Società cooperativa Head office at Via San Carlo 8/20, Modena, Italy Modena Companies Register and Tax code/VAT no. 01153230360 Register of Banks no. 4932 and Register of Cooperatives no. A163859 Member of the Interbank Deposit Guarantee Fund and of the National Guarantee Fund Variable share capital REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE in accordance with art. 123-bis of Legislative Decree 58 dated 24 February 1998 (Consolidated Finance Act or CFA) (standard model for administration and control) - 2014 Modena, 3 March 2015 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 1 PROFILE OF THE ISSUER ................................................................................................................................... 8 2 INFORMATION ON THE OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1, LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.1 STRUCTURE OF SHARE CAPITAL (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.A), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ................ 11 2.2 RESTRICTIONS ON THE TRANSFER OF SECURITIES (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.B), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) 13 2.3 SIGNIFICANT HOLDINGS OF SHARE CAPITAL (ART. 123 BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.C), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) 13 2.4 SECURITIES CARRYING SPECIAL RIGHTS (ART 123 BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) .... 14 2.5 SHARES HELD BY EMPLOYEES: MECHANISM FOR EXERCISING VOTING RIGHTS (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.E), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.6 RESTRICTIONS ON VOTING RIGHTS (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.F), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ............. 14 2.7 AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SHAREHOLDERS (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.G), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) .. 14 2.8 CHANGE OF CONTROL CLAUSES (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.H), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) AND PROVISIONS OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION RELATING TO TAKEOVER BIDS (ARTS. 104, PARAGRAPH 1-TER, AND 104-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1) ............................................................................................................................................... 15 2.9 MANDATES TO INCREASE SHARE CAPITAL AND AUTHORISATIONS TO PURCHASE TREASURY SHARES (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.M), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ......................................................................................... 15 2.10 3 MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION ACTIVITIES (ART. 2497 ET SEQ. OF THE ITALIAN CIVIL CODE) ............... 16 ADOPTION OF CODES OF CONDUCT (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.A), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS .................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 APPOINTMENTS AND REPLACEMENTS (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.L), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ........ 18 4.2 COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) .................... 21 4.2.1 Maximum accumulation of offices that can be held in other companies ...................................... 108 4.3 ROLE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ..... 109 4.4 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS .................................................................................................... 113 4.5 RESPONSIBLE BODIES .................................................................................................................................... 113 4.5.1 Chief Executive Officer ........................................................................................................................ 113 4.5.2 Executive Committee (under art. 123-bis, paragraph 2, letter d), Legislative Decree 58/98) ... 114 4.5.3 Information for the Board of Directors ............................................................................................... 115 4.6 OTHER EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ..................................................................................................................... 115 4.7 INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS.............................................................................................................................. 115 4.8 LEAD INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR...................................................................................................................... 115 5 PROCESSING OF CORPORATE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 116 6 BOARD COMMITTEES (ART. 123-BIS PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ............. 117 2 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 7 NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE ................................................................................ 118 7.1 COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ....................................................................................................... 118 7.2 8 FUNCTIONS OF THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE ......................................................... 119 REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS................................................................................................................. 121 8.1 INDEMNITIES FOR DIRECTORS WHO RESIGN, ARE TERMINATED OR CEASE TO SERVE FOLLOWING A PUBLIC OFFER FOR THE PURCHASE OF SHARES (ART 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 1.I), OF LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ........... 122 9 CONTROL AND RISK COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................... 123 9.1 COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE CONTROL AND RISK COMMITTEE (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98)..................................................................................................................................... 123 9.2 10 10.1 FUNCTIONS ATTRIBUTED TO THE CONTROL AND RISK COMMITTEE .............................................................. 124 INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS COMMITTEE .............................................................................................. 126 COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS COMMITTEE (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ....................................................................................................... 126 10.2 11 11.1 FUNCTIONS OF THE INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS COMMITTEE ........................................................................ 127 STRATEGY COMMITTEE.............................................................................................................................. 130 COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE STRATEGY COMMITTEE (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2 LETTER D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98)..................................................................................................................................... 130 11.2 12 12.1 FUNCTIONS OF THE STRATEGY COMMITTEE.................................................................................................. 131 SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT ......................................................... 132 FINANCIAL REPORTING PROCESS - RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS (AS PER ART. 123- BIS, PARAGRAPH 2, LETTER B) OF LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) .............................................................................. 134 12.2 DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT .................... 137 12.3 HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT .............................................................................................................................. 138 13 ORGANISATION MODEL (DECREE 231/2001) ........................................................................................ 140 14 AUDIT FIRM ..................................................................................................................................................... 143 15 MANAGER RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING THE COMPANY'S FINANCIAL REPORTS AND MANAGERS IN CHARGE OF CONTROL FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................... 144 16 COORDINATION OF ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN THE SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL AND RISK MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................................. 146 17 DIRECTORS' INTERESTS AND RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS AND/OR ASSOCIATED PERSONS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 147 18 APPOINTMENT OF STATUTORY AUDITORS ......................................................................................... 150 3 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 19 COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONING OF BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.D), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ............................................................................................ 153 20 RELATIONS WITH MEMBERS AND SHAREHOLDERS ........................................................................ 158 21 SHAREHOLDERS' MEETINGS .................................................................................................................... 159 22 OTHER CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES (ART. 123-BIS, PARAGRAPH 2.A), LEGISLATIVE DECREE 58/98) ................................................................................................................................ 161 22.1 GENERAL MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 161 22.2 BOARD OF ARBITERS ...................................................................................................................................... 161 23 CHANGES SINCE THE END OF THE YEAR ............................................................................................. 163 4 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. GLOSSARY European Central Bank, head office at Frankfurt am Main (Germany), ECB Sonnemannstrasse 20. Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna or Issuer or Bank or Parent Company or Company or BPER Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna Società cooperativa, head office in Via San Carlo 8/20, Modena, (Italy) Parent Company of the BPER Group. Borsa Italiana or Borsa Borsa Italiana S.p.A., head office at Piazza degli Affari 6, Milan (Italy) Italian Civil Code or Civil Code The Italian Civil Code. Code of Conduct or Code The Code of Conduct for listed companies, approved in July 2014 by the Committee for Corporate Governance and promoted by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., ABI, Ania, Assogestioni, Assonime and Confindustria. Board of Statutory Auditors or Statutory Auditors The Board of Statutory Auditors of Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna. Board of Directors or Board or B.o.D. The Board of Directors of Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna. CONSOB National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange with head office in Via G.B. Martini 3, Rome (Italy). Supervisory Provisions Supervisory Provisions for Banks issued by the Bank of Italy with Circular 285 of 17 December 2013 and subsequent amendments and integrations. FTSE MIB The FTSE MIB Index measures the performance of 40 Italian equities and seeks to replicate the broad sector weightings of the Italian stock market. The Index is derived from the universe of stocks trading on the main market of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. Each stock is analysed for size and liquidity, and the overall Index provides a fair representation sector by sector. The FTSE MIB Index is weighted by market capitalisation after adjusting the various components on the basis of their float. BPER Group or Group The “Banca popolare dell'Emilia Romagna” federal banking group comprising banks and finance, property and service companies, as well as various other types of company. Stock Market Instructions The Instructions accompanying the Regulations for the Markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. MTA Mercato Telematico Azionario, the electronic equities market organised and managed by Borsa Italiana. Stock Market Regulation The Regulation for the Stock Markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. Issuers' Regulation The Regulation approved by CONSOB Resolution no. 11971 dated 14 May 1999 and subsequent amendments and additions. Market Regulation The Regulation approved by CONSOB Resolution no. 16191 dated 29 October 2007 and subsequent amendments and additions. CONSOB Related Parties Regulation The Regulation issued by Consob with resolution 17221 of 12 March 2010 on transactions with related parties and subsequent amendments and 5 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. integrations. Report on Corporate Governance or Report The Report on Corporate Governance and the Ownership Structure (Report on corporate governance) that companies are required to prepare pursuant to art. 123-bis Legislative Decree 58/98. Member/s and Shareholder/s Given the nature of BPER as a cooperative bank, being a Shareholder is not necessarily the same as being a Member. Pursuant to art. 9 of the articles of association, Shareholders who wish to be admitted as a Member must apply in writing to the Board of Directors. If the application is accepted, the applicant is notified and the Shareholders' Register is updated. In the absence of admission as a Member, the only rights that may be exercised in relation to shares held are those relating to the equity of the Bank. For further details, see Paragraph 2.1. Articles of association or Articles The articles of association of “Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna” in force at the date of this Report. Consolidated Banking Act or Legislative Decree 385/93 Legislative Decree no. 385 dated 1 September 1993 (Consolidated law on banking and lending matters) and subsequent amendments and additions. Consolidated Finance Act or CFA Legislative Decree no. 58 dated 24 February 1998 (Consolidated law on financial intermediation) and subsequent amendments and additions. Security European Central Bank and/or Bank of Italy. 6 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Introduction Pursuant to art. 123-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98, companies that issue securities admitted for trading in regulated markets are required to prepare and publish an annual "Report on corporate governance and ownership structure" containing the information required by the above law. Pursuant to art. 89-bis of the Issuers' Regulation, the Report has to state whether the issuer has not adopted, or does not intend to continue to adopt, a code of conduct for corporate governance promoted by the companies that manage regulated markets or by trade associations; and if the issuer does adopt it, the Report has to give the reasons why one or more of its provisions have not been adopted. The Report must also indicate the governance practices actually adopted by the Company, over and above those required by current legislation or regulations. Preparation of this Report has taken account inter alia of the "Code of Conduct" proposed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., as amended in July 2014. Even though BPER currently does not see fit to adopt it formally, this report is largely based on the "Format for the report on corporate governance and ownership structure" prepared by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. in January 2015. The indications of the Italian Stock Exchange for the preparation of the Report have been supplemented by additional information considered necessary to provide adequate information to members/shareholders and to the market, as well as reported in CONSOB Communication DEM/11012984 of 24 February 2011 on "Enquiries pursuant to Article 114, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, on remuneration, self-assessment of the administrative body and succession plans - Recommendations regarding information on compensation provided for by art. 78 of Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as amended", for which reference should be made to Section 8.1 of this Report. The previous Reports on corporate governance prepared by Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna, so as this one, are available on the website in the Governance - Documents Section, as well as on Borsa Italiana S.p.A.'s website 7 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 1 Profile of the Issuer Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna was incorporated on 1 December 1984, with deed dated 29 December 1983, following the merger of various banks, all more than 100 years old. It is a cooperative company with registered offices in Via San Carlo 8/20, Modena, Italy. The Issuer is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana and is part in the formation of the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Index. The BPER stock is also included in the FTSE MIB index, which means that it is traded on The After Hours (TAH) market of the Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF). The objects of the Bank are to gather savings and make loans in various forms to both members and nonmembers, applying the principles underpinning the cooperative movement. Members who are also customers can access special benefits on products and services, including free insurance cover for "Accidents", "Snatch, theft and robbery" and "Third-Party Liability", custody and administration of their BPER shares at no cost, lower fees for the rental of safe deposit boxes. There is also a 10% discount on certain items involved in the maintenance of current accounts, new subscriptions of certain insurance policies and the issuance of special certificates of deposit, as well as a special credit card exclusively for members. Other benefits are also available for shareholders who attend the Shareholders' Meeting to approve the Financial Statements (for details, see the website In addition, a series of non-banking benefits for the Members were confirmed and updated for 2015, having been implemented through agreements with partners operating in various different sectors, including welfare, tourism, car rentals, technology and airports. A special website has been created to support this initiative. It contains all pertinent information and there is even a call centre service reserved for Members. For specific financial and contractual conditions, reference should be made to the information sheets and pamphlets available for customers at all Bank's branches. The Bank also aims to assist the development of productive activities, with particular reference to small and medium-sized firms, and encourages all forms of savings by the public. In compliance with current regulations, the Bank is able to carry out all transactions and provide all permitted banking and financial services, including all transactions that contribute to or are related to the achievement of its corporate objects and institutional goals. Since its inception, the Bank has adopted the standard system of administration and control described in paras. 2, 3 and 4 of Section VI-bis, Chapter V, Title V, Book V of the Civil Code, which envisages the existence of a Board of Directors and a Board of Statutory Auditors. As things stand, the advantages offered by the alternative models of governance envisaged in arts. 2409-octies et seq. of the Civil Code are not considered sufficient to make them preferable to the system already selected. Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna is the parent of the Banking Group of the same name that was formed in 1992. Group companies are subject to management control and coordination (as per art. 61 Legislative Decree 385/93) by the Parent Company, which provides guidelines for implementation of the instructions issued by the Bank of Italy in the interests of the Group and its stability. At the end of 2014, the BPER Group in Italy comprises 3 banks, in addition to the Parent Company itself, 7 finance-sector companies and 5 property and service companies; as well as the following foreign companies: BPER (Europe) International s.a. (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) and Em.Ro. Finance Ireland Ltd (Ireland). Note that at the end of 2014 the consolidation area also included Polo Campania S.r.l., Melior Valorizzazioni 1 Immobili S.r.l., Adras S.p.A. , Italiana Valorizzazioni Immobiliari S.r.l. and Galilei Immobiliare S.r.l.; they are not formal members of the Group, since they do not contribute directly to its banking activities. The maintenance of flexibility and separate identities in the various regional markets is accompanied by careful exercise of the Parent Company's management and coordination role. This balances the recognition of operational autonomy with appropriate governance at Group level, ensuring that strategies and strategic 1 In June 2013, BPER acquired 100% of Sarda Vibrocementi S.r.l., subsequently renamed Adras and then transformed into an S.p.A. (joint-stock company) at the Shareholders’ Meeting on 13 February 2014. 8 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. directions are consistent. Corporate Social Responsibility During 2014, the CSR function (which operates on behalf of the entire Group and is carried out by the External Relations and CSR Office) focused on the following areas: • the creation of BPER's second Sustainability Report which was presented at the Shareholders' Meeting last April. This report does not set out to be a genuine sustainability report, but to act as a summary of one that allows the reader, in a few pages, to appreciate the Parent Company's efforts on behalf of its stakeholders in 2013. The brochure is available in print at BPER branches and electronically on, along with a video presentation. The 2014 report contains some new features: the materiality matrix, studies on Financial Education, the Charity Trust, Arms Policy, the prevention of Pathological Gambling, as well as a check on the achievement of the objectives set for 2013. This report ends with a list of links and e-mail addresses to enhance the process of interaction with stakeholders; • Microcredit: in addition to the relationship with PerMicro s.p.a. and MXIT (Microcredito per l'Italia Impresa Sociale s.p.a.), the "Avere credito" project, promoted by Fondazione CR Carpi (Modena) and the "Fides et Labor" initiative of the Diocese of Carpi are also available at local level in the Carpi area (Modena); • as regards measures to prevent Pathological Gambling, a double event was organised at the Forum Monzani entitled "Fate il nostro gioco!", in collaboration with the CNA and the Municipality of Modena, as part of the "Club imprese modenesi per la RSI" project. The event on 20 February 2014 saw the participation of 550 high school students in the morning and 650 people in the evening. Two young Turin science communicators from the company "Taxi 1729" explained - in an appealing way the calculation of the probabilities associated with gaming and betting, showing that, in the end of the day, gambling doesn't pay; • support for training apprenticeships for youngsters in Italy and abroad (managed by Uniser Onlus), which are a further evolution of the scholarships granted by the Bank to deserving young people, in order to create good jobs; • activation at Group level of financial education classes (promoted by the "Patti Chiari" Consortium), addressed to students of junior high schools ("The Junior Economic Footprint”). The CSR function also prepared and held lessons for high school students that focused on "Education on Conscious Consumption and Saving"; • the organisation along with Etica SGR s.p.a. of the conference entitled "Investire per bene – la finanza non è un gioco", which was held in Modena on 19 June 2014. The topic was investment with respect for human rights, which had an excellent response in terms of participation and appreciation; • participation in the "Reggio Emilia alliance for a society without mafias" (as the only member bank together with Banca Popolare Etica s.c.p.a.), a local multistakeholder entity for the supervision and defence of legality; • the preparation and teaching of the lesson on CSR in the various editions of the "Ethics in BPER" training course aimed at employees, who showed considerable appreciation for the contents; • participation as representatives of the BPER Group in Working Groups (ABI, Patti Chiari, Forum for Sustainable Finance, Fondazione Giordano dell'Amore, Club Imprese modenesi per la RSI, Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Modena etc.) on the theme of Sustainability, Microfinance and financial inclusion; • participation in the Provincial Laboratory of Reggio Emilia Companies for CSR that led to a project called "Financial Education in favour of the local territory", which was explained at the conference organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia on 10 July 2014; • the production and in-house distribution of reports summarising studies of trends, forecasts, social and economic matters by external bodies, particular in the field of CSR, in order to grasp the dynamics taking place in society and in the territory where the Group operates; • the realisation of the 2013 Report on the Arms Industry (FY 2012), in compliance with the relevant 9 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Group Guidelines on dealings with the Armed Forces and arms manufacturers. Through this report, for the first time, the BPER Group explains with maximum transparency a sensitive and controversial topic, indicating the number of companies covered by the above mentioned guidelines, the funding they have used and details of payments tracked for the purposes of Law 185/90; • membership of the "Carbon Disclosure Project" (CDP) by filling in a detailed questionnaire by the Group's Technical and Property Unit; this document details the tons of CO2 saved by BPER in 2013 and its targets for 2014, with a view to continuously improving the environmental sustainability of the Bank. CDP is an international independent non-profit organisation of global importance, which provides companies and cities with the only global system for measuring, publishing, managing and sharing key environmental information. CDP acts on behalf of 767 institutional investors that manage assets totalling 92,000 billion dollars, collecting information from companies on their greenhouse gas emissions, the steps they have taken to manage the risks and opportunities related to climate change and water resource management. CDP today manages the largest worldwide database on climate change, water and forest resources, and makes it available to support political, strategic and investment choices; • publication of the guide to “Pathological gamblers and banking services” (a first at national level), together with the Reggio Emilia non-profit “Papa Giovanni XXIII”, L.A.G. in Vignola and the Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Modena (Service Centre for Voluntary Work); • adoption of the Decree issued by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), which sets out the obligations of banks towards firms that have a Legality Rating. 10 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 2 Information on the ownership structure (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1, Legislative Decree 58/98) Decree 3 (urgent measures for the banking system and investment) was published on 24 January 2015 (Official Gazette 19), requiring among other matters the transformation of cooperative banks into companies with liability limited by shares (S.p.A.) if their total assets exceed 8 billion euro (on a consolidated basis if the bank is the parent of a banking group). This Decree, which must be presented to Parliament for conversion into law, envisages compliance within 18 months of the entry into force of the enabling instructions to be issued by the Bank of Italy pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 385/1993. Banca popolare dell'Emilia Romagna falls within the scope of the cooperative banks covered by this law. This 2014 Report does not take account of the above Decree, which had not yet been converted into law by the time the Report was approved. 2.1 Structure of share capital (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1.a), Legislative Decree 58/98) The share capital of the Bank is variable and is represented by the number of shares issued. The issue of shares, which is without limit, may be decided in the following ways: • routinely by the Board of Directors; • exceptionally, by a resolution adopted at an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Given that the shares are traded on a regulated market, pursuant to art. 6 of the articles of association, the issue of new shares can only be decided by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, which, however, can also authorize the Board of Directors to issue shares and bonds convertible into shares of the Company. At 31 December 2014, the Bank's subscribed and paid share capital amounts to Euro 1,443,925,305 split into 481,308,435 ordinary shares with par value of Euro 3.00 each. The share capital structure at 31 December 2014 is made up as follows: STRUCTURE OF SHARE CAPITAL AT 31/12/2014 Type of shares No. of shares Ordinary Shares 481.308.435 % of share capital Listed (specify markets) Rigths and obligations / Unlisted 100% All shares are listed on Voting rights if a member MTA (Mercato Equity rights Telematico Azionario) Shares with limited voting rights / / / / Shares without voting rights / / / / 11 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. At 31 December 2014 there were no convertible bond loans. You are reminded that Shareholders are not necessarily Members, given that BPER is a cooperative bank. No shares have been issued in other categories. Pursuant to art. 9 of the articles of association, shareholders who wish to be admitted as a member must apply in writing to the Board of Directors of the Bank, confirming their acceptance of the articles of association and the members' regulations. The Board resolves, with reasons, on the application for admission as a member, having regard for the interests of the Bank, the requirements of the articles of association and the cooperative spirit. If the application is accepted, the applicant is notified and the Shareholders' Register is updated. In the absence of admission as a Member, the only rights that may be exercised in relation to shares held are those relating to the equity of the Bank. The admission as a member is subject to owning a certain minimum number of shares, which is fixed at least once a year by the Board of Directors, pursuant to art. 8, paragraph 3, of the articles of association. The last resolution on this matter was adopted at the Board meeting held on 28 October 2014, which confirmed 100 as the minimum number of shares to be held. Individuals, minors included, bodies corporate and legal entities (such as companies, associations, foundations, and UCITS) may be admitted as members. Admission as a member is subordinate to verification that the applicant shares the objects of the Bank, its interests and the cooperative spirit. Unless denied by other circumstances, this requirement is presumed to be met if the applicant fulfils all the following conditions: (i) owns at least 100 shares in the Bank; (ii) has maintained, for at least 90 days, a customer relationship with the Bank or other banks within the banking group and has shown correctness in the conduct of such relationship. if the above conditions are not fulfilled, the Board of Directors may make a reasoned decision to admit the applicant, who, otherwise, demonstrates that the objects of the Bank, its interests and the cooperative spirit are all shared. In this case, the Board of Directors, by mere way of example, may take account of the following circumstances: (i) that the applicant is a respected person, in terms of appointments held and professional qualities, who increases the prestige of the Bank; (ii) that the applicant, by reason of the profession or activities carried on, may make business introductions useful for the Bank; (iii) with regard to foundations and UCITS, the materiality of the capital contribution provided to the Bank by the subscription of shares and/or debt securities issued by the Bank. The Board of Directors may refuse membership, even though the requirements are met, if applicants do not provide sufficiently transparent information about their identity and activities, confirming that they share the objectives and interests of the Bank and the cooperative spirit. In any event membership will be denied to: (i) those who force the Bank to take legal action by failing to comply with contractual obligations; (ii) banned or forbidden persons and those who have been sentenced with the exclusion from holding public office or executive positions in companies, whether on a temporary or permanent basis; (iii) individuals, bodies corporate and legal entities that, acting as go-betweens, hold assets for the benefit of others and do not disclose sufficiently transparent information regarding the real identity and / or activities of the owner, thereby preventing verification that the admission requirements established in the regulation are met; (iv) those responsible for acts that damage the interests or the prestige of the Bank, or in conflict with the Articles of Association and with the cooperative spirit; (v) all legal entities and bodies corporate, whose applicable regulations (by reason of their head office or any other criterion) do not guarantee, in terms of ownership structure, composition, organisation and activities, 12 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. transparency equivalent to that under Italian law, having taken account of measures and/or recommendations of Supervisory Authorities and/or market regulation. Membership is formalised, following adoption of the resolution of admission by the Board of Directors, by recording the new member in the Register of Members. Applicants whose applications for membership have been rejected are entitled to appeal to the Board of Arbiters, using a specific form made available by the Bank. The Board of Arbiters, supplemented by a representative of the applicants concerned, rules within thirty (30) days of the appeal. Membership lapses if the party concerned is found to hold fewer than the required number of shares (currently at least 100 shares in the Bank). The Regulations for admission to Membership are published on the Bank's website in the Members' Section. Lastly, note that the remuneration plans submitted to the Shareholders' Meeting, which will be published in the "Governance" - "Corporate Bodies" - "General Meeting" section of the Bank's website, consist of "phantom stock plans", which means that they do not lead to any allocation of shares that would involve an increase in capital, bonus issues included. 2.2 Restrictions on the transfer of securities (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1.b), Legislative Decree 58/98) Pursuant to art. 30 of the Legislative Decree 385/93, as amended recently by Decree Law 179 of 18 October 2012 coordinated with the conversion law 221 of 17 December 2012, no one can hold shares in cooperative banks in excess of 1% of the share capital (previously the limit was set at 0.50%), subject to the statutory right to impose tighter limits, though not less than 0.50%. As an exception, the limit for mutual funds (UCITS) is established in their individual regulations. According to the text of art. 30 of the Legislative Decree 385/93, another exception can be expected from the articles of association, which will be able to set a ceiling of 3% for the participation banking foundations that exceed this limit as of 19 December 2012 (the date that Law 221/2012 comes into force), if the overrun is the result of business combinations. It remains understood that this participation cannot be increased and the amendment does not have any impact on the more stringent limits laid down by the rules of these entities nor on the approvals required by law. Art. 12 of the Bank articles of association provides that no one may hold a number of shares for a total nominal value that exceeds the limit on participation established by law. Persons who, due to inheritance or for other reasons, become holders of shares whose nominal value exceeds the maximum established by law, must dispose of the excess shares within one year of such excess being notified. If this period elapses without effect, the Board of Directors suspends the payment of dividends on the excess shares and redeems them in accordance with art. 7.2 of the articles of association. For further information, see the articles of association. Transactions in shares carried out by relevant parties and by persons closely associated with them pursuant to art. 114 of the Legislative Decree 58/98 and arts. 152 sexies, septies and octies of the Issuers' Regulation are subject to the instructions on Internal Dealing. The Bank has adopted specific regulations and internal procedures for the required reporting, with the adoption of the “Internal Dealing rules” which is published in the “Shareholders' Special Section" of the Bank's website ( 2.3 Significant holdings of share capital (art. 123 bis, paragraph 1.c), Legislative Decree 58/98) Pursuant to art. 30 of the Legislative Decree 385/93 and art. 12 of the articles of association, no one may hold shares for a total nominal value that exceeds the limit on participation established by law (1% of the share capital, though this limit does not apply to UCITS, for which, as we said, the limit is established in their individual regulations - see the previous paragraph). 13 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. There are no significant holdings of share capital, whether directly or indirectly, subject to notifications made pursuant to art. 120 of the Legislative Decree 58/98. The Bank is however aware of one shareholder, authorised to exceed the above limit, that owns more than 1% of share capital (specifically 1.99%). 2.4 Securities carrying special rights (art 123 bis, paragraph 1.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) At the time of this Report, no securities carrying special rights of control and/or other special power have been issued, nor multiple or increased voting shares. The articles of association do not provide for the issue of multiple or increased voting shares. 2.5 Shares held by employees: mechanism for exercising voting rights (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1.e), Legislative Decree 58/98) There are no special share ownership systems for employees or special mechanisms for exercising the voting rights of employee shareholders. Employee Members may give their proxy to another Member attending Shareholders' Meetings (as all other shareholders) but, pursuant to art. 24 of the articles of association and art. 2372.5 of the Italian Civil Code, they may not be proxyholders themselves. The same applies to the employees of BPER subsidiaries. 2.6 Restrictions on voting rights (art 123-bis, paragraph 1.f), Legislative Decree 58/98) Pursuant to art. 30 of the Legislative Decree 385/93 and art. 24 of the articles of association, given the Issuer's legal status as a “Cooperative Bank”, each shareholder has the right to one vote, regardless of the number of shares held. Pursuant to art. 24 of the articles of association and art 2538.1 of the Italian Civil Code, shareholders have the right to attend the Meeting and exercise their voting rights if they have been recorded in the Register of Members for at least 90 (ninety) days and for whom, in accordance with current legislative and regulatory requirements, by the end of the third market trading day prior to the date set for the Meeting at first calling or by some other deadline established by current regulations, the Company has received the communication from the intermediary authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered. Members may be represented at the Meeting by another Member, in accordance with the law. Members of the Board of Directors, Board of Statutory Auditors or employees of the Company or of its subsidiaries cannot act as proxies. In any case no Member may represent more than five other Members, except in the case of legal representation, and voting by correspondence is not allowed. Again pursuant to art. 24 of the articles of association, members of the Board of Directors may not vote at Shareholders' Meeting on resolutions regarding their responsibility. Pursuant to art. 19 of the articles of association, even in the case of pledges and usufruct, the share voting rights remain with the shareholder concerned. No other restrictions on voting rights are envisaged. 2.7 Agreements between shareholders (art 123-bis, paragraph 1.g), Legislative Decree 58/98) At the time of this Report, the Bank is not aware of any agreements between shareholders, or any such agreements published pursuant to art. 122 of Legislative Decree 58/98. During the last Shareholders' Meeting held on 12 April 2014 no Members made any declarations pursuant to arts. 20 and 22 of the Legislative Decree 385/93 and arts 120 and 122 of Legislative Decree 58/98. 14 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 2.8 Change of control clauses (art 123-bis, paragraph 1.h), Legislative Decree 58/98) and provisions of the articles of association relating to takeover bids (arts. 104, paragraph 1-ter, and 104-bis, paragraph 1) At the time of this Report, neither the Bank nor its subsidiaries have signed any agreements that would become effective, be modified or lapse in the event of a change in control over the Issuer or its subsidiaries. The Bank's articles of association do not provide for the application of the neutralization rules contained in art. 104-bis, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Legislative Decree 58/98 in respect of takeover bids, nor do they derogate from the provisions on the passivity rule provided by art. 104, paragraphs 1 and 1-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98. 2.9 Mandates to increase share capital and authorisations to purchase treasury shares (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1.m), Legislative Decree 58/98) The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 3 September 2011 has granted to the Board of Directors, in accordance with article 2420-ter of the Italian Civil Code, the power, which can be exercised within a maximum of five years from the date of the resolution: (i) to issue, in one or more tranches, bonds convertible into ordinary shares of the Company, for a total maximum amount at par of Euro 250,000,000.00, to be offered to those entitled to them; and, therefore, (ii) to increase the share capital for payment, in one or more tranches, also in separate issues, for a total maximum amount of Euro 250,000,000.00 including any share premium, irrevocably and exclusively to serve the conversion of these bonds, by issuing ordinary shares of the Company with regular dividend and voting rights and the same characteristics as the ordinary shares of the Company in circulation at the issue date. The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 7 June 2014 approved an increase in share capital for payment of a total maximum amount of Euro 750,000,000.00, including any share premium, to take place by 31 December 2014, in one or more tranches, by means of an issue of new ordinary shares of a par value of Euro 3.00 each, to be offered in the form of a rights issue to those entitled to them pursuant to art. 2441 of the Italian Civil Code. The foregoing Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting granted the Board of Directors the broadest possible powers to decide: (i) the issue price of the newly issued ordinary shares, including any share premium, taking into account, among other things, market conditions, the price performance of the Company's shares, its economic and financial results, as well as market practice for similar operations, nearer the time of the offer. The issue price will be determined by applying a discount to the theoretical exright price ("TERP") of the ordinary shares, calculated using current methods, based on the official market price on the trading day prior to the final decision or, if available, based on the official market price on the same day as the final decision is made. The issue price of each ordinary share, taking into account any share premium, cannot be lower than its par value (Euro 3.00);(ii) as a result of the provisions of paragraph (i), the portion of the price attributable to share capital, the maximum number of shares to be issued and the option allocation ratio, making any roundings that may be necessary; (iii) the timing for the execution of the increase in capital, in particular for the launch of the offering prior to the final deadline of 31 December 2014, and the subsequent offer of any unexercised rights to the market at the end of the subscription period. If by 31 December 2014, the increase in capital is not fully subscribed, the share capital will be increased by an amount equal to the subscriptions received. On 19 June 2014 the Board of Directors set the final conditions of the cash increase in capital for a maximum of Euro 750 million, through the issue of new shares to be offered under option to those entitled to them, the option ratio and the other conditions. The option offer of 145,850,334 newly issued ordinary shares of BPER was completed on 28 July 2014. During the offer period, which started on 23 June 2014 and ended on 18 July 2014, a total of 145,519,297 new Shares were subscribed, equal to 99.77% of the total number of shares offered, for a total of Euro 747,969,187. In accordance with the provisions of art. 2441, third paragraph, of the Italian Civil Code, BPER has offered to the Stock Exchange 756,656 option rights not exercised during the Option Period. The unexercised rights were all sold at the first session of the Offer to the Stock Exchange held on 23 July 2014. After the Offer to the Stock Exchange, a total of 331,037 newly issued ordinary shares from taking up the Unexercised Rights were subscribed, for a total of Euro 1,701,530. 15 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The Offer closed with the entire subscription of the 145,850,334 new shares, for a total of Euro 749,670,717 so there was no need for the underwriting syndicate to intervene. On 30 July 2014, after the end of the capital increase. the new composition of the share capital (fully subscribed and paid) at 28 July 2014 has been communicated to the market. On 16 September 2014, given the resolution resulting from public deed under art. 2505 bis of the Italian Civil Code, as notarised by Franco Soli, Notary Public in Modena, repertory no. 43213, file no. 13353, in approving the merger with Banca popolare Emilia Romagna of Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno S.p.A., Banca della Campania S.p.A. and Banca Popolare di Ravenna S.p.A., the Board of Directors resolved to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares with a par value of Euro 3.00 each, with regular dividend and voting rights and the same characteristics as those in circulation, which will be reserved to service the share exchange with the shareholders, other than the Merging Company: (i) Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno S.p.A., up to 1,676,382 shares for a maximum of Euro 5,029,146; (ii) Banca della Campania S.p.A., up to 275,879 shares for a maximum of Euro 827,637; (iii) Banca Popolare di Ravenna S.p.A., up to 1,717,006 shares for a maximum of Euro 5,151,018. On 17 November 2014 the parties signed the absorption into BPER of Banca Popolare del Mezzogiorno s.p.a. Banca della Campania s.p.a. and Banca Popolare di Ravenna s.p.a., recorded in the respective Companies Registers. The merger took legal effect on 24 November 2014, when the merger deed was recorded by BPER on the Companies Register, but took retroactive tax and accounting effect from 1 January 2014. The merger deed has been published on the website - Investor Relations - Main Transactions Section. As a consequence of the above transactions, the shares in the absorbed banks have been cancelled and new BPER shares, with normal dividend/voting rights, have been allocated in exchange to the noncontrolling shareholders. Therefore the share capital of the Parent Company has increased by Euro 4,891,326.00 through issuing 1,630,442 new ordinary shares. The current text of the articles of association, updated from time to time, is published on the Bank's website in the Governance - Documents section. By resolution of the Board of Directors pursuant to art. 17 of the Bank's articles of association, the Bank may acquire or redeem its own shares on condition that such purchase or redemption does not exceed the amount of distributable profits and available reserves allocated for this purpose by the Shareholders' Meeting, and reported in the latest approved financial statements. The Board may place with others or cancel the shares purchased. At 31 December 2014, the Bank held 455,458 treasury shares, representing 0.095% of the total number of shares making up the Bank's share capital, namely 481,308,435. 2.10 Management and coordination activities (art. 2497 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code) Given its cooperative nature, the Bank is not subject to management and coordination by other parties. 16 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 3 Adoption of codes of conduct (art 123-bis, paragraph 2.a), Legislative Decree 58/98) At the date of this Report, the Bank has not adopted the code of conduct prepared by Borsa Italiana or any other codes of conduct. The Bank and the companies within the BPER Group, with head offices in Italy, are not subject to non-Italian legislation that might affect the structure of their corporate governance. Even though BPER does not consider it opportune to apply the Code of Conduct proposed by Borsa Italiana, also in consideration of its particular status as a cooperative bank, it believes that, overall and helped by the amendments made to the articles of association in recent years, the system of corporate governance adopted by the Company is in line with the principles contained in the Code, the recommendations made by the Supervisory Authority and national best practice. 