Berardesca Enzo
Curriculum Vitae
Enzo Berardesca
Via del casaletto 527, 00151 Roma
+39 348 6962500
+39 06 5266 6158
Data di nascita
[email protected]
Posizione attuale: Direttore Dipartimento di Dermatologia Infiammatoria ed
Immunoinfettivologica e Direttore Struttura Complessa di Dermatologia Clinica,
Istituto Dermatologico S. Maria e S. Gallicano, IRRCS
Via Chianesi 53, 00144, Roma
Il Dr. Berardesca Enzo si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia il 9/11/1979 presso
l'Università degli Studi di Pavia con 110 e lode discutendo la seguente tesi
sperimentale: "Psoriasi: elettrofisiologia della cute affetta, della cute
apparentemente sana e modificazioni indotte dalla fotochemioterapia (8-MOP
+ UVA)
Dall'aprile del 1980 al febbraio 1982 è stato titolare del servizio di Guardia
Medica presso la U.S.L. n° 49 fino al giugno 1982.
Ha eseguito il tirocinio pratico medico-ospedaliero presso la Clinica
Dermatologica dell'Università di Pavia-IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo nel 1980.
Nel 1982 ha conseguito il Diploma di Specialità in Clinica Dermosifilopatica con
50/50 presso l'Università degli Studi di Pavia.
Durante gli anni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Clinica Dermosifilopatica
(1979 – 1982) è stato medico interno presso la Clinica Dermatologica della
Università di Pavia, Policlinico S. Matteo.
Nel Febbraio 1982 è stato assunto presso la Clinica Dermatologica dell' IRCCS
Policlinico S. Matteo, con ruolo di assistente ospedaliero a tempo pieno sino al
Gennaio 1989 e dal Gennaio 1989 di aiuto corresponsabile ospedaliero
incaricato a tempo pieno.
Dal Gennaio 1983 al Febbraio 1987 e' stato consulente presso l'ambulatorio di
Dermatologia della USL 53-Ospedale di Crema.
Nel dicembre 1986 ha vinto una Fellowship di un anno bandita dalla University
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Curriculum Vitae
of California Medical School di San Francisco (USA) per effettuare un
programma di ricerca vertente sui rapporti tra il colore e la funzione della cute.
Nel 1987 e' stato Assistant Research in Dermatology presso il Department of
Dermatology, University of California Medical School, San Francisco, USA
dove ha effettuato numerosi studi sulle diverse caratteristiche razziali nella
fisiologia cutanea, descrivendo per primo nella letteratura internazionale le
differenze nelle risposte fisiologiche ed in alcuni aspetti biochimici esistenti tra
le razze. Da allora ha una collaborazione continuativa con la University of
In seguito alla vittoria del concorso, dal 12/3/90 è stato aiuto Ospedaliero di
ruolo presso la Clinica Dermatologica dell'Università di Pavia, IRCCS
Policlinico S. Matteo con responsabilità sul reparto degenti (25 letti maschili +
22 letti femminili).
Nel reparto degenti della Clinica Dermatologica vengono trattati tutti i tipi di
patologie dermatologiche complesse che necessitano di ricovero ospedaliero.
In particolare, psoriasi e dermatiti atopiche diffuse, dermatiti bollose
complicate, collagenopatie, ulcere distrofiche croniche, linfomi cutanei
sottoposti a fotochemioterapia.
Dal 1990 al 2001 e’ stato responsabile dell’ambulatorio di diagnostica non
invasiva e cosmetologia dell’ IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo. In questo
ambulatorio vengono effettuati test diagnostici mediante metodiche non
invasive su pazienti e test clinici e strumentali sull’efficacia e la sicurezza di
prodotti topici. In particolar modo vengono valutate strumentalmente
dermopatie croniche come la psoriasi, vengono effettuati test dinamici su
pazienti affetti collagenopatie e/o vasculopatie e vengono effettuati screening
preventivi mediante capillaroscopia / epiluminescenza in pazienti portatori di
lesioni melanocitarie sospette. L’ambulatorio e’ uno dei più avanzati in Italia
per l’esecuzione dei test di efficacia sui prodotti cosmetici eseguiti per conto
terzi che negli ultimi anni hanno permesso all’Istituto di fatturare alcune
centinaia di milioni/anno per questo servizio.
Nell'ottobre 1991 ha conseguito l'idoneità primariale in Dermosifilopatia.
Dal 1995 al 2001 è stato responsabile del servizio di allergologia
dermatologica c/o la Clinica Dermatologica dell’Università di Pavia.
Dal 2001 e’ Direttore della Struttura Complessa di Dermatologia Clinica
dell’Istituto Dermatologico San Gallicano, IRCCS, di Roma. La struttura
complessa comprende 40 posti letto di ricovero ordinario che diurno, un
servizio di fototerapia, un servizio dei dermatoallergologia e diversi servizi
ambulatoriali tra cui dermatologia generale (4 ambulatori), dermatologia
pediatrica (2 ambulatori), dermatologia estetica (1 ambulatorio): i servizi
ambulatoriali eseguono generalmente circa 400 prestazioni al giorno tra cui
visite dermatologiche, laser terapia, crioterapia, fototerapia test diagnostici per
Dal 2002 e’ Direttore del Dipartimento di Dermatologia Infiammatoria ed
Immunoinfettivologica dell’Istituto Dermatologico San Gallicano, IRCCS,
Roma. Il Dipartimento oltre alla struttura complessa di Dermatologia Clinica
sopracitata comprende una struttura complessa di Dermatologia Infettivologica
e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse (servizio di III livello per HIV-AIDS della
Regione Lazio), una struttura complessa di Medicina delle Migrazioni e
Dermatologia Tropicale, una struttura complessa di Patologia Clinica ed Analisi
Microbiologiche, una struttura semplice dipartimentale di Porfire Cutanee e
Malattie Metaboliche Rare ed un struttura semplice dipartimentale di
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Radiologia ed Ecografia.
Dal febbraio 1989 al 2002 è Professore a Contratto della Scuola di
Specializzazione in Clinica Dermosifilopatica della Università degli studi di
Nel febbraio 1990 ha tenuto lezioni alle Scuole di Specializzazione in
Dermatosifilopatia dell'Università dell'Aquila e dell'Università di Pavia.
Dal 1994 al 2002 è Professore a contratto presso la scuola di specializzazione
in Allergologia della Università di Pavia
Dal 1994 al 2002 è Professore a contratto presso la scuola di specializzazione
in Medicina del Lavoro della Università di Pavia
Dal 1994 al 2002 Professore a contratto presso la scuola di Chimica
Farmaceutica e Tossicologica dell'Università di Milano.
Tra il 2001 ed il 2008 e’ stato docente a numerosi Master e Corsi ECM tra cui i
Master in “Dermatologia Allergologica” dell’Università di Perugia, il Master di
Laser e Dermatologia Chirugica dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di
Roma, ed il Master di Chirurgia Plastica e Medicina Estetica dell’Università di
Dal 2008 e’ professore presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia
Plastica dell’Universita’ di Pavia
(1) Altomare G, Ayala F, Berardesca E, Chimenti S, Giannetti A, Girolomoni G,
et al. Etanercept provides a more physiological approach in the treatment of
psoriasis. Dermatol.Ther. 2008 Oct;21 Suppl 2:S1-14.
