Assistant professor of Architectural Restoration (ICAR 19)
I. Academic Curriculum
Architecture degree (Five-Year European Architect, University of Rome “La Sapienza”).
Ph. D. in Conservation of the Architectural Heritage (University of Rome “La Sapienza”).
Scholarship after– Ph.D. in Conservation of the Architectural Heritage (University of Rome “La
Since 2001
Assistant Professor (Tenure) and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Architecture of the University
of Rome “Sapienza”.
II. Research activities
Her own research activity focuses on the conservation of architectural heritage and the history of
architecture; her main interests lie in understanding, analyzing and evaluating urban changes with a
particular focus on buildings such as St. Francesco in Cortona, St. Andrea in Orvieto and the castle
“La Chiocciola”, not far from Siena.
Her greatest expertise lies in the study of St. Paul Outside the Walls, in Rome, on which she
published a monograph and various academic articles.
Recently she has studied the new potential offered by laser scanners, to study the state of
deterioration of building surfaces. In this vein, she has investigated the renewal and enhancement
of the industrial heritage.
Participation in a mission in URSS, organized by Department of Representation and Surveying
(Faculty of Architecture - “La Sapienza” University of Rome) and Superintendence for the
environmental Architectural, Artistic and Historical assets of Caserta and Benevento. The mission is
aimed at restoring the Church of the Miracles at Podols’sk, Moscow.
Issue: La chiesa dei Miracoli della Madonna del Segno a Podol’sk. Mosca, a cura di C. Cundari e G.M. Jacobitti,
Roma 1994, ed. Gangemi.
Research collaboration on the church of Saint Anna of Lombard in Monteoliveto (Naples, Italy),
organized by Department of Representation and Surveying – Faculty of Architecture - “La
Sapienza” University of Rome and Superintendence Generale di Collegamento per gli Interventi
post-sismici in Campania ed in Basilicata – Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Issue: Il complesso di Monteoliveto a Napoli. Analisi, Rilievi, Documenti. Informatizzazione degli archivi, a cura di C.
Cundari, Roma 1999, ed. Gangemi.
Participation in a research team for the study of Abbey of Monte Cassino. History, architecture and
restoration. University of Cassino. Scientific Responsible prof. Aldo De Sanctis.
Participation in a research team for the “Conservation Master Plan for the town of Betlemme”,
included in the Programme of co-operation started in 1998 by ICOMOS-CIVVIH (Comité
International Villes et Villages Historiques) and ISPROM for the town of Bethlehem as a
representative town of the Permanent Conference of historical cities of the Mediterranean under the
sponsorship of the municipality of Alghero and the Regione Autonoma of Sardinia. Scientific
Coordinator prof. Tatiana Kirova
Issue: Marina DOCCI, La lettura delle emergenze monumentali nei percorsi storici urbani. Schede delle emergenze
monumentali e dell’edilizia storica. Bibliografia specifica, in Dossier Betlemme. Indirizzi di studio per un piano di
conservazione integrata dell’area storica di Betlemme, a cura di T. Kirova. Il Dossier viene presentato al III Seminario
Internazionale della Conferenza Permanente delle Città Storiche del Mediterraneo, “La Ciudad elemento de identidad y
factori de desarrollo del mediterraneo. Historia y perspectivas”, Xàtiva (Valencia – España) 10-20 febbraio 1999.
Cooperation with dott. Giorgio Filippi (archaeologist, in charge of Epigraphic Department of the
Vatican Museum) for archeological investigation, survey, and archival research on St. Paul Outside
the Walls.
Surveys and graphic elaboration are issued in: G. FILIPPI, S. DE BLAAUW, San Paolo fuori le mura: la disposizione
liturgica fino a Gregorio Magno, Atti del colloquio internazionale Arredi di culto e disposizioni liturgiche a Roma da
Costantino a Sisto IV (Istituto Olandese a Roma, 3-4 dicembre 1999, in «Mededelingen van het Nederlands Instituut te
Rome», LIX, 59, 2000 (2001), pp. 5-25. Surveys are also utilized for the 3D reconstruction of basilica in the early
Christian period issued in: La pittura medievale a Roma 312-1431. Atlante percorsi visivi, a cura di M. Andaloro, Roma
2006, pp. 97-124.