17 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 4 Board of Directors 4.1 Appointments and replacements (art. 123-bis, paragraph 1.l), Legislative Decree 58/98) For the appointment and replacement of members of the Board of Directors, the Bank observes the provisions of arts. from 30 to 36 of the articles of association and the relevant implementing and transition rule at the foot of it. Pursuant to art. 2365, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, art. 40 of the articles of associations states that it is up to the Board of Directors to approve any adjustments of the articles of association to comply with legislative requirements, as well as their merger in the cases provided for in arts. 2505 and 2505-bis of the Italian Civil Code. The Chairman and the Directors are elected at the Shareholders' Meeting from among the members and remain in office for three years. Their appointments expire on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the final year of their mandates, and they may be re-elected. The Board is renewed partially each year over each three-year period, to the extent of six Directors the first year, seven Directors the second year and six Directors the third year, bearing in mind that the transitional rule implementing this system, which has been inserted at the foot of the articles of association, establishes 2011 as the first year, 2012 as the second and 2013 as the third, and so on for subsequent three-year periods. The Board of Directors elects from among its number, by an absolute majority of the serving directors, the Chairman and between one and three Deputy Chairmen. They remain in office until the end of their mandate as Directors. In compliance with art. 35.5 of the articles, on 26 October 2010, the Board of Directors appointed as Secretary to the Board Mr. Gian Enrico Venturini, Deputy General Manager. All the Directors must be members of the Bank and must possess the attributes required for their appointment pursuant to current regulations. The composition of the Board of Directors has to ensure gender balance in accordance with current regulations. In addition, pursuant to art. 36 of the articles of association and without prejudice to the other legal reasons for which they cannot be elected or for which their appointment would lapse, the following persons cannot be members of the Board of Directors: • employees of the Bank, unless they are members of General Management; • the directors, employees or members of supervisory committees, commissions or bodies of competing banks or companies, unless the Bank holds investments in such banks or companies, whether directly or via companies that are members of the BPER Group. It should be noted that art. 36 of the Decree 201 of 27 December 2011 prohibits office bearers in management, monitoring and control bodies and top officials of companies or groups operating in the credit, insurance and financial services markets from accepting or exercising similar positions in competitors' companies or groups. For the purposes of this ban, companies or groups are considered competitors when there is no control relationship in accordance with art. 7 of Law 287 of 10 October 1990 and they operate in the same markets 18 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. in terms of product and geographical area. Members of the Board of Directors are elected from lists presented by members in accordance with the provisions of arts. 31 and 32 of the articles of association and shown below. In particular, the presentation of lists must meet the following requirements: • the candidates must be listed in numerical order. • the list has to be presented by a minimum of 500 (five hundred) members, or by members who separately or together hold BPER shares representing not less than 0.50% of the share capital; • the list must contain a number of candidates equal to the number of Directors to be elected, with a number of the less represented gender to ensure that the list complies with the gender balance at least to the minimum extent required by law, rounding up to the next unit in the event of a fractional number; • the candidates, who must be listed in numerical order, must include at least two that are specifically identified as meeting the independence requirements established for statutory auditors in art. 148.3 of Legislative Decree 58/98, as well as any additional requirements contained in the applicable legislation and regulations that may be in force from time to time; • the signature of each presenting member has to be authenticated by nominees of the Company, by the intermediaries authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered, or by notaries; • together with the list, the presenting members must file at the registered offices of the Company all of the documents and declarations required by law, and in any case: (i) the declarations from each candidate accepting their candidature and confirming, under their own responsibility, the absence of reasons for which they cannot be elected or other incompatibilities, and that they meet the requirements for appointment established by these articles of association and by current regulations and whether they meet the Independence Requirements; (ii) a full description of the personal and professional characteristics of each candidate, with an indication of the directorships and audit appointments held in other companies; (iii) information on the identity of the members presenting the lists, indicating their percentage shareholding, to be confirmed according to the terms and methods established by current regulations. It is worth recalling that art. 31, paragraph 2.d) of the articles of association makes reference to the terms and conditions required by law for the filing of lists at the registered office of the Company (at the date of this report, the legislation requires it to be deposited at least 25 days prior to the date of the Shareholders' Meeting at first calling). Under art. 147-ter, paragraph 1-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98, Members can use a remote means of communication to submit voting lists, in accordance with the rules laid down and communicated in the notice that convenes the Meeting. Each member or group of members can only present and vote one list of candidates. Each candidate may only appear on one list or, otherwise, will be ineligible for election. Lists that satisfy the requirements of law and of the articles of association for admission are considered valid. The articles of association do not provide criteria for exclusion from the counting of the votes such as those permitted by art. 147-ter, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 58/98. The election of the Board of Directors is conducted in accordance with art. 32 of the articles of association. In particular, if one or more lists are presented by the members, all of the Directors to be elected are taken, in the numerical order in which they are listed, from the one that obtains the largest number of votes, except 19 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. for one who is taken from the list that obtains the second largest number of votes, always in the numerical order in which he is listed (known respectively as the "Minority Director" and the "Minority List") in accordance with art. 32.2.2. of the Articles of association. In the event of a voting tie between lists, a ballot will be held by all the shareholders at the Meeting in order to establish a ranking for the candidates on these lists. If, at the end of voting, a number of Board members belonging to the less represented gender and/or Directors who satisfy the Independence Requirements are not elected to ensure the presence on the Board of Directors of the related minimum number of Directors, as many elected candidates as necessary have to be excluded, replacing them with qualifying candidates from the same list as the candidate to be excluded, according to the order in which they are listed. Substitutions take place first for the less represented gender and then those who satisfy the Independence Requirements. In both cases, this substitution mechanism is applied firstly, in sequence, to each of the lists that have not contributed a Director who meets the requirement in question, starting with the one that received the most votes. If this is not sufficient or if both of the first two lists have contributed at least one Director who meets the requirement in question, the substitution is to be applied, in sequence, to both lists, starting with one that received the most votes. Within the lists, the substitution of candidates to be excluded is applied starting from the candidates with the highest progressive number. If, even by applying these substitution mechanisms, it is not possible to complete the minimum number of Board members belonging to the less represented gender and/or Directors who meet the Independence Requirements, the Meeting has to elect the missing Directors by resolution passed by a relative majority on the proposal of the members present. In this case, the substitutions apply, in sequence, to each of the lists, starting from the one that received the most votes and, within the lists, starting from the candidates with the highest progressive number. If only one valid list is presented, all the directors to be elected are taken from that list. If no valid lists are presented by the shareholders, the Board of Directors may present to the Shareholders' Meeting a pre-compiled voting card, also in electronic form, containing a non-binding list of candidates. In this case, all shareholders may alter all or part of the voting form, both deleting the candidates for which they do not intend to vote and, if desired, adding one or more new candidates in place of those deleted. The candidates obtaining the largest number of votes are elected. In the event of a tie between various candidates, the Meeting holds a second ballot to establish how they are to be ranked. If, at the end of voting, a number of Board members belonging to the less represented gender and/or Directors who satisfy the Independence Requirements have not been elected to ensure the presence on the Board of Directors of the related minimum number of Directors, as many elected candidates as necessary have to be excluded, replacing those that received the least votes with the first candidates not elected who meet the requirements. Substitutions take place first for the less represented gender and then those who satisfy the Independence Requirements. If, even by applying this substitution mechanism, it is not possible to complete the number of Directors to be elected, the Meeting has to elect the missing Directors by resolution passed by a relative majority on the proposal of the members present. If no valid list is presented and the Board of Directors does not make a proposal pursuant to art. 32.4 of the Articles of association, or if, despite the presence of lists, the total number of nineteen Directors under the preceding provisions is not reached, the Meeting shall elect the missing Directors by a relative majority among the individual candidates proposed by the members present, subject to compliance with the minimum number of Directors belonging to the less represented gender and/or Directors who meet the Independence Requirements. In the event of a tie between various candidates, the Meeting holds a second ballot to establish how they are to be ranked. If, during the year, one or more Directors are no longer available, they are to be replaced according to the provisions of art. 33 of the articles of association. If the Director who is no longer available was taken from the list that obtained the highest number of votes, the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Board of Statutory Auditors, replaces him by choosing the Director to be co-opted from among persons not on the same list, making sure that the person chosen belongs to the less represented gender and/or meets the Independence Requirements if, as a result of the termination, there is no longer the required minimum number of Directors. The co-opted Director shall remain in office until the next Shareholders' Meeting, which will then replace the Director who is no longer available. 20 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The Meeting votes on the replacement by a relative majority without any list restriction, choosing from among the candidates proposed by the members. If the Director who has terminated was taken from the list obtaining the second highest number of votes, he is replaced by the first unelected candidate, according to the progressive numbering on the list of origin of the terminated Director, who complies with the provisions of paragraph 33 and belongs to the less represented gender and/or meets the Independence Requirements if the required minimum number of Directors has to be made up. If the candidate concerned fails to do so, the next unelected candidate takes over, according to the progressive numbering of the list, and so on. If no candidature is submitted by the set deadline, the Meeting chooses from among the candidates proposed on the spot by the members present, making sure that the person chosen belongs to the less represented gender and/or meets the Independence Requirements if the required minimum number of Directors has to be made up. Proposals of candidates by the Members follow the same terms and conditions as for the submission of lists for Board elections. For further details, see art. 33 of the articles of association. The Directors taking over each assume the residual period of office of the person they replaced. Pursuant to art. 34 of the articles of association, the members of the Board of Directors must satisfy the requirements of professionalism and integrity required by law and at least four of them must also meet the independence requirements established for statutory auditors in art. 148.3 of Legislative Decree 58/98. The Board of Directors ensures that newly appointed Directors meet the requirements of integrity, professionalism and independence required by law and by the articles of association, as well as their compatibility to hold office pursuant to art. 36 of the Decree Law 201 of 27 December 2011 (the so-called ban on interlocking). As regards the self-assessment of the Board of Directors, and information on the best qualitative and quantitative composition provided by the Board and the desirable professional profiles of the Directors being appointed by the 2015 Shareholders' Meeting, please refer to paragraph 4.3 below. In 2002 the Board of Directors adopted a “gentlemen's agreement” (made known at the Shareholders' Meeting held on 18 May 2002) whereby the Chairman and the Directors have agreed to abstain from applying for re-election to their respective roles on reaching the ages of 75 and 80, respectively. The Directors have in any case agreed to resign on reaching the age of 80. This personal commitment has been made on the honour of each Director from the end of the 2002 financial year. Under the provisions of CONSOB communication no. DEM11012984 of 24 February 2011, we would point out that the Bank has not, to date, adopted a succession plan for executive directors, nor special arrangements in the event of their replacement prior to the normal expiry date. 4.2 Composition of the Board (art 123-bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) Pursuant to art. 30 and 35 of the articles of association, the Board of Directors consists of nineteen directors and elects the Chairman and up to three Deputy Chairmen from among its members. The Board is renewed partially each year over each three-year period, to the extent of six Directors the first year, seven Directors the second year and six Directors the third year, bearing in mind that the transitional rule implementing this system, which has been inserted at the foot of the Articles, establishes 2011 as the first year, 2012 as the second and 2013 as the third, and so on for subsequent three-year periods. The Chairman and the Directors are elected at the Shareholders' Meeting from among the members and remain in office for three years. Their appointments expire on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting called to 21 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. approve the financial statements for the final year of their mandates, and they may be re-elected upon the expiry of such mandates. At the end of 2014 and at the date of this Report, the composition of the Issuer's Board of Directors was and is presented in the following table, which indicates the dates of appointment and expiry of the mandate of each Director (for further information please read the attached table). Name Ettore Caselli Chairman 21/4/2012 31/12/2014 Alberto Marri Deputy Chairman * 15/4/2014 31/12/2016 Giosuè Boldrini Deputy Chairman * 20/4/2013 31/12/2014 Luigi Odorici Deputy Chairman * 16/4/2014 31/12/2015 Alessandro Vandelli Chief Executive Officer* 12/4/2014 31/12/2014 Antonio Angelo Arru Director 20/4/2013 31/12/2015 Mara Bernardini** Director 12/4/2014 31/12/2016 Giulio Cicognani ** Director 21/4/2012 31/12/2014 Cristina Crotti** Director 12/4/2014 31/12/2016 Director * 20/4/2013 31/12/2015 Elisabetta Gualandri ** Director 20/4/2013 31/12/2014 Giovampaolo Lucifero Director 12/4/2014 31/12/2016 Giuseppe Lusignani ** Director 12/4/2014 31/12/2016 Valeriana Maria Masperi ** Director 21/4/2012 31/12/2014 Giuseppina Mengano ** Director 21/4/2012 31/12/2014 Fioravante Montanari ** Director 12/4/2012 31/12/2016 Daniela Petitto ** Director 20/4/2013 31/12/2015 Director * 20/4/2013 31/12/2015 Director 20/4/2013 31/12/2015 Pietro Ferrari (1) Position held Date of appointment: Term of office: Board of approval of the Directors§/Shareholders' financial statements at Meeting of Deanna Rossi Angelo Tantazzi 22 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. (§) The date of the Board meeting that appointed the Chairman/Deputy Chairman/CEO (*) Members of the Executive Committee (**) Independent Directors. (1): Fioravante Montanari, a member of the Board of Directors of BPER and well-known businessman from Bologna, died on 29 September 2014. The Board of Directors remembers the professionalism, valuable contribution and support that he gave to the Bank over the years. The Board of Directors has decided not to coopt a replacement for Fioravante Montanari, since the size of the Bank's Board will gradually decrease to reflect the reduced complexity of the Group and the outcome of the rationalisation processes currently underway or planned. The number of directors will also be affected by the work necessary to comply with the related new Supervisory Instructions, to be implemented within the established time frames. This decision also took account of the proposed amendments to the articles of association that will be presented to the Shareholders' Meeting in April 2015. No changes in the composition of the Board took place between the end of 2014 and the date of this report. The Bank deems “non-executive” those Directors who do not have mandates or perform functions, formally or in practice, relating to the operations of the Bank. At that time of approving this Report, there are no executive Directors other than the Chief Executive Officer and the members of the Executive Committee. For further information, see paragraphs 4.5 and 4.6 below. As regards the independent Directors, see paragraph 4.7. A summary description of the personal and professional characteristics of each Director is shown below, indicating their professional experience and skills, together with the offices held in other organisations, based on the latest information known to the Bank. Ettore Caselli started his career in 1964 at Banco S. Geminiano e S. Prospero. He was appointed as a bank official in January 1971 and was the Manager of several major branches of that bank until July 1984. In 1984 he joined Banca Popolare di Cavezzo as Deputy General Manager, and then as General Manager in October 1986. In May 1987, following the absorption of that bank by Banca Popolare dell'Emilia, he became Central Management's representative in the Loans area. Becoming Deputy Central Manager in May 1992, he took responsibility for managing the Romagna Area. In January 1995 he took the role of Central Manager, later becoming Deputy General Manager of the Bank and then General Manager from July 2003 until December 2007. In October 2009 he was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Bank. Since 18 January 2011 he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna. In 2012 he became an Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy. Currently he is also Chairman of Assopopolari - National Association of Cooperative Banks, Director di ABI Italian Banking Association, Deputy Chairman of ICBPI - Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane s.p.a. and Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBPI. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Chairman of BPER (Europe) International S.A. Alberto Marri has a degree in Economics and Commerce. While at university, he also began working in the family firm, “Maglificio GIN MAR s.r.l.”, first as Administration Manager and later as a Director. He also attended courses in the Analysis of Financial Statements held by SDA Bocconi. In 1984, he became a Director of Delta Gas S.p.A., a family business which manages and distributes natural gas. He subsequently became its CEO and then Chairman. Delta Gas was taken over by Thuga (Germany), a subsidiary of the multinational E.ON, and became Thuga Triveneto, of which he was Chairman until May 2006. He has been a Director of a various consortiums and trade associations. He was formerly an independent director of META S.p.A. and Chairman of the Audit Committee until that company's absorption by Hera S.p.A. He also served as a Director of Hera S.p.A., Hera comm S.r.l. and Banca della Campania S.p.A.. Other positions currently held include: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fingas S.r.l.; Sole Director of Finenergie S.r.l. and Palazzo Trecchi S.r.l.; Director of Palazzo Foresti S.r.l.; Director of Galilei Immobiliare S.r.l. Offices held in the BPER Group: Director of Banco di Sardegna S.p.A.. Giosuè Boldrini is an Italian Public Accountant. He joined the Rimini Chamber of professional bookkeepers in 1966 and became a Registered Auditor in 23 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 1995. He continued to run the professional firm founded by his father, Pier Alberto, back in 1932, providing advisory services to companies, individuals and public bodies with particular expertise in special transactions, corporate reorganisations and business solutions for companies in crisis. Currently, "Studio Commerciale Associato Boldrini" consists of eight partners, with several associates and employees. He has spoken at many important conferences and seminars on tax matters, public utilities and public sector accounting. He has also served as Chairman of the Rimini Chamber of Accountants and the Emilia Romagna Regional Union of Chambers of Accountants and a member of the National Council of Italian Public Accountants. He is a Director of Marr S.p.A. and of Casa di cura Villa Maria S.p.A. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Director of Banco di Sardegna S.p.A.. Luigi Odorici has a degree in Economics and Commerce from Bologna University (1971). He was employed by Banca Popolare di Modena in December 1973. After managing various branches of the Bank, he was Head of the Modena and Reggio areas for the analysis of loans with the Business Affairs Department from March 1991 to September 1995. In 1995 he became Deputy Commercial Manager of Banca popolare dell'Emilia Romagna, then serving as Commercial Manager until 2004. Later he was appointed Deputy General Manager of Banca CRV Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola until he was appointed Deputy General Manager of BPER in January 2008. From 1 November 2011 to 31 December 2012 he was BPER's General Manager. From 10 January 2012 to 15 April 2014 he was Chief Executive Officer of BPER, and became Deputy Chairman on 16 April 2014. He has been Deputy Chairman of Unione Fiduciaria; Director of FITD - Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, Polis Fondi S.g.r., Cartasì S.p.A., PROMO S.c.r.l. - Società per la promozione dell'economia modenese, ABF Factoring S.p.A., Metelliana S.p.A., Banca CRV S.p.A., Meliorbanca s.p.a., Carispaq S.p.A. and Dexia Crediop S.p.A.; member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of ABI – Associazione Bancaria Italiana, and of the Board of the Modena Chamber of Commerce, representing the banking and insurance sectors. Other positions currently held include: Chairman of BPER Services S.c.p.a. and Deputy Chairman of Banco di Sardegna S.p.A., a BPER Group company. Alessandro Vandelli graduated with honours in Economics and Commerce from Modena University in 1984. He subsequently attended various management training courses. He has collaborated with business associations in the publication of various research papers and has lectured at university. He has been an employee of the Bank since 1984, over the years filling numerous management positions: in 1992 he was Head of Accounts Analysis at the Credit and Loans Department; after gaining experience in the branch network, in 1996 he was called upon to start up the Corporate Finance sector; in 2005 he was Head of the Equity Investments and Special Projects Unit; in 2007 he took on the role of Central Manager with responsibility for the Group Strategy and Management Department; in 2008 he was appointed Deputy General Manager; in 2010 he transferred to Banco di Sardegna and served as General Manager. On 1 July 2012 he returned to Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna as Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer. Since 16 April 2014 he holds the position of Chief Executive Officer of BPER. He has also been Deputy Chairman of Arca S.g.r. S.p.A. and Director of Arca Merchant S.p.A., Promac S.p.A., Finduck Group S.p.A., Imco S.p.A. and Alba Leasing S.p.A., as well as of such BPER Group companies as Metelliana S.p.A., Meliorbanca S.p.A., Banca della Campania S.p.A. and Em.Ro. Popolare S.p.A.; he has also served on the investment committees of various private equity funds. He is a member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of ABI - Associazione Bancaria Italiana; Director of FITD - Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi and Deputy Chairman of Unione Fiduciaria S.p.A. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Director of BPER Services S.c.p.a. Antonio Angelo Arru graduated in Law on 23 June 1972. Professor of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law at the University of Cagliari. Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Cagliari. Member of the Bar of Cagliari and authorised to operate in the higher courts of law. A practising lawyer in Cagliari with Law Offices at Via Carlo Fadda 5. He has been a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and, in the period from 2007 to 2010, of the President's Committee of ACRI - Associazione Casse di Risparmio Italiane; Councillor of the Cagliari Opera House, from which he resigned on 26 November 2013. From 15 March 2002 to 18 April 2013 he held the position of Chairman of Fondazione Banco di Sardegna. 24 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Chairman since 1996 of the Supervisory Committee for the extraordinary administration of IRA Costruzioni, at the Ministry of Economic Development. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco di Sardegna S.p.A. Mara Bernardini has a degree in Law from Modena University. She has been General Manager of the Modena Municipality, General Manager of Consorzio ATCM, Chief of the General Medicine Department of the Emilia Romagna Region, Special Director and Special Administrator of USL 21 and General Secretary of Comunità Montana del Frignano - USL 18. She has served on the Boards of Directors of Acantho S.p.A, Uniflotte S.r.l., Hera Trading S.r.l., Meta Service S.r.l., Meta S.p.A., Carpi Formazione S.r.l.; as well as on the Remuneration Committee of Hera S.p.A., and on the Internal Control and Nomination committees of Meta S.p.A. She has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hera Comm S.r.l. She is the Sole Director of Way S.a.s. di Mara Bernardini & C., active in the provision of advice and assistance regarding public transportation, local public services, urban renewal, redevelopment of assets, complex urban development programmes, social housing, property and ethical funds, land federalism, business organisation, processes for the planning and evaluation of human resources. Other offices currently held: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atrikè S.p.A.; Chairman of Fondazione Museo Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari; Director of Hera S.p.A. and Hera Comm S.r.l. Giulio Cicognani graduated in Electronic Engineering (1972) and worked at Telettra in Vimercate (Milan) until 1975, when he was hired by Sacmi in Imola to work in the technical department of the automation sector. He then began a series of experiences abroad and was promoted to Sales Manager (1981) before moving into general management (1987) and later becoming General Manager of the Sacmi Group (1990).In 2007, at the age of 60, he retired from his position in Sacmi, being of pensionable age, but remained as a consultant until 2009. From 2003 to 2011 he served as Chairman of FBR Elpo S.p.A. (Catelli Group, Parma). From 2002 to 2009 he served as Chairman of Sacmi Filling S.p.A., Sacmi Verona S.p.A. (formerly Sacmi Labelling S.p.A.) and Sacmi Packaging S.p.A.. Between 2003 and 2010 he was Chairman of Gram Equipment Vojens (DK) and of Gram Equipement Italia S.r.l. (Rossi & Catelli Group, Parma).From 2003 to 2010 he was Deputy Chairman of "UCIMA", the industrial association for manufacturers of packaging machinery. He has been a member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute S.p.A.”. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Raytec Vision S.p.A. Since 2009 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Cavanna S.p.A., a leading packaging firm (currently still in office) and since 2011 of Kale Italia S.r.l. formerly Fincuoghi Edilgres, a manufacturer of ceramics in the district of Sassuolo - Modena (currently still in office). Positions currently held: Chairman of Cavanna S.p.A.; Director of Kale Italy S.r.l. and Fondazione Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute. Cristina Crotti graduated in Business Economics, specialised in the Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Università Commerciale “L. Bocconi”, in March 1996. From January of that year, she carried out professional activities in the group of companies controlled by the Crotti Family – Energei Group (Dr. D. Bernardi S.r.l., Olona Gas S.r.l., Di. Me S.r.l., Simgas Nord S.r.l., Garda Est S.r.l., Diana Gas S.r.l., S.Quirico Gas S.p.A.). She has been Chairman of the Board of Directors di G.E.I. - Gestione Energetica Impianti S.p.A.. She was a Director of Banca Popolare di Crema from 1998 to May 2011. She became Deputy Chairman di Anigas (Associazione Nazionale Industriali Gas) in 1993 and, in 2011, a member of the Technical Committee on Energy at Confindustria. In 2009 she became Deputy Chairman responsible for economics, training and lending at the Cremona Industrial Association. Positions currently held: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Enercom S.r.l., ICE - Informatizzazione Commercio Energia S.r.l., Omnia Servizi S.r.l. and Tennis Sport S.r.l.. She is Sole Director of Gas 2000 S.p.A. and M&P Energy S.r.l. as well as Director of Caraverde Energia S.r.l., Assindustria Servizi S.p.A. and Pide Ingegneria S.r.l.. Pietro Ferrari graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Bologna in 1981. The following year he joined the family business, Ing. Ferrari S.p.A., as sole director. In 1990 he became CEO. Alongside his corporate career, he also took on various positions in Confindustria. From 1986 to 1989 he was Chairman of the Youth Group of what was then the Industrial Association of Modena. From 1994 to 2002 he was Director in charge of Confindustria Modena for the environment and safety, as well as for energy and public utilities. From July 2002 to June 2008 he was Vice President of Confindustria Modena and Confindustria Emilia-Romagna. 25 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of UIMServizi S.r.l.. From 2002 he has served on the National Committee of Confindustria for infrastructure, the environment and public utilities and on the Advisory Commission on competitiveness. Positions currently held include: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ing. Ferrari S.p.A.; Chairman of the Board of Directors of T.I.E. (Trasporti Intermodali Emilia) S.r.l.; Director of GRID Modena S.r.l., Nuova Didactica, S.A.I.M.O. S.p.A. and Sesamo S.p.A.; Member of the Executive Committee (Past President) of Confindustria Modena. Elisabetta Gualandri has a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Modena, a Masters in Financial Economics from University College of North Wales and is listed on the Official Register of Auditors. She is Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the "Marco Biagi" Department of Economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she carries out research and consultancy for the CEFIN Banking and Finance Research Centre and for Softech-ICT (industrial research centre) of which she is the deputy director. She is the author of numerous studies and publications on the management and regulation of financial intermediaries, including with S. Cosma: The Italian Banking System and the Financial Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. She was a Statutory Auditor of the Bank of Italy from 2007 until she was co-opted onto the Board of Directors of BPER on 28 August 2012. Presently a member of the Board of Directors of IGD SIIQ S.p.A. - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione, the Board of Directors of Datariver S.r.l. - Spin Off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - and of the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Knowbel Incubator at the Tecnopolo di Modena at 'Unione Terre dei Castelli’. Giovampaolo Lucifero graduated in Law from the Luiss University of Rome in 1989. Member of the Register of Insurance Agents since 1992, Registered Lawyer since 1993 and Registered Financial Advisor since 1994. He has performed professional activities at Studio Agenti di cambio Forti-Mortari-Mortari (1989-1991) and acted INA-Assitalia General Agent in Crotone (1992-1997) and Varese (1997-2010). He was also an asset manager at Gemina Credit-Lyonnaise SIM (1991-1992). He was responsible for various commissions appointed by ANAGINA (National Association of INA-Assitalia General Agents) (1996-2004) and served as Deputy Chairman of that association (2003-2004), as well as Director of the Pension Fund for INA-Assitalia General Agents (1999-2003). He has been a member of the Board for the advanced services sector of the Varese Unione Industriali since 2002 and was appointed Chairman in 2014. He became a partner in GPM Insurance Broker in 2010. Positions currently held: Sole Director of Gipielle S.r.l., Director of Emmepi Assicurazioni S.r.l.; Director of Società Agricola Ceraso S.a.s., Partner of Società Agricola Volta della Torre. Giuseppe Lusignani graduated in Economics at the University of Modena and continued his studies in Finance at New York University before obtaining a Ph.D. in Capital Markets and Financial Management (University of Bergamo). He is Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the University of Bologna (three-year degree courses) and Economics and Techniques of Financial Markets (five-year degree) at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics. He has also taught Portfolio Theory, Financial Policies, Economics of Financial Systems and Risk Management at the same University. He has lectured on Portfolio Management at Warsaw University and on Risk Management at Università Cattolica (Ph.D course in Markets and Financial Intermediaries) and at Siena University (Master in Risk Management). His research has covered numerous aspects of the functioning of financial markets and the banking system in Italy and in Europe. He is the author of numerous publications on the financial markets, the management of banks and risk management topics. He has collaborated with the Bank of Italy, Consob, the Italian Competition Authority, Assogestioni, Associazione Bancaria Italiana, and the Patti Chiari Consortium. He has advised leading financial institutions on risk management and financial management topics. He was Deputy Chairman of Azienda Farmaceutica Municipalizzata di Bologna; Chairman of the Committee of Wise Men of the TLX regulated market; Chairman (independent) of CR Firenze Gestion Internationale S.A.; Chairman of Prometeia Advisor SIM; Director of Eptaconcors S.p.A., Eptasim S.p.A., Eptafund S.g.r., Finecogroup S.p.A., Unipol S.g.r. (independent). 26 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Prometeia, Association for Econometric Forecasting, Honorary Member and Chairman of the Board of Arbiters of AIFIRM, Italian Association of Financial Risk Managers, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of ABIFORMAZIONE (Risk Management programme). He is a member of the Disciplinary Commissions of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A., member of the board of Banca Impresa Società (magazine published by Il Mulino) and of the Editorial Board of Bancaria (magazine published by Bancaria Editrice). Currently he is Chairman of VER Capital S.g.r.; Director of MARR S.p.A. and Deputy Chairman of Prometeia S.p.A. Offices held in the BPER Group: Deputy Chairman of Optima S.p.A. SIM. Valeriana Masperi has a degree in Law from Bologna University. After graduating, she worked as trainee lawyer at the law firm Lobietti of Ravenna. In December 1974 she joined Banca del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna where, from 1982, she took charge of the Credit Department and then the Legal Department, with power of attorney to act in court on behalf of the bank and inclusion on the Special Register of Lawyers of Ravenna. She changed to the Ordinary Register in 1994 and works as a lawyer principally in the banking sector, collaborating regularly with the Bologna law firm of Michele Sesta. From 2002 to 2006 she was a member of the Bar Council of Ravenna, where she held the position of Treasurer. Since September 2006 she has been registered on the list of conciliators of the Association for the Resolution of Bank Disputes (financial and corporate) - Banking Ombudsman - in Rome, and is also enrolled on the register of mediators kept by the Bar Council of Ravenna. At present, she does not have any operational role or position of management or control in companies or entities other than BPER. Giuseppina Mengano graduated in Law from the "Federico II" University of Naples, where she worked as a lecturer from 1969 to 2005. She is a lawyer and a freelance journalist. From 1975 she worked in the family business, "Amarelli" of Rossano, which makes liquorice, in the field of communications strategy and as head of institutional relations, subsequently taking over the duties of Chairman and Head of the Liquorice Museum. She has been a member of the National Executive Council of AIDI (the Association of Italian Confectionery Industries); President of the Agro-food Section of the Industrial Association of Cosenza; Vice President of ANM S.p.A. (Azienda Napoletana Mobilità); Chairman of the Assessment Unit of the Civil Hospital of Caserta (of national importance and highly specialised); Board member of Metronapoli S.p.A., as well as a member of many professional and cultural associations. She was awarded the title of "Cavaliere del Lavoro" by decree of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and "Cavaliere Ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana" by the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. She is an honorary citizen of the city of Rossano. Other positions currently held include: limited partner of Amarelli Fabbrica di Liquirizia di Fortunato Amarelli & C. S.a.s., member of the Board of Arbiters of AIDEPI (Association of Italian Cakes and Pastries Industries) and of the Board of the Southern Italian Group of the "Cavalieri del Lavoro"; President of Tecnesud (Consortium for the technological development of Calabria); Chairman of the Audit Committee of the organisational model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of ANM S.p.A. (Azienda Napoletana Mobilità); member of the national executive council and Chairman of the Supervisory Body of the TCI (Touring Club Italiana), member of the Board of Directors of Aurora S.r.l., of the Oriental University of Naples, of the National Scientific and Technical Committee of UCID (Christian Union of Business Executives), of the Leonardo Committee and of the Museimpresa. Daniela Petitto graduated in law with top honours from the Federico II University of Naples in the 1990-91 academic year, with a thesis on company law. In 1993, she came first in the competitive exam for the specialisation in Civil Law at the Federico II University of Naples. Admitted to practice law in 1995. Specialist degree in Civil Law with top honours in the 1995-96 academic year. She has held teaching appointments at the Department of Civil Procedure, University of Naples under Prof. Modestino Acone and has published papers on the subject of forced sales and the transcription of legal proceedings in the Journal of Procedural Law. In 2000, she came first in the competitive exam to qualify as a lawyer in the Campania Region. She practices as a lawyer in civil and labour law, enrolled in the Court of Avellino. At present, she does not have any operational role or position of management or control in companies or 27 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. entities other than BPER. Deanna Rossi took increasing responsibility over time in the family firm of Rossi Motoriduttori S.p.A., Modena (later Rossi S.p.A.), where she was a member of the Board of Directors and then Chairman until 2004. Other positions currently held include: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fingreg S.p.A. and of GRIM S.p.A. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Director of Banco di Sardegna S.p.A. Angelo Tantazzi has a degree from Milan's Bocconi University. He was an assistant and then full professor at the University of Bologna. He completed his studies at the Brookings Institute in Washington. From 1982 to 2001 he held the chair of Economic Policy at the University of Bologna's Faculty of Political Science. He has taken part in various government-appointed commissions and was Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister (1996-1998); member of the Scientific-Technical Committee of the Ministry of Economic Planning (1993-1997) and of the Senior Council of the Central Statistics Institute (1980-1983). He has been Chairman of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A. and Monte Titoli S.p.A. (2000-2011); Deputy Chairman of London Stock Exchange Group plc (2007-2010); Director of Mittel Generale Investimenti S.p.A., Coesia S.p.A. and MiRe S.g.r. S.p.A. Other positions currently held include: Chairman of Prometeia S.p.A. and MUS-E Bologna Onlus; Deputy Chairman of Il Mulino S.p.A.; Director of Promedi S.r.l.. The following summary table relates to the Shareholders' Meetings that elected the current members of the Board of Directors, except for the Directors co-opted in the meantime: Date of Meeting 21/04/2012 Number of lists presented 2 lists for the appointment of 7 directors. List no. 1 Shareholders presenting list no. 1 Place of birth / Head office Province 1 PIERO FERRARI CASTELVETRO DI MODENA MO 22/05/45 2 FLORIANA NALIN MODENA MO 20/01/47 3 ALBERTO GALASSI MODENA MO 23/12/64 4 ANTONELLA FERRARI MODENA MO 14/11/68 5 ADRIANO POGGIOLI MARANELLO MO 13/09/37 6 LUIGI CREMONINI SAVIGNANO SUL PANARO MO 28/04/39 7 CREMONINI S.P.A. CASTELVETRO DI MODENA MO 0162810360 8 ELISABETTA GHIDONI REGGIO EMILIA RE 26/05/57 9 ALBERTO GALLINARI REGGIO EMILIA RE 12/07/82 10 ALLEGRA GALLINARI REGGIO EMILIA RE 02/10/83 11 GUGLIELMO BORELLI MODENA MO 25/03/65 no. Name Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 28 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 1, as declared by them: 0.659% List no. 2 Shareholders presenting list no. 2 Date of birth/ Tax code / Place of birth / Head office no. Name Province VAT number 1 ALDO BONIFATI CASTROVILLARI CS 16/05/22 2 MICHELE CALABRESE CROTONE KR 22/01/56 3 SERGIO GIANGRECO REGGIO CALABRIA RC 21/07/74 4 GIORGIO PULAZZA CERVIA RA 06/02/54 5 VALENTINA PULAZZA RAVENNA RA 25/10/79 6 ROMANO GISMONDI RAVENNA RA 13/10/37 7 CARLO GISMONDI RAVENNA RA 06/08/31 8 GIULIANO TASSONI MINERBIO BO 12/07/39 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 2, as declared by them: 0.571% List no. 1 Candidates on each list • Ettore Caselli; • Romano Minozzi (independent); • Mario Zucchelli (independent); • Giosuè Boldrini (independent); • Giulio Cicognani (independent); • Valeriana Maria Masperi (independent); • Massimo Giusti. List no. 2 List of persons elected and percentage of votes • Giuseppina Mengano (independent); • Anna Mantice (independent); • Francesco Limatola (independent); • Francesco Serra (independent); • Michele Calabrese (independent); • Luigi Muto (independent); • Sergio Giangreco (independent). Elected from List 1: 11,649 votes (63.88% of votes) 1. Ettore Caselli; 2. Romano Minozzi (independent); 29 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 3. Mario Zucchelli (independent); 4. Giosuè Boldrini (independent); 5. Giulio Cicognani (independent); 6. Valeriana Maria Masperi (independent). Elected from List 2: 6,121 votes (33.56% of votes) 7. Giuseppina Mengano (independent). Date of Meeting 20/04/2013 Number of lists presented 3 lists for the appointment of six directors. List no. 1 Shareholders presenting list no. 1: Place of birth / Head office Province 1 SARA ABBELLO SASSUOLO MO 30/1/1981 2 MARTINA AGUZZOLI MODENA MO 20/4/1993 3 ALFA INVEST SRL CREMONA CR 1417840194 4 MASSIMO ALVIANO GLAVIANO PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 19/2/1968 5 LUISA AMORUSO MODENA MO 26/6/1987 6 ROSSANO ANCESCHI SASSUOLO MO 4/4/1972 7 LAURA ANSALONI MODENA MO 24/8/1936 8 EDOARDO ANSALONI MIRANDOLA MO 16/5/1982 9 FRANCO ANSALONI MODENA MO 8/3/1956 10 RITA ANSELMI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 2/1/1972 11 ELISA ARAVECCHIA TURIN TO 22/9/1973 12 FRANCESCO ARENA MODENA MO 18/7/1984 13 INES ARGENTI LA SPEZIA SP 4/6/1958 14 LODOVICO ARGINELLI SOLIERA MO 20/6/1952 15 SUSANNA ARIOLI MONZA MB 24/11/1959 16 DONATELLA ARLETTI MODENA MO 4/10/1958 17 GIULIO ARSENIO BRINDISI BR 17/1/1973 18 GRAZIANA ARTIOLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 16/2/1962 no. Name Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 30 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 19 SERGIO ARTIOLI MODENA MO 17/8/1932 20 ELENA ASCARI CARPI MO 14/3/1974 21 GIULIO ASSOGNA CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 8/3/1938 22 MONICA AVERSANO MODENA MO 20/6/1976 23 ILARIO BACCHELLI CARPI MO 20/4/1932 24 MAURIZIO BAGNI CASTELLARANO RE 10/1/1956 25 PAOLA BAGNI CORREGGIO RE 1/6/1992 26 FRANCESCA BAISI ANCONA AN 4/4/1975 27 GIANNA BALDINI MODENA MO 3/7/1949 28 MAURIZIO BANDIERI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 4/8/1955 29 IVANA BANDINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 10/7/1949 30 DAVIDE BARALDI MODENA MO 16/8/1976 31 ALICE BARBIERI MODENA MO 13/1/1980 32 EDITH BARBIERI FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 12/7/1958 33 FEDERICA BARBIERI MODENA FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY MO 34 FEDERICO BARBIERI FORLÌ FC 12/5/1983 35 GIULIANA BARBIERI MODENA MO 22/1/1968 36 LEONARDO BARBIERI RAVARINO MO 7/1/1940 37 MARIA CHIARA BARBIERI MODENA MO 24/2/1982 38 ANDREA BARBOLINI MODENA MO 16/11/1954 39 LINA BARBOLINI FORMIGINE MO 16/5/1941 40 STEFANO BARBOLINI MODENA MO 14/11/1965 41 SILVIO BARLETTA CARPI MO 23/9/1989 42 ERMES BARONE MODENA MO 2/8/1977 43 MARIKA BARONTINI SASSUOLO MO 4/7/1985 44 VALENTINA BARONTINI SASSUOLO MO 6/5/1988 45 LUISA BARTOLI BIBBIANO RE 11/2/1955 46 MARIA ELENA BASCHIERI SASSUOLO MO 3/10/1946 31 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 22/8/1974 47 DAVIDE BATTISTINI TURIN TO 18/2/1963 48 STEFANIA BAVUTTI MODENA MO 31/8/1972 49 SILVIA BAZZANI CARPI MO 4/10/1969 50 NICOLA BEDESCHI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/9/1967 51 DANIELA BEGGI SASSUOLO MO 12/5/1979 52 RENATO BEGGI CASTELLARANO RE 9/6/1945 53 CRISTINA BELLAMACINA MESSINA ME 29/10/1980 54 MARCELLO BELLETTI MODENA MO 18/2/1980 55 GIOVANNI BELPOLITI CADELBOSCO DI SOPRA RE 23/12/1928 56 MARIABEATRICE BELPOLITI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 5/5/1964 57 BEATRICE BELTRAMI SASSUOLO MO 24/5/1991 58 ADRIANO BENASSI MONTECRETO MO 19/10/1943 59 ALESSIO BENASSI MODENA MO 8/1/1980 60 GLORIA BENASSI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 17/7/1991 61 STEFANO BENASSI MODENA MO 6/5/1970 62 ANDREA BENATTI SPILAMBERTO MO 22/7/1958 63 MASSIMO BENCIVENNI MODENA MO 26/11/1968 64 CLAUDIO BENEDETTI MODENA MO 29/4/1952 65 ANDREA BERRETTI SASSUOLO MO 7/11/1980 66 DONATELLA BERTACCHI ANCONA AN 22/6/1962 67 MARIA LUISA BERTOLANI SASSUOLO MO 11/6/1948 68 ROBERTO BERTOLINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 22/9/1979 69 ARIANNA BERTONCELLI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 15/4/2004 70 DANIELE BERTONCELLI MODENA MO 26/4/1949 71 GABRIELE BERTONCELLI MODENA MO 16/11/1990 72 MARCO BERTONCELLI MODENA MO 3/9/1967 73 PAOLO BERTONCELLI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 18/8/1998 74 MASSIMO BETTALICO MODENA MO 21/4/1959 32 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 75 GIANLUCA BETTELLI VIGNOLA MO 4/10/1968 76 PAOLO BIAGINI SASSUOLO MO 9/11/1957 77 CECILIA BIANCHI MODENA MO 28/12/1977 78 LICIA BIANCHI GUARDISTALLO PI 10/12/1925 79 MASSIMILIANA BIANCHI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 25/6/1962 80 MARIA PIA BIANCHINI SAN FELICE SUL PANARO MO 10/3/1951 81 ANGELO BIGNARDI MODENA MO 24/9/1963 82 ADRIANA BIONDI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 18/3/1956 83 LIDO BIONDI FIUMALBO MO 10/1/1944 84 REMO BIONDI FIUMALBO MO 24/7/1946 85 LORIS GIUSEPPE BISIGHINI BOLOGNA BO 8/12/1968 86 ARCANGELA BIZZARRI BARI BA 7/5/1952 87 MIRCO BIZZARRI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 30/6/1983 88 MONICA BLO BONDENO FE 13/7/1976 89 GABRIELE BOCCEDI MODENA MO 21/5/2011 90 ISABEL BOCCEDI MODENA MO 19/3/2007 91 MAURO BOCCEDI MODENA MO 17/3/1978 92 MIRCO BONARETTI LUZZARA RE 23/1/1967 93 ALESSANDRA BONATI PARMA PR 27/12/1972 94 KATIA BONAZZOLI PARMA PR 18/11/1975 95 MARCO BONEZZI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 18/3/1960 96 ROBERTO BONI MODENA MO 23/3/1962 97 LAURA BONI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 28/11/1973 98 RITA BONI FORMIGINE MO 18/4/1960 99 VANESSA BONILAURI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 27/4/1983 100 MARCO BONINI MONTECCHIO NELL'EMILIA RE 4/1/1983 101 ANNA MARIA BONUCCHI SESTOLA MO 2/12/1942 102 ELENA BORCIANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 23/9/1973 33 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 103 ARRIGO BORELLI FORMIGINE MO 21/5/1942 104 CRISTINA BORELLI MODENA MO 8/10/1967 105 MARCO BORELLI MODENA MO 30/3/1974 106 ROBERTO BORELLI MODENA MO 15/7/1971 107 ALESSANDRA BORGHI CASTELLARANO RE 26/8/1955 108 CATERINA BORRI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/5/1976 109 ELENA BORRI CORREGGIO RE 24/9/1979 110 GIORGIO BORRI CORREGGIO RE 27/12/1980 111 GIUSEPPE BORRI SAN MARTINO IN RIO RE 10/8/1943 112 PAOLA BORSARI NONANTOLA MO 7/4/1953 113 ROBERTA BOTTA BIELLA BI 6/5/1974 114 IVA BOTTI SAN GIORGIO PIACENTINO PC 16/6/1942 115 LUCA BRAGHIROLI MODENA MO 16/5/1984 116 GIORGIO BRANCOLINI SAN PROSPERO MO 9/3/1945 117 LICIA BRANCOLINI CARPI MO 22/4/1970 118 SIMONE BREVEGLIERI MODENA MO 9/6/1984 119 MONICA BRIGHENTI SCANDIANO RE 24/7/1980 120 ANDREA BRIONI NOVELLARA RE 11/6/1964 121 DEANNA BRUSCHI CORREGGIO RE 9/2/1949 122 DANIELA BULGARELLI CARPI MO 25/1/1960 123 GIOVANNA BULGARELLI MODENA MO 29/4/1972 124 PAOLA BURANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 6/6/1965 125 BARBARA BUTTURINI MILAN MI 14/4/1964 126 GIULIA CABASSI MODENA MO 2/5/1998 127 GIULIO CABASSI MODENA MO 3/9/1963 128 DANIELA CABRINI CASTELNOVO DI SOTTO RE 6/7/1964 129 WILLIAM CAFFAGNI MODENA MO 11/11/1956 130 NICOLA CALZI PARMA PR 23/4/1975 34 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 131 LORENZO CALZOLARI MIRANDOLA MO 11/3/1959 132 NICOLETTA CAMELLINI SCANDIANO RE 28/6/1975 133 VALENTINA CAMELLINI SASSUOLO MO 8/12/1977 134 CRISOSTOMO CAMPISI PALERMO PA 12/3/1948 135 ELENA CAMPOMAGNANI SASSUOLO MO 12/11/1980 136 GIOVANNI CAMPOMAGNANI FRASSINORO MO 2/4/1946 137 PAOLO CANOVA CONCORDIA SULLA SECCHIA MO 26/8/1944 138 ENRICO CARAFOLI RAVARINO MO 3/4/1950 139 FABIO CARAFOLI CARPI MO 5/5/1986 140 FABIO CARICHINO SASSUOLO MO 20/6/1985 141 FAUSTO CARMELI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 21/3/1965 142 PAOLO CARMELI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 20/10/1962 143 MASSIMILIANO CARULLI BARI BA 21/10/1972 144 FEDERICO CASALI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 18/1/1974 145 GIACOMO CASALIN CARPI MO 2/9/1986 146 DAVIDE CASARINI MODENA MO 16/11/1971 147 ETTORE CASELLI MARANELLO MO 28/10/1942 148 LILIANA CASELLI SASSUOLO MO 22/2/1949 149 CHIARA CASOLI MODENA MO 6/5/1987 150 LARA CASONI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 28/12/1973 151 ELISABETTA CASTAGNETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 27/10/1960 152 ENRICA CASTAGNETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 27/10/1960 153 GIANCARLO CASTAGNETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 