(2) Ardigo M, Buffon RB, Scope A, Cota C, Buccini P, Berardesca E, et al.
Comparing in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy, dermoscopy, and histology
of clear-cell acanthoma. Dermatol.Surg. 2009 Jun;35(6):952-959.
(3) Ardigo M, Cota C, Berardesca E. Unilesional mycosis fungoides
successfully treated with imiquimod. Eur.J.Dermatol. 2006 Sep;16(4):446.
(4) Ardigo M, Cota C, Berardesca E, Gonzalez S. Concordance between in
vivo reflectance confocal microscopy and histology in the evaluation of plaque
psoriasis. J.Eur.Acad.Dermatol.Venereol. 2009 Jun;23(6):660-667.
(5) Ardigo M, Giuliani A, de Felice C, Mastroianni A, Berardesca E. Efficacy of
adalimumab in plaque psoriasis: experience on 28 patients. J.Drugs Dermatol.
2008 Oct;7(10):935-939.
(6) Ardigo M, Maliszewski I, Cota C, Scope A, Sacerdoti G, Gonzalez S, et al.
Preliminary evaluation of in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy features of
discoid lupus erythematosus. Br.J.Dermatol. 2007 Mar 23.
(7) Ardigo M, Malizewsky I, Dell'anna ML, Berardesca E, Picardo M.
Preliminary evaluation of vitiligo using in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy.
J.Eur.Acad.Dermatol.Venereol. 2007 Nov;21(10):1344-1350.
(8) Ardigo M, Marulli GC, Cota C, Mastroianni A, Berardesca E. Bexarotene
and interferon-alpha combination therapy in a patient affected by relapsing
anaplastic large cell lymphoma with cutaneous involvement. J.Drugs Dermatol.
2007 Feb;6(2):216-219.
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(9) Ayala F, Fabbrocini G, Bacchilega R, Berardesca E, Caraffini S, Corazza
M, et al. Eyelid dermatitis: an evaluation of 447 patients. Am.J.Contact Dermat.
2003 Jun;14(2):69-74.
(10) Berardesca E. EEMCO guidance for the assessment of the stratum
corneum hydration: electrical methods. Skin Res Tech 1997;3:126-132.
(11) Berardesca E. Assessment of skin moisturization with electrical methods.
In: Loden M, Maibach H, editors. Dry Skin and Moisturizers New York: Taylor
and Francis; 2006. p. 451-456.
(12) Berardesca E. Multiparametric quantification of subliminal
irritation:predictive models. 2006 November 6-7;2nd International Symposium
on Skin Physiology, Rome.
(13) Berardesca E. Disorders of skin barriers: clinical implications.
J.Eur.Acad.Dermatol.Venereol. 2002 Nov;16(6):559-561.
(14) Berardesca E. What's new in irritant dermatitis. Clin.Dermatol. 1997 JulAug;15(4):561-563.
(15) Berardesca E. Racial differences in skin function. Acta Derm
Venereol.Suppl.(Stockh) 1994;185:44-46.
(16) Berardesca E, Abril E, Serio M, Cameli N. Effects of topical glucooligosaccharide and collagen tripeptide F in the treatment of sensitive atopic
skin. Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2009 Aug;31(4):271-277.
(17) Berardesca E, Andersen PH, Bjerring P, Maibach HI. Erythema induced
by organic solvents: in vivo evaluation of oxygenized and deoxygenized
haemoglobin by reflectance spectroscopy. Contact Dermatitis 1992 Jul;27(1):811.
(18) Berardesca E, Barbareschi M, Veraldi S, Pimpinelli N. Evaluation of
efficacy of a skin lipid mixture in patients with irritant contact dermatitis, allergic
contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis: a multicenter study. Contact Dermatitis
2001 Nov;45(5):280-285.
(19) Berardesca E, Borroni G. Instrumental evaluation of cutaneous hydration.
Clin.Dermatol. 1995 Jul-Aug;13(4):323-327.
(20) Berardesca E, Brazzelli V, Borroni G, Cavagnino A, Rabbiosi G. Changes
in the biomechanic property of the skin after hemodialysis treatment.
G.Ital.Dermatol.Venereol. 1989 Jun;124(6):257-259.
(21) Berardesca E, Cameli N, Cavallotti C, Levy JL, Pierard GE, de Paoli
Ambrosi G. Combined effects of silymarin and methylsulfonylmethane in the
management of rosacea: clinical and instrumental evaluation.
J.Cosmet.Dermatol. 2008 Mar;7(1):8-14.
(22) Berardesca E, Cameli N, Primavera G, Carrera M. Clinical and
instrumental evaluation of skin improvement after treatment with a new 50%
pyruvic acid peel. Dermatol.Surg. 2006 Apr;32(4):526-531.
(23) Berardesca E, Cespa M, Farinelli N, Rabbiosi G, Maibach H. In vivo
transcutaneous penetration of nicotinates and sensitive skin. Contact
Dermatitis 1991 Jul;25(1):35-38.
(24) Berardesca E, de Rigal J, Leveque JL, Maibach HI. In vivo biophysical
characterization of skin physiological differences in races. Dermatologica
(25) Berardesca E, Del Forno C, Vignini M. Usefulness of etretinate treatment
in paraneoplastic plamoplantar hyperkeratosis. Br.J.Dermatol. 1987
(26) Berardesca E, Del Forno C, Vignini M. Malignant acanthosis nigricans with
an unusual clinical expression. G.Ital.Dermatol.Venereol. 1985 MayJun;120(3):193-195.
(27) Berardesca E, Distante F. Mechanisms of skin irritations.
Curr.Probl.Dermatol. 1995;23:1-8.
(28) Berardesca E, Distante F. The modulation of skin irritation. Contact
Dermatitis 1994 Nov;31(5):281-287.
(29) Berardesca E, Distante F, Vignoli GP, Oresajo C, Green B. Alpha
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hydroxyacids modulate stratum corneum barrier function. Br.J.Dermatol. 1997
(30) Berardesca E, Distante F, Vignoli GP, Rabbiosi G. Acute irritant
dermatitis: effect of short-term topical corticoid treatment. Curr.Probl.Dermatol.
(31) Berardesca E, Farinelli N, Rabbiosi G, Maibach HI. Skin bioengineering in
the noninvasive assessment of cutaneous aging. Dermatologica
(32) Berardesca E, Fideli D, Bellosta M, Dyne KM, Zanaboni G, Cetta G. Blood
transfusions in the therapy of a case of prolidase deficiency. Br.J.Dermatol.
1992 Feb;126(2):193-195.
(33) Berardesca E, Fideli D, Borroni G. The "Georgian ulcers": a prolidase
deficiency condition? Am.J.Dermatopathol. 1987 Dec;9(6):546-547.
(34) Berardesca E, Fideli D, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G, Maibach H. In vivo
hydration and water-retention capacity of stratum corneum in clinically
uninvolved skin in atopic and psoriatic patients. Acta Derm.Venereol.
(35) Berardesca E, Fideli D, Gabba P, Cespa M, Rabbiosi G, Maibach HI.
Ranking of surfactant skin irritancy in vivo in man using the plastic occlusion
stress test (POST). Contact Dermatitis 1990 Jul;23(1):1-5.
(36) Berardesca E, Fluhr JW, Maibach H. What is sensitive skin? In:
Berardesca E, Fluhr JW, Maibach H, editors. Sensitive Skin Syndrome New
York: Taylor and Francis; 2006. p. 1-5.
