VIA INGEGNERIA SRL consulting engineers COMPANY PROFILE OUR HISTORY VIA INGEGNERIA SRL started its activity in Rome in 1988, and the company operates continuously from the beginning in the field of the engineering infrastructure, especially roads and railways. In the last few years, the company has successfully fulfilled the following commissions: - General transport infrastructures for a total of €6 billion (construction cost). - Environmental impact studies totalling €2 billion (construction cost). - Road designs to a total of €4 billion (construction cost). - Public and private buildings, particularly railway stations and related buildings amounting to €400 million (construction cost). - Electrical and mechanical installations for transport facilities such as tunnels and car parking. - Construction planning and management amounting to €2 billion. - Bored tunnelling design totalling €1 billion. - Cut and cover tunnelling design for an amount of €800 million. - Construction management and site security management totalling a value of € 200 million. - Construction site security management for an amount of €1.5 billion. OUR FIGURES ANNUAL TURNOVER Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Turnover € 6.978.412,00 € 3.636.156,00 € 7.046.190,00 € 5.674.860,00 € 3.779.215,00 € 4.864.933,00 OUR STAFF The staff currently consists of over 30 employees who provide the company a valuable and solid cooperation. The team is also made of 16 specialist consultants operating as external consultants. INTERNAL STAFF: Stefania Di Mugno Gemma Vicoli Marta Di Sante Valeria Bonanni Emiliano Di Placido Andrea Mattei Alessandra Battista Daniele Ciampa Antonio Rossetti Giovanni Bica Michela Rossi Patrizia Bambini Federica Nicchiarelli Rossella Barrasso Maria Rovagna Maurizio Lanzini Maurizio Lepri Guido Cava Andrea Falasca Riccardo Fiore Marco Segoni Antonino Maroncelli Laura Di Pasquale Marco Valente Giulia Benvenuto Paolo Filippucci Santi Gheri Silvia Zannotti Giorgio David Sodani Giandomenico Maffei Costanza Filippucci Felipe Lozano Lalinde Antonella Giammatteo Anna Maria Cantarella Loredana Catena Alfio De Santis EXPERIENCE OUR CLIENTS PUBLIC AGENCIES - ANAS, ITALIAN NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ROADS AND HIGHWAYS - RFI – RETE FERROVIARIA ITALIANA SPA (ITALIAN RAILWAY NETWORK SPA) - GRANDI STAZIONI SPA - METRO C SPA - ROME (SUBWAY LINE C) - MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT - ACEA SPA ROME - RISORSE PER ROME SPA - PORT AUTHORITY OF MESSINA - PORT AUTHORITY OF NAPLES – NAUSICAA SPA - PORT AUTHOTITY OF ANCONA - PORT AUTHORITY OF CIVITAVECCHIA - PORT AUTHORITY OF GIOIA TAURO - PORT AUTHORITY OF AUGUSTA - PORT AUTHORITY OF TARANTO - PO RIVER AUTHORITY - REGION OF ABRUZZO - CITY OF PARMA – STU STATION ‘BOSCHI’ - CITY OF GENOA - CITY OF FORLI’ - CITY OF TERNI - CITY OF FIUMICINO - CITY OF LATINA - CITY OF CALTANISSETTA - CITY OF TIVOLI - CITY OF TRENTO - CITY OF ROME - AUTONOMOUS PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF TRENTO - AUTONOMOUS PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF BOLZANO - PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF TARANTO - PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF CASERTA - PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF FERRARA - PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF POTENZA - PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF ROME - S.T.A. (Automobile Transport society)- ROME - TRENTINO SVILUPPO SPA - TRENTINO TRASPORTI SPA - BRESCIA MOBILITA’ SPA - NAPOLETANA PARCHEGGI - FORMIA SERVIZI - PENTAPOLI SCARL - S.E.A.P. SPA PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES - ASTALDI SPA - CCC CONSORZIO COPERATIVE COSTRUTTORI - IMPRESA PIZZAROTTI E C. SPA - IMPRESA GRASSETTO SPA - CARENA SPA - IMPREGILO SPA - CONSORZIO COPERATIVE RAVENNATE - ACQUA MARCIA HOLDING SPA - ITINERA SPA - GIUSTINO COSTRUZIONI SPA - MAMBRINI COSTRUZIONI SRL - INTINI ANGELO SRL - CO.GE.L. SPA - BALFOUR BEATTY RAIL SPA - TODINI COSTRUZIONI SPA - SECOL SRL - SYSTRA S.A. - KUWAIT PETROLEUM ITALIA SPA - AGIP SPA - SFIR SRL - ITALIANA COSTRUZIONI SPA - TCC SCARL - TECNIS SPA - CMB COOP - IMPRESA COLLINI SPA SERVICES OUR SERVICES & EXPERTISE Roads and Highways The complete design of major roads and highways throughout the country