MEDITERRANEAN VISIONS JOURNEYS, ITINERARIES AND CULTURAL MIGRATIONS First International Conference *** Sant’Anna Institute Sorrento, June 13-14, 2014 Mediterranean Visions: Journeys, Itineraries and Cultural Migrations First International Conference Sorrento June 13-14, 2014 Conference Program REGISTRATION| Friday 9am - 9.30am Opening Remarks and Welcome| Friday 9.30am - 9.55am Friday| 10.00am - 11.15am [1.1] IN VIAGGIO PER IL MEDITERRANEO 1 Chair: Giovanni Spani, College of the Holy Cross (Room: 6/7) Alberto Arbasino e la riscoperta del Grand Tour tra postmodernismo, classicismo ed orientalismo Cristiano Bedin, Università Statale di Istanbul A Relíquia de Eça de Queirós: a viagem de Portugal à Terra Santa Susana Antunes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Cavalieri mediterranei e Corsari caraibici: l'Ordine di Malta nelle Antille francesi (1653-1665) Luigi Robuschi, Università degli Studi di Milano Friday| 11.30am - 12.45pm [2.1] IN VIAGGIO PER IL MEDITERRANEO 2 Chair: Philip Balma, University of Connecticut (Room: 6/7) L’Oriente vicino e lontano: viaggiatori in cammino verso Costantinopoli Silvia Pedone, Università La Sapienza, Roma Travellers in a Mediterranean City: Naples between the 17th and 19th Centuries Paola Avallone - Raffaella Salvemini, CNR, Napoli Marco Polo’s Description of the World: Miracles as Cultural Capital Elizabeth Ranieri, University of Texas, Dallas [2.2] TOPOS MEDITERRANEO Chair: Nicholas Albanese, College of the Holy Cross (Room: Library) Mare Nostrum ovvero la ricerca dell’armonia Assunta De Crescenzo, Università di Napoli Fra mare e mito: il Mediterraneo apocalittico in "Fuoco su Napoli" di Ruggero Cappuccio Nicholas Albanese, College of the Holy Cross Tra onirismo, realismo e topos letterario: “Respiro” di Emanuele Crialese Andrea Pera, Independent Scholar [2] LUNCH BREAK| 1pm - 2.30pm Friday| 2.45pm - 4.00pm [3.1] MEDITERRANEO POETICO 1 Chair: Dolores Juan Moreno, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Room: 6/7) Asfalto y seda. Visiones mediterráneas del viaje en la poesía de Aurora Luque Dolores Juan Moreno, University of Massachusetts, Amherst “Between being and universe”: il viaggio verso una patria di parole di Mahmud Darwish Ramona Ciucani, Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici, Vicenza L’inspiration méditerranéenne dans l’œuvre de J.-M.G. Le Clézio Lorella Martinelli, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara Friday| 4.15pm - 5.30pm [4.1] MEDITERRANEO POETICO 2 Chair: Domenico Palumbo, Sant’Anna Institute (Room: 6/7) Josep Pla: la creación del paisaje de la Costa Brava Pau Cañigueral Battlosera, University of Massachusetts, Amherst L’emigrazione e il viaggio nelle opere e nelle parole di Mariangela Sedda Caterina Marras, Independent Scholar Il viaggio interiore di Carlo Levi attraverso l'uso iconografico del colore in “Cristo si è fermato a Eboli” Paola Quadrini, Independent Scholar [4.2] ORIZZONTI DEL MEDITERRANEO Chair: Dolores Juan Moreno, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Room: Library) Costruire l’immagine: luoghi di Napoli e della Campania in brochure e leaflet Patrizia Vigliotti, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli Italian Style? Visions of Mediterranean Cultural Migrations in Dolce and Gabbana’s Spring/Summer 2013 Collection Viviana Cois, Independent Scholar Intorno alla villa Malaparte di Capri Òscar Canalis, Independent Scholar DINNER| 8pm (Registered participants only) [3] Saturday| 10.00am – 11.15am [5.1] PENSANDO IL MEDITERRANEO Chair: Marco Marino, Sant’Anna Institute (Room: 6/7) Melville and Nietzsche: Nihilism on the Mediterranean Mark Anderson, Belmont University Segreti Mediterranei: Ustica, teatro di narrazione e costruzione del senso Cristina Perissinotto, University of Ottawa L’ospite inquietante: rivoluzioni di filosofia pratica in Ramon Llull e Giordano Bruno Domenico Palumbo, Sant'Anna Institute Saturday| 11.30am - 12.45pm [6.1] DIRITTI MEDITERRANEI Chair: Philip Balma, University of Connecticut (Room: 6/7) Early 20th Century Levantine Immigrants in the Latin America Idir Ouhaes, University of Exeter The Flow of the Mediterranean into the European Union: Irregular Immigration and the Legal Repercussions on EU States Joe D’Ascenzo, Villanova University La comunità italiana tra solidarietà e tensioni in Palestina occupata Olivia Martina Dalla Torre, Università di Friburgo Gender Dimensions of Dispossession and Displacement among Palestinian Refugee Women: Homelessness in Impermanent Landscapes Lori Rudolph, New Mexico Highlands University [6.2] COMUNITÀ MEDITERRANEA Chair: Giovanni Migliara, UNED (Room: Library) Electronic Postcards to Disengaged Youth: Cultural Shock’s Project for the Creation of a Multi-Cultural Society Ted Perlmutter, Columbia University “No CO2, No Hotel, No Taxi, No Fast-food, No Souvenirs:” Ethical Mobility across the Mediterranean and the Italian Multimedia Project of Cultural Shock Chiara Ferrari, New York University Marco Drago and “A Prison as Big as a Country”. The End of the Communist Era Seen by a Young Italian Student Giovanni