(37) Berardesca E, Gabba P, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G. Assessment of the effects
of a topical product containing glycosaminoglycans in cutaneous hydration.
Int.J.Clin.Pharmacol.Res. 1988;8(1):69-73.
(38) Berardesca E, Gabba P, Farinelli N, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G. In vivo
tretinoin-induced changes in skin mechanical properties. Br.J.Dermatol. 1990
(39) Berardesca E, Gabba P, Farinelli N, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G. Skin
extensibility time in women. Changes in relation to sex hormones. Acta
Derm.Venereol. 1989;69(5):431-433.
(40) Berardesca E, Gabba P, Nume A, Rabbiosi G, Maibach HI. Objective prick
test evaluation: non-invasive techniques. Acta Derm.Venereol. 1992
(41) Berardesca E, Gabba P, Ucci G, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G. Topical
spironolactone inhibits dihydrotestosterone receptors in human sebaceous
glands: an autoradiographic study in subjects with acne vulgaris. Int.J.Tissue
React. 1988;10(2):115-119.
(42) Berardesca E, Herbst R, Maibach H. Plastic occlusion stress test as a
model to investigate the effects of skin delipidization on the stratum corneum
water holding capacity in vivo. Dermatology 1993;187(2):91-94.
(43) Berardesca E, Leveque JL, Masson P, European Group for Efficacy
Measurements on Cosmetics and Other Topical Products (EEMCO Group).
EEMCO guidance for the measurement of skin microcirculation. Skin
Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 2002 Nov-Dec;15(6):442-456.
(44) Berardesca E, Maibach H. Ethnic Differences in Skin Sensitivity and
Responses to Topically Applied Products. In: Berardesca E, Fluhr JW,
Maibach H, editors. Sensitive Skin Syndrome New York: Taylor and Francis;
2006. p. 53-58.
(45) Berardesca E, Maibach H. Ethnic skin: overview of structure and function.
J.Am.Acad.Dermatol. 2003 Jun;48(6 Suppl):S139-42.
(46) Berardesca E, Maibach H. Racial differences in skin pathophysiology.
J.Am.Acad.Dermatol. 1996 Apr;34(4):667-672.
(47) Berardesca E, Maibach H. Transcutaneous CO2 and O2 diffusion. Skin
Pharmacol. 1993;6(1):3-9.
(48) Berardesca E, Maibach H. Cutaneous reactive hyperaemia: racial
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(49) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Preface. Int.J.Cosmetic Sci. 2006
(50) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Sensitive and ethnic skin. A need for special
skin-care agents? Dermatol.Clin. 1991 Jan;9(1):89-92.
(51) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Monitoring the water-holding capacity in
visually non-irritated skin by plastic occlusion stress test (POST).
Clin.Exp.Dermatol. 1990 Mar;15(2):107-110.
(52) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Transepidermal water loss and skin surface
hydration in the non invasive assessment of stratum corneum function.
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(53) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Racial differences in pharmacodynamic
response to nicotinates in vivo in human skin: black and white. Acta
Derm.Venereol. 1990;70(1):63-66.
(54) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Noninvasive bioengineering assessment of
psoriasis. Int.J.Dermatol. 1989 Apr;28(3):157-160.
(55) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Sodium-lauryl-sulphate-induced cutaneous
irritation. Comparison of white and Hispanic subjects. Contact Dermatitis 1988
(56) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Contact dermatitis in blacks. Dermatol.Clin.
1988 Jul;6(3):363-368.
(57) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Racial differences in sodium lauryl sulphate
induced cutaneous irritation: black and white. Contact Dermatitis 1988
(58) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Skin occlusion: treatment or drug-like device?
Skin Pharmacol. 1988;1(3):207-215.
(59) Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Bioengineering and the patch test. Contact
Dermatitis 1988 Jan;18(1):3-9.
(60) Berardesca E, Piero Vignoli G, Distante E, Rona C. Effects of glycolic acid
on psoriasis. Clin.Exp.Dermatol. 1998 Jul;23(4):190-191.
(61) Berardesca E, Pirot F, Singh M, Maibach H. Differences in stratum
corneum pH gradient when comparing white Caucasian and black AfricanAmerican skin. Br.J.Dermatol. 1998 Nov;139(5):855-857.
(62) Berardesca E, Primavera G, Maibach H. Ethnic cosmetics: Black,
Hispanics and Orientals. In: Baran R, Maibach H, editors. Textbook of
Cosmetic Dermatology. 3rd Edition ed. New York: Taylor and Francis; 2005. p.
(63) Berardesca E, Rona C, Finkey MB, Appa Y. Imaging of Pore Size and
Sebum Secretion by Sebumtape During Treatment for Skin Oiliness. In:
Wilhelm KP, Berardesca E, Elsner P, Maibach H, editors. Skin Imaging and
Analysis. Bioenginnering of the skin ed. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007.
p. 469-473.
(64) Berardesca E, Vignoli GP, Distante F, Brizzi P, Rabbiosi G. Effects of
water temperature on surfactant-induced skin irritation. Contact Dermatitis
1995 Feb;32(2):83-87.
(65) Berardesca E, Vignoli GP, Farinelli N, Vignini M, Distante F, Rabbiosi G.
Non-invasive evaluation of topical calcipotriol versus clobetasol in the
treatment of psoriasis. Acta Derm.Venereol. 1994 Jul;74(4):302-304.
(66) Berardesca E, Vignoli GP, Fideli D, Maibach H. Effect of occlusive
dressings on the stratum corneum water holding capacity. Am.J.Med.Sci. 1992
(67) Berardesca E, Ardigo M, Berardesca M, Cameli N. Melasma: current and
future treatments. Expert Review of Dermatology 2008 04/92;3(2):187-193.
(68) Bernardi L, Soffiantino F, Fogari R, Borroni G, Bellosta M, Berardesca E.
Effect of solid detergent washing on values of skin electrical impedance.
Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper. 1982 Oct 30;58(20):1303-1308.
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(69) Bonifati C, Berardesca E. Clinical outcome measures of psoriasis.
Reumatismo 2007;59:64-67.
(70) Borroni G, Berardesca E, Gabba P, Pericoli R, Pugliese PT, Bellosta M, et
al. Effects of an amphoteric surfactant on the skin barrier: an in vivo electrophysiological study. Br.J.Dermatol. 1986 Aug;115 Suppl 31:138-141.
(71) Borroni G, Brazzelli V, Fietta A, Gatti M, Bellosta M, Vignati G, et al.
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(72) Borroni G, Vignati G, Brazzelli V, Vignoli GP, Gabba P, Gatti M, et al.
Changes in the water holding capacity of psoriatic stratum corneum in vivo.
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(73) Brazzelli V, Berardesca E, Rona C, Borroni G. The influence of a nonocclusive bi-layer composite membrane on skin barrier properties. A noninvasive evaluation with a right-left intra-individual pre/post comparison study.
Skin Pharmacol.Physiol. 2008;21(1):50-55.
(74) Brazzelli V, Borroni G, Berardesca E, Romano E, Vignoli GP, Rabbiosi G.
PUVA-treated psoriatic skin as a model for cutaneous wrinkling assessed by
skin replicas. Acta Derm Venereol.Suppl.(Stockh) 1994;186:162-163.
