This project is co-financed by
the European Union in the
framework of the Lifelong
Learning Programme
Decision Making and Responsibility
Creativity and enterprising skills in the learning process
12th March 2015
Aula Magna Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 Milan
Within the EU funded project SprED+C - Spreading the Word about Creativity in Education (LLP – KA4), Fondazione Politecnico di Milano organises a Conference aiming
to share with teachers and students new creative approaches in the learning processes of technical and scientific subjects.
In the planning of Educational paths – beside the transmission of knowledge – what is the role of the development of competences, abilities and skills? Creativity,
initiative and enterprising are considered learning objectives? How to build a link between different levels of Education (from primary school to University) around the
issues of creativity and transversal skills? Who is a “creative” teacher and how to evaluate the development of creative and enterprising skills in the students at the
end of a study course?
These are some of the questions around which the conference intends to start a dialogue, presenting needs and demands the European Union and the world of work
and national and local cases within Technical Universities.
The conference is the fourth of five events foreseen by SprED+C project, whose aim is contributing to the building up of a European community of teachers joint by a
common interest towards transversal competences, creativity and enterprising.
SprED+C is led by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and with ProEduca (the Czech Republic); Satean (Romania); Junior Achievement Slovensko (Slovakia); University
of Portsmouth (United Kingdom).
8.30 Participant Registration
9.00 Welcome Address
Eugenio Gatti, General Director, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
9.10 “Spreading the Word about Creativity”,
Clementina Marinoni, Head of HR Project Promotion and Development,
Fondazione Politecnico Milano
11.00 “Teaching Software Engineering and Software Project Management: An
Integrated and Practical Approach”,
Andrea De Lucia, Department of Management & Information Technology,
University of Salerno – Università di Salerno
11.20 “Creativity for Engineering”,
Filippo Silipigni, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Questions and Answers
City-M projects
9.20 “Methods for developing creative skills. The view of two EU funded projects:
Handmade Creative Thinking and Cultural Discoveries Pathways in Europe”,
Deborah Astell, Project Manager of Capture Projects.
12.15 “Creativity skills: the experience of the Web Radio of Savona Campus”,
Mauro Coccoli, DIBRIS - Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics,
and Systems Engineering, University of Genoa – Università di Genova
Good Practices presentations
12.35 “From racecar design to track testing: an example of students’ enterprising
Moreno Palmieri, Formula SAE - Dynamis PRC, Politecnico di Milano
9.40 “Developing transversal skills: an example of team-working in an undergraduate introductive course”
Andrea Collina, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano
Questions and Answers
13.15 Lunch Break
10.00 “Enforcing Team Cooperation (ETC)”,
Paolo Maresca, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e Tecnologia delle
Informazioni (DIETI), Università di Napoli Federico II
10.20 “From Planning to Reality: creativity in the enterprising process”,
Angela Pavesi and her students of the Master’s degree course in Building
Management, Dipartimento ABC, Politecnico di Milano
14.00 Workshop
Workshop 1 - “Creative Thinking”, coordinator: Roberta Conditi, Designer.
Aula Magna, Politecnico di Milano. Working language: Italian.
Workshop 2 - “SprED+C Toolkit Ideation Jam”, coordinator: Adriano Gariglio,
Service Designer.
Sala 1 e 2, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. Working language: English.
10. 40 Coffee Break
16.30 Final Discussion and Conclusion
Please use the online form to register
For more information: [email protected] |
Presentations will be available on the project website at

Creativity and Enterprising Skills in the Learning Process