PROJECT COMENIUS POLISH@ITALIAN CULTURAL MAGAZINE This publication was prepared for the Socrates Comenius Project 2009 - 2011 by Zespół Szkół nr 70 in Warsaw, Poland and Istituto Comprensivo di Saint’Elia a Pianisi from Italy IMPORTANT SUBJECTS • MOLISE • WARSAW • THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC • NATIONAL HOLIDAYS • CUISINE • CHRISTMAS • EASTER MOLISE HISTORY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MOLISE in Quadrelle. In Larino, in Piano San Leonardo area, once there was the ancient urban center. There we can admire the remains of a great amphitheater recently discovered. It was built between 80 and 150 A D under the Flavian emperors. Thanks to the generosity of the Senator Quinto Capito, it became a place of burial during the Middle Ages. LARINO Molise is certainly a region of historical and archaeological interest, there are finds from the ancient Roman Imperial period in the new towns inhabited by the soldiers colonies after the final defeat of the Samnites in 293 a. C. The old town of Venafro, called Colonia Julia Augusta Venafrum, maintains in its urban development which spreads around a main road and seven decumani or crosses, typical of Rome. Interesting are also the remains of the aqueduct, built by Augustus, about 30 kilometers long and in the district Verlascio, the imposing Amphitheater. Among the most valuable remains, there is the "Venus Venafrana", now preserved in the Civic Museum in Chieti town. In Isernia town there are many more examples of Roman art preserved in the Civic Museum or scattered in the urban buildings. Among them the walls, inside which the aqueduct was carved into the rock, the podium of the Temple of Jupiter, four statues of the late empire arranged under the arch of St. Peter and remarkable tombstone material. Other remains are located Str. 2 The elliptical Amphitheater with its four main gates, aimed for the gladiators fighting and the performances of hunting, which took place in the arena, are still well preserved in fact there is also the square hole from which the games and the animal cages were risen. The amphitheater could host up to eighteen thousand spectators and was built in mixed structures, partially elevated and partially carved in tuff. The arena, slightly rounded in the center, was bounded by a drain for water. There are also remains of baths, luxurious villas with mosaic floors of rare skill, fragments of columns, capitals, carvings and inscriptions. PROJECT COMENIUS ISERNIA The long history of Molise dates back to the time of the first human presence on earth. On June 5th , 1979 there was a great news: the paleontological discovery in La Pineta, in Isernia, of a prehistoric site with evidence of human activity dating back about 730 thousand years ago. The camp was attended by the Paleolithic homo erectus, Homo Aeserniensis, the oldest living human being throughout Europe The importance of the find is given not only by the distant date but also by the number of exceptional specimens of bones and stone artifacts found around the hut inhabited by our ancient ancestor. The documentation of the precious finds of Isernia, which are key elements in the study of the Quaternary of Mediterranean Europe, is housed in a permanent exhibition in the Paleolithic Museum in Isernia, in a dismissed monastery of Benedictine monks. The caves and caverns discovered in the last century in the mountainous region of Matese go back to the Paleolithic and confirm the presence of the prehistoric man in our country. Sepino, Ielsi, Monteroduni, Pietrabbondante and Salcito are villages where tombs and other ancient objects have been discovered. In Tufara a plow belonging to the Iron Age was found. Some of these valuable findings are in Molise at the Museum of Campobasso and the Museum of Agnone. The biggest part is, instead, in the Museum of Ethnography Pigorini of Rome and in the Anthropological Museum in Naples. In Trivento, Isernia, Venafro, Sepino, Mount Vairano, and in other villages or countryside javelins, helmets, daggers, spears, work tools, household utensils, coins, statues and inscriptions in Oscan on plates have been found. The most important piece of bronze, known as Osca Table found in Agnone, discovered in 1848 by the great German historian T. Mommsen in Capracotta is preserved in the British Museum in London, while the stone table, found in the countryside of Casacalenda, is located in the National Museum of Naples. Remains of Samnite walls were found in Campochiaro, Duronia, Montefalcone, in Isernia, in Sepino and Larino. Str. 3 PIETRABBONDANTE The Archaeological Park of Pietrabbondante, the most valuable archeological site in Molise is located near the ancient cattle track Celano - Foggia, a few kilometers far from the village. Here you can admire the remains of the ancient Pietrabbondante, an important civil and religious centre of Pentria, built by the Samnite few decades before the fatal crash with Rome. Str. 4 The remains show the massive polygonal walls, the necropolis of Troccola, with precious tombs and two temples. The Great Temple which consists of two altars, a pronao and a stairway and the small Temple. Downstream, there are traces of houses and shops. The real masterpiece of the archaeological park is the remains of the theatre, an happy marriage between Italic structures and Greek architecture. The theatre built in the natural slope of the land consists of five steps and an auditorium. Here, on the extraordinary sectional anatomy stone seats, unique in the worldwide - even today, in summer, people can attend theatrical performances. PROJECT COMENIUS MOLISE CLASSE TERZA DI PIETRACATELLA L'esempio più vivo e palpitante della presenza romana nel Sannio è Altilia, uno dei più importanti e suggestivi parchi archeologici d'Italia, l'antica Saepinum romana, costruita ai piedi della collina di Terravecchia, sulle rovine di un insediamento sannita del VI - V secolo a. c., nel luogo in cui il tratturo, che percorre la valle del Tammaro, si incrocia con la strada di collegamento della pianura al Matese. Luogo di mercati e di scambi commerciali, di sosta e di transito delle greggi Saepinum, che nel I secolo d. C. divenne Municipio, era una città di forma quadrata, recintata da una poderosa Cinta muraria, in cui si aprivano le 29 torri (27 circolari e 2 a pianta poligonale) e le quattro porte monumentali situate al termine delle principali strade - il cardo massimo ed il cardo decumano - che prendevano il nome dalla direzione verso cui si aprivano (porta Boiano ad ovest, porta Terravecchia a sud, porta Benevento ad est, porta Tammaro a nord). Il centro della città era costituito dall'area forense con il macellum o mercato di generi alimentari, la basilica, la piazza del foro con i monumenti onorari ed i principali edifici pubblici della città; in diversi punt i er ano ubi cat i , po i , i monumenti, le fontane, tra cui quella del Grifo, le terme con le prodigiose acque ed il teatro. Di grande interesse la zona delle abitazioni - le domus e le tabernae dove sono visibili l'atrio, l'impluvium ed i cubicula, degli edifici industriali, con tracce di vita quotidiana (il frantoio, la tintoria, il mulino, le locande, gli scarichi idraulici delle case, i canali di scolo) e, fuori dalle mura, i resti dei monumenti funerari delle due necropoli situate al di fuori della cinta muraria, l'una al di là di porta Boiano con il mausoleo dei Numisi, l'altra fuori porta Benevento con il monumento dedicato ad Ennio Marso. Quando la città decadde, in epoca longobarda, tra i templi, le case, il teatro e le mura della Saepinum si costituì un villaggio di contadini e pastori, che diede vita al borgo medioevale di Altilia, le cui rustiche case si frappongono ai resti monumentali dell'antica città romana, testimonianza della mLA emoria del luogo. Str. 5 La lunga storia del Molise va ricercata sicuramente nella notte dei tempi delle prime presenze dell'uomo sulla terra: il 5 giugno 1979 viene infatti data la notizia della grande scoperta paleontologica, è cioè del ritrovamento in località La Pineta di Isernia, di un sito preistorico con testimonianze di attività umane risalenti a circa 730 mila anni fa. L'accampamento paleolitico era frequentato dall'homo erectus, l'Homo aeserniensis, addirittura il più antico vissuto in tutta Europa. L'importanza del ritrovamento è data, oltre che dalla lontanissima datazione, dal numero veramente eccezionale di reperti ossei e di manufatti lapidei rinvenuti attorno alla capanna abitata da quel nostro antichissimo progenitore. La documentazione dei preziosi ritrovamenti di Isernia che rappresentano elementi fondamentali per lo studio del Quaternario nell'area dell'Europa Mediterranea, è ospitata stabilmente nella Mostra - Museo del Paleolitico a Isernia, in un ex monastero di monaci benedettini. Str. 6 Risalgono al Paleolitico le grotte e le caverne rinvenute nel secolo scorso nella zona montuosa del Matese, che confermano la presenza dell'uomo preistorico sul nostro territorio: a Sepino una capanna-sepolcro dell'età della pietra; a Ielsi, alcune tombe a doppia camera con resti umani e frammenti di terracotta; altre tombe, contenenti frammenti di oggetti primitivi, sono state rinvenute in agro di Monteroduni, Pietrabbondante e Salcito. L'aratro rinvenuto in agro di Tufara, è dell'età del ferro. Di questi preziosi ritrovamenti, alcuni si trovano nel Molise presso il Museo Sannitico di Campobasso e presso il Museo Emidiano di Agnone; la parte più cospicua si trova, invece, nel Museo Etnografico Pigorini di Roma ed in quello Antropologico di Napoli. PROJECT COMENIUS A Trivento (Terventum), Isernia (Aesernia), Venafro (Venafrum) e nei centri fortificati di Terravecchia di Sepino, di Monte Vairano, tra Busso e Campobasso, di Monte Ferrante a Carovilli, della Civitella, in agro di Frosolone, sono stati rinvenuti giavellotti, elmi, pugnali, lance, attrezzi da lavoro, utensili domestici, monete, statuette ed iscrizioni in lingua osca, su lastra. I reperti più importanti sono la lastra di bronzo, nota come Tavola Osca o di Agnone, rinvenuta nel 1848 dal grande sto rico tedesco T. Mommsen nell'agro di Capracotta e conservata nel Museo Britannico di Londra, e la lastra calcarea, rinvenuta in agro di Casacalenda, che si trova nel Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Resti di mura sannitiche sono stati rinvenuti a Campochiaro, a Duronia, a Montefalcone del Sannio, a Isernia, a Sepino e a Larino, dove è l'Ara Frentana, testimonianza di quest'epoca. Il P a r co a r c he o l o g i co di Pietrabbondante, la gemma più preziosa dell'archeologia molisana, si trova nei pressi dell'antico tratturo Celano Foggia, a pochi chilometri dall'abitato, tra giganteschi macigni:. le morge. Qui è possibile ammirare i resti dell'antica Pietrabbondante, importante centro civile e religioso della Pentria, costruito dai Sanniti pochi decenni prima dell'urto fatale con Roma. I resti mostrano le possenti mura poligonali; la necropoli della Troccola, con preziosi corredi tombali; due templi, il Grande Tempio costituito da due altari, un pronao ed una gradinata, il Piccolo Tempio della metà del II secolo a. C. Più a valle, vi sono tracce di unità abitative e botteghe. Il vero capolavoro del Parco archeologico è costituito dai resti del Teatro, felice connubio tra strutture italiche ed architettura greca. Il Teatro, ricavato nel pendio naturale del terreno, è formato da una cavea e da cinque gradinate. Qui, sugli straordinari sedili in pietra a sezione anatomica - e, per questo, unici al mondo - ancora oggi, in estate, è possibile assistere alle rappresentazioni teatrali. Str. 7 WARSAW such objects as Zygmunt’s Column and the Royal Castle. You should also note beautiful tenement houses. You must visit De Gaul’s Roundabout too, were there is the only palm tree ! Of course it’s artificial! Near the De Gaul’s roundabout there is Nowy Świat street which is one of the most expensive streets in Warsaw and it leads to the old city. Warsaw the capital of Poland is the largest city. It is located on the Vistula River and her history goes back