In 2007 the Management Committee for the Regional Special Fund
for the Volunteering financed the project “Gli Altri Siamo Noi”.
The main objective is to promote the social and cultural integration
of the immigrant citizens with an intercultural approach, in order to
build a democratic society and to spread a culture of respect and
The principal intervention field of this project, that is the natural
prosecution of the former project “Tutti I colori del futuro”, is the
assistance to the immigrant children through initiatives tend to delve
all the different origin cultures, to monitoring and understanding the
reality of the citizen and the immigrants families living in the
The update second edition of the booklet Tutti a Scuola presented
here is a tool of easy consultation and employ direct to immigrant
parents and young foreign adults living in Veneto.
The booklet is traduced into six foreign languages (Romanian,
Arabic, Albanian, Chinese, French and English) and it allows an
easier access in the scholastic system to the immigrant citizens. The
descriptive pieces, that give information about the Italian school
system, are followed by a mailing list with the Veneto schools’
address. In particular it delves the reality of the City of Padua in
which Amici dei Popoli Padova is born and works.
Amici dei Popoli Padova
Amici dei Popoli Padova was founded in 1983 as a branch of Amici
dei Popoli Ngo based in Bologna, Adp Padova deals with
intercultural, development and human right education, in order to
raise awareness about themes such as diversity, poverty,
development and immigration. For many years Amici dei Popoli
Padova has been offering a training course, which aims to prepare
people to stay in a country of the South of the world for one month,
in order to meet personally a new culture and society.
Since 1996 Amici dei Popoli Padova has been involved with
educational programmes and activities promoting equality in human
dignity and knowledge of other cultures in many schools of the
region. Since 2000 it has an office located in via Minio 19/A Padova,
where there is a library and an handicraft exhibition of objects
coming from different regions of the world. Since 2003 Amici dei
Popoli Padova gives the possibility to immigrant children to learn
Italian as Second Language, and to have a help in doing their schoolhomework.In all these activities volunteers of the voluntary civil
service are involved.
THE SCHOOL………………………………………………….. 3
GUIDELINES of the Educational Department for the
welcoming and the integration of immigrant pupils…..
SCHOOL FACILITIES……………………………………… 50
THE UNIVERSITY………………………………………….. 92
“The schools are open to everyone”
Art. 34 of the Italian Constitution
Every child has the right to education without distinction of
any kind, such as sex, ethnic group, language, religion or social
The article 36 of the Legge 40 of March, 6, 1998 establishes
also that:
-immigrant children must attend school;
-the schools promote and encourage initiatives in order to
welcome these children, to preserve their own cultures and
languages and to do intercultural activities;
-the schools promote immigrant adult literacy classes in order
also to obtain the Certificate of secondary school;
of the Educational Department for the welcoming
and the integration of immigrant pupils
Here in succession you can find an abstract of the ministerial letter
n.24 “Guidelines for the welcoming and the integration of foreign
students” of the 1st March 2006. You can find the complete document
According to U.N. assessment immigrants in the world are about 180
millions, today this phenomenon is a fundamental element of our
societies in which the number of person belonging to other cultures
is increasing.
The school plays a primary role in the process of a full integration of
immigrants in the welcoming societies as a principal aim. The
integration is thought as a bidirectional process, it envisages rights
and duties as for immigrants as for the welcoming society.
A fundamental step for this integration is with no doubt the school
integration of foreign pupils.
The presence of foreign pupils in Italy is not homogeneous and very
differed on the national territory. The concentration is higher in the
North and in the Centre of Italy, in the North-East in particular, and
it concerns as the big as the small cities.
The increase of the immigrants pupils in the Italian schools has been
very quick, it is arrived during the school year 2006/2007 to more of
500.000 units, with an incidence, regarding the full school
population, of about 6%. The statistical data point out an increase of
the immigrant pupils’ presence in the upper school with a trend to
technical college.
Italy is moved from a first phase in which the school has faced this
phenomenon as an emergency, to an evaluation of the experiences
and interventions’ planning phase.
Since the presence of foreign pupils is a structural data, Italy has
chosen as her own cultural horizon the full integration of everybody
in the school and the intercultural education.
In Italy, a school of citizenship, European in her own horizon, is
defining itself. This school of citizenship is eradicated in the national
identity, it is able to enhance the different cultural identities, and
contemporary it is able to create a dialogue among the numerous
cultures within a frame of shared values.
