Elenco delle pubblicazioni del PNRA
List of PNRA publications
ANT 04/05
Elenco delle pubblicazioni del PNRA
List of PNRA publications
A cura di Silvia Sarti e Andrea Marchitelli
ANT 04/05
PNRA S.C.r.l. - Biblioteca
Via Anguillarese, 301 – 00060 – Roma
Tel.: +39 (06) 3048 6498
Fax: +39 (06) 3048 4893
E-mail: [email protected]
L’Elenco delle pubblicazioni del PNRA,
pubblicato con periodicità annuale, comprende i
documenti prodotti dai ricercatori operanti
nell’ambito degli 11 Settori di Ricerca del
Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide.
The PNRA List of Publications, annually
published, includes documents produced by
researchers working in the 11 Research Sectors
of the Italian Antarctic Research Programme.
Il personale della Biblioteca, ai fini della
conservazione e della disseminazione dei risultati
prodotti nell’ambito del PNRA, gestisce i dati
bibliografici attraverso un database che copre gli
anni dal 1985 ad oggi.
PNRA librarians, in order to conserve and to
make available the results of the PNRA, provide
the data by a database that covers the years since
1985 to present.
I dati bibliografici vengono raccolti durante tutto
l’anno attraverso le seguenti fonti: consultazione
delle banche dati e delle risorse on line,
segnalazioni su riviste specializzate o da messaggi
di posta elettronica dalla lista di discussione del
Polar Libraries Colloquy, segnalazioni di
convegni su siti istituzionali, elenchi di riferimenti
bibliografici inviati dagli stessi autori.
Bibliographic data are collected continuously
through the following sources: on line resources,
book reviews, mailing list of Polar librarians,
institutional home page of polar events, list of
publications available through the authors.
La bibliografia riproduce l'organizzazione degli
11 Settori di Ricerca. All'interno di ogni Settore di
ricerca, le descrizioni bibliografiche sono disposte
rispettando le seguenti tipologie di pubblicazione:
abstract, articoli di periodici, bozze, capitoli di
monografie, monografie, poster presentation, preprint, rapporti tecnici, relazioni a convegni.
All'interno di ogni tipologia di documenti, le
alfabeticamente per autore.
The list of references follows the organisation of
the 11 Research Sectors. In each research sectors
bibliographic descriptions are ordered according
to type of publication: abstract, papers,
monographs, poster presentation, pre-print,
technical report, conference. In each publication
type citations are arranged in alphabetical order
by authors.
La presente pubblicazione aggiorna e integra le
precedenti edizioni, ed è relativa ai soli lavori
pubblicati nel 2003.
This publication updates and completes the
previous editions. It refers only the publications
produced in 2003.
I compilatori intendono ringraziare tutti i
ricercatori del PNRA che hanno collaborato
all’aggiornamento del database della bibliografia
e alla realizzazione di questo documento.
We are grateful to the PNRA researchers that
cooperated to the update of the database and to
the making of the present work.
Silvia Sarti e Andrea Marchitelli
Silvia Sarti e Andrea Marchitelli
Avvertenza ……………………………………………………………………….……….i
Indice ……………………………………………………………………...……………..iii
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina ………………………………….………………………1
Settore 2: Geodesia ed Osservatori …………………………..………………………..15
Settore 3: Geofisica ……………………………………………………….……………19
Settore 4: Geologia ……………………………………………………………..………31
Settore 5: Glaciologia ……………………………………………………..……………43
Settore 6: Fisica e Chimica dell’Atmosfera …………………………..………………65
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole-Terra ed Astrofisica …………………………………...…..69
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina …………………………………….…..83
Settore 9: Contaminazione Chimica …………………………………………….…….91
Settore 11: Tecnologia ……………………………………………………………..…..97
Biologia e Medicina
Coordinatore: Pierangelo Luporini
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Bargagli, R. (2003):
The value of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems at Edmonson Point for long-term
studies on climatic and environmental changes.
Workshop on science and management at Edmonson Point, 15 April 2003, Siena
Caimi S., Senofonte O., Pauwels J., Kramer G.N., Gawlik B., Oostra A., Conneely
P., Caroli S. (2003):
Adamussium colbecki, a candidate multielemental certified reference material for
research in Antarctica.
9th International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Reference Materials
(BERM-9), Berlino 15-19 giugno 2003
Chierici E., Nigro M., Bavestrello G., Cerrano C., Schiapparelli S., Totti C., Regoli
F. (2003):
The role of endosymbiotic diatoms as source of oxidative stress in Antarctic porifera.
12th International Symposium Pollutant Responses In Marine Organisms PRIMO 12,
2003, Tampa, Florida, 164
Corsolini S., Ademollo N., Nigro M., Focardi S (2003):
Fate of persistent organic pollutants: accumulation in tissues of the Antarctic soft-shelled
clam Lanternula elliptica.
8th International Congress of toxic combustion by-products: origin, fate and health
impacts. Umea University, Umea, Sweden, June 17-19, 2003, 54
Corsolini S., Focardi S. (2003):
Persistent organic pollutants in benthic organisms from Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica).
11st Italian-Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry, October 19-24, 2003, Venice
(Italy), 76
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Corsolini S., Focardi S. (2003):
Persistent organic pollutants in edible fish: a human and environmental problem.
11st Italian-Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry, October 19-24, 2003, Venice
(Italy), 32
Faraone Mennella M.R., De Maio A., Petrella A., Romano M., Gambacorta A.,
Nicolaus B., Lama L., Scarpa R., Farina B. (2003):
Proteine termofiliche come possibili biomarcatori nella diagnosi di malattie autoimmuni.
Giornate scientifiche del polo della scienze e delle tecnologie per la vita. Napoli, 5-6
giugno 2003, 330
Furino L., Coscia M.R., Oreste U. (2003):
Immunoglobulin light chain isotypes from the Antarctic teleost Trematomus bernacchii.
9th Congress of the International Society of developmental and comparative
immunology, Saint Andrew, Scotland, 30 June - 4 July 2003
Gorbi S., Nigro M., Benedetti M., Fattorini D., Machella N., Pretti C., Vaccaro E.,
Gervasi P.G., Regoli F. (2003):
Interaction between metabolism of metals and organic chemicals in the Antarctic fish
Trematomus bernacchii.
22th Conference European Society for Comparative Physiology and biochemistry:
Biological effects of pollutants, Alessandria, 18 December 2003
Gorbi S., Nigro M., Benedetti M., Fattorini D., Regoli F. (2003):
Biological responses in Trematomus bernacchii as a bioindicator species of
environmental pollution in Antarctica.
12th International Symposium Pollutant Responses In Marine Organisms PRIMO 12,
2003, Tampa, Florida, 73-74
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Lo Giudice A., Michaud L., Allegra A., Bruni V. (2003):
Biodegradative potential of Antarctic marine bacteria grown on xenobiotic compounds:
diesel oil and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Microbiologists (FEMS), Slovenia, Lubiana, June 29-July 2, 2003: abstract book, 401
Michaud L., Lo Giudice A., Bruni V. (2003):
Lipolytic bacteria from Antarctic sea-surface microlayer: physiological and molecular
Microbiologists (FEMS), Slovenia, Lubiana, June 29-July 2, 2003: abstract book, 405
Olmastroni S., Kerry K., Volpi V., Pezzo F., Corsolini S., Focardi S. (2003):
At sea foraging behaviour of Adélie penguins from Edmonson Point, Antarctica.
5th Conference on fish telemetry held in Europe, Ustica Is, Palermo, Italy, June 9-13,
2003, 89
Poli A., Esposito E., Schiano Moriello V., Lama L., Gambacorta A., Nicolaus B.
A newly species belonging to the genus Halomonas, isolated from salt lake in Antarctic,
able to produce exoplysaccharides.
The Italian Journal of Biochemistry, 52(3): 161
Alimenti C., Ortenzi C., Carratore V., Luporini P. (2003):
Structural characterization of En-1, a cold-adapted protein pheromone isolated from the
Antarctic ciliate Euplotes nobilii.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects, 1621(1): 17-21
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Barucca M., Olmo E., Canapa A. (2003):
Hox and paradHox genes in bivalve molluscs.
Gene, 317: 97-102
Capasso C., Carginale V., Crescenzi O., Di Mauro D., Parisi E., [et al.] (2003):
Solution Structure of MT_nc, a Novel Metallothionein from the Antarctic Fish Notothenia
Structure, 11(4): 435-443
Cappellotti Krupa O., Vannucci D. (2003):
Citrate synthase from Antarctic ciliates: adaptation to low temperatures and comparison
with temperate ciliates.
Polar Biology, 26(7): 452-457
Corsolini S., Ademollo N., Focardi S. (2003):
Persistent organic pollutants in selected organisms of an Antarctic benthic community.
Organohalogen Compounds, 61: 329-332
Corsolini S., Ademollo N., Romeo T., Olmastroni S., Focardi S. (2003):
Persisten organic pollutants in some species of a Ross Sea pelagic trophic web.
Antarctic Science, 15(1). 95-104
Corsolini S., Covaci A., Ademollo N., Focardi S., Schepens P. (2003):
Levels and enantiomeric signatures of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine organisms from Antarctica.
Organohalogen Compounds, 61: 61-64
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Coscia M.R., Oreste U. (2003):
Limited diversity of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain of the emerald
rockcod Trematomus bernacchii.
Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 14: 71-92
De Gregorio A., Arena N., Lo Giudice A., Musci G., Bruni V. (2003):
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase from the Antarctic moderate psychrophile marinobacter
The Italian Journal of Biochemistry, 52(3): 124
Farrace S., Ferrara M., De Angelis C., Trezza R., Cenni P., Peri A., Casagrande M.,
De Gennaro L. (2003):
Reduced sympathetic outflow and adrenal secretory activity during a 40-day stay in the
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 49: 17-27
Gavagnin M., Carbone M., Mollo E., Cimino G. (2003):
Further chemical studies on terpenoid acyglycerols from the Antarctic nudibranch
Austrodoris kerguelenensis.
Tetrahedron, 59(29): 5579-5583
Gavagnin M., Carbone M., Mollo E., Cimino G. (2003):
Austrodoral and austrodoric acid: non-sesquiterpenes with a new carbon skeleton from
the Antarctic nudibranch Austrodoris kergulenensis.
Tetrahedron Letters, 44: 1495-1498
Gavagnin M., Mollo E., Castelluccio F., Crispino A., Cimino G. (2003):
Sesquiterpene metabolites of the Antarctic gorgonian Dasystenella acanthina.
Journal of Natural Products, 66(11): 1517-1519
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Gentile G., Bonasera V., Amico C., Giuliano L., Yakimov M.M. (2003):
Shewanella sp. GA-22, a psychrophilic hydrocarbonoclastic Antarctic bacterium
producing polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95: 1124-1133
Heilmayer O., Brey T., Chiantore M.C., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Arntz W.E. (2003):
Age and productivity of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, in Terra Nova Bay
(Ross Sea, Antarctica).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 288(2): 239-256
La Mesa M., Caputo V., Rampa R., Vacchi M. (2003):
Macroscopic and histological analyses of gonads during the spawing season of
Chionodraco hamatus (Pisces, Channichthyidae) of Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Southern
Polar Biology, 26(9): 621-628
Lo Giudice A., Michaud L., Allegra A., Bruni V. (2003):
Batteri psicotrofi provenienti da habitat diversi del Mare di Ross (Baia Terra Nova,
Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 10(2): 1108-1111
Moro I., Dalla Vecchia F., La Rocca N., Rascio N., Andreoli C. (2003):
Ultrasctructural and cytochemical study of Plocamium cartilagineum (Plocamiales,
Rhodophyta) from Ross Sea (Antarctica).