(75) Brazzelli V, Borroni G, Vignoli GP, Rabbiosi G, Cavagnino A, Berardesca
E. Effects of fluid volume changes during hemodialysis on the biophysical
parameters of the skin. Dermatology 1994;188(2):113-116.
(76) Brazzelli V, Distante F, Perani G, Berardesca E. Effects of systemic
treatment with statins on skin barrier function and stratum corneum waterholding capacity. Dermatology 1996;192(3):214-216.
(77) Cannistraci C, Lesnoni La Parola I, Donati P, Amantea A, Cordone I,
Berardesca E. Case of benign cutaneous plasmacytosis: immunohistochemical
and flow cytometry study. J.Eur.Acad.Dermatol.Venereol. 2010 Jan;24(1):111112.
(78) Carrera M, Primavera G, Berardesca E. La cute etnica: caratteristiche
fisiopatologiche e patologie di più frequente riscontro. Ann It Derm All Sper
(79) Carrera M, Rona C, Berardesca E. Testing anticellulite products. Int J
Cosm Sci 2006;28(3):169-173.
(80) Cordiali-Fei P, Ardigo M, Mastroianni A, Giuliani A, D'Agosto G, Bordignon
V, et al. Serum cytokines and bioumoral immunological characterization of
psoriatic patients in long term etanercept treatment.
Int.J.Immunopathol.Pharmacol. 2008 Jul-Sep;21(3):643-649.
(81) Cordiali-Fei P, Trento E, D'Agosto G, Bordignon V, Mussi A, Ardigo M, et
al. Effective therapy with anti-TNF-alpha in patients with psoriatic arthritis is
associated with decreased levels of metalloproteinases and angiogenic
cytokines in the sera and skin lesions. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 2007 Sep;1110:578589.
(82) Cordiali-Fei P, Trento E, D'Agosto G, Bordignon V, Mussi A, Ardigo M, et
al. Decreased levels of metalloproteinase-9 and angiogenic factors in skin
lesions of patients with psoriatic arthritis after therapy with anti-TNF-alpha.
J.Autoimmune Dis. 2006 Oct 5;3:5.
(83) Cuccia-Belvedere M, Brazzelli V, Martinetti M, Berardesca E, Dugoujon
JM, De Paoli F, et al. Familial steatocystoma multiplex: HLA, Gm, Km
genotyping and chromosomal analysis in two unrelated families. Clin.Genet.
1989 Aug;36(2):136-140.
(84) De Felice C, Marulli G, Ardigo M, Berardesca E. Biological markers in the
etiology of psoriasis: targeted treatment options. Biol Targ Ther 2007;1(1):1118.
(85) de Felice C, Ardigo M, Berardesca E. Biologic therapies for psoriasis.
J.Rheumatol.Suppl. 2009 Aug;83:62-64.
(86) de Portu S, Del Giglio M, Altomare G, Arcangeli F, Berardesca E, Pinton
PC, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of TNF-alpha blockers for the treatment
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of chronic plaque psoriasis in the perspective of the Italian health-care system.
Dermatol.Ther. 2010 Jan-Feb;23 Suppl 1:S7-13.
(87) Distante F, Rigano L, D'Agostino R, Bonfigli A, Berardesca E. Intra and
Inter Individual Differences in Facial Skin Biophysical Properties. In:
Berardesca E, Fluhr JW, Maibach H, editors. Sensitive Skin Syndrome New
York: Taylor and Francis; 2006. p. 149-157.
(88) Distante F, Scalise F, Rona C, Bonfigli A, Fluhr JW, Berardesca E. Oral
fish cartilage polysaccharides in the treatment of photoageing: biophysical
findings. Int J Cosm Sci 2002;24(2):81-87.
(89) Farage MA, Berardesca E, Maibach H. The possible relevance of sex
hormones on irritant and allergic responses: their importance for skin testing.
Contact Dermatitis 2010 Feb;62(2):67-74.
(90) Farage MA, Berardesca E, Maibach H. The possible relevance of sex
hormones on irritant and allergic responses: their importance for skin testing.
Contact Dermatitis 2009 Oct 6.
(91) Farage MA, Berardesca E, Maibach H. Skin moisturization and frictional
effects of an emollient-treated menstrual pad with a foam core.
Cutan.Ocul.Toxicol. 2009;28(1):25-31.
(92) Farage MA, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. The effect of sex hormones on
irritant and allergic response: possible relevance for skin testing.
Br.J.Dermatol. 2009 Feb;160(2):450-451.
(93) Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Clinical implications of
aging skin: cutaneous disorders in the elderly. Am.J.Clin.Dermatol.
(94) Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Psychosocial and
societal burden of incontinence in the aged population: a review.
Arch.Gynecol.Obstet. 2008 Apr;277(4):285-290.
(95) Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Neoplastic skin lesions
in the elderly patient. Cutan.Ocul.Toxicol. 2008;27(3):213-229.
(96) Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. Incontinence in the
aged: Contact dermatitis and other cutaneous consequences. Contact
Dermatitis 2007;57(4):211-217.
(97) Fluhr JW, Bomkessel A, Berardesca E. Glycerol-Just a moisturizer? In:
Loden M, Maibach H, editors. Dry Skin and Moisturizers New York: Taylor and
Francis; 2006. p. 227-244.
(98) Fluhr JW, Cavallotti C, Berardesca E. Emollients, moisturizers, and
keratolytic agents in psoriasis. Clin.Dermatol. 2008 Jul-Aug;26(4):380-386.
(99) Fluhr JW, Dickel H, Kuss O, Weyher I, Diepgen TL, Berardesca E. Impact
of anatomical location on barrier recovery, surface pH and stratum corneum
hydration after acute barrier disruption. Br.J.Dermatol. 2002 May;146(5):770776.
(100) Fluhr JW, Gloor M, Lehmann L, Lazzerini S, Distante F, Berardesca E.
Glycerol accelerates recovery of barrier function in vivo. Acta Derm.Venereol.
1999 Nov;79(6):418-421.
(101) Fluhr JW, Kuss O, Diepgen T, Lazzerini S, Pelosi A, Gloor M, et al.
Testing for irritation with a multifactorial approach: comparison of eight noninvasive measuring techniques on five different irritation types. Br.J.Dermatol.
2001 Nov;145(5):696-703.
(102) Fluhr JW, Lazzerini S, Distante F, Gloor M, Berardesca E. Effects of
prolonged occlusion on stratum corneum barrier function and water holding
capacity. Skin Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 1999 Jul-Aug;12(4):193-198.
(103) Fluhr JW, Miteva M, Primavera G, Ziemer M, Elsner P, Berardesca E.
Functional assessment of a skin care system in patients on chemotherapy.
Skin Pharmacol.Physiol. 2007;20(5):253-259.
(104) Fluhr JW, Pelosi A, Lazzerini S, Dikstein S, Berardesca E. Differences in
corneocyte surface area in pre- and post-menopausal women. Assessment
with the noninvasive videomicroscopic imaging of corneocytes method (VIC)
p. 8
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Curriculum Vitae
under basal conditions. Skin Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 2001;14 Suppl
(105) Francalanci S, Angelini G, Balato N, Berardesca E, Cusano F, Gaddoni
G, et al. Effectiveness of disperse dyes mix in detection of contact allergy to
textile dyes: an Italian multicentre study. Contact Dermatitis 1995
(106) Giorgini S, Francalanci S, Sertoli A, Angelici G, Ayala F, Balato N, et al.
