September 21 st
08.30-10.00 Registration
10.15-11.00 La gestione dei rifiuti nelle emergenze
Waste management in the emergencies
Prof. Bernardo De Berardinis
Vice Capo Dipartimento Protezione Civile
11.00 – 11.20 Coffee Break
Recycling of construction & demolition waste
Chairman: Prof. Felice Ausilio Santagata
11.20 – 11.40 Use of recycled concrete aggregate in sound absorbing barrier with
architectural finishes
A. Krezel* and S. Richardson**
* Deakin University, School of Architecture and Building, Australia
** Local-Mix, Geelong, Australia
11.40 – 12.00 Recovery of construction and demolition materials in road construction
Il recupero di materiali da costruzione e demolizione nelle costruzioni
non legati nelle sovrastrutture stradali.
Prof. Antonio D'Andrea
University of Roma - Italy
12.00-12.20 Overview of materials utilized in the road construction
Overview sui materiali utilizzati nelle costruzioni stradali.
Prof. Antonio Montepara
University of Parma - Italy
12.20-12.40 Mechanical and physical characterization mortars containing postconsumer plastic particles
V. Corinaldesi, A. Mazzoli, G. Moriconi, C. Tribuiani
Department of Materials and Environment Engineering and Physics, University
Politecnica delle Marche - Italy
12.40 - 13.00 Resilient modulus values for construction and demolition debris
considered for road construction
J. S. Melton*, M. J. DeRocchi
*University of New Hampshire Durham, USA
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Recycling of construction & demolition waste
Chairman: Prof. Felice Ausilio Santagata
14.30 – 14.50 Mechanical and elastic behavior of concretes made of 30% recycledconcrete aggregates
V. Corinaldesi, G. Moriconi, F. Stortoni
Department of Materials and Environment Engineering and Physics, University
Politecnica delle Marche - Italy
14.50 – 15.10 Dust emission and utilization in copper smelting plants in
V.A. Luganov, Sh.B Baiysbekov.
The K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University
15.10 – 15.30 Material recycling: Italian and European normative framework
Materiali di riciclo: Il quadro normativo italiano ed europeo.
Prof. Marco Pasetto
University of Padova - Italy
15.30 – 15.50 Rubber powder and steel slag in road construction.
Il polverino di gomma e le scorie di acciaieria nelle pavimentazioni
Prof. Felice Giuliani
University of Parma, Italy
15.50 – 16.10 Aspalt recycling.
Il riciclaggio dei conglomerati bituminosi.
Prof. Maurizio Bocci
University Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
16.10 -16.30 Coffee Break
16.30 – 17.30
Poster Section
Master in the field of waste management
E. Zelinskaya
Irkutsk State Technical University, Russian
Valorisation of olivine pomace for the development of new biosorbents
*C. Cruz Viggi a, F. Pagnanelli a, L. Toroa
Department of Chemistry, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome Italy.
Application of technogenic production wastes in heat resisting concrete
B.M. Zuev, S.V. Mihin
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Construction, Russian Federation
Use of co-fired woody biomass and peat fly ash in cementitious mixes
M. Berra1, G. De Casa2, S. Ergul3, T. Mangialardi2, A.E. Paolini2
ENEA - Electric System Research S.p.A., Milano, Italy
Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome La Sapienza
Department of Structural, Water and Soil Engineering, University of L’Aquila,
Newfluv: an innovative process to produce fuel gas form car-fluff
K. Gallucci, I. De Michelis, F. Vegliò, P.U. Foscolo
Dipartimento di Chimica, Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Pharmaceutical industry proteic wastes recycling as biomaterials
M. Bascelli1, M.A. Continenza2, V. Corradini1, R. D‟Ascoli3, L.A. Pajewski 1, F. Vegliò 1
Dipartimento di Chimica, Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, University of L‟Aquila, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Facoltà di Medicina, University of L'AquilaItaly
Baxter Manufacturing S.p.A., S. Rufina - Cittaducale, Italy
September 22 nd
Recycling in ceramics and glasses
Chairman: Prof. Mario Pelino
09.00 – 09.20 Thermally induced structural and microstructural modifications of
zeolitic tuffs
S. Ergul,1 D. Magaldi,1 T. Mangialardi,2 A.E. Paolini,2 M. Pelino,3 P. Pisciella3
Department of Structural, Water and Soil Engineering, University of L’Aquila, Italy
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila, Italy
09.20 – 09.40 Wet granulation for inertization of Fly Ashes, “FLUFF”, and marine
L. Di Palma, A. Ferraro, F. Medici
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Materiali e Ambiente, Facoltà di Ingegneria,
“Sapienza” University of Roma, Italy.
09.40 – 10.00 Impiego della cenere di cartiera come ingrediente per le malte da
S. Monosi, V. Corinaldesi
University Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.