The intercultural education refuses as the assimilation logic as the
building and the strengthening of closed ethnic communities. It is
oriented to promote the comparison, the dialogue and the mutual
enrichment within the cohabitation of differences.
This is one of the reason why, within the single schools, the most
widespread orienteering is to promote the irregularity of citizenship
in the classroom, rather than to create homogeneous classroom based
on the territorial or religious provenience of foreign pupils.
The compulsory education concern also the foreign pupils between
15 and 18 years old, regardless of the regularity of their position in
order to their residence in Italy.
The enrollment, then, can be required in every moments during the
school year. The pupils who are void of personal documentation or in
a not regular position, they are enrolled with a reservation waiting for
their regularization. The enrollment with a reservation doesn’t
prejudice the achievement of the final title of the study course of
every order and level of school.
Since the moment of the registration, it is necessary a reconnaissance
of the school past of the pupil in order to specific intervention and
the collaboration of the family to the planning of his formative path.
The Law of the 30 th July 2002, n. 182, called Bossi-Fini, didn’t
modify the enrollment procedure for immigrant pupils.
At the registration moment, you have to present the personal
documents (identity card, tax code, birth certificate, citizenship act) –
in the case of foreign citizen who stay regularly, it’s sufficient a selfcertification – and you have to complete the enrollment application
form prearranged by the institute.
As you see above, in case of documents’ lack, the school enrols
however the foreign pupil, since the irregularity doesn’t affect the
exercise of a recognized right-duty.
The resident permit is released directly to the foreign pupil who is 14
years old, otherwise to one of the parents. Waiting the release of the
residence permit, the principal will accept the receipt from the police
headquarter certifying the request.
With regard to the pupil’s citizenship check, who was born in Italy
from foreign parents gain their parents citizenship, and children from
mixed couple can gain double citizenship.
Health document certifying compulsory vaccinations have to be
translated in Italian and the principal of state and no-state school are
obliged to check if the compulsory vaccinations has been effectuated
by the pupils asking for the presentation of the concerning
If the child hasn’t got this documentation, his family can ask to
welfare health services. Anyway, the vaccinations’ lack can’t
prejudge the admittance at the school and the regular attending.
At the enrollment’ moment the certificate of the past studies done in
the origin country, or a parents pupils certificate certifying the
classroom and the kind of school attended, will be requested.
Cultural and linguistic mediators
All the linguistic and cultural mediators are very important actor in
the school integration of immigrants pupils. They make a strong
support to the educational role of the school.
The mediator has got four principal intervention field:
• Welcoming, tutoring and facilitation’ s task toward new
arrived pupils and their families;
Mediation’s task toward teachers: he gives them information
about the origin school, the personal and scholastic story of
the pupil, he can help and orientate their interventions;
Task of Interpretation and translation of advices, messages
and other communications toward the families, task of
assistance and mediation in the meetings between teachers
and parents.
Task concerning cultural education’s proposal and paths
with moment of knowledgement and valorisation of origin
Training Aid
Another element that can facilitate the immigrant pupils’ school
integration is the adoption by the school, more and more frequent
during the last years, of course and narrative book about cultural
pluralism and intercultural themes.
Other precious elements are native language’s books or multilanguages books, easier course book, videotape or cd-rom about
different languages or cultures.
Law n. 53 (28/03/2003) “Moratti’s Reform” has been suspend, the
actual regulation is law N. 296 (27/12/2006) in which article 1
speaks about compulsory education at least for 10 years, in order to
achieve a high educational qualification or of a professional title with
a length of at least three years, within the 18° year of age.
The minimum age for the job’s admittance is postponed from 15 to
16 years old.
According to the Ministerial Letter N.139 (22/08/2007), the 10 years
education duty accrue from the 200/2008 school year for who has
achieve the first cycle’ final title in the 2006/2007 school year.
According to the Ministerial Letter (29/11/2007) the 10 years
education duty is accomplished in education and professional
qualification school of 3 years length too. These paths are planned
and realized by formative structure accredited by Regions.
STATE SCHOOL’S structure
In Italy exist the compulsory education ( a school which the citizens
have got the right and the duty to attend), free, at the end of which
it’s possible to continue optionally the studies. The continuation isn’t
- The education is compulsory for 10 years,
- The primary-grade school (elementare) is of a 5 years length
- The secondary - junior high school (media inferiore) is of a 3
years length.
