OPPORTUNITÁ GENERALI Ambulatorio Veterinario Dr. Botti - Dr. Maggi Via Papa Giovannni XXIII n°51 - Voghera (PV) __ studiorosipaonessa Consulenza e formazione Communication is a core clinical skill of veterinary medicine and one that needs to be taught and learned to the same degree as other clinical skills. Formazione competenze trasversali e manageriali Adam, C. L., & Kurtz, S. M. (2006). Building on Existing Models from Human Medical Education to Develop a Communication Curriculum in Veterinary Medicine. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 33(1), 28-37. ... is now a primary tool for teaching critical thinking and communication skills to students and residents. Ballance, D. W., Brenson, P. R., & Aldrich, J. (2006). The Electronic Medical Record: Medical Records That Teach Communication Skills. Journal of Veterinary. Medical Education, 33(1), 81-84. • Integrazione delle competenze tecnicoscientifiche, con quelle trasversali per ampliare la professionalità del veterinario. • Sviluppo della professionalità del veterinario attraverso tre modelli formativi: - la formazione in aula; - la formazione formatori; - il coaching. Formazione Formatori F Il veterinario formatore e la gestione d’aula Coaching individuale/di piccolo gruppo In veterinary practice, as in other medical professions, effective communication skills have been recognized as one of the main tasks in delivering comprehensive medical care to clients and patients. Over the past few years, several authors have discussed the importance of interpersonal skills in veterinary care, supporting the premise that successful practice requires multiple skills, including communication. Given the growing importance of communication. Bonvicini, K. A., & Keller, V. K. (2006). Academic Faculty Development: The Art and Practice of Effective Communication in Veterinary Medicine. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 33(1), 50-57. Mentoring/Tutoring Via Pescatori, 24 - 23900 Lecco email: [email protected] Tel. 03411972155 - Fax. 0341197216 Cell. 349811604—Cell. 3498040116 Allevare veterinari: lo sviluppo del neoprofessionista