference, University of Turin (Ita), 24-28 August. 2010: (Eng) “L’italiano negro”, at the 8th Crossroad in Cultural Studies Conference at Lingnan University of Hong Kong (HK), 17-21 June. 2010: (Eng) “Matching-colours: settler colonialism and colour line" at the Settler colonialism and colour line: a topicality? Round Table, Transforming Culture Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (NSW), 5 May. 2010: (Eng) “Politics of Colour in early 20th century Italy”, at the Transcultural Mappings. Emerging Issues in Comparative, Transnational and Area Studies at the University of Sydney (NSW), 9-11 April. 2009: (Eng) “Sovereignty and colonialism. From national sovereignty to anticolonial sovereignties”, at 10th Biennial EASA Conference Dis/solutions. The Future of the Past in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, University of Balearic Islands (Spain), 22-25 September. 2009: (Eng) “Whose whiteness? Cultural dislocations between Italy and Australia” at 2nd IAIRF, Borders. Theory. Art. And Power, University of Bari (Ita), 17-19 June. 2009: (It) “Fantasie di bianchezza nell’Australia indipendente”, at “Tutti i colori del bianco. Prospettive teoriche e sguardi critici sulla Whiteness” (Symposium), University of Bologna (Ita), 5 March. 2008: (Eng) “Selecting Whites. The Sovereign Subject in Early Independent Australia”, at ACRAWSA Annual Conference, University of Melbourne (VIC), 3-5 December. 2008: (Eng) “Selecting Whites. The Sovereign Subject in Early Independent Australia”, at Relational Dis/locations: Mediterranean Cultures in Translocal and Transnational Contexts (Symposium), Macquarie University (NSW), 28 November. 2008: (Eng) “The Double Face of Sovereignty”, at Lex of Somatechnics (Symposium), 8 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 Somatechnics Research Centre & Department of Critical and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University (NSW), 4 July. 7. Collaborations/publications in non-academic journals, e-journals, newspapers 2013-2014: weblogs Marginalia (; (; Betty&Books Distopie 2006-2009: Italian newspaper Liberazione (as author of a series of articles on gender issues). 2008: ‘Traiettorie pornografiche attraverso il confine virtuale/reale’ (Pornographic trajectories through actual/virtual boundaries), Quaderni d’altri tempi, n. 16. 2007: ‘Donne Politica Istituzioni. Uno spazio “politico” in sé’ (Women, politics, Institutions. A ‘per se’ political space), Inchiesta (Italian trimestral journal), 1. 2006: ‘Il principio di Color Blindness e il dibattito europeo su razza e razzismo’ (The colourblindness principle and the European debate on race and racism), Jura Gentium, 2. website of the Centre for Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics ( 8. Translation of essay/articles for academic books and journals. 2013: Bacchetta, P., Haritaworn, J., ‘Molti sono i transatlantici: omo-nazionalismo, omotransnazionalismo, teorie e pratiche femministe-queer-trans di colore’, in Fantone, L., Bacchetta, P. (eds.), Trans-Q Fem: Elementi per una critica femminista queer e transnazionale, Rome, Ediesse (forthcoming 2014). 2013: Stoever-Ackerman, J., W.E.B. Du Bois e la linea del colore sonora, Studi culturali, 1, pp. 71-88. 2012: Grewal, I., Kaplan, C., ‘Identità globali. Per una teoria degli Studi transnazionali sulla sessualità’, in Fantone, L., Bacchetta, P. (eds.), Trans-Q Fem: Elementi per una critica femminista queer e transnazionale, Rome, Ediesse (forthcoming 2014). 2011: Chen, K.-H., ‘“Riflessioni su Asia as Method” di Takeuchi Yoshimi (1960)’, Studi culturali, 1, pp. 33-44, 2010: Glaude, E., ‘Il melodramma della razza. L’Esodo e l’Underground Railroad’, Filosofia politica, 3, pp. 431-446. 2008: Pugliese, J., ‘L’etica irriconoscibile del terrorismo. Necroetica e sollecitazione della violenza’, Studi culturali, 1, pp. 31-50. 2007: Several essays in Santoro, M., Sassatelli, R. (eds.), Studiare la cultura, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009. 2007: Hall, S., ‘Un dialogo con C.L.R. James, Studi culturali’, 2, pp. 237-267. 2007: Eyerman, R., ‘L’assassinio come performance pubblica. L’omicidio di Theo van Gogh’, Studi culturali, 1, pp. 27-54. 