New Zealand Journal of Botany, 41: 359-371
Moro I., Negrisolo E., Callegaro A., Andreoli C. (2003):
Aplanochytrium stoc-chinoi a new Labyrinthulomycota from the Southern Ocean (Ross
Sea, Antarctica).
Protist, 154(3): 331-340
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Nardi F., Spisanti G., Boore J.L., Carapelli A., Dallai R., Frati F. (2003):
Hexapod origins: monophyletic or polyphyletic?
Science Reprint, 299: 1887-1889
Patarnello T., Marcato S., Zane L., Varotto V., Bargelloni L. (2003):
Phylogeography of the Chionodraco genus (Perciformes, Channichthydae) in the
Southern Ocean.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 28(3): 420-429
Pellegrino D., Acierno R., Tota B. (2003):
Control of cardiovascular function in the icefish Chionodraco hamatus: involvement of
serotonin and nitric oxide.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology,
134(2): 471-480
Pisano E., Cocca E., Mazzei F., Ghigliotti L., di Prisco G., Detrich H.W.III, OzoufCostaz C. (2003):
Mapping of [alfa]- and [beta]-globin genes on Antarctic fish chromosomes by
fluorescence in-situ hybridization.
Cromosome Research, 11: 633-640
Pucci B., Coscia M.R., Oreste U. (2003):
Characterization of serum immunoglobulin M of the Antarctic teleost Trematomus
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, 135:349-357
Romano I., Giordano A., Lama L., Nicolaus B., Gambacorta A. (2003):
Planococcus rifietensis sp. Nov, isolated from algal mat collected from a sulfurous spring
in Campania (Italy).
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 26:357-366
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Trincone A., Giordano A., Perugino G., Rossi M., Moracci M. (2003):
Glycosynthase-catalysed syntheses at pH below neutrality.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13: 4039-4042
Trincone A., Pagnotta E., Giordano A., Perugino G., Rossi M., Moracci M. (2003):
Enzymatic synthesis of 2-deoxyglycosides using the [beta]-glycosidase of the archeon
Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 21(1): 17-24
Yakimov M.M., Giuliano L., Gentile G., Crisafi E., T.N. Chernikova, W.-R.
Abraham, H. Lunsdorf, K.N. Timmis, P. N. (2003):
Oleispira Antarctica gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel hydrocarbonoclastic marine bacterium
isolated from Antarctic coastal sea water.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 53: 779-785
Bargagli R., Borghini F., Monaci F. (2003):
The seas as major source of ions to lichens in terrestrial ecosystems of Victoria Land.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
Catalano F. (2003):
Antarctic medical support and standards.
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Antarctic Logistic and Operations, Shanghai,
China, July 15-18 2002
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Corsolini S., Olmastroni S., Ademollo N., Minucci G., Focardi S. (2003):
Persistent organic pollutants in stomach contents of Adélie penguins from Edmonson
Point (Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
di Prisco G. (2003):
Adaptation and evolution in the Antarctic: an exciting challenge for biology.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
Masini M.A., Prato P., Sturla M., Uva B.M. (2003):
The cytoskeleton in cardiocytes and nervous elements in the hearth of icefish and red
blooded Antarctic fishes.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001,
Pisano E., Ghigliotti L., Mazzei F., Ozouf-Costaz C. (2003):
Cytogenetic features of Notothenia angustata Hutton, 1875, an Antarctic fish living in
non-Antarctic waters.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Verde C., Parisi E,; De Pascale D., Riccio A., di Prisco G. (2003):
The hemoglobin system of the Arctic spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor; comparison of
northern and southern polar marine environments.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
Lo Giudice A., Michaud L, Bruni V. (2003):
Risultati preliminari sull'attività antimicrobica di batteri marini antartici.
Milanochemioterapia, 50 anni di chemioterapia delle infezioni e dei tumori in Italia,
1953-2003. Milano, 30 novembre-3 dicembre 2003. Poster, relazioni, 68
Corsolini S., Trivelpiece W., Focardi S. (2003):
Developing a non-lethal approach for assessing endocrine disruptors in Antarctic
Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources, Scientific Committee
Working Group on Ecosystem Management Monitoring, WG-EMM-03/57: 8
Kulcitki V., Ungur N., Gavagnin M., Carbone M., Cimino G. (2003):
Sintesi stereospecifica dell'acido austrodorico.
6° Convegno Nazionale delle Sostanze Naturali - NAT6. Vietri sul mare (Sa), 29
settembre - 1 ottobre 2003
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 1: Biologia e Medicina
Kulcitki V., Ungur N., Gavagnin M., Carbone M., Cimino G. (2003):
A short stereospecific sybthesis of austrodoric acid, a nor-sesquiterpene with a new
carbon skeleton from the marine dorid Austrodoris kergulenensis.
International Symposium Chemistry & Biology of Marine Organisms. Kolympari, Crete
(Greece), 21-26 September 2003
Geodesia ed Osservatori
Coordinatore: Andrea Morelli
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 2: Geodesia ed Osservatori
Gulyaeva T.L., De Franceschi G., Perrone L. (2003):
Electron temperature variations at the f2 layer peak height during the space weather
month of September 1999.
Advances in Space Research, 31(4): 965-970
Colombo T., Vitale V., Evangelisti F., Bonafè U., Calzolari F., Trivellone G., Lupi
A., Bonasoni P. (2003):
Carbon dioxide and ozone measurements in Antarctica: a new station at the Italian base
of Terra Nova Bay.
Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica
Colombo T., Vitale V., Evangelisti F., Bonafè U., Calzolari F., Trivellone G., Lupi
A., Bonasoni P. (2003):
Further elaborations of trace gases concentration data recorded during the partecipation
to the research activity in Antarctica by the Italian Air Force Meteorological Service are
presented (17. and 18. Italian expeditions).
Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica
Vuan A., Lodolo E., Panza G.F. (2003):
Crustal structure beneath discovery bank in the South Scotia Sea from group velocity
tomography and seismic reflection data.
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 2: Geodesia ed Osservatori
Capra A., Gandolfi S., Mancini F., Negusini M., Sarti P., Vittuari L. (2003):
Terra Nova Bay GPS permanent station.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 21-24
Danesi S., Morelli A., Pagliuca N.M. (2003):
Shear velocity three-dimensional model of the upper mantle beneath Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 1-4
Guidarelli M., Russi M., Plasencia Linares M.P., Panza G.F. (2003):
The Antarctic seismographic Argentinean-Italian network and the progress in the study
of structural properties and stress conditions in the Scotia Sea region.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 25-34
Coordinatore: Giuliano Brancolini
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Accaino F., Bohm G., Tinivella U. (2003):
Inversione tomografica dei common image gathers per la determinazione del campo di velocità.
22° Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida (GNGTS) Roma, 1820 novembre 2003
Bohm G., Accaino F., Madrussani G., Rossi G., Vesnaver A. (2003):
Tomographic inversion of seismic data in marine sediments.
Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris (France), 15-17 September 2003, 174
Bozzo E., Feraccioli F., Armadillo E., Caneva G., Armienti P., Rocchi S. (2003):
An aeromagnetic hunt for Cenozoic alkaline intrusions north of Mariner Glacier, Victoria Land,
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam (Germany), 8-12
September 2003, 37-38
Camerlenghi A., Accaino F., Carcioni J.M., Gei D., Madrussani G., Rossi G., Tinivella U.,
Volpi V. (2003):
OGS research on the seismic expression of gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments.
Ocean Margin Research Conference, Paris (France), 15-17 September 2003, 177
Giorgetti G., K-042 (2003):
Sediments under the McMurdo/Ross Ice Shelf, windless Bight, Antarctica.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August
2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 79
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Accaino F., Tinivella U., Camerlenghi A. (2003):
Pore pressure regime and gas-phase distribution in the South Shetland Margin (Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 45-49
Armadillo E., Bozzo E., Caneva (2003):
Deep electrical resistivity investigation across the Rennick Graben and Oates Land by
geomagnetic depth sounding.
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 171-178
Brachfeld S., Domack E., Kissel C., Laj C., Leventer A., Ishman S., Gilbert R., Camerlenghi
A., Eglinton L.B. (2003):
Holocene history of the Larsen-A ice shelf contrained by geomagnetic paleointensity dating.
Geology, 31(9): 749-752
COHIMAR/SEDANO Scientific Party (2003):
Uncovering the footprint of former ice streams of Antarctica.
EOS Transactions, 84(11): 97, 102-103
Damaske D., Ferraccioli F., Bozzo E. (2003):
Aeromagnetic anomaly investigations along the Antarctic Coast between Yule Bay and Mertz
Terra Antartica, 10 (3): 85-96
Ferraccioli F., Damaske D., Bozzo E., Talarico F. (2003):
The Matusevich aeromagnetic anomaly over Oates Land, East Antarctica.
Terra Antartica, 10 (3): 221-228
Florindo F., Claps M., Niessen F., Dinares-Turell F. (2003):
Spectral analysis of physical properties periodicities in fine-grained sediments from the CRP-3
drillhole, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
Terra Antartica, 10(1): 17-26
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Florindo F., Sagnotti L., Roberts A.P., Wilson G.S., Verosub K.L. (2003):
Paleomagnetic lab established in Antarctica.
EOS, 78(51): 603
Giorgetti A., Crise A., Laterza R., Perini L., Rebesco M., Camerlenghi A. (2003):
Water masses and bottom boundary layer dynamics above a sediment drift of the Antarctic
Peninsula Pacific Margin.
Antarctic Science, 15(4): 537-546
Grutzner J., Rebesco M.A., Cooper A.K., Forsberg C.F., Kryc K.A., Wefer G. (2003):
Evidence for orbitally controlled size variations of the East Antarctic ice sheet during the late
Geology, 31(9): 777-780
Laufer A.L., Rossetti F. (2003):
Late Ross ductile deformation features in the Wilson Terrane of Northern Victoria Land
(Antarctica) and their implications for the western boundary of the Ross Orogen.
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 179-196
Laufer A.L., Rossetti F., Roland N.W. (2003):
Cenozoic tectonics in the Yule Bay area: an alternative approach to the structural evolution of the
Enigmatic Surgeon Island Block (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 129-140
Lodolo E., Menichitti M., Bartole R., Avraham Z.B., (2003):
Magallenes-Fagnano continental transform fault (Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South
Tectonics, 22(6): 15
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Rebesco M. (2003):
Numerical evaluation of diffuse spectral reflectance data and correlation with core photos, ODP
site 1165, Wild Drift, Cooperation Sea, Antarctica: data report.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 188: 1-27
Reitmayr G., Korth W., Caneva G., Ferraccioli F. (2003):
Gravity survey at the Oates Coast Area, East Antarctica, during the joint German-Italian
expeditions 1999/2000.
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 97-104
Rossetti F., Laufer A.L., Storti F. (2003):
Structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the Rennick Graben (Northern Victoria Land,
Antarctica): insights for the Cenozoic tectonics of the Ross Sea region.
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 141-156
Rossetti F., Lisker F., Storti F., Laufer A.L. (2003):
Tectonic and denudational evolution of the Rennick Graben (Northern Victoria Land):
implications for the evolution of rifting between East and West Antarctica.