to IX century. Warsaw was totally destroyed several times especially in the Second World War. Because of that Warsaw is known as the“Phoenix city”. There are 18 districts in Warsaw: Mokotów, Praga Południe, Praga Północ, Ursynów, Wola, Bielany, Śródmieście, Targówek, Bemowo, Ochota, Białołęka, Wawer, Żoliborz, Ursus, Włochy, Rembertów, Wesoła and Wilanów. Warsaw's palaces, churches and mansions display a richness of color and architectural details. Buildings are representatives of nearly every European architectural style and historical period. If you like shopping you can go to Golden Terraces. It’s the biggest shopping centre in Poland and it has got a very interesting architecture. Next to it there is the Palace of Culture and Science in the style of socialist realism. It was build by communists between 1952 and 1955. There are many things like cinema, museum and even a swimming pool! You can also go to the top of it and see Warsaw aerial. In Śródmieście district, the central part of Warsaw, there is Krakowskie Przedmieście street, with Holy Cross Church, where is Fryderyk Chopin’s heart. You can see the Presidential Palace too. The city has wonderful examples of architecture from the gothic, renaissance, baroque and neoclassical periods, all of which are located within easy walking distance of the town centre. When you are in Warsaw, you should go to the old city and see Str. 8 PROJECT COMENIUS It survived the time of Poland's partitions and both World Wars and has preserved its authentic historical qualities. It is also one of the most important monuments of Polish cul- ture. It was built between 1677 and 1696 for the King Jan III Sobieski. If you’re interested in the history of Warsaw, you can go to Warsaw Uprising Museum. There you can get information about Warsaw Uprising which was in 1944. For those which are interested in architecture I propose to visit the main TVP headquarters at Woronicza street or Warsaw University Library with its very pretty garden on the roof. The Royal Baths Park with the Palace on the Water are also worth seeing. In the Royal Baths Park, there are peacocks. There is another palace at Wilanów district, called Wilanów Palace. Although this capital of Poland was destroyed so many times, it still has its unique atmosphere. It looks great, but only because its residents love the city and could devote their time to its renewal. When you look around, you will see how beautiful and original is the city. Str. 9 WARSZAWA Warszawa, stolica Polski jest największym miastem. Leży na Wiśle, a jej historia sięga IX w. Warszawa była całkowicie zniszczona kilka razy, zwłaszcza podczas II Wojny Światowej. Przez to jest też nazywania Miastem Feniks. W Warszawie jest 18 dzielnic: Mokotów, Praga Południe, Praga Północ, Ursynów, Wola, Bielany, Śródmieście, Targówek, Bemowo, Ochota, Białołęka, Wawer, Żoliborz, Ursus, Włochy, Rembertów, Wesoła i Wilanów. Tutejsze pałace, kościoły i dworki dysponują bogactwem kolorów i architektonicznymi detalami. Budynki reprezentują prawie każdy europejski styl architektoniczny i historyczny okres. Miasto posiada wspaniałe przykłady architektury gotyku, renesansu, baroku i neokla- Str. 10 sycznych czasów, wszystkie są zaś położone niedaleko centrum miasta. Kiedy jesteś w Warszawie, powinieneś iść na Stare Miasto i zobaczyć takie obiekty jak Kolumna Zygmunta i Zamek Królewski. Powinieneś także zwrócić uwagę na piękne kamienice. Musisz zobaczyć Rondo De Gualla, gdzie jest jedyna palma! Oczywiście jest sztuczna! Niedaleko Ronda De Gaulla znajduje się ulica Nowy Świat, która jest jedną z najzamożniejszych ulic w Warszawie i prowadzi na Stare Miasto. Jeśli lubisz chodzić na zakupy, powinieneś odwiedzić Złote Tarasy. Są one największym centrum handlowym w Polsce i są bardzo ciekawie zbudo- wane. Niedaleko nich leży Pałac Kultury i Nauki, zbudowany w stylu socrealizmu. Postawili go komuniści w latach 1952-1955. Jest tu wiele rzeczy takich jak kino, muzeum, a nawet basen! Możesz także wejść na szczyt budynku i zobaczyć całą panoramę Warszawy. PROJECT COMENIUS W dzielnicy Śródmieście, w centralnej części Warszawy leży ulica Krakowskie Przedmieściem gdzie znajduje się Kościół Św. Krzyża, gdzie spoczywa serce Fryderyka Chopina. Możesz tu też zobaczyć Pałac Prezydencki. Jeśli interesuje cię historia Warszawy, możesz się udać do muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego. Tam zdobędziesz informacje o Powstaniu Warszawskim z 1944r Chociaż stolica Polski była niszczona tyle razy, ma ciągle unikalną atmosferę. Wygląda wspaniale ale tylko dlatego, że jej mieszkańcy kochają to miasto i potrafili poświęcić swój czas odnowieniu jej. Kiedy spojrzysz wokół zobaczysz jak piękne i oryginalne jest to miasto. Dla tych, którzy interesują się architekturą, proponuję odwiedzić kwatery główne TVP na ulicy Woronicza, albo Warszawską Bibliotekę Uniwersytecką, wraz z jej bardzo ładnym ogrodem na dachu. Łazienki Królewskie z Pałacem Na Wodzie są także warte zobaczenia. Znajdują się tam pawie. Jest także inny pałac w Wilanowie. Przetrwał on czasy rozbiorów, a także II Wojnę Światową, więc zachował swoje historyczne cechy. Jest on jednym z najważniejszych zabytków Polskiej kultury. Był zbudowany pomiędzy rokiem 1677 a 1696 dla króla Jana III Sobieskiego. Str. 11 THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC A NATIONAL FEAST: THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC The emblem of the Italian Republic. On 2 and 3June, 1946 took place, in fact, the institutional referendum held by universal suffrage in which Italians were called to the polls to express their views on what form of government, monarchy or republic, giving the country after the fall of Fascism . After 85 years of reign, with 12,718,641 votes against 10,718,502 Italy became a republic and the monarchs of the Savoy family were exiled. Throughout the world by the Italian embassies is held a celebration to which the Heads of State of the host country are invited. From around the world greetings of the other heads of state arrive to the Italian President the and special ceremonies are held in Italy. Before the foundation of the Republic, the Italian national holiday was the first Sunday in June, the anniversary of the granting of the Albertine Statute. The Law of 5 March 1977, n.54 because of the unfavourable economy, the Republic Day was moved to the first Sunday in June. Only in 2001 thanks to the President of the Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, with another Law established again the celebration on June 2 which became a holiday. On June 2, the birth of the nation is celebrated, similar to July 14 French (anniversary of Bastille Day) and July 4 U.S. (the day on which in 1776 was signed the Declaration of Independence). The emblem of the Italian monarchy. Str. 12 PROJECT COMENIUS Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at the parade of 2 June 2006. In June of 1948 for the first time Via dei Fori Imperiali Rome hosted a military parade in honor of the Republic. The following year, with Italy's entry into NATO, there were played ten simultaneous parades across the country while in 1950 the parade was inserted for the first time in the protocol of official celebrations. Currently the ceremonial provides for laying of a laurel crown at the Unknown Soldier by the Altare della Patria in Massa and a military parade with the presence of the highest authorities of state. To the military parade and the deposition of the laurel crown at the Unknown Soldier, all the Armed Forces, all the Police Forces of the Republic and the National Fire Departement and the Italian Red Cross take part in it. In 2005, the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi ordered the participation of the Municipal Police of Rome and the civilian personnel of Civil Defense. Otherwise some military delegations of the UN, NATO, EU and representatives of departments that have a multinational Italian components also take part in the parade. Since its establishment until his temporary removal, the parade had much more staff. After the re-introduction the staff was considerably reduced and in 2006 was virtually eliminated the presence of land and air transport for budgetary reasons. The ceremony continues in the afternoon with the opening to the public of the gardens of the Quirinale Palace, seat of the of the Italian Republic President, with musical performances by the bands of the Italian Army, the Italian Navy, Italian Air Force, the Arma dei Carabinieri, the State Police, the Guardia di Finanza, the Penitentiary Police Corps and the Forest Service State. The Italian flag is made up of three vertical bands of equal size: the first green, the second (central) in white, the third (final) in red. The Constitution art. 12 put its kind, as a symbol o f I t a l i a n c o u n t r y . The Italian flag, like other flags was inspired by the French flag introduced by the revolution of 1789. The first Italian tricolor - with bands arranged horizontally (similar to the Hungarian flag) - appears January 7, 1797 in Reggio Emilia as the flag of the Republic Cispadana. After the Congress of Vienna and the Restoration the Italian flag was a symbol of freedom and was used in the revolutionary upheavals of 1831 and 1848. That same year, with the announcement of the first war of independence. Str. 13 DELLA REPUBLICCA ITALIANA La Festa della Repubblica italiana è la principale festa nazionale italiana. Viene celebrata il 2 giugno a ricordo della nascita della Repubblica. Capi di Stato del Paese ospitante. Da tutto il mondo arrivano al Presidente della Repubblica italiana gli auguri degli altri capi di Stato e speciali cerimonie ufficiali si tengono in Italia. Prima della fondazione della Repubblica, la festa nazionale italiana era festeggiata la prima domenica di giugno, anniversario della concessione dello Statuto Albertino. Con la legge 5 marzo 1977, n. 54, soprattutto a causa della congiuntura economica particolare divenne giorno festivo. Il 2 e il 3 giugno 1946 si tenne, infatti, il referendum istituzionale indetto a suffragio universale con il quale gli italiani venivano chiamati alle urne per esprimersi su quale forma di governo, monarchia o repubblica, dare al Paese, in seguito alla caduta del fascismo. Dopo 85 anni di regno, con 12.718.641 voti contro 10.718.502 l'Italia diventava repubblica e i monarchi di casa Savoia venivano esiliati. Il 2 giugno celebra la nascita della nazione, in maniera simile al 14 luglio francese (anniversario della Presa della Bastiglia) e al 4 luglio statunitense (giorno in cui nel 1776 venne firmata la dichiarazione d'indipendenza). In tutto il mondo le ambasciate italiane tengono un festeggiamento cui sono invitati i Il Str. 14 Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano alla parata del 2 giugno 2006. Nel giugno del 1948 per la prima volta Via dei Fori Imperiali a Roma ospitava la parata militare in onore della Repubblica. L'anno seguente, con l'ingresso dell'Italia nella NATO, se ne svolsero dieci in contemporanea in tutto il Paese mentre nel 1950 la parata fu inserita per la prima volta nel protocollo delle celebrazioni ufficiali. PROJECT COMENIUS Alla parata militare e durante la deposizione della corona d'alloro presso il Milite Ignoto, prendono parte tutte le Forze Armate, tutte le Forze di Polizia della Repubblica ed il Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco e della Croce Rossa Italiana. Nel 2005, l'allora Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi ordinò che defilassero anche il Corpo di Polizia Municipale di Roma ed il personale civile della Protezione Civile. Prendono inoltre parte alla parata militare alcune delegazioni militari dell'ONU, della NATO, dell'Unione Europea e rappresentanze di reparti multinazionali che presentano una componente italiana. Il primo tricolore italiano con le strisce situate in orizzontale, simile a quella ungherese appare in gennaio nel 1797 a Reggio Emilia come la bandiera della repubblica Cispadana. Dopo il Congresso di Vienna e la Restaurazione la bandiera italiana è diventata il simbolo