Before to access to the primary school the majority of the children
attend the infant school which is optional and free. Some babies,
before three years old, attend the nursery school (asilo nido) too.
- When the pupils have accomplished the education duty with the
achievement of the school-leaving certificate ( Licenza Media)
they have two possibilities:
1. to continue the studies in the secondary school-senior high
school (Secondary school focusing on humanities or
sciences, Art school and Art Institute, Technical College,
Professional College)
2. to access to the Vocational-Professional Training
(Vocational Training Centre- Centri di Formazione
- Who resolve to not continue the school path after the second year
of secondary school ( that is the 10 th class) has got however
accomplished the duty; he received a gained skills’ certificated, a
kind of “ school-leaving certificate” .
Like Italian citizens, immigrant pupils staying in the Italian territory
have got the right to education even if the aren’t in order with the
resident permit.
The enrollment can be required in every period of the year. If the
immigrant pupils haven’t got personal documentation or this is
incomplete, they are admitted with reservation.
STATE SCHOOL’S structure in the city of Padua
Since the 1 st September 2007 in the city of Padua, all State Infant
School (ex materne), primary school (ex elementari) and secondary
school (ex scuole media) have completely been reorganized. Today
they form 14 new Comprehensive Institute –School which replace 9
Board of Education, 6 Secondary School’s Presidency and the one
Comprehensive School until then existing.
The reorganization’s proposal has been reached within the plan table
promoted by the City of Padua with the principals of the first cycle
education and the provincial Educational Bureau.
Coherently with what is foreseen in the regulation about “Sizing of
the education institution”, the proposal has been definitively
approved with decision of the Regional Council
N. 4309
(28/12/2006) (additional information on
What is a Comprehensive Institute-School?
With the expression “Comprehensive Institute” we indicate the
institutions which include Infant School, primary and secondary
School (today Scuola dell’infanzia e Scuola di base) appointed under
law 97/94 and following dispositions. A Comprehensive Institute
gathered together in an unique organization Infant School, Primary
and Secondary School of first cycle, closed among them for
territorial collocation.
Secretary’s Bureau and the Principal are common, for the three
school orders.
The Institutes of the new sizing school plan are 14 and they include
Infant, Primary and Secondary Schools of first cycle.
From 3 to 13 years old pupils are followed during their training and
educational path by a same work-group composed by teachers,
principal and parents which within the Institute Council and the
Teaching Staff take care of formative plan, educational project and
relationship among the institutions and other aggregative actors of
the territory.
In Italy compulsory school age is from 6 to 16 years old.
After the age of 16 years school is not compulsory and it is not free.
Compulsory school is free and includes:
-primary school, which last 5 years;
-secondary school-first stage (scuola secondaria di primo grado),
which last 3 years.
Before attending the primary school, many children attend the infant
school, which is not compulsory and free. There are also Infant
Schools which provide Nursery Education (asilo nido) for children
under the age of 3.
Foreign children in Italy have the right to attend schools even if they
don’t have a visa, or residence permit.
They can enter school at any time of the year.
If foreign children have no identity card or papers, they will enter
school with reserve, till their age has been verified. This is in order to
put the children in the correct class.
The Asilo Nido is a social and educative structure for children aged 3
months to 3 years.
In the Asilo Nido children have the opportunity to play together and
to build relationships with other children. Moreover families are
given a help in the education of their children and their social needs.
There are independent or private asilo nido and state asilo nido.
Schools start in september and close at the end of june. Within this
period schools are also closed for the Christmas and Easter Holidays
and for other public or religious holiday.
In Padova
Schools are open from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
(there is meal service).
Children can enter school from 8 a.m. till 9 a.m.; they can exit school
from 12 a.m. till 1 a.m. or from 3.30 p.m. or 4 p.m.
It is however possible to enter school at 7.45 a.m. and to exit at
17.45, if at least seven users request it, by filling the form provided
by the school. At the moment this facility is available in the
following asili nido: Arcobaleno, il Trenino, La balena blu, Sacra
Famiglia, Colibrì, il Bruco.
The users of this facility have to pay a 15% increased fee.
Asilo Integrato
Asilo Integrato is a facility for only children who are already 15
months old. It is located inside the infant school and gives the
children the possibility of doing activities, which help them to
gradually accept the change from asilo to infant school.
In Padova there are Asilo Integrato in these infant schools: Il
Girasole and Il Girotondo.
