Situation Report
PARC Response to the Gaza Crisis
21st Aug. 2014
The Israeli Assault, started in 7th July 2014, against the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip has resulted in
the killing of at least 2040 Palestinian civilians, including 470 children and 400 women. Over 10,000
people have been injured. Some of the 520,000 Palestinians who were displaced have returned to their
homes. This number is not fixed and is expected to increase as people don’t feel safe to go back to their
homes close to the bordering areas. However, preliminary estimates indicate over 10,000 housing units
have been destroyed or severely damaged, leaving 65,000 with no home to return to.
Situation report
With the midday of the 7th of July, Israel has launched it offensive against the Gaza strip. Two
weeks after, the Israeli military operation included ground operation resulting in the mass evacuation of
the hundreds of thousands of civil residents of the northern and eastern parts of the Gaza strip following
intensive artillery shelling and bombarding. Since the beginning of the assault, at least 2040 Palestinians
civilians have been killed, including 423 children and 224 women, and over 10,000 people have been
injured. Some of the 520,000 Palestinians who were displaced have returned to their homes. This
number is not fixed and is expected to increase as people don’t feel safe to go back to their homes close
to the bordering areas. However, preliminary estimates indicate over 10,000 housing units have been
destroyed or severely damaged, leaving 65,000 with no home to go back to. Initial assessments indicate
widespread damage and destruction to basic infrastructure, including water and main sanitation
networks, electricity supply lines and the Gaza Power Plant, as well as damage to tens of medical
facilities, schools and some health Care Centers for Handicaps.
“After four weeks of intense hostilities, the scale of needs is unprecedented. Teams are on the
ground assessing needs and providing relief,” said Mr. James Rawley, the UN Resident and
Humanitarian Coordinator in the oPt
Since week two, PARC has been operational to provide assistance to inflicted people, especially
those found refuge in the formal and non formal shelters in the UNRWA schools, Mosques, public
places, hospitals and and/or at Relatives. Relief and humanitarian aids especially water tanks, hygiene
kits, and food items were distributed to needy families. With generous donations from our partners
(Christian Aid-UK, Government of Luxemburg, Grassroots international-USA, Hilfswerk Austria
International (hwa), Friends of Palestine and our Palestinian people in West Bank and Occupied
territories 1948, of those who answered our “ Help Gaza” Appeal, PARC has been able to reach and
cover most of the Governorates of the Gaza strip by:
Distributing 490 water tanks, 1000 liter capacity each, and tankering water for 30
days. A total of 388 tanks distributed to informal shelters (388*50=19400 ind.), and 102 to formal
shelters (102*1000=102000 ind.), Locations included Rafah, Deir Elbalah, Sheikh Radwan, Beit
Hanoun, Gaza, Alshifa Hospital.
Distributing 330 water tanks, 20 liters capacity
each, benefiting 330 Families, 2310 individuals.
Locations included formal and non formal shelters
in North Gaza, Gaza, Deir Al-Ballah, Khan-Yunis,
Distributing 1155 food parcels for the IDP
families in formal and non formal shelters
beneficitin 8085 ind. Locations included
Rafah,Beit Hanoun, Alshifa Hospital, Wadi
Alsaika, Khazaa'iya, Khozaa'a.
Distributing a total of 26000 liters of bottled
water for drinking for 2889 Families 20222
individuals residing in the formal and non formal
shelters. Locations included North Gaza, Gaza,
Deir Al-Ballah, Khan-Yunis, Rafah.
Distributing 855 hygiene kits to a total of 991 Families 6937 individuals, in formal and non
formal shelters. Locations included Rafah,Beit Hanoun, Alshifa Hospital, Deir Al-Ballah.
PARC headquarters in the West Bank has been receiving donations, accumulating goods and shipping
it to Gaza since the Israeli offensive started. The parking lot of PARC has been transformed to a hub to
receive donated good, repackage them, and shipping them to Gaza. Volunteers from PARC and the
public, even children, have participated in this process.
In addition to the relief work PARC is keep providing in response to the humanitarian crisis in the
Gaza strip, PARC as well is working on producing a Damage Assessment Report. PARC has recruited its
working teams and wide volunteering base of 250 people to produce this assessment with the coming
Thursday. The aim of this assessment is to basically identify (1) the bulk and level of this damage, and (2)
fields and type of interventions required once recovery programming/ process is to be in place. In order to
coordinate our works with other actors in the Gaza strip, PARC is trying to be part of the coordination
mechanism, for example PARC is a vital partner in the process of the Multi sector/cluster Initial Rapid
Assessment (MIRA), lead by the World Food program in Gaza.
Right in front of PARC headquarters in Ramallah. Employees and volunteers work every day
and night to prepare aid shipments to Gaza.
However, a ceasefire is not yet reached, and the political efforts are facing difficulties. As so, it is
expected that Gaza needs will scale up, given the current catastrophic situation in Gaza. PARC therefore
calls for its partners, friends of the Palestinian people, to support Gaza and raise awareness to uncover the
aggression against Palestinian people, and to put pressure on their governments to encounter the Israeli
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made
to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”
Nelson Mandela

Situation Report