della libertà e fu utilizzata nei moti rivoluzionari del 1848. Lo stesso anno della dichiarazione della prima Guerra di Indipendenza. La bandiera italiana è fatta di tre strisce verticali di uguale larghezza: verde, bianca e rossa. A sancirlo è stata la costituzione italiana con l’articolo 12, stabilendo anche che costituisce un simbolo del paese Italia. La bandiera italiana come le altre è stata ispirata dalla bandiera francese introdotta dalla rivoluzione del 1789. Str. 15 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS IN POLAND Poland officially the Republic of Poland is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north. The total area of Poland is 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 sq mi), [6] making it the 69th largest country in the world and the 9th largest in Europe. Poland has a population of over 38 million people,[6] which makes it the 34th most populous country in the world[9] and the sixth most populous member of the European Union, being its most populous postcommunist member. Poland is a unitary state made up of sixteen voivodeships. Poland is a member of the European Union, NATO, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Str. 16 THE CONSTITUTION OF MAY 3, 1791 In the end of the XVIII century the situation of the countries that overtook some lands belonging to Poland had complicated. It was the outcome of the wars led be those countries, and a tightening international situation. The Republic of The Two Nations used it to set up activities leading to the restoration of the country and to bring it back to its former powers. Hiding it from the supporters of the generals the constitution has been prepared, the ultimate version of which was authorized by the king Stanislaw August, Ignacy Potocki and Hugo Kołłątaj. The date of the election was set to the 3rd of May, because it was the Easter time and the majority of the political opponents were out of the Capital City. Surprised by this action the generals were seeking for, failed though, possibilities to break the Seym. The Seym that tried to rescue Poland from vanishing out of the world’s maps is called the FourYear Seym – the debates took place in twice as long time, whereas normal one should last for two years. In the year 1791 the Seym of the Republic of The Two Nations resolved the first constitution in Europe and second in the world. It changed Poland into constitutional monarchy, the division into the Kingdom and Lithuania, making the Republic a united country with its one army, one government and finances. PROJECT COMENIUS The infamous liberum veto was abandoned, together with free election and introduced new tax system. Army was enlarged, making it capable to match the most powerful ones. It didn’t guarantee the equality of the Polish society, though. The nobility still maintained all the rights and privileges, together with authority to the peasants, personal and financial immunity. The townsmen were given many rights of the nobility, making the richer ones as powerful as the aristocrats. The peasants were taken into the care of the State. The Catholicism was now the official religion, with full tolerance to the other ones. Constitution introduced the three elements of the authority: legislative authority was represented by the Seym, the executive one by the King together with The Guards of Law – including the prime bishop and five ministers, nominated by the King. The king was the leader of the Guards, and had the authority to nominate the ministers, bishops, officers and clerks, during the war he was the Commander of the Army. Constitution was postulating the necessity of creating the unified system of Judgment, with the 2nd Instance Court, known as The Royal Tribunal, and Assessing Court. This had made the country to function faster and endurable. The last part of the Constitution concerned the need to defend against the aggression from the neighbors of the Republic. Unfortunately, the effort taken to reform the Republic was buried down in 1792, when the Russian army entered the domains of Lithuania and the treacherous confederation of Targovica, which aimed at bringing back the old order. Celebrations The celebrations begin with the Holy Mass. Then, there are marches of the people, together with the government representatives. It is all accompanied by the army’s orchestra. In each house the national flags and symbols are presented. Str. 17 ŚWIĘTA NARODOWE Polska, Rzeczpospolita Polska – państwo położone w Europie Środkowej, między Bałtykiem na północy a Karpatami i Sudetami na południu w dorzeczu Wisły i Odry. Powierzchnia całkowita Polski wynosi 322 575 km²[, co daje jej 69. miejsce na świecie i dziewiąte w Europie. Zamieszkana przez ponad 38 milionów ludzi[7], zajmuje pod względem zaludnienia 34. miejsce na świecie[8], a szóste w Unii Europejskiej. Rzeczpospolita jest szybko rozwijającym się państwem, członkiem wielu organizacji międzynarodowych. Polska należy do Unii Europejskiej, NATO, ONZ, Światowej Organizacji Handlu, Organizacji Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju, Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego, Międzynarodowej Agencji Energetycznej, Rady Europy, Organizacji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie, Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii Atomowej oraz G6. Str. 18 KONSTYTUCJA TRZECIEGO MAJA 1791 Pod koniec lat osiemdziesiątych XVIII w. sytuacja polityczna państw, które dokonały rozbioru Rzeczypospolitej, skomplikowała się. Było to wynikiem prowadzonych wojen i sytuacji międzynarodowej. Dzięki temu powstały warunki do podjęcia przez Rzeczpospolitą działań na rzecz zreformowania i wzmocnienia państwa. W tajemnicy przed stronnictwem hetmańskim przygotowywano Ustawę rządową czyli konstytucję, której ostateczną wersję opracowali wspólnie król, Ignacy Potocki i Hugo Kołłątaj. Jako datę głosowania nad ustawą wyznaczono 3 maja, gdyż był to okres świąt wielkanocnych i większość przeciwników politycznych przebywała w swoich domach poza Warszawą. Zaskoczony w ten sposób obóz hetmański szukał jeszcze możliwości zerwania obrad. W latach 1788-1792 obradował w Warszawie sejm, który podjął dzieło reformy ustroju Rzeczypospolitej. Trwał on przez dwie normalne kadencje i dlatego nazywany jest Sejmem Czteroletnim. W 1791 roku Sejm Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów uchwalił pierwszą na Starym Kontynencie a drugą na świecie ustawę zasadniczą, nazwaną później Konstytucją 3 Maja. Od tej pory Polska miała być monarchią konstytucyjną. Zniesiono też podział na Koronę i Litwę, czyniąc z Rzeczpospolitej jednolite państwo ze wspólnym rządem, wojskiem i skarbem. Za religię panująca uznano katolicyzm przy zupełnej tolerancji innych uznanych przez państwo wyzwań. PROJECT COMENIUS Konstytucja wprowadzała trójpodział władzy: władzę ustawodawczą miał sprawować dwuizbowy Sejm, składający się ze szlachty-posesjonatów czyli 204 posłów i 24 pleinpotentów miast. Władzę wykonawczą przyznano królowi wraz z Radą, tzw. Strażą Praw, złożoną z prymasa i 5 ministrów: policji, pieczęci, czyli spraw wewnętrznych, interesów zagranicznych, wojny i skarbu, mianowanych przez króla. Ministrowi odpowiadali przed Sejmem za podpisane przez siebie akty. Król był przewodniczącym Straży, miał prawo nominacji biskupów, senatorów, ministrów, urzędników i oficerów, w razie wojny sprawował naczelne dowództwo nad wojskiem. Konstytucja zapowiadała reorganizacje sądownictwa, postulując konieczność stworzenia stale urzędujących sądów ziemskich i miejskich oraz sprawujących nad nimi nadzór w drugiej instancji Trybunałem Koronnym i asesorskim sądem. Poprzez podział władzy usprawniono jednak rządy w państwie. Sejm podjął szereg uchwał służących wzmocnieniu i unowocześnieniu państwa: zniesiono liberum veto, wolną elekcję, zakazano tworzenia konfederacji, wprowadzono odpowiedzialność rządu przed sejmem oraz stałe podatki. Zwiększono liczebność armii do 100 tysięcy żołnierzy. Ustawa ta nie wprowadziła jednak wolności i równości praw obywateli. Szlachta miała zagwarantowane wszelkie prawa, wolności i "pierwszeństwo w życiu prywatnym i publicznym". Szlachtaposesjonaci posiadała nietykalność osobistą i majątkową, zapewnioną władzę nad chłopami. Mieszczanie otrzymali szerokie prawa, posiadający nieruchomości miejskie otrzymali niemalże takie same prawa, jak do tej pory szlachta. Chłopi zostali wzięci "pod opiekę prawa i rządu krajowego". Ostatni rozdział konstytucji mówił o potrzebie zespolenia wszystkich sił dla obrony ojczyzny w obliczu zagrożenia ze strony sąsiadów. Cały tekst Konstytucji 3 Maja sporządzony został w znacznym pośpiechu, stąd wynikły jej spore braki lub niejasności w wykładni prawa publicznego. Ogółem Ustawa Rządowa składała się z 11 rozdziałów o nierównej objętości. Próba przeprowadzenia reform została przekreślona już w połowie 1792 roku. Przyczyniła się do tego Targowica i wkroczenie wojsk rosyjskich do Rzeczpospolitej. Tron po śmierci Stanisława Augusta przejść miał w ręce dynastii Wettinów. Obchody konstytucyjne rozpoczynają się od uroczystej Mszy Świętej. Później ulicami miast następuje przemarsz ludności wraz z przedstawicielami urzędów. Całej uroczystości towarzyszy orkiestra dęta straży pożarnej. Po dotarciu na stanowisko apelacyjne, przedstawiciel władz wygłasza swoją wzniosłą mowę. Składane są również kwiaty i wojsko oddaje salwę honorową poprzez wystrzały z karabinów maszynowych w powietrze. Str. 19 MOLISE CUISINE Molise cuisine is very various. Among the most important products are the olives from which derive the extra virgin oil which tastes sweet and good eaten with salads and croutons. The excellent product has gained the in 2003, the DOP recognition. Many villages are part of the "città dell’olio” (“Oil town"), set in Larino. Molise bread retains its old manufacturing and production so it is still produced in some bakeries using potatoes. The bread of Venafro is Famous, as well as its production of olive oil taralli. Pasta is also very important. A typical fresh pasta is called Cavatelli and is obtained with a dough without eggs. It is produced everywhere in the region adopting different kind of shape and size. Equally popular are the fusilli prepared with the same dough, but made with a "wood stick" from which the name derives. Str. 20 Great importance is given to the production of dairy products and cheese: the cheese of Frosolone, the Bojano mozzarella and the buffalo mozzarella produced only in the area of Venafro. As to cold cuts or salami some of them are produced in Molise, such as sopressata, Capocollo, sausage, famous because it has as ingredient the wild fennel, the Ventricina famous is that of Montenero di Bisaccia. A typical preparation of the lower Molise, especially in San Martino in Pensilis is the Pampanella, pork meat cooked in the oven with some spices and much sweet and spicy chili. The truffles (black and white) is used throughout the region, it is dug from the earth, especially in upper Molise. PROJECT COMENIUS Among the desserts are typical the Piccillati, the ravioli stuffed with cherry jam, and Pigna, similar to panettone but, traditionally prepared for Easter. Among the wines there is the Tintilia DOC from Biferno, area. TRADITIONAL DISHES IN PIETRACATELLA We are among some typical dishes in Pietracatella: The "cavatelli": they are done with flour, water and salt (even an egg could be added). Cavatelli are done at home using own hands. They have a special form, they are carved with the top of the fore-finger and the middle finger. The "vuccùn": they are done with minced pork meat, to give them a particular taste we add olive oil, fennel seeds and hot chili. The "casciatelli": they are made of ricotta cheese, cinnamon, flour, eggs and sugar. When they are ready to be cooked they are put in the oven and they are baked for 10/15 minutes. They are the traditional cakes for Saint Joseph feast. The "jelatin": it is done with the meat of the head of the pig which is cooked with salt, vinegar, bay leaves, fennel seeds. And when it is ready it must get cold and the jelly is formed. The "pulend":it