2006: Guillaumin, C., ‘Il corpo costruito’, Studi Culturali, 2, pp. 117-132. 2005: Fanon, F., ‘Tunisi 1959. Un esperimento di ospedalizzazione diurna in psichiatria’, Studi culturali, 2, pp. 291-312. ACTIVITIES 1. TEACHING EXPERIENCE (2001-2013) Teaching tools Full expertise in Apple and Windows systems, and in the following programs: Office (word, excel, power point); Spss; NeoOffice; Firefox, Safari, Explorer; dropbox, wetransfer; Skype; Google chat; Facebook,, Linkedin; Acrobat, textedit, photoshop; VLC, QuickTime player, Realplayer; iMovie, iChat, iCall. Records (as sessional lecturer) 9 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 2009: Award for Graduate Student Excellence in teaching (2008-2009) issued by the University of California representative at the University of Bologna (University of California, Centro Studi di Bologna) for my lectureship in the Graduate course of Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. I have been invited to lecture at the course by virtue of my extensive experience and great skills in Postcolonial Theory, Gender and Global Feminism Theories, Critical Whiteness Studies and approaches, and Political Theory background. It involved overseas students from UC (2008-2009). The nature of my collaboration to the course led by Prof. Sandro Mezzadra was as a guest lecturer (medium scale: around 30 students attended the course). Courses (as teaching assistant, guest lecturer and supervisor at graduate level) 2013-2014: for my skills in postcolonial, critical race and whiteness studies, and gender studies readings of visual texts (as evidenced by my project with abriele Proglio distopie. and the academic research that will be soon published as a book by Le Monnier/Mondadori education), I have been invited as teaching assistant and guest lecturer to the undergraduate course of Gender Studies (career in Sociology ans Semiotics) led by Prof. Cristina Demaria at the Faculty of Filosofia e Comunicazione, University of Bologna – Bologna campus (large scale: around 70 students). 2012-2013: for my skills in a reading of Italian gender construction through an intersectional viewpoint (as evidenced by my last book Black and white (§ 1. Books, n.2), I’ve been invited as teaching assistant and guest lecturer to the undergraduate course of Gender Studies (career in Sociology ans Semiotics) led by Prof. Cristina Demaria at the Faculty of Filosofia e Comunicazione, University of Bologna – Bologna campus (large scale: around 70 students). 2001-2009: for my skills and expertise in Postcolonial Theory, Critical Whiteness Studies and Political Theory, I have been invited as teaching assistant and guest lecturer, collaborator in the supervision of presentations, essays, and BA thesis to the undergraduate course of ‘Colonial and Postcolonial Studies’ led by Prof. Sandro Mezzadra at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna – Bologna campus (medium scale: around 30 students per year). 2006-2007; 2004-2005; 2002-2003; 2001-2002: for my skills and great expertise in contemporary Italian and Global History and Historiographical methodologies I have been invited as undergraduate teaching assistant to the course of ‘Contemporary Global and Italian History’ (led by Prof. Giuseppe Maione) at the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Bologna, Bologna campus). (very large scale: 200 students per year) 2005-2006: for my focus on gender and global feminism theories and skills in Gender Studies, I have been invited as teaching assistant at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate course ‘Donne Politica Istituzioni’ led by Prof. Maria Laura Lanzillo) at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna - Forlì campus (large scale: around 70 students). 