NIS Centre of Excellence
Coordinatore: Adriano Zecchina, Università di Torino, [email protected]
A team of researchers in the areas of Chemistry, Physiscs and Biology of the University of Torino,
engaged in a three-year project on "Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces" has been recently
awarded the title of "Centre of Excellence" by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Nanotechnology of surfaces has a profound impact on a variety of technological fields ranging from
structural materials to biological systems, catalysis, electronics and many others. The Centre has the
dual mission of pursuing basic research and offering applied research services. It aims at becoming a
stable research structure catalyzing the development of scientific and technical excellence in the
Superfici, Interfasi, Materiali,
La struttura del centro
Denominazione: Centro di Eccellenza sulle Superfici ed Interfasi
Nanostrutturate – Centre of Excellence on Nanostructured Interfaces and
Interfaces (NIS)
Natura giuridica: Centro di Eccellenza ai sensi del D.M. n.193 del
Dal 2006 Centro Interdipartimentale dell’Università degli Studi
di Torino ai sensi dell’art. 63 e 25 dello Statuto di Ateneo.
Il centro NIS non riceve alcun finaziamento
periodico regolare da enti privati o pubblici. Il
Centro si finanzia attraverso la partecipazione a
bandi pubblici a tutti i livelli, attraverso contratti
di collaborazione con aziende ed industrie private
e tramite l’aiuto
del mecenatismo privato.
Direttore :Adriano Zecchina
Principali contributi
Personale (Aprile 2010)
Circa 65 docenti (Professori ordinari, associati e ricercatori), 11
Tecnici di Ricerca ; circa 70 giovani ricercatori in formazione/precari
(Dottorandi, Assegnisti di Ricerca, Ricercatori e Tecnici e tempo
Finanziamento iniziale del MIUR (2003-2006)
Compagnia di San Paolo
Progetti regionali
Progetti Nazionali
Progetti EU
Progetti Industriali
NIS COLLOQUIA ( 2006-2010)
Partecipazione a progetti europei e
Alcuni contratti industriali
-EU FP6 NMP: MOFCAT STREP "Functional Metal Organic Frameworks as
Heterogeneous Catalysts" Project start: September 1st 2006.NoE: IDECAT "Integrated Design for Catalytic Nanomaterials for a sustainable
production" Project start: April 1st 2005.-EU FP7 NMP: NanoMOF Collaborative, largescale integrating project "Nanoporous Metal-Organic Frameworks for Production"
Project start: February 1st 2009.
-EU 6FP MC-RTN:COSY “Complex Solid State Reactions forEnergy Efficient Hydrogen
Storage 2007-2010
-EU 6FP NoE: CMA “Complex Metallic Alloys” 2005-2010-EU 7FP FLYHY “Fluorine
substituted High Capacity Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage at Low Working
Temperatures” 2009-10
-FP7-ENERGY-NMP-2008-1: INNOVASOL”Innovative Materials for Future Generation
Excitonic Solar Cells” Project start: 2009-2011
-PRIN Project 2007 (2008-2010) - ”Caratterizzazione spettroscopica delle proprietà
elettroniche ed ottiche di ossidi semiconduttori nanostrutturati per l'applicazione
innovativa in celle fotovoltaiche.” Project start: November 2008.
- UE Project (VII FP) MAGISTER (action line NMP 3-LA-2008-214685),
- PRIN 2006, ‘‘Interface phenomena in silica-based nanostructured biocompatible
materials contacted with biological systems” prot. 2006032335, Area 03);
UE STRP project (VI FP) AUTOBONE (action line 2002-; project start:
1/1/2004; end: 31/12/2007);
European project CAVNET ,Marie Curie Research Training Networks, L-type calcium
channels in health and disease.
FIRB “Materiali polimerici nanostrutturati per la fabbricazione di membrane e coatings
funzionali”, (2005-2008) .Demonstrator Project
FIRB “Innovative nanocomposite materials for the repair of abdominal wall defects
and their manufacturing method” –
- MANUNET ERA – Net Project “Laser cleaning, polishing and multi spectral analisys of
surfaces for artworks, artwork restoration and industrial applications” (2009 – 2011).
- Action 533: European Biotribology Network, 2004-2009.“Applicazioni del laser al
settore del restauro e della conservazione dei beni culturali, Valutazione degli effetti
indotti da pulitura LASER di materiali e manufatti di interesse storico-artistico” (2007 –
2008) .