is made with the corn flour, chickpeas and beans, salt, water and a little of oil. It is served hot. The “pizza with randrin": it is made with water, corn flour and salt. The “pizza with cicul": it is done with the flour, the salt, water and cicul, ( they are pieces of pork fried fat). Str. 21 Ring-shaped cake Ingredients : 1 kg of plain flour, 100g of butter, 50g of sugar, half liter of milk , 4 eggs , 100g of yeast of beer , skin lemon grated , a glass of orange’s flowers water, a pinch of salt. Today it is cultivated in particular southern parts of Italy and is well known for its trade-mark IPG, Geographic Protected Indication. It is used in soups and broths and to make bread. It is excellent and contains fiber, vitamins and minerals. The courgettes Method : Put the flour on a wood table, break the eggs , melt butter , put butter and yeast in the milk, stir all the ingredients, stretch the dough in thin leaves, cut them in small rings and fry. It’s possible to define the courgette queen of the garden and queen of the table. The courgette glare in the garden with their big yellow-orange flowers, which are as tasty as the vegetable itself. They start the production in summer and finish in autumn when the weather become colder. They can be eaten in so many ways and belong to a vast variety, in every shape and size with different colour according to the variety. Another antique cereal is the spelt from which derives the word flour. But what is spelt? It is a cereal that after a long period of forgetfulness, is coming back to use because of its dietetic properties. It is mentioned in the Bible and its origin is probably from Palestine, then it passed to Egypt and Syria. For centuries it has been the basic food for Italian people, the army and religion. It had a religious role in fact it was used on the altar and symbolized the life the couple would share after the marriage. Str. 22 PROJECT COMENIUS LOCAL PRODUCTS The Cheese and the sausage of Pietracatella are considered "traditional products" referring to the Article 8 of the Legislative Decree of 30 April 1998, n. 173 and are included in the 'Atlas of the traditional products of the Molise Region "edited by the Molisano Agricultural Resources Ente. The sausage: Pietracatella’s sausage has special ingredients which are pork fat flash, salt, wild fennel and sweet and spicy chili. Its peculiarity is connected to the places where traditionally it has been obtained. The production methodology has its historical origins in the medieval culture of the "ancient village". Within the "neighborhood", over the centuries, a system of solidarity, organization and specialization of production was formed and it should be preserved both for the culture and gourmet. The cultural tradition is passed down orally through the generational transition. So skilled people learn to cut, fill and mix the different ingredients and taste them to check the savour. The Cheese: " Pietracatella having excellent pastures, can produce exquisite cheeses and very claimed by the nearby people of the kingdom": so Giustiniani wrote in 1804. Pietracatella cheese, produced with cows, sheep and goats milk, presents the particular imprint of the little baskets made of the local typical water plant rush . These baskets are called in dialect "Fruscella". The seasoning (at least two months) is done in special wood racks, "cascer", kept in fresh and dry places. Str. 23 IL MOLISE E LA CUCINA Quella molisana è una cucina molto varia. Tra i prodotti più importanti vi sono le olive da cui si estrae un olio extravergine dal sapore soave consumato anche crudo su insalate e crostini. L'eccellente fattura del prodotto ha fatto guadagnare all'olio molisano, nel 2003, il riconoscimento DOP. Sempre a proposito dell'olio d'oliva, diversi paesi molisani fanno par t e del l 'asso ci az i o ne "C i t t à dell'olio", con sede a Larino. Il pane molisano conserva la sua antica manifattura produttiva e viene preparato, ancora, in alcuni panifici con le patate. La sua sofficità lo contraddistingue. Famosa è la produzione del pane e dei taralli al l ' o l i o di o l i v a di V en af r o . Anche la produzione della pasta ha un’importante rilevanza economica e sociale. Un tipo di pasta fresca tipica, che prende il nome di Cavatelli, è ottenuta con una sfoglia senza uova. È prodotta in particolare nel paese di Trivento. Il condimento preferito per questa specialità è il ragù di carne mista, il sugo di pomodoro oppure con le verdure. Altrettanto conosciuti sono i Fusilli preparati con lo stesso impasto, ma realizzati con l’ausilio di un "fuso" da cui il nome particolare e anche la forma particolare. Dall'impasto vengono staccati dei dadini di pasta, avvolti intorno al fuso e poi sfilati. il caciocavallo di Frosolone, le mozzarelle di Bojano e le mozzarelle di bufala prodotte solo nella zona di Venafro. Per ciò che riguarda i salumi, nel Molise vengono prodotti alcuni insaccati, come la Soppressata, il Capocollo o Capicollo, la Salsiccia, famosa perché ha come ingrediente il finocchietto selvatico, la Ventricina: famosa è quella di Montenero di Bisaccia. Un preparato tipico del basso Molise, specialmente a San Martino in Pensilis, è la Pampanella, carne di maiale cotta al forno con alcune spezie e molto peperoncino rosso sia dolce che piccante. Il consumo del tartufo, nero e bianco, viene fatto sempre più spesso in tutta la regione, essendo ormai parecchio tempo che viene scavato dalla terra, specie nell'Alto Molise, grazie ai numerosi cavatori ed ai loro cani . Sempre più numerose sono le fiere che hanno come tema il tartufo ed il suo impiego in parecchie specialità culinarie. Grande importanza è data alla produzione di latticini e di formaggi: Str. 24 PROJECT COMENIUS Fra i dolci tipici troviamo le Cancelle, simili alle waffel tedesche ma con l'aggiunta di semini di finocchio, i Piccillati , panzerotti cotti al forno ripieni di amarena, e la Pigna, simile al panettone ma più soffice e leggera e tradizionalmente preparata per la Pasqua. Tra i vini, si segnala la Tintilia (vino autoctono). Biferno, Pentro e Molise hanno avuto il riconoscimento di vini DOC. RICETTE TIPICHE LOCALI DI PIETRACATELLA i "cavatelli" sono fatti con la farina, l’acqua e il sale ( può essere aggiunto anche un uovo). I cavatelli sono fatti in casa a mano, hanno una forma particolare, infatti sono scavati con le dita delle mani , in particolare l’indice e il medio, contemporaneamente o singolarmente. i "vuccùn" sono fatti con carne di maiale tritata e per dargli il sapore tipico e particolare che li caratterizza si utilizza per la cottura olio di oliva e si aggiungono semi di finocchio e peperoncino piccante. i "casciatelli" sono fatti con ricotta, limone, farina, zucchero e uova. La preparazione non è molto difficile, appena pronti vanno infornati e lasciati cuocere per 10/15 minuti. Sono dei dolci tipici della festa di San Giuseppe del 19 marzo. la "jelatin" è fatta con la carne della testa del maiale e viene cucinata con sale, aceto, aglio e foglie di alloro. Una volta pronta si distribuisce in varie formine e si lascia raffreddare per assumere l’aspetto di gelatina. la "pulend" si realizza con la farina di mais , ceci o fagioli, sale, acqua e un po’ di olio. Si serve calda e può essere condita in vari modi. "la pizza d’ randrin" si fa impastando farina di mais con acqua e sale. Appena pronto, l’impasto si mette a cuocere in forno per un’ora, un’ora e mezza. "la pizza con i cicul" s’impasta la farina di mais con l’acqua e il sale e all’impasto pronto si aggiungono i cicoli ( lardo di maiale tagliato a pezzetti e sciolto a fuoco vivo) finemente macinati. Str. 25 POLISH CUISINE Chronicles describe the medieval Polish cuisine as very severe, characterized by frequent use of large quantities of meat and legumes. The contemporary Polish cuisine has applied enormous in comparison with other European countries, the quantity of spices, mainly pepper, nutmeg and juniper. This was due to close trade relations with the Orient, which resulted in lower prices for spices. To the present day preserved mention of aromatics, thick sauces and very sharp. The development of Polish cuisine has had a huge impact to arrive in 1518 Polish Queen Bona. Italian woman brought to the Polish "greens", interested in setting up of orchards, warzywników, fish ponds. Its fanatical supporters even claimed that "the wild yet civilized Poles, teaching them to eat vegetables and drink wine instead of beer." Culinary tastes Stanislaus Augustus started the fashion for a relatively refined cuisine combining French and Polish culinary traditions. A student of the famous royal chef Paul Tremona - Jan Szyttler was the author of the first systematic cookbooks on Polish soil. Modern Polish cuisine is from earlier that the staple cereal, potatoes have been by a delicious venison is Str. 26 placed by pork and poultry breeding. We gained great popularity and tomatoes. Polish cuisine is known worldwide for its magnificent sausage meats. Polish cuisine is known for different types of dumplings. And they are actually different types of fillings to them - so they are dumplings stuffed with fruit (the best of the berries), white cheese, meat, cabbage and mushrooms or Ruthenian (stuffed with potatoes, cheese and onions.) In my opinion, are best fried in a pan (of course except those with fruit). In addition, the Poles willingly eat pancakes (fillings are also various types), dumplings and bread dumplings. different food, or replaced now re- PROJECT COMENIUS unknown in northern Europe cherries, gooseberries and currants - all the fruit is used today in dishes, desserts, pastries, Nalewki and made into a typical for the Polish cuisine and a plum compote. The importance of Polish cuisine is typically Slavic apply cream (both fresh and sour) anywhere in the Balkan and Oriental cuisine is yogurt in Polish cuisine is based cream sauces, marinades and soups. Polish specialty dishes of flour and cereal (cereal, noodles and dumplings), fruits of the forest products (mushrooms, fruits, herbs), pork (including sausages and sausage), freshwater fish, game, a large quantity of soup with any product (especially vegetables ), pastries (bread, cakes), desserts, spirits and liqueurs. Typical spices are horseradish, dill, juniper, black pepper, sour cream, cottage cheese. The fruits and vegetables is characterized by the beet, cucumber, cabbage, apples, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries, and others in Central Europe. The drinks are typical for traditional Polish and Slavic are known herbal broths acids, bread, fruit compotes, vodka, liqueurs, fruit, honey sycony and beer, with beer once also used in dishes. To drink tea come with time. A traditional Polish dinner starts with soup. Polish cuisine offers a wide selection of soups, ranging from soup served with dumplings, cabbage soup, tomato, barley soup and ending with the mushroom. Soup is worth a separate opinion broth, clear brew of chicken or beef served with noodles. Typical vegetables in Polish cuisine, as in other Western Slavs, are beets, various kinds of cabbage, cucumbers, and also formerly wild plants such as sorrel, botwinka, nettles and dandelions. Typical fruits in Polish cuisine are apples and berries, and plums, pears, cherries, Str. 27 TRADITIONAL POLISH dishes: • Easter woman - known also for other Slavs and Lithuanians • beetroot soup - known in various versions in other kitchens Slavic and Lithuanian • white borscht (also called zalewajką) and soup • stew - Food Hunter, also known in Lithuania • cooler - soup with milk or cream with vegetables, served cold summer, known for other Slavs • Duck • pea soup • Vegetables in Polish - vegetables cooked in water, served with bread crumbs in butter blushing • carp, pike-perch in Polish, eel and other freshwater fish • sauerkraut and pickled cucumber • soup • buckwheat cereal, and various other • pudding • gnocchi - dumplings and the Meat dumplings (for example, with sauerkraut, blueberries, cottage cheese or bacon) • compote - a cool fruit drink • kutia - today mostly eaten on