2001/2002: undergraduate teaching assistant (one of four teaching assistants) for the course of ‘History of Political Thought’ (led by Prof. Carlo Galli) at the faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna, Forlì campus (very large scale: around 350 students). Guest lectures/seminars at postgraduate level For my extensive teaching experience, skills in methodological training and records, and great expertise in Postcolonial Theory, Colonial and Postcolonial History, Gender Theory, Critical Race Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies approach ad methodologies I have been invited worlwide to give guest lectures: 2014: (Eng) Guest seminar on “How Italians became white: an intersectional analysis of Italians' racial identity”, Dept. Sociology, Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK) 7th May. 2014: (Eng) Guest seminar on “Black and white. An intersectional and postcolonial approach to Italians’ racial identity (1861-2011)”, CEHUM, Universidade Do Minho (PG), 20th March. 10 CV dr. Gaia Giuliani – January 2015 2014: (Eng) Workshop_Programa de Doutoramento em Modernidades Comparadas on “Critical Whiteness Studies, Intersectionality and Emotional coding as the fundational analytical scheme for scholarly research and intellectual understanding of culture, history and society”, CEHUM, Universidade do Minho (PG), 20th March. 2013: (Eng) Guest seminar on “Black and white. History of the Italians’ racial identity 1860s2010” at the Department of Sociology, University of Newclastle (UK), 12 November. 2013: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Bianco che più bianco non si puó. Color-assignments in contemporary (postcolonial) Italy (2010-2012)” at the Summer school ‘The power of colour’, Humboldt University, Berlin (Ger), 22-26 July. 2013: (Ita) Guest lecture on “Le radici storiche e culturali del razzismo in Italia” (The cultural and historical root of Italian racism) at the Scuola di Dottorato in ‘Scienze Sociali: Interazioni, Comunicazione, Costruzioni Culturali’ (PhD School in Social sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Constructions), University of Padua, 10 June. 2011: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Assigning colour in the Pacific: For a racialised political anthropology of settler colonialism”, Dept. of Sociology and Athropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (NC), 17 March. 2011: (Eng) Guest lecture on “The construction of Italianness: Masculinity and race in late Liberal and early Fascist Italy” at the seminar on Nations, Art and Darkness: Visions of PostColonial Citizenship and Race, UCBerkeley (CA), 9 March. 2010: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Lombroso and Australia” at the Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne (VIC), 28 April. 2010: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Aren’t Italians White? The Italian way to whiteness”, at the Bagel Seminar Series, Transforming Culture Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (NSW), 31 March. 2010: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Not enough white: Mediterraneans, Lombroso and the making of White Australia”, at the Bagel Seminar Series, Transforming Culture Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney (NSW), 3 March. 2009: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Cesare Lombroso and the making of White Australia”, ISR 2009 Seminars and Public Lectures Series at the Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne (VIC), 19 November. 2009: (Ita) Guest lecture on “Colonial stereotypes in the Italian public discourse on gender and violence”, Seminar Series “Relazioni pericolose. Sicurezza, diritti ed autodeterminazione nella metropoli contemporanea”, coordinated by prof. Alisa del Re at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Padova (IT), 5 May. 2008: (Eng) Guest lecture on “The Body, Sexuality and Precarity”, at the Bagel Seminar Series, Transforming Cultures Centre, University of Technology Sydney (NSW), 24 July. 2007: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Beyond curiosity. James Mill’s History of British India and the new colonial imaginary”, at the South Asian Seminar series coordinated by prof. Devleena Ghosh, University of Technology Sydney (NSW), 31 August. 2007: (Eng) Guest lecture on “Precarity of the femaleness and feminisms of precarity”, at the Dept. of Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (NC), January. 2007: (Eng) Guest lecture on “The precarious subject and European women’s activism” at the Dept. of Comparative Studies, University of Columbus (Ohio), 16 January. 11