Negative Computed
Tom o g r a p h y f o r Ac u t e
Pulmonary Embolism
Important Differential Diagnosis
Considerations for Acute Dyspnea
Daniel B. Green, MDa, Constantine A. Raptis, MDa,
Isidro Alvaro Huete Garin, MDb, Sanjeev Bhalla, MDa,*
CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) Pulmonary embolism (PE) Dyspnea
Emergency department (ED) Alternative diagnosis Indication creep
Most computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) performed for the evaluation of acute
dyspnea is negative for pulmonary embolism. Many of these examinations provide alternative explanations for dyspnea.
The most common alternative diagnoses include pneumonia, cardiogenic pulmonary edema,
pleural effusion, and atelectasis.
Nonthrombotic emboli (fat, amniotic fluid, tumor) might be suggested based on a combination of
pulmonary and cardiac findings.
Pleural and pericardial enhancement may not be seen on the arterial phase of CTPA but findings of
tension are readily discernible.
Acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is thought to
represent the third most common cause of cardiovascular death in the United States after myocardial infarction and stroke, affecting 300,000 to
600,000 patients annually.1 Most reported deaths
from PE are considered to be related to a failure
of diagnosis.2 The potential lethality of this condition makes it a major concern in the emergency
department (ED), often prompting diagnostic
One of the major symptoms of PE, dyspnea, is
also one of the most common presenting
symptoms to the ED in general. According to the
most recent National Hospital Ambulatory Medical
Care Survey: Emergency Department Summary of
2007, dyspnea was reported in more than 2.5
million patients presenting to United States EDs,
making it the eighth most common presenting
complaint in patients younger than 65 years and
the second most common complaint in patients
older than 65 years.3
Over the past decade, computed tomography
(CT) pulmonary angiography (CTPA) has become
recognized as the standard for diagnosis of acute
PE.4 With its increased speed, availability, and
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, 510 South Kingshighway, St
Louis, MO 63110, USA; b Department of Radiology, Catholic University, Marcoleta 367, 2o piso, Santiago, Chile
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Radiol Clin N Am 53 (2015) 789–799
0033-8389/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Green et al
accuracy, CTPA is now the principal method
for imaging PE in the ED, reserving ventilationperfusion scintigraphy for special patient populations (eg, pregnant women and patients with
intravenous contrast allergies) and magnetic resonance for certain centers of expertise.5,6 The
noninvasive nature of CT combined with the proximity of CT scanners to most EDs has resulted in a
decreased threshold for imaging patients with
dyspnea. Despite the occasional use of D-dimer
testing and the application of clinical metrics
such as the Wells criteria or Geneva Score, the
prevalence of PE on CTPA in most centers is usually between 10% and 20%.7–9
Although many CTPA examinations performed
for dyspnea provide no explanation for the dyspnea, an alternative explanation may be seen in
25% to 67% of cases.9–14 These cases usually
include congestive heart failure, pneumonia,
pleural effusion, or atelectasis. This article focuses
on alternative diagnoses of dyspnea that may be
diagnosed on CTPA for PE. The goal is to provide
a structured approach with examples for practicing radiologists. Diagnoses seen on CT but unlikely to explain the patient’s dyspnea are not
Pulmonary edema, pneumonia, pleural effusion,
and atelectasis represent the most common alternative diagnoses for dyspnea on CTPA, emphasizing the importance of a thorough investigation
of the lung windows before calling a study negative. With routine use of 1-mm to 2-mm thick soft
tissue images and frequent use of dedicated
3-mm to 5-mm lung windows, the CTPA has a resolution close to that obtained with high-resolution
CT. Analysis of the lung windows should include
observation of the predominant pattern (ground
glass, consolidation, nodules, or septal line
thickening), the predominant location of the abnormality (upper lobe vs lower lobe and central vs peripheral), and any other relevant findings (pleural
effusion, lymphadenopathy, and so forth).