3/12/1932 154 ANDREA CASTELLANI TARABINI FORMIGINE MO 5/6/1982 155 FIAMMETTA CATELLANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 10/9/1936 156 MAURA CAVALIERI BOMPORTO MO 20/4/1944 157 ANDREA CAVALLINI MODENA MO 26/9/1985 158 MAURO CAVANI SASSUOLO MO 28/12/1938 35 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 159 ROBERTA CAVANI SASSUOLO MO 4/11/1963 160 SUSANNA CAVANI MODENA MO 23/2/1976 161 FABIO RUGGERO CAVAZZA MIRANDOLA MO 30/5/1982 162 STEFANO CAVAZZONI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 10/1/1971 163 FRANCESCO CAVRIANI MODENA MO 30/9/1980 164 LUCIANO CAVRIANI CREVALCORE BO 2/7/1951 165 VALERIO CERATI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 25/7/1973 166 TIZIANO CESTARI MIRANDOLA MO 6/8/1982 167 SILVANA CHIODI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 11/10/1946 168 UMBERTO CILLONI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/3/1941 169 ODETTA COCCHI RUBIERA RE 18/4/1950 170 LINDA CODELUPPI SCANDIANO RE 29/12/1973 171 MARIO COLIZZI MODENA MO 24/11/1957 172 ELENA COLOMBINI FORMIGINE MO 24/3/1984 173 PIER LUIGI COLOMBINI CASTELVETRO DI MODENA MO 29/6/1954 174 ANTONIETTA CORATZA PESCARA PE 6/2/1937 175 MANUELA CORNIA MODENA MO 29/8/1963 176 CAMILLA CORRADINI SASSUOLO MO 21/2/1960 177 MARCO COSTANTINI FORMIGINE MO 23/11/1953 178 SANDRO COTTAFAVA MODENA MO 19/8/1963 179 SIMONE COTTAFAVA MODENA MO 14/5/1986 180 GIANLUIGI COZZA MODENA MO 14/8/1969 181 AGOSTINO CREMASCHI CAVEZZO MO 28/4/1942 182 CRISTIANO CREMASCHI CARPI MO 4/1/1971 183 MARIA ELISABETTA CREMASCHI CARPI MO 15/12/2003 184 MARIA VITTORIA CREMASCHI CARPI MO 26/8/2001 185 CECILIA CREMONESE MODENA MO 27/4/1963 186 RAFFAELLO CREMONESE VENICE VE 10/12/1935 36 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 187 MANUELA CROTTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 15/9/1971 188 BARBARA CUOGHI MODENA MO 6/1/1971 189 PAOLA CUOGHI SAN FELICE SUL PANARO MO 28/10/1960 190 PAOLO CUOGHI MODENA MO 5/10/1962 191 PAOLO DALIA CASTELLARANO RE 15/3/1956 192 RICCARDO DALIA SASSUOLO MO 28/4/1970 193 DANIELE DALLAGLIO REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 2/3/1975 194 FRANCESCA DAVOLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 13/2/1976 195 GIORGIO DAVOLIO CARPI MO 2/8/1953 196 VALERIA DE BIASE MODENA MO 2/5/1957 197 GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE CARLO RICADI VV 30/6/1942 198 DOMENICO DE IULIIS CERMIGNANO TE 28/11/1927 199 MARCO DE IULIIS CAMERINO MC 26/6/1968 200 FRANCO DE SIMONI MONTEROSSO AL MARE SP 29/9/1947 201 GIUSEPPE DEFEUDIS MODENA MO 21/7/1986 202 NICOLA DEFEUDIS CERIGNOLA FG 11/3/1952 203 ROSARIA DEFEUDIS SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO FG 17/10/1980 204 ELISA DEL CARLO MODENA MO 19/6/1969 205 GIOVANNI DEL RIO CASTELNOVO NE' MONTI RE 15/2/1945 206 DAVIDE DEL RIO CASTELNOVO NE' MONTI RE 4/10/1977 207 MARIA LUISA DELLA BIANCIA GABICCE MARE PU 28/10/1939 208 CLAUDIO DELLA CASA MODENA MO 3/10/1952 209 FRANCESCA DELLA CASA MODENA MO 7/9/1980 210 MAURIZIO DELLA CASA MODENA MO 11/4/1957 211 MORENA MARIA DESSENA OZIERI SS 21/9/1980 212 ALESSANDRO DI VITO TIVOLI RM 13/9/1965 213 GIUSEPPE DI VITO MELFI PZ 25/2/1981 214 DANIELA DIAMANTINI MODENA MO 15/12/1964 37 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 215 ECO ENERGIE SRL CREMONA CR 1181970193 216 ELFIN SRL CREMONA CR 1417830195 217 STEFANO FABBRICINI MODENA MO 28/5/1987 218 ALBERTO FACCIOLLA PESCHIERA DEL GARDA VR 25/3/1952 219 MATTEO FACCIOLLA TRIESTE TS 25/12/1983 220 FRANCESCO FAIETTI PESARO PU 31/8/1965 221 MARINA FAIETTI PESARO PU 13/6/1963 222 NICOLA FARINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 6/12/1971 223 CATIA FARRI POVIGLIO RE 6/3/1961 224 ALBERTO FAVA CENTO FE 11/2/1969 225 ALESSANDRA FAZIOLI MODENA MO 22/3/1959 226 GIANFRANCO FERRARESI CAVEZZO MO 1/1/1956 227 ALESSIA FERRARI PARMA PR 13/5/1974 228 BENEDETTA FERRARI MODENA MO 29/4/2005 229 CINZIA FERRARI MODENA MO 21/7/1975 230 EDDA FERRARI NONANTOLA MO 30/10/1935 231 MARIA PIA FERRARI VILLA MINOZZO RE 3/3/1958 232 ROBERTO FERRARI MODENA MO 18/5/1929 233 ROBERTO FERRARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 3/5/1974 234 TOMMASO FERRARI MODENA MO 20/9/2010 235 ANNALISA FERRARINI MODENA MO 3/7/1972 236 FIORENZA FERRARINI CARPI MO 28/11/1976 237 ALESSANDRO FERRETTI RUBIERA RE 26/11/1959 238 CHIARA FERRETTI PADUA PD 26/5/1975 239 DANIELA FERRETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 23/9/1949 240 FABIO FERRETTI SASSUOLO MO 18/1/1977 241 LAURA FERRETTI SASSUOLO MO 29/1/1981 242 SERGIO FERRETTI SASSUOLO MO 11/6/1954 38 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 243 CARLA FIANDRI MODENA MO 4/11/1953 244 PIETRA FILI RESUTTANO CL 1/4/1947 245 CARLO FILIPPI MODENA MO 4/5/1964 246 FINENERGIE SRL CREMONA CR 93039040196 247 FINGAS SRL CREMONA CR 11055530155 248 MARIA FIORANI MODENA MO 7/8/1958 249 ADAMO FIORINI COLLAGNA RE 13/5/1936 250 SABRINA FIORINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 22/10/1967 251 MARCELLO FIZZOTTI DE PAOLI MODENA MO 4/2/1970 252 LAURA FOGLIATO VICENZA VI 20/5/1978 253 FABRIZIO FONTANESI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 14/10/1963 254 VINCENZO FONTANI CASALGRANDE RE 10/2/1945 255 CRISTINA FORGHIERI CARPI MO 13/5/1964 256 ANNA LISA FORNACCIARI MODENA MO 16/9/1971 257 PAOLO FORONI CARPI MO 28/4/1957 258 TIZIANA FORONI CARPI MO 16/8/1963 259 ELISA FRANCHI BOLOGNA BO 5/5/1978 260 ROSSANA FRANCHINA SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 261 CESARINA FRONZI PIEVE TORINA MC 2/4/1937 262 MANUEL FURLANI QUISTELLO MN 8/7/1979 263 MARCO GABBI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 13/5/1968 264 VITTORIA GAIANI MODENA MO 13/4/1991 265 FRANCESCA GALAVERNI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 4/12/1966 266 GLORIA GALAVOTTI CONCORDIA SULLA SECCHIA MO 1/5/1970 267 MAURIZIO GALLINGANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 12/1/1960 268 FORTUNATA GANASSI BAISO RE 27/2/1943 269 ENRICO GANDOLFI SASSUOLO MO 27/1/1975 270 GIOVANNI GANDOLFI BAGNOLO IN PIANO RE 28/6/1945 39 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 28/11/1983 271 REMO GANDOLFI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 12/9/1948 272 CLAUDIO GARUTI MODENA MO 28/10/1955 273 MATTEO GARUTI SASSUOLO MO 14/11/1980 274 SERAFINO GARUTI MEDOLLA MO 21/1/1946 275 ALESSANDRA GAVIOLI CARPI MO 9/9/1969 276 FRANCA GAVIOLI BOLOGNA BO 17/8/1966 277 FRANCO GAVIOLI VIGNOLA MO 4/3/1939 278 PAOLA GAVIOLI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 1/4/1972 279 SILVIA GENNARI MODENA MO 27/6/1988 280 STEFANIA GENNARI MODENA MO 26/1/1973 281 PAOLO GHETTI MODENA MO 22/3/1961 282 MATTEO GHIDI VIGNOLA MO 30/10/1971 283 MARIA STEFANIA GHIRETTI PARMA PR 2/11/1960 284 ALBERTO GIACOMELLI MODENA MO 6/12/1969 285 ANDREA GIANFERRARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 2/8/1965 286 GIANCARLO GIANFERRARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 15/9/1936 287 MONICA GIANFERRARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 6/11/1969 288 ANDREA GIANSERRA NOVELLARA RE 5/8/1958 289 GIOVANNA GIAVELLI CASTELLARANO RE 3/3/1933 290 GELINDO GIBELLINI MODENA MO 24/3/1943 291 DEBORA GIBERTINI SASSUOLO MO 28/2/1974 292 MARCO GIBERTINI MODENA MO 14/4/1968 293 SARA GIBERTINI CARPI MO 12/3/1986 294 FRANCESCA GIORDANI MODENA MO 6/9/1964 295 SIMONA GIORDANI MODENA MO 4/5/1967 296 ALBERTO GIORDANO CARPI MO 9/8/1970 297 ANGELA GIOVANARDI CARPI MO 8/2/1958 298 ANNA GIOVANETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 30/5/1949 40 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 299 CRISTINA GIROTTI CONCORDIA SULLA SECCHIA MO 27/8/1960 300 VANNA GOLINELLI CAVEZZO MO 23/9/1956 301 FEDERICA GORRETTI MODENA MO 6/12/1974 302 RENATO GOVI MODENA MO 23/10/1940 303 TATIANA GRANDE CATANZARO CZ 20/1/1979 304 TOMMASO GRANDI MIRANDOLA MO 3/6/1980 305 FRANCA GRASSELLI TRAVERSETOLO PR 19/5/1940 306 CLAUDIA GRASSI LATINA LT 22/4/1967 307 MONICA GRASSI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 15/1/1972 308 LORENZO GRECO MODENA MO 5/5/1981 309 PAOLO LUIGI GROSOLI MODENA MO 31/1/1973 310 ELEONORA GRUTTADAURIA CARPI MO 20/9/1975 311 RENATO GRUTTADAURIA MODENA MO 23/10/1942 312 ANNA MARIA GUALTIERI CAMPOSANTO MO 4/5/1960 313 MARIO GUALTIERI MODENA MO 27/4/1953 314 ELSA GUGLIETTA SPERLONGA LT 26/4/1957 315 LUCIA GUGLIETTA SPERLONGA LT 17/10/1955 316 MARIA GUGLIETTA SPERLONGA LT 15/11/1948 317 CARLA GUICCIARDI MODENA MO 1/3/1946 318 ELISA GUIDANI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 21/4/1983 319 CARLO GUIDETTI MODENA MO 18/11/1940 320 DAVIDE GUIDI SASSUOLO MO 11/6/1982 321 DAVIDE GUSMANI MODENA MO 5/6/1973 322 DIEGO IACCHERI POLINAGO MO 13/11/1930 323 LUCA INCERTI VEZZANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 31/5/1964 324 LUDOVICA INTERLANDI PIEVE DI CADORE BL 13/5/1976 325 MONICA IOTTI NOVELLARA RE 16/7/1974 326 ENRICA LA ROCCA TERRACINA LT 24/7/1987 41 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 327 ANNALISA LANCELLOTTI MODENA MO 13/1/1962 328 SARA LANDI MODENA MO 10/5/1981 329 EVA LANDINI NOVI DI MODENA MO 22/10/1946 330 MAFALDA LANDINI SASSUOLO MO 28/1/1949 331 FEDERICA LANZONI MODENA MO 25/1/1984 332 FRANCO LANZONI BOMPORTO MO 28/4/1948 333 NUNZIATA LATERZA MATERA MT 17/12/1967 334 FAUSTO LEONARDI SASSUOLO MO 30/9/1937 335 FRANCESCA LEONI ASSISI PG 31/7/1967 336 PAOLO LEONI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 19/8/1960 337 MIRIAM LODI MODENA MO 20/12/1959 338 PATRIZIA LODI MODENA MO 21/1/1971 339 ENRICO LOLLI CARPI MO 14/2/1971 340 VALERIA LOMBARDI MODENA MO 20/9/1985 341 ALICE LONGARINI CARPI MO 3/11/1983 342 ROBERTA LOSCHI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 30/6/1965 343 MARIA RITA LOSI MODENA MO 12/2/1960 344 ALBERTO LOTTI MODENA MO 29/11/1952 345 GIULIANO LUGLI MODENA MO 24/7/1959 346 ENRICO LUPPI MODENA MO 19/1/1955 347 FRANCESCO LUSETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 16/6/1975 348 DANIELE LUSVARDI CARPI MO 27/7/1953 349 MANUELA MAGISTRO REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 3/4/1971 350 TIZIANO MAILLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 16/11/1971 351 MARIA GRAZIA MALAGOLI MODENA MO 30/7/1958 352 ELENA MALAGUTI MODENA MO 13/2/1977 353 EMILIANO MALAGUTI SUZZARA MN 28/4/1976 354 FEDERICO MALAGUTI MODENA MO 26/9/1971 42 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 355 GIOVANNI MALAGUTI MODENA MO 27/12/1984 356 LUCA MALAGUTI MIRANDOLA MO 20/9/1983 357 SABRINA MALAGUTI MIRANDOLA MO 2/4/1981 358 FABIO MALAVASI MIRANDOLA MO 10/5/1979 359 GIORGIO MALAVASI SAN GIACOMO DELLE SEGNATE MN 1/7/1955 360 PAOLO MALAVASI MODENA MO 7/9/1969 361 SIMONA MALAVASI MIRANDOLA MO 18/5/1982 362 STEFANIA MANFREDINI MODENA MO 26/8/1977 363 SIMONA MANICARDI MODENA MO 27/3/1975 364 CAMILLA MANZINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 21/4/1984 365 GRETA MANZINI VIGNOLA MO 6/10/1983 366 MASSIMILIANO MANZINI MODENA MO 1/10/1976 367 MATTEO MANZINI MODENA MO 28/4/1983 368 PAOLA MANZINI MODENA MO 23/12/1943 369 RAFFAELLA MANZINI SAN FELICE SUL PANARO MO 10/8/1967 370 ELISA MARASI GUASTALLA RE 14/1/1976 371 STEFANIA MARCHETTI CONCORDIA SULLA SECCHIA MO 25/2/1971 372 MONICA MARCHI CARPI MO 6/9/1962 373 GIULIA MARETTI CARPI MO 15/5/1986 374 ALBERTO MARIANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 20/2/1960 375 PAOLA MARIANI MODENA MO 21/3/1977 376 GABRIELLA MARINO CAVA DÈ TIRRENI SA 26/11/1971 377 ALBERTO MARRI MODENA MO 13/8/1954 378 ILARIA MARRI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 2/7/1988 379 LARA MARRI CARPI MO 29/7/1967 380 MARIA ADELE MARRI CARPI MO 9/8/1950 381 MONICA MARRI CARPI MO 2/10/1991 382 MARIA LUISA MARSILI ROME RM 25/9/1923 43 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 383 MARIALISA MASELLI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 29/4/1982 384 ELISA MASEROLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 2/6/1969 385 MARCO MASSARI MODENA MO 6/7/1990 386 LUIGI ATTILIO MAZZOCCHI CATANIA CT 2/2/1960 387 ANTONELLA MAZZOLA CARPI MO 4/3/1973 388 POMPEA MAZZUOCCOLO MODENA MO 18/1/1970 389 LARA MEDICI MODENA MO 16/11/1977 390 ANDREA MELIOLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 5/10/1963 391 TAMARA MENOLFI MILAN MI 30/6/1973 392 LUCA MESSORI MODENA MO 23/9/1962 393 MARCO MESSORI MODENA MO 6/12/1953 394 GABRIELLA MIBELLI PORTOFERRAIO LI 3/8/1946 395 NICOLA MIGLIARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 3/7/1980 396 SAMANTHA MIRATI SCANDIANO RE 6/11/1980 397 CARLO ALDO MIRAZ VILLABASSA-NIEDERDORF BZ 21/1/1940 398 ELEONORA MIRI MODENA MO 25/10/1989 399 ANDREA MONTAGUTI VIGNOLA MO 19/7/1980 400 GIOVANNA MONTECCHI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 16/4/1932 401 GIAN PAOLO MONTERMINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 22/7/1956 402 ANNA MONTORSI MODENA MO 28/3/1957 403 CATERINA MONTORSI MODENA MO 9/3/1982 404 LUISA MONTORSI MODENA MO 5/11/1950 405 VITTORIO MONTORSI MODENA MO 3/7/1960 406 VERONICA MORANDI CARPI MO 21/12/1986 407 ALESSANDRO MORANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 1/2/1980 408 ALFIO MORATTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 3/12/1930 409 FRANCESCA MORATTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 9/4/1965 410 PAOLA MORATTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 20/2/1971 44 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 411 MARCO MORGILLO MODENA MO 30/10/1987 412 SABRINA MORGILLO MODENA MO 18/3/1983 413 PAOLO MORI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 17/1/1952 414 DEANNA MORINI RIO SALICETO RE 4/8/1943 415 VALENTINA MORONI PARMA PR 3/7/1985 416 ERNESTINA MUSI LUZZARA RE 6/7/1939 417 CLAUDIA MUSSINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 1/3/1977 418 MARTA MUZZIOLI MODENA MO 12/3/1946 419 ALFREDO ALESSANDRO NASOLE TARANTO TA 29/1/1980 420 LAURA NASSUATO TREVISO TV 24/7/1968 421 ALESSANDRO NATALE CANOSA DI APULIA BT 30/1/1982 422 AMOS NAVA MODENA MO 1/2/1955 423 GIOVANNA NERI NOVI DI MODENA MO 18/1/1938 424 PAOLO ANGELO NERI GYAMFI MODENA MO 30/4/1992 425 MARIA ANTONELLA NERI SASSUOLO MO 25/2/1963 426 ELENA NEVIANI SASSUOLO MO 16/5/1973 427 CHIARA NICOLINI MODENA MO 17/3/1981 428 ALESSANDRO NIZZOLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 17/9/1969 429 UMBERTO NIZZOLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 20/8/1949 430 FRANCESCA NOCETTI MIRANDOLA MO 15/5/1971 431 LUIGI NOCETTI FORMIGINE MO 20/6/1940 432 BEATRICE NUCERA CARPI MO 4/12/2007 433 EDOARDO NUCERA CARPI MO 10/9/1999 434 LEONARDO NUCERA ROME RM 6/8/1966 435 MARCO ORLANDI MODENA MO 14/4/1970 436 REMO PACCHIONI CAVEZZO MO 25/11/1942 437 MARA PAGLIANI FORMIGINE MO 8/5/1952 438 ROBERTO PALAZZI MODENA MO 12/9/1954 45 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 439 NARIDO PALAZZINI FANANO MO 6/11/1943 440 PALAZZO FORESTI SRL CARPI MO 324440429 441 PALAZZO TRECCHI SRL CREMONA CR 933890196 442 LORENA PALTRINIERI MODENA MO 6/8/1970 443 MASSIMO PALTRINIERI MODENA MO 9/12/1958 444 REBECCA PALTRINIERI CORREGGIO RE 12/8/1999 445 FABIO PALUMBO MONTECCHIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/6/1981 446 LEONARDO PALUMBO GUASTALLA RE 1/10/1976 447 SALVATORE PALUMBO FOGGIA FG 12/4/1953 448 VITTORIO PANCALDI VIGNOLA MO 15/3/1954 449 DANIELE PANCIROLI GUASTALLA RE 31/7/1980 450 DANIELE PANISI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 15/8/1959 451 SABRINA PANTANI SCANDIANO RE 10/11/1982 452 ANDREA PARENTI MODENA MO 31/1/1970 453 ALBERTO PARMIGGIANI VIGNOLA MO 23/4/1978 454 ADRIANO PARSINI MODENA MO 16/3/1942 455 MARISA PASINI CASTELNOVO NE' MONTI RE 9/9/1946 456 DANIELE PASSAMONTE MODENA MO 11/5/1985 457 GIACOMO PASTORELLI MODENA MO 15/2/1999 458 PIERPAOLO PATERLINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 19/3/1965 459 FRANCESCA PEDRAZZI MODENA MO 2/10/1976 460 PAOLO PEDRAZZI BOMPORTO MO 16/6/1946 461 ALESSANDRO PELLACANI CARPI MO 24/4/1983 462 BARBARA PELLECCHIA FOLIGNO PG 27/10/1965 463 ANDREA PELLESI SASSUOLO MO 21/2/1971 464 MARIA TERESA PERITI FIORENZUOLA D'ARDA PC 31/10/1969 465 GIOIA PEROSSA TRIESTE TS 5/10/1956 466 GIULIA PIACENTINI SASSUOLO MO 19/2/1997 46 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 467 LUCA PIACENTINI MODENA MO 27/1/1993 468 MATTEO PIACENTINI SASSUOLO MO 21/9/1963 469 FRANCESCO PIEDIMONTE MILAN MI 25/5/1951 470 GIORGIO PIERLI MODENA MO 30/9/1988 471 GIOVANNI PIFANO SALERNO SA 27/7/1975 472 ALESSANDRO PIGNATARO OSTIGLIA MN 26/9/1961 473 DAVIDE PINELLI CARPI MO 23/7/1984 474 MAURO PINELLI CARPI MO 2/9/1954 475 LORENZO PINOTTI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MO 10/8/1944 476 ROBERTO PIOPPI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/9/1970 477 MANUELA PIREDDA CARPI MO 25/12/1964 478 LARA PIRONDINI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 29/2/1972 479 CARLO PISACANE SALERNO SA 8/1/1977 480 CLELIA PIVETTI MODENA MO 18/2/1965 481 DANIELA PIVETTI MODENA MO 30/5/1955 482 ROBERTO PLESSI MODENA MO 13/10/1961 483 MARCELLO POGGI MODENA MO 13/12/1985 484 SIMONA POLETTI MIRANDOLA MO 3/2/1981 485 ANDREA PONZONI MODENA MO 29/10/1963 486 FRANCO PONZONI MODENA MO 12/3/1938 487 MARTA PONZONI MODENA MO 18/2/1930 488 DANIELA POSENATO MODENA MO 26/1/1971 489 FEDERICO PRADELLA MODENA MO 9/1/1982 490 LUIGI PRANDINI MODENA MO 30/1/1957 491 ROMEO PRANDINI BOMPORTO MO 24/10/1939 492 NEMESIO PUGNAGHI PRIGNANO SULLA SECCHIA MO 15/9/1950 493 ANDREA QUADRI MONTECCHIO NELL'EMILIA RE 11/5/1981 494 ALBERTO QUAGLIERI RAVARINO MO 26/12/1957 47 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 495 SILVANO RADIGHIERI FORMIGINE MO 9/11/1935 496 SABRINA RAFFO MODENA MO 10/10/1966 497 ANTONIO RAGAZZONI MODENA MO 17/1/1956 498 FABRIZIO RAGAZZONI MODENA MO 6/3/1983 499 GIANLUCA RAGUZZONI MODENA MO 6/8/1963 500 YURI RAIMONDI MODENA MO 6/4/1972 501 FERNANDO RASO SAN GIOVANNI INCARICO FR 15/9/1938 502 FABIO REBOTTINI MODENA MO 12/11/1979 503 ENZO REBUCCI MODENA MO 21/5/1964 504 MATTEO REGGIANI CORREGGIO RE 10/5/1971 505 PAOLA RICCHI MODENA MO 12/5/1951 506 PAOLA RIGHETTI MODENA MO 3/3/1939 507 LAURA RINALDI FORMIGINE MO 7/2/1985 508 RINO RINALDI SCANDIANO RE 31/10/1950 509 SIMONE RINALDI GUASTALLA RE 21/4/1980 510 CARLO ALBERTO RINALDINI SASSUOLO MO 20/9/1976 511 LAMBERTO RIPARI MODENA MO 12/10/1960 512 SILVA RIQUADRI NOVELLARA RE 1/2/1941 513 ANDREA RIVOLI SASSUOLO MO 24/3/1971 514 ELENA RIVOLI SASSUOLO MO 13/10/1994 515 PAOLO ROACCHI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 13/11/1942 516 STEFANIA ROACCHI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 23/8/1969 517 EDDA ROBELLI MODENA MO 7/3/1941 518 NORMA RONCARATI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 21/10/1939 519 BRUNO RONCHETTI NONANTOLA MO 22/5/1941 520 LUCA RONDELLI MANTUA MN 22/6/1972 521 ANTONIO ROSIGNOLI MODENA MO 7/11/1960 522 MARCO ROSIGNOLI MODENA MO 14/5/1996 48 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 523 MARTINA ROSIGNOLI MODENA MO 22/9/1988 524 MATTEO ROSIGNOLI MODENA MO 22/4/2004 525 ANGIOLINA ROSSETTI SASSUOLO MO 19/3/1941 526 FILIPPO ROSSI MODENA MO 29/4/1974 527 GLORIA ROSSI UDINE UD 2/7/1955 528 MONICA RUSSO SASSUOLO MO 20/12/1978 529 MARCELLO SABIONETA PARMA PR 21/11/1970 530 ROBERTO SABIONETA SAN LAZZARO PARMENSE PR 21/10/1940 531 MAURO SADDI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 11/2/1961 532 GEORGIOS SAKKAS AMAROUSIO GREECE 16/4/1978 533 ELENA SALSI CORREGGIO RE 9/1/1973 534 ORNELLA SALVARANI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 18/8/1947 535 CORRADO SANFELICI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 17/10/1968 536 VILIO SANFELICI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 23/10/1944 537 MASSIMILIANO SANI MIRANDOLA MO 17/10/1976 538 MARCO SANTINA CARPI MO 11/4/1983 539 UMBERTO SANTINA OSPITALETTO BS 2/7/1955 540 MARIO SAVASTANO VENAFRO IS 14/9/1983 541 ALESSIO SAVINI FORMIGINE MO 31/10/1983 542 ANDREINA SBARRETTA FOSSATO DI VICO PG 6/7/1958 543 PAOLO SCALTRITI MODENA MO 4/12/1978 544 SILVIA SCALTRITI CORREGGIO RE 6/3/1958 545 ENRICO SCAPINELLI MODENA MO 23/6/1966 546 PALMINA SCHENETTI SASSUOLO MO 19/5/1957 547 SIMONA SCUNZANI SASSUOLO MO 4/4/1977 548 MONICA SEGHEDONI MODENA MO 12/10/1963 549 ZELINDA SEGHIZZI FORMIGINE MO 26/3/1944 550 FRANCO SEGRE' FORMIGINE MO 7/9/1952 49 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 551 SERGIO SELMI MODENA MO 26/12/1940 552 STEFANO SELMI MODENA MO 26/6/1975 553 GIACOMO SERVADEI MODENA MO 29/5/1973 554 STEFANO SETTI CARPI MO 13/4/1960 555 LUCIA SGUERA TURIN TO 7/4/1962 556 KATIA SIGISMONDI PENNE PE 12/10/1969 557 FABRIZIO SILINGARDI MODENA MO 18/7/1971 558 ELISA SILINGARDI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 13/8/1982 559 FRANCESCO SILINGARDI MODENA MO 16/10/1943 560 MAURIZIO SILINGARDI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 8/3/1948 561 TIZIANO SIMONI MODENA MO 19/2/1972 562 CLAUDIO SOLI MODENA MO 12/1/1960 563 EDOARDO SORRENTI SASSUOLO MO 30/12/1974 564 ANSELMO SOVIENI MODENA MO 15/11/1966 565 ALBERTO SPAGGIARI MODENA MO 21/9/1976 566 LUCA SPAGGIARI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 15/2/1972 567 ANDREA STAGNINI CASTELNOVO DI SOTTO RE 4/2/1964 568 BARBARA SUERI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 9/2/1972 569 GIUSEPPE TACCONI CASTELNUOVO RANGONE MO 2/12/1934 570 PAOLA TACCONI MODENA MO 2/10/1961 571 ROBERTO TACCONI MODENA MO 24/6/1968 572 MARCO TAGLIAVINI MODENA MO 8/12/1964 573 AMADIO TAGLIAZUCCHI LAMA MOCOGNO MO 5/10/1942 574 ENRICO TAGLINI SASSUOLO MO 16/5/1970 575 FRANCO TAGLINI CASTELLARANO RE 19/7/1939 576 PAOLO TAGLINI SASSUOLO MO 3/1/1973 577 ANNA MARIA TALARICO MODENA MO 8/11/1957 578 CINZIA TALIANI MODENA MO 6/2/1975 50 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 579 MARCO TAMAGNINI MODENA MO 1/5/1971 580 MARCO TAPARELLI MODENA MO 23/9/1980 581 LUIGI TARDINI MODENA MO 2/7/1957 582 PIER GIUSEPPE TASSI CONCORDIA SULLA SECCHIA MO 20/12/1958 583 GIOVANNI TEDESCHINI VIGNOLA MO 14/2/1978 584 ALBERTO TENEBROSI SAN GIACOMO DELLE SEGNATE MN 18/8/1946 585 LUCIANO TENEGGI BAISO RE 28/2/1951 586 STEFANO TESINI MODENA MO 11/4/1968 587 TOMMASO TINTI MODENA MO 26/9/1983 588 ANTONIO TOLLI FOGGIA FG 11/10/1978 589 LUISA VITTORIA TONDO NARDÒ LE 28/6/1982 590 GIANLUCA TRABUCCO MODENA MO 24/5/1964 591 RAFFAELLA TURCHI CARPI MO 18/1/1971 592 GIANLUCA UGOLETTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 30/1/1975 593 FEDERICA VACCARI MODENA MO 23/12/2009 594 LUCA VACCARI MODENA MO 13/9/1975 595 MARCELLO VACCARI SASSUOLO MO 31/5/1973 596 VALERIA VACCARI MODENA MO 23/10/2006 597 VALERIA VACCARI MODENA MO 18/10/1973 598 EDMEA VACONDIO REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 22/8/1941 599 PAOLO VACONDIO REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 12/11/1971 600 PIETRO VACONDIO REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 28/6/1942 601 GIANCARLO VALENTINI FORMIGINE MO 17/7/1957 602 VERONICA VALLERY REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 8/3/1972 603 MASSIMO VALLI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 26/8/1981 604 GIUSEPPE VANDELLI SASSUOLO MO 14/12/1964 605 MARIA PIA VANDELLI MODENA MO 17/5/1957 606 ALESSANDRO VANDINI MODENA MO 27/12/1987 51 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 607 ANNA MARIA VECCHI MODENA MO 12/10/1969 608 PATRIZIA VECCHI MODENA MO 29/7/1961 609 ERMANNA VELLANI MODENA MO 28/10/1938 610 VANNI VELLANI SASSUOLO MO 21/9/1961 611 ALICE VENEZIANI SAN GIOVANNI IN PERSICETO BO 13/11/1982 612 ROBERTO GELMO VENTURELLI ANDREOLI VENEZUELA VENEZUELA 25/3/1966 613 FLAVIO VERATTI SASSUOLO MO 5/11/1971 614 FRANCESCO VERONESI MODENA MO 22/2/1978 615 MASSIMO VERONESI CAVEZZO MO 12/9/1956 616 NICOLETTA VERONESI MIRANDOLA MO 9/2/1988 617 ANDREA VERRINI CORREGGIO RE 28/5/1981 618 MILENA VEZZANI NOVELLARA RE 18/3/1966 619 FRANCESCO VEZZELLI MODENA MO 18/8/1934 620 MARIA CRISTINA VEZZELLI MODENA MO 8/2/1959 621 ROBERTO VEZZELLI MODENA MO 27/10/1962 622 VALTER VIGNUDELLI NONANTOLA MO 6/6/1941 623 GIULIA VINCENZI CARPI MO 2/10/1982 624 SILVANA VINCENZI MODENA MO 18/10/1930 625 MARCO VOLPI MODENA MO 26/1/1984 626 JURI ZACCARINI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MO 21/1/1975 627 ANTONIO ZAGNOLI ROME RM 21/10/1961 628 ELISABETTA ZAGNOLI MODENA MO 4/3/1970 629 GIOVANNA ZAGNOLI MODENA MO 19/12/1965 630 LUCA ZAMBELLI SASSUOLO MO 6/10/1970 631 PAOLA ZANAGA CENESELLI RO 30/6/1956 632 GIULIO ZANFI FORMIGINE MO 9/8/1965 633 NICOLETTA ZANNI MODENA MO 13/5/1960 634 LUIGI ZANTI REGGIO NELL'EMILIA RE 14/4/1971 52 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 635 ALBERTO ZARRELLI MODENA MO 28/4/1960 636 ROMANO ZEPPELLI MOGLIA MN 17/9/1928 637 GIORGIO ZIRONI FIORANO MODENESE MO 10/10/1956 638 FILIPPO ZITO MODENA MO 18/7/1956 639 CESARE ZOBOLI SASSUOLO MO 23/5/1961 640 VERONICA ZOBOLI SASSUOLO MO 19/9/1985 641 VITTORIO ZOBOLI SASSUOLO MO 24/9/1989 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 1, as declared by them: 1.24% List no. 2 Shareholders presenting list no. 2 no. Name Place of birth / Head office Province Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 1 EMANUELA ADANI VERONA VR 13/12/1971 2 NORBERTO ADANI MO 23/7/1939 3 FABIO MASSIMO ADDARII PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO BOLOGNA BO 28/10/1944 4 LARA LARA ZURIGO SWITZERLAND 14/11/1968 CASALGRANDE RE 03089400364 ALBANI BERGAMO BG 28/4/1971 7 ANDREA ALBERTI BOLOGNA BO 14/7/1968 8 ANNA ALLEGRETTI SUPERSANO LC 24/5/1950 9 GIANANDREA ALLEGRI RAVENNA RA 14/11/1971 10 STEFANO ALLORINI VIAREGGIO LU 19/6/1953 11 MARTINO AMADARDO SAN DONA' DI PIAVE PD 5/9/1984 12 STEFANO AMPOLLINI BRAZIL BRAZIL 5/2/1957 13 MATTEO ANDREOLI MODENA MO 26/12/1975 14 IMMACOLATA ANDREOTTOLA AV 13/11/1968 15 ENRICHETTA ANNOVI SAN SOSSIO BARONIA MEDOLLA MO 11/3/1947 16 MARIA CONSOLATA APRILE LEVERANO LE 18/4/1968 17 FRANCO ARBIZZI 5 AGS AUTOMATION S.R.L. 6 ADRIANO 18 ARTE COSTRUZIONI SRL RAPP.LEGALE CRISTIANO DAMIANO 19 ASS.MI. 1 IMM. S.P.A. CARPI MO 28/7/1940 CAVEZZO MO 03295780369 MODENA MO 02923250365 20 ASSICURATRICE MILANESE S.P.A.- INSURANCE MODENA COMPANY 21 ASSISTEC S.R.L. MODENA MO 08589510158 MO 02759940360 22 DANIELA BABILONI ROME RM 28/4/1966 23 MANUEL BABINI RAVENNA RA 30/1/1971 24 ANGELA BACCHELLI BOLOGNA BO 5/10/1962 25 GIUSEPPE BACCHIERI MONCHIO DELLE PR 12/6/1951 53 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. CORTI 26 GIUSEPPINA BAGGIO CASTELBUONO PA 9/2/1947 27 GIUSEPPE BAIOCCO ISCHIA NA 10/11/1981 28 VINCENZO BAIOCCO ISCHIA NA 5/3/1942 29 ELISABETTA BALATRONI RAVENNA RA 13/12/1962 30 FEDERICO BALATRONI FAENZA RA 26/5/1959 31 IVANOE BALATRONI RIMINI RN 18/6/2023 32 ANNA MARIA BALDELLI FOSSOMBRONE PU 7/8/1931 33 CARLO BALDINI MONTESE MO 20/7/1955 34 ANNA RITA BALLERINI MIRANDOLA MO 11/9/1960 35 MONICA BANORRI MODENA MO 18/12/1968 36 GIUSEPPE BARACCANI MONTESE MO 2/1/1949 37 MARCO BARALDI MILAN MI 7/5/1961 38 ACATE BARBANTI CAVEZZO MO 11/4/1930 39 ANDREA BARBANTI CAVEZZO MO 21/11/1960 40 GIORGIO BARBI REVERE RE 9/6/1941 41 PAOLA BARBIERI GUIGLIA MO 28/4/1960 42 GABRIELE BARTOLACELLI FORMIGINE MO 25/1/1947 43 OFAL BARTOLUCCI FANO AN 28/6/1934 44 GIANCARLO BASSI MODENA MO 8/5/1950 45 ERMANNO BATTAGLIA BUSTO ARSIZIO VA 30/9/1939 46 FRANCESCO BATTAGLIA MODENA MO 2/5/1973 47 GABRIELE BATTAGLIA MODENA MO 29/3/1979 48 KETTI BAZZANI SASSUOLO MO 5/6/1975 49 COSETTA BEGGI MODENA MO 31/10/1959 50 ANNA MARIA BELARDINELLI RIMINI RN 2/7/1942 51 ROSSELLA BELLEI MODENA MO 23/6/1965 52 MONICA BELLINI MODENA MO 17/8/1960 53 LARA BENATTI CAVEZZO MO 11/9/1939 54 ROBERTA BENEDETTI MODENA MO 9/12/1954 55 ADALBERTO BENEDETTI FORLI' FC 12/9/1940 56 ANSELMO BENEVENTI SERRAMAZZONI MO 23/3/1940 57 LUCIANO BERCELLI VERONA VR 16/10/1942 58 ROBERTO BERGAMINI MODENA MO 28/7/1966 59 WILLIAM BERGAMINI FINALE EMILIA MO 13/2/1949 60 CLARICE BERGONZINI SPILAMBERTO MO 16/6/1958 61 JUAN PEDRO BERNINI ARGENTINA ARGENTINA 24/7/1953 62 CARLA BERTACCHINI MODENA MO 19/11/1947 63 ALDO BERTARINI MONTESE MO 6/12/1943 64 ANTONIO BERTARINI MODENA MO 25/8/1970 65 GIOVANNA BERTARINI CASTEL D'AIANO BO 11/7/1936 66 LORENZO BERTARINI MODENA MO 10/12/1975 67 DENIS BERTOLANI SCANDIANO MO 13/8/1979 68 GIOVANNI BERTOLANI CASTELLARANO RE 12/7/1950 69 MARIO BEVINI MODENA MO 22/10/1930 70 ROBERTA BEVINI MODENA MO 21/9/1961 54 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 71 DELFINA BEVITORI NOVAFELTRIA RN 3/8/1941 72 ALBERTO BIAGINI MO 26/9/1962 73 BIANCA BIAGINI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA BAZZANO MO 1/8/1938 MODENA MO 01594500363 MO 19/12/1952 MO 31/8/1953 RE 31/7/1941 74 BIAGINI TEMPRA METALLI SRL 75 ELENA BIANCHINI 76 GIORGIO BIGARELLI SAN FELICE SUL PANARO CARPI 77 EUGENIO BIGI REGGIO EMILIA 78 GIOVANNA BIGI REGGIO EMILIA RE 24/12/1944 79 ROSALIA BIONDI CENTURIPE EN 8/5/1963 80 MARINELLA BOASSA OR 3/2/1950 81 PIERANGELA BOASSA OR 1/2/1960 82 ANNA MARIA BONACINI S.NICOLO' D'ARCIDANO S.NICOLO' D'ARCIDANO MODENA MO 2/10/1955 83 DANIELE BONAVITA VALLESACCARDA AV 6/12/1976 84 ELISEO BONAVITA VALLESACCARDA AV 28/6/1978 85 GERARDO BONAVITA TREVICO AV 5/5/1947 86 FRANCESCO BONDI MODENA MO 5/1/1986 87 GIAN LUIGI BONDI PRIGNANO S/S MO 26/3/1953 88 MONICA BONI SASSUOLO MO 30/11/1967 89 JACOPO BONORA BOLOGNA BO 26/8/1975 90 LEDA BONORA ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA 16/9/1944 91 MAURIZIO BONORA BOLOGNA BO 6/12/1944 92 MASSIMILIANO BONU MILAN MI 6/4/1982 93 LUCA BONZAGNI BO 26/5/1960 94 ALESSANDRO BORCHINI CASALECCHIO DI RENO PARMA PR 20/7/1974 95 SERGIO BORELLI SASSUOLO MO 11/12/1941 96 CORRADO BORELLI SASSUOLO MO 13/8/1968 97 BORELLI CORRADO DITTA INDIVIDUALE FIORANO MODENESE MO 03250810367 98 FRANCESCA BORELLI SASSUOLO MO 18/2/1990 99 MATTEO BORELLI SASSUOLO MO 18/2/1990 100 GIANCARLO BORGHI MODENA MO 3/1/1933 101 ISABELLA BOSIO BOLOGNA BO 5/2/1979 102 GIUSEPPINA BRIGLIA BICCARI FG 10/2/1956 103 ROBERTO BRUNI MODENA MO 9/5/1948 104 MARIANO BUCCA U.S.A. U.S.A. 24/1/1963 105 ENRICO BUFALO VALLATA AV 25/6/1966 106 CARLO ALBERTO BULGARELLI MODENA MO 22/7/1962 107 FABIOLA BULGARELLI REGGIO EMILIA RE 31/7/1993 108 GIOVANNI BULGARELLI REGGIO EMILIA RE 2/11/1991 109 STEFANO BULGARELLI MODENA MO 6/12/1969 NAPLES NA 04880211216 CARPI MO 9/1/1969 110 C.D.M. COSTRUZIONI SRL 111 ELISABETTA CADOSSI 112 GIANCARLO CADOSSI BOLOGNA BO 15/7/1941 113 JENNIFER CADOSSI CARPI MO 21/9/1991 55 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 114 LUCA CALANCA MODENA MO 22/10/1980 115 ROBERTO CALANCA MODENA MO 27/7/1963 116 SIMONA CALANCA MODENA MO 22/7/1975 117 CRISTIANO CALORI MONTECCHIO EMILIA RE 4/3/1986 118 DANIELE CAMARDA LUINO VA 10/9/1959 119 MARIO CLAUDIO CAMMARATA MUGNANO NAPOLI NA 19/5/1962 120 GIANPAOLO CANTONI MEDESANO PR 5/7/1960 121 CARLA CAPACCI MELDOLA MO 2/6/1946 122 MARIA CAPOBIANCO CARIFE AV 24/5/1946 123 ISABELLA CARABELLESE CARPI MO 18/12/1981 124 ANNA PIA CARRETTI MODENA MO 13/6/1952 125 DANIELA CARUSO CERCOLA NA 4/12/1987 126 CARMINE MICHELE CASARELLA VALLATA AV 8/5/1961 127 LUCIA CASARI MODENA MO 28/2/1931 128 ILARIA CASTAGNA ISCHIA NA 31/10/1978 129 GIORGIO CAVAZZOLI CARPI MO 15/4/1965 130 MAURIZIO CAVEDONI CASTELVETRO DI MODENA FORLI' MO 13/8/1958 FC 03182590400 132 STELLA CECOLI MARANO S/P MO 24/11/1946 133 CLARISSA CERRI BOLOGNA BO 31/10/1985 134 GIOVANNI CERRI CATTOLICA RN 3/8/1954 135 ANTONIO SALVATORE CICCHETTI AVELLINO AV 25/7/1959 136 ROCCO CICCHETTI AVELLINO AV 6/1/1991 137 SOCCORSA CILIBERTI SAN SEVERO FG 31/8/1966 138 LUIGI CIOFANI SALERNO SA 9/7/1950 139 FEDERICA CIPOLLI MO 10/8/1988 140 GIORGIO CIPOLLI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO SASSUOLO MO 10/4/1954 141 ANNARITA CIRACO' BOLOGNA BO 11/11/1972 142 DANIELA MIRELA CIULIN BUCAREST BUCAREST CHIANCIANO TERME SI 00911370526 131 CB FREE SRL 143 CO.IM. SRL 20/9/1976 144 ROBERTA CODEGA MILAN MI 22/7/1966 145 NICOLA VITO COLAIANNI PARMA PR 30/9/1977 146 MARGHERITA COMPAGNI FORMIGINE MO 6/2/1966 147 CONDOR STABILI PARTECIPAZIONI E INVESTIMENTI S.P.A. 148 CONSER SERVIZI SRL MODENA MO 02665830366 MONTESE MO 02755860364 149 VERONICA COPPA LACCO AMENO NA 2/4/1989 150 ANDREA COPPOLA GAGLIANO DEL CAPO LE 22/10/1986 151 GIANFRANCO CORNI SAN CESARIO S/P MO 1/7/1945 152 MARIA CRISTINA CORRADINI SASSUOLO MO 22/11/1962 153 PATRIZIO CORVINO CASAL DI PRINCIPE NA 26/3/1971 154 STEFANO COSCI REGGIO EMILIA RE 7/6/1960 155 CARLO COSTA FORLI' FC 24/12/1957 156 CELSO COSTA PREDAPPIO FC 12/3/2029 157 PIER LORENZO COSTA LUGO RA 10/8/1947 158 SABRINA COVILI PAVULLO NEL MO 19/12/1970 56 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. FRIGNANO 159 ATOS CREMONINI BOLOGNA BO 31/8/1946 160 CARLA CREMONINI MO 20/7/1948 161 MASSIMO CRIPPA CASTELFRANCO EMILIA MONZA MB 30/4/1959 162 GIUSEPPE CRISTOFANI MELDOLA MO 9/3/1961 163 LUCA CRISTOFANI FORLIMPOPOLI FC 4/5/1986 164 MARIA CRISTINA CRISTOFANI MELDOLA MO 28/1/1968 165 MAURO CRISTOFANI MELDOLA FC 30/1/1957 166 BRUNO CRISTOFORI FAENZA RA 22/4/1944 167 CARLA D'AGOSTINO RAVENNA RA 17/12/1969 168 LILIANA D'AGOSTINO RAVENNA RA 14/11/1963 169 PAOLA DALLARI MODENA MO 30/8/1964 170 ANNA MARIA GIOVANNA DANIELE RAVENNA RA 24/6/1938 171 BARBARA DANIELI SASSUOLO MO 2/7/1976 172 ALESSANDRO DANOVI MILAN MI 21/5/1966 173 CARLO DE BENEDICTIS ROME RM 27/5/1978 174 LUIGI DE BENEDICTIS NAPLES NA 21/5/1946 175 CRISTIANA DE CARLI GUASTALLA RE 29/1/1958 176 MORGANA DE CASTRO BRINDISI BR 13/11/1973 177 MARIO DE DOMINICIS BOLOGNA BO 25/11/1980 178 GIANFRANCO DE GIUSTI ROME RM 16/7/1943 179 VINCENZO DE PAULA CS 3/11/1978 180 ROBERTO DE ROBERTIS BELVEDERE MARITTIMO BARI BA 29/12/1942 181 STEFANIA DEL MAESTRO BORGO VAL DI TARO PR 3/12/1966 182 MATTEO DELLA CASA MODENA MO 11/9/1975 183 CLAUDIO DEMALDE' PR 12/11/1972 184 GIUSEPPE DESIATO SAN SECONDO PARMENSE CAMPOBASSO CB 8/4/1958 185 TOMMASO DI CIANO LARINO CB 21/12/1937 186 CARMINE DI GIORGIO CARIFE AV 17/3/1940 187 ALFONSO DI PATRIZI TERNI TR 8/3/1953 188 BARTOLOMEO DI TONDO GREECE GREECE 189 ANNA ROSA DINOZZI MODENA MO 9/2/1937 190 IRENE DIPINO RIMINI RN 12/6/1948 191 ENZO DONNINI MARANO S/P MO 24/11/1945 192 STEFANO DONNINI VIGNOLA MO 7/3/1975 193 PAOLO DORO RIMINI RN 10/10/1943 194 MARIA LUISA DOS SANTOS PEREIRA DRUSIANI VILLA NOVA DE GAIA PORTUGAL BOLOGNA BO 8/6/1938 RIMINI RN 02692360403 FAENZA RA 15/9/1981 198 EUROSERVIZI DI SALA ANDREA & C. SNC SAN PROSPERO MO 02754140362 199 MARCO EVANGELISTI MOLINELLA BO 23/3/1955 200 VALERIA FABBRI BOLOGNA BO 20/9/1980 201 MONICA FACCHINI SASSUOLO MO 18/6/1972 195 PIETRO 196 ERBAR SRL 197 LUCA ERRANI 25/5/1942 27/5/1950 57 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 202 EUGENIA ANTONIA FANTASIA CROTONE KR 12/2/1950 203 CORRADO FANTINI RAVENNA RA 8/12/1972 204 SERGIO FECI BORGO VAL DI TARO PR 27/8/1959 205 FRANCESCO ROMEO FERRANTINO MODENA MO 15/3/1985 206 SILVIA FERRARESI SASSUOLO MO 2/9/1961 207 GABRIELLA FERRARI SOLIERA MO 15/2/1944 208 MELISSA FERRARI MILAN MI 6/5/1969 209 SIMONA FERRARI MODENA MO 210 MANLIO FERRARINI ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA 211 FERDINANDO FERRETTI MODENA MO 1/9/1953 212 ROBERTO FERRETTI ROME RM 30/1/1954 213 ANGELO FERRI BONDENO FE 18/6/1956 214 ENRICO FERRI MODENA MO 19/4/1988 215 ANDREA PIETRO FILIPPI VILLA MINOZZO RE 29/6/1951 216 ELISA FILIPPI CARPI MO 3/10/1973 217 LIVIO FILIPPI VILLA MINOZZO RE 12/6/1946 218 MATTEO FILIPPI CARPI MO 25/9/1977 SASSUOLO MO 01102030366 219 FIN.BO SRL 16/5/1973 21/10/1938 220 MARCO FINA LECCE LC 4/5/1961 221 GLORIA FIORILLO MODENA MO 4/6/1973 222 LUCA FIORINI S.G.IN PERSICETO BO 31/3/1963 223 ELVIRA FLOREA MOLDAVIA MOLDAVIA 224 PAOLINO ANTONIO FORGIONE 5/9/1953 AVELLINO AV 26/11/1947 225 FOTOCOLOR EXPRESS 2 SNC MODENA MO 01805830369 226 MARIA CECILIA FRANCHETTI MODENA MO 26/3/1966 227 LAURA FRAZZONI BOLOGNA BO 18/6/1958 228 MARIA GIUSEPPINA FRESA BADEN GERMANY 229 CARLA FUSCHINI RAVENNA RA 16/8/1934 230 LUIGI FUSCONI CESENATICO FC 15/9/1941 231 G 3 - FERRARI SRL DI FERRARI GIUSEPPE E C. BASTIGLIA MO 02031410364 232 G.A.M. SERVIZI S.R.L. 9/8/1970 MODENA MO 02737880365 233 FRANCESCO GALLOTTA CEFALU' PA 16/5/1937 234 ADRIANO GANZERLI MIRANDOLA MO 7/10/1947 235 MARIA ROSA GARAGNANI MO 15/11/1949 236 SONIA GARAGNANI MO 7/12/1961 237 GIUSEPPE GARRONI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA CASTELFRANCO EMILIA RAVENNA RA 24/3/1968 238 RAFFAELLA GASPARRI LUGO RA 7/12/1947 239 ROLANDO GAVIOLI FINALE EMILIA MO 25/6/1941 240 MASSIMO GELATI PARMA PR 3/9/1968 241 MARIA ASSUNTA GENOVESE POTENZA PT 11/5/1951 242 LAURA GENTILEZZA BOLOGNA BO 1/11/1971 243 GIOVANNI GENTILI BERTINORO RA 10/11/1948 244 TERESA AMALIA GERAZOUNIS ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA MODENA MO 03048400364 CALENZA FG 23/2/1957 245 GESTIONE GRANDI HOTELS CENTRAL PARK S.R.L. 246 ANGELO GESUALDI 25/4/1941 58 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. VALFORTORE 247 MAURIZIO GIANOTTI MODENA MO 19/11/1961 248 MAURO GIAROLI REGGIO EMILIA RE 21/5/1960 249 DANIELE GIBELLIERI ASCOLI PICENO AP 23/3/1963 250 WALTER GIBELLIERI ASCOLI PICENO AP 7/8/1960 251 AMEDEO GIGLIO NAPLES NA 20/2/1975 252 ILARIA GIGLIO NAPLES NA 21/7/1977 253 RAFFAELE GIGLIO NAPLES NA 30/5/1940 FORLI' FC 02126760400 MO 16/1/1942 254 GIGLIO SRL 255 ROLANDO GIOVANARDI 256 GIADA GIOVANNINI CASTELVETRO MODENA RIMINI RN 12/5/1981 257 LUCIANO GIULIANI PRIGNANO S/S MO 29/1/1934 GIULIANOVA TE SASSUOLO MO GIULIANOVA TE 258 GIUMA S.R.L. 259 ROSSANA GIUSTI 260 GM RENEWABLES S.R.L. 01740050677 20/5/1981 01716900673 261 PAOLO GOLDONI VIGNOLA MO 8/6/1952 262 GIAN STEFANO GOLINELLI BOLOGNA BO 24/4/1962 263 FRANCO GRASSILLI BONDENO FE 22/9/1935 264 FABIO GRECO MODENA MO 2/9/1965 265 ANNA MARIA GREPPI FC 8/7/1958 266 ROBERTO GROSSI CIVITELLA DI ROMAGNA MIRANDOLA MO 29/7/1962 267 STEFANO GUALANDI BO 25/12/1969 268 ALESSANDRO GUALDI CASTEL S.PIETRO TERME MODENA MO 18/10/1968 269 MASSIMO GUALTIERI MODENA MO 31/7/1967 270 ELISA GUERZONI MODENA MO 28/4/1982 271 FRANCA GUIDI CASTEL DI CASIO BO 8/11/1945 272 GUIDO GUIDI URBINO PU 17/9/1949 273 HOTEL ZODIACO SRL RIMINI RN 03259560401 274 I GIARDINIERI SNC MODENA MO 03034970362 CATANIA CT 13/5/1984 276 IFC DI ZANOLI CLORINADA FIORANO MODENESE MO 03354500369 277 IMMOBILIARE ORCHIDEA SRL MODENA MO 01779610367 278 IMMOBILIARE RO.SE. SAS DI BENEDETTI ROBERTA & C. 279 ROBERTA IOTTI MONTESE MO 02665840365 REGGIO EMILIA RE 8/8/1965 280 SERGIO IOTTI REGGIO EMILIA RE 27/4/1938 281 ROSANNA ISPANI LEUT BELGIUM 282 CLAUDIO IZZO POTENZA PZ 8/5/1970 283 CLAUDIO LAGHI RAVENNA RA 12/6/1942 284 FEDERICA LAMBRUSCHI CARPI MO 19/7/1984 285 MICHELE LAORTE CASTROVILLARI CS 4/2/1962 286 NICOLA LAROCCA SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 9/10/1969 287 SALVATORE LEDDA NURAGIUS CA 29/1/1944 288 RENATO LEO MONTEPULCIANO SI 24/8/1943 289 GERARDA MARIA LEONE VALLATA AV 20/1/1938 275 VITO IACONA 59 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 2/8/1960 290 ORNELLA LIBBRA MO 11/1/1960 LIBERI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MODENA 291 UGO MO 23/8/1957 292 NICOLETTA LICCIARDI PESARO PU 7/6/1984 293 ORNELLA LOLLI BOLOGNA BO 28/4/1972 294 ANDREA LUGLI MODENA MO 15/6/1966 295 RENZO LUGLI MODENA MO 24/12/1937 296 ROBERTO LUGLI MODENA MO 28/10/1967 297 ALFREDO LUISI PZ 10/9/1953 298 MONICA SINFOROSA LUISI SAN CHIRICO RAPARO BOLOGNA BO 3/11/1981 299 MANUELA MAGNANI MODENA MO 25/10/1963 300 PIERGIOVANNI MAGNANI GUIGLIA MO 22/9/1964 301 ALBERTO MAGRO PALERMO PA 19/9/1980 302 DINO MALAVASI MODENA MO 14/10/1948 303 MARIA MALAVOLTI MONTESE MO 12/7/1934 304 TERESA MALAVOLTI MONTESE MO 18/10/2029 305 RUGGERO MAMMEI SESTOLA MO 17/3/1960 306 ROBERTO MAMMI CARPI MO 29/1/1964 307 ANGIOLINA MANFREDINI MODENA MO 30/6/1959 308 MAURIZIO MANFREDINI MODENA MO 27/1/1952 309 GIOVANNI MANTOVANI PARMA PR 17/1/1947 310 GIOVANNI MARCHINI BORGO VAL DI TARO PR 21/11/1963 311 ROBERTO MARCHINI BORGO VAL DI TARO PR 9/5/1957 312 GIAMPAOLO MARENA LACCO AMENO NA 24/7/1989 313 ALESSANDRA MARIANI BOLOGNA BO 11/12/1980 314 RAMONA MARIGLIANO MO 24/11/1982 315 DANIELA MARINELLI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA NAPLES NA 15/11/1949 GIULIANOVA TE 01716220676 316 MARINI & PARTNERS S.R.L. 317 FRANCESCO MARINI GIULIANOVA TE 29/3/1981 318 YVONNE MARIOSA COSENZA CS 26/12/1979 319 MAURO MARRI MODENA MO 26/1/1959 320 MARIA CRISTINA MARTINELLI MODENA MO 22/6/1972 321 FRANCESCO MASCHERONI MODENA MO 23/7/1955 322 STEFANIA MASSARI PARMA PR 9/3/1948 323 LUCILLA MATTOZZI ASCOLI PICENO AP 15/6/1956 324 DAVIDE MAZZI CARPI MO 22/4/1966 325 SUSANNA MAZZOLI MODENA MO 15/9/1960 326 GIANCALLISTO MAZZOLINI MODIGLIANA FC 8/1/1955 327 UMBERTO MENONI PARMA PR 31/3/1954 328 ANNA GIULIA MENZANI FIDENZA PR 31/1/1986 329 CHIARA MENZANI PIACENZA PC 30/8/1984 330 FRANCESCO MENZANI PIACENZA PC 5/3/1947 331 CLAUDIO MESSINA NASO ME 12/12/1942 332 ROBERTO MEZZETTI BOLOGNA BO 19/4/1946 333 VIRGINIO MINARI BRESCELLO RE 12/8/1941 60 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 334 DARIO MINGARELLI GRIZZANA MORANDI BO 16/3/1948 335 DOMENICO FRANCESCO MINGRONE GERMANY GERMANY 31/3/1974 336 MARCO MINGRONE GERMANY GERMANY 11/9/1971 337 GIUSEPPINA MIOTTO GALLERIA VENETA PD 16/10/1947 338 MODENA CAPITALE AVIATION S.R.L. MODENA MO 03103590364 339 MODENA CAPITALE ENERGIA S.P.A. MODENA MO 0314720362 340 MODENA CAPITALE FINANCE S.P.A. MODENA MO 02998780361 341 MODENA CAPITALE INDUSTRY PARTECIPATIONS S.P.A. 342 MODENA CAPITALE INSURANCE PARTECIPATIONS S.P.A. 343 MODENA CAPITALE REAL ESTATE S.P.A. MODENA MO 02998790360 MODENA MO 03008200366 MODENA MO 03008190369 344 MODENA CAPITALE S.P.A. MODENA MO 02983670361 345 MODENA PROJECT & ENGINEERING S.R.L. MODENA MO 02480720362 346 CLAUDIO MONTANARI RAVENNA RA 15/5/1937 347 MARCO MONTANARI FIDENZA PR 9/1/1967 348 CHIARA MONTANINI MODENA MO 19/6/1974 349 GIAN FRANCO MONTERASTELLI FRANCE FRANCE 3/11/1951 350 COSTANTINO MONTEVERDI BEDONIA PR 17/3/1951 351 LUCA MONTI BOLOGNA BO 7/2/1973 352 MARIA GRAZIA MODENA MO 17/10/1941 353 MARTA MANFREDINI IN MONTI MONTI MELDOLA MO 22/7/1952 354 PIER LUIGI MONTI MODENA MO 30/12/1932 355 BARBARA MORANDI MODENA MO 25/7/1971 356 FLAVIO MORANI NAPLES NA 2/3/1979 357 FIORELLA MUCCHI MODENA MO 31/7/1945 358 GIULIO NADINI PIANORO BO 7/10/1957 359 JESSICA NADINI VIGNOLA MO 17/8/1992 360 KATIA NARDI BOLOGNA BO 21/5/1963 361 GAETANO NASOLE TARANTO TA 27/8/1958 362 SALVATORE NASTRO NAPLES NA 28/7/1969 363 MAURIZIO NERI CARPI MO 25/7/1964 364 MICHAEL NERI FORLI FC 29/3/1967 365 GIORGIA NICCOLINI TREDOZIO FC 26/11/1944 366 DOMENICO NOBILE CATANZARO CZ 23/3/1980 367 MARIA OLIVERI CT 7/12/1943 368 CRISTIAN ORI S.GREGORIO CATANIA SASSUOLO MO 3/6/1969 369 LUIGI ORLANDI SERRAMAZZONI MO 26/4/1938 370 NICOLA ORLANDI MO 24/6/1965 371 CLAUDIA ORSI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO BOLOGNA BO 10/8/1953 372 PAOLO PAGLIA FONTEVIVO PR 11/5/1956 373 GIAMPAOLO PALAZZI CREVALCORE BO 27/8/1949 374 FRANCESCO PANNI FOSSOMBRONE PU 26/11/1968 375 ALESSANDRA PAPERINI MODENA MO 2/11/1974 376 LORETTA PASCARIELLO BOLOGNA BO 23/1/1947 377 DOMENICO PASCIOLLA CROTONE KR 31/1/1949 61 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 378 ADELINDA PASI FAENZA RA 27/10/1944 379 NICOLETTA PASOLINI MANTUA MN 19/4/1966 380 NORMA PASQUALI MONTEVEGLIO BO 18/1/1938 381 EMANUELA PASQUINUZZI TURIN TO 2/5/1970 382 ANGELO PASSINI MONTESE MO 12/5/1944 383 FRANCESCA PASSINI BOLOGNA BO 18/7/1984 384 FRANCESCA MERCEDES PAVESE VALLATA AV 30/3/1966 385 PASQUALE PAVESE VALLATA AV 18/7/1930 386 MARCO PEDRETTI PARMA PR 9/5/1978 387 ANDREA PELLEGRINI MODENA MO 23/7/1965 388 VASCO PELLEGRINI MO 13/2/1941 389 ANASTA CHANDANI PERERA PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO SRI LANKA SRI LANKA 19/12/1960 390 GIUSEPPE PERRELLA ISCHIA NA 24/11/1979 391 MARIA PERRELLA ISCHIA NA 31/7/1975 392 MARIA FRANCESCA PIANA BOLOGNA BO 30/6/1977 393 FILIPPO PIAZZA PARMA PR 8/10/1969 394 ELISABETTA PICCHIONI BOLOGNA BO 29/2/1972 395 LEONARDO PICCHIONI MO 13/12/1961 396 RITA PICCINELLI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO VERGATO BO 15/7/1974 397 LOREDANA PICCININI TOANO RE 5/5/1950 398 MARIA MATILDE PINI MIRANDOLA MO 31/3/1951 399 MARIAGRAZIA PIOLI CAVRIAGO RE 20/5/1946 400 GIUSEPPE PISANO MONTAURO RC 10/7/1947 401 ALBERTO PIZZIRANI MODENA MO 30/8/1985 402 ALBA PLESCIA CHIETI CH 3/2/1955 403 COSTANTINO PLESCIA URURI CB 30/3/1948 404 MAURO PLESCIA CHIETI CH 3/1/1952 405 CATERINA POLITANO' POLISTENA RC 10/4/1983 406 MASSIMILIANO PORCARI PARMA PR 5/11/1971 407 PROGRAMMA ENERGIA S.R.L. MODENA MO 02693030369 408 PATRIZIA MODENA MO 29/9/1974 QUATTROCCHI 409 R.EN.IT. S.R.L. GIULIANOVA TE 410 ROBERTO RABACCHI MODENA MO 01711960672 12/1/1963 411 MICHELE RAINIERI FIDENZA PR 25/4/1967 412 ANTONIO RANIERI MO 6/7/1964 413 DANIELE RANIERI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO BOLOGNA BO 25/2/1994 414 MARIA RANIERI MO 2/9/1960 415 CARMINE RAUSEO PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO VALLATA AV 2/11/1949 416 GERARDO RAUSEO AVELLINO AV 28/4/1973 417 SERGIO RAZZOLI MODENA MO 2/5/1936 418 RENIT D S.R.L. GIULIANOVA TE 01721510673 419 RENIT GROUP S.P.A. GIULIANOVA TE 01746650678 420 ENRICO RICCHI MODENA MO 6/2/1976 421 LUCA RICHELDI MODENA MO 30/3/1963 62 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 422 ELISA RIGHI CARPI MO 28/8/1977 423 LORELLA RINALDI SAN PROSPERO MO 7/7/1958 424 RINALDO RIPA MERCATINO CONCA PU 25/5/1935 425 SUSANNA RODITI MILAN MI 20/11/1967 426 ERIO ROMBOLI MELDOLA MO 3/6/1950 427 LUIGI RONCONE CATANZARO CZ 9/6/1945 428 MONICA ROSSETTI MODENA MO 8/10/1967 429 ALESSANDRA ROSSI CARPI MO 30/5/1977 430 ERMANNO ROSSI NEGRAR VR 19/9/1940 431 LORETTA ROSSI BOMPORTO MO 11/7/1946 432 CLAUDIA ROVIGATTI CENTO FE 28/3/1960 433 GIAN PAOLO RUBBIANI MODENA MO 25/7/1941 434 RICCARDO RUBBIANI CARPI MO 11/10/1975 435 MICHELE RUSSO PARMA PR 26/3/1974 FORLI FC 0125290403 FIORANO MODENESE MO 02073300366 436 S.CO.E.S. SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA EDILE STRADALE PER AZIONI 437 S.S.I. SOCIETA` SASSOLESE INVESTIMENTI DI BENEDETTI ROBERTA 438 FABIANO SABATTINI 439 ANDREA SACCANI PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO FIDENZA MO 13/3/1965 PR 16/5/1963 440 GUGLIEMO SACCANI MODENA MO 14/5/1938 441 MASSIMILIANO SACCANI MODENA MO 15/5/1973 442 LUCIA SALUSTI GUIGLIA MO 10/12/1932 443 VINCENZINA SALVATORE CASTEL BARONIA AV 3/11/1953 444 GABRIELE SALVEMINI BARLETTA BT 30/11/1984 445 DOMITILLA FLAVIA SAMORI' MO 13/7/1982 446 DANIELE SAMORI' MO 24/7/1961 447 FRANCESCO SANSONE PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO COSENZA CS 18/10/1973 448 FLAVIO SASSATELLI SASSUOLO MO 4/8/1972 449 GIULIANO SASSATELLI PALAGANO MO 4/6/1974 450 FRANCESCO SASSONE BOLOGNA BO 3/2/1973 451 CATERINA SAVINO TORRE ORSAIA SA 6/5/1948 452 VALTER SAVIOLI BAGNACAVALLO RA 24/12/1936 453 TURNO SBROZZI ANCONA AN 17/2/1931 454 DANIELA SCAPINELLI MODENA MO 21/3/1944 455 GINA SCIANTI REGGIO EMILIA RE 30/7/1942 456 DEBORA SCORZONI BOLOGNA BO 25/7/1989 457 PAOLO SCOZZAFAVA CURINGA CZ 14/12/1982 458 PAOLO SEGHEDONI MODENA MO 25/7/1963 459 GUERRINO SEIDENARI SWITZERLAND CH 16/3/1958 460 MASSIMILIANO SEMPRINI RIMINI RN 25/5/1969 461 MARCO SICHERI IVREA TO 28/1/1976 462 ILARIA SIGHINOLFI VIGNOLA MO 2/12/1984 463 PIETRO SILANDRI FERRARA FE 28/1/1940 464 ELISA SIMONI MODENA MO 26/12/1981 465 ANDREA SIRENA MILAN MI 10/5/1969 63 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 466 GUIDO SISTI FERRARA FE 467 ANDREA SMERIERI MIRANDOLA MO 2/8/1944 468 LUCA SOCI VIGNOLA MO 2/4/1985 469 IRENE SODANESI VIGNOLA MO 12/9/1967 470 PIA SOLA MODENA MO 2/8/1938 471 VINCENZO SORVILLO FRATTA MINORE NA 12/9/1964 472 FRANCESCA SQUILLACE CERNUSCO S.N. MI 20/6/1982 473 DAVIDE PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO MONTESE MO 15/2/1981 MO 10/4/1972 MO 18/7/1937 476 MIRELLA STAGNI DEGLI ESPOSTI STAGNI DEGLI ESPOSTI STAGNI DEGLI ESPOSTI STEFANI FORMIGINE MO 25/8/1957 477 SIMONA STRAPPAZZON MODENA MO 15/1/1977 478 SILVIA STROZZI MODENA MO 29/9/1959 479 ANDREA TACCONI BOLOGNA BO 17/10/1991 480 MARINA TAGLE NAPLES NA 13/9/1942 481 CLAUDIA SAVINA TAINI MILAN MI 15/1/1965 482 PAOLO TAMASSIA CONCORDIA S/S MO 21/12/1950 483 MASSIMO TAPARELLI MODENA MO 30/1/1949 484 ROBERTO TARTARINI MO 24/4/1954 485 ELISA TASSI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA BOLOGNA BO 5/7/1973 486 AMELIO TASSONI SERRAMAZZONI MO 17/8/1945 487 ANTONIO TAZZIOLI 474 LAURA 475 TEOBALDO 488 TEAL SRL IN LIQUIDATION 13/10/1940 MODENA MO 12/2/1959 FORLI FC 02695330403 25/11/1943 489 GUALTIERO TEDALDI MELDOLA MO 490 MANUEL TERZULLI VENOSA BA 18/12/1979 MODENA MO 02036750368 POGGIO RENATICO BO 29/7/1946 GIULIANOVA TE 01692760679 491 TESSITORE S.R.L. 492 GIOVANNA TESTONI 493 THE SHIRT S.R.L. 494 FRANCO TINCANI PALAGANO MO 9/3/1961 495 SALVATORE TODESCA TAURASI AV 3/10/1950 496 MAURIZIO ANTONIO TOMASELLA PIETRAPERZIA EN 21/9/1966 497 FEDERICA TOMASSINI BOLOGNA BO 29/5/1966 498 LORENZO TOMASSINI BOLOGNA BO 8/6/1968 499 ALBERTO TORRICELLI MODENA MO 20/2/1970 500 SIMONE TRENTI MO 29/3/1976 501 GLORIA TURRINI CASTELFRANCO EMILIA VIGNOLA MO 18/6/1965 502 MARIO TURRINI GAGGIO MONTANO BO 15/5/1934 503 CONCETTO VACIRCA CATANIA CT 9/5/1938 504 ROSANNA VALBONESI FORLI FC 9/1/1941 505 LUCIA VALCAVI LIGONCHIO RE 7/8/1955 506 STEFANO VANDELLI SASSUOLO MO 12/11/1971 507 STEFANIA VANZINI MODENA MO 3/7/1968 508 STEFANIA VARRIALE NAPLES NA 26/12/1969 509 GIANPAOLO VASINI CREMONA CR 7/11/1953 64 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 510 ANDREA VECCHI BOLOGNA BO 11/5/1968 511 LAURA VECCHI MODENA MO 8/5/1975 512 GRAZIELLA VECCHIE' SERRAMAZZONI MO 28/3/1956 513 PENELOPE VECLI PARMA PR 13/1/1978 514 SEBASTIANO VENTRICI ROMBIOLO VV 6/8/1960 515 PATRIZIA VENTURELLI MODENA MO 28/1/1949 516 ANGELO VERNA LAMA MOCOGNO MO 14/12/1952 517 FRANCESCA ANGELA VERNA MODENA MO 24/8/1975 518 MANUELA VERNENGHI BORGO VAL DI TARO PR 21/1/1967 519 PIETRO VERONESI BOLOGNA BO 3/10/2028 520 ELISA VERRI MODENA MO 23/7/1968 521 VERY LUXURY REAL ESTATE SRL REGGIO EMILIA RE 02281360350 522 AGOSTINO DONATO VETRANO BR 27/7/1980 523 MARIA VEZZALI S.PIETRO VERNOTICO NONANTOLA MO 9/12/1934 524 LUCA VEZZANI REGGIO EMILIA RE 8/6/1966 525 NICOLA VICECONTI NAPLES NA 1/1/1966 526 GIANANDREA VIGILANTE BOLOGNA BO 26/11/1980 527 LORENZO VIGNOLI BOLOGNA BO 12/11/1975 528 LUCIO VIGNOLI BOLOGNA BO 27/4/1942 529 MAURO VIGNOLI CARPI MO 15/4/1965 530 STEFANIA VIGNOLI BOLOGNA BO 28/2/1967 531 ANGELO VILLANO ALFANO SA 9/3/1942 532 GERARDA MARIA VILLANO SAPRI SA 13/3/1981 533 WALTER VINCENZI MODENA MO 19/2/1956 534 ELISA VISENTIN ROVIGO RO 24/1/1982 535 MIRELLA ZANASI BAZZANO MO 13/9/1945 536 MONICA ZANNI MODENA MO 21/3/1967 537 ROBERTO ZECCHI FERRARA FE 14/5/1951 538 CARLO ZIONI MODENA MO 24/7/1984 539 CLAUDIO CLAUDIO LUZZARA RE 10/12/1961 540 SILVANA ZONATO S.BONIFACIO VR 17/11/1945 541 MONICA ZUCCONI CASTEL S.GIOVANNI PR 26/8/1961 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 2, as declared by them: 0.27% List no. 3 Shareholders presenting list no. 3 no. Name Place of birth / Head office Province 1 ANTONIETTA ABATE LAPIO AV 17/2/1947 2 VITO ABATE AVELLINO AV 17/9/1954 3 ANDREA ABBAGNARA REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 16/11/1946 4 FRANCESCO ABBOSSIDA CORIGLIANO CALABRO GROTTAMINARDA CS 27/7/1953 AV 6/6/1963 5 STEFANO ABRUZZESE Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 65 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 6 FRANCESCO ACCORINTI TROPEA VV 28/4/1933 7 MICHELE ACCORINTI PARGHELIA VV 28/5/1961 8 VALENTINA ACCORINTI TROPEA VV 20/7/1980 9 GRAZIA ACERBO IN MAIETTA FERMO FM 7/11/1933 10 FRANCESCO AIELLO CATANZARO CZ 3/5/1962 11 GASPARE GENNARO AIELLO COSENZA CS 19/9/1969 12 MARIO AIELLO COSENZA CS 3/8/1968 13 FRANCESCA ALATI REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 18/5/1982 14 NICOLA ALIASI AVELLINO AV 29/11/1964 15 GIOVANNI ALOE ROSSANO CS 29/7/1965 16 VINCENZANTONIO ALOI CATANZARO CZ 19/8/1955 17 CARLO ALTAVILLA VENTICANO AV 5/12/1952 18 ANTONIO ALVINO AVELLINO AV 24/9/1969 19 GENEROSO ALVINO AVELLINO AV 18/12/1963 20 RAFFAELE ALVINO AVELLINO AV 19/5/1960 21 SABINO ALVINO AVELLINO AV 13/9/1935 22 ANGELA AMATURO SALERNO SA 21/5/1979 23 MARIA AMICARELLI PESCARA PE 14/9/1959 24 TONY AMMIRATO DIJON FRANCE 15/1/1963 25 ANMIC RIABILITAZIONE CROTONE KR 1912880794 26 MARIA GIOVANNA ANTONELLI MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 25/11/1960 27 CLARA APICELLA SALERNO SA 18/6/1975 28 PIETRO APICELLA CAVA DE' TIRRENI SA 1/12/1958 29 STEFANIA APICELLA SALERNO SA 21/4/1969 30 CARMINE AQUINO ATRIPALDA AV 7/6/1953 31 ESTERINO AQUINO AVELLINO AV 5/1/1957 32 FRANCESCO ANTONIO ARCURI CROTONE KR 27/11/1959 33 ROMANA ARENA TROPEA VV 1/2/1980 34 CHIARA ARGENIO IN ROSSI AVELLINO AV 6/8/1954 35 ANTONIO ARGENZIANO AVELLINO AV 10/1/1955 36 ANTONIO ARGENZIANO AVELLINO AV 6/8/1967 37 LUCREZIA ARGENZIANO AVELLINO AV 11/4/1959 38 MAURIZIO ARRICALE AVELLINO AV 17/12/1958 39 ROSARIO ARTURI CUTRO KR 19/3/1934 40 ATTILIO TROPEA PREZIOSI DI EMI COSENZA CS 1835230788 66 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 41 ANGELO AUTOLINO AVELLINO AV 9/9/1961 42 MASSIMO AVAGNANO AVELLINO AV 16/1/1973 43 PELLEGRINO AVAGNANO AVELLINO AV 26/6/1966 44 ROBERTO AVAGNANO AVELLINO AV 29/7/1971 45 CARMINE AVITABILE TORRE ANNUNZIATA NA 8/8/1964 46 SALVATORE AZZINARI CS 25/9/1966 47 ARTURO BALDINI CORIGLIANO CALABRO FISCIANO SA 13/5/1965 48 GIACOMO GERARDO BALDO ZAMBRONE VV 4/7/1963 49 IGEA BALLARANO CANDIDA AV 12/4/1931 50 ROSA ALBA BARBERIO CS 22/11/1964 51 ANTONIETTA BARBIERI SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE VIBO VALENTIA VV 3/6/1962 52 PATRIZIA BARBIERI AVELLINO AV 29/8/1960 53 IVAN BARILE CS 25/4/1976 AV 6/4/1942 55 PASQUALE BARRASSO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CASTELVETERE SUL CALORE FLUMERI AV 2/12/1948 56 ANTONIO BARTOLI AVELLINO AV 5/1/1963 57 ANTONIO PAOLO MICHELE BASILE 58 GIUSEPPE BASILE VIBO VALENTIA VV 9/6/1963 AVELLINO AV 2/3/1963 59 RITA BASILE MONTELLA AV 18/7/1951 60 MARIANO BATELLI NAPLES NA 29/11/1945 61 VALENTINA BATELLI SALERNO SA 27/2/1979 62 ANTONIO BATTAGLIA KR 18/6/1960 63 SALVATORE BELLO ISOLA DI CAPO RIZZUTO MONTELLA AV 8/9/1945 64 ANTONIO BELLUCCI TROIA FG 18/9/1939 65 FRANCESCO BELSITO VIBO VALENTIA VV 27/4/1963 66 ALESSIA BENEDUCE AVELLINO AV 30/8/1982 67 ENRICO BENEDUCE AVELLINO AV 5/12/1950 68 SALVATORE BERGANTINO LIESTAL SWITZERLAND 69 GIUSEPPE BERTUCCI REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 8/10/1947 70 MANLIO BEVILACQUA CATANZARO CZ 22/5/1934 71 ANNA MARIA BIANCHI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 4/5/1941 72 ANTONIO BIANCO FONTANAROSA AV 15/4/1945 73 ITALO BILOTTO AIELLO DEL SABATO AV 4/7/1953 74 GIOVANNI BITONTI SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CATANZARO CS 3/10/1964 CZ 8/2/1959 54 MARIA ANTONIETTA BARRA 75 MARIO BITONTI 67 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 31/12/1966 76 CARMINE BLASI SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 29/1/1964 77 FELICE ANTONIO BOCCELLA NUSCO AV 12/8/1953 78 GIUSEPPE GAETANO GIORGIO BOMBINO 79 ROSA BONAIUTO IN IANNACCONE 80 LUIGI BORRIELLO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 19/7/1939 AVELLINO AV 8/3/1945 ARIANO IRPINO AV 5/5/1934 81 MARIA PIA BOSCO IN GENITO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 2/3/1967 82 ROSANNA BOVA AMARONI CZ 18/12/1970 83 MARIO BOVI ACERNO SA 8/12/1958 84 CLAUDIO BOZZACCO MONTELLA AV 13/7/1937 85 MASSIMILIANO BROSIO MARSCIANO PG 2/1/1978 86 SERAFINA BRUNETTI LONGOBUCCO CS 6/3/1942 87 ANNAGIULIA BRUNO AVELLINO AV 15/9/1989 88 CARLO BRUNO CANDIDA AV 8/11/1956 89 FULVIO BRUNO BENEVENTO BN 12/3/1960 90 LORENZA BRUNO SALERNO SA 7/5/1959 91 MARIO BUCCELLA MONTELLA AV 3/9/1951 92 SILVIA BUONERBA AVELLINO AV 2/9/1959 93 CORRADO BUONFIGLIO NAPLES NA 2/6/1964 94 VINCENZINO BUONO LUOGOSANO AV 29/8/1960 95 GUIDO BUONOPANE MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 10/2/1943 96 AQUILINO CALABRESE AVELLINO AV 5/7/1963 97 GIANFRANCO CALABRESE CROTONE KR 1/12/1960 98 MICHELE CALABRESE CROTONE KR 22/1/1956 99 LUIGI CALI' NOCERA INFERIORE SA 20/6/1954 100 ARMANDO CALLIPO CATANZARO CZ 11/10/1983 101 DAVIDE CALLISTO TROPEA VV 24/8/1975 102 FRANCESCO CALLISTO LAMEZIA TERME CZ 28/2/1988 103 ANTONELLO CANDELMO AVELLINO AV 22/4/1961 104 ROSA CANFORA NOCERA SUPERIORE SA 19/10/1960 105 ANTONIO CAPALBO CS 24/10/1970 106 ADELINA IOLANDA CAPAROTTA CORIGLIANO CALABRO GIMIGLIANO CZ 15/6/1967 107 GIUSEPPE CAPASSO AVELLINO AV 16/4/1958 108 CAPEL SRL CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVELLINO CS 2883060788 AV 26/12/1957 OSPEDALETTO D'ALPINOLO AV 27/2/1959 109 CESARE CAPOBIANCO 110 GAETANO CAPOBIANCO 68 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 111 GIUSEPPE CAPODANNO AVELLINO AV 25/7/1945 112 SALVATORE CAPOLUPO AVELLINO AV 16/12/1981 113 VITTORIO CAPOLUPO AVELLINO AV 28/1/1943 114 CARLO CAPONE MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 21/1/1940 115 FRANCESCA CAPONE NAPLES NA 22/4/1964 116 GAUDIANO CAPONE MONTELLA AV 30/12/1972 117 ANGELO CAPPUCCIO AVELLINO AV 22/7/1961 118 ANTONIO CARBONE LAPIO AV 5/2/1946 119 ERMINIA CARDINALE CICCOTTI BARGA LU 3/10/1962 120 GIUSEPPE CARFAGNO AVELLINO AV 2/3/1960 121 SALVATORE CARFAGNO AVELLINO AV 23/9/1960 122 SALVATORE CARFAGNO CASSANO IRPINO AV 4/10/1954 123 AGATA CARIA IN MUSACCHIO COTRONEI KR 4/11/1949 124 GIOVANNI CARIDI SOVERATO CZ 3/2/1962 125 MARIO ROCCO CARLOMAGNO TREBISACCE CS 28/10/1953 126 PIETRO CARLOMAGNO TREBISACCE CS 22/4/1952 127 MICHELE CARLUCCIO AV 28/9/1960 128 PIETRO CARNUCCIO CONZA DELLA CAMPANIA BADOLATO CZ 5/11/1954 129 ALBERTO CAROLEI CROTONE KR 4/1/1967 130 MARIA CLARA CAROLEI BARI BA 14/10/1961 131 FLORA CAROTENUTO CAVA DE' TIRRENI SA 28/4/1978 132 GAETANO CARPENTIERO AVELLINO AV 28/9/1961 133 GREGORIO CARRATELLI AMANTEA CS 5/9/1952 134 GIUSEPPE CARRINO CAVA DE' TIRRENI SA 5/4/1975 135 AURELIA CARUSO SALERNO SA 28/8/1960 136 CAMILLO CARUSO CONTRADA AV 15/1/1947 137 FILOMENA CARUSO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 6/7/1943 138 FABIOLA CASALE AVELLINO AV 12/10/1962 139 ROBERTO CASE AGORDO BL 18/10/1941 140 GIULIO CASPARRIELLO TAURASI AV 1/8/1963 141 IRENE CATANOSO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 13/5/1962 142 CECINIA 90 S.R.L. MARINA DI DAVOLI CZ 1768620799 143 DANIELE CEFALO FONTANAROSA AV 12/3/1955 144 GABRIELLA CELESTINO CATANZARO CZ 4/10/1950 145 CEMENTI ARIANO S.R.L. ARIANO IRPINO AV 1867380642 69 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 146 CENTRE LOGISTICA S.R.L. VILLAPIANA SCALO CS 2505180782 147 ERBERTO CERRACCHIO AVELLINO AV 2/4/1986 148 VIRGINIO CERRATO AVELLINO AV 31/8/1961 149 PAOLO CESARO CAVA DE' TIRRENI SA 21/12/1954 150 LUIGI CETERA NAPLES NA 11/6/1970 151 FRANCESCO CHIRICO NAPLES NA 1/9/1950 152 JOSEFINA CHIUMMO VENEZUELA VENEZUELA 153 LUIGI CHIUSANO AV 9/1/1975 154 MARIACRISTINA CIAMPA SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI FONTANAROSA AV 4/12/1973 155 ANGELANTONIO CIARDIELLO AVELLINO AV 2/3/1981 156 CONCETTA CICCONE AV 13/7/1962 CS 9/11/1967 158 AMELIA CIMINO CONZA DELLA CAMPANIA CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE KR 20/1/1965 159 CARMINE CIPOLLETTA AVELLINO AV 9/5/1957 160 CIRO CIPOLLETTA AVELLINO AV 8/11/1957 161 FLORINDO CIRIGNANO TORRE LE NOCELLE AV 19/12/1950 162 PAOLA CIRIGNANO AVELLINO AV 15/1/1983 163 WALTER CIRIGNANO AVELLINO AV 20/9/1960 164 RENATO CIULLO ROSSANO CS 10/7/1948 165 VINCENZO CIZZA CROTONE KR 9/11/1961 166 CO. SER. FIN.-SRL REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 2058390804 167 CO.GE.CA COSTRUZIONI GENERALI 168 GENEROSO COLANGELO CORIGLIANO CALABRO ARIANO IRPINO CS 1374730784 AV 24/6/1959 169 WALTER COLANTUONI ATRIPALDA AV 25/9/1952 170 BERNARDO COLELLA MONTEMILETTO AV 20/6/1948 171 GABRIELLA COLETTA NAPLES NA 11/8/1967 172 FRANCESCO CONVERSO ROSSANO CS 18/3/1938 173 ENZO COPPOLA LAPIO AV 3/12/1957 174 ROSARIA COPPOLA SALERNO SA 26/3/1959 175 TEODORO COPPOLA AVELLINO AV 28/8/1957 176 CORIGLIANO FIERE S.R.L. CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE CS 2652740784 KR 841830797 AVELLINO AV 27/7/1947 179 STEFANO CORRADO AVELLINO AV 9/9/1975 180 MARIA CORRARETTI ESPEDITO AVELLINO AV 13/2/1954 157 GENNARO CILENTO 177 CORPO VIGILI NOTTURNI SOCIETA' 178 ENEA CORRADO 70 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 14/6/1962 181 PASQUALE COVIELLO AVELLINO AV 8/6/1976 182 DOMENICO COVOTTA ARIANO IRPINO AV 27/7/1936 183 GIUSEPPE CREAZZO SCILLA RC 16/11/1962 184 GIOVANNI CRESCITELLI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 27/3/1944 185 GENEROSO CRESTA PATERNOPOLI AV 27/10/1963 186 MARIANNA CRISAFIO TROPEA VV 6/3/1984 187 MATTEO CRISCITIELLO MONTEFORTE IRPINO AV 19/7/1950 188 ANNA CRIVARI COSENZA CS 4/8/1973 189 FRANCO CRIVARI RENDE CS 19/6/1958 190 FERDINANDO CUCCINIELLO ATRIPALDA AV 31/3/1957 191 MARIA CUCCINIELLO AVELLINO AV 8/5/1976 192 EDUARDO CUCE' REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 11/8/1977 193 DOMENICO CUGLIARI AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 24/4/1970 194 ALFONSO CUOCO VALLATA AV 21/6/1964 195 DOMENICO CURCIO CARFIZZI KR 26/9/1937 196 FRANCESCO CUSATO CROTONE KR 27/4/1946 197 ANDREA CUSIMANO PA 2/8/1950 198 FRANCESCO CUSIMANO BELMONTE MEZZAGNO PALERMO PA 2/5/1975 199 ANTONIO CUTURELLO ROSARNO RC 1/1/1966 200 FRANCESCO D' ELIA ATRIPALDA AV 20/1/1976 201 MARIA BEATRICE D' ONOFRIO SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 26/7/1968 202 GABRIELE D'ACIERNO AVELLINO AV 8/2/1979 203 MAURIZIO D'AGOSTINO AVELLINO AV 1/6/1957 204 FRANCO D'AMBROSIO AVELLINO AV 26/2/1963 205 LUIGI D'AMBROSIO FONTANAROSA AV 19/9/1951 206 MARIA DOMENICA D'AMBROSIO CERVINARA AV 9/8/1966 207 ANTONIO D'AMICO SALERNO SA 13/12/1962 208 ANTONIO D'AMORE AVELLINO AV 6/5/1954 209 GIUSEPPE D'ARGENIO AVELLINO AV 19/7/1962 210 LUCIO DATTOLI AVELLINO AV 2/8/1956 211 DIEGO D'AUREA AVELLINO AV 22/4/1962 212 ANTONIO DAVOLA RICADI VV 12/7/1950 213 CARMINE DE BENEDETTO MANOCALZATI AV 18/12/1961 214 ITALO DE BENEDETTO ATRIPALDA AV 8/5/1991 215 MARIA ROSARIA DE CECIO BENEVENTO BN 22/5/1966 71 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 216 GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE COLA AVELLINO AV 6/11/1961 217 VANDA DE CRISTOFARO IN LIMATO 218 ALBERTO DE DOMINICIS CASALNUOVO DI NAPOLI FONTANAROSA NA 16/12/1951 AV 30/3/1966 219 ANNA DE FEO AVELLINO AV 18/3/1976 220 LIBERATORE DE GRUTTOLA ARIANO IRPINO AV 21/4/1943 221 GIUSEPPE DE LEO SAN SOSSIO BARONIA LONGOBUCCO AV 17/4/1962 CS 6/12/1954 CS 31/1/1956 224 LUCIO DE LUCA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COTRONEI KR 14/12/1966 225 MARTA DE LUCA TROPEA VV 3/5/1981 226 SALVATORE DE LUCA CS 18/10/1960 AV 17/9/1927 228 MAURIZIO DE MAIO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MUGNANO DEL CARDINALE AVELLINO AV 17/5/1961 229 RAFFAELLO DE MAIO SALERNO SA 21/12/1953 230 ACHIROPITA DE MARCO ROSSANO CS 27/1/1954 231 ANTONIO DE MARCO MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 12/2/1946 232 GIULIANA DE MARCO CHIUSANO DI SAN DOMENICO AVELLINO AV 9/12/1963 AV 24/10/1959 AV 19/7/1953 235 NICOLA DE NAPOLI SANTO STEFANO DEL SOLE AVELLINO AV 8/3/1961 236 FLORO DE NARDO SAN FLORO CZ 13/11/1958 237 GAETANO DE PADUA AVELLINO AV 29/1/1983 238 GERARDO DE PADUA AVELLINO AV 21/6/1941 239 CARMINE DE PAOLA CERENZIA KR 8/8/1963 240 ARTURO DE PASCALE ROCCABASCERANA AV 10/10/1964 241 ANNA MARIA DE ROSA AVELLINO AV 17/7/1962 242 ROSALIA DE ROSA BENEVENTO BN 21/8/1959 243 DOMIZIANO DE ROSIS MORGIA CATANZARO CZ 26/4/1972 244 ALBERTO CARLO DE SIMONE U.S.A. U.S.A. 21/8/1958 245 ELIA VIRGINIO DE SIMONE U.S.A. U.S.A. 4/8/1955 246 GIUSEPPE DE SIMONE BAGNOLI IRPINO AV 20/10/1960 247 ANTONELLA PAOLA DE STEFANO 248 GIUSEPPE DE STEFANO MELITO DI PORTO RC SALVO MONTEFORTE IRPINO AV 29/6/1971 249 LUCIO DE STEFANO AVELLINO AV 27/6/1957 250 MARCO DE STEFANO AVELLINO AV 6/12/1981 222 FINUZZO DE LUCA 223 GERARDO DE LUCA 227 GIOVANNI DE LUCIA 233 MARIADOMENICA DE MEO 234 PIETRO DE MEO 72 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 6/10/1955 251 COSTANTINA DE VENEZIA AVELLINO AV 5/10/1961 252 EDOARDO DE VITO AVELLINO AV 16/6/1972 253 GIAMPAOLO DE VITO ATRIPALDA AV 15/3/1957 254 GIULIANO DE VITO AVELLINO AV 23/11/1967 255 GIUSEPPE DE VITO AVELLINO AV 22/6/1963 256 COSTANTINO DEL GAUDIO AVELLINO AV 20/10/1956 257 COSTANTINO DEL GAUDIO AVELLINO AV 20/11/1961 258 GIUSEPPINA DEL GAUDIO TERRAGLIA 259 CARLA DEL GIUDICE AVELLINO AV 31/7/1951 NAPLES NA 7/2/1931 260 ANTONIO DEL GROSSO FONTANAROSA AV 14/9/1949 261 RAFFAELLA DEL TRONO CETRARO CS 8/2/1931 262 RAFFAELLO DELL'ERARIO AVELLINO AV 20/4/1962 263 ALFONSO DELLO BUONO MONTELLA AV 4/4/1958 264 CARMINE DELLO RUSSO AVELLINO AV 17/5/1965 265 NICOLA SILVIO DI DOMENICO TEORA AV 1/1/1950 266 ANNA DI FALCO AVELLINO AV 7/9/1962 267 CONCETTA DI FALCO AVELLINO AV 19/7/1959 268 LUCA DI FALCO AVELLINO AV 27/10/1979 269 VALENTINA DI GENUA SALERNO SA 14/2/1975 270 NICOLA DI IORIO TAURASI AV 25/5/1963 271 ANTONIO DI LECCE PORTICI NA 3/5/1955 272 NUNZIO DI LEO GUARDIA LOMBARDI AV 2/5/1952 273 MARIA TERESA DI MATTIA NAPLES NA 6/7/1968 274 ANTONIO DI PALMA ARIANO IRPINO AV 2/5/1959 275 MARIO DI TALIA FONTANAROSA AV 31/8/1975 276 ANNA DI TROIA ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 18/6/1955 277 TERENZIO DI TROIA ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 6/10/1964 278 ANTONIA DI VENEZIA ATRIPALDA AV 21/11/1991 279 MARIA CONCETTA DI VENEZIA ATRIPALDA AV 5/8/1989 280 RENATO DI VENEZIA AVELLINO AV 14/3/1960 281 CARMELA DIANA MONTORO SUPERIORE MELITO DI PORTO SALVO ROSSANO AV 18/6/1951 RC 16/4/1979 CS 6/10/1976 CORIGLIANO CALABRO MIRABELLA ECLANO CS 2584870782 AV 12/6/1955 282 FAUSTO DIANO 283 EMANUELA DIMIZIO 284 DITTA PERRONE ANTONIO 285 RAFFAELE DOTOLO 73 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 286 CARMINE DRAGONE MONTELLA AV 8/6/1932 287 MAURO DRAGONE MONTELLA AV 6/5/1972 288 MARIO DRAGONETTI MONTELLA AV 26/8/1936 289 ECOROSS SRL ROSSANO CS 1936880788 290 EDAN S.R.L. CS 2839430788 291 BENEDETTO EGIDIO CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVELLINO AV 13/3/1972 292 EMME COSTRUZIONI SRL RENDE CS 2488430782 293 EMPORIO DI PALUDI MASSIMILIANO 294 ROCCO ERRA ROSSANO CS 2348240785 AVELLINO AV 12/7/1955 295 ERREDUE SRL COSENZA CS 2393180787 296 FRANCESCO ESPOSITO AFRAGOLA NA 15/12/1970 297 F.LLI ARCIDIACONO G.& G. SNC CS 140930785 CZ 19/6/1968 299 ANTONIO FALCONE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CHIARAVALLE CENTRALE ZAGARISE CZ 28/4/1966 300 VINCENZO FALCONE ZAGARISE CZ 19/1/1947 301 CARMINE FALSO SUMMONTE AV 2/2/1948 302 CELESTINO FALSO AVELLINO AV 6/4/1962 303 EUGENIO FALSO SUMMONTE AV 2/12/1951 304 ROBERTO FAMIGLIETTI AVELLINO AV 27/4/1965 305 ROCCO ANTONIO FAMIGLIETTI GROTTAMINARDA AV 16/11/1960 306 FARMACIA EREDI BARONE DOTT. GI 307 FATTORIE DEL SOLE S.R.L. ROSSANO CS 3093560781 REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 2048110809 308 GRAZIANO FAVA CZ 22/5/1977 309 GASPARE FAZIO CARAFFA DI CATANZARO SERRASTRETTA CZ 23/3/1955 310 LUIGI FAZIO SERRASTRETTA CZ 15/5/1965 311 LUCA FEDERICO COSENZA CS 12/3/1964 312 LUCIA FELTRE LOVERE BG 30/8/1955 313 ANNA MARIA FENUTA FOGGIA FG 4/7/1955 314 PELLEGRINO FERRANTE AVELLINO AV 7/4/1959 315 ANTONIO FERRARA PALMA CAMPANIA NA 5/1/1928 316 GIOVANNI FERRARA NAPLES NA 15/3/1962 317 DOMENICO FERRARELLI CS 30/12/1957 318 CARMINE FESTA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO AV 17/3/1963 319 MAURIZIO FESTA AVELLINO AV 3/10/1957 320 STEFANIA FESTA AVELLINO AV 2/1/1962 298 GIOVANNI FABIANO 74 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 321 VINCENZO FESTA AVELLINO AV 22/12/1957 322 SALVATORE FIGLIUOLO MONTELLA AV 26/5/1956 323 AMEDEO FIGORILLI CATANZARO CZ 9/1/1987 324 ANDREA FIGORILLI CATANZARO CZ 2/1/1984 325 ANTONIO FIGORILLI ANTRODOCO RI 15/3/1944 326 NATALE FIGORILLI CATANZARO CZ 27/6/1978 327 CARLO FINIZIO NAPLES NA 15/3/1969 328 CIRO FINIZIO NAPLES NA 12/11/1933 329 CONSIGLIA FIORE AVELLINO AV 2/11/1963 330 GIANLUCA FIORE COSENZA CS 18/11/1982 331 DOMENICO FIORILLO VIBO VALENTIA VV 23/7/1966 332 MARIO FLOVILLA MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 9/4/1951 333 ADELE FORTE COSENZA CS 22/4/1973 334 DOMENICO FORTE AVELLINO AV 4/5/1960 335 FRANCESCO ALFONSO FRANCAVILLA 336 PATRIZIA FRANCHINI APRIGLIANO CS 1/8/1952 AVELLINO AV 23/9/1962 337 PATRIZIA FRANCIOSA PATERNOPOLI AV 18/9/1969 338 ALESSIO FREDA SAN NICOLA BARONIA AV 27/8/1957 339 DOMENICO FRESCA VV 23/5/1962 340 MARIA ROSARIA FRESE SAN COSTANTINO CALABRO AVELLINO AV 16/12/1928 341 LINDA VIRGINIA FRICCHIONE MILAN MI 30/10/1971 342 ANTONIO FUCCI AVELLINO AV 26/1/1984 343 GENEROSO FUCCI AVELLINO AV 21/4/1950 344 STEFANO FUCCI ATRIPALDA AV 17/6/1985 345 VINCENZO FUCCI AVELLINO AV 21/8/1977 346 MARCO ANTONIO FURNARI MESSINA ME 11/3/1971 347 LUIGI FUSCO AVELLINO AV 7/2/1969 348 G.& G. COMPONENTS S.R.L. VIBO VALENTIA VV 2005420795 349 CARMINE GAETA AVELLINO AV 28/10/1958 350 TERESA GAETA ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 26/9/1965 351 MARIA GALANTE SALERNO SA 17/6/1978 352 SAMANTA GALASSO AVELLINO AV 7/11/1976 353 ELIO GALDO PRATOLA SERRA AV 14/9/1952 354 MARIO GALDO PRATOLA SERRA AV 24/2/1964 355 DOMENICO GALLIANO BENEVENTO BN 12/6/1929 75 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 356 VITTORIO GALLIANO BENEVENTO BN 11/3/1961 357 ALFONSO GALLO MONTEMARANO AV 31/3/1926 358 GIANFELICE GALLO MONTEMARANO AV 10/2/1958 359 GIUSEPPE GALLO CS 8/1/1965 CS 28/6/1963 CS 21/1/1967 362 SERGIO GALLO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MANDATORICCIO CS 1/9/1945 363 ANGELO GALLUCCIO ATRIPALDA AV 7/3/1955 364 ENZO GALLUCCIO BENEVENTO BN 3/10/1963 365 VITTORIO GAMBACORTA ARIANO IRPINO AV 28/1/1934 366 MARISA GAMBALE MONTEMARANO AV 17/9/1962 367 ANGELO GAMBINO FONTANAROSA AV 2/7/1953 368 EZIO GAMBONE MONTELLA AV 2/3/1944 369 ANTONIO GAROFALO SALZA IRPINA AV 20/4/1938 370 GIANLUCA GATTI AL 27/2/1977 371 ROSALBINO GATTI CASALE MONFERRATO COSENZA CS 21/10/1948 372 FRANCESCO MARIA GATTO TREBISACCE CS 22/7/1953 373 GE.CO. - S.R.L. VIBO VALENTIA VV 1678590793 374 DIEGO GENITO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 6/11/1959 375 LUCA GENITO ATRIPALDA AV 3/3/1989 376 MASSIMO GENITO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 10/1/1958 377 SARA GENITO ATRIPALDA AV 9/12/1990 378 HELDER GENTILE SALERNO SA 11/3/1972 379 ROBERTO GENTILE AVELLINO AV 7/6/1968 380 ROSARIO GENTILE JONADI VV 20/4/1964 381 TITO GENTILE CERIGNOLA FG 26/7/1942 382 FILIBERTO GENZALE MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 18/10/1940 383 MARIO GIACOBBE AVELLINO AV 12/9/1961 384 PIETRO GIANGRECO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 24/9/1942 385 SERGIO GIANGRECO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 21/7/1974 386 GIOVANNI GIANNICCO ROSSANO CS 2/6/1966 387 BENIAMINO GIANNOTTI MONTELLA AV 7/11/1958 388 GAETANO GIANZI CS 1/1/1948 389 GLENDA GIGLIO CORIGLIANO CALABRO BARI BA 20/5/1980 390 MICHELE GILIBERTI AVELLINO AV 8/8/1957 360 NATALE PIETRO GALLO 361 SAVERIO GALLO 76 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 391 ALFONSO GIORDANO MONTEFORTE IRPINO AV 8/1/1950 392 GIANCARLO GIORDANO AVELLINO AV 13/6/1956 393 MASSIMO GIORDANO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 29/4/1961 394 LAURA GIOVANNITTI AGNONE IS 6/8/1923 395 ANTONIO GIUSTO FONTANAROSA AV 8/1/1953 396 TOMMASO GRANOSO AVELLINO AV 29/8/1958 397 FRANCESCO GRASSO SALERNO SA 11/2/1956 398 LEONARDO GRASSO FOGGIA FG 23/12/1961 399 MIRETTA GRASSO ARIANO IRPINO AV 24/5/1965 400 GIOVANNA GRAZIANO ARIANO IRPINO AV 29/10/1949 401 LUIGI GRAZIANO AVELLINO AV 24/1/1965 402 DOMENICO GRAZIOSO ARIANO IRPINO AV 6/8/1972 403 GIACINTO GRECO NAPLES NA 3/12/1960 404 ROSITA GRECO AVELLINO AV 11/3/1964 405 RAFFAELE GRELLA AVELLINO AV 16/10/1962 406 ANTONIO GRILLO ROSSANO CS 6/2/1955 407 CARMELO GRIMALDI AVELLINO AV 29/9/1950 408 ELENA GRIMALDI AVELLINO AV 26/5/1978 409 FABRIZIO GRIMALDI AVELLINO AV 6/8/1990 410 IDA GRIMALDI IN SQUILLACIOTI SANTA SEVERINA KR 20/2/1959 411 LAURA GRIMALDI AVELLINO AV 15/9/1979 412 ROCCO GRIMALDI AVELLINO AV 31/10/1953 413 PAOLA GUALTIERI IN LO RUSSO CATANZARO CZ 10/5/1949 414 ENRICO GUERRIERI CZ 20/8/1965 415 RAFFAELE GUERRIERI CARAFFA DI CATANZARO BORGIA CZ 2/1/1949 416 ROCCO GUGLIELMO CATANZARO CZ 12/9/1963 417 ROBERTO GUIDO COSENZA CS 25/3/1962 418 I.CA.CE.M. DI RINALDI VINCENZO CORIGLIANO CALABRO 419 MODESTINO MARIA IANDOLI AVELLINO CS 1937670782 AV 2/7/1958 420 ANNA IANDOLO AVELLINO AV 25/3/1952 421 VINCENZO IANDOLO AVELLINO AV 25/8/1959 422 ANTONIO IANNACCONE AVELLINO AV 14/5/1955 423 CARMELINA IANNACCONE AVELLINO AV 13/11/1947 424 MAURIZIO IANNACCONE AVELLINO AV 30/4/1970 425 ANNA IANNARONE ARIANO IRPINO AV 1/7/1961 77 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 426 PIERO IANNELLO VIBO VALENTIA VV 26/1/1957 427 ANTONIO IENNACO AVELLINO AV 25/11/1959 428 FIORENTINO IEPPARIELLO AVELLINO AV 7/6/1941 429 FELICE IMBRIANI AV 2/1/1949 430 ANNABELLA INCARDONA CONZA DELLA CAMPANIA SIRACUSA SR 19/11/1937 431 ANTONIO INDRESANO MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 21/4/1941 432 EMILIO LUGIO IORIO BIENNE AV 18/12/1963 433 MICHELE IOVANNA AV 29/9/1959 434 PASQUALE IOVINE SANT'ANGELO ALL'ESCA AVELLINO AV 23/3/1963 435 MICHELE IRTO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 4/10/1960 436 LUISA LA CAVA IN SCAMBIA ROME RM 17/2/1932 437 GAETANO LA TORRE TROPEA VV 20/7/1979 438 MASSIMILIANO LA TORRE TROPEA VV 11/9/1981 439 MARCELLO LA VERDE VENTICANO AV 9/10/1961 440 LUCIA LABBIENTO ROME RM 6/1/1958 441 MARGHERITA LABRUNA AVELLINO AV 31/7/1948 442 LUIGI LACAVA CATANZARO CZ 6/2/1955 443 AMALIA LAINO CATANZARO CZ 7/5/1960 444 GENNARO LANDI AV 28/4/1957 445 ROSARIA LANDO MONTORO INFERIORE COMO CO 27/7/1944 446 MARIA GRAZIA LANDOLINA REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 7/4/1967 447 FRANCO LAPIANA CATANZARO CZ 2/7/1965 448 DIEGO LAPIETRA ROSSANO CS 18/5/1975 449 LAPIETRA PASQUALE DITTA ROSSANO CS 1375400783 450 LAPIETRA S.R.L. ROSSANO CS 1835340785 451 VINCENZO LAPIETRA COSENZA CS 24/11/1973 452 SIMONA LAUDATO AVELLINO AV 30/5/1958 453 FRANCESCO LAUDONE CS 1/3/1966 CS 9/8/1931 455 FULVIO LENZI SAN DEMETRIO CORONE CORIGLIANO CALABRO MONTELLA AV 15/2/1939 456 CONCETTA LEONARDIS CATANZARO CZ 29/11/1954 457 ANTONINO LEPORE SERINO AV 21/6/1963 458 MARIANGELA LEPORE AVELLINO AV 19/4/1983 459 SALVATORE LEPORE MONTELLA AV 2/1/1948 460 LUCIA LIBRETTO AVELLINO AV 18/10/1935 454 GERARDO LAVORATO 78 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 461 GIOVANNI LICCIARDI CS 27/7/1953 462 ANNALISA LIMATOLA CORIGLIANO CALABRO NAPLES NA 18/11/1986 463 MARICA LIMATOLA NAPLES NA 19/10/1975 464 PASQUALE LIMATOLA NAPLES NA 16/2/1980 465 RAFFAELE LIMATOLA NAPLES NA 8/8/1947 466 ADOLFO LIMONE MONTEFORTE IRPINO AV 21/2/1931 467 ALBERTO LIMONE AVELLINO AV 10/4/1958 468 ALBERTO LIMONE AVELLINO AV 28/4/1977 469 BRUNO LIMONE MONTEFORTE IRPINO AV 5/1/1942 470 MODESTINA LIMONE AVELLINO AV 9/11/1971 471 MODESTINO LIMONE AVELLINO AV 15/2/1954 472 GERARDO LO CASALE MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 21/6/1939 473 ANTONIO LO CONTE MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 19/7/1935 474 ELISA LO PILATO AVELLINO AV 29/3/1958 475 CARLO LO RIGGIO VIBO VALENTIA VV 24/11/1967 476 GRAZIA LO SCHIAVO VIBO VALENTIA VV 17/10/1979 477 MARIA VITTORIA LO SCHIAVO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 4/11/1934 478 SABINO LOFFREDO AVELLINO AV 12/8/1970 479 ALFONSO LOMBARDO AVELLINO AV 26/4/1967 480 ANNAMARIA LONGO CROTONE KR 24/8/1955 481 VITTORIO LONGOBARDI BARI BA 8/1/1954 482 DAVIDE LOPETRONE SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 19/4/1973 483 ENZA LOPEZ IN FERRARELLI SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 28/12/1965 484 FILOMENA LOPEZ CS 21/5/1967 485 ANGELA LORENZO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CATANZARO CZ 22/8/1962 486 GIANFRANCO LORIA COSENZA CS 29/9/1975 487 GIOVANNI LORIA COSENZA CS 22/5/1974 488 RINO SALVATORE LORIA AARAU SWITZERLAND 19/8/1962 489 ANTONIO LORO FONTANAROSA AV 10/1/1965 490 RIZZIERO LOSCO ATRIPALDA AV 9/10/1962 491 SALVATORE LUFRANO CASSANO ALL'JONIO CS 6/12/1969 492 ROBERTO LUISI AVELLINO AV 10/3/1964 493 DOMENICO LUPPINO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 18/4/1959 494 AGOSTINO MADEO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 26/1/1957 CS 3/11/1959 495 ANTONIO MADEO 79 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 496 FIORE MADEO ROSSANO CS 1/5/1949 497 FILIPPO MAFFEO SAN POTITO ULTRA AV 27/9/1960 498 ANGELO MAGLIO AVELLINO AV 15/1/1955 499 GIUSEPPE FELICE MAGLIO SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 12/6/1964 500 NICOLA MAGLIO ALBENGA SWITZERLAND 9/3/1956 501 SERGIO MAGLIO AVELLINO AV 1/3/1963 502 ANGELA MAIETTA AVELLINO AV 2/3/1955 503 MARIA MAINIERI ARIANO IRPINO AV 24/2/1963 504 LEONARDO MAIUOLO BORGIA CZ 23/11/1961 505 PIERO ANTONIO MALLAMACE REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 3/5/1967 506 FILIPPO MALTESE REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 23/8/1950 507 OTELLO MANFRA AVELLINO AV 11/3/1963 508 BIBIANA MANGANELLI SANTA PAOLINA AV 30/12/1954 509 ARMANDO MANIERI CATANZARO CZ 27/2/1957 510 MASSIMO MANNA COSENZA CS 28/3/1962 511 FRANCO MANZELLI MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 6/11/1964 512 GIOVANNI MANZI CARIFE AV 19/8/1956 513 CLAUDIO MANZO AVELLINO AV 9/4/1961 514 GIOVANNI MANZO AVELLINO AV 30/7/1955 515 GRETA MARANI CATANZARO CZ 2/3/1995 516 DOMENICO MARANO AVELLINO AV 9/3/1978 517 MARANO MIRELLA DITTA CS 952910784 CS 14/1/1952 CS 5/1/1964 520 ENRICO MARINO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE NUSCO AV 30/4/1958 521 MASSIMO MARRELLI CROTONE KR 2/3/1959 522 GIUSEPPE MARTIRE BORGIA CZ 10/4/1962 523 RENATO MARTUCCI SERINO AV 28/9/1960 524 ANTONIO MASCIOLA MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 14/11/1956 525 ANTONIO MASTANTUONI AVELLINO AV 11/8/1980 526 FRANCESCO MASTANTUONI AVELLINO AV 31/7/1948 527 MARCO MASTANTUONI ATRIPALDA AV 17/9/1988 528 SARA MASTANTUONI ATRIPALDA AV 1/10/1986 529 RAFFAELINO MASTROIANNI CONFLENTI CZ 5/11/1966 530 MICHELE GERARDO MASUCCI VOLTURARA IRPINA AV 17/4/1963 518 GIOVAMBATTISTA MARAZITA 519 SALVATORE MARAZITA 80 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 531 FRANCESCO MATARAZZO AVELLINO AV 9/9/1953 532 VINCENZO MATARAZZO AVELLINO AV 20/11/1990 533 PIETRO MAURIELLO SANT'ANDREA DI CONZA BORGIA AV 20/12/1965 CZ 22/3/1966 CS 23/11/1949 536 PASQUALE ROMANO MAZZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE VIBO VALENTIA VV 10/10/1971 537 GIANCARLO MAZZEI MONTELLA AV 26/3/1949 538 LUCA MAZZEI CROTONE KR 16/12/1972 539 MARIO COSTANTINO MAZZEI COSENZA CS 7/7/1968 540 FRANCESCO MAZZUCA COSENZA CS 1/1/1955 541 MEDI TECNIKA S.R.L. CROTONE KR 1882320797 542 ARCANGELO MELIGENI CS 21/8/1975 CS 20/1/1967 544 DEMETRIO MELISSARI CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 12/8/1941 545 RAFFAELE MEOLI APOLLOSA BN 26/9/1960 546 ALFREDO MERCATANTE VV 9/4/1962 547 ROSA MERCURIO SAN COSTANTINO CALABRO AVELLINO AV 24/11/1952 548 ROBERTO MESIANO TROPEA VV 29/4/1962 549 ARTURO MIGLIARO NAPLES NA 10/8/1957 550 EMILIA MIGNOLA AVELLINO AV 19/3/1961 551 MARIA MILITERNO COSENZA CS 11/6/1965 552 PATRIZIA MILITERNO COSENZA CS 11/4/1969 553 LAURA MINICUCCI AV 13/1/1960 554 PASQUALE MIRABELLI SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI SAVELLI KR 13/5/1962 555 GIUSEPPE MOCCIA AVELLINO AV 1/10/1965 556 MOLINO BRUNO S.P.A. MONTALTO UFFUGO CS 164040784 557 CRISTINA MOLINO IN ORLANDO ROSSANO CS 25/10/1965 558 GREGORIO MONTILLO MONTEPAONE CZ 6/2/1947 559 ETTORE MONTORSI NAPLES NA 5/9/1957 560 ANTONIO MORANO AV 28/11/1948 VV 10/10/1959 562 MARIA MANUELA MORELLI SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI SAN GREGORIO D'IPPONA CATANZARO CZ 24/10/1967 563 SALVATORE MORREALE SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 2/11/1968 564 GINA MORRONE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS 13/9/1968 534 ANTONIO MAURO 535 DOMENICO MAZZA 543 ROSETTA MELIGENI 561 ILARIO MORELLI 81 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 565 PASQUALE MUOIO CS 17/5/1968 566 MASSIMO MUROLO CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 28/6/1957 567 ANTONIO MUSACCHIO COTRONE KR 13/4/1949 568 ROSARIA MUSACCHIO CROTONE KR 15/8/1981 569 MASSIMO MUSTO PRATOLA SERRA AV 27/3/1962 570 FABIOLA NAPOLETANO IN CRISCUO 571 ETTORE BRUNO NAPOLI ATRIPALDA AV 6/12/1961 REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 23/1/1967 572 LUISA NAPOLI AV 4/6/1965 573 PATRIZIA NAPOLI IN CHINDEMI MONTORO INFERIORE REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 28/9/1960 574 DONATELLA NAPOLITANO AVELLINO AV 23/5/1956 575 RAFFAELE NEVOLA SALERNO SA 14/5/1960 576 GERARDO NICASTRO BAGNOLI IRPINO AV 28/7/1957 577 VITTORIO NIGRO BAGNOLI IRPINO AV 14/5/1935 578 ALFONSO NOCITI CASTROVILLARI CS 12/8/1961 579 LUCA NUTINI AVELLINO AV 9/11/1978 580 ANTONIO OLIVERIO CS 15/11/1953 581 ROSARIA ANGELA OLIVERIO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COSENZA CS 16/10/1986 582 MASSIMO OLIVIERO UDINE UD 4/5/1963 583 TERESA ORLANDO IN SILLETTA CS 15/10/1968 584 OTRANTO GIUSEPPE DITTA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE ROSSANO CS 1649660782 585 MARIAROSARIA PACIFICO SALERNO SA 17/11/1946 586 VINCENZO PACIFICO CASTELFRANCI AV 7/11/1945 587 ATTILIO PACILIO AVELLINO AV 28/6/1953 588 MODESTINO PADUANO AVELLINO AV 5/6/1948 589 PAFRAL REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 2087030801 590 MATTEO PAGANO SALERNO SA 13/12/1964 591 ANTONIO PAGLIARO ZAGARISE CZ 9/11/1960 592 DOMENICO SANTE PALERMO VILLAPIANA CS 1/11/1967 593 FRANCESCO PALERMO VILLAPIANA CS 7/10/1938 594 PIETRO PALERMO PATERNOPOLI AV 2/10/1951 595 FRANCESCO PALLADINO AVELLINO AV 31/1/1965 596 FRANCESCO PALUMMO CS 20/4/1957 597 FRANCESCO PAONESSA CORIGLIANO CALABRO CATANZARO CZ 6/4/1972 598 LOREDANA PAONESSA CATANZARO CZ 8/5/1980 599 GIUSEPPE PAPARATTO RICADI VV 23/6/1969 82 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 600 DOMENICO PASCUZZI COTRONEI KR 16/11/1962 601 GIANCARLO PASQUA TRANI BT 21/12/1938 602 NICOLA PASQUARIELLO AVELLINO AV 30/4/1993 603 PINA PASQUARIELLO FONTANAROSA AV 16/2/1970 604 MARIA PASQUINO PATERNOPOLI AV 14/5/1966 605 ROSALIA PASSARO MONTELLA AV 3/10/1965 606 CARMELINA PELLINO AV 5/10/1964 607 FABIO PELUSO SANT'ANGELO A SCALA AVELLINO AV 8/6/1979 608 MARCELLO PELUSO BENEVENTO BN 22/6/1983 609 MIRKO PELUSO AVELLINO AV 17/11/1981 610 ORLANDO PELUSO AVELLINO AV 18/10/1950 611 MASSIMILIANO PENNA TORRE LE NOCELLE AV 23/7/1955 612 EUGENIO PENTA NA 28/11/1962 613 FIORENTINO PEPE SAN GIORGIO A CREMANO LUOGOSANO AV 21/5/1959 614 GENNARO PERCOPO AVELLINO AV 23/12/1924 615 GIOVANNI PERCOPO AVELLINO AV 20/4/1956 616 VINCENZA PERCOPO AVELLINO AV 24/10/1953 617 FRANCESCO PERILLO AV 6/12/1959 618 ANTONIO PERRETTA TORELLA DE' LOMBARDI COSENZA CS 22/7/1968 619 ALESSANDRA PERRI COSENZA CS 29/9/1977 620 GABRIELLA PERRI CATANZARO CZ 16/1/1957 621 GERARDO PERRI SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE LEUGGERN CS 26/3/1962 SWITZERLAND 3/7/1973 CS 9/9/1955 624 PASQUALE PERROTTI TERRANOVA DA SIBARI AVELLINO AV 6/5/1958 625 NILO PERSICO COSENZA CS 15/3/1963 626 ANTONIO PESCATORE AV 22/3/1969 627 VITTORIO PESCATORE CASTELVETERE SUL CALORE FONTANAROSA AV 14/1/1946 628 WALTER PESCATORE AVELLINO AV 23/12/1970 629 DANIELA PETITTO VENTICANO AV 9/3/1969 630 ANGELO PETRIGNANI BENEVENTO BN 27/9/1965 631 PETRONE SRL TREBISACCE CS 2883210789 632 MICHELE PETROZZIELLO AVELLINO AV 27/3/1965 633 OSVALDO PETROZZIELLO AIELLO DEL SABATO AV 6/1/1946 634 MICHELE PETRUZZIELLO PRATOLA SERRA AV 25/11/1939 622 ROSALBA PERRI 623 DAMIANO PERRONE 83 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 635 VINCENZO PETRUZZO GESUALDO AV 14/3/1942 636 EMILIO PEZZANO AVELLINO AV 18/1/1950 637 GUIDO PEZZELLA MIRABELLA ECLANO AV 13/6/1950 638 GIAMPIERO CARMINE PICCIRILLO 639 ANGELA MARIA PICCOLO BENEVENTO BN 20/6/1965 CS 10/4/1951 CS 24/2/1963 CS 2579020781 CS 20/5/1972 CS 27/7/1968 644 BEATRICE PIRONE IN GENITO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVELLINO AV 26/10/1960 645 SALVATORE PIRRO CARIATI CS 12/3/1981 646 DOMENICO PISANO ROSSANO CS 23/11/1968 647 PASQUALE PISANO AVELLINO AV 21/7/1958 648 CATALDO PISCOPO AVELLINO AV 14/5/1972 649 ROBERTO PISTOLESI AVELLINO AV 25/12/1965 650 GERARDO PIZZIRUSSO AV 23/10/1961 651 ANGELO POLCARI SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 15/11/1955 652 ANTONIO RENATO POLCARI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 29/7/1957 653 ULDERICO POLCARI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 7/2/1965 654 ANTONIO POLCARO MANOCALZATI AV 15/9/1963 655 GIUSEPPINA PONTOLILLO MELFI PZ 1/1/1960 656 ALBERTO PORCARO NAPLES NA 18/9/1960 657 FRANCESCO PORCELLI VIBO VALENTIA VV 20/5/1950 658 CHIARA PORCELLI SERINO ATRIPALDA AV 27/9/1988 659 VINCENZO PORCELLI ATRIPALDA AV 2/3/1956 660 PORCELLI VINCENZO - S.A.S. VIBO VALENTIA VV 1413620798 661 PASQUALINO PORCIELLO AVELLINO AV 20/11/1968 662 FRANCESCO POTENTINO CS 31/8/1974 663 GUGLIELMO PRATICO' CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 11/12/1952 664 SABINO PREZIOSI SERINO AV 8/2/1959 665 CARMINE PREZIUSO AVELLINO AV 27/12/1957 666 ROSARIO PROCOPIO BORGIA CZ 6/10/1959 667 SALVATORE PROCOPIO CATANZARO CZ 24/11/1988 668 PROJECT-COSTRUZIONI GENERALI VIBO VALENTIA VV 2734100791 640 FRANCESCO PICCOLO 641 PIGNATARO AUTOMOBILI S.R.L. 642 GIUSEPPE PIGNATARO 643 NATALINA PIGNATARO 84 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 669 ANDREA PROTO CATANZARO CZ 11/8/1972 670 LILIANA PROTO IN CALABRESE CROTONE KR 25/10/2029 671 RICCARDO PROTO CROTONE KR 11/4/1939 672 FRANCESCO PUGLIESE DRAPIA VV 13/11/1963 673 ANTONIO PULICE COSENZA CS 17/12/1974 674 DOMENICO PULICE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE REGGIO DI CALABRIA CS 15/10/1976 RC 21/6/1964 676 GIULIANA RAFFAELE IN CRESCITE 677 DANIELA RAGO AVELLINO AV 16/2/1962 TARANTO TA 19/9/1962 678 GIUSEPPE RAIMO BAGNOLI IRPINO AV 28/2/1955 679 MAURIZIO RANAUDO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 28/10/1959 680 FRANCESCO RAO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO CS 13/12/1960 AV 24/3/1967 AV 27/1/1963 AV 21/7/1960 684 FRANCESCO RENNA SANTO STEFANO DEL SOLE SANTO STEFANO DEL SOLE AVELLINO AV 2/2/1980 685 RAFFAELE RESTAINO PATERNOPOLI AV 29/11/1957 686 ASSUNTA RICCIARDI AVELLINO AV 5/3/1939 687 MILENA RICCIARDI AVELLINO AV 9/5/1972 688 GRAZIA IDA RICCIO CASTELFRANCO IN MISCANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO MORMANNO BN 21/4/1927 CS 30/3/1969 CS 30/6/1971 CS 8/4/1979 CS 21/11/1980 CS 20/2/1944 CS 15/6/1973 695 GIULIANO RIZZO CORIGLIANO CALABRO PADUA PD 17/2/1990 696 GIUSEPPE NICCOLO' RIZZO PADUA PD 17/6/1988 697 NICOLA RIZZO COSENZA CS 23/7/1961 698 OTTORINA RIZZUTO IN OLIVERIO 699 ERRICO ROCA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO CS 12/1/1958 AV 2/8/1963 700 FIORENZO ROMANIELLO MONTELLA AV 26/9/1954 701 FRANCO ROMANO SANTO STEFANO DEL SOLE GROTTAMINARDA AV 25/2/1963 AV 12/10/1966 675 DEMETRIO QUATTRONE 681 GABRIELLA RAPA IN DE LEO 682 MARIA RAPOLLA 683 NUNZIO RAPOLLA 689 FRANCA RINALDI IN BARILLARI 690 GRAZIELLA RINALDI IN LAVORATO 691 IOLANDA SIMONA RINALDI 692 MARIA ALESSANDRA RINALDI 693 NICOLA RINALDI 694 VINCENZO RINALDI 702 MICHELINA ROMANO 85 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 703 RAFFAELE ROMANO MONTEMARANO AV 19/8/1953 704 VINCENZO ROMANO CS 29/9/1976 705 MASSIMO FILOCAMO ROMEO CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 22/5/1950 706 ROMEO FIORENTO CATANZARO CZ 26/7/1979 707 MICHELE ROSATO FONTANAROSA AV 5/1/1947 708 CHIARA ROSSANI AVELLINO AV 29/8/1963 709 ROBERTA ROSSANI AVELLINO AV 14/10/1968 710 ANTONELLA ROSSI ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 13/6/1967 711 DANIELE ROSSI CATANZARO CZ 9/8/1976 712 FRANCESCA ROTIROTI CARDINALE CZ 11/8/1952 713 CARLO ROTONDI AUFIERO AVELLINO AV 20/5/1949 714 GIUSEPPE ROTONDI AUFIERO AVELLINO AV 3/1/1980 715 LELIA ROTONDI AUFIERO AVELLINO AV 30/10/1976 716 EUGENIO ROVITO COSENZA CS 1/1/1964 717 ALFREDO RUBINO FONTANAROSA AV 19/5/1964 718 MICHELE RUBINO AV 27/5/1963 719 NICOLA RUBINO SANT'ANGELO ALL'ESCA FONTANAROSA AV 24/11/1969 720 AMINTORE RUGGIERO AVELLINO AV 25/6/1965 721 GIANCARLO RUGGIERO NAPLES NA 24/11/1966 722 GIUSEPPE RUGGIERO FONTANAROSA AV 20/2/1961 723 MARIA RUGGIERO CS 17/3/1948 724 PATRIZIO RUGGIERO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO AV 9/6/1966 725 PIETRO RUMIANO AVELLINO AV 26/7/1947 726 ROBERTO RUMIANO AVELLINO AV 31/8/1950 727 AMERIGO RUSSO AVELLINO AV 9/12/1963 728 CONCETTA RUSSO BENEVENTO BN 15/6/1963 729 FRANCESCO RUSSO CROTONE KR 3/8/1961 730 TERESA RUSSO IN SPOSATO CROTONE KR 29/4/1954 731 SA.I.BA. S.R.L. KR 2815560798 732 FILIPPO LUIGI SACCA' ISOLA DI CAPO RIZZUTO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 21/6/1954 733 ANTONELLO SALIERNO AVELLINO AV 9/7/1969 734 SANNILO GROUP S.P.A. ROSSANO CS 2742910785 735 VIRGINIA SANSEVERINO AV 5/9/1957 736 ALFONSO SANTANIELLO OSPEDALETTO D'ALPINOLO AVELLINO AV 6/6/1962 737 MASSIMO SANTORIELLO SALERNO SA 31/10/1963 86 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 738 ANTONIO SANTOSUOSSO MONTECALVO IRPINO AV 739 GIOVANNI SANTUCCI AVELLINO AV 14/10/1968 740 SAPI S.A.S. DI SALVATORE PIGNA 741 EMIDDIO SAPIO CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVELLINO CS 2541270787 AV 17/2/1964 742 PELLEGRINO SAPORITO AVELLINO AV 2/7/1956 743 ANGELO SARAGO' TROPEA VV 1/12/1976 744 DAVIDE SARAGO' TROPEA VV 14/10/1974 745 MICHELE SARAGO' VIBO VALENTIA VV 19/10/1974 746 SILVIO SARAGO' TROPEA VV 18/4/1979 747 TEODORICO SARTI AVELLINO AV 2/7/1979 748 ANTONIO SAUCHELLA PONTE BN 8/11/1960 749 UMBERTO SAVOIA ROSSANO CS 12/7/1939 750 VINCENZO SCACCIA CIRO' KR 21/5/1960 751 EMILIANO SCALERA TREVISO CS 1/5/1977 752 GIANFRANCO SCALERA BUCCINO SA 10/9/1945 753 ANTONINO SCAPPATURA REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 19/5/1977 754 MARIA SCARCELLA NAPLES NA 12/6/1959 755 FABIO SCARTAGHIANDE CAVA DE' TIRRENI SA 17/4/1959 756 FRANCO SCHETTINO NAPLES NA 16/12/1960 757 FRANCESCO SCHIARITI TROPEA VV 25/5/1941 758 ANTONELLO SCHIAVONE AVELLINO AV 12/12/1964 759 VITTORIO SCHIAVONE REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 25/1/1959 760 GAETANO SCIDA CROTONE KR 10/3/1959 761 ERNESTO SCIGLIANO ROSSANO CS 3/6/1948 762 SCIVOLETTO GIULIO DITTA DAVOLI CZ 1703870798 763 GIANLUCA SCOPPETTUOLO AVELLINO AV 19/6/1974 764 DOMENICO SCORDAMAGLIA SIMBARIO VV 13/9/1952 765 OSMONDO SCOZZAFAVA AVELLINO AV 14/10/1958 766 LORENZO SCUDERI CATANZARO CZ 9/9/1958 767 ANTONIETTA SELLAROLI AVELLINO AV 6/8/1956 768 OLIMPIA SELLAROLI AVELLINO AV 23/3/1961 769 LUIGI SELLITTO AVELLINO AV 22/3/1962 770 ANTONIO SERRAGO CASSANO ALL'JONIO CS 23/5/1977 771 ANTONIO SERVENTI ARIANO IRPINO AV 22/12/1960 772 FELICE SEVERINO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 22/7/1953 87 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 15/4/1951 773 VINCENZO SGANGA CS 12/5/1967 774 ANTONELLA SICILIANO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO AV 9/7/1967 775 SALVATORE SIGNORELLI GIRIFALCO CZ 17/11/1967 776 DANIELA SILIPO CROTONE KR 6/8/1973 777 ERNESTA LUCIA SILIPO CROTONE KR 13/12/1971 778 FRANCESCO SILIPO CROTONE KR 24/6/1936 779 VALENTINA SILIPO CARIATI CS 10/6/1982 780 IACINA SILVESTRI CS 1/4/1955 CS 30/9/1948 782 ALBERTO SIMONTE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO NAPLES NA 16/1/1948 783 MARIO SIMONTE NAPLES NA 20/3/1952 784 ANGELO SIRIANNI SAN PIETRO APOSTOLO AVELLINO CZ 3/1/1965 AV 8/3/1965 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AVELLINO CS 29/10/1958 AV 3/10/1929 AVELLINO AV 17/5/1966 789 PELLEGRINO SPAGNUOLO AVELLINO AV 30/5/1958 790 MARIANO SPINA COSENZA CS 10/6/1967 791 RAFFAELE SPINELLI AVELLINO AV 19/4/1960 792 FABIO SPINIELLO CAPRIGLIA IRPINA AV 19/5/1971 793 DAMIANO SPOSATO ACRI CS 8/5/1962 794 GIUSEPPE SPOSATO CS 9/2/1964 795 GIUSEPPE SPOSATO CORIGLIANO CALABRO ACRI CS 1/1/1952 796 MARIO SPOSATO ACRI CS 3/8/1967 797 SERGIO SPOSATO CS 2/6/1960 CS 1731180780 799 GIUSEPPE SQUILLACIOTI CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE KR 1/9/1957 800 CARMELA STORTI PATERNOPOLI AV 20/1/1963 801 GIANFRANCO STORTI AVELLINO AV 2/4/1954 802 ANTONIO STRACCIA AVELLINO AV 16/11/1980 803 GIUSEPPE STRANGIO MELITO DI PORTO SALVO CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVELLINO RC 31/5/1970 CS 22/5/1950 AV 19/5/1960 CS 2310290784 781 CARMELA SIMONE 785 ANGELO SORRENTINO 786 GIUSEPPE SPADAFORA 787 LELIA SPAGNUOLO IN VALENTINO 788 PAOLO SPAGNUOLO 798 SPOSATO SERGIO & C. SAS 804 CARMELA STRIGARO 805 GIOVANNI STRUSI 806 STUDI E PROGETTAZIONE ASS. CORIGLIANO CALABRO 88 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 807 DEMETRIO SURACE REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 4/1/1932 808 FRANCO TALARICO COSENZA CS 9/8/1964 809 TALARICO FRANCO & C. S.N.C. CS 1445760786 CS 17/11/1972 CS 6/6/1966 812 ALESSANDRO TALLARICO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CICALA CZ 28/5/1962 813 FABIO VITALE TARANTINO AVELLINO AV 18/2/1980 814 VINCENZO TARANTINO GERMANY GERMANY 815 ALFONSO TARTAGLIA ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 28/4/1950 816 ANTONIO TECCE PATERNOPOLI AV 31/7/1947 817 SALVATORE TECCE AVELLINO AV 10/5/1986 818 ANNA TEDESCHI IN PALLADINO NAPLES NA 27/11/1968 819 ANTONIETTA TEDESCHI NAPLES NA 22/8/1939 820 GAETANO TEDESCHI SERINO AV 27/5/1944 821 GINA TEDESCHI AVELLINO AV 1/1/1988 822 MARIO TEDESCHI SERINO AV 20/9/1948 823 SERENA TEDESCHI AVELLINO AV 12/8/1981 824 ALBERTO TEDESCO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CROSIA CS 20/5/1955 CS 19/2/1960 826 ANGELO CORRADO TERRANOVA 827 CARMELA TIERNO GENOA GE 19/11/1963 AVELLINO AV 5/7/1972 828 GIUSEPPE TIERNO AVELLINO AV 6/6/1965 829 CARMINE TIRRI AVELLINO AV 2/6/1954 830 SALVATORE TOMASELLI CATANZARO CZ 11/10/1959 831 MARIO TOSCANO CATANIA CS 12/4/1948 832 TOSCANO MARIO DITTA CS 1155730870 CS 2732030784 834 ANTONIO TRAPANI LOMBARDO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 2/9/1952 835 SERAFINO TRENTO CARIATI CS 12/5/1938 836 TERESA ANNA TRIPODI VIBO VALENTIA VV 3/5/1969 837 ANTONIO TROISI ATRIPALDA AV 13/5/1965 838 DONATO TROISI ATRIPALDA AV 22/6/1961 839 GIUSEPPINA TROPEA LAPPANO CS 4/5/1957 840 DOMENICO TULIMIERO MERCOGLIANO AV 16/3/1953 841 TUTTO PER L'AUTO - DE MARCO S. COSENZA CS 1660340785 810 MARIO TALARICO 811 SALVATORE TALARICO 825 TEDESCO GIACINTO LUIGI F. 833 TOSCANO MARIO SRL 89 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 19/10/1974 842 MICHELINA LUIGIA URBANO FOGGIA FG 24/1/1964 843 ANGELINA URCIUOLI AVELLINO AV 6/3/1967 844 ANNA MARIA URCIUOLI CAPRIGLIA IRPINA AV 6/8/1958 845 GIUSEPPE UVA GROTTAMINARDA AV 10/3/1954 846 VALENTE COSTRUZIONI SRL COSENZA CS 2836790788 847 DEBORAH VALENTE COSENZA CS 13/2/1968 848 FRANCESCO MARIO VALENTE CS 6/10/1946 CS 2121400788 850 ANTONELLA VALENTINO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN PIETRO IN GUARANO AVELLINO AV 14/5/1957 851 DANIELA VALENTINO AVELLINO AV 29/5/1955 852 ERNESTO VALENTINO AVELLINO AV 25/3/1925 853 GINA VALENTINO AVELLINO AV 21/8/1952 854 GERARDO VARALLO NAPLES NA 21/10/1976 855 VARI' ARREDAMENTI S.R.L. SORIANO CALABRO VV 3211400795 856 GABRIELLA ANTONIETTA VARRICCHIO 857 REMO PASQUALE VARRICCHIO MATERA MT 12/6/1957 GROTTAMINARDA AV 7/9/1962 858 LIBERATORE VECCHIA PATERNOPOLI AV 6/7/1948 859 LUIGI VENEZIA AVELLINO AV 8/3/1955 860 CLAUDIA VENOSA EBOLI SA 28/10/1979 861 ESTHER VENTRE AVELLINO AV 31/5/1966 862 ANTONIO VIAPIANA CATANZARO CZ 2/3/1961 863 ANTONIO VIETRI AVELLINO AV 16/3/1958 864 MICHELE VIETRI AVELLINO AV 25/1/1959 865 PIETRO VIETRI AVELLINO AV 23/11/1961 866 GIUSEPPE VIGILANTE SALERNO SA 19/3/1959 867 NINO ACHILLE VILLANI VENTICANO AV 25/5/1951 868 FRANCESCA VILLANO VENTICANO AV 11/8/1959 869 PASQUALE VILLANOVA SALERNO SA 22/8/1969 870 VINCENZO VINCI VIBO VALENTIA VV 18/10/1967 871 MARISA VINCIGUERRA AVELLINO AV 4/11/1954 872 DOMENICO VISCIONE AV 25/2/1944 873 DAMIANO VITA SAN MARTINO VALLE CAUDINA DRAPIA VV 20/3/1970 874 CARMINE VITOLO SALERNO SA 7/11/1954 875 LUIGI LEONARDO VITRO' VIBO VALENTIA VV 6/11/1974 876 VIVA S.R.L. COSENZA CS 2772270787 849 VALENTE PNEUMATICI S.R.L. 90 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 877 FERNANDO VOMMERO MANGONE CS 14/7/1946 878 NOVELLA ZAPPIA REGGIO DI CALABRIA RC 18/8/1973 879 MASSIMO ZECCARDO AVELLINO AV 15/11/1957 880 CONSIGLIO ZIGARELLI AVELLINO AV 12/11/1959 881 ORAZIO ZINCO ALTAVILLA IRPINA AV 4/9/1961 882 ALESSANDRA MARIA ZIRPOLO AVELLINO AV 16/8/1989 883 ORESTE ZIRPOLO AVELLINO AV 20/8/1965 884 ROSELENA ZITO ROSSANO CS 23/2/1965 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 3, as declared by them: 0.17% List no. 1 Candidates on each list • Luigi Odorici; • Angelo Tantazzi (independent); • Deanna Rossi; • Pietro Ferrari (independent); • Antonio Angelo Arru; • Costantino Marco Schiavi. List no. 2 • Sergio Iotti (independent); • Edoardo Rossetti; (independent); • Stefano Cosci (independent); • Rinaldo Ripa (independent); • Massimo Gelati (independent); • Liliana D’Agostino (independent). List no. 3 List of persons elected and percentage of votes • Daniela Petitto (independent); • Luigi Muto (independent); • Michele Calabrese (independent); • Sergio Giangreco (independent); • Francesco Limatola (independent); • Costantino Pacileo (independent). Elected from List 1: 12,877 votes (58.20% of votes) 1. Luigi Odorici; 2. Angelo Tantazzi (independent); 3. Deanna Rossi; 4. Pietro Ferrari (independent); 5. Antonio Angelo Arru. 91 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Elected from List 3: 7,134 votes (32.24% of votes) 6. Daniela Petitto (independent). List 2: 1,798 votes (8.13% of votes) Date of Meeting 12/04/2014 Number of lists presented 2 lists for the appointment of six directors. List no. 1 Shareholders presenting list no. 11: MODENA Prov. MO Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 07/08/1937 2 COSTANTINO MARCO SCHIAVI MODENA MO 29/07/1961 3 MARIA ELISABETTA SCHIAVI MODENA MO 09/05/1963 4 ALBERTO MARRI MODENA MO 13/08/1954 5 FINGAS S.R.L. CREMONA CR 11055530155 6 FINENERGIE S.R.L. CREMONA CR 93039040196 no. Name 1 MARTA LUCCHI Place of birth / Head office Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 1, as declared by them: 1.306% List no. 2 Shareholders presenting list no. 2 no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name NICOLA ABATE COSIMO ABATEMATTEO FRANCESCO ABBOSSIDA DANIELA ACCORINTI FRANCESCO ACCORINTI MARIO AIELLO WALTER AIELLO ANTONIO ALIBRANDI GIUSEPPA ALIOTTA MADDALENA ALLEVATO Place of birth / Head office Prov. Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number SWITZERLAND ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI CORIGLIANO CALABRO VIBO VALENTIA TROPEA COSENZA FEROLETO ANTICO VIBO VALENTIA BAGHERIA SWITZERLAND BA CS VV VV CS CZ VV PA 11/07/1965 30/03/1969 27/07/1953 21/03/1970 28/04/1933 03/08/1968 26/07/1947 06/01/1956 19/01/1951 09/10/1967 11 SERGIO ALLEVATO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS 05/10/1970 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ROSSANO CROSIA GRUMO APPULA MILAZZO CASTROVILLARI AGRIGENTO MATERA MATERA CORATO MONTESCAGLIOSO CROTONE COSENZA CS CS BA ME CS AG MT MT BA MT KR CS 29/07/1965 17/05/1970 15/02/1973 16/09/1948 27/08/1943 19/03/1970 30/04/1955 27/05/1946 07/01/1951 26/07/1956 20/02/1981 29/07/1975 GIOVANNI ALOE ROBERTO NICOLA ALVARO FABRIZIO AMATI ANGELA RITA AMATO PAOLA SILVANA AMATO ROBERTO AMATO ANNA TERESA AMBROSECCHIA EUSTACHIO AMENDOLAGINE ANGELO AMORESE CORNELIA ANDRISANI ANTONIO ANGOTTI GIOVANNI ANGOTTI 92 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 24 LUCA ANGOTTI 25 ANMIC RIABILITAZIONE 26 MARIA ROSARIA ANTONELLI CROTONE CROTONE NAPLES 27 MARIA WANDA ARACO PESSANO CON BORNAGO MI 21/01/1969 28 29 30 31 32 33 REGGIO DI CALABRIA CROTONE REGGIO DI CALABRIA TARANTO CUTRO VIBO VALENTIA RC KR RC TA KR VV 11/09/1958 27/11/1959 23/01/1951 09/05/1934 19/03/1934 25/06/1942 34 AGOSTINO AUDIA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS 02/08/1942 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 CORIGLIANO CALABRO MATERA MILAZZO MIGLIONICO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MELISSA MELISSA CROTONE CROTONE MELITO DI PORTO SALVO CS MT ME MT CS CS CS CS KR KR KR KR RC 23/11/1927 14/02/1964 08/07/1963 20/06/1946 15/10/1945 27/10/1973 28/05/1976 08/12/1989 15/08/1968 08/06/1964 12/01/1973 23/10/1977 13/08/1944 48 ANTONIO BARBELLA MONTESANO SULLA MARCELLANA SA 25/06/1960 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE VIBO VALENTIA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COSENZA MATERA VIBO VALENTIA COSENZA COSENZA ALTAMURA IRSINA ISOLA DI CAPO RIZZUTO BADOLATO AGRIGENTO CANICATTI' CONTESSE BOCCHIGLIERO CROTONE CROSIA CORIGLIANO CALABRO FRANCE CS VV CS CS MT VV CS CS BA MT KR CZ AG AG ME CS KR CS CS 22/11/1964 05/09/1960 25/04/1976 06/03/1974 03/08/1961 09/06/1963 03/06/1978 20/07/1974 13/09/1953 01/08/1953 18/06/1960 21/05/1937 24/11/1973 05/12/1965 03024440830 25/09/1957 01050410792 14/12/1971 22/10/1977 25/12/1959 PIETRO ARANITI FRANCESCO ANTONIO ARCURI AUGUSTO ARECCHI ARMENISE NICOLA ROSARIO ARTURI ALDO ASSISI DOMENICO AVELLA ANTONIO AVENA GIUSEPPE AZZOLINA EMANUELE AZZONE BERNARDO BAFARO FILOMENA BAFARO PAOLA BAFARO STEFANIA BAFARO TONINO AGOSTINO BALESTRIERI FRANCESCO BALESTRIERI GIUSEPPE BALESTRIERI MARIA BALESTRIERI ALBERTO BARBARO ROSA ALBA BARBERIO PASQUALE SALVATORE BARBUTO IVAN BARILE MASSIMO BARILE NICOLA BARTILUCCI ANTONIO PAOLO MICHELE BASILE CATERINA BASILE DANIELA BASILE GIAMBATTISTA BASILE CAMILLO BASTA ANTONIO BATTAGLIA VINCENZO BATTAGLIA ANNA BELLIA CALOGERO BELMONTE BENEDIL SERVICE SRL GINO BENEVENTO BENI STABILI E GESTIONI S.R.L. CESARE BERALDI CARMELA BERARDI GIUSEPPE BIAFORA KR KR NA 08/02/1977 01912880794 04/01/1940 69 ANTONIO BIANCULLI MONTESANO SULLA MARCELLANA SA 03/08/1959 70 71 72 73 VIBO VALENTIA MONTESCAGLIOSO MONTESCAGLIOSO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE VV MT MT CS 25/08/1957 06/06/1953 12/12/1959 13/06/1950 FRANCESCO BISOGNI ANGELO BITONDO GIULIA BITONDO ANTONIO BITONTI 93 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CATANZARO BARI CATANZARO CATANZARO MONTESCAGLIOSO SAN CALOGERO MARSCIANO SAN CALOGERO ROMBIOLO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CORIGLIANO CALABRO MATERA CORATO ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI CROTONE GINOSA CROTONE CROTONE CS CZ BA CZ CZ MT VV PG VV VV CS CS MT BA BA KR TA KR KR 03/10/1964 04/04/1942 17/02/1966 31/01/1978 24/09/1979 13/06/1964 04/02/1948 02/01/1978 26/08/1943 24/04/1954 04/06/1961 30/10/1970 06/10/1944 03/03/1967 28/04/1945 14/11/1966 10/07/1960 01/12/1960 22/01/1956 93 SALVATORE CALABRO' BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 03/06/1943 94 GIUSEPPE CALDERONE BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 05/01/1933 CS 16/10/1954 09/01/1980 00454750795 18/11/1940 14/04/1965 14/01/1944 04/06/1957 25/03/1963 06/01/1962 15/06/1967 18/07/1937 25/03/1959 22/06/1962 08/07/1975 28/08/1945 18/04/1974 05/02/1959 04/11/1949 02994370787 12/10/1975 30/10/1959 11/05/1933 05/11/1954 25/09/1962 03/01/1961 19/09/1953 08/05/1973 21/10/1988 24/06/1963 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 GIOVANNI BITONTI FRANCESCO BONAPACE GIACOMO BRACCIALE GIUSEPPE BRESCIA VINCENZO BRESCIA NUNZIO NICOLA BRIGANTE DOMENICANTONIO BROSIO MASSIMILIANO BROSIO NICOLA BROSIO PASQUALE BROSIO DOMENICO BRUNETTI VINCENZO BRUNO VITO ALESSANDRO BRUNO VINCENZO BUCCI OLIMPIA BUSCO ANNA CALABRESE ANTONIO CALABRESE GIANFRANCO CALABRESE MICHELE CALABRESE ANTONIO CALIGIURI LEONARDO CALIGIURI CALLIPO S.R.L. FILIPPA CAMMALLERI FRANCESCO PAOLO CAMPAGNA QUIRINO ALESSANDRO CAMPANELLI GIUSEPPE CANNAVALE FRANCESCO NUNZIO CANOSA DIVIO CAPALBO ADELINA IOLANDA CAPAROTTA DANIELE CAPPIELLO ANNUNZIATA CARAFA FABRIZIO CARDILLO ANGELA CARDINALE MICHELE CARDINALE COSIMO CARDONE MAURIZIO CARERI AGATA CARIA CARILLON S.R.L. SERGIO CARLO GIOVANNI CARNE' MARIA MICHELINA DAMIANA CARNOVALE PIETRO CARNUCCIO MARIA CARPANZANO ANGELO CARRIERO ROCCO CARRIERO ALESSANDRA CARUSO CALOGERO CASA' ANGELO RAFFAELE CASAMASSA SCALA COELI MUNCHEN VIBO VALENTIA CANICATTI' MATERA BERNALDA TORRE DEL GRECO MATERA CORIGLIANO CALABRO GIMIGLIANO MATERA GINOSA LENTINI VIGGIANO SALA CONSILINA MASSAFRA SAMBIASE COTRONEI CORIGLIANO CALABRO SANT'AGATA DI MILITELLO CROTONE MONGIANA BADOLATO SAN FILI MATERA MONTESCAGLIOSO CASSANO ALL'JONIO AGRIGENTO MONTESCAGLIOSO VV AG MT MT NA MT CS CZ MT TA SR PZ SA TA CZ KR CS ME KR VV CZ CS MT MT CS AG MT 94 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 BRUNA ANNA CASAMIA GIOVANNI CASIELLO MARIO CASO RAFFAELE CASO ANGELA CASSETTA GIOVINA CASSETTA RICCARDO CASSETTA CARLO CASTELLANO DOMENICO CASTELLANO FELICIA CASTELLANO GIUSEPPINA CASTELLANO LEONARDA MARIA CASTELLANO LEONARDO CASTELLANO ROCCO VINCENZO CASTELLANO PAOLO CATALANO CECINIA 90 S.R.L. GABRIELLA CELESTINO STEFANIA CELESTINO SEBASTIANA CENTARRI' CENTRE FISIOKINESITERAPICO STARBENE S.R.L. EUFEMIA CETANI LUIGI CETERA ALESSIO CHIANCA ELEONORA EMMA CHIARELLO ANGELA CHIARITO ANTONINO CHILLE' MARIO CHIRIELEISON CHIARA CHIRONNA ANGELA CHITA DONATO CHITA ALFONSO CIACCI GIANCARLO CICCARELLI DOMENICO CICCIO GENNARO CILENTO CIME S.A.S. DI COVIELLO DONATINA & C AMELIA CIMINO ANNA CIMINO CIMINO S.R.L. FRANCESCA CHINA' ANTONIO MASSIMO CINGOLANI FRANCESCO CIRAOLO DOMENICO CITREA MATERA ALTAMURA POLLA POLLA ANDRIA ANDRIA ANDRIA SALANDRA SALANDRA SALANDRA SALANDRA SALANDRA TRICARICO SALANDRA MISTRETTA MARINA DI DAVOLI CATANZARO CATANZARO LENTINI MT BA SA SA BAT BAT BAT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT ME CZ CZ CZ SR 15/04/1950 12/11/1953 08/06/1977 07/05/1974 16/12/1958 27/11/1966 15/01/1963 08/09/1967 26/07/1966 21/02/1956 01/01/1973 22/04/1965 15/07/1986 27/06/1936 26/08/1933 01768620799 04/10/1950 14/11/1955 05/09/1947 CROTONE KR 00847010790 GRASSANO NAPLES GIOIA DEL COLLE SAVELLI MATERA MESSINA NASO CATANZARO MATERA MATERA BELCASTRO TROPEA VIBO VALENTIA CORIGLIANO CALABRO AVIGLIANO CROTONE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CORIGLIANO CALABRO BIVONA MILAZZO MESSINA COSENZA MT NA BA KR MT ME ME CZ MT MT CZ VV VV CS PZ KR CS CS AG ME ME CS 01/04/1954 11/06/1970 21/07/1979 19/11/1937 26/12/1972 30/01/1961 08/09/1951 06/07/1956 30/03/1947 23/08/1931 05/01/1954 07/02/1963 28/05/1979 09/11/1967 01254510769 20/01/1965 27/08/1961 02602730786 22/01/1948 20/04/1968 05/07/1941 08/10/1974 166 CO.GE.CA COSTRUZIONI GENERALI CALABRESI SAS DI DAMIANO PERRONE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 01374730784 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 SINFOROSA COCCHIARALE VINCENZO COCCHIARALE PASQUALE COCCONCELLI FRANCESCO COFONE LILIANA COLELLA MANUELA COLLOCA VITO COLONNA SAN CHIRICO RAPARO SAN CHIRICO RAPARO NICASTRO ACRI CORATO VIBO VALENTIA MATERA PZ PZ CZ CS BA VV MT 04/10/1966 04/10/1963 17/09/1951 06/05/1965 18/06/1966 25/10/1976 28/01/1956 95 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 VITO COLONNA FRANCESCO COLOSIMO MARIA COLUCCI GIANFRANCO COMITO GIUSEPPE CONCOLINO EUGENIO LUIGI CONFORTI ANTONIO CONTUZZI FRANCESCO CONVERSO MARIA PIA CORETTI CORIGLIANO FIERE S.R.L. CORPO VIGILI NOTTURNI SOCIETA' S.R.L. MATILDE CORRADINI FRANCESCA CORSO ANTONIO CORTESE FRANCESCO CORTESE IOLE CORTESE GIUSEPPE COSTA RAFFAELE COSTANTINO SALVATORE COSTANTINO CONSTRUCTION SCICCHITANO S.R.L. ROSARIO CRISPINO LUCIA CRISTALLO GIUSEPPE CRUPI LUCIA LOREDANA CURCI DOMENICO CURCIO TOMMASINO CURCIO ANTONIETTA CURIA LEONARDO CUSMAI ANTONIO CUTURELLO D.L.D.