European Research Council Suppor#ng top researchers from anywhere in the world EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FloMat2015, March 24-­‐27, 2015 Is#tuto Nazionale di Studi Romani, Rome, Italy Invited Lectures: R. Di Leonardo (IPCF-­‐CNR, Italy), B. Dollet (CNRS, France), G. Falkovich (Weizmann InsHtute, Israel), S. Musacchio (CNRS, France) A. Pouquet (NCAR, USA) P. Shall (UVA, The Neatherlands) Graphic design by Antonella Trifoglio
Organizing Commi,ee Luca Biferale, Massimo Cencini, Alessandra S. Lano7e, Mauro Sbragaglia Conference website hAp:// Invited Talks: A. Alexakis (ENS Paris, France), B. AndreoZ (Univ. Paris Diderot, France), M. Baebler (KHT, Sweden), J. Bec (CNRS, France), M. Bourgoin (CNRS, France), A. Celani (ICTP, Italy), H.J.H. Clercx (Tech. Univ. Eindhoven, The Netherlands), F. de Lillo (Univ. Turin, Italy), F. Gallaire (EPFL, Switzerland), G. GallavoZ (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy), I. Giardina (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy), R. Golestanian (Univ. Oxford, UK), C. Herbert (NCAR, USA), P. Koumoutsakos (ETHZ, Switzerland), T. Krueger (Univ. Edinburgh, UK), V. L’vov (Weizmann Inst., Israel), B. Mehlig (Univ. Gothenburg, Sweden), W-­‐C Mueller (Tech. Univ. Berlin, Germany), R. Os#lla Mónico (Univ. Twente, The Netherlands), I. Pagonabarraga (Univ. Barcelona, Spain), A. Puglisi (ISC-­‐CNR, Italy), M. Shats (The Australian NaHonal Univ., Australia), F. Toschi (Tech. Univ. Eindhoven, The Netherlands), R. Verzicco (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy), E. Zaccarelli (ISC-­‐CNR, Italy), A. Zaccone (Tech. Univ. Munich, Germany)
Flash Talks: F. Bonelli (Univ. of Bari, Italy), L. Cerino (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy), E. Chiarello (Univ. Padova, Italy), P. Clark di Leoni (Univ. Buenos Aires, ArgenHna), A. Frishman (Weizmann Inst., Israel), K. Gustavsson (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy), D. Kuzzay (Univ. Paris-­‐Sud XI/CEA Saclay, France), M. Holzner (ETH Zurich Switzerland), A. Lasanta (ISC-­‐CNR, Italy), A. Mazloomi Moqaddam (ETH Zurich Switzerland), C. Mejia-­‐Monasterio (Technical Univ. of Madrid, Spain), S. Rafai (CNRS/Univ. of Grenoble, France), C. Rafauste (Univ. of Nice, France), G. Sahoo (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy), A. Scagliarini (Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy), S. Tympel (Tech. Univ. Eindhoven, The Netherlands), S. Varagnolo (Univ. of Padua, Italy), H. Xia (Australian NaHonal Univ. Camberra, Austalia), J.-­‐Z. Zhu (Su-­‐Cheng Centre, Gaochun, China) A Special Issue of EPJE "Mul4-­‐scale phenomena in complex flows and flowing ma>er” is associated to the Workshop. 

Organizing Commi ee Luca Biferale, Massimo Cencini, Alessandra