Pulmonary edema may be cardiogenic or noncardiogenic. The former tends to present with
bilateral pleural effusions and symmetric consolidation or ground glass. When septal lines are present, they tend to be smooth, and the heart is
usually enlarged (Fig. 1). Although it is tempting
to think of cardiogenic edema as progressing
through stages from mild bronchiolocentric cuffing
to septal line thickening to ground-glass or frank
consolidation, many patients present with only 1
of these manifestations. Occasionally, early
cardiogenic edema is focal or unilateral. In acute
mitral valve regurgitation, such as in papillary muscle rupture following myocardial infarction, only 1
venous territory may be involved or more severely
involved; usually the right upper lobe.16 Unilateral
venous edema may also be secondary to an
obstructing mass or fibrosing mediastinitis
(Fig. 2).17 With underlying emphysema, superimposed pulmonary edema is often asymmetric
and can even simulate a cavitary pneumonia or
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema may also
present to the ED with dyspnea. In contrast with
cardiogenic edema, pleural effusions should be
absent or very small, and the heart is usually of
normal size. Septal lines are typically absent, and
pulmonary opacities tend to spare the peripheral
1 to 2 cm of lung (Fig. 3). A general symmetry of
findings creates a bat-wing appearance on coronal imaging. Many causes of noncardiogenic
edema force an acute ED presentation, including
sepsis, drowning, high-altitude pulmonary edema,
drug use, recent pregnancy, inhalation injury, upper airway injury, intracranial hemorrhage, and
diffuse alveolar damage (the underlying disorder
of the adult respiratory syndrome [acute respiratory distress syndrome]). Findings of diffuse
Fig. 1. A 46-year-old woman with cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Lung windows show smooth bilateral interlobular septal thickening extending to the pleural surfaces (arrow in A). Small bilateral effusions can be seen inferiorly (B).
Negative CT for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Fig. 2. A 41-year-old man with fibrosing mediastinitis.
A partially calcified right hilar mass results in unilateral pulmonary edema and pleural effusion secondary
to pulmonary vein stenosis.
alveolar damage consist of areas of secondary
lobular sparing, a gradient of increased density
of consolidation in the dependent part of the lungs,
and traction bronchiectasis in the affected areas.18
When idiopathic, it indicates acute interstitial
pneumonia, which is one of the idiopathic inflammatory pneumonias.
Infectious pneumonia is also a common diagnosis on CTPA that is negative for PE. When the
diagnosis is evident on chest radiography, CTPA
can be avoided. However, many infectious pneumonias elude detection on conventional radiography. On CT, infectious bacterial pneumonia
appears as nonenhancing consolidation. A small
pleural effusion is common but not essential for
diagnosis. One variation of pneumonia, the socalled round pneumonia, presents as a rounded
opacity with enhancing vessels running through it
and possibly air bronchograms (Fig. 4).19 Usually,
the clinical history suggests an infection to help
differentiate from a malignancy with air bronchograms, such as adenocarcinoma. Another variant
of community-acquired pneumonia may present
with tiny branching nodules (tree-in-bud pattern),
most commonly reported with mycoplasma pneumonia when diffuse (Fig. 5).20 Viral pneumonias
tend to present with ill-defined ground-glass
nodules and pleural effusions.20,21 Septal lines
may be present. Pneumocystis pneumonia and
fungal pneumonias present with dyspnea in
Fig. 3. Two different patients with pulmonary edema. A 40-year-old man with acute presentation of shortness of
breath after crack cocaine use (A, B). Diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities sparing the lung periphery and the
absence of pleural effusions are typical of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Note the absence of pleural effusions and septal line thickening. A 27-year-old woman with shortness of breath following delivery of twins (C, D).
Bilateral and symmetric patchy consolidations with septal line thickening represent findings of pulmonary
edema. Postpartum pulmonary edema can be either noncardiogenic or cardiogenic in the setting of postpartum
Green et al
Fig. 4. A 34-year-old woman presented with left-sided
chest pain and cough and was diagnosed with round
pneumonia. A round, nonenhancing mass with
enhancing vessels running through it is consistent
with round pneumonia. However, in this scenario
follow-up imaging (usually radiography) should be
obtained to exclude a neoplasm. The absence of a
pleural effusion is typical of round pneumonia.
immunocompromised patients. In patients with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and
a low CD4 count, pneumocystis pneumonia typically has a crazy-paving pattern (ground glass
with smooth septal lines), occasionally in an upper
lung distribution (Fig. 6).22 The absence of pleural
effusions distinguishes this entity from cardiogenic
pulmonary edema. Fungal infection frequently affects neutropenic patients and manifests as multiple nodules with surrounding ground-glass
Mycobacterial infection rarely presents to the
ED solely with dyspnea. A cavitary airspace process in the upper lungs along with tree-in-bud
opacities with an upper lung and midlung
predominance should raise suspicion for a postprimary mycobacterial infection.24
Aspiration pneumonitis may lead to pneumonia
and present with dyspnea. The most important
feature suggestive of aspiration is its dependent
location; usually in the posterior segments of the
upper and lower lobes. Aspiration tends to present as nodules, usually in a centrilobular or
tree-in-bud pattern (Fig. 7).25 When severe, it
may progress to nonenhancing consolidation or
even noncardiogenic edema. Clinically, patients
frequently have neuromuscular or gastroesophageal disorders.
