aus Bethlehem:
von den Solomon-Inseln:
Dear Friends,
The Salesian Community and the Artistic Centre of Bethlehem are joyfully preparing to celebrate the Holy Christmas
and the beginning of the forthcoming new year.
We would hence like to pay to you and your families our
best wishes for a happy Christmas and a prosperous new
year, taking in the meanwhile the occasion to thank you
again for the trust and support afforded to our work and
service. Through your assistance we can enhance and ensure our commitment towards many young people and families, contributing to preserve and strengthen the local artistic and handicraft
capacities and patrimony.
Our best wishes,
The Fathers of the Salesian Community of Bethlehem and the Salesian Artistic Centre’s Staff
Fr. Dany El Hayek
Carissimi tutti,
“Non temete, ecco vi annunzio una grande gioia, che sarà di tutto il popolo: oggi vi è nato nella città di Davide un salvatore,
che è il Cristo Signore »” (Lc 2,11)
“ Cristiani, dove è finita la grande gioia che vi è stata annunziata 2000 anni fa?” (Arias)
o “Natale sei tu, quando decidi di nascere di nuovo e lasciare entrare Dio nella tua anima.
o L’ albero di natale sei tu quando resisti vigoroso ai venti e alle difficoltà della vita.
o Gli addobbi di natale sei tu quando le tue virtù sono i colori che adornano la tua vita.
o La campana di natale sei tu quando chiami, congreghi e cerchi di unire.
o Sei anche luce di natale quando illumini con la tua vita il cammino degli altri
o Gli angeli di natale sei tu quando canti al mondo pace di giustizia e di amore.
o La stella di natale sei tu quando conduci qualcuno all’ incontro con il Signore.
o Sei anche i re magi quando dai il meglio che hai senza tenere conto a chi lo dai.
o La musica di natale sei tu quando conquisti l’ armonia dentro di te.
aus Bolivien:
o Il regalo di natale sei tu quando sei un vero amico e fratello di tutti gli esseri umani.
o Gli auguri di Natale sei tu quando perdoni e ristabilisci la pace anche quando soffri.
o Il cenone di Natale sei tu quando sazi di pane e di speranza il povero che ti sta di fianco.
o tu sei sorriso di tenerezza nella pace perenne che stabilisce il regno dentro di te”.
o Tu sei la notte di Natale quando umile e cosciente ricevi nel silenzio della notte il Salvatore del mondo senza rumori
né grandi celebrazioni; (Papa Francesco)
Grazie, auguri... che la pace promessa a chi ha buona volonta’ vi riempia tutti...
aus Indien:
aus Syrien:
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus,
may the love He brought to earth fill your heart through all that you do.
Dear Reinhard Heiserer and friends,
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Here is a note coming your way just to let you know that you are all
kept very close in my prayers. Thanks a lot for all the support and
help that we always receive from you all for the cause the cause of
the children .
I am now two weeks in Rome. I came for a course. I will be returning
to India on Sunday. I hope to meet you all next year. God bless.
with warm regards and prayers,
Fr. Jose Mathew
Dear Reinhard,
As you are busy organising fund raising event during this Christmas
Season, I am glad to wish you a wonderful season. Thank you for the
many opportunities you offer for me to know possibilities to support
the young people in our mission.
Do you have plan to come to Delhi in the coming new year?
Remembering and praying for your and your family in special way
during this Christmas Season.
Christmas is opening our hearts, to incarnate God into our lives .
Wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Grace filled New Year !
With good wishes,
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Fr. Noel Maddhichetty SDB
Secretary, SPCSA
Fr Stephen Mavely and Don Bosco University Team
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016
Our warm regards, prayers and blessings for you...
Thank you for your keen interest and partnership in our mission
with the young people. We hope we continue to join hands for the
transformation of the live of the disadvantaged and marginalized
young people.
As Christmas draws near and the New Year is just round the
corner, we wish and pray that...
Peace and joy may accompany you as you travel on in hope
this Christmas... and that...
A basketful of dreams may unfold along the way for you in
aus Afrika:
Dear Mr Heiserer... and all at Jugend Eine Welt
Sr Lina Abou Naoum & Salesian Sisters MOR
aus Westafrika, Ghana:
Joy and peace to the world! Jesus Christ
is born!
May you have the spirit of Christmas
witch is Peace! May you have the gladness of Christmas which is Hope and the
heart of Christmas which is Love!
The Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco of
Tema/Ghana wish you
a joyful Christmas and a blessed New
aus Ecuador:
aus Albanien:
von den Philippinen:
aus Argentinien:
Lieber Ing. Reinhard Heiserer:
Vielen Dank für seine Grüsse. Auch für ihnen
und den JEW Team, ein recht gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest.
Viele Grüsse aus Patagonien, das Land der
Träume Don Bosco.
Walter Wehinger
Glories Stream from Heaven Afar
Heavenly Hosts Sing Alleluia
God became a little child to save us
Come Let Us Adore Him!
Our prayerful wishes this Christmas and for the Year 2016
Sr Marivic P. Sta. Ana, FMA & the LVF Team
aus Ecuador:
aus Kolumbien:
aus Deutschland:
Liebe Frau Gassner,
liebe Mitarbeiter/innen von Jugend Eine Welt,
herzlichen Dank für Eure Weihnachtswünsche.
Gerne erwidere ich sie mit den meinen.
Ein segensreiches Weihnachtsfest,
Sr. Birgit
aus Kamerun:
nochmals Indien:
Bonjour Monsieur Tafanleu,
Vielen Dank für Ihre großartige Arbeit!
Thank you for all the great work you do!
Merci pour tout l‘excellent travail que vous faites!
Muchas gracias por todo el buen trabajo que hacen!
Obrigado por todo o grande trabalho que realizam!
Gesegnete Weihnachten und ein gutes Jahr 2016!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016!
Joyeux Noël et une bonne année 2016!
Feliz Navidad y un buen año nuevo 2016!
Feliz Natal e um bom ano novo 2016!
Dear Sandra,
Greetings from Don Bosco Navajeevan, Home for street involved
children and Young at Risk, Hyderabad
With Joy I too wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW
YEAR 2016
Fr Sudhakar Bellamkonda, Director

aus Bolivien - Jugend Eine Welt