at all levels of the design process; from preliminary design to the construction site, from identification of the route of least impact on environment and territory, to the detailed construction agreements with construction companies. Our services: - Tracking of roads (road alignment) - Design of concrete bridges and viaducts - Design of large steel light spans - Tunnels - Hydraulic management solutions - Road surface studies Railroads – Rail Stations – Underground Rail Transit In the construction of a railway line and all the infrastructure related to it, one can not but take into account the impact, on short and long term, that such a work will have on the surrounding territory: the station is a place halfway between home and travel, a place where you can feel at ease, providing all those services that improve the quality of everyday life. Our services: - Railway Stations - Subway Stations & Routes - Technical Centers - Service Areas - Multi-level Parking Tunnel Galleries VIA INGEGNERIA is one of several companies in italy in the field of road design and infrastructure, with specialization in galleries, technological system for tunnels, urban transport infrastructures. Our experience over the past ten years: 93 tunnels for about 3.5 MLD € of which many completed or in progress; Technological Systems for the safety of 89 road tunnels in which 23 made, 25 currently in production for about 300 LD € Over 100 km of designed road tunnels; Transport infrastructure for about 6 MLD € Road works for about 4 MLD € Projects of six urban metropolitan which two underground Seaports – Airports – Exchange Ports The globalization of markets has, in recent years, made ports, airports and inland exchange ports places that must be designed maximizing their trade and tourism use. VIA INGEGNERIA has designed some of the major Italian ports such as; Augusta, Gioia Tauro, Civitavecchia. Developing these places, where millions of euro worth of goods and thousands of people pass every day, based on preliminary feasibility studies and territorial impact modeling, has now carried our Company to being an important and experienced figure in the port and airport design sector . Our services: - Marinas - Container Port Terminals Civil Airports - Airport Buildings and Hangers - Runway Studies “Romanina – Tor Vergata” junction, Rome References roads and highways Client: Astaldi S.p.A. Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL Head designers: Detailed design of the road network Mission: Junction “ROMANINA - TOR VERGATA” complementary road junction Location: Rome (RM) - Italy Year of implementation: 2000 Construction cost: 10.329.138,00 € Progress: Works terminated Design of the ringroad and Study of Environmental Assessment, Forlì References roads and highways Client: Municipality of Forlì and ANAS – Direzione Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL Assignment: New ring road infrastructures “tangenziale est 2°-3°-4°-5° Lotto – Asse di arroccamento” – doubling up of the via Emilia from Forlì to Cesena Mission: Preliminary design, detailed design and Environmental assessment Location: Forlì (FO) Year of implemementation: 2001-2003 Construction cost: 226.464.000 € Progress: Works completed Section 22 along the railroad of GRA, Rome References roads and highways Client: ANAS – Compartimento del Lazio Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL Assignment: New road viaduct crossing the Tiber Mission: Safety construction management Location: Rome(RM) Year of implementation: 1998 - 1999 Construction cost: 29.955.000,00 € Progress: Works completed Route n°106 Jonica - megalotto 3, Calabria References roads and highways Client: ANAS – Direzione generale Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL De.MA.CO SrL, Tecno IN Assignment: Construction works on the S.S. 106 Jonica - Megalotto 3 Mission: Preliminary design, Economical-technical feasibility, Feasibility study Location: Calabria, Italy Year of implementation: 2003 Construction cost: 807.000.000 € Progress: Works completed Route n°106 Jonica - megalotto 9, Calabria References roads and highways Client: ANAS – Direzione generale Team members: Proger SpA, D’Appollonia SrL, DE.MA.CO., VIA Ingegneria SrL Assignment: Building works on the S.S. 106 Jonica - Megalotto 9 Mission: All