Rarely, pulmonary hemorrhage presents to the
ED with dyspnea. Hemorrhage may take one of 2
forms: bleeding from a vessel (usually an enlarged
collateral bronchial artery) or diffuse hemorrhage
(as in the setting of vasculitis or anticoagulation).26
A gross observation of hemoptysis is usually present and is helpful in making the diagnosis. Depending on the cause, the radiographic pattern
varies. Bleeding from a vessel simulates aspiration
pneumonitis, because aspirated blood is responsible for most of the parenchymal findings.
Extravasated contrast is rarely depicted, and
enlarged collateral arteries are instead more
commonly seen. Vasculitis and diffuse pulmonary
hemorrhage present with a pattern akin to noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (Fig. 8). At first, the
airspace disease is ground glass in attenuation
(possibly with faint septal lines), followed by progression to high-attenuation consolidation, which
is best seen on a narrow CT window width (around
200 HU vs the standard 400 HU of a normal soft
tissue window width).
Atelectasis represents one of the most common
findings in patients presenting to the ED with dyspnea. Occasionally, it is secondary to small
Fig. 5. A 27-year-old woman with mycoplasma pneumonia. Tree-in-bud opacities may be seen in any type of infectious bronchiolitis/pneumonia. When encountered, the location of the tree-in-bud is helpful in suggesting the
correct diagnosis. In this case, unilateral diffuse involvement of the right lung (A, B) is typical of a bacterial bronchiolitis/pneumonia. Note the absence of a pleural effusion.
Negative CT for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Fig. 6. A 54-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS, cough, and right-sided chest pain. He was
diagnosed with pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), which presented with patchy bilateral ground-glass opacities
(A, B). This appearance can be seen in immunosuppressed patients and may be missed on conventional radiography. PCP may have an upper lung predominance. Pleural effusions are characteristically absent.
airways disease, most notably asthma. Whether or
not atelectasis is responsible for the acute presentation is difficult to determine, but if substantial,
shunting may occur through areas of collapse
and result in systemic hypoxemia.12 On the early
arterial phase of a CTPA, atelectasis should
enhance, and volume loss should also be seen
(Fig. 9). Consolidated areas of lung are well delineated by fissures in cases of lobar atelectasis. The
bronchi in areas of atelectasis should be examined
closely. If air bronchograms are present, treatment
may solely consist of vigorous pulmonary toilet. If
the bronchi are filled with low-attenuating fluid,
bronchoscopy should be considered to potentially
diagnose a central obstructing mass or relieve mucous plugging.
In the ED, nonthrombotic emboli may also be
diagnosed on CTPA. The best-known example of
this phenomenon is septic emboli, which are
more easily diagnosed on lung windows. Filling
defects are rarely seen in the pulmonary arteries
on soft tissue windows caused by septic emboli.
Instead, the typical findings are cavitary nodular
areas of peripheral consolidation (Fig. 10).27
Although these cavitary nodules are more
commonly seen with septic emboli, granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Wegener
granulomatosis) can have a similar appearance.
Blood cultures may be positive with septic emboli,
whereas a positive antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody test suggests vasculitis. A vegetation is
occasionally seen on the tricuspid valve, or an infected source is suggested by a thrombosed
vein or catheter-associated thrombus.
Microembolic disease (fat emboli, amniotic fluid
emboli, tumor emboli, and talc emboli) may also be
diagnosed on lung windows.28 This disease presents with tiny centrilobular ground-glass nodules
or tree-in-bud opacities (Fig. 11).29 Occasionally
tumor emboli may be seen as filling defects in
the pulmonary arteries with attenuation similar to
the primary lesion (Fig. 12). Unlike the airway
causes for centrilobular nodules or tree-in-bud
opacities described earlier, these vascular causes
do not have any associated air trapping, but they
should increase pulmonary vascular resistance.
Fig. 7. A 43-year-old woman with aspiration bronchiolitis. Tree-in-bud opacities and centrilobular nodules can be
seen in a dependent location (A, B) accompanied by a markedly dilated esophagus (asterisk in B) filled with
debris. The combination of these findings is typical of achalasia with gastroesophageal reflux and aspiration
Green et al
Fig. 8. A 60-year-old man with hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage. Diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities
sparing the lung periphery are seen without pleural effusions (A, B). The appearance is similar to noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema (see Fig. 2) and pneumocystis pneumonia (see Fig. 6). The presence of hemoptysis and a
competent immune system suggests the diagnosis of hemorrhage.
