World Health Editors Network (WHEN) Who’s There? Yes A Journalism and Health Initiative World Health Assembly 66 GENEVA 19-23 May 2013 Enter the Stadium - Democratise knowledge - Bring it home Health Literacy- A consumer perspective Dario Manfellotto Scientific consultant, Italian Radio and Television (RAI) May, 19, 2013 HEALTH RAISING INTEREST OF MEDIA • • • • • • Events Testimonials News Epidemiological data Surveys of opinion Creation of a “welfare community” Avoid the scoopism! Breaking headlines on health news • “Scientists find first breakthrough against Alzheimer’s” • “Researchers believe treatment for osteoporosis is ready” • “A vaccine against AIDS is available” News is anything that interests a large part of the community and has never been brought to its attention before • The case of U2 syndrome: if an editor or anchor or reporter becomes interested in something, then you too must be interested • The classical 5W, who, what, where, when and why cannot be applied. General news are based on facts and sources, while medical news are based on data, probabilities and conclusions HEALTH RAISING INTEREST OF MEDIA • Teaching in medical and professional schools • Education of the public • Meeting doctors/patients/journalists • Increase the role of nurses and other professionals If you increase the awareness of health as a social target, you may also increase the appeal of media In the field of promotion of healthy life-styles the target is the agreement on a set of clear, consistent, focused and positive messages based on current scientific knowledge, so that they may reach the general population and be accepted and followed. Those who labor in the vineyard of medical journalism do more good than harm, and usually provide medical consumers with useful and accurate informations that they can use to make important medical decisions about themselves and their loved ones Timothy Johnson, Editor ABC News NEJM 1998 The more the community of health professionals at all levels and health reporters in the media work together to produce a set of clear, consistent, focused, positive messages based on the body of current scientific knowledge, the sooner recommendations for a correct approach will be accepted and followed L ' e d u c a z io n e a lla s a lu t e c o m u n ic a z io n e in fo r m a z io n e d iv u lg a z io n e e d u c a z io n e “Empowerment” of patient/citizen Is it good ? Is it bad ? KEYWORDS IN THE HEADLINE % DRUG 38.0 DISEASE 35.9 TREATMENT 23.2 ORGAN 7.7 DOCTOR/MEDICINE 2.8 RESEARCH 4.2 PATIENT 1.4 OTHER 1.4 HEALTH IS DESCRIBED AS Absence of disease 22.7% Sense of weel-being 27.2% Something to preserve 34% Something to promote 9% A value 6.8% AUDIENCE OF TV MEDICAL PROGRAMMES Tg2 Salute Rai Due Medicina 33 Rai Due Elisir Rai Tre 2.399.831 2.059.534 775.951 761.333 1.552.869 1.272.870 1.327.001 1.016.476 419.346 157.542 256.350 252.538 2.476.475 984.553 1.433.046 1.642.622 Check-up Rai Uno Audience Mean Males Females >55 yrs Medici Rete 4 1.193.311 370.265 802.577 646.977 Vivere meglio Rete 4 246.037 90.353 155.231 140.348 Source:CensisAuditel 2012 SOURCES OF HEALTH INFORMATION General Pratictioner Relatives Pharmacist Friends TV Programmes Colleagues Medical Magazines Lay Press Internet % 63.6 12.2 6.4 7.4 30.3 3.6 13.8 21.9 2 Sources of health information 1987-2012 comparison 1987 2012 Medico di famiglia 63 65 Parenti, amici, colleghi 12 23 Farmacista 6 6 Televisione 30 40 Riviste di salute 13 17 Quotidiani con supplementi salute 21 17 - 50 Internet Fonte : Censis ARTICLES ON HEALTH ISSUES PER YEAR NEWSMAGAZINES 21.8% WOMEN’S MAGAZINES 15.4% MEDICAL MAGAZINES DAILY NEWSPAPERS 166.6% 4.7% CHANGE OF PTS BEHAVIOUR AS A RESULT OF MEDIA REPORTS 58% didn’t change behaviour 42% sought other informations 53% their doctor was happy to talk about 7% their doctor wasn’t happy 45% improved relationship with the doctor 80% didn’t question their doctor’s advice Informations requested by patients 16% 21% 63% Poche informazioni essenziali Informazioni approfondite Informazioni specifiche per decidere autonomamente Fonte :Censis What is it more important if you have a health problem ? 16% 84% Trovare subito il rimedio più efficace Capire cosa sta succedendo Fonte : Censis Modern sources of health communication •BANCHE DATI DELLE SOCIETA’ SCIENTIFICHE •UFFICI PUBBLICI DI INFORMAZIONE •ORGANIZZAZIONI DI PAZIENTI •ASSOCIAZIONI PUBBLICHE DI PREVENZIONE DI MALATTIA •ASSOCIAZIONI CONSUMATORI E CITTADINI •MASS MEDIA e INTERNET •CENTRI DI CULTURA SANITARIA •HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL (G.B.) CENTRO PER LA QUALITA’ DELLA EDUCAZIONE SANITARIA EHCN (European Health Communication Network) Ethical guidelines for health communicators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Seek to do no harm. Human rights and the public good are paramount. Get it right. Check your facts and your sources, even if deadlines are put at risk. Do not raise false hopes. Be especially careful when reporting on claims for miracle cures or potential health scares. Beware of vested interests. Ask yourself, “Who benefits most from this story?”. Reject personal inducements. Always make it clear if material is being published as a result of sponsorship. Never disclose the source of information imparted in confidence. Respect the privacy of the sick, the handicapped and their families at all times. Be mindfull of the consequences of your story. Remember that individuals who may be sick or handicapped – especially children – have lives to live long after the media have lost interest. Never intrude on private grief. Respect the feelings of the bereaved, especially when dealing with disasters. Wherever possible avoid close-up photography on television images of victims or their families. If in doubt, leave it out. Linee guida per la comunicazione delle epidemie - costruire, mantenere e ricreare fiducia - annunciare presto e in modo chiaro - dare messaggi trasparenti: comunicazione semplice, completa e accurata nei dati e nei resoconti - comprendere quello che pensa il pubblico per inviare messaggi chiari - pianificazione delle azioni da fare basata su analisi e gestione del rischio As the former Italian Minister for Health and distinguished researcher Umberto Veronesi said, “the cultural evolution of medicine will bring all of us from the welfare state to the welfare community, that is from the State protecting everybody, to the community of citizens who think of how to self-protect from diseases”. Non è la scienza che crea i moderni mostri e le nuove streghe. La colpa, semmai, è dei divulgatori scientifici e dei mass-media che spesso sono male informati ed approssimativi Rita Levi Montalcini, Venezia 1993 Dosso Dossi, Giove, Mercurio e la Virtù, 1524