Epidemiological survey on contact dermatitis in Italy (1984-1998): Data on the
aetiology of cosmetic allergic contact dermatitis. Ann It Derm All Sper
(107) Linder D, Dall'olio E, Gisondi P, Berardesca E, Gennaro ED, Pennella
AR, et al. Perception of disease and doctor-patient relationship experienced by
patients with psoriasis: a questionnaire-based study. Am.J.Clin.Dermatol.
(108) Lisi P, Stingeni L, Pigatto P, Berardesca E, Schena D, Santucci B, et al.
Epidemiological survey of contact dermatitis in Italy (1994-1998). Ann It Derm
All Sper 2003;57(1):30-37.
(109) Maibach HI, Lammintausta K, Berardesca E, Freeman S. Tendency to
irritation: sensitive skin. J.Am.Acad.Dermatol. 1989 Oct;21(4 Pt 2):833-835.
(110) Mariani E, Facchini A, Honorati MC, Lalli E, Berardesca E, Ghetti P, et al.
Immune defects in families and patients with xeroderma pigmentosum and
trichothiodystrophy. Clin.Exp.Immunol. 1992 Jun;88(3):376-382.
(111) Martelli L, Berardesca E, Martelli M. Topical formulation of a new plant
extract complex with refirming properties. Clinical and non-invasive evaluation
in a double-blind trial. Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2000 Jun;22(3):201-206.
(112) Martignoni E, Godi L, Pacchetti C, Berardesca E, Vignoli GP, Albani G,
et al. Is seborrhea a sign of autonomic impairment in Parkinson's disease?
J.Neural Transm. 1997;104(11-12):1295-1304.
(113) Mastroianni A, Cota C, Ardigo M, Minutilli E, Berardesca E. Erosive
pustular dermatosis of the scalp: a case report and review of the literature.
Dermatology 2005;211(3):273-276.
(114) Mastroianni A, Minutilli E, Mussi A, Bordignon V, Trento E, D'Agosto G,
et al. Cytokine profiles during infliximab monotherapy in psoriatic arthritis.
Br.J.Dermatol. 2005 Sep;153(3):531-536.
(115) Meloni M, Berardesca E. The impact of COLIPA guidelines for
assessment of skin compatibility on the development of cosmetic products.
Am.J.Clin.Dermatol. 2001;2(2):65-68.
(116) Nosotti L, Francesconi F, Izzi S, Berardesca E, Morrone A, Bonifati C.
Safety of anti tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy in psoriatic patients with
hepatitis B virus infection. Br.J.Dermatol. 2010 Feb 22.
(117) Nuzzo F, Lagomarsini P, Casati A, Giorgi R, Berardesca E, Stefanini M.
Clonal chromosome rearrangements in a fibroblast strain from a patient
affected by xeroderma pigmentosum (complementation group C). Mutat.Res.
1989 Jul;219(4):209-215.
(118) Patrizi A, Capitanio B, Neri I, Giacomini F, Sinagra JL, Raone B, et al. A
double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled clinical study to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of MAS063DP (ATOPICLAIR) in the management of atopic
dermatitis in paediatric patients. Pediatr.Allergy Immunol. 2008 Nov;19(7):619625.
(119) Pelosi A, Berardesca E, Fluhr JW, Wertz P, Jansen LJ, Anigbogu A, et
al. Stratum Corneum Lipids and Water Holding Capacity:Comparison Between
Caucasian, Black, Hispanics and Asians. In: Berardesca E, Leveque JL,
Maibach H, editors. Ethnic Skin and Hair New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007.
p. 169-179.
(120) Piérard GE, Elsner P, Marks R, Masson P, Paye M, Berardesca E, et al.
EEMCO guidance for the efficacy assessment of antiperspirants and
deodorants. Skin Pharmacol 2003;16(5):324-342.
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Curriculum Vitae
(121) Pierard-Franchimont C, Quatresooz P, Berardesca E, Plomteux G,
Pierard GE. Environmental hazards and the skin. Eur.J.Dermatol. 2006 MayJun;16(3):322-324.
(122) Pirot F, Berardesca E, Kalia YN, Singh M, Maibach HI, Guy RH. Stratum
corneum thickness and apparent water diffusivity: facile and noninvasive
quantitation in vivo. Pharm.Res. 1998 Mar;15(3):492-494.
(123) Primavera G, Berardesca E, Maibach H. Stratum Corneum Water
Content and Transepidermal Water Loss. In: Baran R, Maibach H, editors.
Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology. 3rd Edition ed. New York: Taylor and
Francis; 2005. p. 547-552.
(124) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Biophysical Properties of Ethnic Skin. In:
Berardesca E, Leveque JL, Maibach H, editors. Ethnic Skin and Hair New
York: Informa Healthcare; 2007. p. 13-18.
(125) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Clinical and Instrumental evaluation of a
food supplement in improving skin hydration. Int J Cosm Sci 2005;27(4):199204.
(126) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Sensitive skin:mechanisms and diagnosis.
Int J Cosm Sci 2005;27(1):1-10.
(127) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Transepidermal water loss and racial
differences. In: Fluhr JW, Elsner P, Berardesca E, Maibach H, editors. Water
and the Startum Corneum. 2nd Edition ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2005. p.
(128) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Dynamic Measurements: The Plastic
Occlusion Stress Test, Moisture Accumulation Test, and Sorption-Desorption
Test. In: Fluhr JW, Elsner P, Berardesca E, Maibach H, editors. Water and
Stratum Corneum. 2nd Edition ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2005. p. 237-248.
(129) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Clinical and instrumental evaluation of a
food supplement in improving skin hydration. Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2005
(130) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Clinical and instrumental evaluation of a
food supplement in improving skin hydration. Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2005
(131) Primavera G, Berardesca E. Sensitive skin: mechanisms and diagnosis.
Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2005 Feb;27(1):1-10.
(132) Primavera G, Carrera M, Berardesca E, Pinnaro P, Messina M, Arcangeli
G. A double-blind, vehicle-controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of
MAS065D (XClair), a hyaluronic acid-based formulation, in the management of
radiation-induced dermatitis. Cutan.Ocul.Toxicol. 2006;25(3):165-171.
(133) Primavera G, Fluhr JW, Berardesca E. Standardization of
Measurements. In: Fluhr JW, Elsner P, Berardesca E, Maibach H, editors.
Water and the stratum corneum. second Edition ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press;
2005. p. 83-96.
(134) Richard S, de Rigal J, de Lacharriere O, Berardesca E, Leveque JL.
Noninvasive measurement of the effect of lifetime exposure to the sun on the
aged skin. Photodermatol.Photoimmunol.Photomed. 1994 Aug;10(4):164-169.
(135) Rodrigues L, Masson P, Piérard GE, Rogiers V, Berardesca E, Elsner P,
et al. EEMCO guidance to the in vivo assessment of tensile functional
properties of the skin. Part 2: Instrumentation and test modes. Skin Pharmacol
(136) Rogiers V, Masson P, Piérard GE, Rodrigues L, Rogiers V, Berardesca
E, et al. EEMCO guidance for the assessment of transepidermal water loss in
cosmetic sciences. Skin Pharmacol 2001;14(2):117-128.
(137) Rona C, Zuang V, Berardesca E:. Polysaccharides from sea fish
cartilage in the treatment of ageing caused by sunlight. G Ital Dermatol
Venereol 2001;136(1):85-90.