Tectonics, 22: 1016
Volpi V., Camerlenghi A., Hillenbrand C.-D., Rebesco M., Ivaldi R. (2003):
Effects of biogenic silica on sediment compaction and slope stability on the Pacific margin of the
Antarctic peninsula.
Basin Research, 15: 339-363
Wilson G.S., Florindo F., Sagnotti L. [et al.] (2003):
Integrated chronostratigraphic calibration of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary at 24.0 ± 0.1 Ma
from the CRP-2A drill core, Ross Sea, Antarctica: reply.
Geology Online Forum, e11-e12
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Accaino F., Bohm G., Brancolini G. (2003):
Reconstruction of Antarctic ice shelf expansion in the Ross Sea from tomographic analysis.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 101-104
Armadillo E., Bozzo E., Caneva G. (2003):
Geomagnetic depth sounding investigations across the Rennick Graben within the context of the
BACKTAM geophysical project.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 139-140
Bartole R., Cuppari A., Morelli D. (2003):
Seismostratigraphy and sedimentology of the South Chile margin: state of the art and future
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 35-40
Bozzo E., Ferraccioli F., Damaske D. (2003):
Aeromagnetic exploration between Yule Bay and Mertz Glacier within the BACKTAM geophysical
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 137-138
Caburlotto A., Macrì P., Damiani D., Giorgetti G., Busetti M., Villa G., Lucchi R.G. (2003):
Piston cores from the Wilkes Land rise: data and considerations.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 63-68
Caneva G., Ferraccioli F., Armadillo E., Bozzo E., Armienti P. (2003):
An aeromagnetic survey and a gravity/GDS transect over the Admiralty Mountains Region: field
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 141-142
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Donda F., Brancolini G., De Santis L., Escutia C., Trincardi F. (2003):
Evidence of glacial processes and bottom current activity on the Wilkes Land Continental Margin
(East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 69-75
Ferraccioli F., Bozzo E. (2003):
Does cenozoic strike-slip faulting of the Transantarctic Mountains/Ross Sea Rift region extend to
the eastern margin of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin?
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 9-10
Ferraccioli F., Capponi G., Bozzo E. (2003):
Revisiting tectonic models for an early palaeozoic subduction system from a potential field
perspective over Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 143-144
Florindo F., [et al.] (2003):
Antarctic Climate Evolution (ACE) research initiative.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 127-132
Florindo F., Bohaty S.M., Erwin P.S., Richter C., Roberts A.P., Whalen P.A., Whitehead
J.M. (2003):
Magnetobiostratigraphic chronology and palaeoenvironment history of Cenozoic sequences from
ODP sites 1165 and 1166, Prydz Bay, Antarctica.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 69-100
Florindo F., Cooper A.K., O'Brien P.E. (2003):
Introduction to Antarctic Cenozoic palaeoenvironments: geologic record and models.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 1-9
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Florindo F., Francis J., Harwood D.M., Levy R.H., Naish T., Niessen F., Powell R.D., Wilson
G.S. (2003):
The ANDRILL initiative: stratigraphic drilling for climatic and tectonic history in Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 123-126
Geletti R., Camerlenghi A., Canals M., Rebesco M., Domack E. (2003):
Morphologic and seismic signature of past ice streams on the continental shelf of the Pacific
Margin of the Antarctic peninsula (results of the COHIMAR-SEDANO cruise on board the BIO
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 57-62
Loreto M.F., Polonia A., Tinivella U. (2003):
Southern Chile accretionary wedge: correlation between the Proto-deformation zone and
overpressured fluid evidenced by AVO analysis.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 41-43
Roberts A.P., Bicknell S.J., Byatt J., Bohaty S.M., Florindo F., Harwood M. (2003):
Magnetostratigraphic calibration of Southern Ocean diatom datums from the Eocene–Oligocene
of Kerguelen Plateau (Ocean Drilling Program sites 744 and 748).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 145-168
Villa G., Persico D., Bonci M.C., Lucchi R.G., Morigi C., Rebesco M. (2003):
Biostratigraphic characterization and quaternary microfossil palaeoecology in sediment drifts
west of the Antarctic Peninsula: implications for cyclic glacial-interglacial deposition.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 237-263
Volpi V., Camerlenghi A., Hillenbrand C.-D., Rebesco M., Ivaldi R. (2003):
Deep sea sediment consolidation through the glacial history of the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 51-56
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Wardell N., Diviacco P. (2003):
Reprocessing and dissemination of Antarctic seismic data.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 133-136
Brancolini G., Ghezzo C., Morelli A. (eds.) (2003):
Proceedings of the Workshop on Antarctic earth sciences.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9
Florindo F., Cooper A.K., O'Brien P.E. (eds.) (2003):
Antarctic Cenozoic palaeoenvironments: geologic record and models.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2)
Tinivella U., Accaino F., Geletti R., Camerlenghi A. (2003):
Seismic evidences of gas hydrate in the South Shetland margin, Antarctica.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam (Germany), 8-12
September 2003, 319-320
Warnke D.A., Richter C., Florindo F., Damuth J.E., Balsam W.L., Strand K., Ruikka M.,
Juntila J., Theissen K., Quilty P. (2003):
The HiRISC (High-Resolution Integrated Stratigraphy Committee) Plio-Pleistocene interval, 0-50
mbsf, at ODP site 188-1165 Prydz Bay, Antarctica: a data report.
Cooper A.K., O'Brien P.E., Richter C. (eds), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 188: 188SR-015
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 3: Geofisica
Loreto M.F., Polonia A., Torelli L., Tinivella U. (2003):
From orthogonal to oblique convergence along the Southern Chile margin: different styles and
rate of accretion.
FIST GEOITALIA 2003, 4° Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Bellaria 16-18 settembre 2003
Coordinatore: Claudio Ghezzo
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Baroni C., Biasini A., Bondesan A., Cimbelli A., Frezzotti M., Meneghel M.,
Orombelli G., Salvatore M.C., Tabacco I.E., Vittuari (2003):
Antarctic geomorphological and glaciological 1:250,000 map series, Mt. Murchison quadrangle
(Northern Victoria Land).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August
2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 37
Baroni C., Biasini A., Bondesan A., Meneghel M., Orombelli G., Salvatore M.C. (2003):
A 1:50,000 geomorphological map of the Northern Foothill and Inexpressible Island (Victoria
Land, Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August
2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 95
Capponi G., Crispini L., Di Vincenzo G., Ghezzo C., Meccheri M., Palmeri R. (2003):
Mafic rocks of the Bowers terrane and along the Wilson-Bowers boundary: implications for a
geodynamic model of the Ross Orogeny in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 05843
Capponi G., Crispini L., Di Vincenzo G., Palmeri R. (2003):
Contrasting metamorphic evolution at the contact between terranes: microtextural and
petrological evidences from shear zones in the Lanterman Range, Northern Victoria Land,
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam, Germany, 8-12
September 2003, 46
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Federico L., Crispini L., Capponi G. (2003):
The Ross orogeny in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: geodynamic evolution and possible
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam (Germany), 8-12
September 2003, 275-276
Ferraccioli F., Capponi G., Bozzo E. (2003):
Imprints of early paleozoic subduction along the paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana from
aeromagnetics and gravity, Victoria Land (Antarctica).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 00826
LeMasurier W.E., Rocchi S., Di Vincenzo G. (2003):
Anomalies in the erosion of Marie Byrd Land volcanoes over the past 35 m.y: implications for the
history of the West Antarctic ice sheet.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003, 205
Nardini I., Armienti P., Harrison D., Dallai L., Tonarini S., Rocchi S. (2003):
What do isotopes reveal about the mantle beneath the Ross embayment, Antarctica?
FIST GEOITALIA 2003, 4° Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Bellaria 16-18 settembre 2003,
Nardini I., Armienti P., Rocchi S., Tonarini S., Harrison D. (2003):
Cenozoic volcanism in the Western Ross embayment: any evidence for a mantle plume from
isotope systematics?
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003, 239
Perinelli C., Armienti P. (2003):
The origin of pyroxenites and megacrysts in alkaline basaltic magmas from northern Victoria
Land (Antarctica).
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam (Germany), 8-12
September 2003, 252-253
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Rocchi S., Capponi G., Crispini L., Di Vincenzo G., Ghezzo C., Meccheri M., Palmeri R.
Mafic rocks at the Wilson-Bowers terrane boundary and within the Bowers terrane: clues to the
Ross geodynamics in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003, 275-276
Rocchi S., Di Vincenzo G., Fioretti A.M., Ghezzo C. (2003):
Igneous activity during the waning stage of the Ross Orogeny in Victoria Land.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003, 276-277
Rocchi S., Di Vincenzo G., Ghezzo C. (2003):
The Terra Nova intrusive complex: geopetrographic map and illustrative notes.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003. Map exhibition
Roghi G., Fioretti A.M., Capponi G. (2003):
Achritarchs in a thermo-metamorphosed sedimentary xenolith within Surgeon Island Granite
(Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES), Postdam (Germany), 8-12
September 2003, 278-279
Rossetti F., Di Vincenzo G., Laufer L., Lisker F., Rocchi S., Storti F. (2003):
Cenozoic right-lateral strike-slip faulting in North Victoria Land: an integrated structural, AFT
and 40Ar/39Ar study.
9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Potsdam (Germany), 8-12 September
2003, 283-284
Salvi C., Salvi G., Stenni B., Brambati A. (2003):
Paleoenvironmental aspects in the Ross Sea during the last 15 ky bp: a comparison between
sediment and ice cores.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August
2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 52
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Brunelli D., Bonatti E., Cipriani A., Ottolini L. (2003):
Mantle peridotites from the Bouvet Triple Junction Region, South Atlantic.
Terra Nova, 15(3): 194-203
Corti G., Zeoli A., Bonini M. (2003):
Ice-flow dynamics and meteorite collection in Antarctica.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 215(3/4): 371-378
Dallai L., Ghezzo C., Sharp Z.D. (2003):
Oxygen isotope evidence for crustal assimilation and magma mixing in the Granite Harbour
Intrusives, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Lithos, 67(1/2): 135-151
Di Vincenzo G., Viti C., Rocchi S. (2003):
The effect of chlorite interlayering on 40Ar-39Ar biotite dating: an 40Ar-39Ar laser-probe and
TEM investigations of variably chloritised biotites.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 145: 643-658
Frignani M., Giglio F., Accornero A., Langone L., Ravaioli M. (2003):
Sediment characteristics at selected sites of the Ross Sea continental shelf: does the sedimentary
record reflect water column fluxes?
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 133-139
Nardini I., Armienti P., Rocchi S., Burgess R. (2003):
40Ar-39Ar chronology and petrology of the miocene rift -related volcanism of Daniell Peninsula
(Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica, 10(1): 39-62
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Talarico F., Armadillo E., Ferraccioli F., Rastelli N. (2003):
Magnetic petrology of the Ross Orogen in Oates Land (Antarctica).
Terra Antartica, 10(3): 197-220
Talarico F., Kleinschmidt G. (2003):
Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Mertz Shear Zone (East Antarctic Craton, George V
Land): implications for Australia/Antarctica correlations and East Antarctic Craton/Ross Orogen
Terra Antartica, 10 (3): 229-248
Taviani M., Oliverio M. (2003):
Scheletri carbonatici di organismi marini antartici: archivi naturali dell'evoluzione climatica e
Le Scienze naturali nella storia. Bollettino dell'ANISN, 12(21): 13-23
Busetti M., Caburlotto A., Armand L., Damiani D., Giorgetti G., Lucchi R.G., Quilty P.G.,
Villa G. (2003):
Plio-quaternary sedimentation on the Wilkes land continental rise: preliminary results.