The net effect may be transient enlargement of the
main pulmonary artery and possibly the right
ventricle.29 Iatrogenic emboli (most commonly
methylmethacrylate) may be diagnosed on either
lung or soft tissue windows. The size of the embolized particles determines their location in the
lungs.30 Rarely, embolized foreign material manifests as a pneumonitis characterized by peripheral
(suggesting embolic) airspace disease and no
discernible arterial filling defect. One notorious
example of this phenomenon is free silicone injection directly into the subcutaneous tissues as a
means of achieving inexpensive cosmesis.31 However, the ensuing pneumonitis can be lethal.
Most pleural processes significant enough to
result in dyspnea are large enough to detect on
conventional radiography. However, a large
pneumothorax, and even one under tension, may
be initially diagnosed on CTPA. These large effusions tend to represent hemothorax, empyema,
or a malignant effusion. The attenuation of the fluid
is helpful in suggesting a hemothorax if greater
than 30 HU (Fig. 13). The classic split pleura sign
of empyema (Fig. 14) and the pleural nodularity
of a malignancy are better seen on venous phase
imaging and therefore may be missed on the arterial phase of CTPA. In an empyema, loculation of
the fluid, droplets of gas, or supleural edema
may be clues to the diagnosis, whereas typical
features of malignant pleural disease are subpleural extension of a nodule or involvement of the
mediastinal pleura.
If a pleural effusion causes dyspnea, it should be
drained. Clinicians must also look for any signs of
tension exerted by the effusion, because this can
have a similar clinical significance to a tension
pneumothorax. Mediastinal shift is readily
Fig. 9. A 74 year-old man with lung cancer presenting with hemoptysis and dyspnea and right middle lobe/lower
lobe collapse. Progression of lung cancer results in obstruction of the bronchus intermedius. Enhancing consolidations with sharply demarcated borders (from the fissures), as seen on the transaxial (A) and sagittal (B) images,
are typical for lobar atelectasis.
Negative CT for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Fig. 10. A 28-year-old man with shortness of breath and leg cellulitis resulting in septic emboli. Peripheral nodules with ground-glass halos and central lucency or cavitation are often seen in septic emboli in the setting of
endocarditis. Because these are microemboli, filling defects usually are not seen in the pulmonary arteries. As
in this case, diagnosis rests on the lung windows (A, B).
observed, but diaphragmatic inversion can easily
be overlooked. Because it results in paradoxic
aeration of the affected and unaffected sides, diaphragmatic inversion can be problematic.32 Review of the coronal images aids detection of this
Airway diseases explain many of the presentations
of dyspnea to the ED and overlap the presentations with other obstructive lung diseases, such
as emphysema and bronchitis. Although the CT
findings of emphysema and bronchitis are well
known, the challenge lies in determining whether
they explain the clinical presentation of acute dyspnea. Therefore, the importance of detecting an
airway process is that it prompts the clinical
team to refocus its history and physical examination to shed more light on the patient’s
On CTPA, the search pattern should include
evaluation of the trachea and bronchi for any areas
of wall thickening, luminal narrowing, or a focal
mass. Most patients who present with tracheal
disease as the explanation for dyspnea have an
endoluminal mass (usually squamous cell cancer,
adenoid cystic carcinoma, or metastasis) or a history of intubation injury (Fig. 15).33,34
Small airways diseases are slightly harder to diagnose. CT findings center on the direct signs of
tree-in-bud opacities from dilated bronchioles in
the setting of a bronchiolitis and the indirect sign
of mosaic attenuation secondary to air trapping.35
Mosaic attenuation can be difficult to detect on
CTPA, which usually does not include exhalation
Most cardiovascular diseases (acute coronary and
aortic syndromes) present with chest pain rather
than dyspnea. The main exception is congestive
heart failure, which typically results in pulmonary
edema and pleural effusions. These entities are
discussed earlier.
Another important cardiovascular explanation
for dyspnea is cardiac tamponade. Cardiac
Fig. 11. A 23-year-old woman recently postpartum with amniotic fluid embolism (A, B). Amniotic fluid embolus.
The key to making this diagnosis is the clinical history combined with the ground-glass opacities. Amniotic fluid
will result in a chemical pneumonitis adjacent to the terminal arteriole.
Fig. 12. A 42-year-old woman with right-sided chest pain and tumor emboli from an angiomyolipoma. Fat attenuation filling defect (arrow in A) in a segmental pulmonary artery is an embolized portion of the renal angiomyolipoma (B). Portions of this mass are also seen within the right kidney and inferior vena cava and are best seen in
the coronal plane (arrow in C).