Migliara, UNED LUNCH| 1.00pm - 2.30pm [4] Saturday| 2.45pm - 4.00pm [7.1] IL MEDITERRANEO COME IDENTITÀ Chair: Giovanni Spani, College of the Holy Cross (Room: 6/7) Fascist 'Root Tourism' from the United States (1922-1941) Matteo Pretelli, University of Warwick Across the Atlantic from the Mediterranean Basin: Italian Immigrants in the United States and the Reshaping of Their Ethnic Identity in the Interwar Years Stefano Luconi, Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” Prima di Colombo. Dal Mediterraneo agli USA: Il Medioevo nel Nuovo Mondo Federico Canaccini, Independent Scholar [7.2] NOTEBOOK MEDITERRANEO Chair: Domenico Palumbo, Sant’Anna Institute (Room: Library) Translating the Mediterranean Space: Philology, Cartography, and Disease between Venice and Hispaniola Katharina Piechocki, Harvard University Del principio y costumbres de Venecia, un ambasciatore spagnolo a Venezia nel Cinquecento Ignazio Siddi, Independent Scholar Il “Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece” nello Zibaldone di Leopardi Ugo Perolino, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara Saturday| 4.15pm – 5.30pm [8.1] MEDITERRANEO MEDIATICO Chair: Philip Balma, University of Connecticut (Room: Library) The Myth of America: Transmediatic Influences in “Lamerica” by Amelio Philip Balma, University of Connecticut Da Cuore a “Marco dagli Appennini”: l’emigrazione geografica e mediatica Susan Amatangelo, College of the Holy Cross Looking Backward: Palestine as Utopian Space in Zionist Thought and Fiction Alex Marshall, Brasenose College Oxford La rappresentazione filmica di Napoli e dintorni: alcuni esempi della filmografia statunitense tra gli anni ‘50 e ‘60 Virginia Formisano, Università Parthenope [5] [SPECIAL EVENT]| 5.40PM - 7.30PM SUMMER ’82: WHEN ZAPPA CAME TO SICILY Documentary, Italy-Usa 80’ Directed by Salvo Cuccia (2013) July 14, 1982. A young Sicilian doing his military serve in the north sets off on a journey to Palermo to attend to the last concert on the European tour of the legendary Frank Zappa, the eclectic and much loved rock star with Sicilian roots (1940-1993). An unforgettable journey, but one that culminated in a great disappointment: the young man did not arrive in time for his idol’s concert. That young man was Salvo Cuccia, who thirty years later picks up again the unused ticket and set out to reassemble the pieces of that particular moment in his life. The memory of his father, who died prematurely, is intertwined with the story of Frank’s family, that is now visiting the land of their forebears. And along with Zappa’s widow Gail, his children Moon, Diva and Dweezil, and Massimo Bassoli, great friend and biographer of the musician, Salvo Cuccia embarks on a journey/story made up of meetings and returns: a moving and ironic memoir. A story made of music and families, studded with never-before-seen images of the concert in 1982, interrupted by disturbances on the terraces and the reaction of the police, while outside fireworks and the crowd wildly celebrated the feast day of Santa Rosalia. Thus another Italy, another America and quite another music are brought back to life. World Premiere: 70° Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia, 2013 Premio Chopin come Miglior Documentario sulla musica al Planete Doc Festival Varsavia 2014 Salvo Cuccia, director and visual artist, combines in his eclectic experimentation video-art, fiction and new media in documentary. Prolific author, he has made many video works, fiction short films, performances, video-installations and documentaries. His works have been presented and screened in many International festivals. In 2005 Martin Scorsese presented his film documentary Détour De Seta at the Tribeca Film festival and Full Frame Documentary Film Festival. His research stretches today towards the new frontiers of augmented reality and fiction cinema. *** Final Remarks| 8 pm [6] Albanese Nicholas, 2.2 Amatangelo Susan, 8.1 Anderson Mark, 5.1 Antunes Susana, 1.1 Avallone Paola, 2.1 Balma Philip, 2.1, 6.1, 8.1 Bedin Cristiano, 1.1 Canaccini Federico 7.1 Canalis Òscar, 4.2 Cañigueral Battlosera Pau, 4.1 Ciucani Ramona, 3.1 Cois Viviana, 4.2 D’Ascenzo Joe, 6.1 Dalla Torre Olivia Martina, 6.1 De Crescenzo Assunta, 2.2 Ferrari Chiara, 6.2 Formisano Virginia 8.1 Juan Moreno Dolores, 3.1, 4.2 Luconi Stefano, 7.1 Marino Marco, 5.1 Marras Caterina, 4.1 Marshall Alex, 8.1 Martinelli Lorella, 3.1 Migliara Giovanni, 6.2 Ouhaes Idir, 6.1 Palumbo Domenico, 4.1, 5.1, 7.2 Pedone Silvia, 2.1 Pera Andrea, 2.2 Perissinotto Cristina, 5.1 Perlmutter Ted, 6.2 Perolino Ugo, 7.2 Piechocki Katharina, 7.2 Pretelli Matteo, 7.1 Quadrini Paola, 4.1 Ranieri Elizabeth, 2.1 Robuschi Luigi, 1.1 Rudolph Lori, 6.1 Salvemini Raffaella, 2.1 Siddi Ignazio, 7.2 Spani Giovanni, 1.1, 7.1 Vigliotti Patrizia, 4.2 Conference Directors: Marco Marino, Giovanni Spani Edited by: Domenico Palumbo, Dolores Juan Moreno [7] Sponsored and Organized by: COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS PeccatA OrbiS Associazione di Studi Culturali Catalano · Italiano · Portoghese · Spagnolo