Faculty of Sciencee and Technology University of Bolzano, B Bolzano Italy Bolzano, 14.12.2010 “Invasive Ex xotic Species” Asst.. Prof. Seergio Angeli Asst Insect Che emoecology Why worry about Exxotic (Alien) species? Value of exotic species •It It has h been b estimate ti t th h t in hat i USA exotic ti species i produce 98% of food su upply, equal to 500 billion d ll dollars •Only O l some exotic ti specie ies become b i invasive i Invasivee Species •Definition: “Invasive Invasive species species” means an alien sp pecies whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environm mental harm or harm to human health. USA Executive Order 13112 (Feb. 3, 1999) • The “10 percent rule”, 0.1% of o alien species that arrive become invasive - 10 % of the arriving ones establish h in the new natural environment (=10% ) - 10 % of the establishing ones spreaad in the new natural environment (=1%) -10 % of the spreading ones become invasive (=0.1%) Cost of Invaasive species Invasive species cause econ nomic damage: -About ¼ of agricultural GNP is i lost because of agricultural p pests - In USA ca. 120- 140 billion doollars are lost annually because of invasive species - Costs eexcludes cl des damage to natural ral ecos ecosystems stems How do invasive speecies cause damage? Invasive species cause damage d by: -Eliminating indigeno ous species -Disrupting ecosystem m processes -Reducing biodiversitty - Cause C h human h health lth h or economic i problems bl How do invasive sspecies get here? Why are invasive species s successful?