Fig. 13. An 11-year-old girl status post bilateral lung transplant and large left hemothorax. The perfusion scan (A)
showed marked decrease in the left lung perfusion. Subsequent CT (B) showed a large hemothorax despite thoracostomy tubes. Both tubes had kinked in the immediate perioperative period.
Fig. 14. A 55-year-old man with an empyema following gastric pull-through surgery. Thickened and enhancing
pleura is more easily visualized on the venous phase (A) compared with the arterial phase PE protocol (B). Fluid
between the enhancing visceral and parietal pleural layers forms the split pleura sign. Also note the droplets of
gas within the empyema.
Fig. 15. A 59-year-old woman with hemoptysis and progressive dyspnea from a tracheal neoplasm. Irregular
airway wall thickening was seen on the transverse image (A) involving the distal trachea, which is better seen
on the coronal (B) and minimum intensity projection images (C) and left main bronchus typical of a malignancy.
The histology in this case showed squamous cell carcinoma.
Negative CT for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Fig. 16. A 57 year-old woman with metastatic lung cancer. A pericardial effusion causes deformation of the right
atrium (arrow in A) suggestive of tamponade physiology. Pericardial thickening and enhancement is more easily
seen on the venous phase of a CT scan performed 1 month earlier (B).
tamponade can be a challenging diagnosis on
CTPA, which is usually not performed with electrocardiogram (ECG) gating. Tamponade results from
acute accumulation of fluid or gas within the pericardial space. The fluid or gas exerts mass effect
on the underlying heart and can impede diastolic
filling. If untreated by drainage, the condition can
be fatal. CT findings of tamponade include notching of the right ventricle in early diastole (when the
volume of the right ventricle is low and therefore intracameral pressure is low) and of the right atrium
in late diastole (when right atrial volume is at its
lowest) (Fig. 16). Without ECG gating, the notching
on the right heart may be harder to localize to a
phase of the cardiac cycle. Other CT findings
include a sigmoid-shaped interventricular septum
and evidence of increased right heart pressures,
including distended cavae and flow of intravenous
contrast through collateral pathways.36 CT is
almost never the sole imaging study used to diagnose tamponade, but the features should be
recognized in order to expedite echocardiography
and guide the echocardiographer. Occasionally,
the features of tamponade are not appreciated
by the echocardiographer, particularly in the
setting of a tension pneumopericardium.37
Care must also be taken in attempting to diagnose the cause of the pericardial effusion based
on the CTPA. As with the pleural diseases
described earlier, enhancement of the pericardium
can be missed on the arterial phase of the CTPA.
In diagnosing pericarditis, clinicians should look
for pericardial thickening and edema of the pericardial and epicardial fat. Malignancy presents
with areas of nodular thickening, occasionally
extending into the epicardial fat (Fig. 17).
Most CTPA covers a portion of the abdomen, usually to the level of the adrenal glands. One potential
explanation for dyspnea is a large diaphragmatic
hernia. When 1 hemidiaphragm is elevated,
phrenic nerve palsy should be considered
(Fig. 18). However, these palsies rarely present
with acute dyspnea. Acute accumulation of fluid,
Fig. 17. A 62-year-old man with metastatic melanoma. Nodular pericardial enhancement and fluid accumulation
(A, B) are typical of a malignant pericardial effusion.
Green et al
Fig. 18. A 58-year-old woman with left phrenic nerve palsy sustained during recent orthopedic surgery. The left
hemidiaphragm is markedly elevated on the transverse image (A) but is better appreciated on the coronal
image (B).
air, or blood within the peritoneum may present
with dyspnea from mass effect on the thorax.
These patients typically have abdominal pain as
Since its advent in the 1990s, CTPA has become
the standard for the evaluation of PE in the ED.
As the protocol has gained acceptance, the number of studies positive for PE in patients with acute
dyspnea has declined, whereas the number of
negative studies has increased. The ability to
detect alternative causes for acute dyspnea has
driven the increased usage of CTPA, contributing
to the indication creep of this examination.
To most effectively approach the CTPA, which is
more likely to be negative for PE than positive, radiologists must be familiar with the strengths of
this examination (parenchymal disease) and the
potential limitations (pleural and pericardial
enhancement). They must also understand how
to extract the most information from the study
(combining parenchymal disease with an evaluation of the right heart) and when to suggest an
alternative cause of dyspnea (pulmonary, abdominal, and airway disease).
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Negative Computed Tomography for Acute Pulmonary Embolism