Deep-See Research. II, 50(8-9): 1529-1562
Bussi M., Colizza E., Corradi N., Finocchiaro F., Fontolan G., Ivaldi R., Lancucci C., Nicotra
G., Pittà A., Salvi G. (2003):
Late quaternary palaeoclimatic evolution of marine sediments in the Southern Ocean Project:
preliminary results of the 2001-2002 PNRA cruise in the Ross Sea.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 89-94
Capponi G., Crispini L., Di Vincenzo G., Palmeri R. (2003):
Microtextural and petrological insight in shear zones from the Lanterman Range (NVL,
Antarctica): contrasting metamorphic evolution at the contact between Terranes.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 159-162
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Coltorti M., Beccaluva L., Bonadiman C., Faccini B., Ntaflos T., Siena F. (2003):
Metasomatic processes in Antarctic litospheric mantle (Mt. Melbourne, Victoria Land).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 5-8
Corradi N., Fierro G., Giordano F., Ivaldi R., Nicotra G., Pittà A. (2003):
Northern Western Basin (Ross Sea, Antarctica): seismostratigraphic characteristics and physical
properties of the recent sedimentary deposits: preliminary results.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 77-82
Corradi N., Giordano F., Ivaldi R., Langone L., Pittà A. (2003):
High-resolution seismic mapping of the holocene diatomaceous muddy drape in the Northern
Joides Basin (Ross Sea, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 83-88
Dallai L., Ghezzo C., Longinelli A. (2003):
Cenozoic magmas monitor climate change in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 109-112
De Santis L., Brancolini G., Donda F. (2003):
Seismo-stratigraphic analysis of the Wilkes Land continental margin (East Antarctica): influence
of glacially driven processes on the Cenozoic deposition.
Deep-See Research. II, 50(8-9): 1563-1594
De Santis L., Brown B., Brancolini G. (2003):
Tectonic evolution of the continental shelf of the Wilkes Land (East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 11-14
Donda F., Brancolini G., De Santis L., Trincardi F. (2003):
Seismic facies and sedimentary processes on the continental rise off Wilkes Land (East
Antarctica): evidence of bottom current activity.
Deep-Sea Research. II, 50(8-9): 1509-1527
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Fasano F., Baroni C. (2003):
Micromorphological analysis of glacial sediments in Antarctica: an example from the Ricker Hills
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 113-116
Finocchiaro F., Langone L., Colizza E., Busetti M., Fontolan G., Giglio F. (2003):
Preliminary results on a laminated sediment core collected from Cape Hallet Bay (Northern
Victoria Land).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 105-108
Fioretti A.M., Black L.P. (2003):
The role of South Tasman Rise Rocks in understanting the geological structure and evolution of
the Gondwana supercontinent: evidence from SHRIMP zircon dating of granites.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 183-184
Fioretti A.M., Capponi G., Black L.P., Visonà D. (2003):
Surgeon island granite: implications for regional geological evolution of Northern Victoria Land
from structural observations and SHRIMP zircon dating.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 170-175
Morigi C., Capotondi L., Giglio F., Langone L., Brilli M., Turi B., Ravaioli M. (2003):
A possible record of the Younger Dryas event in deep-sea sediments of the Southern Ocean
(Pacific sector).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 265-278
Presti M., De Santis L., Busetti M., Giorgetti G. (2003):
The George V Basin (East Antarctica): a trap of glacial origin for late quaternary sediments.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 139-142
Presti M., De Santis L., Busetti M., Harris P.T. (2003):
Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation on the George V continental shelf, East Antarctica.
Deep-See Research. II, 50(8-9): 1441-1461
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Remia A., Hart C., Oliverio M., Taviani M. (2003):
Bottom carbonate production in Little America Basin, Ross Sea,
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 153-157
Rocchi S., Capponi G., Crispini L., Di Vincenzo G., Ghezzo C., Meccheri M., Palmeri R.
Mafic rocks at the Wilson-Bowers Terrane transition and within the Bowers Terrane: implications
for a geo dynamic model of the Ross Orogeny.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 145-148
Rocchi S., Storti F., Di Vincenzo G., Rossetti F. (2003):
Interplate strike-slip tectonics as an alternative to mantle plume activity for the Cenozoic rift
magmatism in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica.
In: Storti F., Holdswort R.E., Salvini F. (eds.) Interplate strike-slip deformation belts. London,
Geological Society, special publication, 145-158
Rossetti F., Lisker F., Laufer A.L., Storti F., Salvini F. (2003):
Cenozoic tectonics in the Rennick Glacier area (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): implications
for the separation between East and West Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 15-20
Sandroni S. (2003):
Petrology of migmatitic granulites from East Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 163-170
Talarico F., Kleinschmidt G. (2003):
The Mertz Shear Zone (George V Land): implications for Australia/Antarctica correlations and
East Antarctic Craton/Ross orogen relationships.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 149-153
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 4: Geologia
Taviani M. (2003):
The stage 3 sea-level high stand and its potential implications on the decoupling of Antarctic ice
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 159-161
Taviani M., Beu A.G. (2003):
The palaeoclimatic significance of Cenozoic marine macrofossil assemblages from Cape Roberts
Project drillholes, McMurdo Sound, Victoria Land Basin, East Antarctica.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 198(1/2): 131-143
Visonà D. (2003):
Metamorphic evolution of Robertson Bay Terrane Rocks near the Tucker Glacier: evidence of an
older crystalline basement (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 177-182
Harris P.T., Brancolini G., Bindoff N., De Santis L. (eds.) (2003):
Recent investigations of the Mertz Polynya and George Vth Land continental margin, East
Deep-See Research. II, 50(8-9)
Brambati A., Colizza E., Finocchiaro F., Fontolan G., Giglio F., Langone L., Ravaioli M.,
Tuzzi E. (2003):
Biosiliceous sediments in the Cape Hallet area (Ross Sea, Antarctica): paleoenvironmental
considerations. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003
Coordinatore: Massimo Frezzotti*
Ha sostituito Giuseppe Orombelli (ora Membro CSNA) nel corso del 2003
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Becagli S., Proposito M., Benassai S., Flora O., Genoni L., Gragnani R., Largiuni O.,
Pili S.L., Severi M., Stenni B,. Traversi R., Udisti R., (2003):
Chemical and isotopic snow variability in East Antarctica along the 2001/02 ITASE
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 120
Bianchi C., Forieri A., Tabacco I.E. (2003):
Electromagnetic reflecting properties of sub-ice surfaces.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 80
Cagnati A., Valt M., Casacchia R., Salvatori R., Frezzotti M. (2003):
Relationship between field reflectance and physical structure of snow/ice surfaces: the
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 61
Castellano E., Becagli S., Bellandi S., Migliori A., Schwander J., Severi M.,
Steffensen J.P., Traversi R., Udisti R. (2003):
Paleo-volcanic reconstruction of the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from EPICADome C ice cores (EDC96 and EDC99).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 123
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Castellano E., Becagli S., Benassai S., Migliori A., Severi M., Traversi R., Udisti R.
High resolution, continuous 450-Kyrs record of chloride, nitrate and sulphate by FIC
analysis of Epica-Dome C (EDC96 and EDC99) ice cores.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 99
Cavagnero G., Rossi A., Zangirolami M. (2003):
Temperature of deep cold boreholes and probe for thermal logging.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 170
Cianfarra P., Bianchi C., Forieri A., Salvini F. Tabacco I.E. (2003):
Influence of regional tectonics on ice patterns in Dome C area, East Antarctica.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 98
Cianfarra P., Bianchi C., Forieri A., Salvini F., Tabacco I. (2003):
The tectonic origin of Aurora and Concordia Trenches, Dome C, East Antarctica.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 03595
Cianfarra P., Salvini F. (2003):
Modelling ice flow kinematics and deformation by HCA numerical method.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 104
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Coren F., Rignot E., Sterzai P., Forieri A., Mancini F., Tabacco I.E., Zirizzotti A.,
Frezzotti M. (2003):
SAR interferometric analysis of David-Drygalski glacial system and Nansen Ice Sheet.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 203
Curzio P., Folco L., Mellini M., Zeoli A. (2003):
The Frontier Mountain blue ice field (Antarctica): stratigraphic and glaciodynamic
constraints from paired englacial tephra layers.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 46
Damiani D., Giorgetti G., Caburlotto A., Zeoli A. (2003):
Geochemical characterisation of the sedimentary facies in cores collected on the Wilkes
Land continental rise (East Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 168
Deponti A., Maggi V. (2003):
Talos Dome age vs. depth modelling.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 88
Diolaiuti G., Smiraglia C., Vassena G., Motta M. (2003):
Dry calving processes at the ice cliff of an Antarctic local glacier: the study case of
Strandline Glacier (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 125
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Folco L., Mellini M. (2003):
The meteorite concentration mechanism at the Frontier Mountain blue ice field
(Antarctica): state of the art and outstanding issues.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 45
Forieri A., Tabacco I., Della Vedova A., Zirizzotti A., De Michelis P. (2003):
Bedrock topography of Talos Dome and Frontier Mountain.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 09951
Forieri A., Zuccoli L., Bini A., Zirizzotti A., Rémy F., Tabacco I.E. (2003):
New bedrock map of Dome C and morphological interpretation of the Seventh
International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August
2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 126
Frezzotti M. (2003):
Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet: an overview.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 234
Frezzotti M., Bitelli G., De Michelis P., Deponti A., Forieri A., Gandolfi S., Maggi
V., Mancini F., Rémy F., Tabacco E.I., Urbini S., Vittuari L., Zirizzotti A. (2003):
Geophysical survey at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): the search for a new deep-drilling
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 155
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Frezzotti M., Pourchet M., Magand O., Stenni B., Fily M. (2003):
Areal distribution of snow accumulation, firn temperature and oxygenisotope in Dome C drainage area (Antarctica).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 09297
Gabrielli P., Barbante C., Cozzi G., Planchon F., Ferrari C., Boutron C.F. (2003):
Changes in the occurence of heavy metals in polar ice during the last climatic cycles,
with special emphasis on the possible link between cosmic dust accretion rate and the
100 kyr cycle.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 178
Jouzel J., [et al.] (2003):
The new Epica Dome C deuterium record.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 165
Jouzel J., Cattani O., Cherrier S., Dreyfus G., Falourd S., Masson V., Stenni B.,
Longinelli A., Johnsen S.J., Parrenin F., Souchez R., Schwander J., Steffensen J.P.,
Wolff E. (2003):
The new Epica Dome C deuterium temperature record.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 08626
Legresy B., Remy F., Poetzsch A., Dietrich R., Tabacco I.E. (2003):
Mechanical interaction of floating ice with water: application to the Mertz Glacier,
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 91
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Lewkowicz A.G., Guglielmin M. (2003):
Formation and distribution of frozen mounds associated with ponds and lakes in
continuous permafrost, Northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 16
Magand O., Frezzotti M., Pourchet M., Stenni B., Genoni L., Fily M. (2003):
Climate variability along latitudinal and longitudinal transects in East Antarctica.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 152
Marino F., Maggi V., Delmonte B., Ghermandi G., Petit J.R. (2003):
Atmospheric dust elemental composition (Si, Fe, Ti) of the last 220kyrs from the Epica
ice core (Dome C, Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 137
Masson-Delmotte V., Jouzel J., Stenni B. (2003):
Holocene site and source temperature variations reconstructed from Epica stable
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 10532
Motta L., Motta M. (2003):
Distribution and modality of superficial melting processes at the local glaciers of Terra
Nova Bay coast.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 218
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Narcisi B., Petiti J.R., Basile-Doelsh I., Delmonte B., Maggi V.