-Investigation of acidic zeolites in MTH process and
mechanisms of coke formation (Topsøe).
- Oxychlorination catalysts for dicloroethylene: CuCl on
Al2O3 (In-gap, Norway).
- Supported metal catalysts for selective hydrogenation
reaction (oxides, polymers, carbons) (Chimet).
- Cr-based heterogeneous polymerisation catalysts,
Ziegler Natta polyethylene catalyst (CPE - Lyon; EniIstituto Guido Donegani).
- Highly dispersed nanostructured MoS2 for
dehydrosulfurization (Eni San Donato Milanese)
- Photodegradation of pollutant - TiO2 based materials
(Buzzi UniCEM).
- Development of gold-based amorphous alloys
- Miglioramento della struttura di nastri di leghe di Al
ottenuti per colata continua (Comital SpA)
TiO2 based sytems for photocatalytic applications
Sistemi zeolitici e ossidici per adsorbimento selettivo
Adriano Zecchina (Università di Torino)
Valutazione: alcuni dati
aggiornati al 2009
Projectionforfull 2009
materials and
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Distribuzioni nel corso degli anni l'attività degli articoli pubblicati (a
sinistra) e relative citazioni ricevute (a destra) dagli scienziati NIS. I dati
in arancione sono una proiezione dei documenti previsti e citazioni alla
fine del 2009 sulla base dei dati raccolti nelle prime 17 settimane del
Paper published / Journal
Supramolecular chemistry
Surface chemistry
J. Phys. Chem. B/C (4.1) ACS
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (3.3) RSC
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (7.9) ACS
J. Catal. (4.7) Elsevier
Chem. Mater. (4.9) ACS
J. Alloy. Compd. (1.5) Elsevier
Diam. Relat. Mat. (1.8) Elsevier
Chem. Phys. Lett. (2.2) Elsevier
Chem. Commun. (5.1) RSC
J. Chem. Phys. (3.0) AIP
Hydrogen: materials for its production
and storage
Nanostructured materials for
adsorption and catalysis
Methods for materials and surfaces modelling
Paper published / scientific discipline
Thin polyfunctional nano- and microstructured strates of semi- and superconductor materials
Nanostructured metallic materials
2006 Raman spectroscopy: a powerful technique to characterize nano-materials
2006 "Health effects of Nanoparticles
2006 "Olefin polymerization heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts.
2006 "Nanosized Systems for Molecular Imaging"
2006 "Microanalysis and micromodification of materials by ion beams"
2007 “Solid/living-matter interaction at the nano-level: nano-materials
toxicity, biocompatibility, bioactivity"
2007 "Carbon nanotubes and carbon hybrid/composites"
2007 "MOFs: smart materials for catalysis and adsorption"
2007 "Nanostructured Materials for H2 Production and Purification"
2007 "Ricoprimenti nanostrutturati per scopi protettivi e decorativi"
2007 "Structure and Activity of Fe centers in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
2007 "Solar energy conversion in nanostructured photocatalysts"
2008 "H2, CH4 and CO2: purification, storage and activation
2008 "Classical and new approaches to thin film photovoltaics
2008 "Nanoparticles, Nanowires and Nanostructures:
2008 "Innovative Materials for Hydrogen Storage"
2008 "Material Analysis and Modification by Ion Beams"
2009 "Magnetic Resonance in Surface and Interface Science“
2009 "Nano- and microtechnologies for neuronal
signaling & neurotransmitter release detection"
2009 "Materials for aerospace applications"
2009 "Materials for sports"
2009 "Special Textiles"
2009 "Organic Photovoltaic cells"
2010 "Synthetic Biology"
2010 “ First chemical steps towards the origin of life
2010 “ Materials for photocatalytic applications
Chemistry: Physical
Materials Science: Multidisciplinary
Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chem.
Chemistry: Multidisciplinary
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Engineering: Chemical
Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engin.
Physics: Condensed Matter
Physics: Applied
Chemistry: Applied
Linee di ricerca
A sinistra: distribuzione deglii articoli pubblicati tra le diverse discipline
scientifiche. Siccome una stessa rivista può essere interdisciplinare, la
somma su tutte le colonne supera il numero totale degli articoli (398). A
destra: le 10 riviste top in cui appaiono per più articoli del NIS. L’impact
factor della rivista è riportatoi in parentesi, seguito dalla casa editrice, ACS
= American Chemical Society; RSC = Royal Society of Chemistry, AIP =
American Institute of Physics.

NIS Centre of Excellence