- S.R.L. ERMINIA D'ADAMO SILVESTRO D'AGUI' MADDALENA DALESSANDRI ANTONIO MARIA D'AMICO ALTAMURA CROPANI MATERA VIBO VALENTIA ROME COSENZA MATERA ROSSANO MATERA CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE SOVERATO MILAZZO VIBO VALENTIA CROTONE COTRONEI MESSINA CATANZARO GINOSA ISOLA DI CAPO RIZZUTO MONTEROSSO CALABRO MATERA PACE DEL MELA GIOIA DEL COLLE CARFIZZI GIMIGLIANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORATO ROSARNO PIZZO MATERA REGGIO DI CALABRIA POTENZA CORIGLIANO CALABRO BA CZ MT VV RM CS MT CS MT CS KR CZ ME VV KR KR ME CZ TA KR VV MT ME BA KR CZ CS BA RC VV MT RC PZ CS 05/01/1976 06/10/1952 29/06/1952 25/08/1956 01/01/1962 06/11/1963 23/08/1964 18/03/1938 20/03/1967 02652740784 00841830797 04/10/1934 03/03/1948 23/05/1951 14/05/1981 14/08/1949 12/06/1966 19/04/1972 07/12/1970 02685420792 08/02/1944 25/12/1954 23/09/1957 13/02/1974 26/09/1937 29/10/1956 28/02/1929 15/10/1976 01/01/1966 02434750796 25/01/1958 24/01/1959 08/02/1971 06/02/1977 208 LEOPOLDO D'AMICO BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 24/07/1942 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 MESSINA PUTIGNANO MESSINA TERRANOVA DI POLLINO RICADI COSENZA MATERA MESSINA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE ROSSANO COTRONEI SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MILAN CROTONE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE ME BA ME PZ VV CS MT ME CS CS KR CS MI KR CS CS 20/03/1946 16/12/1980 16/02/1933 26/01/1956 12/07/1950 13/09/1963 22/03/1966 27/09/1963 31/01/1956 05/03/1966 14/12/1966 18/10/1960 02/03/1964 11/02/1978 03/09/1965 03/04/1949 CONCETTINA D'ANDREA TERESA DAPRILE AGOSTINO D'ARRIGO GIOVANNI DATTOLI ANTONIO DAVOLA EUGENIO DE FLORIO GIUSEPPE DE FLORIO FRANCESCO DE LEO GERARDO DE LUCA GIANFRANCO DE LUCA LUCIO DE LUCA SALVATORE DE LUCA GIUSEPPE DE LUCIA BERNARDO DE MARCO CATERINA DE MARCO FRANCESCO DE MARCO 96 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 TOMMASO DE MARCO MATILDE DE MATTIA GIOVANNA DE MEDICI GIUSEPPE DE PAOLA ARCANGELO DE SEPTIS GIUSEPPE DECARLO MARIA ELISA DEL BONO RAFFAELLA DEL TRONO MARCELLO DEL VECCHIO ANNA LUCIA DELL'ACQUA GIOVANNI DELL'ACQUA SEBASTIANO DELL'AQUIA VINCENZO DEMAIO SAVERIO ROSARIO D'ERCOLE BRUNA DI LECCE CATERINA FILOMENA DI LECCE MARIA BRUNA DI LECCE VALTER DI LELLA FRANCESCO PAOLO DI LENA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE ETHIOPIA ROME COSENZA OLIVADI TROPEA MILAZZO CETRARO VIBO VALENTIA BARI MATERA SIRACUSA BAGNARA CALABRA MATERA MATERA PESCARA MATERA AGRIGENTO MATERA CS RM CS CZ VV ME CS VV BA MT SR RC MT MT PE MT AG MT 19/04/1946 29/06/1944 01/04/1933 06/04/1963 29/09/1933 27/06/1980 20/09/1943 08/02/1931 10/10/1971 12/03/1978 16/09/1946 15/07/1971 08/12/1964 19/01/1964 22/09/1951 17/03/1946 02/07/1947 28/11/1964 24/01/1937 244 ANTONINO DI LORENZO BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 07/06/1966 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 MARIA LETIZIA DI MATTEO PASQUALE DI NAPOLI CHIARA MARIA DI PEDE LUIGIA DI PEDE PASQUALE DI PEDE CRISTINA DI PRIMA ADRIANA CARMELA DI RENZO DI RENZO MARIA DITTA GIUSEPPE DIAFERIA GIOVANNI DIGIESI LEONARDO DIGRAZIA BIAGIO DISISTO ROCCO DITARANTO DITTA CALLIPO FRANCESCO STEFANO DONATO CALOGERO D'ORO LUIGI DUGO ECOLEGNO S.R.L. LAUREANA CILENTO MOTTOLA MATERA MATERA MATERA SIRACUSA VIBO VALENTIA VIBO VALENTIA CORATO GRAVINA IN APULIA MIGLIONICO STIGLIANO MONTESCAGLIOSO VIBO VALENTIA MILAZZO PALERMO AVOLA CROPALATI SA TA MT MT MT SR VV VV BA BA MT MT MT VV ME PA SR CS 28/04/1965 12/10/1975 19/11/1932 18/02/1936 09/11/1942 23/08/1980 11/03/1962 00973080799 25/05/1965 06/08/1946 08/03/1960 26/07/1960 19/04/1949 01220290793 29/12/1972 24/05/1974 25/10/1923 02900780780 263 ECOPELLETTS C3A S.A.S. DEL DOTT. CITREA DOMENICO & C. CROPALATI CS 02605300785 CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 02839430788 ALTAMURA BA 06301490725 CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE TRICARICO GRASSANO CS KR MT MT 14/06/1962 01733610792 08/05/1978 09/10/1951 FRANCAVILLA ANGITOLA VV 02283060792 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS CS 05/08/1989 10/06/1987 264 EDAN S.R.L. ELETTRODIEM DI MILELLA ROCCO & C. 265 S.A.S. 266 COSIMO ELIA 267 ENDO HOSPITAL S.R.L. 268 LIDIA ETTORRE 269 ETTORRE PAOLO EURO TECNO IMPIANTI DI MAZZOTTA 270 PASQUALE 271 GIOVANNI FABIANO 272 FABIANO LUIGI 97 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 273 FAF DISTRIBUTION DI GRISOLIA MAURIZIO E FERRARO GIUSEPPE SNC PATERNO CALABRO CS 02373650783 ZAGARISE BARI MATERA CZ BA MT 19/01/1947 27/03/1961 30/04/1975 ROSSANO CS 03093560781 278 FAS HOSPITAL S.R.L. 279 GRAZIANO FAVA CROTONE CARAFFA DI CATANZARO KR CZ 01801020791 22/05/1977 280 FILIPPO FAZIO BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 09/03/1949 281 282 283 284 285 SERRASTRETTA COSENZA COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CZ CS CS CS CS 23/03/1955 12/03/1964 19/08/1969 30/12/1957 25/07/1945 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS 01733610784 REGGIO DI CALABRIA MATERA MATERA MATERA CATANZARO CATANZARO ANTRODOCO CATANZARO CALOPEZZATI MATERA MATERA VIBO VALENTIA TRIPARNI MESSINA ROSSANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO TAURIANOVA GRAVINA IN APULIA RC MT MT MT CZ CZ RI CZ CS MT MT VV VV ME CS CS RC BA 16/09/1974 17/03/1966 27/01/1951 16/04/1970 09/01/1987 02/11/1984 15/03/1944 27/06/1978 02/06/1954 08/02/1940 17/09/1936 24/03/1949 02169950793 20/03/1972 11/03/1964 01/01/1950 28/01/1962 25/08/1959 CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 01182720787 AGRIGENTO PACHINO CATANZARO CATANZARO MESSINA CORIGLIANO CALABRO VIBO VALENTIA NICASTRO MATERA CROTONE NICASTRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MANDATORICCIO VICENZA AG SR CZ CZ ME CS VV CZ MT KR CZ CS CS CS VI 25/07/1990 29/12/1945 22/05/1970 27/01/1977 11/03/1971 08/08/1958 02005420795 23/06/1967 24/04/1950 29/03/1934 02/04/1959 28/06/1963 21/01/1967 01/09/1945 08/02/1934 274 VINCENZO FALCONE 275 MICHELE FANIA 276 DOMENICO FANIELLO 277 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 FARMACIA EREDI BARONE DOTT. GIACINTO S.N.C. DI TAVERNISE T. & C. GASPARE FAZIO LUCA FEDERICO ROSARIO FEDERICO DOMENICO FERRARELLI FRANCESCO FERRARELLI FERSPA S.N.C. DI FERRARELLI & SPADAFORA ANTONINO FESTA COSIMO FESTA GIUSEPPE FESTA MICHELE FESTA AMEDEO FIGORILLI ANDREA FIGORILLI ANTONIO FIGORILLI NATALE FIGORILLI PASQUALE FILIPPELLI ORONZO FIORE ANGELO RAFFAELE FLACE PASQUALE FLORIO FLORIOIMPIANTI S.R.L. CORRADO FONSECA DOMENICO FORCINITI SALVATORE LEONARDO FORCINITI MICHELE FOTI ANGELO FRACCHIOLLA FRANTOIO OLEARIO IACINA DI PISANI SALVATORE ANGELO MARIA FRESCA SALVATORE FRONTE ALESSANDRA FRONTERA DAVIDE FULGINITI MARCO ANTONIO FURNARI FRANCESCO FUSARO G.& G. COMPONENTS S.R.L. LUIGI GAETANO VINCENZO GALATI GIUSEPPINA GALEA ANTONELLA GALLO NATALE PIETRO GALLO SAVERIO GALLO SERGIO GALLO LUANA GALVANIN 98 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 321 322 323 324 BIAGIO GAMBINO LUIGI GANGAROSSA MARCELLO MARIA GARRA GE.CO. - S.R.L. CANICATTI' CALTANISSETTA CATANIA VIBO VALENTIA AG CL CT VV 12/08/1959 16/11/1959 18/10/1958 01678590793 325 FELICE GENOVESE BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 08/01/1959 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 ROSARIO GENTILE EMANUELE GIACALONE ANTONELLA GIAMBO' SANTI GIAMBOIA ANNA MARIA GIAMMANCO NUNZIO NICOLA GIANCOLA PIETRO GIANGRECO GIANNETTO SANTI VINCENZO GIANNINI ROSA GIARDINA GIOVANNI GIGLIETTA CONCETTA GIGLIO GLENDA GIGLIO ORNELLA GIGLIOTTI PIETRO GIGLIOTTI LIDIA GIORDANO GIU.SE.CO. S.R.L. LUIGI GIUFFRE' VINCENZO GIUFFRE' LONGO ANTONIO GIURA LUCA GIUSTINIANI GIOVANNA GRANATA GIUSEPPINA GRASSO ROSARIO GRAZIANO ANSELMO GRECO SAVERIO GRECO ANTONELLA NATALIA GRILLO ANTONIO GRILLO FRANCESCO GRILLO GIUSEPPE GRILLO LUIGI ANTONIO GRILLO IDA GRIMALDI MARIA ROSA GUAIANA MILENA GULFO ANGELO GULLETTA TIZIANO GULLO GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE LORENZO GURNARI JONADI PALERMO CASTROREALE MESSINA PALERMO MATERA REGGIO DI CALABRIA MESSINA SORIANO CALABRO CANICATTI' VILLA SAN GIOVANNI LAMEZIA TERME BARI DECOLLATURA SOVERIA MANNELLI MONTALBANO JONICO CROTONE MESSINA MILAZZO MATERA CATANIA POLLENA TROCCHIA SOMMATINO MAIDA CROSIA COSENZA CORIGLIANO CALABRO ROSSANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO ROSSANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO SANTA SEVERINA PALERMO POLICORO MESSINA MESSINA REGGIO DI CALABRIA VV PA ME ME PA MT RC ME VV AG RC CZ BA CZ CZ MT KR ME ME MT CT NA CL CZ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS KR PA MT ME ME RC 20/04/1964 10/07/1956 04/06/1953 20/07/1972 12/08/1967 26/09/1970 24/09/1942 03/03/1947 05/04/1964 30/05/1978 20/05/1945 31/05/1975 20/05/1980 14/09/1942 08/12/1964 02/03/1953 03013880798 21/06/1953 23/03/1944 11/07/1966 01/11/1981 17/11/1950 11/11/1943 19/02/1952 20/11/1958 03/05/1972 07/01/1975 06/02/1955 01/09/1979 25/03/1950 30/08/1973 20/02/1959 26/04/1947 16/02/1974 29/05/1961 29/01/1971 10/08/1970 363 I.CA.CE.M. DI RINALDI VINCENZO GIUSEPPE & C. SNC CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 01937670782 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 INNOCENZO IACOVINO FILOMENA IACOVONE EUGENIO IANNONE ANTONIO IAPICHINO MICHELE IL GRANDE ERMELINDA IMERI ISABELLA IMPERATRICE SALANDRA MATERA CAMPOBASSO ROSSANO TROPEA MILAN SALANDRA MT MT CB CS VV MI MT 27/07/1966 01/06/1972 05/01/1975 08/03/1970 24/09/1973 20/01/1943 12/05/1929 99 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 SALVATORE IPPOLITO CLAUDIO IRATO MICHELE IRTO TOMMASO ISABELLI ANNAMARIA IURINO VITANTONIO IVONE ANTONIO IZZO KALA KRETOSA S.R.L. FILIPPO LA GAMBA SALVATORE LA GAMBA ANGELA LA ROCCA FRANCESCO GIOVANNI LABONIA LUIGI LACAVA ALBERTO MARIO LAGANA' AMALIA LAINO ROCCO VINCENZO LAMARRA ROSARIA LANDO EUSTACHIO LAPACCIANA ANGELO RAFFAELE LAPERCHIA ROBERTO LAPIANA DIEGO LAPIETRA LAPIETRA PASQUALE DITTA LAPIETRA S.R.L. VINCENZO LAPIETRA ROSA MARIA LARATTA FRANCESCA LARIZZA GIOVANNI LASARACINA VITANGELO LASSANDRO NICOLA LATERZA MICHELE LATRONICO ANTONIO LAVECCHIA PALERMO MILAZZO REGGIO DI CALABRIA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE GRAVINA IN PUGLIA NOCI CATANZARO CALOPEZZATI VIBO VALENTIA VIBO VALENTIA VENICE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CATANZARO REGGIO DI CALABRIA CATANZARO SALANDRA COMO MATERA MATERA CATANZARO ROSSANO ROSSANO ROSSANO COSENZA CUTRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA PUTIGNANO SANTERAMO IN COLLE GINOSA POTENZA SALANDRA 402 LE TRE GOCCE DI CALIGIURI LEONARDO & CROSIA C. S.A.S. 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 VITA LENTINO GIACOMO LEONE ROSARIO LIA GIOVANNI LICCIARDI GIUSEPPE LISCO ETTORE LO NIGRO ROCCO LO RE GIOCOLI EDUARDO LOMBARDI ROSETTA LOMBARDO ANNAMARIA LONGO ANTONIO LOPERFIDO BONAVENTURA LOPERFIDO GENNARO LOPERFIDO GIOVANNI LOPERFIDO ENZA LOPEZ FILOMENA LOPEZ GIUSEPPE LUIGI LOPEZ GIANFRANCO LORIA GIOVANNI LORIA MOTTOLA CATANIA MAGISANO CORIGLIANO CALABRO BARI ROME BROLO TRAMUTOLA COSENZA CROTONE MATERA GINOSA MATERA MATERA SWITZERLAND SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SIMERI CRICHI COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE PA ME RC CS BA BA CZ CS VV VV VE CS CZ RC CZ MT CO MT MT CZ CS CS CS CS KR RC BA MT TA PZ MT 29/05/1940 08/10/1963 04/10/1960 05/02/1955 03/09/1978 19/12/1978 13/06/1950 02088560780 20/06/1954 22/03/1963 08/07/1938 26/08/1965 06/02/1955 12/11/1942 07/05/1960 04/04/1954 27/07/1944 26/01/1964 16/02/1943 02/09/1967 18/05/1975 01375400783 01835340785 24/11/1973 08/09/1945 27/10/1969 04/11/1967 10/06/1958 22/11/1941 19/04/1966 05/08/1952 CS 02962030785 TA CT CZ CS BA RM ME PZ CS KR MT TA MT MT 12/07/1976 11/10/1929 27/01/1949 27/07/1953 11/03/1962 24/09/1954 18/08/1937 25/01/1954 03/05/1966 24/08/1955 13/10/1951 26/07/1931 27/10/1938 05/04/1955 28/12/1965 21/05/1967 02/01/1951 29/09/1975 14/04/1952 CS CZ CS CS 100 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 GIOVANNI LORIA IGINO LORIA MARIA LORIA ROSARIO GIUSEPPE LORIA GIUSEPPE LUCARIELLO MARIO LUCIANO MARILENA LUDOVICO SALVATORE LUFRANO PIERO LUPO DOMENICO LUPPINO M.& P. S.R.L. COSENZA COSENZA CACCURI CACCURI ALTAMURA VIBO VALENTIA GIOIA DEL COLLE CASSANO ALL'JONIO MONTESCAGLIOSO REGGIO DI CALABRIA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CS CS KR KR BA VV BA CS MT RC CS 22/05/1974 11/05/1968 13/07/1960 17/06/1955 26/01/1927 29/01/1950 18/04/1970 06/12/1969 24/06/1942 18/04/1959 02288030782 433 ANGELO MACAIONE BARCELLONA POZZO DI GOTTO ME 13/10/1944 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 LENTINI LENTINI BORGIA ROSSANO BARI SAN MANGO D'AQUINO ROSSANO CATANZARO CROTONE REGGIO DI CALABRIA MESSINA CATANZARO MATERA MATERA MESSINA TARANTO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE AGRIGENTO MATERA BORGIA REGGIO DI CALABRIA CROTONE MARTINA FRANCA VIBO VALENTIA SALANDRA ALTAMURA SR SR CZ CS BA CZ CS CZ KR RC ME CZ MT MT ME TA CS CS AG MT CZ RC KR TA VV MT BA 12/06/1960 11/05/1952 17/05/1965 13/01/1977 12/09/1964 24/06/1959 29/05/1963 24/04/1934 13/05/1951 23/08/1950 08/02/1964 14/01/1948 01/01/1941 19/11/1943 02/07/1934 01/02/1937 0952910784 05/01/1964 28/06/1938 14/10/1943 10/09/1931 26/11/1977 24/03/1978 27/09/1958 16/12/1969 13/06/1943 20/08/1943 461 TERESA MARTINO MONTESANO SULLA MARCELLANA SA 26/11/1961 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 MASSAFRA ALTAMURA SALANDRA CONFLENTI CORATO MATERA MATERA CATANIA BORGIA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE TA BA MT CZ BA MT MT CT CZ CS 28/02/1969 01/12/1967 14/04/1938 05/11/1966 29/12/1945 11/09/1934 02/02/1947 28/02/1964 22/03/1966 01/02/1993 ALFREDO MACI MARIO MACI ANTONIOMADARENA ROSELLINA MADEO ROBERTO MAFFEI GIUSEPPE GIOVANNINO MAGGINO CARLO MAGNO ROSARIO MAIDA ALFONSO MARIA MAIORANO FILIPPO MALTESE CONCETTA MANCUSO GIOVANNI MANCUSO MARIA LUISA MANFREDI DAMIANO VITTORIO MANICONE VINCENZA MANNUCCI GIORGIO MANTRONE MARANO MIRELLA DITTA SALVATORE MARAZITA BENITO MARCHETTA LUIGI MARCUCCI VINCENZO MARINCOLA ANTONINO MARINO MARIA MARRA COSIMO MARRAFFA MASSIMO GIUSEPPE MARRAMAO ANTONIO MARTEMUCCI LORENZO MARTIMUCCI ANTONIA MARTUCCI DOMENICO MARVULLI ANTONIO MARZARIO RAFFAELINO MASTROIANNI MARIA MASTROMAURO PAOLA MARIA MASTRONARDI MICHELE MATERA SALVATORE MAUGERI ANTONIO MAURO DOMENICO MAURO 101 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 RITA MAURO GIOVANNA MAZZA PASQUALE ROMANO MAZZA MEDI TECNIKA S.R.L. CAROLINA MARIA MEGA RENATO MELE FRANCESCO MELIGENI ROSETTA MELIGENI DEMETRIO MELISSARI LUIGI VINCENZO MERANTE CRITELLI 482 ALFREDO MERCATANTE 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 MICHELE MICELI GIOVANNI MILANO EMILIA MILIANA MILENA MILITELLO PATRIZIA MILITERNO MILONTOURS S.R.L PASQUALE MINIO PASQUALE MIRABELLI LIVIANA MIRARCHI FORTUNATO MIRENZI CRISTINA MOLINO GIUSEPPE MOLINO NETTINO ANTONIO MOLITERNI SARA FRANCESCA MONTESANO GREGORIO MONTILLO ETTORE MONTORSI NUNZIO DITTA MORABITO ALBINO MORELLI ANGELO MORELLI ANTONIO MORELLI LUIGI ALBERTO MORELLI SALVATORE MORREALE GINA MORRONE MOSMODE S.A.S. DI CANNAVALE GIUSEPPE & C. SALVATORE MOTOLA VITA MOTOLA PASQUALE MOTTA GIUSEPPE MUCCIO LUCIANO MUOIO MARIA CRISTINA MUOIO PASQUALE MUOIO MASSIMO MUROLO LUIGI MURRONE ANTONIO MUSACCHIO ANNUNZIATO MUSCIA GISELLA NAPOLI CARMELO NASTASI MARTINO VITO NATILE MARIO NICASTRO ANTONIO NICOLETTI CATANZARO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE VIBO VALENTIA CROTONE MATERA MATERA CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA GIMIGLIANO SAN COSTANTINO CALABRO SPILINGA GIOIA DEL COLLE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE FERRARA COSENZA CROTONE PALMA DI MONTECHIARO SAVELLI COSENZA VIBO VALENTIA ROSSANO CASTROREALE MATERA POLICORO MONTEPAONE NAPLES MESSINA CATANZARO MATERA CATANZARO MATERA SWITZERLAND SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CZ CS VV KR MT MT CS CS RC CZ 08/10/1970 12/10/1944 10/10/1971 01882320797 31/07/1963 09/04/1952 01/04/1943 20/01/1967 12/08/1941 03/10/1961 VV 09/04/1962 VV BA CS FE CS KR AG KR CS VV CS ME MT MT CZ NA ME CZ MT CZ MT CS 25/08/1964 07/07/1965 24/08/1954 10/12/1936 11/04/1969 02355010790 18/02/1957 13/05/1962 11/06/1962 05/03/1967 25/10/1965 20/07/1925 01/06/1972 27/12/1976 06/02/1947 05/09/1957 02557180839 02/05/1956 23/09/1940 28/01/1954 08/04/1959 02/11/1968 13/09/1968 CROTONE KR 01772160790 MONTESCAGLIOSO MONTESCAGLIOSO SAN LORENZO DEL VALLO POMARICO ACRI COSENZA CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA CROSIA COTRONEI TROPEA PALMA DI MONTECHIARO GUALTIERI SICAMINO' ALTAMURA MONTESCAGLIOSO MATERA MT MT CS MT CS CS CS RC CS KR VV AG ME BA MT MT 15/11/1948 13/05/1947 22/08/1954 21/11/1936 12/12/1935 28/02/1966 17/05/1968 28/06/1957 16/05/1973 13/04/1949 30/08/1975 12/05/1968 05/10/1933 29/03/1967 17/10/1944 29/03/1970 102 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 ANTONIO NICOLETTI COSIMO DAMIANO NICOLETTI ALBERTO NOTARBARTOLO MONICA NOTARBARTOLO DI VILLAROSA URBANO NOTARO GIOVANNI NUBILE MARIA OLIVA ANTONIO OLIVERIO MARIA OLIVERIO ROSA OLIVERIO ROSARIA ANGELA OLIVERIO PASQUALINO OLIVITO ROSELLINA OLIVITO MARIANO ONORATI RAIMONDO ORLANDO OTRANTO GIUSEPPE DITTA GIUSEPPE PACE NATALE PACENZA FRANCESCO PAOLO PACIFICO RITA PADULA SILVIA PADULA DOMENICO SANTE PALERMO FRANCESCO PALERMO CORIGLIANO CALABRO MATERA PALERMO PALERMO MATERA FERRANDINA MILAZZO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MATERA CANICATTI' ROSSANO AGRIGENTO CORIGLIANO CALABRO MATERA MATERA MATERA VILLAPIANA VILLAPIANA CS MT PA PA MT MT ME CS CS CS CS CS CS MT AG CS AG CS MT MT MT CS CS 16/11/1961 27/11/1938 26/07/1936 29/09/1971 15/04/1939 04/04/1945 15/05/1970 15/11/1953 18/07/1952 09/07/1949 16/10/1986 28/04/1985 03/11/1988 23/01/1948 27/08/1973 01649660782 13/04/1960 27/11/1954 14/09/1943 29/09/1954 25/05/1959 01/11/1967 07/10/1938 546 PALERMO S.N.C. DI DOMENICO SANTE PALERMO E C. VILLAPIANA CS 01912020789 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 BRUNO PALLADINO FRANCESCO PALUMMO PASQUALE PANTANO BIAGIO PAOLICELLI MICHELE PAOLICELLI FRANCESCO PAONESSA MARIA STEFANIA PAPAPIETRO FRANCESCO PARISI DOMENICO PARROTTA ARCANGELA PARRULLI DOMENICO PASCUZZI ROCCO PATAFIO PIETRO PATANE' ANDREA PELONERO ALESSANDRA PERRI CELESTE NATALINA PERRI MARIA ROSA PERRI MASSIMO PERRI BOSCOREALE CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA MATERA ALTAMURA CATANZARO MATERA MILAZZO CIRO' MARINA GRAVINA IN APULIA COTRONEI SCILLA CATANIA PALERMO COSENZA NICASTRO NICASTRO TIRIOLO LEUGGERN (SWITZERLAND) ABRIOLA TREBISACCE MATERA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE PONTECAGNANO FAIANO CORIGLIANO CALLABRO NA CS RC MT BA CZ MT ME KR BA KR RC CT PA CS CZ CZ CZ 11/02/1942 20/04/1957 14/07/1960 22/05/1946 05/03/1955 06/04/1972 09/04/1956 26/10/1964 09/12/1960 02/04/1945 16/11/1962 16/05/1959 08/08/1964 27/09/1982 29/09/1977 21/12/1945 10/09/1939 10/04/1965 565 ROSALBA PERRI 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 CARMINE PESSOLANO PETRONE SRL DINO PETROZZA ANGELA MARIA PICCOLO FRANCESCO PICCOLO DONATO PIERRO DOMENICO PIRILLO 03/07/1973 PZ CS MT CS CS SA CS 16/07/1950 02883210789 13/08/1977 10/04/1951 24/02/1963 30/04/1931 12/08/1976 103 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 FRANCESCO PIRILLO BIAGIO PIRO ROSANNA CESIRA MARIA PIRONE ANTONIO PIRRO GIUSEPPINA PIRRO SALVATORE PIRRO SANTA PIRRO' PAOLO PISANI PAOLO PITTO' LUIGINA PIZZARELLO MARIA PIZZARELLO GIANLUCA PIZZULLI SEBASTIANO PIZZULLI ANTONIO PORCINO FRANCESCA PORCINO RAFFAELE PORCO DEMETRIO PRATICO' GIACOMO PROCOPIO SALVATORE PROCOPIO MARIA PROPATI ANDREA PROTO LILIANA PROTO PIETRO PROTO RICCARDO PROTO CROSIA VIBO VALENTIA BARI CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CARIATI SELLIA MARINA CASSANO ALL' JONIO MISTERBIANCO SCILLA REGGIO DI CALABRIA GINOSA SVITTO (SWITZERLAND) REGGIO DI CALABRIA REGGIO DI CALABRIA ROSSANO REGGIO DI CALABRIA CATANZARO CATANZARO CATANZARO CROTONE NICOTERA CROTONE TERRANOVA DI POLLINO CS VV BA CS CS CS CZ CS CT RC RC TA RC RC CS RC CZ CZ CZ KR VV KR PZ 14/05/1969 01/02/1961 14/07/1944 01/09/1946 11/08/1954 12/03/1981 28/03/1948 10/03/1976 04/06/1951 28/11/1965 31/01/1960 17/06/1975 09/05/1967 14/01/1939 12/06/1970 14/05/1961 07/01/1961 30/10/1957 24/11/1988 11/08/1972 25/10/1929 19/11/1957 11/04/1939 18/10/1953 597 PUBBLIMER DI RAFFA GIUSEPPE E VENUTO PIETRO SNC MERI' ME 01706810833 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 MAURIZIO PUCA FRANCESCO PUGLIESE GIOVANNI PUGLIESE ANTONIO PULICE DOMENICO PULICE FRANCESCA PUZZUTIELLO ROCCO QUARATO PIERGIORGIO QUARTO DEMETRIO QUATTRONE TOMMASO QUINTANO CATANZARO DRAPIA VIBO VALENTIA COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SALANDRA MONTESCAGLIOSO BARI REGGIO DI CALABRIA MATERA CZ VV VV CS CS MT MT BA RC MT 01/01/1957 13/11/1963 01/06/1960 17/12/1974 15/10/1976 01/02/1946 10/12/1947 07/01/1970 21/06/1964 04/03/1953 608 NICOLA RADESCA MONTESANO SULLA MARCELLANA SA 20/02/1957 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 CROTONE LATRONICO NICASTRO NICASTRO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE FURNARI CROTONE TARANTO RENDE VIBO VALENTIA MATERA CROTONE CROTONE CORIGLIANO CALABRO KR PZ CZ CZ CS ME KR TA CS VV MT KR KR CS 01306900794 21/08/1950 16/06/1963 31/10/1964 13/12/1960 23/03/1954 02797640790 09/11/1935 02986530786 29/12/1969 09/08/1929 01/09/1968 08/06/1967 30/03/1969 RADIO VIDEO CALABRIA 99 SRL PIERFRANCO RADOGNA ANTONIO RAFFAELE MICHELE RAFFAELE FRANCESCO RAO ALESSANDRO RAVIDA RE INVEST S.R.L. DOMENICO REBESCO RENOVARE S.R.L. VINCENZO RESTUCCIA ROSA RICCIARDI ALDO GIANFRANCO RIGA ANNA STEFANIA RIGA FRANCA RINALDI 104 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 GRAZIELLA RINALDI IOLANDA SIMONA RINALDI MARIA ALESSANDRA RINALDI NICOLA RINALDI VINCENZO GIUSEPPE RINALDI LILIANA RIZZO FILOMENA RIZZUTI OTTORINA RIZZUTO PATRIZIA ROCCHI ROSALIA ROMAGNA ROCCO ROMANO' VINCENZO ROMANO ROMOLO HOSPITAL S.R.L. CATERINA RONDINONE PIETRO ANTONIO RONDINONE FRANCESCA ROTIROTI FRANCESCO ROTONDO MICHELE ROTUNDO GIUSEPPE RUSSELLO FRANCESCO RUSSO TERESA RUSSO S.A.J. SERV. AUTOMOBILISTICI IONICI ANTONIO SACCO FRANCESCO PAOLO SACCO 647 SALERNO EXPRESS DI SALVATO ANTONIO MONTESANO SULLA E SALVATO GIUSEPPE S.N.C. MARCELLANA 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 GELSOMINA SALERNO ANTONIO SALVATORE CARMELA SANGUEDOLCE SANNILO GROUP S.P.A. ANNA SANSEVERINO ANGELA SANSEVRINO SALVATORE SANTAMARIA IACINTIA SANTANTONIO SAPI S.A.S. DI SALVATORE PIGNATARO & C. ANGELO SARAGO' LUCIANO SARCUNI VITO SASSANO VINCENZO SCACCIA MARIA TERESA SCALA ANTONIO SCALISE GIOVANNI SCALISE GIUSEPPE SCARCELLI ALFREDO SCARPUZZA FABIO SCARTAGHIANDE GIULIANO SCHITTULLI VITO MARIO SCIANDIVASCI BERNARDO SCIARROTTA GAETANO SCIDA ERNESTO SCIGLIANO SCIVOLETTO GIULIO DITTA CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO MORMANNO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CATANZARO CORIGLIANO CALABRO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CHIUSI CANAL SAN BOVO BELVEDERE SPINELLO CORIGLIANO CALABRO CROTONE MATERA MATERA CARDINALE MESSINA PIGNOLA FAVARA CROTONE CROTONE TREBISACCE SAN PIETRO APOSTOLO MATERA CS CS CS CS CS CZ CS CS SI TN KR CS KR MT MT CZ ME PZ AG KR KR CS CZ MT 30/06/1971 08/04/1979 21/11/1980 20/02/1944 15/06/1973 21/12/1955 08/01/1966 12/01/1958 30/08/1952 04/07/1939 09/03/1943 29/09/1976 02056980796 08/10/1950 20/07/1933 11/08/1952 21/11/1968 11/07/1936 01/01/1965 03/08/1961 29/04/1954 00146320783 03/10/1966 23/08/1968 SA 03209040652 CALOVETO MATERA CROTONE ROSSANO GRASSANO CASTELLANETA MESSINA MATERA CS MT KR CS MT TA ME MT 08/05/1971 27/11/1948 15/11/1958 02742910785 27/11/1975 15/07/1965 19/02/1978 11/09/1973 CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 02541270787 TROPEA MATERA MARSICONUOVO CIRO' REGGIO DI CALABRIA SERRASTRETTA CROTONE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE NASO CAVA DE' TIRRENI BARI FERRANDINA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CROTONE ROSSANO DAVOLI VV MT PZ KR RC CZ KR CS ME SA BA MT CS KR CS CZ 01/12/1976 30/03/1968 05/05/1954 21/05/1960 05/11/1973 20/03/1947 24/03/1970 19/03/1965 23/11/1932 17/04/1959 24/07/1978 08/09/1955 02/04/1952 10/03/1959 03/06/1948 01703870798 105 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 MARIA ADDOLORATA SCOCUZZA ROSARIO SCOPELLITI OTTAVIO SCRUGLI MICHELE SEMELLA PAOLO SERIO DANIELA SERRA EMANUELE SERRA ANTONIO SERRAGO SETTEBELLO S.A.S. DI IVAN BARILE VINCENZO SGANGA MARIA SGRO ORESTE BERNARDO SICA GIUSEPPE SICILIANO DANIELE SICLARI DANIELA SILIPO ERNESTA LUCIA SILIPO FRANCESCO SILIPO VALENTINA SILIPO GIUSEPPE NAZZARENO SIMILI CARMELA SIMONE ANTONIO SINICROPI FRANCESCO SINICROPI ALDO SISCA PAOLO SOMMAZZI LUIGI SORBARA SPIETRO PAOLO ORRENTINO FRANCESCO SOTTILARO GIUSEPPE SPADAFORA MASSIMO SPADARO FRANCESCO SPINA IACONIS PIETRO SPINA MARIANO SPINA MASSIMO SPINELLI PIETRO SPINELLI DAMIANO SPOSATO MARIO SPOSATO SERGIO SPOSATO SPOSATO SERGIO & C. SAS MONTESCAGLIOSO PALMA DI MONTECHIARO TROPEA TARANTO GIOIA DEL COLLE AUGUSTA GIOIA DEL COLLE CASSANO ALL' JONIO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE FRAMERIES (BELGIUM) VIBO VALENTIA POTENZA REGGIO DI CALABRIA CROTONE CROTONE CROTONE CARIATI SAVA CORIGLIANO CALABRO REGGIO DI CALABRIA REGGIO DI CALABRIA ROSSANO SAN GIOVANNI VALDARNO CROTONE VIBO VALENTIA REGGIO DI CALABRIA COSENZA MESSINA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE COSENZA COSENZA VIBO VALENTIA COSENZA ACRI ACRI CORIGLIANO CALABRO CORIGLIANO CALABRO VV PZ RC KR KR KR CS TA CS RC RC CS AR KR VV RC CS ME CS CS CS VV CS CS CS CS CS 16/08/1950 05/01/1966 21/02/1951 01/12/1931 10/02/1966 11/01/1967 26/05/1952 23/05/1977 02852240783 12/05/1967 27/06/1958 26/04/1931 30/04/1942 13/05/1977 06/08/1973 13/12/1971 24/06/1936 10/06/1982 28/05/1959 30/09/1948 03/08/1988 26/05/1952 26/01/1966 13/02/1935 30/09/1976 04/07/1963 01/11/1976 18/02/1966 22/05/1969 04/07/1949 07/05/1963 10/06/1967 28/08/1969 27/02/1972 08/05/1962 03/08/1967 02/06/1960 01731180780 711 LUIGI SQUILLACE SAN MAURO MARCHESATO KR 28/09/1940 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 REGGIO DI CALABRIA CROTONE CATANZARO MATERA ROSSANO LONGOBUCCO MESSINA TARANTO AFRICO SANT'AGATA DI MILITELLO GINOSA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE RC KR CZ MT CS CS ME TA RC ME TA CS 26/01/1961 01/09/1957 03/06/1968 12/05/1970 13/05/1966 07/08/1959 15/02/1983 13/03/1927 08/11/1964 31/05/1968 27/03/1949 16/09/1939 ANTONINOSQUILLACI GIUSEPPE SQUILLACIOTI CATERINA STAGLIANO' ANTONIO STELLA DOMENICO STELLA FRANCESCO GENNARO STELLA ANTONIA STEVANI MARGHERITA STIGLIANO BONAVENTURA STILO CARMELO STRACUZZI RAFFAELE STRADA VITTORIO STRAFACE MT AG VV TA BA SR BA CS CS CS 106 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 724 CARMELA STRIGARO STUDIO ASSOCIATO ACQUAVIVA 725 BRANCACCIO 726 ALESSANDRO TADDEO 727 CARMINE TALARICO 728 FRANCO TALARICO 729 FRANCO TALARICO & C. S.N.C. 730 MARIO TALARICO 731 SALVATORE TALARICO 732 CATERINA MARIA TAMBONE 733 FRANCESCO TANTONE 734 ISABELLA TANTONE 735 VINCENZO TARANTINO 736 ANTONINO TARANTO 737 GIOVANNA TARQUILIO 738 NATALE TAVERNISE 739 ALBERTO TEDESCO 740 GIACINTO LUIGI FRANCESCO TEDESCO 741 ANGELO CORRADO TERRANOVA 742 TOMMASO FORCINITI GIOIELLI CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 22/05/1950 MARTINA FRANCA TA 02595680733 GROTTOLE CATANZARO COSENZA SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE GENOA SALANDRA SALANDRA GERMANY MONTALBANO ELICONA SALANDRA CORIGLIANO CALABRO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE CROSIA GENOA CROSIA MT CZ CS CS CS CS GE MT MT ME MT CS CS CS GE CS 05/05/1951 29/05/1958 09/08/1964 01445760786 17/11/1972 06/06/1966 21/04/1955 17/08/1947 17/11/1947 19/10/1974 23/05/1962 27/02/1945 10/01/1940 20/05/1955 19/02/1960 19/11/1963 01286690787 743 MARIO TOSCANO S.R.L. - SOCIETA' UNIPERSONALE CORIGLIANO CALABRO CS 02732030784 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 CARMELA TOTO GIUSEPPE TRAPANI CONCETTA TRAVERSA SERAFINO TRENTO EMANUELE TRIGGIANI GIUSEPPE TRINGALI STELLA TRIPOLO ANTONIETTA TROTTA ALBERTO TUCCI FELICE TUCCI STEFANO TUCCILLO FRANCESCA URICCHIO ROSA MARIA IMMACOLATA URICCHIO LUISA VACCARO FRANCESCO MARIO VALENTE ROBERTO VALENTINO NEDO VARANO MICHELE VARESANO ALFIO VASTA MICHELE VENTRELLI FRANCESCA VEROLA VINCENZO VIGGIANO NICOLA VITRO' GAETANO VITULLI ANGELA ROSA VIZZIELLO ANGELO VOTTA LUIGI VOTTA LUIGI VULCANO FRANCESCA ZAMPARELLI GIUSEPPE GENNARO ZAMPARELLI GRAVINA IN APULIA PALERMO STALETTI CARIATI BARI BRANCALEONE MARTINA FRANCA MONTE SANT'ANGELO POTENZA STIGLIANO AFRAGOLA SALANDRA SALANDRA MARSICONUOVO SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE MESSINA ISCA SULLO IONIO CORATO LENTINI BARI FRANCAVILLA FONTANA AVIGLIANO VIBO VALENTIA MATERA MATERA MARSICONUOVO MARSICONUOVO LONGOBUCCO ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI ACQUAVIVA DELLE FONTI BA PA CZ CS BA RC TA FG PZ MT NA MT MT PZ CS ME CZ BA SR BA BR PZ VV MT MT PZ PZ CS BA BA 05/11/1964 10/06/1969 25/07/1935 12/05/1938 26/01/1938 15/11/1958 02/05/1984 07/06/1955 16/01/1943 21/10/1940 19/09/1956 28/08/1951 08/12/1949 19/04/1963 06/10/1946 05/05/1978 10/06/1925 10/02/1973 12/11/1943 10/11/1966 08/10/1969 12/04/1944 04/04/1965 22/07/1948 02/07/1951 25/06/1960 13/10/1965 15/06/1943 27/09/1990 19/09/1994 107 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 774 RODOLFO ZITO 775 ROSELENA ZITO CALOVETO ROSSANO CS CS 13/09/1967 23/02/1965 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 2 as declared by them: 0.118% List no. 1 Candidates on each list • Alberto Marri; • Giuseppe Lusignani; (independent); • Fioravante Montanari; • Mara Bernardini (independent); • Cristina Crotti (independent); • Giovanni Righi (independent). List no. 2 List of persons elected and percentage of votes • Giovampaolo Lucifero; • Luigi Muto (independent); • Michele Calabrese; • Sergio Giangreco (independent); • Stefania Attilia Chiarito (independent); • Antonella Malinconico (independent). Elected from List 1: 10,649 votes (62.50% of votes) 1. Alberto Marri; 2. Giuseppe Lusignani; (independent); 3. Fioravante Montanari; 4. Mara Bernardini (independent); 5. Cristina Crotti (independent). Elected from List 2: 5,639 votes (33.09% of votes) 6. Giovampaolo Lucifero. Further information on the Directors, the lists from which they were taken and the outcome of the voting can be found in the minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting filed at the registered offices of the Issuer which are available to the public on the website of Borsa Italiana ( and BPER, and in the lists and press releases issued at the end of the meetings and published on the Bank's website (Governance - Shareholders' Meeting section and in the Press & Media -Press Releases section) 4.2.1 Maximum accumulation of offices that can be held in other companies The Board of Directors of the Bank, with its Regulation setting "Limits of the accumulation of offices by Directors of Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna” as updated, defined general criteria for the maximum number of board and audit appointments that Directors may hold in other companies compatible with the effective performance of their duties. 108 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. In particular: • • • the Chairman of the Board of Directors cannot hold: o executive appointments in listed companies; o more than 2 executive appointments in companies of significant size; o more than 7 non-executive or audit appointments in listed companies or, in any case, companies of significant size; o more than 10 appointments in total; the Chief Executive Officer cannot hold: o executive appointments in listed companies or, in any case, companies of significant size; o more than 5 non-executive or audit appointments in listed companies or, in any case, companies of significant size; o more than 7 appointments in total; each Director without delegated powers cannot hold: o more than 6 executive appointments; o more than 8 non-executive or audit appointments in listed companies or, in any case, companies of significant size; o more than 12 appointments in total. If several non-executive and/or audit appointments are held in companies belonging to the same group: • up to a maximum of 4 are deemed equivalent to 1 appointment; • more than 4 are deemed equivalent to 2 appointments; • any excess over 8 such appointments are considered as separate appointments. By a resolution adopted with a majority of two thirds of those voting, the Board of Directors may, giving reasons, authorise Directors to accept or retain a total number of appointments in excess of that indicated in the preceding points. At the time of their appointment and any time thereafter that there is a change, the Directors must provide the Board with an updated list of their directorships, management and audit appointments, also for compliance with the ban on interlocking. In the event of exceeding the limit placed on the accumulation of appointments, the Board of Directors invites the Director concerned to make the related decisions. The Bank gives newly-elected Directors a special set of documents, manuals and regulations on the role of director and the duties that the position entails, as well as certifications and forms to be issued and filled in by the newly-elected Director for all the formalities and activities related to their appointment and office. In addition to the members of the Board, we also list courses, workshops, conferences and other study and training initiatives organised by national institutions concerning issues of interest to the Board. During 2014, various Directors attended training programmes recommended by BPER, especially on the subjects of governance and sector regulations. 4.3 Role of the Board of Directors (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) In compliance with the law, the functioning of the Board of Directors is governed by the articles of association and the rules approved by the Board. The Board checks over time the adequacy of this Regulation and makes the appropriate changes and additions. The Board of Directors normally meets once every month. Exceptionally, the Board may meet every time considered necessary by the Chairman or when requested with reasons by at least one third of the Directors or, following written communication to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, by the Board of Statutory 109 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Auditors or individually by each Serving Auditor. The Chairman coordinates the activities of the Board of Directors, promoting the effective functioning of the system of corporate governance, as well as the efficient and constant link between the functions of direction and strategic supervision and those of management; the Chairman is the principal point of reference for the bodies, departments and organisations within the Bank responsible for control activities and for the committees established within the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors works to ensure that the Directors receive proper and timely information. Having heard the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer and assisted by the competent internal functions, the Chairman identifies the supporting documentation for the matters on the agenda of meetings. The documentation on particularly important or complex items on the agenda is sent to the Directors and Statutory Auditors prior to the date of the board meeting with the latest computerised tools, including a special procedure that produces an electronic book. The Board of Directors met 22 times during 2014 and the average duration of each meeting was about 3.5 hours. Board meetings were attended by the following persons who are not members of the Board: • the General Manager; • the Deputy General Managers; • the Deputy General Manager Secretary to the Board of Directors (under art. 35 of the articles of association); • from time to time, depending on the issues being addressed, the heads of the departments in question to provide detailed information as needed on the topics on the agenda. All of the Directors also met informally during 2014 to discuss various strategic matters, on the invitation of the Chairman of the Board. 20 meetings have been scheduled for 2015; at the date of this Report, the Board of Directors has met 4 times, including the meeting for the approval of this document. Pursuant to art. 40 of the articles of association, the Board exercises all powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Bank, except for those reserved for the Shareholders' Meeting, and performs the functions of strategic supervision and high-level administration. Without prejudice to the powers that cannot be delegated by law, the Board of Directors has exclusive responsibility for decisions concerning: • determining general operating guidelines and criteria for the coordination and management of group companies, as well as for the implementation of instructions received from the Bank of Italy and other Supervisory Authorities; • the strategic direction, strategic transactions and financial and business plans; • the purchase and disposal of equity investments that represent a controlling and/or significant interest; • the approval and update of internal regulations that are of particular importance; • the appointment and dismissal of the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen; • the appointment from among its member of an Executive Committee and any other committees needed for the operations of the Bank, determining the members, their duties and how they will operate; • the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer, granting, modifying and/or revoking the powers granted to him; • the appointment and dismissal of the General Manager; • the appointment of the managers of the internal audit and compliance functions, and the executive responsible for preparing the Company's accounting documents; 110 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • mergers in the situations envisaged by arts. 2505 and 2505-bis of the Italian Civil Code; • any alignment of the articles of association with regulatory requirements. As part of its duties, the Board of Directors: • • • has, drawing where necessary on information received from bodies with delegated powers, assessed the adequacy of the Bank's systems, administration and accounting organisation with reference to: o the transactions carried out with related parties and, more in general, those involving conflicts of interest; o the outcome of the checks performed by the second and third level control functions; o the exercise of the mandates granted to the appointed persons; o the economic-financial results of the various business areas covering the entire operations of the Bank; has, drawing where necessary on the documentation provided by Group companies and the control functions, also assessed the adequacy of the systems, administration and accounting organisation of strategic subsidiaries with reference to: o the outcome of the checks performed by the second and third level control functions; o the reports on the consents granted to Group companies by bodies appointed by the Parent Company; o the economic-financial results of the various companies and of the Group as a whole; has assessed on an ongoing basis the general results of operations, via the periodic analysis of the principal economic and financial aggregates of the Bank and the Group supplied by the bodies with delegated powers, comparing them with the budget objectives and the business plan, as well as with the approved interim reports. The Board of Directors is also responsible for other transactions (unless, given their value, they are covered by the powers delegated to other bodies) deemed material in economic or financial terms, such as: • the purchase and sale of property; • the formation of companies, the creation of temporary business associations and the definition of strategic alliances; • plans for the issue of certain financial instruments (shares in the Bank, convertible bonds); • the granting of lines of credit to companies within the Group; • the granting of lines of credit, both directly and as guarantees, that exceed the thresholds assigned to other corporate bodies; • mergers and spin-off transactions, the purchase/sale of businesses or lines of business, contributions in kind and, more generally, transactions that involve publishing a prospectus in accordance with CONSOB's instructions. The Board of Directors carries out an annual evaluation of its own functionality, as well as that of the board committees. The results of this self-assessment provide support for the Board in acquiring a greater awareness of its strengths, as well as detecting any areas for improvement, with regard to how it functions, planning the corrective measures that are deemed most appropriate accordingly. The methods used for this purpose, which are reviewed periodically, include: Board members individually filling in questionnaires to analyse the main aspects of how the Board and its Committees function; these are then processed, integrating the results by cross-checking them against available data and information on the matters being assessed; 111 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Benchmarking and an analysis of the trends in the banking system to support the evaluation of how many board members there should be; A system of scoring to assess the level of skills considered necessary to act properly and effectively as a Director. The competencies identified for this purpose are as follows: banking; the workings of the economy and the financial system; territories covered and the related socio-economic and market characteristics; segment regulations, internal control systems and risk management and control methods; corporate governance aspects and business management processes; organisational structures and information systems; governance structure and organisation of the Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna Group, The results of the evaluation of the functioning of the Board and its committees during 2014 are summarised below with regard to the three areas examined. The assessment of functioning by all Directors was generally positive and essentially in line with that for the prior year. The aspects that were most appreciated were: - the number and type of Committees set up by the Board of Directors; - the attendance of departmental heads at Board meetings; - the relationship of the Board with top and middle management; - the number of non-executive Directors; - information accessibility of Directors. The size of the Bank's Board of Directors is consistent with the current level of the Group's complexity, which will gradually decline as a result of current and planned rationalization; the size of the Board will in any case be affected by actions needed to comply with the new Supervisory Provisions to be implemented as scheduled. The results of the assessment of the Board's qualitative composition also led to the conclusion that the Board's current composition is in line with what was defined as optimal. Given that both the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board of Directors is considered optimal and considering the expertise of the Directors currently in office and those coming to the end of their term of office, the Bank has identified areas of professional competence in which the candidates for the position of Director may usefully make further qualified contributions, with a view to making the Board as effective as possible: - segment regulations, - internal control systems and risk management and control methods; - banking; - organisational structures and information systems. The document on the "Optimal Qualitative and Quantitative Composition of the Administrative Body Communication to Members in view of the partial renewal of the Board of Directors" was approved by the Board and published on the Bank's website ( in the "Governance - Corporate Bodies Shareholders' Meeting" section in order to satisfy the need to bring the results of this analysis to the attention of the members in good time, so that the choice of candidates for election to the Board of Directors at the next Shareholders' Meeting can take the required expertise and skills into account. The shareholders have not adopted any resolutions that provide general and advance authorisation for exceptions to the no-competition requirement established in art. 2390 of the Civil Code. In any case, none of the Directors are currently in the position envisaged by this article of the Civil Code. 112 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 4.4 Chairman of the Board of Directors The Chairman is elected by the Board of Directors from among its number by an absolute majority of its members and remains in office until the expiry of his mandate as a Director. The Chairman of the Board of Directors performs the functions required by law, facilitating the governance of the Bank and promoting the effective and balanced functioning of the powers allocated to the various corporate bodies, as well as acting as point of reference for the Board of Statutory Auditors, for the managers of internal control functions and for internal committees. The Chairman does not have executive powers. He represents the Company in dealings with third parties and in legal proceedings, both in the courts and in administrative matters, including appeals and revocations, and has single signature powers. The Chairman of the Board is not the main person responsible for managing the Issuer - given that there is a Chief Executive Officer, an Executive Committee and a General Manager - nor, given the Issuer's status as a cooperative bank, is the Chairman its majority shareholder. 4.5 Responsible bodies In compliance with the articles of association and legal requirements, art. 41 of the articles of association envisages that the Board of Directors may delegate its powers - without prejudice to the right of each Director to make proposals - to the Chief Executive Officer and to the Executive Committee, establishing limits for each mandate granted. With regard to the granting of loans and ordinary operations, decision-making powers may be delegated, determining the extent of such powers, to the Chief Executive Officer, to individual Directors, to the General Manager and to other members of General Management, as well as - within predetermined limits on amount, depending on function and level - to employees with specific duties and to the managers of branches. In urgent cases, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or the Chief Executive Officer may take all decisions, based on a proposal from the General Manager, about the making of loans. It is worth noting the designation by the Board of Directors, of a non-executive and independent Director, Giulio Cicognani, as the director responsible for providing feedback on behalf of the Bank to any requests from the shareholders' associations. 4.5.1 Chief Executive Officer By resolution of 15 April 2014 and pursuant to art. 35 of the Bank's articles of association, the Board of Directors appointed Alessandro Vandelli as Chief Executive Officer, granting him powers consistent with the role established by the Board of Directors, the main ones are listed below. • to make proposals on the strategic guidelines, long-term plans and annual budgets of the Bank and Group companies, to be submitted to the Board of Directors for voting; • to submit for review by the Board of Directors the decisions taken regarding the organisational structure of the Bank; • to supervise the preparation of interim reports and financial statements of the Bank and its subsidiaries in the Group; • to coordinate the activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries, formulating guidelines and directives to their General Managements, so as to ensure that the various companies operate in compliance with the decisions taken by the administrative bodies and the activities of the subsidiaries is consistent with the strategies laid down by the Bank as the Parent Company; to check periodically the progress being made on the plans and projects approved by the Board, including those of a strategic nature, as well as respect for the budgets established by group companies and developed by the individual subsidiaries in the Group; • to ensure implementation of the Group's corporate governance rules; 113 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • to ensure implementation of the Board of Directors' resolutions; • authorise, in the event of urgent need, lines of credit of any kind on condition that their amount is less than or equal to 5% of the Bank's shareholders' equity; • to approve credit lines, in situations that are not considered urgent, as provided for in the current Group Regulation for the process of defining the decision-making bodies for the provision of credit; • to authorise the purpose – subscription - disposal, up to an amount of Euro 5 million, of equity investments that do not alter the composition of the Group; • to authorise, with regard to the Group's treasury and finance management, investments and divestments of bonds and equities within the limits laid down in current internal regulations; • authorise expenditures within the limits established by the system of mandates; • to authorise the rental of property, both by the Bank and to third parties, within the established limits; • to authorise write-offs within the limits established by the system of mandates. The Chief Executive Officer, Alessandro Vandelli, is the main person responsible for managing the business and in order to avoid situations that could generate potential conflicts of interest, he does not act as a Director of any issuers not of the BPER Group where a BPER Board member acts as the chief executive officer. 4.5.2 Executive Committee (under art. 123-bis, paragraph 2, letter d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The Executive Committee, together with the Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager, participates in the management of the Bank to the extent of the powers assigned to it by the Board of Directors. At the end of 2014 and at the date of this Report, the Executive Committee consists of six Directors: Alberto Marri (Chairman – Deputy Chairman of the BoD), Giosuè Boldrini (Deputy Chairman of the BoD), Luigi Odorici (Deputy Chairman of the BoD), Alessandro Vandelli (as Chief Executive Officer), Pietro Ferrari and Deanna Rossi. The appointed Secretary is the Deputy General Manager Gian Enrico Venturini. Committee meetings may be attended by The Chairman of the Board of Directors, but without any right to make proposals or vote. In compliance with the law, the functioning of the Executive Committee is governed by the articles of association and the Rules for the Functioning of the Executive Committee approved by the Board of Directors. Committee meetings, called by the Chairman, are usually held every fifteen days and, in any case, whenever decisions are needed on matters for which it is responsible. The General Manager also attends meetings of the Executive Committee. The Committee met eight times during 2014. 25 meetings have been scheduled for 2015. The Committee has met 3 times as of the date of approval of this Report by the Board. The Board of Directors granted powers and mandates to the Executive Committee by a resolution dated 25 June 2003. In particular, the Executive Committee has the power to authorise: • lines of credit as provided for in the current "Group Regulation for the process of defining the decision-making bodies for the provision of credit"; • the acquisition and/or disposal of non-controlling and/or insignificant equity investments, within the limits established by the system of mandates; • the purchase and/or sale of property within the limits established by the system of mandates; 114 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • the cost of fitting out branches; • promotional, advertising and charitable initiatives of all kinds. 4.5.3 Information for the Board of Directors The Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors are informed about decisions taken by the holders of mandates at least every three months pursuant to art. 2381.5 of the Italian Civil Code. 4.6 Other Executive Directors The corporate bodies received information flows so that permit them to have the necessary information for an effective and conscious execution of the assignments given to them by regulations. 