10.00 – 10.20 Covering powder for continuous casting steel
C. Ittu*, N. Constantin**, C. Rizescu***, N. Angelescu***
(*) Department 1, Refractories and Advanced Ceramics
Metallurgical Research Institute, ICEM SA, Bucuresti, Romania;
(**) Politehnica University Bucharest;
(***)Valahia University Târgoviște;
10.20-10.40 Coffee Breack
Industrial waste recycling processes
Chairman: Prof. Francesco Vegliò
10.40 – 11.00 HCl recovery by acid spent solution
G. Del Re, M. Prisciandaro, A. Di Donato
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila Italy
11.00 – 11.20 Preparatory Grinding for Beneficiation of Metals from Industrial Waste
– An Overview
A. Ognyanova a, F. Ferella a, I. De Michelis a, F. Maggiore b, F. Vegliò a
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila Italy
Orim S.p.A., Macerata, Italy
11.20 – 11.40 Valorisation of industrial wastes by bioleaching
F. Beolchini,* V. Fonti, F. Ferella, I. De Michelis, F. Vegliò
Department of Marine Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila, Italy
11.40 – 12.00 Zinc selective recovery from spent alkaline battery paste
E. Moscardinia , G. Granataa, G. Furlania, F. Pagnanellia, F. Ferellab, L. Toroa.
Department of Chemistry, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Recycling of post-consumer waste
Chairman: Prof. Francesco Veglio’
12.00 – 12.20 Hydroweee: EU supports smes for weee recycling
F. Vegliò,* L. Toro, F. Beolchini,a, V. Calini,b S. Vranes,c C. Aionesei,d N. Vranes,e B. Kopacekf
EcoRecycling S.r.l. , Civita Castellana (VT), Italy
InterUniversity Center High Tech Recycling, Dept. of Marine Sciences, Polytechnic University of
Marche, Ancona, Italy
Relight S.r.l., Rho (MI), Italy
Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Belgrade, Serbia
Greentronics S.r.l., Alexandria, Romania
S.E.Trade d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia
Austrian Society for Systems Engin. and Automation, Vienna, Austriai
12.20 – 12.40 Valorisation of automobile shredded residue by hydrometallurgical
G. Granata , E. Moscardini, G. Furlani, F. Pagnanelli, L. Toro
Department of Chemistry, “Sapienza”, University of Rome, Italy
12.40 – 13.00 Characterization of wastes generated during treatment of swimming
pool water
A. Korkosz, J. Hupka
Department of Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology Gdansk, Poland.
13.00 – 13.20 Mesoporous nanofibrous carbon as new effective catalysts for
selective oxidation of hydrogen sulfide
V.V. Shinkarev, G.G. Kuvshinov *
Group of Dynamics of Catalytic Processes, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk,
* Department of Chemical Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia,
13.20-14.30 Lunch
Sustainable production
Chairman: Prof.ssa Anna Morgante
14.30 – 14.50 Analysis of the industrial symbiosis of the Sangro-Aventino area.
M. Romano, A. Raggi, A. Morgante
Dipartimento delle Scienze Aziendali, Statistiche, Tecnologiche e Ambientali
Università “G. d’ Annunzio”, Pescara, Italia
14.50 – 15.10 Environmental analysis in the Bussi sul Tirino chemical industrial area (1)
I. De Michelis*, A. Morgante**, R. Taddeo**, F. Vegliò*
* Dipartimento di Chimica, Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali dell’Università degli
Studi dell’Aquila, Italia
** Dipartimento delle Scienze Aziendali, Statistiche, Tecnologiche ed
Ambientali dell’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, Italia.
15.10-15.30 Environmental analysis in the Bussi sul Tirino chemical industrial area (2)
R. Taddeo*, I. De Michelis**
*Dipartimento delle Scienze Aziendali, Statistiche, Tecnologiche ed Ambientali
dell’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, Italia
**Dipartimento di Chimica,Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali dell’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila,
15.30 –15.50 Purification of Waste Water from FOOD Production Plant
S. B. Zueva
Voronezh State Technology Academy Voronezh, Russian Federation
15.50 -16.10 Environmental impact of phosphogypsum stack
M. Janczarek, J. Hupka
Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
16.10-16.30 Coffee Breack
17.00 Tour of L’Aquila Historical Centre
20.30 Social dinner
September 23 rd
LCA analysis waste from automotive industries
Chairman: Prof. Anna Morgante
09.00 – 09.20 Production and characterization of aggregate from non metallic
Automotive Shredder residues
V. Alunno Rossetti, L Di Palma°, A. Ferraro
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali, delle Materie
Metallurgia – Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Italy
09.20 – 09.40 Recupero e riciclo dei materiali nel settore automotive: il progetto
A. Simboli*, S. Kretli**, O. Biondi***
Dip. delle Scienze Aziendali, Statistiche, Tecnologiche e Ambientali
Dip. di Scienze-Università degli Studi “G.D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara***
Honda Italia Industriale S.p.a.
Energy recovery from biomasses and waste
Chairman: Prof.ssa Maria Cantarella
09.40-10.00 Cellulase catalyzed reaction in the presence of phenolic compounds:
study in continuous UF-membrane reactor
A. Malandra , *L. Cantarella, A. Gallifuoco, A. Spera, M. Cantarella
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of
L’Aquila, Italy.
* Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Cassino, Italy.
10.00 – 10.20 Microbial processing of a sulphide gold-bearing copper ore
I. Spasova, M. V. Nicolova, S. N. Groudev
Department of Engineering Geoecology, University of Mining and Geology “Saint
Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
10.20 – 10.40 Process simulation of thermal treatment of industrial wastes: a case
P Macolino, B. Bianco, F. Vegliò.
Deptartment of Chemistry, Engineering and Materials, University of L’Aquila,
10.40 – 11.00 Enhancing municipal solid waste landfill gas production managing
municipal wastewater sludge disposal.
M.L. Ruello, G. Fava
Department of Materials and Environment Engineering and Physics, Università
Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
12.00-13.00 Brunch

September 21 st Recycling of construction & demolition waste