Tephra layers in the Epica-Dome C ice record: initial results and source inferences.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 204
Nixdorf U., Giorgetti G., [et al.] (2003):
Multidisciplinary investigation of McMurdo-Ross Ice Shelf and the underlying ocean and
sediments at windless bight, Antarctica, by means of hot-water drilling.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 174
Planchon F.A.M., Barbante C., Boutron C.F., Bulat S., Cescon P., Cozzi G.,
Dommergue A., Ferrari C., Gabrielli P., Petit J.R. (2003):
Initial results on trace elements in the deepest part of the Vostok ice core, Antarctica:
information on the sub-glacial lake environment.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 231
Raffi R., Stenni B., Flora E., Polesello S., Camusso M. (2003):
Growing processes of an inland Antarctic ice wedge (Mesa Range, Northern Victoria
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 41
Severi M., Becagli S., Benassi S., Castellano E., Migliori A., Udisti R. (2003):
Tentative stratigraphic dating by seasonal pattern of very high-resolution sulphate
profile in Epica-DML ice core (Kohnen Station-East Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 221
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Stenni B., Masson-Delmotte V., Castellano E., Johnsen S., Jouzel J., Longinelli A.,
Rothlisberger R., Selmo E., Udisti R. (2003):
A 45 ka deuterium excess record at Dome Concordia, East Antarctica.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 05469
Stenni B., Masson-Delmotte V., Jouzel J., Longinelli A., Selmo E., Cattani O.,
Johnsen S. (2003):
The D excess record from Epica-Dome C ice core.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 156
Traversi R., Barbante C., Cozzi G., Fattori I., Largiuni O., Magaldi L., Udisti R.
Aluminium and iron record for the last 30kyrs from EDC96 ice core by new CFA
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 166
Udisti R., Becagli S., Benassai S., Castellano E., Fattori I., Innocenti M., Migliori A.,
Traversi R. (2003):
Atmosphere-snow interaction by a comparison between aerosol and uppermost snow
layers composition at Dome-C (East Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 122
Udisti R., Becagli S., Benassai S., De Angelis M., Hansson M.E. Jouzel J., Schwander
J., Steffensen J.P., Traversi R., Wolff E. (2003):
Sensitivity of chemical species to climatic changes in the last 45 KYRS as revealed by
high resolution DOME C (Antarctica) ice core analysis.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 100
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Vallelonga P., Barbante C., Cozzi G., Gaspari V., Candelone J.-P., van de Velde K.,
Morgan V.I., Rosman K.J.R., Boutron C.F., Cescon P. (2003):
Elemental indicators of natural and anthropogenic aerosol inputs to Law Dome,
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 219
Vittuari L., Vincent C., Frezzotti M., Mancini F., Gandolfi S., Bitelli G., Capra A.
Space geodesy as a tool for measuring ice surface velocity at the Dome C site and
between Terra Nova Bay and Dome C (East Antarctica).
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 205
Young N.W., Frezzotti M., Mancini M., Andreson J. (2003):
Mapping surface wind field from satellite and field surveys (East Antarctica)
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 169
Barbante C., Boutron C., Morel C., Ferrari C., Jaffrezo J.-L., Cozzi G., Gaspari V.,
Cescon P. (2003):
Seasonal variations in heavy metals in central Greenland snow deposited from 1991 to
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 5(2): 328-335
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Fiorani L., Palucci A., Artamonov E.S., Galli M.
Remotely sensed primary production in the western Ross Sea: results of in situ tuned
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 77-84
Barnes P.R.F., Wolff E.W., Mader H.M., Udisti R., Castellano E, Rothlisberger R.
Evolution of chemical peak shapes in the Dome C, Antarctica, ice core.
Journal of Geophysical Research. D, 108(3): ACH17
Bianchi C., Cafarella L., De Michelis P., Forieri A., Frezzotti M., Tabacco I.E.,
Zirizzotti A. (2003):
Radio Echo Sounding (RES) investigations at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): bedrock
topogephy and ice thickness.
Annals of Geophysics, 46(6): 1265-1270
Bianchi C., Sciacca U., Tabacco I.E., Zirizzotti A., Zuccheretti E.
On the shape of reflecting surfaces investigated by 60 MHz radar.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(24): 3049-3058
Bianchi C., Sciacca U., Zirizzotti A., Zuccheretti E., Arokiasamy B.J. (2003):
Signal processing techniques for phase-coded HF-VHF radars.
Annals of Geophysics, 46(4): 697-705
Brancaleoni L., Strelin J., Gerdol R. (2003):
Relationships between geomorphology and vegetation patterns in subantarctic Andean
tundra of Tierra del Fuego.
Polar Biology, 26(6): 404-410
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Carcione J.M., Gei D. (2003):
Seismic modelling study of a subglacial lake.
Geophysical Prospecting, 51(6): 501-515
Coren F., Delisle G., Sterzai P. (2003):
Ice dynamics of the Allan Hills meterorite concentration sites revealed by satellite
aperture radar interferometry.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 38(9): 1-13
Delmonte B., Basile-Doelsch I., Petit J.R., Michard A., Revel-Rolland M., Maggi V.,
Gemmiti B. (2003):
Refining the isotopic (Sr-Nd) signature of potential source areas for glacial dust in East
Journal de Physique, 4(107): 365-368
Ghermandi G., Cecchi R., Capotosto M., Marino F. (2003):
Elemental composition determined by PIXE analysis of the insoluble aerosol particles in
EPICA Dome C ice core samples representing the last 27000 years.
Geophysical Research Letters, 30(22): 2176-2180
Hong Y.K., Boutron C.F., Ferrari C., Petit J.R., Barbante C., Rosman K., Lipenkov
V.Y. (2003):
Climate related variations in lead concentration and sources in Vostok Antarctic ice from
65,000 to 240,000 years BP.
Geophysical Research Letters, 30(22): 2138
Oberholzer P., Baroni C., Schaefer J.M., Orombelli G., Ochs S.I., Kubik P.W., Baur
H., Wieler R. (2003):
Limited Pliocene/Pleistocene glaciation in Deep Freeze Range, Northern Victoria Land,
Antarctica, derived from in situ cosmogenic nuclides.
Antarctic Science, 15(4): 493-502
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Porchet M., Magand O., Frezzotti M., Ekaykin A., Winther J.-G.
Radionuclides deposition over Antarctica.
Journal of Environmentl Radioactivity, 68(2): 137-158
Priscu J.C., Tabacco I., [et al.] (2003):
An international plan for Antarctic subglacial lake exploration.
Polar Geography, 27(1): 69-83
Rèmy F., Testut L., Legresy B., Forieri A., Bianchi C., Tabacco I.E. (2003):
Lakes and subglacial hydrological networks around Dome C, East Antarctica.
Annals of Glaciology, 37: 252-256
Rothlisberger R., Mulvaney R., Wolff E., Hutterli M.A., Bigler M., de Angelis M.,
Hansson M.E., Steffensen J.P., Udisti R. (2003):
Limited dechlorination of sea-salt aerosol during the last glacial period: evidence from
the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C ice core.
Journal of Geophysical Research. D, 108(D16): 4526
Stenni B., Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V., Rothlisberger R., Castellano E., Cattani
O., Falourd S., Johnsen S.J., Longinelli A., Sachs J.P., Selmo E., Souchez R.,
Steffensen J.P., Udisti R. (2003):
A late-glacial high resolution site and source temperature record derived from the
EPICA Dome C isotope records (East Antarctica).
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 217(1/2): 183-195
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Becagli S., Frezzotti M., Gragnani R., Migliori M., Proposito M., Traversi R., Udisti
R. (2003):
Variability of snow depositions along the 1998/99 ITASE traverse.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:43-48
Bianchi C., De Michelis P., Sciacca U., Tabacco E.I., Zirizzotti A., Zuccheretti E.
Reflecting sub-ice surfaces observed by Radio Echo Sounding system.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 163-168
Bondesan A., Meneghel M., Salvatore M.C. (2003):
Local glacier snout monitoring in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 1-4
Burroni A., Folco L., Mellini M. (2003):
Frontier Mountain 95029 and 93001: two primitive achondritic meteorites.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 181-184
Cagnati A., Valt M., Casacchia R., Salvatori F. (2003):
Snowcover in Antarctica: physical and morphological features of surface layers.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 5-10
Cannone N., Guglielmin M. (2003):
Vegetation and permafrost: sensitive systems for the development of a monitoring
program of climate change along an Antarctic transect.
Huskies A.H.L. [et al.eds.]. Antarctic biology in global context: proceedings of the 8th
SCAR international biology symposium, Amsterdam, August 27- September 1, 2001, p.
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Castellano E., Becagli S., Traversi R., Benassi S., Fattori I., Udisti R. (2003):
The 45 000-year palaeovolcanic record in the EDC96 ice core (EPICA).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 77-82
Colizza E., Finocchiaro F., Marinoni L., Menegazzo Vitturi L., Brambati A. (2003):
Tephra evidence in marine sediments from the shelf of the western Ross Sea
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 121-126
Damiani, Caburlotto A., Giorgetti G., Memmi Turbanti I. (2003):
Mineralogical study of plio-quaternary marine sediments (Wilkes Basin, East Antarctica)
for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 127-132
Delmonte B., Maggi V., Basile-Doelsch I., Michard A., Petit J.R., Gemmiti B., RevelRolland M. (2003):
Sr-Nd signature of potential source areas for dust in East Antarctica: preliminary results.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 83-85
Deponti A., Maggi V. (2003):
Talos Dome age vs. depth modelling.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 113-116
Diolaiuti G., Salvatore M.C., Smiraglia C. (2003):
First attempt to classify and inventory local or "Alpine" glaciers in Northern Victoria
Land (Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 117-122
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Ferraris C., Folco L., Mellini M., Zeoli A. (2003):
Meteorites: 174 new finds from Frontier Mountain and other blue ice fields in the
Rennick Glacier regions (Antarctica, 2001-2002).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 185-188
Fioretti A.M., Black L.P., Visonà D. (2003):
Dating middle palaeozoic magmatism in Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): state of
the art and future plans.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 155-158
Flora O., Genoni L., Stenni B., Proposito M., Frezzotti M. (2003):
Variations in tritium activity along the ITASE TNB-DC traverse.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:49-52
Folco L., Grazi A., Mellini M., Zeoli A. (2003):
Tephra layers as stratigraphic indicators of glacial flux at the Frontier Mountain blue ice
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 189-192
Forieri A., Tabacco I.E., Della Vedova A., Zirizzotti A., Bianchi C., De Michelis P.,
Passerini A. (2003):
A new bedrock map of the Dome C area.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 169-174
Frezzotti M., Bitelli G., Gandolfi S., De Michelis P., Mancini F., Urbini S., Vittuari
L., Zirizzotti A. (2003):
Geophysical survey at Talos Dome (East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:117-120
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Frezzotti M., Ceinini A., Gandolfi S., Giardini P., Flati D., Pourchet M., Quintavalla
A., Urbini S. (2003):
The Italian ITASE expedition from D85 to M4 (East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:53-56
Guglielmin M., Balks M., Paetzold R. (2003):
Towards an Antarctic layer and permafrost monitoring network.