(138) Rona C, Berardesca E. Aging skin and food supplements: the myth and
the truth. Clin.Dermatol. 2008 Nov-Dec;26(6):641-647.
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Curriculum Vitae
(139) Rona C, Berardesca E. Assessment of anticellulite efficacy. In: Wilhelm
KP, Berardesca E, Elsner P, Maibach H, editors. Skin Imaging and Analysis.
Bioenginnering of the skin ed. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007. p. 417422.
(140) Rona C, Carrera M, Berardesca E. Testing anticellulite products.
Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2006 Jun;28(3):169-173.
(141) Rona C, Vailati F, Berardesca E. The cosmetic treatment of wrinkles.
J.Cosmet.Dermatol. 2004 Jan;3(1):26-34.
(142) Schafer P, Bewick-Sonntag C, Capri MG, Berardesca E. Physiological
changes in skin barrier function in relation to occlusion level, exposure time
and climatic conditions. Skin Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 2002 JanFeb;15(1):7-19.
(143) Seidenari S, Cirillo A, Amoroso S, Flori ML, Amerio P, Ricciuti E, et al.
Desloratadine 5 mg once daily improves quality of life in chronic idiopathic
urticaria. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2006;141(3):207214.
(144) Solivetti FM, Elia F, Teoli M, De Mutiis C, Chimenti S, Berardesca E, et
al. Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.
Dermatology 2010;220(1):25-31.
(145) Solivetti FM, Elia F, Teoli M, De Mutiis C, Chimenti S, Berardesca E, et
al. Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Early Diagnosis of Psoriatic
Arthritis. Dermatology 2009 Nov 11.
(146) Stefanini M, Lagomarsini P, Berardesca E, Borroni G, Rabbiosi G, Nuzzo
F. Normal sensitivity to mutagens, spontaneous chromosome breakage, and
mutation frequency in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
Arch.Dermatol.Res. 1988;280 Suppl:S19-23.
(147) Stefanini M, Scappaticci S, Lagomarsini P, Borroni G, Berardesca E,
Nuzzo F. Chromosome instability in lymphocytes from a patient with Werner's
syndrome is not associated with DNA repair defects. Mutat.Res. 1989
(148) Terranova F, Berardesca E, Maibach H. Cellulite: nature and
aetiopathogenesis. Int.J.Cosmet.Sci. 2006 Jun;28(3):157-167.
(149) Tupker RA, Willis C, Berardesca E, Lee CH, Fartasch M, Agner T, et al.
Guidelines on sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) exposure tests. A report from the
Standardization Group of the European Society of Contact Dermatitis. Contact
Dermatitis 1997 Aug;37(2):53-69.
(150) Vassallo C, Distante F, Rona C, Berardesca E, Borroni G. Efficacy of a
multifunctional plant complex in the treatment of localized fat lobular
hypertrophy. Am J Cosm Surg 2001;18(4):203-208.
(151) Wilson D, Berardesca E, Maibach HI. In vitro transepidermal water loss:
differences between black and white human skin. Br.J.Dermatol. 1988
(152) Zuang V, Archer G, Rona C, Vignini M, Mosca M, Berardesca E.
Predicting visual assessment of allergic patch test reactions by non-invasive
measurements. Skin Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 2000 Jan-Feb;13(1):39-51.
(153) Zuang V, Berardesca E. Designing and performing clinical studies with
bioengineering techniques. Curr.Probl.Dermatol. 1998;26:209-216.
(154) Zuang V, Rona C, Archer G, Berardesca E. Detection of skin irritation
potential of cosmetics by non-invasive measurements. Skin
Pharmacol.Appl.Skin Physiol. 2000 Nov-Dec;13(6):358-371.
1) Elsner Peter, Berardesca Enzo, Maibach H:
Bioengineering of the Skin: Water and the Stratum Corneum.
CRC Press, New York, 1994
p. 11
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Curriculum Vitae
2) Berardesca E, Elsner P, Maibach H:
Bioengineering of the skin: Blood flow and erythema. CRC Press, New York,
3) Berardesca E, Elsner P, Wilhelm K, Maibach H:
Bioengineering of the Skin: Methods and Instrumentation. CRC Press, New
York, 1995
4) Wilhelm KP, Elsner P, Berardesca E, Maibach H:
Bioengineering of the Skin: Skin surface imaging and analysis. CRC Press,
New York, 1996
5) Elsner P, Barel AO, Berardesca E, Gabard B, Serup J (eds) Skin
Bioengineering- techniques and applications in dermatology and cosmetology.
Karger, Basel, 1998
6) Berardesca E, Picardo M, Pigatto P: Irritant Contact Dermatitis, EDRA
Medical Publishing, Milan, December 2000
7) Elsner P, Berardesca E, Wilhelm KP, Maibach H. Bioengineering of the skin:
Skin Biomechanics. CRC Press, New York 2002
8) Berardesca E, Fluhr J, Maibach H. Water and Stratum corneum. II edition.
Taylor and Francis, New York, 2004
9) Berardesca E, Fluhr J and Maibach H. The sensitive skin syndrome. Taylor
and Francis, New York 2006
10) Wilhelm K, Elsner P, Berardesca E, Maibach H. Image analysis. Taylor and
Francis, New York 2006
11) Berardesca E, Leveque JL, Maibach H. Ethnic Skin and Hair. Taylor and
Francis, New York 2006
1)"Monitoring Skin Function with Impedance Measurements" Seminario tenuto
alla School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, June 29,
2) "Biomechanical properties of the skin". Seminario tenuto al Northen
Californian Dermatoharmacology-Dermatotoxicology Discussion Group. San
Francisco, August 4, 1987
3) "Bioengineering update". Seminario tenuto alla School of Pharmacy,
University of California, San Francisco, October 5, 1987
4) "Sicurezza microbiologica dei prodotti cosmetici" VII Seminario sui problemi
microbiologici connessi alla produzione ed al confezionamento di cosmetici
organizzato dal Centro di Biologia e Tossicologia Cosmetologica, Universita'
degli Studi di Milano, 14 Novembre 1988
5) "The Reversal of Solar Elastosis" American Academy of Dermatology
Annual Meeting, Washington 3-8 December, 1988
6) Characterization of mechanical properties in normal skin. Workshop on non
invasive methods for objective skin characterization, Pavia 16 May, 1989
7) "Valutazione della cute senile con metodi non invasivi " Giornate Pavesi,
Anno XVI, 25 maggio 1989
8) "Elastometria" Simposio sull'acido retinoico tenutosi al 65° Congresso
Nazionale della SIDEV (Societa' Italiana di Dermatologia e Venereologia),
p. 12
Berardesca Enzo
Curriculum Vitae
Palermo 1-3 Giugno, 1989
9) "Metodi di valutazione dei prodotti anti-eta'" Simposio sull'Invecchiamento
cutaneo. Pavia, Collegio Borromeo, 9 ottobre 1989 e Bologna, Aula Magna
dell'Universita' 16 ottobre 1989
10)" Spironolactone : inhibition of dihydrotestosterone binding." Lecture at the
II Workshop of the International Society of Androgenic Disorders, San
Francisco, December 1st, 1989
11) Effects of skin color and race on skin function. Dermatopharmacy Seminar,
University of California School of Pharmacy, San Francisco, December 11,
12) "Metodiche non invasive per la valutazione dell'invecchiamento cutaneo."