Christmas Eve • poppy • Mazurkas - still eaten mainly at Easter • Tincture • beaver tails - favorite food of the Polish nobility, since eaten them in the post, believing that they are covered with scales • gingerbread • dumplings • pancakes • broth with or without bone, cooked Str. 28 meat or the brew from the same vegetable • mushroom soup • Cucumber Soup • Sorrel soup PROJECT COMENIUS PROVISION FOR TRADITIONAL POLISH DINNER: 2) Main course Bigos INGREDIENTS: • 40 dag sauerkraut • 40 g of cabbage growers • 20 g of boneless pork Sausage • 10 dag smoked bacon • 3 g of fat • 1-2 g of dried mushrooms • 5 g of tomato concentrate • Salt and pepper 1) Soup: WHITE BARSZCZ * (Occasional dish served mainly during Easter) INGREDIENTS: • • • • • 1 white sausage (100g) 100g smoked bacon 2 tablespoons sour cream 18% 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Pepper Ingredients: Cook bacon and sausage in 1 liter of water, remove and cut into slices. Spread the soup in a glass of water and added to the broth. Boil 5 minutes. Add cream, season with pepper. Serve with hard boiled eggs. Before serving sprinkle with parsley. Ingredients: Finely chopped sauerkraut, pour a small amount of boiling water and simmer 1 hour until tender. Peel the fresh cabbage rotting leaves, rinse, poszatkować, pour a little of boiling water, cook it with chopped mushrooms. Rinse the pork meat, squeeze out of the water, salt and brown in hot fat on all sides. Then put the bacon along with the sauerkraut and simmer until tender. Pork and bacon, remove from the cabbage, then cut into cubes. Sausage, peel, cut into cubes well. Combined with fresh cabbage sauerkraut. Add pork, bacon, sausage and tomato. All mix thoroughly. At the end of season to taste with salt and pepper. Str. 29 3) Dessert Add to butter and poppy dissolved the rest of ingredients. MAKOWIEC: Mix thoroughly and spend the dough. INGREDIENTS: We roll the dough rest on thin strips and makes the grid. • CAKE: • 2 cups flour • 2 tablespoons potato flour • 1 cup sugar • 250 g soft margarine • 4 eggs • 1 teaspoon baking powder • WEIGHT MAKOV: • ½ kg poppy • 1 cup sugar • ½ cup butter • 2 tablespoons potato flour • 4 eggs • almond oil Bake 40 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees C. Ingredients: CAKE: Of all the ingredients to form a uniform dough. Set the size of a hand ball. Put the rest of the smeared plate. MAKOV WEIGHT: Dried poppy scalded 2 glasses of boiling water and then grind in food processor 2 times. Str. 30 PROJECT COMENIUS KUCHNIA POLSKA Kroniki średniowieczne opisują kuchnię polską jako bardzo ostrą, charakteryzującą się częstym użyciem dużych ilości mięsa i kasz. Ówczesna kuchnia polska stosowała olbrzymie, w porównaniu z innymi krajami Europy, ilości przypraw, głównie pieprzu, gałki muszkatołowej i jałowca. Wynikało to z bliskich kontaktów handlowych z krajami Orientu, które skutkowały niższymi cenami przypraw. Do czasów dzisiejszych zachowały się wzmianki o aromatycznych, gęstych i bardzo ostrych sosach. Współczesna kuchnia polska różni się od dawniejszej tym, że podstawa pożywienia, czyli kasze, zostały zastąpione przez ziemniaki, a potrawy z dziczyzny zastępuje się dziś wieprzowiną i drobiem hodowlanym. Na rozwój polskiej kuchni ogromny wpływ wywarł przyjazd do Polski w roku 1518 królowej Bony. Włoszka przywiozła do polski „włoszczyznę”, interesowała się zakładaniem sadów, warzywników, stawów rybnych. Jej zagorzali stronnicy twierdzili wręcz, że „ucywilizowała dzikich dotąd Polaków, ucząc ich jeść jarzyny i pić wino zamiast piwa”. Upodobania kulinarne Stanisława Augusta zapoczątkowały modę na stosunkowo wyrafinowaną kuchnię, łączącą francuskie i polskie tradycje kulinarne. Uczeń sławnego królewskiego kuchmistrza Paula Tremona – Jan Szyttler był autorem pierwszych systematycznych książek kucharskich na ziemiach polskich. Bardzo dużą popularność zdobyły także pomidory. Polska kuchnia znana jest na całym świecie dzięki wspaniałym kiełbasom. Polska kuchnia jest również znana z różnego rodzaju pierogów. A właściwie różnego rodzaju są nadzienia do nich – są więc pierogi z owocami (najlepsze z jagodami!), białym serem, z mięsem, kapustą i grzybami albo ruskie (z nadzieniem z ziemniaków, sera i cebuli). Moim zdaniem najlepsze są podsmażane na patelni (oczywiście oprócz tych z owocami). Ponadto Polacy bardzo chętnie jadają naleśniki (nadzienia też są różnego rodzaju), pyzy i knedle. Str. 31 Specjalnością kuchni polskiej są potrawy mączne i zbożowe (kasze, kluski i pierogi), produkty runa leśnego (grzyby, owoce, zioła), wieprzowina (w tym wędliny i kiełbasy), ryby słodkowodne, dziczyzna, spora ilość z u p z do w o l n y ch p r o d u k t ó w (zwłaszcza warzywne), wypieki (pieczywo, ciasta), desery, wódki i nalewki. Typowe przyprawy to chrzan, koperek, jałowiec, pieprz, kwaśna śmietana, twaróg. Z warzyw i owoców typowe są buraki, ogórki, kapusta, jabłka, czereśnie, jagody, agrest i inne środkowoeuropejskie. Typowymi warzywami w kuchni polskiej, jak u innych zachodnich Słowian, są buraki, różne rodzaje kapusty, ogórki, a dawniej także dzikie rośliny jak szczaw, botwinka, mlecze czy pokrzywy. Innym ważnym i pożywnym nabiałem w kuchni polskiej, oprócz jajek, jest łatwy w produkcji krowi twaróg. Typowe owoce w kuchni polskiej to jabłka i owoce leśne, a także śliwki, gruszki, wiśnie, nieznane na północy Europy czereśnie, agrest i porzeczki – wszystkich tych owoców używa się do dzisiaj w potrawach, deserach, Str. 32 wypiekach, nalewkach oraz wytwarza się z nich typowy dla polskiej kuchni kompot oraz powidła. W kuchni polskiej ważne jest typowo słowiańskie zastosowanie śmietany (zarówno kwaśnej jak i świeżej) wszędzie tam, gdzie w bałkańskiej i orientalnej kuchni występuje jogurt – w kuchni polskiej śmietana jest podstawą sosów, marynat i zup. Z napojów typowych dla kuchni polskiej i słowiańskiej znane są wywary ziołowe, kwasy chlebowe, kompoty owocowe, wódki, nalewki owocowe, miód sycony i piwo, z czego piwo używane kiedyś również w potrawach. Do napojów doszła z czasem herbata. Tradycyjny polski obiad rozpoczyna się od zupy. Polska kuchnia oferuje cały wybór zup, poczynając od barszczu podawanego z uszkami, kapuśniaku, pomidorowej, krupniku, a na grzybowej kończąc. Zupą wartą oddzielnego zdania jest rosół, czysty wywar z kurczaka bądź wołowiny podawany z makaronem. PROJECT COMENIUS Kiszone ogórki, kiszona kapusta, botwina obecne są na polskich stołach każdego dnia. Ale tradycja kiszenia nie ogranicza się do warzyw. Wprawdzie nie mówi się tu o kiszonych śledziach, ale proces jest podobny. Śledzie z Morza Bałtyckiego przyrządzone w occie i przyprawach są tradycyjną potrawą świąteczną i postną. Jakkolwiek, nie tylko. Stanowią równocześnie idealną zakąskę podczas wszelkiego rodzaju imprez i uczt. Istnieje jeszcze jedna wyjątkowe zjawisko w polskiej kuchni. nigdzie indziej nie da się spróbować wyrobów nabiałowych poddanych procesowi fermentacji. Śmietana, zsiadłe mleko i twaróg stały się przysmakami kuchni polskiej. SPOSÓB PRZYRZĄDZENIA: Boczek z kiełbasą ugotować w 1 litrze wody, wyjąć i pokroić w plastry. Zupę rozprowadzić w 1 szklance wody i dodać do wywaru. Gotować 5 minut. Dodać śmietanę, doprawić pieprzem. Podawać z jajkami gotowanymi na twardo. Przed podaniem posypać natką pietruszki. PRZEPIS NA TRADYCYJNY POLSKI OBIAD: Zupa: BARSZCZ BIAŁY SKLADNIKI: 1 biała kiełbasa (100g) 100g boczku wędzonego 2 łyżki kwaśnej śmietany 18% 1 łyżka posiekanej natki pietruszki pieprz Str. 33 Danie główne BIGOS SKLADNIKI: 40 dag kapusty kiszonej Mięso wieprzowe i boczek wyjąć z kapusty, po czym pokroić w kostkę. Kiełbasę obrać ze skórki, pokroić również w kostkę. Kapustę świeżą połączyć z kiszoną. Dodać wieprzowinę, boczek, kiełbasę oraz koncentrat pomidorowy. Wszystko dokładnie wymieszać. Na koniec doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem. 40 dag kapusty cukrowej 20 dag wieprzowiny bez kości 15 dag kiełbasy 10 dag boczku wędzonego 3 dag tłuszczu 1-2 dag suszonych grzybów 5 dag koncentratu pomidorowego sól i pieprz SPOSÓB PRZYRZĄDZENIA: Kapustę kiszoną drobno pokroić, zalać małą ilością wrzącej wody i gotować 1 godzinę do miękkości. Kapustę świeżą obrać z zepsutych liści, opłukać, poszatkować, zalać małą ilością wrzącej wody, ugotować razem z rozdrobnionymi grzybami. Mięso wieprzowe opłukać, odcisnąć z wody, osolić, zrumienić na rozgrzanym tłuszczu ze wszystkich stron. Następnie włożyć razem z boczkiem do kapusty kiszonej i dusić do miękkości. Str. 34 PROJECT COMENIUS Deser MASA MAKOWA: MAKOWIEC Suchy mak sparzyć w 2 szklankach wrzątku i następnie zmielić 2 razy w maszynce. SKLADNIKI: CIASTO: 2 szklanki mąki pszennej Dodać do maku rozpuszczone masło i resztę składników. 2 łyżki mąki ziemniaczanej 1 szklanka cukru 250 g margaryny miękkiej Wymieszać dokładnie i wyłożyć na ciasto. 4 jajka 1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia MASA MAKOWA: ½ kg maku Z reszty ciasta roluje się cienkie paseczki i robi z tego kratkę. Piec 40 minut w temp. 170 stopni C. 1 szklanka cukru ½ kostki masła 2 łyżki mąki ziemniaczanej 4 jajka olejek migdałowy SPOSÓB PRZYRZĄDZENIA: CIASTO: Ze wszystkich składników wyrobić jednolite ciasto. Odłożyć kulkę wielkości dłoni. Resztę wyłożyć na wysmarowaną blaszkę. Str. 35 CHRISTMAS IN SANT'ELIA Christmas time in Italy and so also in Sant'Elia a Pianisi begins on December 8, the day when we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of our Mother, which celebrates the Virgin Mary's conception lacking of the original sin. On this day Christmas trees and Christmas crib are made at homes, and along the streets Christmas decorations, prepared the previous days, light up. The main streets of the villages, of the towns, of the cities with their balconies, windows, plants placed in front of the houses, the windows of the shops are all decorated with lights, streamers, beads and bright neon lights. On the square “ Piazza Municipio”, the square that marks the centre of the village, in front of the monument that commemorates the fallen of the First and Second World War, a large and big Christmas Crib is prepared with a hut tall more than five feet high and made of dried leaves, reeds and straw. Large statues performing the Holy Family, the shepherds, the ox and the donkey are placed inside. The day of the Immaculate Conception is a holiday for the whole national territory and therefore the School, like all public offices, remain closed with great joy of all the students. On this day in our village a statue of our Mother, blessed by Pope Pius IX in the second half of the nineteenth century, is carried in solemn procession. The statue is very big and heavy and has a wooden base, in Baroque style, decorated on its sides with four magnificent angels. This statue is carried in procession by eight men who are part of the congregation consecrated to the Immaculate Conception. Along the main street and in the most characteristic corners, in addition to the lights there are also music boxes that spread around Christmas melodies that carry pedestrians in an enchanted and fairy world. Wherever you are, you breathe an air of festivity. Str. 36 PROJECT COMENIUS They are present at the various religious rites provided by the Catholic liturgy, and during this procession, and other religious events which are particularly important, they wear a white tunic, a rosary around their waists and on their shoulders a short blue cape on which there is a large brooch with a picture of our Mother “Madonna”. The colors white and blue are the colors of the the Virgin clothes. In Sant'Elia a Pianisi during the four weeks preceding Christmas, churches change their appearance because in every church are set up beautiful Christmas Cribs to remember the Nativity of the Infant Jesus. The cribs which are prepared in the churches are usually traditioinal, made of moss, stones, straw and ancient and fine plaster shepherds of valuable workmanship. The changing of lights, simulating the alternation of night and day and, as a result of particular mechanisms and engines, the flowing streams, the gushing fountains and the running mills attract the admiration of