Phillips M., Springman S.M., Arenson S.M. (eds.). Permafrost. Swets & Zeilinger, Lisse,
1: 337-342
Guglielmin M., French H.M., Dramis F. (2003):
Permafrost e forme periglaciali nelle Northern Foothills (Baia Terra Nova, Terra
Vittoria Settentrionale, Antartide).
Il Quaternario, 16(2): 151-157
Laurenzi M.A., Mellini M., Perchiazzi N. (2003):
40Ar/39Ar dating of tephra in blue ice (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): prospects
and limitations.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 193-196
Maggi V. (2003):
The EPICA Dome C ice core: a half million years of planetary climate history.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 91-94
Mancini M., Frezzotti M. (2003):
Preliminary data on surface wind fields along IT-ITASE traverse (East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:57-59
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Mancini M., Frezzotti M., Smiraglia C., Gragnani R., Zirizzotti A., Motta L., Pavan
M. (2003):
Mass balance of Campbell Glacier (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:11-14
Maras A., Macrì M. (2003):
Thermal and shock metamorphic features and terrestrial weathering in opaque minerals
of some Antarctic ordinary chondrites recovered by Italian expeditions to Frontier
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 197-202
Marino F., Ghermandi G., Maggi V. (2003):
Elemental characterization of insoluble atmospheric aerosol in EPICA ice core samples,
using PIXE analyses.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 95-100
Marino F., Maggi V., Ghermandi D., Ceccato D., Cecchi R. (2003):
The PIXE (Proton-Induced X-Rays Emission) analytical technique to detect insoluble
atmospheric microparticles achieved in the EPICA Dome C ice core (Antarctica):
paleoclimatic implications.
Frascati Physics Series, XXXII: 189-212
Motta L., Motta M. (2003):
Penetration of radiation in Antarctic snow and ice.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 15-20
Motta M., Diolaiuti G., Vassena G., Smiraglia C. (2003):
Mass balance and energy balance at Strandline Glacier (Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica):
methods and preliminary results.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 21-28
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Motta M., Motta L. (2003):
"Cold" ice in the ablation area of Piedimont glaciers and its relation to glacial dynamics.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 203-209
Proposito M., Gragnani R., Flora O., Genoni L., Frezzotti M. (2003):
Volcanic records at GPS1, GPS2, 31DPT and M2 stations along the 1998-99 ITASE
traverse (East Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:60-66
Proposito M., Gragnani R., Udisti R., Frezzotti M (2003):
NssCI, NO3 and MSA losses in M2 firn core along the 1998-99 ITASE traverse from
Terra Nova Bay to Dome C (East-Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:67-72
Raffi R. (2003):
Ice wedges in the Terra Nova Bay region (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica)
distribution and morphological features.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 143-148
Raffi R., Stenni B., Flora O., Polesello S., Camusso M. (2003):
Ice wedge evidence in the Mesa Range (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 149-152
Smiraglia C., Diolaiuti G. (2003):
The mountains of Antarctica: veritable divergences from the Alps?
Forum Alpinum 2002, the nature of the Alps, Alpbach, September 23-27, OAW, 88-90
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Stenni B., Genoni l., Flora O., Udisti R., Becagli S., Largiuni O., Frezzotti M. (2003):
Chemical and isotopic signals in surface snow from the ITASE TNB-DC traverse.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8:73-76
Tabacco I.E., Forieri A., Della Vedova A., Zirizzotti A., Bianchi C., De Michelis P.,
Passerini A. (2003):
Evidence of 14 new subglacial lakes in the Dome C-Vostok area.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 175-179
Traversi R., Becagli S., Benassi S., Castellano E., Fattori I., Udisti R. (2003):
Sea-salt component behaviour in the last glacial/interglacial transition from the analysis
of the EDC96 ice core.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 101-105
Udisti R., Becagli S., Castellano E., Migliori A., Petit J.R., Schwander J., Severi M.,
Traversi R. (2003):
Preliminary synchronization of EPICA-Dome C and Vostok ice cores by comparing
volcanic signatures.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 107-111
Frezzotti M., Gentili U., Maggi V. (eds.) (2003):
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 25-29
August 2003: abstracts.
Frezzotti M., Maggi V. (eds.) (2003):
Proceedings of the 4th Meeting on Italian Antarctic glaciology.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 5: Glaciologia
Frezzotti M., [et al.] (2003):
Wind-driven sublimation impact on surface mass balance and ice core interpretation in
East Antarctica.
ISMASS Workshop on Antarctic ice sheet mass balance, Milano, August 24, 2003
Fisica e Chimica dell’Atmosfera
Coordinatore: Michele Colacino
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 6: Fisica e Chimica dell’Atmosfera
Cardillo A., Cosentino O., di Felice F., Di Stefano G., Masi S., Palangio P., Peterzen
S., Romeo G., Taccetti Q. (2003):
Trailblazer and PEGASO: exploring Polar regions using small stratospheric balloons.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Colacino M., Rafanelli C. (2003):
Italian research on Antarctic atmosphere.
Annals of Geophysics, 46(2): 259-267
Mangani G., Berloni A., Maione M. (2003):
Cold solid-phase microextraction method for the determination of volatile halocarbons
present in the atmosphere at ultra-trace levels.
Journal of Chromatography. A, 988: 167-175
Naithani J., Argentini S., Schayes G., Mastrantonio G. (2003):
Analysis of strong wind events around Adelie Land, East Antarctica.
Annals of Geophysics, 46(2): 385-400
Schreiner J., Adriani A., Cairo F., Di Donfrancesco G. [et al.] (2003):
Chemical, microphysical, and optical properties of polar stratospheric clouds.
Journal of Geophysical Research. D, 108(5): SOL 56
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 6: Fisica e Chimica dell’Atmosfera
Voigt C., Adriani A., Cairo F., Di Donfrancesco G. [et al.] (2003):
In situ mountain-wave polar stratospheric cloud measurements: implications for nitric
acid trihydrate formation.
Journal of Geophysical Research. D, 108(5): SOL 74
Relazioni Sole-Terra ed Astrofisica
Coordinatore: Maurizio Candidi
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Caimi S., Senofonte O., Ciardullo S., Pauwels J., Kramer G.N., Gawlik B., Oostra
A., Conneely P., Caroli S. (2003):
Characterization of the multielemental candidate certified reference material
Adamussium Colbecki.
11st Italian-Hungarian Symposium on spectrochemistry "New challenges in human
health protection: antrophic and remote areas", Venice, Italy, October 20-24, 2003:
abstract book
Diego P. and Storini M. (2003):
Interplanetary induced effects: a case study based on April 2003 data.
10th Workshop Italian Research on Antarctic Atmosphere, Rome, October 22-24, 2003,
Diego P., Storini M., Parisi M, Cordaro E.G. (2003):
Auroral activity during corotating high-speed solar-wind streams.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 08593
Laurenza M., Moreno G., Storini M. (2003):
Geomagnetic activity and IMF polarities inferred from Vostok observations.
10th Workshop Italian Research on Antarctic Atmosphere, Rome, October 22-24, 2003,
Storini M. (2003):
LARC/OLC relationship inside the latin-american geomagnetic anomaly.
10th Workshop Italian Research on Antarctic Atmosphere, Rome, October 22-24, 2003,
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Storini M., Signoretti F., Re F., Moro F., Parisi M. (2003):
He3 counter tests for A--3He-NM section.
10th Workshop Italian Research on Antarctic Atmosphere, Rome, October 22-24, 2003,
Bernardi G., Carretti E., Cortiglioni S., Sault R.J., Kesteven M.J., Poppi S. (2003):
Polarization observations in a low synchrotron emission field at 1.4 GHz.
Astrophysical Journal, 594: L5-L8
Bernardi G., Carretti E., Fabbri R., Sbarra C., Poppi S., Cortiglioni S. (2003):
A new approach for a Galactic synchritron polarized emission template in the microwave
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 344(2): 347-357
Bobik P., Storini M., Kudela K., Cordaro E.G. (2003):
Cosmic-ray transparency for a medium-latitude observatory.
Il Nuovo Cimento. C, 26(2): 177-189
Colombo L.P.L., Bonometto S.A. (2003):
Cosmic opacity to CMB photons and polarization measurements.
New Astronomy, 8(4): 313-323
Crill B.P., [et al.] (2003):
BOOMERanG: a balloon-borne millimeter-wave telescope and total ower receiver for
mapping anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 148: 527-541
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
de Bernardis P., [et al.] (2003):
Investigating the early univese with the cosmic microwave background anisotropy.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 74: 75-84
de Bernardis P., Masi S. (2003):
BOOMERanG e la nuova cosmologia.
Analysis, 4: 1-22
De Troia G., [et al.] (2003):
The trispectrum of the cosmic microwave background on sub-degree angular scales: an
analysis of the BOOMERanG data.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(1): 284-292
Laurenzana M., Storini M., Moreno G., Fujii Z. (2003):
Interplanetary magnetic field polarities inferred from the north-south cosmic ray
Journal of Geophysicale Research. A, 108(2): SSH 4
Lepidi S., Cafarella L., Francia P., Meloni A., Palangio P., Schott J.J. (2003):
Low frequency geomagnetic field variations at Dome C (Antartica).
Annales Geophysicae, 21: 1-10
Mainini R., Colombo L.P.L., Bonometto S.A. (2003):
Nature of dark energy and polarization measurements.
New Astronomy, 8: 751-766
Masi S., [et al.] (2003):
OLIMPO: a few arcmin resolution survey of the sky at mm and sub-mm wavelengths.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 74: 96-100
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Mauskopf P.D., Ade P.A.R., Balbi A., Cabella P., De Gasperis G., Natoli P., Vittorio
N. [et. al.] (2003):
BOOMERanG returns.
New Astronomy Reviews, 47(8/10): 733-740
Montroy T., [et al.] (2003):
Measuring CMB polarization with BOOMERanG.
New Astronomy Reviews, 47(11/12): 1057-1065
Peverini O.A., Tascone R., Olivieri A., Baralis M., Orta R., Virone G. (2003):
A microwave measurement procedure for a full characterization of ortho-mode
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 51(4): 1207-1213
Ruhl J.E., [et al.] (2003):
Improved measurement of the angular power spectrum of temperature anisotropy in the
cosmic microwave background from two new analyses of BOOMERanG observations.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 599: 786-805
Sbarra C., Carretti E., Cortiglioni S., Zannoni M., Fabbri R., Macculi C., Tucci M.
An iterative destriping technique for diffuse background polarization data.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 401(3): 1215-1222
Sironi G., Boella G., Gervasi M., Tartari A., Zannoni M. (2003):
Observations at millimetric and sub millimetric wavelenghts from Antarctica: activity
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 74:85-88
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Storini M., Bazilevskaya, G.A., Fluckiger, E.O., Krainev M.B., Makhmutov V.S.,
Sladkova A.I. (2003):
The Gnnevyshev gap: a review for space weather.
Advanced Space Research, 31(4): 895-900
Storini M., Laurenza M. (2003):
Solar activity on muon data.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 74: 774-777
Cortiglioni S., Caretti E., Sironi G., The SPOrt Team (2003):
Sky polarization observatory: a program to measure the linear polarization of the
microwave sky.
Third Sakharov Conference, Moscow, June 2002
Romeo G., de Bernardis P., Di Stefano G., Masi S., Piacentini F., Pongetti F., Rao S.
Three sun sensors for stratospheric ballon payloads.
Sironi G., Battistelli E., Boella G., Cavaliere F., Gervasi M., Passerini A., Tartari A.,
Zannoni M. (2003):
Search for distorsions in the spectrum of the cosmic microwave radiation.
