PACCHETTO #GOL1312 Pacchetto "Redford Galaxy & Space Back to school 1-2013" Consegna: sul pronto CUB964 Redford Space Fuchsia/Cool Grey/Silver 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB962 Redford Galaxy Silver/Blue 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB966 Redford Leopard Purple/Black/White 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB964 Redford Space Green/Cool Grey/Silver 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB962 Redford Galaxy Silver/Green 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB966 Redford Leopard Fuchsia/Black/White 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB963 Redford Camo Holo Midnight Blue 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB961 Redford Taxis Off White/Navy/Red 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB967 Redford Tye Dye Violet/Lavendar 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB963 Redford Camo Holo Aubergine 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB960 Redford Buses Off White/Navy/Red 21,50€ - 49,50€ CUB965 Redford Zebra Black/White/Purple 21,50€ - 49,50€ Ordine n. GOL1312 Pacchetto Borse GOLA "Redf.Galaxy-Space" BACK TO SCHOOL 1-2013 Codice cliente Data __________________________ Agente ______________________________________________________ MARCHIO _________________________________ Consegna: sul pronto Dest. Diversa Spedizione: Pagamento: Via C/Assegno a vista Banca: Agenzia: Articolo Ditta: ABI CAB Descrizione CUB964 CUB964 CUB963 Redford Space Redford Space Redford Camo Holo CUB963 CUB962 CUB962 CUB966 CUB966 CUB961 CUB960 CUB967 Redford Camo Holo Redford Galaxy Redford Galaxy CUB965 Redford Zebra Redford Leopard Redford Leopard Redford Taxi Redford Buses Redford Tye Dye CAP Città Prov. Part. IVA Tel. Colore A XXS XS S M L XL XXL B 26 C 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 fax 27 42 28 43 29 44 30 45 31 46 e-mail 32 47 33 48 34 D 35 0 36 1 2 3 4 Pz. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fuchsia/Cool Grey/Silver Green/Cool Grey/Silver Midnight Blue Aubergine Silver/Blue Silver/Green Purple/Black/White Fuchsia/Black/White Off White/Navy/Red Off White/Navy/Red Violet/Lavandar Black/White/Purple TOTALE 24 Timbro e firma per accettazione NOTE: Interga S.p.A. Via J. Durst, 20/A - Italy - 39042 Bressanone (BZ) - P.IVA 00624650214 Tel.+39 0472 270 777 - fax: +39 0472 208 700 - [email protected] - Prezzo unit. 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 21,50 Totale 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 43,00 516,00