4.7 Independent directors Pursuant to art. 147-ter, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 58/98 and art. 34, paragraph 2 of the articles of association, at least four members of the Board of Directors have to meet the independence requirements established for statutory auditors by art. 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 58/98. Eight directors are considered to be independent at the date of this report. At the time that Board members are appointed, the market is informed by means of a press release which Directors have declared that they are independent. After an election at the AGM, the market is informed in the same way about the outcome of the Board of Directors' verification that the members meet the requirements of professionalism, integrity and independence. At the date of this Report, the following persons are Independent Directors pursuant to art. 147-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98, art. 148.3 of Legislative Decree 58/98: Mara Bernardini, Giulio Cicognani, Cristina Crotti, Elisabetta Gualandri, Giuseppe Lusignani, Valeriana Maria Masperi, Giuseppina Mengano and Daniela Petitto. During the year, the Independent Directors did not have a formal meeting in the absence of the other Directors, outside of the sessions of the Committees of which they are members. 4.8 Lead Independent Director The appointment of an independent director as the lead independent director is recommended in cases where the chairman of the board of directors is also the main person responsible for managing the business, also being the company's chief executive officer, or if the office of chairman is held by the person who controls the issuer. In such cases, the lead independent director acts as a point of reference and coordination for the requests and contributions of non-executive directors, especially the independent ones, possibly by means of special meetings attended by just the independent directors (independent directors committee). In the case of BPER, given that the Chairman of the Board is not the main person responsible for managing the Issuer, nor, given its status as a cooperative bank, is he the Issuer's majority shareholder, the Board has not appointed an independent director as the lead independent director. It should also be noted that the Bank's Board of Directors has set up an Independent Directors Committee. See Chapter 10 for further information. 115 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 5 Processing of corporate information The Bank has approved guidelines for the management of “privileged information” to be communicated to the public and issued a specific regulation for the "Management of Privileged Information and Insider List", which establishes: • • • • the methods of communicating "privileged information" to CONSOB and the Market; the management of any delay in communicating privileged information, monitoring rumours; handling requests from CONSOB. Given a series of circumstances or significant events resulting in the existence of privileged information under art. 181.1 of Legislative Decree 58/98, as well as of Regulated Information under art. 113-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98, the Bank complies with the communication requirements laid down in the regulations including, in particular, art. 66 of the Issuers' Regulation, and informs the public without delay via • a specific press release issued through the "System of Disclosure of Relevant Information" (SDIRNIS), an electronic system run by Blt Market Services S.p.A., a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group with head office in Piazza Affari 6, Milan, and in the 1INFO storage device Computershare S.p.A., a company of the Computershare Ltd group, with head office in Via Mascheroni19, Milan; • publication on the Bank's website and, if appropriate, on the Group's website; • a notice published in national newspapers (in prescribed cases, as well as at the Bank's discretion). The SDIR-NIS system run by Blt Market Services S.p.A. distributes to the public the press releases sent in by issuers belonging to the circuit by sending them to the press agencies connected to the system, as well as by publishing a notice on the website of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., which also belongs to the London Stock Exchange Group. If the market is closed, the press agencies are informed immediately on the receipt of the press release by Blt Market Services S.p.A., or, if the press release is received during trading hours, fifteen minutes after it was received by Blt Market Services. The transmission of press releases through the SDIRNIS system also ensures compliance with the regulatory and disclosure requirements vis-à-vis CONSOB. In particular, the public is given appropriate and essential information not only about any special and/or strategic transactions, but also about the accounts, resolutions approving the financial statements, the amount of dividends to be paid to shareholders and financial reports, including interim reports. In accordance with the regulations, the Bank has also set up a “Register of persons with access to privileged information”, managed online by means of a special procedure called "Insider List". In addition, the Bank has adopted a specific “Internal Dealing Regulation” that was approved by the Board and published on the website in the "Members" section. This Regulation: • covers all the regulations and internal procedures to ensure that the prescribed reporting is performed in accordance with the “Internal Dealing” requirements in matters concerning the purchase, sale, subscription or exchange of financial instruments involving shares issued by BPER and/or other financial instruments linked to shares issued by BPER; • governs the disclosures envisaged for transactions carried out by relevant persons and those closely related to them. These reports made to the market by CONSOB and Blt Market Services S.p.A.'s SDIR-NIS system, are published in the "Members" section of the Bank's website. 116 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 6 Board committees (art. 123-bis paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) At the date of this Report, in addition to the Executive Committee (see paragraph 4.5.2), the Board of Directors has established as sub-committees the Nominations and Compensation Committee, the Control and Risk Committee, the Independent Directors Committee and the Strategy Committee. The composition, responsibilities and functioning of these committees is governed by specific instructions approved by the Board of Directors, as described in the following paragraphs. In addition to the Committees recommended by the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies, the Bank has set up the following ones: • • the Independent Directors Committee, in accordance with Consob's Related Parties Regulation and Bank of Italy Circular 263 dated 27 December 2006, as well as with the “Group Regulations on the process of managing transactions with related parties and associated persons” adopted by the BPER Group; Strategy Committee to assist the Board and, when required, the Chief Executive Officer. Its functions are to carry out investigations, to give advice and to make recommendations, developing and submitting to the Board opinions and proposals on general and strategic guidelines and policies, as well as strategic transactions, of the Bank and the Group. It also provides support in the field of business and financial plans of the Bank and the Group, and in the calculation of current and future internal and total capital requirements in line with long-term plans and annual budgets. For further information, see chapters 10 and 11. 117 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 7 Nominations and Compensation Committee The Board of Directors established the Nominations and Compensation Committee in January 2009. 7.1 Composition and functioning of the Nominations and Compensation Committee (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The rules of formation and functioning of the Nominations and Compensation Committee are contained in specific "Rules" approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank. The Committee consists of a minimum of three to a maximum of five non-executive directors, the majority of whom have to meet the independence requirements of art. 147-ter, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 58/98. In no case can the Chairman of the Board of Directors be a member of this Committee, though he can attend its meetings ex officio. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors and their term of office expires when they cease to be a member of the Board of Directors. Early termination of the Board of Directors, for whatever reason, leads to immediate revocation of the Committee. If one or more of the committee members can no longer attend, for whatever reason, the Board of Directors replaces them with Directors who meet the necessary requirements. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Board from among the members of the Committee. If the Chairman is absent or unavailable, he is replaced in all his functions by the oldest member of the Committee in terms of age. On the Chairman's proposal, the Committee appoints a Secretary, who need not be one of its members. The Secretary remains in office until the date of the Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the financial statements of the year in progress at the time of the Secretary's appointment. The Chairman convenes the Committee, sets the agenda, chairs the meetings, prepares the work, and directs, coordinates and moderates discussions. He also represents the Committee at meetings of the Board of Directors, signs deeds to be submitted to the Board of Directors on the Committee's behalf. The Nominations and Compensation Committee meets, on convocation by the Committee Chairman, at least once every quarter and, in any case, whenever necessary to resolve on matters within its mandate. The Nominations and Compensation Committee currently comprises three non-executive and independent Directors: Elisabetta Gualandri (Chairman of the Committee and independent), Giovampaolo Lucifero (independent) and Valeriana Maria Masperi (independent). The appointed Secretary is the Deputy General Manager Gian Enrico Venturini. The Committee met seventeen times during 2014 and the average duration of each meeting was about forty minutes. On 28 October 2014 the Committee met with the Board of Statutory Auditors of the Bank to discuss matters of mutual interest. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and all Statutory Auditors. In 2015, three meetings have already been held at the date of Board approval of this Report. Otherwise, meetings of the Committee are valid if attended by a majority of its current members. Resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Committee's Chairman has a casting vote. Every meeting of the Committee is recorded in minutes that are signed by the Committee Chairman and Secretary and kept in the Minute Book for the Nominations and Compensation Committee. The Chairman can invite to Committee meetings other members of the Board of Directors or other persons whose presence may help better performance of the Committee's functions. In particular, the Chairman invites the Chief Risk Officer to attend meetings at which incentive systems are discussed in order to ensure that these systems take into account all of the risks assumed by the Bank, using methods that are consistent with those used in managing risk for internal and supervisory purposes. 118 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The General Manager takes part in meetings of all Board committees. The Nominations and Compensation Committee directly oversees correct application of the rules relating to the remuneration of persons responsible for internal control, being able to discuss such matters with the Board of Statutory Auditors. None of the Directors participate in the discussion of agenda items regarding their specific compensation. 7.2 Functions of the Nominations and Compensation Committee The Nominations and Compensation Committee: • working together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, selects and proposes to the Board candidate members of the Board of Directors: o in the case of co-option, indicating the related requirements; o for the purpose of preparing the form required by art. 32.4 of the articles of association, indicating the related requirements; • prepares opinions for the Board of Directors regarding the size and composition of the Board, as well as the professional and managerial attributes that the Board ought to have; • working together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, selects and proposes candidates as members of the Board of Directors, for the purposes of preparation of the form required in art. 32.4 of the articles of association; • presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to the Directors with specific responsibilities, as well as the remuneration attributable to the Boards of Directors of Group companies; With regard to nominations, the Committee also carries out the following tasks: • it presents opinions to the Board of Directors regarding proposals for the nomination of candidates for General Management; • it presents opinions to the Board of Directors regarding proposals for the nomination of candidates for the position of Director, including those to be co-opted, General Manager and Deputy General Manager of Group companies. With regard to compensation, the Committee also carries out the following tasks: • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to the Board itself and to the Board of Statutory Auditors to be submitted for the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting, and with regard to how the remuneration approved by it should be split among the various directors; • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to the Directors with specific responsibilities, as well as the remuneration attributable to the Boards of Directors of Group companies; • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to the members of General Management of the Bank; • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to those in charge of the Bank's internal control functions; • it presents opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors on the remuneration of the other "key personnel" of the Bank and of the Group, as identified according to the instructions issued by the Supervisory Authority; • it checks the consistency of Board decisions with the remuneration policies approved at the Shareholders' Meeting; • in close liaison with the Board of Statutory Auditors, it directly monitors correct application of the rules on the remuneration of those in charge of internal control functions; 119 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors, also making use of the information received from the relevant corporate functions, on the achievement of performance goals to which the incentive plans are linked and on checking other conditions for the payment of remuneration; • it provides the Board of Directors with all the support that it needs on remuneration policies, also preparing the documentation to be submitted to the Board for its decisions; • it collaborates with other Board Subcommittees; • it ensures the involvement of the relevant corporate functions in the process of drawing up and monitoring remuneration policies and practices; • it provides appropriate feedback to the Corporate Bodies, including the Shareholders' Meeting, on the work that it has carried out. During 2014, the activities of the Committee involved: 1. with reference to nominations: • prepares opinions for the Board of Directors regarding the size and composition of the Board, as well as the professional and managerial attributes that the Board ought to have; • determinations for the designation of the members of the administrative and management bodies of Group banks and companies, consistent with the provisions of art. 4.1.e) of the “Rules governing the Nominations and Compensation Committee”; • appointment of the Secretary, consistent with the provisions of art. 3 of the “Rules governing the Nominations and Compensation Committee”. 2. with reference to compensation: • the definition of Remuneration policies for directors, employees and collaborators that do not have an employment contract in accordance with the provisions of art. 4.1.II, letter i), of the "Rules governing the Nominations and Compensation Committee"; • the presentation of opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to the Directors with specific responsibilities, as well as the remuneration attributable to the Boards of Directors of Group companies; • it presents opinions, suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration to be awarded to those in charge of the Bank's internal control functions, in accordance with art. 4.1.II, d) of the "Regulations for the Functioning of the Nominations and Compensation Committee", • it presents opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors on the remuneration of the other "key personnel" of the Bank and of the Group, as identified according to the instructions issued by the Supervisory Authority and in accordance with art. 4.1.II, e) of the "Regulations for the Functioning of the Nominations and Compensation Committee", 3. During the year, the Committee checked the adequacy of its Regulations and proposed an update that was presented to the Board pursuant to art. 7 of the above "Regulations for the Functioning of the Nominations and Compensation Committee”. Every meeting of the Committee is recorded in minutes that are signed by the Committee Chairman and Secretary and kept in the Minute Book for the Nominations and Compensation Committee. In order to carry out its functions, the Committee has access to the information and business functions needed for the performance of its tasks. As things stand, the Committee has no independent access to financial resources. 120 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 8 Remuneration of Directors Without prejudice to the power to determine the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and the Directors with special duties under the articles of association, pursuant to art. 2389 of the Civil Code and art. 24 of the articles of association, the Board of Directors arranges to allocate among its members the total remuneration fixed at the Shareholders' Meeting. The remuneration policies of the Group, approved by the Shareholders' Meeting of 12 April 2014, establish that: • the remuneration of Directors consists of a fixed component, supplemented by another fixed component of compensation, which is only awarded to Directors with special duties (the Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, Chief Executive Officer). In other words, there are no bonus systems linked to the achievement of quantitative performance objectives, nor forms of compensation based on financial instruments, except for the Chief Executive Officer for whom, in line with the Bank of Italy's recommendation of 30 March 2011, the remuneration is split between a fixed component and a variable component (which cannot exceed 50% of the fixed component), using 30% as an ordinary reference for the definition of target bonuses, based on a bonus system that is calculated with reference to a series of qualitative and quantitative objectives. The correlation between the amount of variable remuneration and the company's medium/long-term results is performed by assessing the level of achievement of economic and financial results in line with the annual and three-year plans, according to indicators defined by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the system of alignment to the overall risk considered after the event. The area of strategic management and managerial behaviour ensures the alignment of the remuneration system to the Group's mission and values, supporting its orientation towards the construction of long-term value. Payment of 60% of the variable component is deferred over 3, 4 or 5 years, in equal annual instalments, on the basis of the bonus amount, subject to penalty clauses. At the same time, it is foreseen that 50% of both the immediate and deferred portions are to be paid in the form of financial instruments (so-called “phantom stock”): cash allocations linked to the market price of the Parent Company's ordinary shares, with a vesting period (during which the shares cannot be sold) of two years for the immediate portion and one year for the deferred portion; • the remuneration of General Management and Managers with strategic responsibilities who belong to the category of Key Personnel is represented by a fixed component that differs according to their responsibilities, supplemented by a variable element that also differs according to the position that they hold and which cannot exceed 50% of the fixed component. The variable component is based on a bonus system that to be calculated makes reference to a series of qualitative and quantitative 2 objectives that are assigned to each manager according to their position . Starting with the remuneration for 2011, in accordance with the recommendations of the Bank of Italy of 30 March 2011, 50% of the variable component of the remuneration of General Management and Managers 3 with strategic responsibilities who belong to the category of Key Personnel gets deferred and paid in annual instalments, subject to penalty clauses. The deferred portion is expected to be paid in the form of financial instruments (so-called phantom stock or virtual shares) : cash allocations linked to the market price of the Parent Company's ordinary shares, with a vesting period (during which the shares cannot be sold) of one year for all Key Personnel, so including the CEO and Managers with strategic responsibilities, for whom the variable element of remuneration is subject to them overcoming certain pre-established parameters (known as "gates") expressed in terms of consolidated earnings and balance sheet aggregates. The variable remuneration paid is subject to reimbursement (known as "claw-back") in the event of fraud or gross negligence, without which the reported results would not have been achieved; • The remuneration of those in charge of control functions, including the Head of Internal Audit and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports, is composed of a fixed 2 The maximum limit is 25% if the assessment is carried out solely on a qualitative basis, i.e. based on an assessment of coverage of the responsibilities assigned and handling of scheduled projects (if significant); managerial values and behaviours. 3 Commencing from the 2014 Policies, the three-year deferral period has been amended to 3/5 years, depending on the amount of the bonus. 121 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. component supplemented by a specific function indemnity and a variable component which can be up to a maximum of 15% of the fixed component. The latter does not depend on meeting financial targets, but is related to the objectives of the function. The incentive mechanisms (bonuses) for these persons are consistent with the tasks assigned to them thanks to a qualitative assessment of the level of coverage of their responsibilities, of the projects assigned to them, as well as the managerial skills that they have expressed. 8.1 Indemnities for Directors who resign, are terminated or cease to serve following a public offer for the purchase of shares (art 123-bis, paragraph 1.i), of Legislative Decree 58/98) There are no agreements with Directors or Executives with strategic responsibilities that envisage indemnities upon termination without just cause or following a public offer for the purchase of shares. The requirement contained in point 2.3 of Consob Communication no. DEM11012984 dated 24 February 2011, whereby it was necessary to include information in this report about any indemnities payable in the event of early termination of the relationship, was superseded by Consob Resolution no. 18049 dated 23 December 2011, which requires preparation of the compensation report and inclusion therein of the information specified in point 2.3 above. For further information, please refer to the documents that are available on the Bank's website, including the Report on Remuneration Policies, in the "Governance - Documents" section or, under the same section, "Corporate Bodies - Shareholders' Meeting" where every year is published the report submitted to shareholders and on the same page the box entitled "Consult the archive of the meetings" - 2014, among the documents published for the shareholders' meeting of 12 April 2014, the document is attached to "Agenda item 5: Report on Remuneration Policies - publ. 11 March 2014. 122 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 9 Control and Risk Committee In May 2009, the Board of Directors established a sub-committee for internal control, calling it the Control and Risk Committee, as defined on 4 June 2013 to replace the previous Internal Control Committee. 9.1 Composition and functioning of the Control and Risk Committee (art. 123bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The rules for the formation and functioning of the Control and Risk Committee are contained in a specific “Regulation” approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank. The Committee consists of a minimum of three to a maximum of five directors, excluding the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who meet the independence requirements of art. 148-ter, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 58/98. Alternatively, the Committee may consist of non-executive directors, providing that a majority of them are independent. At least one member of the Committee must have adequate experience in accounting and finance or risk management, to be assessed by the Board of Directors at the time of appointment. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors and their term of office expires when they cease to be a Director. Early termination of the Board, for whatever reason, leads to the immediate revocation of the Committee. If one or more members can no longer attend, for whatever reason, the Board of Directors replaces them with Board members who meet the requirements of the Committees described above. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors from among the members of the Committee; if the Committee is not composed solely of independent directors, the Chairman is chosen from among the independent members. If the Chairman is absent or unavailable, he is replaced in all his functions by the oldest member of the Committee in terms of age. The Chairman convenes the Committee, sets the agenda, chairs the meetings, prepares the work, and directs, coordinates and moderates discussions. He represents the Committee and endorses the documents to be submitted to the Board of Directors. On the Chairman's proposal, the Committee appoints a Secretary, who need not be one of its members. The Secretary remains in office until the effective date of the Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the financial statements of the year in progress at the time of the Secretary's appointment. The Committee meets at least once every two months and, in any case, whenever necessary to resolve on matters within its mandate. The Control and Risk Committee currently consists of five members (all non-executive and including four independent Directors): Giulio Cicognani (Chairman - independent), Antonio Angelo Arru, Elisabetta Gualandri (independent), Giuseppe Lusignani; (independent) and Valeriana Maria Masperi (independent). The Board of Directors considers that Elisabetta Gualandri and Giuseppe Lusignani have adequate experience of accounting, financial and risk management matters, especially in view of their academic work in the economic-financial area. The Control and Risk Committee met twenty times during 2014 and the average duration of each meeting was about two hours. For the period January-July 2015, twenty meetings have been planned, of which five have already taken place at the date of this Report. Otherwise, meetings of the Committee are valid if attended by a majority of its current members. Resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Committee's Chairman has a casting vote. Every meeting of the Committee is recorded in minutes that are signed by the Committee Chairman and Secretary and kept in the Minute Book for the Control and Risk Committee. 123 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Meetings of the Committee are attended by the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors (or by another auditor designated by him), the Chief Executive Officer and the General Manager. The Chairman of the Committee can also invite to its meetings other members of the Board of Directors, Managers of internal control functions, the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports or other people whose presence might facilitate the functioning of the Committee. During 2014, the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors attended 14 meetings of the Control and Risk Committee, whereas at one meeting he was replaced by another Statutory Auditor. Attendance by other external parties (principally the managers of the internal control functions) was determined by invitation from the Committee, having specific regard for the matters on the agenda. In order to carry out its functions, the Control and Risk Committee has access to the information and business functions needed for the performance of its tasks. It can request the internal control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports to carry out checks on specific operational areas, informing at the same time the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors. As things stand, the Committee has no independent access to financial resources. 9.2 Functions attributed to the Control and Risk Committee The Committee carries out the following tasks: a) it provides support for the Board of Directors, by means of advance opinions, in setting the guidelines for the system of internal control and risk management, so that the main risks faced by the issuer and its subsidiaries are correctly identified and adequately measured, managed and monitored, while also being consistent with the strategic objectives identified by the company; b) it provides support for the Board of Directors, by means of advance opinions, in its assessment of the effectiveness of the system of internal control and risk management with respect to the characteristics of the issuer and its subsidiaries and the risk profile assumed, as well as its effectiveness; c) it provides support for the Board of Directors, by means of advance opinions, in the preparation of the report on corporate governance for the part that describes the main characteristics of the system of internal control and risk management and the assessment of its adequacy; d) it monitors the independence, adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports; e) it gives an advance opinion on the appointment and dismissal of the heads of internal control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports; f) gives a prior opinion on the proposal for periodic planning of the activities of the internal audit functions and of the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports; g) it examines the half-yearly and year-end reports prepared by the internal control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports; h) examines the periodic reports and the indications from the Supervisory Authorities pursuant to Decree 231/2001; i) presents opinions on the proposed technical-organisational adjustments received by the Board of Directors from the Supervisory Authorities pursuant to Decree 231/2001; l) without prejudice to what is provided in paragraph h), it examines the reports of particular relevance prepared by the internal control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports; m) expresses opinions on specific issues related to identification of key business risks; n) evaluates, together with the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports and the Independent Auditors and the Statutory Auditors, the proper application of the accounting policies and their consistency among Group companies for the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements; 124 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. o) it provides support for the Board of Directors, by means of advance opinions, in evaluating the results shown in the auditor's management letter and in the audit report on any important matters that arose during audit regarding to the system of internal control and risk management. During 2014, 139 topics were discussed, including: 34 concerning the Group Internal Audit Department, 40 presented by the Group Risk Management Department, 18 by the Group Compliance Unit, 3 by the Group Anti-Money Laundering Unit, 5 were handled by the Manager Responsible, 1 presented by the Group Lending Department, 14 for the examination of the preliminary results of the Gap Analysis compared with the 15th update of the Bank of Italy's Circular 263 about internal control systems, information systems and business continuity, 1 disclosure on Comprehensive Assessment project and Asset Quality Review, 2 of the Group General Affairs Department, 15 for approval of the minutes of Committee meetings, 2 for approval of the Committee's half-yearly report, 2 for updates on the work of the Committee, 1 for the periodic meeting with the Independent Auditors, 2 for the periodic meetings with the Supervisory Board. The areas under discussion mainly concerned: - examination of the plans and results of the control functions and the Manager Responsible; - the examination of periodic reports on the exposure to risks; - monitoring the progress of corrective action to the findings of the Ratification function; - examination of the main reports produced by the control functions; - examination of the ICAAP documentation for the self-assessment of capital adequacy; - examination of the results of the BPER Group's self-assessment with respect to the requirements of the 15th update to Bank of Italy's Circular 263/06 on internal controls systems, IT systems and business continuity ("Gap Analysis); - Information on the Comprehensive Assessment project and Asset Quality Review. As things stand, the Committee has no independent access to financial resources. In accordance with the above regulations, the Control and Risk Committee has prepared and approved halfyearly reports on the activities carried out and on the adequacy of the system of internal control and risk management, which were presented to the Board of Directors. 125 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 10 Independent Directors Committee In accordance with the regulatory framework introduced by the CONSOB Related Parties Regulation, followed by the Bank of Italy's circular 263 of 27 December 2006, with the 9th update of 12 December 2011, "New regulations for the prudential supervision of banks" Title V - Chapter 5, "Risk activities and conflicts of interest with related parties", the Board of Directors of the BPER Group cancelled the previous internal rules and adopted the "Group Regulations of the process of managing transactions with related parties and/or associated persons" (the "Regulations") with effect from 31 December 2012, and subject to a first revision on 12 November 2013. In accordance with these regulations, by a resolution of 13 November 2012, the Bank's Board of Directors replaced the previous Related Parties Committee by setting up the Committee of Independent Directors, consisting of three non-executive directors who meet the independence requirements under art. 147-ter, of the Legislative Decree 58/98. In the circumstances mentioned in the Regulations, the Committee gives an advance, reasoned opinion on the Bank's interest in carrying out a transaction a related party and/or an associated entity, as well as on the cost-effectiveness and fairness of the conditions being applied, which involves gathering information addressed to it in accordance with the procedures and terms of reference laid down by the regulations and rules of operation approved for the Committee by the Board of Directors of the Bank. 10.1 Composition and functioning of the Independent Directors Committee (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The Independent Directors Committee consists of three non-executive directors, including at least one chosen from the directors elected by the minorities, if any, who meet the independence requirements for Statutory Auditors under art. 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, as mentioned in the Bank's articles of association. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors and their term of office expires when they cease to be a member of the Board of Directors. Early termination of the Board of Directors, for whatever reason, leads to revocation of the Committee. Any member of the Committee who no longer meets the independence requirements has to communicate this fact as soon as possible to the Committee and to the Board of Directors. Any independent director who turns out to be a related party to a transaction that is being reviewed has to communicate this fact as soon as possible to the Committee and abstain from voting on the transaction. If one or more of the committee members can no longer attend, for whatever reason, the Board of Directors replaces them with Directors who meet the necessary requirements. At the date of this Report, the BPER Independent Directors Committee consists of the following three Directors: Giulio Cicognani (Chairman); Giuseppina Mengano Amarelli and Daniela Petitto. During 2014 the Independent Directors Committee met 10 times; the average duration of the meetings was normally one hour. In 2015, as of the date of approval of this Report by the Board of Directors, the Committee had held 3 of the 19 meetings currently scheduled. Minutes are taken for each meeting and filed in the Minute Book once they have been signed by the members who took part in the meeting and by the Secretary. Similarly, every opinion expressed, subscribed by the Chairman and the Secretary is recorded and kept in the Opinion Book. With regard to the specific transactions mentioned in the agenda, Committee meetings are attended by representatives of the functions (or persons designated for this purpose) that carry out the individual transactions submitted for the Committee's opinion or communicated to it for information. The reason for their participation is the need for a full description of the transactions being discussed and for any necessary explanation. As things stand, the Committee has no independent access to financial resources. 126 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 10.2 Functions of the Independent Directors Committee Subject to compliance with regulations and laws in force, the Committee: a) analyses the content of the document called "Group policy on controls over risk activities and conflicts of interest with related parties", prepared by the Bank, evaluating compliance with the rules and its adequacy in coping with the operational complexity of the Bank. More specifically, it evaluates: o the explanation of how conflicts of interest arising from transactions with related parties are to be handled; o the risk appetite of the Group with respect to transactions with related parties; o the method for identifying and recording related parties and monitoring their activities in relation to the Group; o the definition of control processes, also with regard to the duties of the second and third level control functions; b) analyses the content of the "Group Regulations - Related parties" prepared by the Bank, assessing that they are suitable to ensure transparency and substantial and procedural fairness, as well as the integrity and adequacy in coping with the operational complexity of the Bank. More specifically, it evaluates: o the criteria for the identification and classification of more and less material transactions; o consistency with current regulations of cases of exclusion, exception and exemption from the application of specific procedures, including the criteria for checking the existence or otherwise of significant interest on the part of other related parties or other associated persons; o In particular: the ways in which transactions have been identified, exclusively of lesser materiality, concluded at market or standard conditions; the situations and approach underlying the adoption of framework resolutions; o the ways in which transactions with related parties and/or associated persons are initiated and approved; o timing and ways in which the members of the Committee are given the documentation of related-party transactions before the resolution, as well as during and after its implementation; o the safeguards to be applied to transactions, if these give rise to losses, transfers to nonperforming loans, and court or out-of-court settlements; o the information flows to be provided to the corporate bodies; o information to be provided to CONSOB and the market for transactions with related parties; o the periodic financial disclosures to be made on transactions with related parties; o periodic reporting to the Supervision body on risk activity in respect of associated persons; o rules with regard to cases in which the Parent Company Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna reviews or approves the transactions of its Italian or foreign subsidiaries; o the Parent Company's policy and coordination measures; o suitable controls to be applied to transactions with related parties and/or associated persons by Italian non-banking members of the Group and by foreign banking and non-banking members of the Group; c) expresses at the time of the resolution an advance reasoned and binding opinion that spells out the results of the assessments mentioned in points a) and b). With regard to so-called "less material transactions", to be carried out by the Bank with a party related to it and/or a person associated with it, the Committee: 127 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 1) evaluates the Bank's interest in carrying out the proposed transaction; 2) assesses the convenience and substantial fairness of the conditions of the proposed transaction; 3) expresses a reasoned, non-binding opinion, that may also be conditional on the observations made, spelling out the results of the assessments mentioned in points 1) and 2). As regards so-called “more material transactions” carried out by the Bank with a party related to it, in addition to the steps that it has to take in the case of less material transactions, the Committee also gets involved in the negotiations and preliminary phase by receiving a complete and timely flow of information with the right to ask for information and to make observations to the responsible bodies and to those in charge of carrying out the negotiations and the preliminary phase. The opinion expressed for the purpose of the resolution regarding the transaction is binding; in the case of a conditional opinion, the transaction can only be completed or executed if all of the conditions mentioned in the opinion expressed by the Committee have been fulfilled. To carry out its duties, the Committee receives the documentation and information necessary for a proper evaluation from the functions that are proposing the transaction, with the timing and in the ways laid down in the regulations. If deemed necessary, the Committee has the right to use the services of independent experts unrelated to the Bank, within the cost limits set by the Board of Directors. These cost limits are valid in the case of more material transactions. The Committee did not make recourse to the services of independent experts during 2014. As regards less material transactions, defined as ordinary and concluded at market or standard conditions with parties related to and/or persons associated with the Committee: 1. it receives from the competent function ex-post information on the transactions that have been carried out; 2. it provides any opinions or observations to the Board of Directors and/or to a different decisionmaking body for the purpose of taking any corrective action that may be possible on transactions displaying critical aspects. The Committee meets at the Bank's head office or elsewhere providing it is in Italy. Meetings are convened by its Chairman any time one is needed to decide on pertinent matters, or whenever the Chairman considers one opportune. The notice of calling has to include the date, time and location of the meeting, and a list of matters to be discussed. It has to be sent to the Committee's members at least the three days prior to the meeting. The Committee is considered to have been regularly convened, even without a formal notice of calling, if all of its members are present. Committee meetings can be held remotely by means of suitable telecommunications (video conferencing, teleconferencing, etc.) providing that all participants can be identified and that this identification is recorded in the minutes; they should also be able to follow and take part in the debate in real time. In this case, the meeting is deemed to be held where the Chairman and Secretary are located. For meetings to be valid, at least two members of the Committee have to be present. Resolutions are passed by a majority of those voting, but without prejudice to the fact that contrary votes or abstentions have to be explained. The opinion expressed by the Committee is in favour of a transaction providing it agrees with every aspect of it. Any opinion subject to certain conditions or observations is to be considered favourable if the conditions or observations are accepted by the decision-making body. The Committee expressed 9 opinions during 2014, all of which were minuted, and held the same number of meetings during the period. On 29 July 2014 the Committee met with the Board of Statutory Auditors of the Bank to discuss matters of mutual interest. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and all Statutory Auditors. 128 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. In the absence of specific internal or external regulatory requirements, the Board of Directors of the Bank has not assigned any additional duties to this Committee. 129 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 11 Strategy Committee The Board of Directors established the Strategy Committee in January 2012. 11.1 Composition and functioning of the Strategy Committee (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2 letter d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The rules of formation and functioning of the Strategy Committee are contained in specific "Rules" approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank. The Committee consists of six directors appointed by the Board of Directors, including the Chairman of the Board and, if appointed, the Chief Executive Officer. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors and their term of office expires when they cease to be a member of the Board of Directors. Early termination of the Board of Directors, for whatever reason, leads to revocation of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors from among the elected members of the Committee. In the event of his absence or disability, he is to be replaced in all his powers by the most senior elected member. On the Chairman's proposal, the Committee appoints a Secretary, who need not be one of its members. The Secretary holds office for a period established by the Committee at the time of his appointment. The Chairman convenes the Committee, sets the agenda, chairs the meetings, prepares the work, and directs, coordinates and moderates discussions. He also represents the Committee at meetings of the Board of Directors, signs deeds to be submitted to the Board of Directors on the Committee's behalf. Within the areas of competence of the Committee, the Chairman may have dealings with all parties that seem appropriate for the Committee to perform its duties in the best way possible, such as, for example, institutional investors, particularly foundations, collective investment and asset management companies, pension funds, as well as investment firms, insurance companies and banks, as well as advisors. The Committee meets, on the convocation of its Chairman, at least once every two months and, in any case, whenever necessary to resolve on matters within its mandate. The Strategy Committee is composed of the following six members: Giuseppe Lusignani; (Chairman independent), Ettore Caselli (Chairman Board of Directors), Alberto Marri (Deputy Chairman Board of Directors), Giosuè Boldrini (Deputy Chairman Board of Directors), Luigi Odorici (Deputy Chairman Board of Directors) and Alessandro Vandelli (Chief Executive Officer). The appointed Secretary is the Deputy General Manager Gian Enrico Venturini. During 2014, the Committee has met nine times and each meeting has lasted an average of approximately an hour and a half. Since the beginning of the current year to the date of approval of this report by the Board of Directors, the Committee has already met three times. Otherwise, meetings of the Committee are valid if attended by a majority of its current members. Resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Committee's Chairman has a casting vote. Every meeting of the Committee is recorded in minutes that are signed by the Committee's Chairman and Secretary and kept in the Committee's Minute Book. The Chairman can invite to Committee meetings other members of the Board of Directors or other persons whose presence may help better performance of the Committee's functions. On the invitation of the Committee's Chairman, these meetings have from time to time, depending on the matters being discussed, been attended not only by the Committee members, but also by the Chief Financial Officer. 130 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The General Manager takes part in meetings of all Board committees. As things stand, the Committee has no independent access to financial resources. 11.2 Functions of the Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee assists the Board of Directors, and - when required - the Chief Executive Officer, by performing the following investigative, advisory and propositive functions: • it prepares and submits to the Board of Directors opinions and proposals regarding the general planning and strategic guidelines of the Bank and the Group; • it prepares and submits to the Board of Directors opinions and proposals on strategic transactions and, in particular, with respect to: o o o o increases in share capital, issuance of convertible bonds or bonds cum warrant, mergers, demergers and other matters involving changes in the articles of association; trade, collaboration, joint venture and shareholder agreements of a strategic nature, including combinations or alliances with other national or international entities or groups; purchases or sales by the Bank and subsidiaries with controlling stakes in companies, if the value of the transaction is more than € 5 million; purchases or sales by the Bank and subsidiaries of companies, business units, identifiable assets and legal relationships en bloc, also under art. 58 of the Legislative Decree 385/93, if the value of the transaction is more than € 5 million; • it supports the Board of Directors and, if appointed, the Chief Executive Officer in connection with proposals relating to the Bank and Group's business plans, financial plans and budgets; • it supports the Board of Directors in determining the present and future level of total internal capital and total capital in line with long-term plans and annual budgets to monitor capital adequacy at Group level; • it supports the Board of Directors and, if appointed, the Chief Executive Officer in relation to other matters that have been submitted to it. The Committee reports periodically to the Board of Directors on its activity. The Committee has a right of access to the information and corporate functions that it needs to perform its duties. In particular, the Committee has access to all documentation relating to the business and financial plans, budgets and strategic transactions subject to approval and/or authorisation of the Board of Directors. 