Seminario tenuto alla scuola di Specializzazione in Dermosifilopatia dell'
Universita' de L'Aquila il giorno 12/2/90.
13) Immunohistochemical localization of Dihydrotestosterone in the hair bulb.
Lecture at the III Workshop of the International Society for Androgenic
Disorders, London 25-27 May, 1990
14) " Valutazione dei tests cutanei mediante metodi non invasivi" lecture,
Riunione Nazionale SIDEV, Bologna, Maggio 1990
15) "Non invasive assessment of psoriasis" lecture al IVth Hot Spots in
Dermatology, Kauai, Hawaii, 17-21 Agosto 1990
16) "Metodiche non invasive per la valutazione della idratazione cutanea"
lecture al convegno: Strato corneo ed idratazione (stato attuale e prospettive),
Collegio Borromeo, Pavia 12 settembre 1990.
17) "Skin Pigmentation in Relationship to Change in Skin Function" Seminario
tenuto al Workshop on Pigment Cell Control by Hormonal and Cellular
Environment. XIV International Pigment Cell Conference, Kobe, Japan October
31-November 4, 1990
18) "Valutazione dell'eritema e del danno di barriera" lettura al simposio
satellite " Dermatiti da contatto ed allergiche" 67 Congresso Nazionale SIDEV,
Stresa, 5 giugno 1991
19) Chairman, Bioengineering and Psoriasis Workshop, 5th International
Psoriasis Symposium, San Francisco, July 10-14, 1991
20) "New concepts on skin hydration and its noninvasive assessment" Lecture,
1st seminar on Skin Treatment and Moisture Stage, Orta October 11-12, 1991
21) "Sensitive skin- Its measurements and interpersonal variation" Lecture,
Unilever Skin Care Symposium, Versailles 1991
22) " In vivo evaluation of barrier function" Lecture, IX International Course on
Advances in the Basic Sciences Applied to Dermatology, Rome, 19 October
23) "The use of non invasive methods in occupational dermatology" Lecture,
Haut und Beruf (Aktuelle dermatologische und arbeitsmedizinische aspekte)
Erlangen, Germany 2-4 April, 1992
24) "Applicazioni dermatologiche della transepidermal water loss" Lettura
magistrale al 1° Convegno Nazionale della Associazione Italiana Diagnostica
Non Invasiva in Dermatolgia, San Giovanni Rotondo 8-9 Aprile 1992
25) "In vivo evaluation of barrier function" Lecture at the 18th World Congress
of Dermatology, New York City, 12-18 June 1992
26) Co-chairman, Bioengineering and the skin workshop at the 18th World
Congress of Dermatology, New York City, 12-18 June 1992
27) "Valutazione del danno subclinico nella dermatite atopica" Lettura
Congresso Internazionale di Dermatologia Allergologica, Modena 17-19
Settembre 1992
18) "Racial differences in skin function" Educational lecture, 17th meeting of
Japanese Society for Investigative Research, October 16-17, Sendai, Japan,
19)"Determinazione dell'interazione tra lo spironolattone topico ed i recettori
del diidrotestosterone nelle ghiandole sebacee mediante tecnica
p. 13
Berardesca Enzo
Curriculum Vitae
autoradiografica in pazienti affetti da acne volgare, XXX1 Congresso ADOI,
Merano, Ottobre 1992
20)"Noninvasive measurements methods in skin physiology (II)" Invited lecture,
European Congress on Wound Healing and Skin Physiology. Bochum,
Germany, November 5-8, 1992
21) "Practical statistics" invited lecture at the first course on "Biometrics of the
skin" New York, Dec 2nd, 1992
22) "Moisturization" invited lecture at the first course on "Biometrics of the skin"
New York, Dec 2nd, 1992
23) "Racial differences" invited lecture at the first course on "Biometrics of the
skin" New York, Dec 2nd, 1992
24) Metodiche per la valutazione della funzionalita' cosmetica: codifica ed
innovazione. Lettura Incontri di Cosmetologia II, Roma 4-5 marzo 1993
25) "Sensitive skin: biophysical findings" lecture Regional Symposim of the
International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin 23-25 april 1993, Lubeck,
26) "Efficacy evaluation of cosmetic products" lecture European Dossier for
Cosmetics, Bologna 30 Aprile 1993
27) "Irritant Contact Dermatitis" invited lecture EADV meeting, Copenhagen. 26
September, 1993
28) "Physiological parameters of barrier function" invited lecture EADV
meeting, Copenhagen. 26 September, 1993
29) "La detersione: nuove strategie per un migliore rispetto della cute". Lettura,
Riunione annuale congiunta SIDEV-GIRDCA, Gubbio 12-13 Novembre 1993
30) "Idratazione e perdite idriche transepidermiche". Lettura al 2° Congresso
Nazionale AIDNID, Modena 19-20 Novembre 1993
31) "Mechanisms of skin irritation" II International Symposium on Irritant
Contact Dermatitis, invited speaker, Zurich 14-16, 1994
32) "Piel sensible: respuestas cutaneas a la aplicacion de componentes
cosmeticos" Seminario al Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologia Farmaceutica,
Facolta' di Chimica e Farmacia, Universita' del Cile, Santiago del Cile, 17
Maggio 1994
33) " Eficacia y seguridad de productos cosmeticos evaluados mediante
tecnicas bioingegneriles" Seminario, Sociedad Chilena de Quimicos
Cosmeticos, Santiago del Cile, 18 Maggio 1994
34) "Eficacia y seguridad de productos cosmeticos evaluados mediante
tecnicas de bioingegneria" Seminario all' Asociacion Argentina de Quimicos
Cosmeticos, Buenos Aires, 18 maggio 1994
35) "Diferencias raciales en la funcion de la piel" Seminario all' Asociacion
Argentina de Quimicos Cosmeticos, Buenos Aires, 19 maggio 1994.