Third Sakharov Conference, Moscow, June 2002
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Boella G., Gervasi M., Passerini A., Sironi G., Tartari A., Zannoni M. (2003):
Antarctic activities of the Milano Bicocca Radio Group: a status report.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 65-69
Cacciani A., Dolci M., Jefferies W., Fossat E., Sigismondi C., Cesario L., Bertello L.,
Varadi F. (2003):
A two color pupil imaging method to detect stellar oscillations.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 172-176
Cacciani A., Jefferies S.M., Finsterle W., Giebink C., Knox A., Rapex P., Subrizi B.,
Cesario L. (2003):
Mapping the sound structure of the sun's atmospere.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 190-193
Calisse P.G. [et al.] (2003):
An international center for submillimeter astronomy at Dome C, Antarctica: statement of
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 62-64
Carretti E. [et al.] (2003):
SPOrt: an experiment aimed at mesuring the large scale cosmic microwave background
Fineschi S. (ed.). Polarimetry in astronomy: proceedings of SPIE Conference, Waikoloa
(HI, USA), 25-28 August 2002, 4843: 305-313
Ciprini S., Bussi M. (2003):
Mid-infrared photometry of carbon stars and perspectives.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 137-138
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Dall'Oglio G., Martinis L., Pascucci S., Pizzo L., Sabbatini L., Valenziano L. (2003):
Cosmological observations at Concordia with high-sensitivity instrument
for source extraction.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 38-43
de Bernardis P., Masi S. (2003):
CMB cosmology: current status and experimental trends.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 32-37
Dolci M., Valentini G., Straniero O. (2003):
From brown dwarfs to exo-planets: ideas for a study of sub-stellar objects based on midinfrared photometry at Dome-C.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 119-124
Ferrari Toniolo M. (2003):
The meaning and the significance of a mid-ir Antarctic experiment at Concordia Station.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 97-104
Fiorucci M., Persi P., Busso M., Ciprini S., Corcione L., Tosti G. (2003):
Mid-infrared astronomy with IRAIT at Dome C: performances and simulations.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 125-130
Gervasi M., Boella G., Cavaliere F., Grossetti G., Passerini A., Sironi G., Tartari A.,
Zannoni M. (2003):
A dual output polarimeter devoted to the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
S. Fineschi (ed.). Polarimetry in Astronomy: proceedings of SPIE conference 25-28
August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, Vol. 4843: 336-347
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Masi S., BOOMERanG team (2003):
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 54-61
Moretti P.F. [et al.] (2003):
CASTEL: Capodimonte Antarctic Solar TELescope.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 186-189
Persi P. (2003):
Star formation at Dome C.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 113-118
Sabbatini L., Dall'Oglio G., Davies R.D., Cavaliere F., Martinis L., Miriametro A.,
Pizzo L., Russo P.A., Valenziano L. (2003):
Observations of HII regions at millimeter wavelengths with the O.A.S.I. telescope at
Terra Nova Bay.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 50-53
Severino G. [et al.] (2003):
CONCORDIASTRO/Italy: a solar high-resolution observation program at Dome-C.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 181-185
Spogli C., Fiorucci M. (2003):
Mid-IR observations of Dwarf Novae at Dome C.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 137-138
Storini M. (2003):
Cosmic-ray characteristic parameters for Yangbajing (Tibet) experiments.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba (Japan), July 31-August 7, 2003,
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Storini M., Laurenzana M., Fujii Z. (2003):
Evaluation of Gnevyshev gap effects on cosmic ray modulation.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba (Japan), July 31-August 7, 2003,
Storini M., Laurenzana M., Moreno G., Fujii Z. (2003):
Test of the GG index to infer the IMF polarities.
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba (Japan), July 31-August 7, 2003.
Universal Academy Press, 3949-3952
Storini M., Massetti S., Kudela K., Rybak J. (2003):
On the shape of cosmic ray modulation during even-and odd-numbered solar activity
28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba (Japan), July 31-August 7, 2003.
Universal Academy Press, 4095-4098
Tartari A., Boella G., Candotti M., Gervasi M., Natale V., Passerini A., Sironi G.,
Zannoni M. (2003):
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect studies with MASTER.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 44-49
Tosti G. (2003):
IRAIT project: future mid-IR operations at Dome C during summer.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 82-87
Viotti R.F. [et al.] (2003):
Wide-field observations at Dome Concordia.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, 2: 177-180
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Zannoni M. [et al.] (2003):
The BaR-SPOrt experiment.
Fineschi S. (ed.). Polarimetry in astronomy: proceedings of SPIE Conference, Waikoloa
(HI, USA), 25-28 August 2002, Vol. 4843: 324-335
Fossat E., Candidi M. (eds.) (2003):
The scientific outlook for astronomy and astrophysics research at the CONCORDIA
Station. Capri, 28-30 Aprile 2003.
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. Supplementi, Vol. 2
Cordaro E.G., Storini M., and Olivares E.F. (2003):
OLC response to solar relativistic particles: GLE 66 on 5-min base.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-35, November 2003
Cordaro E.G., Storini M., Olivares E.F., and Laurenza M. (2003):
LARC response to solar relativistic particles: GLE 65 on 5-min base.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-33, October 2003
Olivares E.F., Cordaro E.G., Storini M. (2003):
OLC response to near-earth interplanetary perturbations during November 2-3, 2003.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-38, November 2003
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 7: Relazioni Sole Terra ed Astrofisica
Olivares E.F., Cordaro E.G., Storini M. and Laurenza M. (2003):
LARC response to near-earth interplanetary perturbations during November 2-3, 2003.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-39, November 2003
Storini M. and Hofer M.Y. (2003):
Two classes of isolated long-lived coronal holes during cycles 21 and 22.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-14, April 2003
Storini M., Cordaro E.G., and Olivares E.F. (2003):
OLC response to solar relativistic particles: GLE 65 on 5-min base.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-32, October 2003
Storini M., Cordaro E.G., Olivares E.F., and Laurenza M. (2003):
LARC response to solar relativistic particles: GLE 66 on 5-min base.
Rapporto interno CNR/IFSI - 2003-34, November 2003
Hofer M.Y. and Storini M. (2003):
Repeated structures found after the solar maximum in the buttefly diagrams of coronal
Velli M., Bruno R., Malara F. Solar Wind Ten: proceedings of the 10th International
Solar Wind Conference, Pisa, Italy, 17-21 June, 2002. AIP Conference proceedings, 679:
Storini M. (2003):
Ny-Alesund: misure di radiazione cosmica per studi interdisciplinari.
R. Azzolini, M. Morbidoni (eds.). Atti del Convegno Progetto strategico artico:
inquadramenti e prospettive, Roma, 18 dicembre 2002, 89-91
Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Coordinatore: Giancarlo Spezie
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Faraone Mennella M.R., Petrella A., Romano M., Gambacorta A., Nicolaus B.,
Lama L., Farina B. (2003):
ADPribosylating thermozymes from extremophilic Bacteria and Archaea.
Protein & Science, 12(suppl. 1): 346
Saggiomo V., Mangoni O., Modigh M., Ianni C., Rivaro P., Carrada G. (2003):
Primary production processes in the Ross Sea (Antarctica): limiting factors and system
carryng capacity.
A sea of change: JGOFS accomplishments and the future of ocean biogeochemistry final
open science conference, 5-8 May 2003, Washington DC
Accornero A., Manno C., Esposito F., Gambi M.C. (2003):
The vertical flux of particulate matter in the polynya of Terra Nova Bay. Part II:
biological components.
Antarctic Science, 15(2): 175-188
Bergamasco A., Defendi V., Del Negro P., Fonda Umani S. (2003):
Effects of the physical properties of water masses on microbial activity during and Ice
Shelf Water overflow in the central Ross Sea.
Antarctic Science, 15(3): 405-411
Budillon G., Pacciaroni M., Cozzi S., Rivaro P., Catalano G., Ianni C., Cantoni C.
An optimum multiparameter mixing analysis of the shelf waters in the Ross Sea.
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 105-118
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Budillon G., Rintoul S.R. (2003):
Fronts and upper thermal variability south of New Zealand.
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 141-152
Chiantore M.C., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Heilmayer O. (2003):
Antarctic scallop (Adamussium colbecki) annual growth rate at Terra Nova Bay.
Polar Biology, 26(6): 416-419
Flocco D., Falco P., Wadhams P., Spezie G. (2003):
Surface current measurements in Terra Nova Bay by HF radar.
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 55-62
Micaletto G., Gambi M.C., Piraino S. (2003):
Observations on population structure and reproductive features of Laetmonice producta
Grube (Polychaeta, Aphroditidae) in Antarctic waters.
Polar Biology, 26(5): 327-333
Modigh M., Castaldo S., Saggiomo M., Santarpia I. (2003):
Distribution of tintinnid species from 42°N to 43°S through the Indian Ocean.
Hydrobiologia, 503(1): 251-262
Povero P., Misic C., Ossola C., Castellano M., Fabiano M. (2003):
The trophic role and ecological implications of oval faecal pellets in Terra Nova Bay
(Ross Sea).
Polar Biology, 26(5): 302-310
Rivaro P., Frache R., Bergamasco A., Hohmann R. (2003):
Dissolved oxygen, NO and PO as tracers for Ross Sea Ice Shelf Water overflow.
Antarctic Science, 15(3): 399-404
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Rubino A., Budillon G., Pierini S., Spezie G. (2003):
A model for the spreading and sinking of the Deep Ice Shelf in the Ross Sea.
Antarctic Science, 15(1): 25-30
Schiapparelli S., Albertelli G., Cattaneo-Vietti R. (2003):
The epibiotic assembly on the sponge Haliclona dancoi (Topsent, 1901) at Terra Nova
Bay (Antarctica, Ross Sea).
Polar Biology, 26(5): 342-347
Langone L., Capotondi L., Giglio F., Focaccia P., Morigi C., Ravaioli M. (2003):
Late-quaternary cold events recorded in Southern Ocean sediments, Pacific sector.
Terra Antartica Reports, 9: 95-100
Langone L., Dunbar R.B., Mucciarone D.A., Ravaioli M., Meloni R., Nittrouer C.A.
Rapid sinking of biogenic material during the late austral summer in the Ross Sea,
G. Di Tullio and R. Dunbar (eds.). Biogeochemistry of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. AGU,
Antarctic Research Series monograph, 78: 221-234
Orsini G., Giglio F., Langone L., Ravaioli M. (2003):
Palaeoenvironmental inferences from Core ANTA95-1 (Granite Harbor, SW Ross Sea Antarctica).
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 133-138
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Van Woert M.L., Johnson E.S., Langone L., Worthen D.L., Monaghan A.,
Bromwich D.H., Meloni R., Dunbar R.B. (2003):
The Ross Sea circulation during the 1990s.
Di Tullio G. and Dunbar R. (eds.). Biogeochemistry of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. AGU,
Antarctic Research Series monograph, 78: 5-34
Catalano G., Budillon G., La Ferla R., Povero P., Ravaioli M., Saggiomo V.,
Accornero A., Azzaro M., Carrada G.C., Giglio F., Langone L., Mangoni O., Misic
C., Modigh M. (2003):
A global budget of carbon and nitrogen in the Ross Sea (Southern Ocean).
3rd final US JGOFS Open Science Conference. Washington D.C. (USA) 4-8 May 2003
Giglio F., Langone L., Capotondi L., Morigi C., Focaccia P., Frignani M., Ravaioli
M. (2003):
Late quaternary changes of biogenic fluxes in the pacific sector of the Southern Ocean.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 10023
Giuliani S., Shemesh A., Capotondi L., Ravaioli M., Frignani M., Giglio F., Langone
L. (2003):
The isotope composition of diatoms and organic matter linked to biogenic silica frustules
as tools for paleoclimatic reconstruction in the Southern Ocean.
The micropaleontology applied to the environmental and paleoenvironmental research.
Urbino, 10-12 June 2003
Langone L., Ravaioli M., Malaguti A., Giglio F., Giordani P., Frignani M. (2003):
Vertical budgets of organic carbon and biogenic silica in the western Ross Sea,
3rd final US JGOFS Open Science Conference. Washington D.C. (USA) 4-8 May 2003
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 8: Oceanografia ed Ecologia Marina
Bergamasco A., Budillon G., Carniel A., Defendi V., Meloni R., Paschini E., Sclavo
M., Spezie G. (2003):
Downslope flow across the Ross Sea shelf break (Antarctica).
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA, 8-12 December 2003
Budillon G., Fusco G., Spezie G. (2003):
Air-sea fluxes in Terra Nova Bay polynya and thermohaline variability in the Western
Ross Sea.
Workshop "Fisica e chimica dell'atmosfera antartica", CNR - Roma 22-24 Ottobre 2003
Budillon G., Rintoul S., Spezie G. (2003):
Upper ocean thermal structure, baroclinic transports, and variability between New
Zealand and Antarctica.
Workshop "Fisica e chimica dell'atmosfera antartica", CNR - Roma 22-24 October 2003
Rivaro P., Bergamasco A., Budillon G, Massolo S., Spezie G. (2003):
The tracer signature of shelf waters in the Ross Sea (Antarctica).
IUGG, IAPSO Joint Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 31 June-11 July 2003
Rivaro P., Budillon G., Massolo S., Bergamasco A., Spezie G. (2003):
Impiego di cloro fluoro carburi come traccianti chimici delle acque di piattaforma nel
mare di Ross.
Workshop "Fisica e chimica dell'atmosfera antartica", CNR - Roma 22-24 October 2003
Spezie G., CLIMA Group (2003):
The Italian contribution to the oceanography of the Ross Sea.
IUGG, IAPSO Joint Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 31 June-11 July 2003
Contaminazione Chimica
Coordinatore: Gabriele Capodaglio*
Ha sostituito Paolo Cescon (ora Membro CSNA) nel corso del 2003
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 9: Contaminazione Chimica
Amendola L., Cafaro C., Insogna S., Ruocco R., Zoccolillo L. (2003):
Misura del rapporto di concentrazione atmosfera/ambiente acquatico di idrocarburi
clorurati volatili mediante GC-MS.
21° Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Torino, 22-27 giugno 2003
Barbante C., Gaspari V., Cescon P., Cozzi G. (2003):
Changes in aluminium, manganese and iron concentrations in Antarctic (Dome C) ice
during the last 44,000 years.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 35
Largiuni O., Becagli S., Traversi R., Udisti R. (2003):
Preliminary data on formaldehyde content in seawater samples from Terra Nova Bay
(Ross Sea - Antarctica).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: 08696
Truzzi C., Lambertucci L., Annibaldi A., Gambini G., Becagli S., Traversi R., Udisti
R., Scarponi G. (2003):
Sources of Antarctic aerosol in Victoria Land identified by means of principal component
analysis of chemical data.
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 94
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 9: Contaminazione Chimica
Truzzi C., Lambertucci L., Illuminati S., Scarponi G. (2003):
Direct measurement of Antarctic aerosol mass to improve studies on snow/air
Seventh International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (ISAG 7), Milano, Italy, 2529 August 2003: abstracts. Edited by M. Frezzotti, U. Gentili, V. Maggi, p. 93
Abollino O., Aceto M., Buoso S., La Gioia C., Sarzanini C., Mentasti E. (2003):
Distribution of major, minor and trace elements in Antarctic offshore and coastal
seawater: correlation among sites and variables by pattern recognition.
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, 107: 867-870
Dalla Riva S., Abelmoschi M.L., Chiantore M.C., Grotti M., Magi E., Soggia F.
Biogeochemical cycling of Pb in the coastal marine environment at Terra Nova Bay.
Antarctic Science, 15(4): 425-432
Desideri D., Giuliani S., Testa C.,Triulzi C. (2003):
90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am levels in terrestrial and marine ecosystems
around the Italian base in Antarctica.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 258(2): 221-225
Grotti M., Soggia F., Dalla Riva S., Magi E., Frache R. (2003):
An in situ filtration system for trace element determination in suspended particulate
Analytica Chimica Acta, 498(1/2): 165-173
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 9: Contaminazione Chimica
Vione D., Maurino V., Minero C., Borghesi D., Pelizzetti E. (2003):
New processes in the environmental chemistry of nitrite. 2: the role of hydrogen peroxide.
Environmental Science and Technology, 37(20): 4635-4641
Vione D., Maurino V., Pelizzetti E., Minero C. (2003):
Phenol photonitration and photonitrosation upon nitrite photolysis in basic solution.
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 84(6/7): 493-504
Cozzi G., Barbante C., Planchon F., Boutron C., Gaspari V., Wolff E., Ferrari C.,
Cescon P. (2003):
A record of heavy metals concentration in Antarctic snow since the mid-19th century.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 29-32
Gabrielli P., Barbante C., Boutron C.F. (2003):
Changes in the occurrence of heavy metals in Antarctic ice during the last climatic
cycles, with special emphasis on the possible link between cosmic dust accretio rate and
the 100 kyr cycle.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 87-89
Gaspari V., Barbante C., Cozzi G., Cescon P. (2003):
Temporal variability of iron and other bioactive trace elements in Antarctic continental
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 33-36
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 9: Contaminazione Chimica
Truzzi C., Lambertucci L., Annibaldi A., Gambini G., Becagli S., Traversi R., Udisti
R., Scarponi G. (2003):
Identification of sources of Antarctic aerosol in Victoria Land by means of principal
component analysis of chemical data.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 37-42
Del Bubba M., Cincinelli A., Checchini L., Lepri L., Desideri P. (2003):
Horizontal and vertical distributions of biogenic and anthropogenic organic compounds
in the Ross Sea (Antarctica).
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Coordinatore: Roberto Barbini
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Alabiso G., Mollica A., Montini U., Milillo M., Pacifico P. (2003):
Stainless steel corrosion in polar seawater, 1999-2001: results and perspectives.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Andreucci F. (2003):
The sodar used to compute the wind velocity field.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Avanzini G., D'Angelo S., De Matteis G. (2003):
Uninhabited aerial vehicle for environmental monitoring.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Ferrante D., Fiorani L., Palucci A. (2003):
A submarine lidar fluorosensor payload.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Fiorani L., Palucci A., Ribezzo S. (2003):
The ENEA lidar fluorosensor project.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Bonafè U., Evangelisti F., Nanni V., Vitale V., Bonasoni P. (2003):
Wind energy system for autonomously and continuously supplying power to scientific
instrumentation in Antarctic sites.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bonanno G., Fantoni R., Fichera A., Fornetti G., Moriconi C., Poggi C., Caponero
M., Broggi A., Fascioli A. (2003):
The sensing subsystem of RAS.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bonanno G., Fichera P.A., Moriconi C., Paoloni M., Sagratella G. (2003):
RAS - Robot Antartico di Superficie: motion studies and general considerations.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Caccia M., Bono R., Bruzzone Ga., Bruzzone Gi., Spindarelli E., Veruggio G.,
Capodaglio G., Stortini A.M. (2003):
SESAMO: an autonomous platform for the study and characterization of the air-sea
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Campiotti C.A. (2003):
The developing of a plant-based unit as sustinable plant food support in Antarctica.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Colao F., Andreucci F., Arbolino M., Carotenuto R., Caliano G., Lavarini M.,
Pappalardo M. (2003):
SOMMA: multibeam sonar for operations in Antarctica.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Favali P., Beranzoli L., Calcara M. (2003):
MABEL: Multidisciplinary Antarctic Benthic Laboratory.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Ferrari-Toniolo M., Epchtein N., Corcione L., Marenzi A. (2003):
A preliminary study of a large IR survey telescope for the Concordia
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Lori A., Ricci F., Bambini A. (2003):
SETUP (Stirling Engine Telecontrolles Unattended Platform).
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Nanni D., Viotti R.F., Badiali M., Di Lellis A.M. (2003):
Innovative technologies for wide field astronomical researches at Dome C.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Nanni V., Stefanoni M., Falchetta M., Lori A. (2003):
Integrated autonomous systems for the telecontrol of scientific experiments in Antarctica.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Nista A., Schiavon R. (2003):
SARA: hull and control system architecture.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Papalia B. (2003):
Underwater robotics: overview and perspective.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Petkov B., Vitale V., Tomasi C., Scaglione S., Flori D., Santaguida R. (2003):
Ultraviolet radiometer for measuring the global UV solar radiation reaching the Earth
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Sandini G., Metta G., Natale L., Rao S., Beltran C. (2003):
Babybot: a study of development in artificial systems.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Tosti G., Nanni V., Barbini R., Busso M., Persi P., Straniero O., Corcione L. for the
IRAIT collaboration (2003):
The IRAIT Project: infrared astronomy from Dome C.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Uliana M. (2003):
The SARA navigation system: principles and experimental results.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Vultaggio M., Russo L. (2003):
Il sistema satellitare GNSS1 (GPS+GLONASS) nel Mare di Ross durante le spedizioni
antartiche 1999-2001.
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Vultaggio M., Russo L. (2003):
The GNSS1 (Global Navigation Satellite System 1) in the Ross Sea during the Antarctic
expeditions (1999-2001).
Meeting nazionale sulle tecnologie del PNRA, 14-16 maggio 2003: risultati del triennio
1999-2001 - obiettivi futuri. Books of abstracts
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Ferrari G.M., Lai A., Palucci A. (2003):
Application of a lidar fluorosensor system to the continuous and remote monitoring of the
Southern Ocean and Antarctic Ross Sea: results collected during the XIII and XV Italian
oceanographic campaigns.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(16): 3191-3204
Barbini R., Colao F., Fantoni R., Fiorani L., Palucci A. (2003):
Lidar fluorosensor calibration of the SeaWiFS chlorophyll algorithm in the Ross Sea.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(16): 3205-3218
Bibliografia PNRA 2003
Settore 11: Tecnologia
Barbini R., Fantoni R., Palucci A., Colao F., Sandrini S., Ceradini S., Tositti L.,
Tubertini O., Ferrari G.M. (2003):
Simultaneous measurements of remote lidar chlorophyll and surface CO2 distributions in
the Ross Sea.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(19): 3807-3819
Broggi A., Cellario M., Lombardi P., Porta M. (2003):
An evolutionary approach to visual sensing for vehicle navigation.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50(1): 18-29
De Marinis E., Picco P., Meloni R. (2003):
Monitoring polynyas with the ocean acoustic tomography: a feasibility study in Terra
Nova Bay.
Antarctic science, 15(1): 63-75
Alabiso G., Mollica A., Montini U., Pacifico P. (2003):
Stainless steel corrosion in polar seawater.
15th International Corrosion Congress: Frontiers in corrosion science and technology,
Granada (Spain) 22-27 September 2002: proceedings, 8 p.
Papalia B. (2003):
An autonomous robot for surveys under water and ice.
Terra Antartica Reports, 8: 211-216

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