people, especially children. In Sant'Elia a Pianisi there are three churches: the main Parish Church, the Convent and the Church of San Rocco. At Christmas they seem to take a different appearance from what they are all the year. The main altar and the altars that are in front of the niches where there are the statues of various saints are adorned with flowers and plants found only in this period as: red and white poinsettia, holly, and mistletoe. Priests wear special vestments and during these four weeks, near the main altar four candles one red, one blue, one gold and one silver are placed on the candelabrum, they are lit by a child during the celebration of Holy Mass on every Sunday. During the last nine days of Advent time the Christmas novena is cele- brated at different hours: at the Capuchin monastery it is celebrated in the morning at six, while in the Parish Church it is celebrated at six pm. During these celebrations traditional Christmas carols like "Silent Night", "You come down from the stars" are sung. This last is a traditional song whose text was written by the saint De Liguori Alfonso. The song is about the Child Jesus who came to the cold and frost earth to save and redeem mankind. The novena ends with the Christmas Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. During this solemn Mass, the Church is full of people and there are many acolytes who help the priest during the Eucharistic celebration. The most exciting feature is the commemoration of the birth of baby Jesus, at midnight the priest, starting from the main altar, followed by a procession of acolytes, walks across the whole Church to go and place the Divine Child in the cave between the statues of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. Str. 37 This moment is made even more solemn by the sound of the bells, which announce to the whole country, even to those who have not gone to mass, that the Redeemer was born. After the Mass, outside the church all the people kiss and wish each other Happy Christmas. The whole village seems like a wide family! Eucharistic celebrations culminate on January 6, Epiphany of the Lord. The word Epiphany comes from a Greek word and means "manifestation", on this day Christians remember the visit of the Three Magi to baby Jesus. In Sant'Elia this important event for Catholics, is commemorated by a group of people, richly dressed in eastern clothes and riding magnificent blacks horses, go through the village streets to get the lively Crib set in the historic centre of the village, called "Casale". The borough dating back to the fifteenth century, preserves houses that have the original appearance with rooms carved into the rock. Once they were used as stables and cellars. In this place on December 24, 25 and on January 6 is performed this living Crib with over one hundred actors of all age. The actors wearing period costumes, play the daily activities that were carried out at the time of the birth of Jesus, the Bible's most famous episodes related to the birth of Jesus and of course the most important scene which is the Nativity. The Child is played every year by a child a few months. Until a few years ago, on this day in the convent, a lady called The “delegata”, whose name derived Str. 38 from the role she played in the Franciscan Third Order, organized a representation of the nativity involving children, teenagers and adults. This representation has been made for about 40 years, until the death of all the "delegates". Today the performing is carried out by a group called Araldini. They organize a concert too on this day whose actors are the so many boys and girls of the village. They sing Italian and English songs including "Jingle Bells," "White Christmas" "Happy Christmas" and "Let it snow”. The concert is made in collaboration with the Youth musicians group of the Convent and it is very appreciated by parents and grandparents. Epiphany also has a religious and laic meaning, in fact on this day children believe that an old "witch" flying on a broom, falls down chimneys and brings gifts and candies to children who have been good students and respectful of people. Around Christmas time among families and friends there is the custom of exchanging visits, presents and wishes for a Merry Christmas. People give presents of various kinds such as panettoni, pandori, sparkling wine, traditional sweets, household items and candles about Christmas. PROJECT COMENIUS make sweets of various kind and shape and put them on their counters to sell. On Christmas Eve in Sant'Elia a Pianisi, there is a particular tradition. At lunch people eat very little, because particular attention is devoted to the dinner that must be based on fish. Christmas time is also a game time. At home people play tombola, bingo or with cards, or go to bingo clubs especially young people. Tombola is similar to "Bingo". There is folder to complete with called numbers. The winner is the one who complete first all the folder. Christmas for our community is a traditionally holiday spent at home. An ancient proverb says, "Christmas must be spent with own relatives while Easter can be spent with whoever you are or whenever you are". During this time, those who lives far from their families turn back home: students, attending university studies in large cities such as Rome, Naples and Milan, migrants living in Germany, Switzerland, France, other parts of Italy and even from America. During the Christmas time the tables are dressed in red, silver or blue tablecloths and napkins all commonly with golden decorations. people prepare sweets and special dishes such as the "Mostaccioli" which are covered of dark or white chocolate, the "pepatelli", which are roasted almonds mixed with honey and "canestrelli, cakes made with a puff pastry rolled up in rings and are fried in hot oil. Our three bakers People cook spaghetti with tomato sauce flavored with salt cod and eels cooked in it. The cod is cooked in different ways in the oven, with potatoes and bread, boiled and dressed with garlic, parsley and olive oil and fried. There are other seafood such as mussels, prawns, squid and cuttlefish cooked in various ways and eaten in the evening. Dinner ends eating seasonal fruits such as mandarins, apples, oranges, pears, nuts like walnuts, almonds, peanuts, dried figs. Finally there are the sweets: panettoni, nougat and other Christmas cakes and champagne. At midnight, in many families, there is also the tradition of opening the presents that have been put under the Christmas Tree and brought by Santa Claus, in most cases, however, these presents are opened on Christmas morning to give children the sensation they have been brought by Santa Claus. The magical atmosphere of Christmas, is also felt at school. Students read passages about Christmas and its symbols, religious or not, study poems about the Child Jesus, solidarity, peace and love, learn Italian, Str. 39 English and French carols, make posters and Christmas cards. Christmas cards are given to all the people who works at school. Once children put a Christmas card under the father’s plate so when he discovered it they received a nice gift but only after said a Christmas poem. At school in almost all classes students and teachers make a crib. They are made of different materials: plexiglass, transparent paper, cans, the loaves of bread, branches of trees, powdered glass and pieces of mirror. Two years ago a group of students of our school won the first prize on an exhibition made in Campobasso. It represented the Nativity made of transparent plastic boxes within there were a lot of coloured lights. At school every year we make a Christmas concert singing famous traditional Christmas songs. Our school orchestra is called “Selia Band”. This year's concert will be performed at the Parish Church, dedicated to Saint Elijah the prophet, our patron saint. During the concert there will be the performance of melodies, but also the acting of poems related to Christmas. In Sant'Elia a Pianisi people wait for Christmas holiday even to enjoy and have the time to kill the pig. It is used to make the salumi for which our village is famous, they are sausages, sopressata, capocolli and hams. Almost every family does it which preserve in oil, fat and vacuum. But Christmas also brings something that is particularly pleasant for students: the Christmas holidays. They are usually from December 24 to January 6. It is a period of rest from school activities, although we have some homework to do. Young people have great fun be- Str. 40 cause they can go out for a walk, visit far friends, organize dance parties, organize games like tombola or bingo or p l a y i n g c a r d s . Christmas is a period that can be considered a metaphor for life: it is a time of deep spirituality and recreation mind. Besides, and that's more beautiful because God became a man to teach our hearts to recognize and experience the true love among each other. PROJECT COMENIUS IL NATALE A SANT’ELIA A PIANISI Il periodo natalizio in Italia e quindi anche a Sant’Elia a Pianisi prende l’avvio l’8 dicembre, giorno in cui si festeggia l’Immacolata Concezione che celebra il concepimento della Vergine Maria priva del peccato originale. In questo giorno nelle case vengono realizzati gli alberi di Natale e i presepi, e nelle strade si accendono gli addobbi natalizi preparati nelle giornate precedenti. Le vie principali del paese, i balconi, le finestre, le piante poste davanti alle case, i negozi, sono tutte addobbati con luminarie, stelle filanti, palline luminose e luci fosforescenti. Per il corso principale e negli angoli più caratteristici, oltre alle luminarie vi sono anche dei carillon che diffondono nell’area circostante melodie natalizie che trasportano i passanti in un mondo incantato e fiabesco. Ovunque si respira un’aria di festa. In piazza Municipio, la piazza che segna il centro del paese, davanti al monumento che ricorda i caduti della prima e della seconda guerra mondiale, viene allestito un grande presepe con una capanna alta oltre un metro e mezzo fatta con frasche, canne e paglia. Nel suo interno sono collocate grandi statue raffiguranti la Sacra famiglia, i pastori, il bue e l’asinello. Il giorno dell’Immacolata Concezione è considerato festivo per tutto il territorio nazionale e quindi anche la Scuola, come tutte le pubbliche amministrazioni, rimane chiuse con grande gioia di noi studenti. In questo giorno nel nostro paese viene portata in solenne processione una statua della madonna che è stata benedetta dal papa Pio IX nella seconda metà dell’ottocento. La statua è molto grande e pesante ed ha una base in legno, in stile barocco, decorata ai lati da quattro magnifici angeli. Questa statua è portata in processione da otto uomini che fanno parte della congregazione consacrata all’IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE”. Essi presenziano ai vari riti previsti dalla liturgia cattolica e durante questa processione e per altri eventi religiosi particolarmente importanti, indossano una tunica bianca cinta alla vita da un rosario e sulle spalle portano una corta mantella celeste su cui vi è una grande spilla con l’immagine della madonna. I colori bianco e celeste del loro abbigliamento sono i colori della Madonna. Str. 41 A Sant’Elia a Pianisi, nelle quattro settimane che precedono il Natale, le chiese cambiano aspetto; in ogni chiesa vengono allestiti bellissimi presepi che ricordano la Natività del Bambino Gesù. I presepi che vengono realizzati nelle chiese, sono in genere classici, cioè fatti con il muschio, le pietre, la paglia e i pastori di gesso che sono antichi e di pregevole fattura. Attirano l’ammirazione delle persone, soprattutto dei più piccoli, il variare delle luci simulanti l’alternarsi della notte e del dì e , per effetto di meccanismi e motorini, i corsi d’acqua che scorrono, le fontane che zampillano e i mulini che girano. A Sant’Elia a Pianisi vi sono tre chiese: la Chiesa Parrocchiale, il Convento e la Chiesa di San Rocco, esse a Natale sembrano trasformarsi assumendo un aspetto diverso