stages of the design including Environmental Impact Assessment Location: Calabria, Italy Year of implementation: 2003 - 2004 Construction cost: 1.496.673.000 € Progress: Works completed New Internal Railroad, Rome References roads and highways Client: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – RFI SpA Team members: Proger SpA, VIA Ingegneria SrL Assignment: New external ringroad in the area of the new railway station Tiburtina Role: Detail and building design Location: Rome, Italy Year of implementation: 2002 - 2010 Construction cost: € 102.966.000 Progress: Works completed References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures Viadotto “Madonna della Vena” e Viadotto “Ciapparo”, Bronte (CT) Client: ANAS SPA (client) /ING. PAVESI & C SPA (contractor) Assignement: Design and Build of the new road 284 Western-Etnea Team members: Ing. Pavesi & C SPA (main contractor), team: Cogip SPA , Franco Giuseppe SrL, Nuova Costruzione Siciliana COOP. A. R. L. Mission: Detailed design (structural and hydraulic) Location: Bronte (CT), Italy Year of implementation: 2009 Construction cost: 23.641.659 € Progress: Works in progress – Detailed design completed and approved References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures New bridge in La Spezia, Lotto 2, La Spezia Client: ANAS SPA Assignement: Design of the new road and viaduct leading to La Spezia – Completamento del Lotto 2 Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design (structural and hydraulic) Location: La Spezia (SP), Italy Year of implementation: 2011 Progress: Tender stage ongoing – Detailed design completed Contact: COGIP SpA – via Trinacria 15 – Tremestieri Etneo (CT) Cesi Viaduct, Rimini References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures Client: PENTAPOLI SCARL Assignement: Detailed design of the third roadway on the road between North Rimini and Pedaso Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design (structural and hydraulic) Location: Cesi (MO), Italy Year of implementation: 2010 Progress: Tender stage ongoing – Detailed design in progress References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures Viaduct in Monteripoli, Tivoli (RM) Client: Comune di Tivoli Assignment: Feasibility study (environmental, technical and economic) of the “Monteripoli Tunnel” Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design (structural and hydraulic) Location: Tivoli (RM), Italy Year of implementation: 2008 Progress: Tender stage ongoing – Detailed design completed Client: Tecnis SpA/Anas SpA Assignment: Work to complete the itinerary Licata - torrent Braemi. Lotto 7°bis between “La Callara” (lotto 8° 1° phase) and lotto 7° Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design (structural and hydraulic) Location: Licata (AG), Italy Year of implementation: 2010-2011 Construction cost: 13.209.490 € Progress: Design completed References viaducts, bridges and infrastructures Viaduct in Licata, Agrigento Design of the new tunnel in Monte Ripoli, Tivoli Client: Municipality of Tivoli Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design and Study of Environmental Assessment of the “TunnelMonte Ripoli” Location: Tivoli (RM) Year of implementation: 2008 - ongoing Progress: Design completed Design of Route n°684 including Monteluco tunnel, L’Aquila Client: Anas - Compartimento dell’Abruzzo Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: Detailed design of Route n°684 including Monteluco tunnel, L’Aquila Location: L’Aquila (AQ) Year of implementation: 2009 - ongoing Progress: Design approved Route n°52 Carnica - Design of the second tunnel at Comelico Client: ANAS SpA - Compartimento per la viabilità del Veneto Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: Preliminary design of the Route n°52 Carnica - Design of the second tunnel at Comelico Location: Belluno (BL) Year of implementation: 2003 - 2004 Construction cost: 60.000.000 Euro Progress: Design approved References on tunnels Design of the S. Lucia tunnel, Naples Client: RFI SpA Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: All stages of design of the S. Lucia tunnel, Naples - Nocera Inferiore Salerno Location: Naples (NA) Construction cost: 29.000.000 Euro Progress: Design approved Tunnel of the route n° E78 so called - Guinza Client: Anas SpA - Compartimento per la viabilità delle Marche Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design of Tunnel of the route n° E78 so called - Guinza Location: Ancona (AN) Year of implementation: 2003 Construction cost: € 91.000.000 Progress: Design approved New tunnel between Foro Italico and via Pineta Sacchetti - Passante a Nord-Ovest Client: Astaldi SpA Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed and construction design of the New tunnel between Foro Italico and via Pineta Sacchetti - Passante a Nord-Ovest Location: Roma (RM) Year of implementation: 2002 - 2005 Construction cost: 22.700.000 Euro Progress: Work completed Design of the tunnel along the route n°80 - Svincolo Teramo - Centro e Galleria San Giuseppe Client: COOP Costruttori - Impresa Sparaco Spartaco Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design of Design of the tunnel along the route n°80 - Svincolo Teramo - Centro e Galleria San Giuseppe Location: Teramo (TE) Year of implementation: 2001-2007 Construction cost: 73.400.000 Euro Progress: Works in progress Client: Studio Matildi Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design of the new Tunnels “Sardina” and “Costa del Monte” along the Salerno - Reggio Calabria route Location: SA-RC Year of implementation: 2004 Construction cost: € 90.000.000 Progress: Design completed References on tunnels Tunnels “Sardina” and “Costa del Monte” along the Salerno - Reggio Calabria route Design along the route Piceno-Aprutina - Tunnel “Croce di Casale” Client: Anas SpA Compartimento per la viabilità delle Marche Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design along the route Piceno-Aprutina - Tunnel “Croce di Casale” Location: Ancona (AN) Year of implementation: 2002 Construction cost: € 4.800.000 Highway Messina - Palermo, Tunnel Cozzo Minneria Client: Impresa Galleria Cozzo Minneria S.c.r.l. Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design of theTunnel Cozzo Minneria along the Messina highway Location: Palermo (PA) Year of implementation: 2002 Construction cost: € 20.650.000 Progress: Work completed New design of the Cerchiarello Sud tunnel along the highway A4 Torino - Milano, Milano Client: SINA SpA Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: Detailed design of the Cerchiarello Sud tunnel along the highway A4 Torino - Milano, Milano Location: Milano (MI) Year of implementation: 2005 Progress: Design completed Client: ANAS SpA - Direzione generale Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: Detailed design of the tunnel Montegiordano along the route n°106 Jonica tratto 8 Location: Amendolara Year of implementation: 2004-2006 Construction cost: 3.360.000 Euro Progress: Design completed References on tunnels Design of the tunnel Montegiordano along the route n°106 Jonica tratto 8 Tunnel “S. Lucia” along the route Naples - Nocera Inferiore - Salerno Client: RFI SpA Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Incarico: Detailed design of Tunnel “S. Lucia” along the route Napoli - Nocera Inferiore - Salerno Location: Naples (NA) Year of implementation: ongoing Construction cost: € 29.000.000 Design of the tunnel along the route n°24 Prato Isarco - Ponte Gardena, Bolzano Client: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL MIssion: Detailed Design of the tunnel along the route n°24 Prato Isarco - Ponte Gardena, Bolzano Location: Bolzano (BZ) Year of implementaion: 2010 - ongoing Construction cost: 8.000.000 Euro Progress: Design approved Tunnel “Palombari”, “San Benedetto”, “Sperlonga” along the route n°89 Client: Anas SpA - Compartimento per la viabilità della Puglia Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design along the tunnel “Palombari”, “San Benedetto”, “Sperlonga” along the route n°89 Location: Puglia Year of implementation: 2003 Construction cost: 3.400.000 Euro Progress: Works completed References on tunnels Tunnel “Leonardo, S. Pietro e Paolo, Coreca” along the route n°18 “Tirrena Inferiore” Client: Anas SpA - Compartimento per la viabilità della Calabria Team members: VIA ingegneria SrL Mission: Detailed design of the Tunnel “Leonardo, S. Pietro e Paolo, Coreca” along the route n°18 “Tirrena Inferiore” Location: Calabria Year of implementation: 2003-2004 Construction cost: 8.600.000 Euro Progress: Design approved