131 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 12 System of internal control and risk management On 24 June 2014, the Board of Directors of the Bank (and, subsequently, the boards of Group companies) approved the update of the Group Guidelines – Internal Control System, which sets out the principles for developing the Group's system of internal controls, the roles of the control bodies and functions involved, the methods of coordination and collaboration, and the flows of information both between functions and between them and the corporate bodies of the Bank and Group companies. Within the BPER Group, the System of internal controls is established on three levels: • the “Group internal control system”; • the “Internal control system of the company”; • the “Internal control system of the Group”. "Group internal control system" means the set of rules, functions, structures, resources, processes and procedures that enable the parent company to carry out: • strategic control of the business performance of Group companies and of their policies of acquisition and disposal; • management control designed to ensure that the economic, financial and capital equilibrium of the individual companies and of the Group as a whole is maintained; • technical and operational control aimed at assessing the various risk profiles brought to the Group by the individual subsidiaries and the Group's overall risk. "Internal control system of the company" (and, therefore, specific to each company of the Group, including the Parent Company) means the set of rules, functions, structures, resources, processes and procedures ("structure of the internal control system") designed to ensure that "behaviour" is aligned with set standards ("functioning of the internal control system"). "Internal control system of the Group" means the combination of the various "Internal control systems of companies" and the "Group internal control system”. The Parent Company provides the Group with an internal control system that permits effective control over the strategic choices of the Group as a whole, and balanced management of the individual components. In particular, the Parent Company is responsible for the governance, design and implementation of the "Group internal control system". The “Internal control system of the BPER Group” is designed to take account of the business specifics of each Group company and comply with the principles established by the Supervisory Authorities, being: • proportionality in the application of rules according to size and operations; • graduality in progressively transferring to more advanced methodologies and processes for measuring risk and the capital that is available as a result; • unity in the definition of the approaches used by the various functions foreseen in the Group's organisational system; • economy: containment of costs for intermediaries. In this context, the following control functions have been identified within the levels envisaged by the New Prudential Supervisory Instructions for Banks: • Third-level controls: o • “Internal Audit” function; Second-level controls "risk and compliance controls": o Anti-Money Laundering; o Compliance; o Risk control (including the credit control structure); o Ratification. 132 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • First-level line controls, o Line controls (designed to ensure that operations are carried out properly, carried out by the operating teams concerned, included in the related procedures or performed as part of backoffice activities). The teams responsible for the second and third level control functions are independent; in particular, they are separate from each other and organisationally different to those involved in the acceptance of risk. The internal control system of the Parent Company includes: • the Supervisory Board as per D.Lgs. 231/2001; • the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports (art. 154-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98); • The Control and Risk Committee. In application of the principles described and as a general rule, the internal control system of the Group envisages outsourcing to the Parent Company the second and third-level control functions of the Italian Group companies; however, as required by the regulations, the latter still remain responsible for their performance. As regards Group Companies based abroad, this centralised model is partially waived in consideration of the complexity and delicacy of operations run in a different regulatory environment. In this case, it is possible to activate organisational models that enhance the specific nature of the context in which these companies operate, for each control function required by local regulations, as requested by the Supervisory Authority or by the Parent Company. As far as the Italian Group Banks are concerned, on the other hand, this centralisation through outsourcing to the Parent Company has been gradually reduced; in particular, following the absorption of 3 banking subsidiaries (Banca della Campania, Banca popolare del Mezzogiorno and Banca popolare di Ravenna) pursuant to the 2012-2014 business plan and centralisation within the Parent Company (from July 2014) of the Inspectorate functions of Banco di Sardegna and Banca di Sassari, in order to strengthen the current control model, the only exception at 31 December 2014 is Cassa di Risparmio di Bra S.p.A. This bank will adopt the control model within the time frames established by the Parent Company. Group companies are responsible for ensuring that operations are carried out properly, in particular by performing the necessary line controls. As regards risk governance, the BPER Group identifies the Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) as a framework tool for overseeing the risk profile that the Group intends to take in the implementation of its business strategies, considering it as an essential element to ensure that the risk governance policy and process by which risks are handled comply with the principles of sound and prudent business management. The key principles of the RAF are formalised and approved by the Parent Company, which periodically reviews them, ensuring that they are in line with the strategic guidelines, business model and regulatory requirements in force at the time. Through a coordinated and representative system of metrics, the RAF formalises the risk objectives (or "risk appetite"), any tolerance thresholds ("risk tolerance") and the operating limits in both normal and adverse (or "stressed") conditions, that the Group intends to comply with in pursuing its strategies, defining levels consistent with the maximum risk that they are able to assume (its so-called "risk capacity). In order to ensure effective and pervasive transmission of the risk objectives, the Group sets its overall risk appetite, establishing risk limits in a structured framework consistent with the policies of governance and control of individual risks. Lastly, the Group periodically monitors the overall RAF metrics, in order to control on a timely basis any overruns of the tolerance thresholds and/or risk limits assigned and, if appropriate, handle the necessary communications to the Corporate Bodies and subsequent remedies. In line with the RAF, for each risk identified as significant, the Board of Directors of the Parent Company sets, with a special "governance policy”: • the risk objectives; • the related risk exposure and operational limits; 133 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • the "process of risk assumption"; • the "risk management process". The "process of risk assumption" is the series of activities during which decisions have to be taken that affect the level of exposure to risks for the Bank. The "risk management process" indicates the series of rules, procedures and resources to identify, measure or assess, monitor, mitigate and communicate risks at appropriate levels. Having heard the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Control and Risk Committee, and informed the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors of the Bank approved the annual audit plan of the Group's Internal Audit function. The function responsible for providing support in assessing the effectiveness of the overall internal control system, company-wide, is the Group Internal Audit Department. 12.1 Financial reporting process - risk management and internal control systems (as per art. 123-bis, paragraph 2, letter b) of Legislative Decree 58/98) We illustrate below the "main characteristics of risk management and internal control systems in relation to the financial reporting process", according to art. 123-bis, paragraph 2, letter b) of Legislative Decree 58/98. The Guidelines of the internal control system of the Group assigns to the Manager in charge the task of handling the design, implementation and maintenance of the "Financial Reporting Control Model" to be applied to the Parent Company and, with reference to the procedures for the preparation of consolidated financial statements, to the companies falling within the scope of consolidation. The Financial Reporting Control Model is a set of requirements to be met for proper management and control over the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial reports and consists of the following documents: • Policy for managing the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial reports; • The regulations governing the Manager Responsible and the Group Financial Reporting Monitoring and Control Office; • Regulation of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports and the Financial Reporting Monitoring and Control Office of Banco di Sardegna; • Regulation of the Contact Person of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports; • Group procedure for managing the Financial Reporting Control Model; • Group manual for managing the Financial Reporting Control Model; • Group procedure for the Contact Person of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports; • Group Manual for the Contact Person of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports. The “Policy for managing the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial reports” approved by the Parent Company's Board of Directors, based on the “Guidelines for the Group's Internal Control System", established the roles and responsibilities of the Bodies and Organisational Units involved in the management of financial reporting risks. This process is regulated by the Group procedure and manual for managing the Financial Reporting Control Model. In this regard, the basis for the acceptance and control of the risks covered by the Policy and the related methodologies are described in the “Process for managing the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial disclosures”. The activities designed to identify, accept and control the risks relating to financial disclosures are referred to internally as the “management process”, which comprises the following phases: 1. identification; 134 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 2. assumption; 3. supervision. This phase includes analysis of the sources of risk, classification of the types of risk affecting financial disclosures, and identification of the specific areas of the business where such risks may arise. In this regard, the following categories of risk have been identified: • risk of unintentional error: the risk of material errors in the financial statements due to unintentional actions or omissions deriving from inadequate or dysfunctional procedures, human resources or internal systems, or from external events; • risk of fraud: the risk of material errors in the financial statements made intentionally in order to obtain an unfair or illegal advantage as a consequence of false financial disclosures; the risk of fraud includes the "risk of misappropriation of goods and assets”. At this stage of the process we also defined the specific term "Administrative and Accounting" (as per art. 154-bis Legislative Decree 58/98), linking it to specific business processes. Based on this definition and taking into account the types of risk exposure mentioned previously, the risk of unintentional error and fraud in financial reports can be generated by "administrative and accounting” processes only to a limited extent. This phase includes establishing the objectives for financial reporting and the associated thresholds of acceptance and tolerance of the risks relating to financial disclosures. In this regard, the acceptance of risk includes: • • Design and development of administrative and accounting processes. Corporate decisions about the design and implementation of administrative-accounting processes, with particular reference to the design of line controls; in terms of these controls, particular attention is paid to the following aspects: o clear allocation of responsibility for the performance of the line controls (whether IT or manual) that are an integral part of the administrative and accounting process; o design of line controls to take full account of the individual risks of incorrect or false disclosure that may arise. Risk appetite. Assessment of the level of materiality of the “risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial reports”; in this respect, the Manager in charge establishes the criteria by which to identify: a) material companies among those included in the scope of consolidation; b) material financial statement items; c) material accounting schedules; d) thresholds of tolerance of risk related to the assessment of the adequacy and effective implementation of administrative and accounting procedures. Implementing point a) to identify the Companies falling within the scope of consolidation to which the "Financial Reporting Control Model” is to be applied. To ensure traceability of the controls in place over financial reporting and compliance with art. 123-bis, the organisational units of the companies whose IT systems are aligned use a special application to certify the checks carried out on material accounting balances: these balances are identified by implementing points b) and c). Identification of the thresholds referred to in point d) makes it possible to establish what actions the Manager in charge should take, and for what purposes, depending on the ratings level reached. This phase encompasses the assessment, monitoring/control and reporting on risks relating to financial reports. • Measurement of risk The assessment model developed internally (known as the Control Risk Self Assessment or CRSA) is designed to give each administrative and accounting process a separate assessment of: o process adequacy. The aim is to analyse the organisational variables of a process which, 135 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. should it develop weaknesses, could generate potential risk events to the process in question; o riskiness of the process. The aim is to achieve a detection and assessment of the risks involved in each process, considering the structure and functioning of the system of line controls and the organisational requirements of each process; o adequacy of the structure of line controls. The aim is to assess the adequacy of the structure of line controls for the process in question to mitigate the occurrence and/or impact of the events identified in the analysis of riskiness. The following organisational variables have been identified: o People: i.e. the human resources assigned to the process; o Process: i.e. the rules by which the various activities involved in a process are organised; o System: i.e. information inputs to the process. These assessments are reached by means of a self-assessment on the part of those in charge of the process. • Monitoring and control In general, the monitoring and control of the “risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial disclosures” involves supervision of the following areas: o the generation, recording, processing and presentation of accounts, material information and the related entries included in the separate and consolidated financial statements; o administrative-accounting activities that generate the risk of fraud in financial disclosures. These activities involve : o carrying out checks on the administrative and accounting processes of the Parent Company, including those that are outsourced and, with reference to the procedures for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, those of the Companies included in the scope of consolidation (for the purposes of the financial statements reporting package); o carrying out checks on the supervisory reporting processes, on both an individual and 4 consolidated basis ; o carrying out checks that the accounts have been squared for those companies that are aligned 5 for IT purposes. Particular attention is given to IT activities and to any contracts for the outsourcing of specific administrative-accounting processes. In order to ensure that the administrative and accounting procedures are applied effectively within the Group, in line with the "Financial Reporting Control Model", a system of "chain certifications" has been introduced with the support of appropriate financial reporting questionnaires, which have to be filled in by the Delegated Body (CEO) and by the Contact Person of the Manager Responsible of any company falling within the scope of consolidation; this certificate and the questionnaire are submitted for approval by the respective Boards of Directors at the meeting to approve the draft financial statements and immediately forwarded to the Parent Company, which has to acquire all of this documentation prior to the meeting of its own Board of Directors to approve the financial statements for the period (at 31/12 or 30/06). • Reporting Reporting activities include the preparation of: o internal "management" information about the “risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial 4 This includes checks on the preparation of the "supervisory reporting package": processes for receiving, compiling and transmitting information that the Parent Company uses in preparing supervisory reports on a consolidated basis. 5 In order to provide support for the Manager Responsible with tools to ensure the traceability of the controls performed on financial reporting, methods of certifying the checks carried out were implemented by the various organisational units on the account cards considered material on the basis of qualitative parameters (e.g. items requiring valuation) and quantitative parameters (e.g. materiality of an account balance). 136 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. disclosures”; o other disclosures required by art. 154-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98. Responsibility for managing the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial disclosures is principally assigned to the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports, as well as to the various corporate bodies. This allocation takes account of the regulations that assign specific responsibilities to the above Officer. In order to carry out his mission, the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports makes use of the work of the Office for the monitoring and control of financial information, within the Parent Company, which reports hierarchically to him. The above mentioned Office carries out the tasks related to the “Process for managing the risk of unintentional errors and fraud in financial disclosures". Every six months, the Group's Financial Reporting Monitoring and Control Office carries out a risk assessment based on an analysis of the results of its activities; this assessment involves two distinct activities: • an overall assessment of the adequacy of the administrative and accounting procedures; • an overall assessment of the effective application of the administrative and accounting procedures. The outcome of this assessment is a summary qualitative judgement on the validity and effectiveness of the administrative and accounting internal control system. As part of the process of managing non-compliance risk, the office responsible for the monitoring and control of the Group's financial information has been identified as the “Specialist” for monitoring all reports made for supervisory purposes, in addition to the established task of monitoring international accounting standards; that office has established a dedicated Regulations and Financial Information section for this purpose. This section is responsible for ensuring the proper management of non-compliance risk in the assigned regulatory area, adopting the methodologies, tools and reports established by the Group's compliance function and accepting assistance from that function as necessary, which remains jointly responsible for managing the non-compliance risk regarding the above regulations. Before issuing the certificates under art. 154-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 to be attached to the separate financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, a specific report has to be prepared by the Manager Responsible, with the assistance of the Group's Financial Reporting Monitoring and Control Office, based on the results of their activities during the period. This report is submitted in advance to the Control and Risk Committee and then to the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Board of Directors in accordance with art. 154-bis, paragraph 4 of the Legislative Decree 58/98. 12.2 Director responsible for the system of internal control management and risk The Parent Company's Board of Directors gives the CEO adequate powers and resources to implement the strategic guidelines, the RAF and risk governance policies defined by the Board of Directors of the Parent Company in the design of the internal control system and is responsible for taking all the necessary steps to ensure that the organisation and its internal control system comply with the principles and requirements laid down in regulatory provisions, monitoring compliance on an ongoing basis. The Chief Executive Officer in implementing the guidelines established by the Board of Directors, among other things: • ensures that the responsibilities and duties of the various corporate structures and functions involved in risk assumption and management processes are clearly assigned and potential conflicts of interest are avoided; • ensures that the activities carried out by the functions and structures involved in the internal control system are carried out by qualified personnel with an adequate degree of independence of judgment and with adequate experience and knowledge for the tasks to be performed; • defines internal information flow mechanisms to ensure that the Corporate Bodies and control 137 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. functions are fully aware of the various risk factors and have the ability to govern them and the assessment of compliance with RAF. carries out any initiatives and interventions needed to ensure the overall reliability of the internal control system on an ongoing basis. In performing his duties, the Chief Executive Officer has the power to require audits or investigations to be carried out, also with regard to specific irregularities, in the same way as other corporate bodies of the Parent Company and/or Group companies. The main reports produced by the control functions and by the Manager Responsible are brought to the attention of the Control and Risk Committee and the Board of Directors. Lastly, the Board of Directors appoints and dismisses the heads of the corporate control functions and the manager responsible, after consultation with the Control and Risk Committee, Nominations and 6 Remuneration Committee, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Chief Executive Officer . 12.3 Head of Internal Audit Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna as a licensed bank and as a group Parent Company has set up a Group Internal Audit Department, which is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors in evaluating the effectiveness of the overall system of internal controls. On 2 April 2012, the Board of Directors appointed Andrea Tassi as Head of the Group Internal Audit Department on the recommendation of the CEO. After hearing the opinion of the Nominations and Compensation Committee and of the CEO, the Board of Directors decided on the remuneration of the Head of Internal Audit in line with company policy. The Head of Internal Audit is not responsible for any operational area and reports directly to the Board of Directors through the Chairman of the Board. The Head of Internal Audit verifies the operability and suitability of the internal control and risk management system, either continuously or in relation to specific needs identified by the Internal Audit Department, reported by other functions of the Bank or indicated by the Company's strategic supervision, management or control bodies and reports to the Corporate Bodies. This is in line with the instructions and specifications provided by the Supervisory Authorities. The Audit Plan, prepared specifically for this purpose, is approved by the Board of Directors to which the Head of Internal Audit reports every six months. This plan is based above all on an analysis of the regulatory obligations imposed on the Bank and takes into account the riskiness of each activity according to the procedures currently in force at the Bank. The Plan includes a specific section dedicated to audits of the ICT environment. The Internal Audit Department carries out its control activities in line with the Audit Plan, both as a function of the Parent Company as part of its policy, coordination and control activities, and as the performer of thirdlevel controls outsourced to it by banks and companies of the BPER Group. The Head of Internal Audit has powers of access to all of the information that he needs to carry out his duties. The Head of Internal Audit reports regularly on its activities to the Board of Directors, Board of Statutory Auditors, the Control and Risk Committee and Top Management of the Parent Company. A summary report on the internal auditing activity, including checks on the reliability of the information systems, is submitted to the Board of Directors every six months. In addition, timely reports are made to the relevant Bodies and Corporate Structures about events of particular significance. The adequacy of the financial resources needed for the Internal Audit Department to perform their duties has to be assessed by the Bank at least once a year at the time the budget is being prepared and submitted for 6 See Group guidelines – Internal Control System:, para. 5.1 “The Chief Executive Officer only intervenes for the appointment of the heads of Internal Audit, Compliance and Risk Control, as indicated by the Regulation of the Bank of Italy and of CONSOB Title III, art. 12, para. b)”. 138 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. approval by the pertinent corporate bodies. In 2014, a specific budget was allocated to the Manager of the Internal Audit function. Internal Audit carried out numerous audits of both the Parent Company and Group companies during 2014. While a much wider range of activities was performed, the main areas of intervention were as follows: credit processes, internal rating system, anti-money laundering system, investment services, remuneration policies, monitoring and management of liquidity risk, the process of issuing covered bonds, the outsourcing of cash handling; the capital adequacy assessment process, operational continuity, ICT processes and evaluation of the overall system of internal control. The Group's Inspectorate and the Inspectorate of Banco di Sardegna, which forms part of the Internal Audit Department, have carried out checks on the Branches (general, sector, specific and MiFID checks) and on the Central Offices, also on a remote basis, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Parent Company. BPER's Internal Audit function is an internal structure of the Bank and is not outsourced to a third party (inside or outside the Group). 139 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 13 Organisation model (Decree 231/2001) The Bank has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 to prevent the commission or attempted commission of the offences envisaged in this Decree that are relevant to the business carried on by the Bank. In particular, the Organisation, Management and Control Model comprises two parts, one general and the other specific, together with a number of attachments. The documents concerned are summarised below, with a short description of their contents. Organisation and Management Model - General Part: this describes the components of the Model, with particular reference to the composition, duties and role of the Supervisory Board, the training of personnel, and the recipients and scope of application of the Code of Ethics and the Disciplinary System; • Text of Legislative Decree 231/01 and Law 146/06: text of Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001 and Law 146 of 16 March 2006; • Code of Ethics specifies the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Bank with respect to all parties with which it has relations; • Organisation chart: diagram of the entire organisational structure of the Bank; • Function organisation chart : indicates the Organisational Units/Functions of the Bank, as well as the duties performed by them; • Internal control guidelines: defines the principles for managing the BPER Group's system of internal controls, as well as the roles of those bodies and functions that are part of the system; • Regulation of the Supervisory Board: governs the functioning of the Supervisory Board; • Reporting procedure: identifies the form used to report violations of the Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01; • Disciplinary System: identifies the disciplinary penalties applicable in the event of failure to comply with the procedures and instructions stated or referred to in the general and special parts of the Model, as well as in the attachments and the Code of Ethics, to the extent significant for the purposes of Legislative Decree 231/01; • Special Part: This analyses in detail the offences envisaged in Legislative Decree 231/01; for this purpose, the law is presented together with an explanation and examples of ways in which the offences might be committed in a banking situation. For each case, sensitive activities exposed to the risk of committing the offence are indicated together with the organisational units involved. The special part also presents the protocols for preventing the commitment of offences. The prevention protocols indicated for each offence are assigned unequivocably to each organisational unit, which is responsible for identifying, designing, maintaining and complying with them; • Map of offences: this sets out the text of the relevant regulations pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, explains the regulations and gives examples of the ways in which each offence might be committed in a banking context; • Compliance Policy - Market Abuse: describes the behavioural model governing "Internal Dealing", the classification of information as "privileged information" and the process of communicating it to the market, as well as monitoring it and, if necessary, reporting to Consob any transactions suspected of abusing privileged information or manipulating the market; • BPERservices protocols: describes the sensitive activities and prevention protocols strictly linked with the outsourcing activities that BPERservices performs for the Parent Company and other consortium members. The Model is designed to prevent the following types of offence that are significant pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01: - Offences committed in relations with the public administration: (arts. 24 and 25 of Legislative Decree 140 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 231/01); - IT offences and improper processing of data (art. 24-bis of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Organised crime (art. 24-ter of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Counterfeiting coins, notes, duty-paid stamps, identity documents or similar (art. 25-bis of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Crimes against industry and commerce (art. 25-bis1 of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Corporate and bank crimes (art. 25-ter of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Crimes of terrorism or the subversion of democratic order envisaged by the criminal code and special laws (art. 25-quater of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Mutilation of female genital organs (art. 25-quater1 of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Crimes against individual personality (art. 25-quinquies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Market abuse (art. 25-sexies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Crimes of manslaughter and serious or very serious injury due to negligence, committed in violation of the accident prevention regulations and laws protecting health and safety at work (art. 25-septies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Receiving, recycling, using money, assets or benefits obtained from illegal sources (art. 25-octies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Violation of authorship rights (art. 25-novies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Inducement not to make or to make misleading statements to the judicial authorities (art. 25-decies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Transnational crimes (arts. 3 and 10 of Law 146/06); - Environmental crimes (art. 25-undecies of Legislative Decree 231/01); - Employment of foreign citizens with improper residence status (art. 25-duodecies of Legislative Decree 231/01). To this end the Bank has established its own Supervisory and Control Body comprising five members, including two independent Directors, two employees of the Bank (Internal Audit Manager and Compliance Manager) with specific legal knowledge and an external person with suitable skills in this area. The Bank has assessed that this composition meets the needs expressed in Legislative Decree 231/01, thanks to the presence of members with a high level of legal training and adequate preparation in the field of risk assessment; it has therefore been decided, for the time being, not to entrust the functions of the Supervisory Body to the Board of Statutory Auditors, as permitted by art. 6-bis, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 231/01. The Supervisory and Control Body held 8 meetings during 2014, and met once in 2015 prior to the approval of this Report. It reports on its activities every six months to the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Control and Risk Committee. Consistent with the relevant regulations, this Body monitors the functioning of and compliance with the Organisation and Management Model adopted by: • detecting any changes in the "risk map"; • checking compliance with the procedures in relation to activities already identified as "at risk"; • activating and/or performing internal investigations in coordination with the control functions; • planning training for personnel with regard to changes in the jurisprudence or legislation that might affect the crimes envisaged in Decree 231/01; • requesting the identification of suitable procedures to cover new types of activity that may be defined as "at risk"; • requesting updates to existing procedures, if the business could be materially affected by changes in the risks included in the scope; 141 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • reporting proven infringements of the instructions; • coordinating activities by the Parent Company of the Supervisory Bodies of subsidiaries, fostering an exchange of information, knowledge or methodologies; • getting Group Banks to adopt the regulatory documents that constitute the Organisational and Management Model, subject to limited and necessary adjustments. The Supervisory Body reports immediately to the Board of Directors in case of necessity and every six months to the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Control and Risk Committee on its activities and, in particular, on the functioning and observance of the Model of Organisation and Management pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01. The Supervisory Body is also kept informed by means of specific reports received according to established procedures from those required to comply with the Model or from third parties about any events that could give rise to responsibilities under Decree 231/01. Each of the banking subsidiaries has its own Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, which was established applying the methodologies used by the Parent Company; the Model adopted by BPER Services S.c.p.a. is currently being implemented and strengthened. The banking subsidiaries and BPER Services S.c.p.a. each have their own Supervisory Body, comprising three members. Please refer to the footer on the Bank's website on the "Legislative Decree no. 231/01" page, where part of the Model of Organisation and Management adopted by the Bank is available, along with other documentation on this topic. 142 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 14 Audit firm On 10 May 2008, the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the Bank resolved to engage PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. for a period of 9 years (that is until the approval of the financial statements at 31/12/2016) to audit the annual and half-yearly separate and consolidated financial statements. PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A., formed on 31 December 1999 with registered offices at Via Monte Rosa 91, 20149 Milan, is recorded on the Milan Companies Register with number 12979880155, same tax code, and on CONSOB's special register of auditing firms (art. 161 of Legislative Decree 58/98). The Independent Auditors hold discussions with the Manager Responsible (for preparing the Company's financial reports), with a view to constant dialogue and an exchange of information about the evaluation of the administrative-accounting procedures and the “Control Model for Financial Disclosures", as well as with the corporate bodies, board committees and shareholders in accordance with current regulations. 143 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 15 Manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports and Managers in charge of control functions The BPER Group’s “Manager responsible for preparing the Company’s financial reports” is Emilio Annovi, manager of the Group Administration and Reporting Department, and a Central Manager. The mission of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports, who reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer, is to: • • for the Parent Company: o ensure the reliability of the financial information disclosed in the separate financial statements; o ensure that the Bank's reports to the supervisory authorities are based on data drawn from its accounting and information systems; for the Group: o ensure the reliability of the financial information disclosed in the consolidated financial statements; ensure that the Bank’s consolidated reports to the supervisory authorities are based on data drawn from its accounting and information systems, as well those provided by the companies and entities encompassed by the consolidated reports. In order to carry out his mission, the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports makes use of the work of the Office for the monitoring and control of financial information. o In view of the acceleration of changes in the economy, the complexity of operations and recent regulatory developments in matters of internal control and financial reporting (for both accounting and regulatory purposes), which are giving the Manager Responsible more and more responsibility for the reliability of financial reports, from 2013, in addition to the system already implemented, a certification is requested from each of the companies included in the scope of consolidation. This will form an integral part of the Financial Reporting Control Model, so as to provide the Manager Responsible confirmation of the completeness, authenticity and reliability of the figures submitted for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and to provide any other useful information on which to express their opinion (e.g. an assessment of the risk of fraud). This certification, which is made on company letterhead and signed by the Chairman of the Board 7 of Directors, by the Delegated Body (CEO) and by the Contact Person of the Manager Responsible of each company falling within the scope of consolidation, has to carry the same date as the meeting of the Company's Board of Directors called to approve the annual financial statements at 31 December or the interim financial report at 30 June. As a listed issuer with Italy as its member state of origin, Banco di Sardegna SpA has also appointed a Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports pursuant to art. 154 bis of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, who functionally reports to the Parent Company's Manager Responsible as regards methodologies, tools, processes and reporting for the purpose of preparing and certifying the adequacy and effective application of the administrative and accounting procedures. Art. 51 of the articles of association establishes that the Board of Directors, having heard the required opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors, shall appoint a person in charge of preparing the corporate accounting documents, allocating him suitable powers and resources for the performance of the assigned tasks pursuant to legal requirements. Having received the opinion required from the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Board of Directors is also entitled to revoke the appointment of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports. 7 Appointed by the Board of Directors of each company in the scope of consolidation, with the approval of the Manager Responsible of the Parent Company. The person coincides, as a rule, with the Company's Administration Manager, who performs the following tasks: “information link", "representation" and "operational support", as stipulated in the Regulation of the Contact Person of the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports. 144 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports is appointed from among the Bank's managers who have at least three years' management experience in the areas of administration and accounting. The Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports: • has access to all functions within the Bank in order to obtain data and information regarding the administrative-accounting processes, including the information needed to perform checks and/or evaluate the business processes that have been outsourced; • is empowered to obtain internal information about events, risk indicators and proposed technicalorganisational changes to the administrative-accounting processes; • in the context of the line controls over accounting reconciliations, identifies the appropriate Organisational Units within the Companies included within the scope of consolidation that are aligned at IT level, and assigns them responsibility for reconciling the accounts included in the chart of accounts used; • is empowered to obtain from subsidiary companies the information/data required by art. 43 of Decree 127/1991, in order to prepare the consolidated financial statements, with specific reference to: o the information needed for the consolidated financial statements; o the adjustments necessary when different accounting policies are adopted; o the loans, payables, revenues, costs, and intercompany profits and losses, to be eliminated on consolidation; o the statistical information needed to prepare the explanatory notes. With regard to resources, the Manager responsible for preparing the Company's financial reports: • may make use of specialist external and other resources, after a reasoned request to the Chief Executive Officer has been approved; • if such resources belong to the Parent Company or a Group company, a specific request must also be made to the General Manager of the company concerned; • maintains appropriate financial autonomy via the management of an expense budget for the activities associated with his functions. The following are the references of the other heads of corporate functions appointed by the Board of Directors, with duties that involve matters of internal control and risk management: • Andrea Tassi, in charge of the Group Internal Audit Department from 2 April 2012; • Michele Luciano Campanardi, Chief Risk Officer and head of the Group Risk Management Department from 1 July 2014; • Michele Pisani, head of the Anti-Money Laundering Department since 25 August 2011; • Raffaella Perfetti, head of the Group Compliance Unit, from 28 January 2014 as temporary replacement for Massimo Vescogni and nominated the 13 January 2015 as head of this unit. 145 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 16 Coordination of all those involved in the system of internal control and risk management In order to ensure proper interaction between all functions and the control bodies, avoiding duplications and gaps, the Board of Directors has approved Guidelines for the System of internal controls of the Group. These establish the tasks and responsibilities of the bodies and functions involved and, in order to assure the proper functioning of the system of internal controls, the methods of coordination and collaboration, and the information flows between the various corporate control functions. They also identify the Manager responsible for preparing financial reports and the corporate bodies of the Parent Company and the Group companies. Where control areas are subject to possible overlap, the control functions seek to pursue synergies and minimise their "impact" on routine business activity while adequately monitoring risk, without prejudice to the right of each control function to include specific checks in its plan of activities. In order to facilitate coordination and collaboration, the Internal Audit, Risk Control, Anti-money laundering, Compliance and Validation functions and the Manager responsible for preparing financial reports use the same: • taxonomy of processes; • taxonomy of risks; • parameters for the assessment of control activities. Coordination and collaboration are sought in the following areas: • planning/performance of control activities; • exchange of results deriving from the assessment/measurement of risks and the adequacy of controls; • use of the information contained in the plan of corrective actions; • operational involvement of several control functions should critical events arise affecting the Group/company. To facilitate interaction between the control functions (within the company and outside), the BPER Group has established the “Group Committee for the coordination of controls” chaired by the Chief Executive Officer. Via the participation of the control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing financial reports, the Committee facilitates the formalisation of coordination. In particular, the functions describe their recent experiences and projects planned for the development of methodologies, parameters and supporting tools. The various forms of collaboration and coordination result in exchanges of information approved by the Board of Directors. The BPER Group recognises two types of information flow: • vertical flows exchanged between the corporate bodies (including the Control and Risk Committee) and the corporate control functions and the Manager responsible for preparing financial reports; • horizontal flows between the corporate control functions and the control functions. The flows exchanged with Group companies are transmitted via the contact persons for the individual control functions, whose tasks include gathering together all the flows intended for corporate bodies. 146 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 17 Directors' interests and related-party transactions and/or Associated Persons In accordance with the requirements of Consob's Related Parties Regulation and Bank of Italy Circular 263 dated 27 December 2006 (9th revision dated 12 December 2011 of the new Prudential Supervisory Instructions for Banks, Title V), Chapter 5: At-risk activities and conflicts of interest in relation to related parties, on 13 November 2012 the Board of Directors of the Bank - after obtaining prior favourable opinions from the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Related Parties Committee (active under a specific mandate until 30 December 2012) - approved the Group Regulation on Related Parties that took effect from 31 December 2012. Because of subsequent regulatory intervention in this area, including changes to art. 136 of the Legislative Decree 385/93 as per art. 24-ter of Law 221 of 17 December 2012, this document was subjected to specific revision on 12 November 2013, in compliance with the required formalities. The BPER Group has adopted this Regulation on transactions with related parties of the Group, which identifies for the entire Group: a) the criteria for the identification and classification of more and less material transactions; b) the exceptions and exemptions that Group entities will be able to claim, including the criteria for checking the existence or otherwise of significant interest on the part of other related parties or other associated persons; c) rules regarding the various stages in the investigation, negotiation, resolution and approval of transactions, distinguishing between those than are more or less material and clarifying, in particular, the ways in which the Committee of Independent Directors should get involved; d) the independence requirements of directors; e) the safeguards to be applied to transactions, if these give rise to losses, transfers to non-performing loans, and court or out-of-court settlements; f) the flow of information to be provided to the governing bodies; g) information to be provided to CONSOB and the market for transactions with related parties; h) the periodic financial disclosures to be made on transactions with related parties; i) periodic reporting to the Supervision body on risk activity in respect of associated persons; j) rules with regard to cases in which the Parent Company Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna reviews or approves the transactions of its Italian or foreign subsidiaries; k) the Parent Company's policy and coordination measures; l) suitable controls for the Italian non-banking companies and for the foreign banking and non-banking members of the Group. In support of this Regulation on transactions with related parties of the Group, specific provisions have been adopted to provide detailed instructions on how to manage operations in different procedural area. The handling of related-party transactions during 2014, therefore, took place according to the principles of conduct and rules governing related parties and associated persons. Moreover, as regards risk activities, the Bank has adopted the "Group regulations for the prudential monitoring of limits on risk activities with related parties", which detail the following processes: • definition of the limits to risk activities with related parties; • continuous monitoring of limits; • managing situations where the limits have been exceeded, also governing the roles, responsibilities, tasks and coordination mechanisms of the Corporate Bodies and Top Management of the various functions at the Parent Company and at Group banks and companies. With reference to the procedures for authorisation and execution of transactions with related parties and/or 147 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. associated persons, the Group Regulations of the process of managing transactions with related parties and associated persons, in accordance with CONSOB regulations and the provisions of the Bank of Italy, distinguishes between material transactions and those involving minor amounts. The following are considered transactions involving minor amounts: • all transactions with related parties and/or associated persons with amounts used for calculating the materiality indices - as specified by law - that are less than or equal to 500,000 euro (or 0.05% of the 8 capital for supervisory purposes) or the equivalent in another currency. The following are considered material transactions: • all transactions that by law or the articles of association have to be decided by the Shareholders' Meeting or by the Board of Directors; • all transactions that are not considered of minor amount. In any case, the Board of Directors has the right to decide whether it is opportune to consider material any transaction carried out by the Bank or its subsidiaries. Material transactions can be split into: • more material transactions; • less material transactions. The Bank considers as more material those transactions with related parties and/or associated persons with at least one of the following materiality indices, applicable depending on the specific transaction, that is higher than the threshold of 5%: a) Value materiality index: this is the ratio between value of the transaction and the capital for supervisory purposes taken from the latest consolidated balance sheet published by the Bank. b) Asset materiality index: this is the ratio between the total assets of the entity involved in the transaction and the total assets of the Bank. c) Liability materiality index: this is the ratio between the total liabilities of the entity acquired and the total assets of the Bank. More material transactions are approved by the Board of Directors, except where the law or the articles of association grants this power to the Shareholders' Meeting on the basis of a reasoned and favourable opinion of the Committee of Independent Directors, previously involved in the negotiation and investigation stages, by receiving an adequate flow of complete and timely information. The Bank considers as less material the related-party transactions where one of the above indices applied according to the type of transaction is equal to or below the threshold of 5% and the value is worth more than Euro 500,000. In the case of less material transactions, assuming that there are no grounds to apply one of the exemptions under the existing Group Regulation for transactions with related parties, the Independent Directors Committee has to assess the Bank's interest in carrying out the transaction, as well as the convenience and substantial fairness of the conditions, expressing a non-binding, reasoned opinion to the body that has to approve the transaction before it does so. If the Committee's opinion is negative, or conditional on certain observations, approval of the transaction falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bank's Board of Directors; the resolution approving the transaction must provide detailed reasons why it should be authorised in any case, with a timely response to the observations made by the Committee; transactions that are approved despite the negative or conditioned opinion of the Committee are communicated individually to the Board of Statutory Auditors as soon as they have been approved. In line with the provisions of the CONSOB Related Parties Regulation and Bank of Italy Circular 263, the Bank has also identified the types of transactions for which there is a total or partial exemption from the procedural requirements of these two sets of rules. Procedural exceptions are not contemplated in the event of urgent transactions. These are transactions which: 8 “Own Funds”, not least pursuant to Circular 286 of 17 December 2013 – 1st revision dated 1 April 2014, “Instructions for prudential reporting by banks and stockbroking companies”. 