10.30am Visit of the Grotta di Nettuno (Neptune’s Cove) 1.00pm Guided tour of the Nuraghe site and the village of Sant’Imbenia (Alghero), with its IX-VII century BC emporion (trade centre), very popular among the Greeks and the Phoenicians; guided tour of the Roman villa of Porto delle Ninfe (Prof. Marco Rendeli). Buffet lunch catering on site 3.30 - 6.30pm Guided tour of the historical centre of Alghero (Prof. Marco Milanese) JUNE, 21 CONCLUSIONS Sassari 7.00pm, Aula Magna of the University of Sassari MARIA ANTONIETTA ZORODDU, Università di Sassari ATTILIO MASTINO, Università di Sassari 8.00pm Dinner “Il Cenacolo” Restaurant (Sassari) 10.00pm Return to Porto Conte Ricerche JUNE, 22 DEPARTURE DAY Porto Conte Ricerche 7.30-8.30am Breakfast grafica: Segreteria del Rettore - stampa: ufficio Economato, Servizio Redazione - Centro Stampa - Università di Sassari 10.00am Guided tour of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Anghelu Ruju necropolis (Prof. Alberto Moravetti) RETI G E N E R A L ASSE MBLY A N D SYMP O SI U M j u n e , 2 0 th- 2 1 st 2 0 1 3 - s a s s a r i | a l g h e r o Departure: shuttle bus service to the Alghero airport (Fertilia) You are kindly invited to attend The Rector Attilio Mastino Segreteria del Rettore Piazza Università 21 (Sassari) tel. ++39 (0)79.228810/1/2 fax ++39 (0)79.228816 [email protected] [email protected]