Participation in a research team for the study of Integrated models for documentation and
restoration of architecture. Coordinator prof. Mario Docci. She has explored the new potential
offered by laser scanners, to study the state of deterioration of building surface, with special
emphasis on Reflectance.
Issue: Metodologie innovative integrate per il rilevamento dell’architettura e dell’ambiente, a cura di Mario Docci,
Gangemi, Roma 2005
Participation in a research team for the study and preliminary analysis aimed at the restoration and
consolidation of “Colle Capitolino” in Rome (via del Teatro di Marcello), inside the agreement
between Comune di Roma (XII Ripartizione) and Department of History of Architecture,
Restoration and Conservation of architectural Heritage – “Sapienza” University of Rome. Scientific
Responsible prof. Corrado Bozzoni.
Participation in a University research on Architecture of classical antiquity in the East: Indo-Greek
sanctuaries and cities of the Swat Valley (Pakistan); scientific responsible prof. Piero Cimbolli
She is Responsible of a research on Onorio Longhi in St. Paul Outside the Walls: “reconstruction”
of an architecture disappeared. The research has been partially published.
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Participation in a research Prin 2007 (Ministry of University and Scientific Research), Unit of
“Sapienza” University of Rome” on: Tradition and High Tech” in the survey and analysis of
architecture and city; scientific Responsible prof. Mario Docci.
Participation in a University research on Architecture and Landscapes in Roman Antiquity;
scientific Responsible prof. Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi.
She is Responsible of a research on: Demolition, reconstruction, reuse: relationship between old
and new in the plans of the late nineteenth century for the building of St. Ivo of Bretons in Rome.
The research has been partially published.
A recent field of research concerns the conservation and valorization of industrial heritage. A first
summary of the results was recently published.
She is the scientific Responsible for the Department of History, Design and Restoration of
Architecture, “Sapienza” University of Rome, under an agreement of cooperation between the same
Department, the Department of “Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale”, University of Perugia, and the
Department of “Costruzioni e Restauro”, University of Firenze, for the study and development of
methodological proposals aimed at the knowledge and reusing of the disused industrial heritage.
Participation in a University research on Grinding oil and grinding wheel grain between
agricultural landscape an industrial archaeology. The system of mills and water mills in northern
Lazio: knowledge and valorization; scientific responsible Emanuela Chiavoni.
III. Teaching and academic activities
Adjunct Professor of “Monuments restoration” (120 hours Course), at I Faculty of Architecture
“Ludovico Quaroni” of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Adjunct Professor of “Consolidation of historical buildings” (30 hours Course) and of “Monuments
restoration” (120 hours Course), at the same University.
since 2002
Adjunct Professor for “LAB for architectural conservation/preservation” (Restoration Design
Studio: 150 hours Course), at the same University.
since 2000
She is a member of the same University’s professorial board for the “History and Restoration of
Architecture” doctorate program.
She has been in charge of “Sapienza” University of Rome Second Level Master in “Architectural
Design for the Recovery of Historical Buildings and Public Areas” (Master P.A.R.E.S. );
“Sapienza” University of Rome; School of Architecture; Department of Architecture - Di.AR.;
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Observatory on the Recovery of the Building and of the Public areas in the historical centers –
since 2001
She is the scientific Responsible, in collaboration with prof.ssa Daniela Esposito, for the Archive of
Drawings of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, “Sapienza”
University of Rome.
She is a member of the Commission for the Quality, in the “Five-Year European Architect”
Graduate Course with responsibilities on the didactic quality track and Self-valuation reports of
“Sapienza” University.
since 2012
She is a member of the Coordinating Committee in the “Five-Year European Architect” Graduate
Course (Faculty of Architecture – ex “Ludovico Quaroni”).
IV. Other activities related to research and teaching
She has participated in numerous conferences regarding the restoration, conservation and the
history of architecture, and has curated – also in collaboration - several volumes on the topic.
She was responsible for the organization and staging of exhibitions and conferences on the
restoration and history of architecture.
since 1999
Member of “Centro di Studi per la Storia dell’Architettura” (Studies Centre for the History of
Architecture) in Rome. She cooperates to the organization of Archives and Library and is
responsible for the development of computerized procedures for cataloging.
since 2009
She is a member of the Editorial Board of «Bollettino del Centro di Studi per la Storia
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Curriculum vitae ENG - Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro