Si’, il mondo era intessuto di sofferenze e di piacere; in ogni azione il male e il bene danzavano come una coppia di amanti. Yes, the world was interwoven with suffering and pleasure; in every action good and evil were dancing like a couple of lovers. A. Jodorowsky , La danza de la realidad PORTFOLIO Chiara Muscara’ tel +39 3398291997 mail [email protected] A LIE NATION. Art direction and styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by JONATHAN SANTORO Evidentemente lei non ha mai parlato con gli spettri. Da essi non è mai possibile ottenere un’informazione precisa. E’ una specie di tira e molla. Questi spettri sembrano dubitare, ancora più di noi, della loro esistenza, il che non dovrebbe recare meraviglia, se si tiene presente quanto sono effimeri. You have obviously never talked to a ghost. One can never get any clear information from them. It’s just a to and fro. These ghosts seem to be in doubt as to their existence even more than we are, which, considering their frailty, is no wonder. F. Kafka, Unglücklichsein Art direction, styling and postproduction by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by RUGGERO LUPO MENGONI Glimpses. Art direction and styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI G[rave]. Art direction and styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI AUTo doll-ization. Art direction, styling and video editing by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by RUGGERO LUPO MENGONI Untitled. Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by RUGGERO LUPO MENGONI Neve. Art direction & styling by OKA LIN and CHIARA MUSCARA’ video by RUGGERO LUPO MENGONI sound design by OKA HUI-YUN LIN STOICHEIA. Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI OUT OF THE BLACK. Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI NPD. Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by JONATHAN SANTORO Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI [huMORALism] Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by RUGGERO LUPO MENGONI Suffoc[action]. Art direction & styling by CHIARA MUSCARA’ Pictures by ANDREA MONTAGNANI In questi periodi neri spettacolari. In these magnificent, dark times. [Le luci della centrale elettrica, C’eravamo abbastanza amati] Muscara’ 2013-2014