36) " Metodos non invasivos de Bioingegneria para ser utilizados en la
evaluation de la eficacia y seguridad de los productos cosmeticos" Seminario
all' Asosacion Uruguaya de Ciencias Cosmeticas, Montevideo (Uruguay) 20
maggio 1994
37) "Diferencias raciales en la funcion de la piel" Seminario all' Asosacion
Uruguaya de Ciencias Cosmeticas, Montevideo (Uruguay) 21 maggio 1994
38) "Alpha Hydroxy Acids: biological effects on skin function" Tenth
Symposium Badecos (Belgian Association of Dermato-Cosmetic Sciences),
Brussels, 3 December 1994
39) Docente al Corso di Biologia Applicata alla Dermatologia con la lezione: "
Fisiologia della Barriera Epidermica", Trevi, Marzo 1995
40) " Dermatological Aspects of Sensitive skin " Lecture, In Cosmetics, Paris,
April 1995
41) "Alfa-hidroxiacidos: efectos sobre la biologia cutanea" seminario al
Congresso "Cosmiatria a fin de siglo", Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, 24-25
luglio 1995
42) "Aspectos dermatocosmeticos de la piel sensible" seminario al Congresso
p. 14
Berardesca Enzo
Curriculum Vitae
"Cosmiatria a fin de siglo", Hospital Italiana, Buenos Aires, 24-25 luglio 1995
43) "Diferencias raciales de la piel" seminario al Congresso "Cosmiatria a fin
de siglo", Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, 24-25 luglio 1995
44) Chairman, Workshop on Skin Bioengineering, European Academy of
Dermatology (EADV), Bruxelles, Ottobre 1995
45) "Variazioni fisiologiche della barriera cutanea" invited lecture congresso
AIDNID Roma, Dicembre 1995
46) "L'acido Glicolico" lettura alla tavola rotonda al VII Corso di Aggiornamento
in Dermatologia, Roccaraso, 28 Gennaio-3 Febbraio 1996
47) "Barrier Function and Sensitive skin" invited lecture, 20th Anniversary ISBS
Symposium, 15-18 February 1996, Miami, FL (USA)
48) "Measurements of Skin Hydration" invited lecture, In-Cosmetics, Milan, 29
February 1996
49) Docente al Corso di Biologia Applicata all Dermatologia con la lezione: "
Barriera Epidermica", Riccione 11-15 Marzo 1996
50) "Bioengineering techniques in Dermatology and Cosmetology" Seminar,
Dept. of Dermatology, University of Athens, Greece, April 5, 1996
51) "Evaluation of safety and efficacy of cosmetics" official IFSCC Speaker at
the 2nd International Symposium of the Croatian Society of Cosmetic
Chemists, Briunij, Croatia 25-77 September, 1996
52) “Biongineering and aging”, Lecture First International Symposium on Aging
Skin, San Diego, Feb 1997
53) “Physiological changes in barrier function”, Lecture, Workshop on
Epidermal Lipids and Skin Barrier, World Congress in Dermatology, Sidney,
June 1997
54) “The evaluation of efficacy of cosmetic products: the European experience”
Philadelphia, July 1997
55)”Racial differences in skin function” seminar, School of Dermatology,
University of Tel Aviv, November 1997, Tel Aviv, Israel
56) Skin Bioengineering: New tools for investigating skin aging. 2nd
International Symposium on skin aging, Miami, Jan 31- Feb 2nd, 1998
57)“Physiological variations in barrier function reactivity”. First Croatian
Congress of Dermatovenereologists, Zagreb, May 15-17, 1998
58) Aims of the european group for efficacy measurements on cosmetics and
other topical products (EEMCO). Invited lecture, Colipa General Assembly,
June 28, 1998, Deauville, France.
59) Bioengineering methodology for skin barrier research. Invited lecture,
Satellite Symposium on skin barrier function, Fourth Congress of the European
Society for Contact Dermatitis, Helsinki, Finland, 8-11 July, 1998
59) Measurements of skin hydration, BADECOS intensive Course, Bruxelles, 9
September, 1998
60) Racial differences on stratum corneum. Invited lecture at Stratum Corneum
II, Cardiff, Wales, Sept 10-12, 1988
61)Oral supplementation of linoleic acid and skin disease. Invited lecture at
Pavia Meeting on Nutrition and Cancer, Sept. 16-19, 1998
62) The skin barrier function during ageing. ISBS-EEMCO joint meeting, Liege
10-12 Sept. 1999
63) Corneocyte surface area is influenced by hormonal status in humans:
assessment with the non invasive VIC method. Workshop on: “Structure and
function of the stratum corneum as a border organ” Berlin, 17-11-2000
64) Berardesca E, Cristaudo A, Ardigo M, Picardo M. Evaluation of treatment
responsiveness in vitiligo by reflectance confocal microscopy 2005 Saint Louis,
May 4-7,;66th Annual Meeting of The Society for Investigative Dermatology.
65) Ardigo M, Mastroianni A, Mussi A, Cota C, Berardesca E. Bexarotene nel
trattamento dei linfomi T cutanei ad alto grado di malignità: descrizione di un
caso di linfoma T a grandi cellule. 2006 Settembre;Adoi-Sidemast regionale
Lazio, Roma.
p. 15
Berardesca Enzo
Curriculum Vitae
66) Ardigo M, Muscardin L, Ferraro C, Leone G, Berardesca E. Un caso di
fascite eosinofila. Difficoltà diagnostica e scelta terapeutica. 2006
Settembre;Adoi-Sidemast regionale Lazio, Roma.
67) Berardesca E. Fisiopatologia dell'invecchiamento cutaneao. 2006
novembre 25-26;Corso SIDEMAST di Dermatologia Estetica, Roma.
68) Berardesca E. Terapia delle melanosi cutanee. 2006 26 Ottobre;1 Incontro
di Dermatologia e Ginecologia Cosmetologica, Stresa.
69) Berardesca E. Acne: score clinici e valutazione strumentale. 2006 Maggio
31- Giugno 2;Congresso Nazionale SIDEMAST, Torino.
70) Berardesca E. Quantificazione non invasiva di acne e seborrea. 2006 1
Aprile;Acne Day, Roma.
71) Berardesca E. Fisiopatologia dell'invecchiamento cutaneo. 2006
Febbraio;Master di Laser Terapia, Università Cattolica, Roma.
72) Berardesca E. Clinical outcome measures of psoriasis. 2006 December
1st;International Congress on Psoriatic Disease, Naples.
73) Berardesca E. Transpiration and textiles. 2006 November 6-7;2nd
International Symposium on Skin Physiology, Rome.
74) Berardesca E. La cellulite. 2006 Novembre 25-26;Corso SIDEMAST di
Dermatologia Estetica, Roma.
75) Berardesca E. Fisiologia della cute nelle varie età: il bambino e la
menopausa. 2006 novembre 25-26;corso SIDEMAST di Dermatologia
Estetica, Roma.
76) Berardesca E. Il ruolo della barriera nella penetrazione degli allergeni nella
cute. 2006 27 Ottobre;COngresso annuale SIDAPA, Bergamo.
77) Berardesca E. Adalimubab nel trattamento della psoriasi. 2006 Maggio 31Giugno 2;Congresso Nazionale SIDEMAST, Torino.
78)) Berardesca E, Ardigò M. Efficacia e sicurezza di Etanercept nel
trattamento long-term della psoriasi. 2006 Settembre 13-15;Congresso
Nazionale ADOI, Loreto.
79) Berardesca E, Ardigo M, Cavallotti C, Cameli N. Skin pigmented
disorders: from diagnosis to treatment. 2006 20-21 April;International
Symposium on Functional Cosmetics, Daegu, Korea.
80) Carrera M, Malizevski I, Berardesca E. Effetti degli ultrasuoni
sull'idratazione cutanea. 2006 Settembre 13-15;Congresso Nazionale ADOI,
81) Berardesca E. I biologci non sono tutti uguali. 2007 18-20 Gennaio;XVI
Congresso di Dermatologia Clinica, Roma.
82) Berardesca E. Il muro di Merlino: la pelle, magica barriera contro le insidie
dell'ambiente esterno. 2007 26 Gennaio;1 Wellness Congress, Milano.
83) Berardesca E. Cytokine profiles during infliximab therapy in psoriasis. 2007
February 6;New trends in the psoriasis management, IDI, Rome.
84) Berardesca E. Ethnic differences in stratum corneum function. VI Stratum
corneum Congress, Boston, USA, 31 Sept-3 Oct 2009
85) Berardesca E. Skin Physiology and Hydration. XXIV COLAMIQ, 22-25
October 2009, Guayaquil, Ecuador
86) Berardesca E. Stratum corneum function in skin of color. Main lecture, Skin
of color symposium 2010, Hampton University, April 30th- May 2nd, Hampton,
Inglese (fluente scritto e parlato)
Francese (scolastico)
p. 16