148 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. • in relation to the remuneration of corporate officers, • are of minor amount; • are considered ordinary, i.e. transactions that form part of the Bank's ordinary operating activity and related financial activity, providing they are carried out at conditions that are equivalent to those of the market or standard; • are carried out in accordance with art. 136 of the Legislative Decree 385/93; • are carried out with or between subsidiary or associated companies, providing other related parties of the Bank do not have a significant interest in them; • transactions to be carried out on the basis of instructions from the Supervisory Authorities The Group Regulation on Related Parties entitles the Board of Directors to adopt framework resolutions relating to a series of homogeneous transactions that are sufficiently well defined and with predetermined categories of Related Parties or individual Related Parties, lasting for periods of up to one year. The framework resolutions are subject to the opinion of the Committee on the basis of the estimated maximum amount of transactions to be performed. Transactions carried out within the ambit of a single framework resolution are authorised directly by the offices concerned in accordance with the system of mandates. The Bank identifies its related parties and associated persons in accordance with the Regulation, and with the above mentioned Circular issued by the Bank of Italy for correct application of the transparency procedures and requirements, based on declarations provided periodically by the corporate officers, as well as information from internal sources and any external providers. Corporate officers cooperate with the Bank to ensure that reporting is correct, complete and up-to-date; they provide the Bank with all of the information needed to check circumstances that modify the status of Related Parties on a timely basis. The Bank maintains an online register of related parties and/or associated persons, which it updates regularly. The Group Regulation on Related Parties, related information and communications are available on the Bank's website on the “Related Parties” page accessed from the footer. Also, timely identification of corporate officers and related/associated persons is left to specific procedures and the application currently in use. In addition to checking and updating the master file of the persons concerned, this application also manages transactions with parties mentioned above, in respect of the prescribed decision-making procedures and prudential limits on regulated risk activities; it also creates a historic file of transactions, including exempt ones, as well as the ex post extraction of all transactions that are material for periodic reporting to the corporate bodies and for supervisory reports to the Bank of Italy. The Bank has put in place the appropriate organisational and procedural controls to identify and appropriately manage situations in which a director has an interest on behalf of himself. As regards the approval of dossiers involving an officer of the Bank, which constitute an obligation of any kind, this is subject to the special requirements of art. 136 of the Legislative Decree 385/93 (as amended by Law 221 of 17 December 2012), i.e. a unanimous vote on the part of the Board of Directors and the favourable vote of all members of the Board of Statutory Auditors. In cases where a person who is relevant for the purposes of art. 136 Legislative Decree 385/93 also proves to be a related party and/or associated person, the special reinforced approval methods laid down in that provision are always understood as taking priority. In such cases, the Committee of Independent Directors has to receive a prior communication containing adequate information about the transaction in question, except in cases of exemption because of small amount of the transaction. Directors involved in such transactions have to communicate their involvement to the other Board members and then leave the meeting without voting. In transactions with related parties and/or associated persons who do not fall under art. 136 of the Legislative Decree 385/93, when the Board of Directors has to make decisions about transactions that involve a director is involved, he or she is invited to abstain from voting. 149 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 18 Appointment of Statutory Auditors The appointment and replacement of Statutory Auditors is governed by arts. 42, 43, 44 and 44-bis of the articles of association. Pursuant to these provisions, the Shareholders' Meeting appoints seven Statutory Auditors: five Serving Auditors, including the Chairman, and two Alternates. The Statutory Auditors remain in office for three years and their mandate expires on the date of the Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the last year of their appointment; they may be re-elected. The members of the Board of Statutory Auditors are elected from lists presented by the members in accordance with arts. 43 and 44 of the articles of association. In particular, the following requirements apply to the presentation of lists: • • • • • • the lists of candidates are split into two sections, one for the candidates for the position of Statutory Auditor and one for the candidates for the position of Alternate Auditor, have to have the same number of candidates as the number of Statutory Auditors that have to be elected. In each section, the candidates are listed with a progressive number; each section of the list must have a number of candidates of the less represented gender to ensure, within the same section, that the list complies with the gender balance at least to the minimum extent required by law, rounding up to the next unit in the event of a fractional number; Each list must be presented by at least 350 (three hundred and fifty) shareholders - or by shareholders who, individually or collectively, hold at least 0.50% of the share capital - that document in the prescribed manner their right to attend and vote at the Meeting; Each shareholder may only participate in the presentation of one list, in the event of non-compliance, its signature is ignored in relation to all lists; the lists of candidates, signed by the members presenting them, must be filed at the Company's registered offices within the terms and methods laid down in current regulations. They must be accompanied by all documents and statements required by law and in any case: (i) declarations from each candidate accepting their candidature and confirming, under their own responsibility, that there are no reasons for which they cannot be elected or other incompatibilities, and that they meet the requirements for appointment established by law or in these Articles of Association; (ii) a full description of the personal and professional characteristics of each candidate, with an indication of the directorships and audit appointments held in other companies; and (iii) information relating to the identity of the presenting members with an indication of the percentage of shares held, to be certified as required by law; The signature of each presenting member has to be authenticated by nominees of the Company, by the intermediaries authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered, or by notaries. It is worth recalling that art. 43, paragraph 5 of the articles of association makes reference to the terms and conditions required by law for the filing of lists at the registered office of the Company (at the date of this report, the list has to be deposited at least 25 days prior to the date of the Shareholders' Meeting at first calling). Under art. 148, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 58/98 and art. 144-sexies, paragraph 4-ter of the Issuers' Regulation, Members can use a remote means of communication to submit voting lists, in accordance with the rules laid down and communicated in the notice that convenes the Meeting. You are reminded, in particular, that according to art. 43 of the articles of association, lists that are presented without complying with the provisions of the Articles are excluded from the vote. The Articles state that if only one list is filed by the deadline or only lists presented by members who are associated with each other, the Company promptly publishes this information in the ways envisaged in current regulations. In this case, it is possible to present lists up to the third day subsequent to the above deadline and the required number of presenting shareholders is halved. None of this prejudices any other, different requirements under current regulations concerning the basis and timing for the presentation and publication of lists. 150 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. The lists are made public in the terms and manner prescribed by the regulations. All persons entitled to vote may only vote for one list. Each candidate may only be included on one list or, otherwise, will be ineligible for election. Candidates not meeting the requirements established by law and the articles of association cannot be elected or, if elected, their appointment will lapse. Any irregularities on the list that relate to individual candidates only entail the exclusion of the candidate(s) concerned. The Board of Statutory Auditors is elected in accordance with the provisions of art. 44 of the articles of association. If more than one list is validly presented, four Serving Statutory Auditors and one Alternate Statutory Auditor are taken from the list that obtained the highest number of votes, in the order that they are listed in each section. The Chairman and one Alternate Statutory Auditor are taken from the list that obtained the second highest number of votes, providing this list is not related, directly or indirectly, according to current legislation, with the members who presented or voted the list with the highest number of votes, in the order that they are listed in each section. In the event of a tie between lists, the Meeting holds a second ballot to establish how they are to be ranked. If, after voting has taken place, the minimum number of Statutory Auditors belonging to the less represented gender has not been elected, the Meeting has to exclude the elected candidate belonging to the overrepresented gender, who has the highest number on the list that obtained the highest number of votes, replacing that person with the non-elected candidate belonging to the less represented gender on the same list. If, even by applying this replacement mechanism, it is not possible to complete the minimum number of Statutory Auditors belonging to the less represented gender, the Meeting provides for the election of the missing Statutory Auditors by resolution passed by a relative majority on the proposal of the members present. In this case, the substitutions are made from the most voted list, and within the sections of the lists, from the candidates with the highest progressive number. If only one list is presented, all the Serving and Alternate Auditors are taken from that list. If no valid list is presented, the Meeting elects by a relative majority from among the individual candidates proposed by the members present. In the event of a tie between various candidates, the Meeting holds a second ballot to establish how they are to be ranked. The Meeting must take care to express the minimum number of Serving and Alternate Statutory Auditors belonging to the less represented gender. Application of the above provisions must in all cases result in at least one Serving Auditor and one Alternate Auditor being elected by minority shareholders who are not associated, directly or indirectly, with the shareholders that presented or voted for the list that obtained the highest number of votes. If, during the year, one or more Statutory Auditors are no longer available, they are to be replaced according to art. 44-bis of the articles of association. If the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors ceases to serve, the Alternate Auditor taken from the same list as the former Chairman takes office until the number of auditors on the Board has been replenished pursuant to art. 2401 of the Italian Civil Code. If a Serving Auditor is no longer available, the Alternate Statutory Auditor from the same list takes over. The new Serving Auditor remains in office until the next Shareholders' Meeting, which has to replenish the number of members of the Board of Statutory Auditors.. If the Meeting has to appoint replacement Serving and/or Alternate Auditors to the Board of Statutory Auditors, the procedure is as follows. If Auditors taken from the list that came first by number of votes must be replaced, the election takes place by a relative majority of the votes cast without any list restriction. If, on the other hand, the Auditors to be replaced were taken from the list that came second by number of votes and that is not associated, not even indirectly, with the shareholders that presented or voted for the list that came first, the Meeting replaces them by a relative majority of the votes cast choosing, where possible, from those candidates indicated on the same list as the Auditor to be replaced, who confirm their candidature 151 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. and file declarations at the registered offices of the Company confirming that there are no reasons for which they cannot be elected or other incompatibilities, and that they meet the established requirements for appointment, as well as an up-to-date indication of the directorships and audit appointments held in other companies, within the terms prescribed by current regulation. If it is not possible to proceed in this way, the Meeting appoints individual candidates by a relative majority of the votes cast without recourse to list voting. In any case, the Meeting has to appoint a replacement member of the less represented gender, where this is needed to restore the minimum number of Statutory Auditors belonging to this gender. Proposals of candidates by the Members follow the same terms and conditions as for the submission of lists for the election of the Board of Statutory Auditors. For more details please read art. 44-bis of the articles of association. The Statutory Auditors who took over from others fall from office at the same time as those in office (i.e. each one assumes the residual period of office of the person they replaced). Pursuant to art. 42 of the articles of association, the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors must have at least five years' experience in the audit of companies in the banking, investment or financial sector. The Statutory Auditors must meet the standards of integrity, and professionalism required by current regulations for the exercise of their functions. They also have to meet the requirements of independence established by art. 148.3 of Legislative Decree 58/98, and compatibility to hold office pursuant to art. 36 of Decree Law 201 of 27 December 2011 (the ban on interlocking) and any other legislative requirements that are currently applicable. Without prejudice to the limits on the accumulation of directorships and audit appointments laid down by current regulations, persons may not serve as a Statutory Auditor if they already perform this function for more than five companies with shares listed on regulated markets or issuers of financial instruments held to a considerable extent by the general public pursuant to art. 116 of Legislative Decree 58/98 or for their parent and/or subsidiary companies, unless these are companies in which the Bank holds investments. 152 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 19 Composition and functioning of Board of Statutory Auditors (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2.d), Legislative Decree 58/98) The following table shows the composition of the Bank's Board of Statutory Auditors at the date of this Report, though there have been no changes since the end of 2014. The current members of the Board of Statutory Auditors were all elected at the Shareholders' Meeting held on 21 April 2012 and their mandates will expire on approval of the 2014 financial statements. Name Office held Romano Conti Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors Carlo Baldi Serving Auditor Guglielmo Cacchioli Serving Auditor Fabrizio Corradini Serving Auditor Pier Paolo Ferrari Serving Auditor Luigi Fontana Alternate auditor Luigi Attilio Mazzocchi Alternate auditor At the Shareholders' Meeting held on 21 April 2012, which elected the current members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, two lists were presented and accepted for the appointment of seven members of the Board, including the Chairman, four Serving members and two Alternates, as documented in the specific "Register” prepared and retained by the Bank. The following were elected for the three-year period 20122014: Romano Conti (Chairman – drawn from List 2, placed second in terms of the number of votes cast); Carlo Baldi, Guglielmo Cacchioli, Fabrizio Corradini, Pier Paolo Ferrari(Serving Statutory Auditors – drawn from List 1, placed first in terms of the number of votes cast); Luigi Fontana (Alternate auditor - drawn from List 1) and Luigi Attilio Mazzocchi (Alternate auditor – drawn from List 2). Date of Meeting 21/04/2012 Number of lists presented 2 lists for the appointment of 7 members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, among which, the Chairman, four Serving Auditors and two Alternate Auditors. List no. 1 Shareholders presenting list no. 1 Place of birth / Head office Province 1 PIERO FERRARI CASTELVETRO DI MODENA MO 22/05/1945 2 FLORIANA NALIN MODENA MO 20/01/1947 3 ALBERTO GALASSI MODENA MO 23/12/1964 4 ANTONELLA FERRARI MODENA MO 14/11/1968 5 ADRIANO POGGIOLI MARANELLO MO 13/09/1937 no. Name Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number 153 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 6 LUIGI CREMONINI SAVIGNANO SUL PANARO MO 28/04/1939 7 CREMONINI S.P.A. CASTELVETRO DI MODENA MO 162810360 8 ELISABETTA GHIDONI REGGIO EMILIA RE 26/05/1957 9 ALBERTO GALLINARI REGGIO EMILIA RE 12/07/1982 10 ALLEGRA GALLINARI REGGIO EMILIA RE 02/10/1983 11 GUGLIELMO BORELLI MODENA MO 25/03/1965 Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 1, as declared by them: 0.659% List no. 2 Shareholders presenting list no. 2 Place of birth / Head office Province 1 ALDO BONIFATI CASTROVILLARI CS 16/05/1922 2 MICHELE CALABRESE CROTONE KR 22/01/1956 3 SERGIO GIANGRECO REGGIO CALABRIA RC 21/07/1974 4 GIORGIO PULAZZA CERVIA RA 06/02/1954 5 VALENTINA PULAZZA RAVENNA RA 25/10/1979 6 ROMANO GISMONDI RAVENNA RA 13/10/1937 7 CARLO GISMONDI RAVENNA RA 06/08/1931 8 GIULIANO TASSONI MINERBIO BO 12/07/1939 no. Name Date of birth/ Tax code / VAT number Total % of BPER's share capital held by the shareholders presenting list no. 2, as declared by them: 0.571% List no. 1 Candidates on each list • Carlo Baldi; • Guglielmo Cacchioli; • Fabrizio Corradini; • Pier Paolo Ferrari; • Marco Alessandri; • Luigi Fontana; • Gian Andrea Guidi. List no. 2 • Romano Conti; • Roberto Di Franza; 154 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. List of persons elected and percentage of votes • Giuseppe Giuliano; • Vincenzo Morelli; • Antonello Gentile; • Luigi Attilio Mazzocchi; • Gaetano Caiazzo. Elected from List 1: 11,078 votes (60.74% of votes): • Carlo Baldi (Serving Auditor) • Guglielmo Cacchioli (Serving Auditor) • Fabrizio Corradini (Serving Auditor) • Pier Paolo Ferrari (Serving Auditor) • Luigi Fontana (Alternate Auditor) Elected from List 2: 5,976 votes (32.77% of votes): • Romano Conti (Chairman) • Luigi Attilio Mazzocchi (Alternate Auditor). A summary description of the personal and professional characteristics of each serving Statutory Auditor is shown below, indicating their professional experience and skills, together with the offices held in other organisations, based on the latest information known to the Bank. Romano Conti has a degree in Economics and Commerce from Bologna University. he is registered with the Bologna Chamber of Italian Public Accountants and is a Registered Auditor. He started his career at the Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna. He practices as a Public Accountant, being a partner in Associazione Professionale Studio Gnudi. He participates as an associate in ACB Group S.p.A. He has more than five years' audit experience in banks, finance and securities companies, since he was a statutory auditor of Unicredit Leasing S.p.A.. In the past, he has held the following positions, among others: Director of D&C S.p.A., Banca Popolare di Rieti, F.G.F. S.p.A., Beghelli S.p.A. and Despina S.p.A.; Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Bologna Football Club 1909 S.p.A., Centrale del Latte di Milano S.r.l., Cirio De Rica S.p.A., Conserve Mediterraneo S.p.A., Ducati Energia S.p.A, Granarolo S.p.A., Interporto Bologna S.p.A., Lombardini S.r.l. and V.S.G.-Vercelli Specialità Gastronomiche S.p.A.; Statutory Auditor of Autostrade S.p.A., Editoriale Corriere di Bologna S.r.l., Galotti S.p.A. and Unifin S.p.A. Other positions currently held include: Sole Director of Finmeco S.r.l.; Chairman of the Audit Committee of Majani 1796 S.p.A.; Director of G.M.G. GROUP S.p.A. (Gruppo Ducati Energia), SIMBULEIA S.p.A., Società Investimenti Romandiola S.r.l. - S.I.R. S.r.l., VIS Mobility S.r.l. and ACB Group S.p.A.; Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of IGD SIIQ S.p.A. - Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione, Comet S.p.A., Ferrario S.p.A., A.M. General Contractor S.p.A.; Serving Auditor of COMET Holding S.p.A. and of Zeroquattro S.r.l. (Gruppo Granarolo S.p.A.). He is also a Councillor of the Bologna Association of Italian Public Accountants. Carlo Baldi has a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Parma. He became an Italian Public Accountant in 1967 and a Registered Auditor in 1971. He is Professor of Company Economics at the Free University of Lugano, Faculty of Human and Technological Sciences. Following experiences in cooperative companies between the ages of 18 and 32, in 1972 he began practice professionally as an accountant with Studio Baldi - a professional association based in Reggio Emilia with branches in Milan and Rome. In 1990 he founded the Associazione Pro-Università di Reggio Emilia, now transformed into the Fondazione per l'Università a Reggio Emilia - Studium Regiense, of which he is Chairman. He was also the Chairman of Reggio Città degli Studi S.p.A., a company that made possible the foundation and development of the university hub in Reggio Emilia, from its formation until its liquidation for having achieved its purpose. 155 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Other positions that he currently holds include: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baldi & Partners S.r.l.; Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Brevini Group S.p.A., C.S.F. Inox S.p.A. and Smalticeram Unicer S.p.A.; Serving Auditor of Bolzoni S.p.A.. Offices currently held in the BPER Group: Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of BPER Trust Company S.p.A.. Guglielmo Cacchioli has a degree in Business Economics from Milan's Luigi Bocconi University; he is registered with the Parma Chamber of Italian Public Accountants and is a Registered Auditor. After graduation, he worked as trainee in Parma. From 1996 to 2000 he practised at Studio Gnudi in Bologna. From 2000 to 2006 he was a partner in Studio Simonazzi in Parma. Since 2006 he has practised from his own offices in Parma. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of ERVET S.p.A. and Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of RIMINIFIERA S.p.A. Director of Terme di Castrocaro S.p.A.; Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Hospital Piccole Figlie S.r.l. and BI&S S.p.A.; Serving Auditor of Esam S.p.A., AGI S.p.A. and CO.PAD.OR. Soc. Agr. Coop.. Fabrizio Corradini has a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Modena; he is a member of the Modena Chamber of Italian Public Accountants and is registered as a Legal Auditor. He practices as a Public Accountant as the owner of "Studio Commercialisti in Modena, Studio Professionale di Consulenza Aziendale e Legislazione dell'Impresa del Dott. Fabrizio Corradini" He has been Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Erma - Rtmo S.p.A. and Benfer Schomburg S.r.l.; Statutory Auditor of Cesare Cerana Industriale S.p.A., Ceramiche Montreal S.p.A. and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hermes Investimenti S.p.A. and Modena Capitale Banking Partecipations - Società per l'acquisto di stabili partecipazioni S.p.A.; Deputy Chairman of Assicuratrice Milanese S.p.A.; Director di Banca di Modena, Banca Modenese S.p.A. and Modena Capitale S.p.A. Currently he is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors Granitifiandre S.p.A. Pier Paolo Ferrari has a degree in Economic and Commerce from the University of Modena; he is a member of the Modena Chamber of Italian Public Accounts and is a Registered Auditor. He is a founder and partner of Studio Commerciale Collegium of Modena. He has held the following offices: Serving Auditor of Banca Popolare di Lanciano e Sulmona S.p.A., Società Gestione Crediti Delta S.p.A., Eurobanca del Trentino S.p.A. and G.B. Ricambi S.p.A.; Auditor of Turchi Cesare S.r.l.; Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Pallavolo Modena; Chairman of Aut Associazione Famiglie con portatori di autismo Modena onlus. He is the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of R.P.B. S.p.A., Cooperativa Sociale Sole, Doteco S.p.A., Gra-Com S.r.l.; he is a Serving Auditor of Atrikè S.p.A. Further information on the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors can be found in the minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting filed at the registered offices of the Issuer which are available to the public on the website of Borsa Italiana (, and in the lists and press releases issued at the end of the meetings and published on the English version of the Bank's website ( under the "Press & Media - Press Releases" and "Governance - Corporate Bodies - Shareholders' Meeting" Sections. During 2014, the Board of Statutory Auditors held meetings on 40 days of the year, each lasting an average of around 2.5 hours. The Board of Statutory Auditors met with the Independent Directors Committee (on 29 July 2014) and with the Nominations and Compensation Committee (on 28 October 2014) to discuss on mutual topics. The Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and all the Statutory Auditors attended these meetings. Note that 47 meetings have been scheduled for 2015, of which seven have been held up to the date of approval of this Report. Moreover, the Board of Statutory Auditors participated in the meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee; The Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, or another Statutory Auditor designated by him, attended the meetings of the Control and Risk Committee. There have not been any changes in the membership of the Bank's Board of Statutory Auditors since the end of the last financial year. At the board meeting held on 14 May 2012, the Board of Directors ascertained that the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors satisfied the independence requirements as per art. 148, paragraph 3, of 156 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. Legislative Decree 58/98. In addition, at the meetings held on 18 November 2014 and 23 December 2014, the Board of Statutory Auditors once again reviewed its own adequacy in terms of powers, composition and functioning, having regard for the scale, complexity and activities of BPER, in line with the most recent corporate governance regulations issued by the Bank of Italy on the “Self-assessment of Bodies” (Circular 285/13 – 1st revision dated 6 May 2014). On this occasion, the Board of Statutory Auditors checked that its members still met the independence requirements mentioned above. During the year, members of the Board of Statutory Auditors took part in conferences and other initiatives promoted and/or indicated by the Bank to discuss and update people on various topics. As regards transactions in conflict of interest and with related parties involving members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, see Chapter 17 above. In performing its work, the Board of Statutory Auditors collaborates with the Group Internal Audit Department via: • periodic board meetings, usually every quarter, also attended by the Head of Internal Audit; • the examination of documentation provided to the Board by that Department (“support” for analyses performed, inspection reports etc.) and other information relating to the system of controls and the outcome of verification work; • the request of specific inspections. The Board has also taken advantage of the contribution made by all of the other control functions, with whom meetings were held on various occasions throughout the year. The Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors (or another auditor designated by him) also takes part in meetings of the Control and Risk Committee, with a view to an ongoing constructive dialogue. 157 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 20 Relations with Members and Shareholders All information about the performance of the Bank, the communications and the documents of interest to the members and the shareholders (financial statements, articles of association, prospectuses, corporate notices etc.) are published in the English version of the Bank's website ( in the "Investor Relations", "Governance" and Press & Media" sections. The website also has a special Members' Section where information is given on how to become a Member. Reference is also made to the cooperative principles and achievement of the mutual society objectives discussed in chapter 1 of this document and further in a chapter of the Directors' Report accompanying the financial statements. An Investor Relations Office was set up to manage relationships with investors, intermediaries and, more generally, with stakeholders in the Bank. This office is the official point of contact with the Bank and the BPER Group for the national and international financial community, helping to create a channel through which the latter can receive constant information. In particular, the Investor Relations Office communicates with the shareholders, bondholders, investors, financial analysts and rating agencies in order to disseminate in a homogeneous manner correct and timely information and news about the activities, results, strategy and growth prospects of the Bank and the Group. Mention should be made of the various presentations, also by conference call, of the periodic consolidated results of the BPER Group addressed mainly to the financial community and the press. The Office also collaborates, as appropriate, with the Shareholder Relations Office and External Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility Office, in managing the relationship with Shareholders through adequate and constant information on the life of the Bank and the Group. Currently the role of the Investor Relator is held by Gilberto Borghi, who is in charge of that Office. The Shareholder Relations Office, being responsible for maintaining the Register of Members and the Register of Shareholders, mainly handles relationships with the members and the shareholders, as well as the related regulatory compliance and meeting formalities. Among its various activities, the External Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility Office maintains relations with journalists from national and local newspapers, prepares and sends press releases and has them published in the media, organises press conferences and prepares communication plans, coordinating with other banks in the Group where necessary. In addition, the Board of Directors designated a non-executive and independent Director, Giulio Cicognani, as the director responsible for providing feedback on behalf of the Bank to any requests from the shareholders' associations. Note that for disclosure to the market, as well as to the Bank's shareholders and members, of regulated information pursuant to art. 113-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98, the Bank uses the "System of Disclosure of Relevant Information" (aka SDIR-NIS), an electronic system run by Blt Market Services S.p.A., a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group with head office in Piazza Affari 6, Milan. For the storage of Regulated Information, BPER makes use of the 1Info facilities provided by Computershare S.p.A., a company within the Computershare Group, located at Via Mascheroni 19, Milan. See Chapter 5 above for further information. 158 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 21 Shareholders' Meetings The functioning of Meetings is governed by arts. 23-29 of the articles of association Shareholders' Meetings are called by the Board of Directors, within the timescales established in current regulations. Meetings may also be called by the Board of Statutory Auditors, or by at least two Statutory Auditors, in the circumstances established by law. The Board of Directors must call a Shareholders' Meeting, without delay, on receipt of written application by at least one tenth of the shareholders entitled to vote at the date of the request. Meetings are called by means of a notice of calling to be published on the Bank's website and in two daily newspapers: “Il Sole 24 ORE” and “QN Quotidiano Nazionale”. Meetings are valid if held using remote communications systems, on condition that the identity of the persons entitled to attend is assured and that all participants are able to intervene in real time in discussions about the matters on the agenda, as well as to vote on the resolutions. In any case, the Chairman and the Secretary must be present at the place indicated in the notice of calling, as mentioned above, and the meeting is deemed to be held in that place. On the basis, with the timing and within the limits established by law, members representing (i) a number not less than one-fiftieth of the Members entitled to vote at the date of the request or (ii) individually or jointly, a shareholding of not less than one-fiftieth of the share capital may, by written request, ask to integrate the list of matters to be discussed at the Shareholders' Meeting, specified in the notice of calling, or to submit proposed resolutions on matters already on the agenda. The signature of each applicant must be authenticated by the Company or by the intermediaries holding accounts in which are recorded the shares issued by the Company and held by the member making the application, or by notaries. The application must be accompanied by the deposit of the certificates of participation in the centralised share management system, confirming the applicants' right to make such a request. Extension of the list of matters to be discussed pursuant to this paragraph cannot include matters for which, by law, the Meeting adopts resolutions based on a proposal from the Directors, or based on a draft or a report prepared by them. Pursuant to art. 26 of the articles of association, the Shareholders' Meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or his deputy or, failing this, by the person elected by those attending. The Chairman checks the identity and right to attend of those present, verifies that the Meeting is quorate, moderates the business conducted, checks the results of voting and appoints two or more scrutineers from among those present. The Secretary of the Ordinary Meeting is the Secretary of the Board of Directors or, in his absence, another member designated by the Meeting. The resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting are documented in minutes. The minutes are taken by the Secretary and signed by the Chairman, the Secretary and, if appointed, the scrutineers. In the circumstances required by law and when considered appropriate by the Chairman, the minutes are taken by a notary appointed by the Chairman. The Ordinary Meeting is quorate in first calling with the presence, in person or by legal representation or by proxy, of at least one fifth of the shareholders entitled to attend the Meeting, and is quorate in second calling regardless of the number present. The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting adopts resolutions by an absolute majority of the votes cast, except if electing directors and officers when the list voting system described in arts. 31, 32, 33, 43, 44, 44-bis and 46 of the articles of association, are used. The Ordinary Meeting adopts resolutions on, in particular: • on the reasoned proposal of the Board of Statutory Auditors, appoints the Independent Auditors from among the registered auditing firms, determines their fees and any criteria for fee adjustments during their period of office; can, under certain circumstances, revoke their appointment, having consulted with the Statutory Auditors; • the remuneration payable to the Directors, in accordance with the law and the related regulations, 159 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. without prejudice to the right of the Board of Directors to fix the remuneration of those Directors with special duties, after hearing the Board of Statutory Auditors; • the fees payable to the Statutory Auditors; • approval of the remuneration policies in favour of the bodies with supervisory, management and control functions and the staff; • any remuneration plans based on the use of financial instruments; • all other matters reserved for it by law. The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting may appoint an Honorary Chairman from among those who have significantly contributed to the prestige and the development of the Company. The person concerned does not have to be a member of the Board of Directors. The position of Honorary Chairman is not remunerated. The extraordinary shareholders' meeting is quorate in first calling, even in cases where the law requires a special majority, with the presence, in person or by legal representation or by proxy, of at least one eighth of the shareholders entitled to attend, and is quorate in second calling if attended by at least one percent of such shareholders. The extraordinary shareholders' meeting adopts resolutions with a majority of two thirds of the votes cast and on the matters reserved for it by law. Resolutions to change the corporate objects, transfer the registered offices abroad and wind up the Bank early must be adopted with the votes in favour of at least one tenth of the shareholders entitled to attend the Meeting. The voting takes place openly, except for the appointment of officers (excluding that of the Honorary Chairman) which is by secret ballot. On the Chairman's proposal, the Meeting can decide to go ahead with an open vote. Shareholders have the right to attend the Meeting and exercise their voting rights if they have been recorded in the register of Shareholders for at least 90 (ninety) days and for whom, in accordance with current legislative and regulatory requirements, by the end of the third market trading day prior to the date set for the Meeting at first calling or by some other deadline established by current regulations, the Bank has received the communication from the intermediary authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered, Each Shareholder has one vote, regardless of the number of shares held. Shareholders may be represented at the Meeting by another shareholder, in accordance with the law. Members of the Board of Directors, Board of Statutory Auditors or employees of the Company or of its subsidiaries cannot act as proxies. Proxies, which are valid at both first and second calling, must be given in writing, they must indicate the name of the proxy-holder and the signature of the person giving the proxy must be notarized by nominees of the Company, by intermediaries authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered or by notaries. No shareholder may represent more than five other shareholders, except in cases of legal representation. Postal voting is not allowed. In accordance with current regulations, the Board of Directors can allow votes to be cast before and/or during the Shareholders' Meeting, without requiring the physical presence of the person or their proxy, through the use of electronic devices in ways to be communicated in the notice of calling of the Shareholders' Meeting, such as to ensure the identification of those who have the right to vote, security of communications and, in case of a secret ballot, secrecy. Members of the Board of Directors may not vote on resolutions regarding their responsibility for actions. In general, all members of the Board of Directors should attend the Shareholders' Meetings, subject to unforeseeable events that prevent the individual being present. At the time of approving the 2014 financial statements, the Board presented its report on operations to the Shareholders' Meeting, describing the activities performed and planned, and worked to ensure the provision of necessary information to the shareholders so that they could make informed decisions at the meeting. The market capitalisation of the Bank's shares, after taking account of and adjusting for the capital increase during the year, increased from Euro 2.1 billion at 31 December 2013 to more than Euro 2.6 billion at 31 December 2014. 160 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 22 Other Corporate Governance practices (art. 123-bis, paragraph 2.a), Legislative Decree 58/98) On 29 January 2013, the Board of Directors of the Bank resolved to adhere to the opt-out system under arts. 70, paragraph 8, and 71, paragraph 1-bis of the Issuers' Regulation, as amended by CONSOB Resolution 18079 of 20 January 2012, taking advantage of the right to make an exception to the obligation to publish information documents in the event of significant mergers, spin-offs, increases in capital by contributions in kind, acquisitions and disposals. Noted that the articles of association provide for and regulate the appointment of General Management and the Board of Arbiters. 22.1 General Management General Management comprises the General Manager and one or more Deputy General Managers. These persons must meet the requirements of professionalism, integrity and independence established by law. Resolutions concerning the appointment of members of General Management are adopted by the Board of Directors by an absolute majority of the serving directors. The General Manager is the Head of Personnel. He hires personnel, following the selection of candidates, within the limits established in the annual budgets. He also makes proposals for the promotion or dismissal of personnel; takes disciplinary action and may temporarily suspend any employee, reporting this to the Chief Executive Officer, so that the related final decisions can be taken. All decisions regarding executive grade (dirigenti) employees are taken solely by the Board of Directors. The General Manager attends the meetings of the Board of Directors, and those of any committees and commissions that may be established. Assisted by the other members of General Management, he implements the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, as well as the instructions given by the Chief Executive Officer; he supervises the functioning of the Bank, the performance of operations and services in accordance with directives from the Board of Directors and the instructions given by the Chief Executive Officer. If absent or unavailable, the General Manager is replaced in the exercise of all attributed powers and functions by one or more members of General Management designated by the Board of Directors; if these are also absent or unavailable, such functions and powers are exercised by an executive designated by the Board of Directors. At both the end of 2014 and at the date of this Report, General Management comprises the General Manager Fabrizio Togni and the following Deputy General Managers: Eugenio Garavini, Pierpio Cerfogli and Gian Enrico Venturini. 22.2 Board of Arbiters The Shareholders' Meeting appoints five Serving Arbiters and three Alternates from among the members. They remain in office for three years and may be re-elected. Their work is performed on a voluntary basis. The election of Arbiters takes place on the basis of written candidatures submitted by the members. Each member can submit a maximum number of candidates equal to that of the Arbiters to be elected. The candidature, signed by the person or persons presenting the candidate, must indicate the name of the candidate for the office of Arbiter, without distinction between serving and alternate, and has to be filed at the Company's registered offices by the deadline provided by law for the submission of lists of candidates for the election of the Board of Statutory Auditors, together with: (i) information on the identity of the presenting 161 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. member or members, indicating the percentage of shares held, to be certified at the same time as filing the candidature as required by law; (ii) full information on the candidate's personal and professional characteristics; and (iii) a declaration with which the candidate accepts their nomination. The signature of each presenting member has to be authenticated by nominees of the Company, by the intermediaries authorised to keep accounts on which financial instruments are registered, or by notaries. Candidatures submitted without complying with the above conditions will be considered as not submitted and will not be admitted to the vote. If no candidature is submitted by the set deadline, the Meeting votes on the candidates proposed on the spot by the members present. Each person entitled to vote may vote for a maximum number of candidates equal to that of the Arbiters to be elected. Candidates are ranked in descending order according to the number of votes that they obtained. The first five candidates are elected as Serving Arbiters and the next three candidates as Alternate Arbiters. In the event of a tie between various candidates, the Meeting holds a second ballot to establish how they are to be ranked. The Board of Arbiters elects a Chairman from among its number, who calls meetings of the Board and directs its work. If Serving Arbiters are no longer available, they are replaced by the Alternate Arbiters in order of age until their period of office expires. If, as a result of the substitutions, the number of Alternate Arbiters remaining falls to less than two, the Meeting takes steps to elect as many new Alternate Arbiters as are needed to restore the required total. The Alternate Arbiters, again in order of age, replace from time to time those Serving Arbiters who have to abstain from office as a consequence of blood or marriage ties or other legitimate impediment. The Board of Arbiters, plus a representative of the candidate member, expresses its opinion within 30 days of any request made for the review of board decisions not to admit a member, or to exclude a member from the Company. The Board of Arbiters exercises its discretion regarding the evaluation process to be followed. Decisions are adopted by a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has a casting vote. At the date of this Report, the Board of Arbiters comprises: Miranda Corradi (Chairman), Roberto Bernardi , Federico Ferrari Amorotti, Vittorio Rossi and Massimo Turchi, Serving Arbiters; Philip Bergamini and Pier Luigi Cerutti Alternate Arbiters. The Board of Arbiters for the three-year period 2012-2014 was elected by secret ballot at the Shareholders' Meeting held on 21 April 2012. 162 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version. 23 Changes since the end of the year Events that have taken place since the end of 2014 up to the date of this report include the following. For information about events arising between the end of 2014 and the date of this Report, reference is made to Chapter 9 of the Directors' report on operations “Significant subsequent events and outlook for 2015”, Paragraph 9.1 “Significant events subsequent to 31 December 2014”. The Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the 2014 financial statements will also be requested to examine draft amendments to the Articles of Association. Further information in this regard is presented in the related Report published in the Governance Section of the Bank's website (Corporate Bodies – Shareholders' Meeting). For further information, see the press releases published on the Bank's website - in the Press & Media Section, as well as the relevant documents available in other sections of the site. 163 This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version.