da quello che hanno tutto l’anno. L’altare maggiore e gli altari che sono davanti alle nicchie dove sono custodite le statue dei vari santi sono addobbati con fiori e piante che si trovano solo in questo periodo come: stelle di natale rosse e bianche, pungitopo, vischio e agrifoglio. I sacerdoti indossano paramenti sacri particolari e nel corso di queste quattro settimane, vicino all’altare maggiore vengono messe quattro candele di colore rosso, blu, oro e argento che , una ogni domenica, vengono accese da un bambino durante la celebrazione della Santa Messa. Negli ultimi nove giorni dell’Avvento nel nostro paese viene celebrata la novena di Natale: nella chiesa del Convento dei frati Str. 42 Cappuccini, essa viene celebrata la mattina alle sei, mentre nella Chiesa parrocchiale la messa della novena viene celebrata alle 18.00 di sera. Durante queste celebrazioni si eseguono tradizionali canzoni natalizie come “Astro del Ciel”, “Tu scendi dalle stelle”, una classica canzone il cui testo è stato scritto da un santo: Alfonso de’Liguori, che parla di Gesù Bambino venuto “Al freddo e al gelo della terra per salvare e redimere l’umanità”. La novena di Natale si conclude con la messa di mezzanotte della vigilia del Natale. In questa messa solenne la Chiesa è gremita di persone e vi sono molti chierichetti che aiutano il sacerdote durante la celebrazione eucaristica. Il momento più emozionante della funzione è quello della rievocazione della nascita del bambino Gesù. A mezzanotte in punto, il sacerdote, partendo dall’altare maggiore, seguito da un corteo di chierichetti, attraversa tutta la Chiesa per andare a deporre il divino bambinello nella grotta tra le statue rappresentanti la Vergine Maria e san Giuseppe. PROJECT COMENIUS Questo momento è reso ancora più solenne dal suono delle campane che, a distesa, annunciano a tutto il paese, anche a coloro che non sono andati a messa, che il redentore è nato. Finita la messa, fuori dalla chiesa tutte le persone si abbracciano e si baciano augurandosi buon Natale. Tutto il paese sembra una grande famiglia! Le celebrazioni eucaristiche si concludono il 6 gennaio, giorno dell’Epifania del Signore. La parola Epifania deriva dal greco e significa “manifestazione”, in questo giorno si ricorda la manifestazione di Gesù bambino a tre Re magi. A Sant’Elia questo evento importante per noi cattolici, viene rievocato da un gruppo di persone che, riccamente vestite con abiti di foggia orientale e cavalcando magnifici cavalli neri, attraversano le vie del paese per recarsi al presepe vivente allestito nel centro storico del paese chiamato “Casale”. Il borgo risalente al XV secolo custodisce case che hanno conservato l’aspetto originario con locali scavati nella roccia che anticamente servivano da stalle e da cantine. In questo luogo il 24 dicembre, il 25 dicembre e il 6 gennaio viene allestito il presente vivente con oltre cento figuranti di ogni età. Essi in abiti d’epoca, ripropongono le attività quotidiane che presumibilmente venivano svolte ai tempi della nascita di Gesù, gli episodi biblici più famosi legati alla nascita di Gesù e naturalmente la scena più importante che è la Natività. Il bambinello è impersonato ogni anno da un bambino di pochi mesi. Fino a pochi anni fa, in questo giorno, nel convento, una signora chiamata “ la Delegata, nome che le derivava dal ruolo che svolgeva nell’ambito del Terz’Ordine Francescano, organizzava una rappresentazione della natività coinvolgendo bambini, ragazzi ed adulti . Questa rappresentazione è stata fatta in modo continuativo per circa 40 anni, fino alla morte della “Delegata” avvenuta due anni fa. Negli ultimi dieci anni in questa rappresentazione era stata introdotta la novità di far impersonare il bambinello Gesù dall’ultimo bambino nato nel periodo natalizio. Oggi l’opera della “Delegata” viene portata avanti dalle formatrici del gruppo francescano degli Araldini. Esse non fanno più la famosa recita che contraddistingueva l’azione della “Delegata”, ma organizzano in questo giorno un concerto avente come protagonisti noi ragazzi che cantiamo tra i tanti canti italiani anche “Jingle Bells”, “White Christmas” “Happy Christmas” e “Let’it snow”. Questo concerto, reso possibile dalla collaborazione con i musicisti del gruppo della Gioventù Francescana (GI.FRA), è molto apprezzato soprattutto dai nostri genitori e dai nostri nonni. Il giorno dell’Epifania o della Befana ha anche un significato non religioso, infatti in questo giorno i bambini credono che una vecchia “Befana” volando su una scopa, si cala giù dai comignoli per portare regali e dolciumi ai bambini che sono stati buoni. Str. 43 CHRISTMAS IN POLAND The moment everyone waits for is Christmas Eve. When the first star appears in the sky, people take seats at the Christmas table. They do not forget about leaving an empty place for an unexpected guest. The table is covered with white tablecloth and hay is spread on it. Everyone loves Christmas. It is the favorite and most eagerly awaited holiday in the year. This is a unique time when people try to be kind, friendly and generous to one another. They seem to forget all their problems, quarrels and just enjoy being together. Christmas is preceded by many days of preparation. Streets are lit by coloured lamps; shops are full of people buying presents, choosing Christmas Cards; Christmas trees are set up in a every home and decorated with sparking tinsel, candles chains, toys and trinkets. The atmosphere of excitement and expectation can be felt almost everywhere. Some people say that if you ask for food on that day, you will be hungry throughout the year. Str. 44 Another custom is the number of dishes. Traditionally there should be twelve of them and they must all be tasted. The most popular dishes are red borsch, pies or sour cabbage with mushrooms, fish (usually carp) and poppy-seed cake. Before the family starts eating, all its members share the holly wafer. There is also a custom of giving presents and everyone may find something nice under the Christmas tree. At midnight many people go to church to attend a special mass during which Christmas carols are sung. This night is miraculous because it is believed that animals can speak with human voices. The first day of Christmas, 25 December, is usually spent at home. Work is forbidden. On that day carol-singers dressed up an angel, a devil, King Herod or Death visit people`s houses. They sing carols and play various scenes from the Bible. The second day of Christmas is spend in a different way. People pay and receive visits, spend much time at the table talking or singing carols. From that day the Carnival begins. PROJECT COMENIUS But how do I spend Christmas? Of course the most important day of all Christmas is the Christmas Eve. All of my family meets in my house in the evening of 24th December. Everyone brings a present for everybody and puts it under a Christmas tree. Later, when everybody has assembled we share the holly wafer. We wish all the best to each other. After this solemn moment we sit at the rich table. There aren’t twelve dishes there, but they are very tasty. The person whose present it is gets up and has to sing a carol or say some short piece of poetry to get it. When everybody has received their presents, Santa Claus receives a bar of chocolate. After that we sing carols, such as “Silent Night”. Very late in the evening we attend the special mass called "Pasterka". There are for example: obligatory carp, “pierogi” with cabbage and mushrooms (this is my favourite dish), very sweet poppy with pasta, cabbage with peas, mushroom soup, herrings, fish in jelly and stewed fruit from dried fruit. All the dishes are obviously meatless, because at this time there is a lent. When everybody has eaten what he wanted, the time for the presents comes. One of the family members disguises as Santa Claus. He rings at the door. All the children are very excited. Santa Claus sits near Christmas tree and picks up one present. The rest of Christmas we spend at home or sometimes we go to my grandparents for dinner. Christmas for Polish people are not only the yearly celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ but also the most family, traditional and joyful time of happiness and reconciliation. The birth of Jesus Christ is regarded as a kind of symbol which heralds the days of peace and love. Str. 45 BOŻE NARODZENIE W POLSCE Każdy kocha Boże Narodzenie. To jest ulubione i najbardziej oczekiwane święto w roku. To jest unikalny czas, kiedy ludzie próbują być mili, przyjaźni i hojni dla siebie. Wszyscy wydają się zapominać o swoich problemach, kłótniach i tylko cieszyć się byciem razem. Boże Narodzenie jest poprzedzone wieloma dniami przygotowań. Ulice są ozdabiane kolorowymi lampami; sklepy są pełne ludzi kupujących prezenty, wybierających kartki świąteczne; choinki są w każdym domu ozdobione przez błyskotki, łańcuchy, świece, zabawki. Atmosferę podekscytowania i oczekiwania można odczuć prawie wszędzie. Jest przyjęte, że jeśli spytasz tego dnia o jedzenie, będziesz głodny przez cały rok. Momentem, na który każdy czeka jest wigilia. Kiedy pierwsza gwiazda ukazuje się na niebie, ludzie siadają przy świątecznym stole. Oczywiście nie zapominają o zostawianiu pustego miejsca dla nieoczekiwanego gościa. Stół jest przykryty białym obrusem, pod którym znajduje się siano. Str. 46 Liczba dań na stole musi być zgodna z tradycją. Tradycyjnie powinno ich być dwanaście i każda z nich musi być skosztowana. Najpopularniejsze dania to: czerwony barszcz, pierogi z kapustą i z grzybami, ryba (zwykle karp) i makiełki. Zanim rodzina zaczynie jedzenie, wszyscy jej członkowie dzielą się opłatkiem. Jest to też zwyczaj dawania prezentów, dlatego każdy może znaleźć coś miłego pod choinką. O północy wielu ludzi idzie do kościoła, by wziąć udział w specjalnej mszy (Pasterce), podczas której są śpiewane kolędy. Ta noc jest cudowna, ponieważ wierzy się, że zwierzęta mogą przemawiać ludzkim głosem. Pierwszy dzień Świąt, 25 grudnia, zwykle jest spędzany w domu. Praca jest wtedy zabroniona. Tego dnia kolędnicy przebrani za aniołów, diabłów, króla Heroda albo za Śmierć odwiedzają nasze domy. Śpiewają oni kolędy i odgrywają różne sceny z Biblii. Drugi dzień Świąt jest różnie spędzany. Ludzie odwiedzają się wzajemnie, spędzają dużo czasu przy stole rozmawiając albo śpiewając kolędy. Od tego dnia zaczyna się Karnawał. PROJECT COMENIUS A jak ja spędzam Święta? Oczywiście najważniejszym dniem całego Bożego Narodzenia jest Wigilia. Cała moja rodzina spotyka się w moim domu w wieczór 24 grudnia. Każdy dla każdego przynosi podpisany prezent i kładzie go pod pięknie ozdobioną choinką. Później, kiedy wszyscy się zbiorą dzielimy się opłatkiem. Życzymy sobie nawzajem wszystkiego najlepszego. Po tym uroczystym momencie siadamy do suto zastawionego stołu. Nie ma na nim równo dwunastu dań, ale są one równie smaczne. Są na przykład: obowiązkowy karp, pierogi z kapustą i grzybami (to jest moje ulubione danie), bardzo słodki mak z makaronem - makiełki, kapusta z grochem, zupa grzybowa, śledzie, ryba w galarecie i kompot z suszonych owoców. Wszystkie dania są oczywiście bezmięsne, ponieważ w tym czasie panuje ścisły post. Kiedy każdy się już naje, przychodzi czas na prezenty. Jeden z członków rodziny przebiera się w Świętego Mikołaja. Dzwoni on do drzwi. Wszystkie dzieci są wtedy bardzo przejęte. Święty Mikołaj siada blisko choinki i wybiera jeden prezent. Osoba, dla której jest ten prezent, wstaje i aby dostać upominek musi zaśpiewać kolędę albo powiedzieć jakiś krótki wierszyk. Kiedy każdy z obecnych otrzyma prezent, Święty Mikołaj dostaje w nagrodę czekoladę. Podczas uroczystości śpiewamy takie kolędy jak np. „Cicha noc” Kiedy przychodzi bardzo późny wieczór, o północy idziemy do kościoła, ponieważ jest wtedy specjalna msza zwana Pasterką. Kolejne dni świąt, spędzamy w domu albo czasami idziemy do dziadków na obiad. Boże Narodzenie dla Polaków jest nie tylko corocznym świętowaniem narodzin Jezusa Chrystusa, ale też najbardziej znanym, tradycyjnym i radosnym czasem szczęścia i pojednania. Narodziny Jezusa Chrystusa są pewnego rodzaju symbolem, który ogłasza dni pokoju i miłości. Str. 47 EASTER IN ITALY prepare the feast getting a young lamb, chocolate eggs and other sweets in the shape of a dove. The usage of giving eggs is related to the fact that Easter coincides with the beginning of spring, which formerly was celebrated with rites for fertility and renewal of nature. The egg symbolizes, in fact, the life that is renewed. The Christian Easter, as it is celebrated in Italy, is preceded by a period of penance. This period called Lent, lasts forty days, ranging from the Ashes (Ash Wednesday is the day when the priest places the ashes on the heads of the churchgoers, in memory of the blessed God) to Holy Saturday (Easter Saturday), involves food moderation. Penance is interrupted only in the middle of Lent, which is the Thursday of the central week of Lent, when the withdrawal will be suspended and return, for a day, a joyful atmosphere. During the last few days before Easter Sunday, in Italy, as in many Catholic countries, are held several rites which recall the Passion of Christ. On this occasion, many ceremonies take place among people. Some of them are very folkloristic: people represent some episodes of the Passion, make long processions along the town’s streets, priests bless homes. People not only face the religious aspect but also the practical aspect of the feast so they Str. 48 After the long preparation of Lent, the evocative rites of the passion intensify and reach the summit on Friday. With Easter Lent the community lives forty days of universal bereavement, expressed through various forms of popular participation. In many Italian regions, at dawn on Good Friday, the women go to church and cross it on their bare knees on the floor, reciting prayers. Many of today's prayers are very old, some even date back to the fifteenth century. In addition to the prayers, the reproduction of events that accompanied the death and resurrection of Christ, are the most direct way that people have to participate to the pain lived by Jesus. Thus, in some Italian regions are acted many performances in which, since medieval times, is commemorated the death of Jesus. PROJECT COMENIUS CULINARY TRADITION Easter celebrations are inevitably linked to some culinary traditions, many of which date back to ancient religious rituals or to symbolic representations. The lamb, represents for Christians the body of the innocent crucified Jesus. The tradition to eat it almost certainly, comes from Jewish culture, where it is eaten for eight days after his blood was sprinkled on the doorposts, in memory of the episode of the Ancient Scriptures. At Easter on the table food is very diversified we can find food coming from rural tradition for example the corn ears turned into bread (it has a votive meaning in the memory of the miracle of germination of wheat), herbs, almost all the rustic cakes (the most famous is the cake Pasqualina); eggs. This food has has different origins, halfway between the sacred and the profane. In Pietracatella tradition establishes that on Easter Day morning, people ate a salty pizza enriched with pieces of fresh sheep cheese, grated sheep cheese, eggs and olive oil. The pizza was also accompanied with salami and boiled eggs. What about desserts by far the most traditional are the Easter doves. The dove has already been a sign of peace, this cake made of simple ingredients such as eggs, flour and yeast, was enriched with butter, sugar and candies and is part the Easter tradition. Each food represents a particular and strong symbolic value. Ricotta, sweetened with sugar, transforms the votive offerings of milk and honey, typical of the early Christian ceremonies. The grain is the omen of wealth and fertility. The eggs symbolize the new life. The or- ange flower water announces the spring. The cake was traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday morning but the dough was prepared on Good Friday. In fact it takes two days of leavening so on Saturday it is worked again and then baked in the evening. Eventually and it is ready in the morning. Easter Monday is the day after Easter. This day remembers the meeting of the women with the angel at the sepulcher. The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and Salome went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, bringing with them aromatic oils to embalm the body of Jesus. An interpretation of this tradition could be related to the recalling of the biblical episode of the apostles to whom on the road to Emmaus met Jesus. Str. 49 I RITI DELLA SETTIMANA SANTA Alla Settimana Santa sono legate alcune tradizioni secolari che, nel rispetto della storia evangelica, ancor oggi si perpetuano, in città, con pochissime varianti rispetto a quelle originarie. La prima è quella degli Apostoli che si svolge nella giornata del Giovedì Santo. Nel 1470 l'abate Nicola Zita, morendo, lasciò un legato alla Confraternita di Sant'Antonio Abate affinché fosse consentito perpetuarsi, nel tempo, la cerimonia della lavanda dei piedi. Tale pratica trasmigrò, successivamente, nella chiesa di Santa Maria della Croce. Più tardi, con il favore del conte Andrea de Capoa, che in quegli anni esercitava i propri diritti feudali sulla città (si era ai primi anni del Cinquecento), la lavanda passò alla chiesa della Trinità sorta a qualche centinaio di metri di distanza dalla chiesa dei Crociati, altro episodio non marginale nella lotta fra le due potenti confraternite campobassane (crociati e trinitari). La cerimonia consisteva nel vestire con sacco, berretto di pelle o grossa lana, bastone e sandali tredici vecchi inabili e poveri i quali giravano in tutto il territorio comunale. Str. 50 La comitiva presenziava a tutte le funzioni e, infine, si sottoponeva alla lavanda dei piedi nella chiesa di San Leonardo. I figuranti hanno costumi d'epoca e sono preceduti da una guida la quale, nel rappresentare Simone il cireneo, mostra avanti a se la croce. L'apostolo Pietro si distingue per la chiave d'oro del Paradiso e quella nera dell'Inferno mentre Giuda Iscariota ha alla cintura la borsa con i trenta denari del tradimento. Il Venerdì Santo, invece, vede l'avvenimento religioso in cui i campobassani si sentono più partecipi anche emotivamente: la processione del Cristo morto e della Madonna Addolorata. Il lungo e mesto corteo che, nel pomeriggio, muove dalla chiesa di Santa Maria della Croce comincia a snodarsi dapprima nel centro storico e , successivamente, nella parte moderna della città. La sua particolare caratteristica è di avere, all'interno, un coro di circa settecento persone il quale, durante il percorso, intona più volte lo struggente canto "Teco vorrei o Signore" composizione, di inizio Novecento, del maestro campobassano Michele De Nigris su versi di Pietro Metastasio. Tale espressione musicale vuol essere, in un certo qual modo, il prosieguo di quella tradizione presente tra i congregati Crociati e Trinitari del Cinquecento i quali cantavano, all’alba, durante la malinconica processione mattutina del Venerdì Santo, il "Lamento della Madonna Santissima". PROJECT COMENIUS Tradizioni, cibi e ricette della Pasqua La Settimana Santa è importante anche nel nostro paese di Pietracatella dove si svo l go no ri t i reli giosi tradizionali. Il Giovedi Santo si svolgeva una cerimonia caratteristica: il suono del Giovedi. I bambini mettevano dei sassolini in scatole di latta e con rametti d'albero producevano strani suoni durante la cerimonia religiosa in chiesa. I bambini, mentre il sacerdote stava leggendo l'evento della Passione, quando Gesù moriva, muovevano tutti questi strumenti rudimentali per ricreare il clima apocalittico riportato dal Vangelo di Matteo. Oggi questa tradizione è scomparsa. Nella tradizione di Pietracatella si incontra l’usanza che il giorno di Pasqua mattina, la gente debba mangiare una pizza salata arricchita con pezzetti di formaggio pecorino fresco, formaggio pecorino grattugiato, uova e olio d'oliva. La pizza viene anche accompagnata da salame e uova sode. Tra i dolci consumati tra la gente del paese prevalgono di gran lunga quelli più tradizionali colombe pasquali. ovvero le La colomba è un segno di pace ed è fatto di ingredienti semplici. La pasquetta è il lunedi di Pasqua, il giorno dopo la Pasqua. Questo giorno ricorda l'incontro delle donne con l'angelo al sepolcro. Il Vangelo racconta che Maria Maddalena, Maria madre di Giacomo e di Giuseppe, e Salome sono andati al sepolcro, dove Gesùera stato sepolto, portando con sé gli oli aromatici per imbalsamare il corpo di Gesù. La festa del lunedi di Pasqua è un giorno festivo, introdotto dallo Stato italiano dopo la guerra, al fine di consentire lo svolgimento della festa in modo gioioso e pacifico, senza l’assillo del lavoro del giorno dopo esattamente come accade con il 26 dicembre. Lunedi di Pasqua in Italia di solito è trascorso con la famiglia o gli amici con una tradizionale gita o pic-nic sull'erba e attività all'aperto. L'interpretazione di questa tradizione potrebbe essere correlata al ricordo dell'episodio biblico degli apostoli che sulla strada di Emmaus incontrano Gesù. Oggi Lunedi di Pasqua è per la maggior parte delle persone una festa secolare, una festa da godere negli spazi aperti. Str. 51 EASTER IN POLAND Easter is a special holidays, in which we unite in Christ resurrection. All Christians gather in church every year to celebrate the most important dogma of our religion, while singing the religious songs and praying. This magic time we spend not only on praying, but also we dedicate it to the family. Among our relatives we cultivate polish tradition, by eating festive breakfast, consecrating food in little basket, which we bring to church for blessing, by building the grave of the Christ and by attending the most magnificent mass of the year: Resurrection. The second day of holidays, which always falls on Monday, is the most expected day, because people can sprinkle each other with water without consequences. It is call an Easter Monday. This special time for Christians is also a special time for all people who have families and want to spend some time with them, because it is a good opportunity for it! During the Easter breakfast member of the family share eggs with the others. They empty the consecrated basket and eat. They pull out eggs, which are the most important sing of Easter (symbol of live and fertility), because the people boil and color them (the famous Easter eggs). There are also fresh bread, ham, salt, cheese, pepper, some early vegetables and lamb made from sugar or bread. Str. 52 PROJECT COMENIUS WIELKANOC W POLSCE Wielkanoc to wyjątkowe święta, w których jednoczymy się ze zmartwychwstałym Chrystusem. Każdego roku wszyscy chrześcijanie gromadzą się w kościele, aby świętować najważniejszym dogmatem naszej religii, podczas śpiewania religijnych pieśni oraz modlenia się. Wyjmują jajka, które są najważniejszym znakiem Wielkanocy (symbol życia i płodności), ponieważ ludzie gotują i malują je (słynne pisanki). Jest tam także świeży chleb, szynka, sól, ser, pieprz, nowalijki oraz baranek zrobiony z cukru lub chleba. Drugi dzień świąt, który zawsze przypada w poniedziałek jest najbardziej oczekiwanym dniem, ponieważ ludzie mogą spryskiwać siebie nawzajem wodą bez żadnych konsekwencji. Nazywamy to Lanym Poniedziałkiem. Ten specjalny czas dla chrześcijan jest także wyjątkowym czasem dla wszystkich ludzi posiadających rodziny i chcących spędzić trochę czasu z nimi, ponieważ to jest dobra okazja do tego! Ten magiczny czas spędzamy nie tylko modląc się, ale także poświęcamy go rodzinie. Pośród naszych krewnych polską tradycje utrzymujemy poprzez jedzenie świątecznego śniadania, poświęconego jedzenia w małym koszyku, który niesiemy do kościoła po błogosławieństwo, poprzez budowanie grobu dla Chrystusa oraz przez chodzenie na najwspanialszą mszę roku: rezurekcję. Podczas wielkanocnego śniadania członkowie rodziny dzielą się jajkiem z innymi. Opróżniają poświęcony koszyczek i jedzą. Str. 53 ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ NR 70 W WARSZAWIE