Part-time facility
In all infant schools of Padova (except for Girasole, Girotondo,
Piccolo Principe, La Balena Blu e Bertacchi) there is the part-time
facility: immigrant children or children assisted by the social services
or whose family are in receipt of support, can stay only in the
morning (from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.). In this case the fee is reduced and
corresponds to the 60 % of the normal fee.
What is needed to attend the Asilo Nido administered by the
The local state infant school is open to all children living in the town
of Padova.
Admissions occurs according to the number of available places and
to a list formed by the criteria chosen by the town council.
Time for enrollment:
- From the 1 st April to the 30 th May: to start school in
- from the 2nd to the 30th November: to start school in
The costs of fees
Asilo Nido are not free.
Fees are determined by the I.S.E.E. (Indicatore situazione economica
equivalente=economic indicator of the economic situation of the
family), which certify the economic and patrimonial situation of the
Based on ISEE, released by a C.A.F. (Centro di Assistenza Fiscale –
office for tax counselling) or by a patronage, the Municipality
calculate the fee which has to be paid according to the economic
possibilities of the family.
Addresses and phone numbers of C.A.F. of Padova:
- the offices of Acli, CGIL, CISL;
- Centro Assistenza Coldiretti Triveneto srl, via Savelli 24,
Padova. Phone numbers; 0497818601 and 0498079668
CAAF Alar impresa srl Veneto, viale Industria 66 Padova.
Phone number: 0498691888
- C.A.F. APAC-CLAAI srl Veneto, Corso Stati Uniti 50
Padova. Phone Numbers: 0498705579 and 0497628829
- C.A.F. imprese CNA Padova srl Veneto via Croce Rossa 56,
Padova: Phone Number: 0498062200
- C.A.F. via A. De Gasperi 3, Padova. Phone Number:
049 8209785, Fax: 049 8209726
How to register the pupils
The families that want to enrollment their children to the City Infant
School have to:
Make the application form,
Waiting for the publication of the admittance ranking
If the children are admitted, the families have to:
Communicate the acceptance of the place,
Pay the fee established by the Municipality
To make the enrollment application the families (in April-May or
in November) have to fill in and delivered:
The ISEE, if they want to enjoy the facilitation for the
admittance and gain a fee more favourable,
The application form that you can find :
On web site:
at the URP (ufficio relazioni con il pubblico - Public Relations
Office) of the School Service Sector, n.2 Raggio di Sole street,
at the URP (ufficio relazioni con il pubblico - Public Relations
Office) del Comune, n.1 Oberdan street in Padova
If two brothers attend the school at the same time, the fee of the
second brother is half the price of the normal fee.
Moreover families can pay the lowest price of fee if:
- the child has special needs (e.g.: handicap) that are attested
by a doctor;
- the child is part of a family with three or more children;
- the child is part of a family who has to pay the loan of the
house, if this house is their home and the only house they
For further information:
Ufficio Asili Nido Comunali and Infant Communal School – Settore
Servizi Scolastici – Comune di Padova, Via Raggio di Sole, 2 –
35137 Padova
Phone Numbers: 0498204015-0498204016-8204017
Fax: 0498204050
Opening Hours
Ufficio per le relazioni con il pubblico del settore servizi scolastici
(public relations office)
Monday and Friday: 10 a.m. to 1.15 p.m.
Tuesday: from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
e-mail address: [email protected]
Internet web site:
People in charge: Doct. Maurizio Melchiori
Delegate: Fiorenza Friso, Phone Number reply Time
From Mondays to Fridays from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm
The application form for the admittance has to be presented until
May at:
Information Office, Services to Persons Area
n.1 Degli Alpini Avenue
Public Opening Time
Mondays-Fridays from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm;
Tuesdays from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm too;
Saturdays from 8.15 am to 12.00 am.
Protocol Office- City Hall
N.4 Matteotti Square
Public Opening Time
Mondays-Fridays from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm;
Tuesdays from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm too;
Saturdays closed.
The Application for the enrollment, done on the ad hoc Form, can be
presented on May for the child’s integration on September, the
admittances are effectuated for a limited number of places based on
the featured ranking according to the criteria foreseen by the actual
regulation ( income, composition of the family unit, job’s activities,
etc). The fees which has to be paid is calculate basing on the parents’
Each municipality in Veneto can run Asili Nido in different
ways. Therefore we suggest you to turn to the following offices to
get more precise information:
Via Mezzaterra 45, 32100 Belluno
Ufficio Asili Nidi Comunali – Settore Sicurezza Sociale – Comune
di Belluno
Phone number: 0437913452
e-mail address: [email protected]
Opening hours
Monday: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 – 10 a.m.
Thursday: 10 – 12 a.m./ 3 – 6 p.m.
Friday: 10 – 12 a.m.
Saturday: 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.
City of Feltre – Social Service Office
n.1 Piazzetta delle Biade
Phone Number: 0439 885808
Fax: 0439 885246
Web site:
Communal Infant School- Asilo Nido Comunale
n.3 Cismon street
Phone Number: 0439 2275
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Social and Demographic Service’s Sector
Culture and Education Office
n.49 Vittorio Emanuele II Avenue
Phone Number: 0426 941228 - Fax: 0426 941229
Web site:
Via Bramante 16, 45100 Rovigo
Ufficio Amministrativo “Asili Nido” by the Asilo Nido Bramante
Phone number: 042534073
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 8,30 – 12,30 a.m.
Saturday: 9,30 – 11,30 a.m.
Ufficio Asili Nido – Comune di Treviso
Via Duomo 19, 31100 Treviso
Phone Number: 0422 658356 - Fax: 0422 685558
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9 – 12 a.m.
Monday and Wednesday also 3 – 5 p.m
The application for the admittance will can delivered until the 31 th
May for the integration from September to December and on the 30
th November for the integration form January to May, on an ad hoc
Form released by the competent Office ( Social Service).
City of Castelfranco Veneto – Social Service Office
n.36 F. M. Preti street
Phone Number: 0423 7354; Fax: 0423 735580
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Ufficio Istruzione – Comune di Verona
Via Bertoni 4
Phone numbers: 0458079611, 0458079634
[email protected];
[email protected]
see paragraph “infant school”
Ufficio Asili Nido – Comune di Vicenza
Via Levà degli Angeli 11
36100 Vicenza
Phone Number: 0444222129
e-mail address: [email protected]
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 10 – 12 a.m.
Thursday and Tuesday also: 3,30 – 5 p.m.
Infant school admits children aged 3 to 6 years. (Children who turn 3
years old by the month of January of the already begun school year,
can be admitted when they turn 3, if there are still available places.)
State Schools start in September and close at the end of June. Within
this period schools close for Christmas and Easter Holidays and for
other national or religious feasts.
In Padova
Schools are open from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
(there is school meals). It is possible to choose to attend school only
in the morning, with or without school meals.
It is also possible to enter school at 7.45 a.m. and to exit at 17.45
p.m. for work reasons of the parents. This is only for children, whose
both parents are at work after four in the afternoon.
This facility is available in the following state infant school:
Cremonese, S.Lorenzo da Brindisi, Madonna di Lourdes. It is
however possible in the other schools as well, if at least 10 families
request it.
Parents can request longer time for two days or five days a week.
These requests have to be presented within the 30th September of
each school year, by filling the form which can be found in the office
“Settore Servizi Scolastici”.
In order to receive information about independent schools, it is
better to contact the schools direct.
Enrollment in a state infant school
The procedure to present the enrollment forms is the same for all
state school administered by Padua municipality.
To each family resident in Padua, with children in age of infant
school, will be sent the application form. The forms are available
also in English, French, Arabic and Chinese and can be found at the
Public Relations Office of Settore Servizi Scolastici.
It is not possible to present application form to more than one school.
A second choice can be indicated but this will be considered only in
case the first school chosen is oversubscribed. In case of
oversubscriptions waiting lists will be formed.
Who does not receive the application form at home, can retire it at
the Public Relations Office of Settore Servizi Scolastici.
State Infant School are free.
When to register the pupils
The enrolmet’s time is established year by year by the Education
Department. Every year, until December, The City of Padua, send a
letter to the families with a children who will be 3 years old the next
year. In the letter the City indicates the days to make the enrollment,
it send the application form; it gives all the necessary information for
the enrollment.
Application and information about the infant school
administered by Padua municipality
Application forms have to be handed in to the Public Relations
Office of Settore Servizi Scolastici each year, approximately On the
second half of January.
Settore Servizi Scolastici – Comune di Padova
Via Raggio di Sole, 2 – 35137 Padova
Phone Numbers: 049 8204001 – 8204002 – 8204003
Fax: 0498204050
Opening Hours
Public relations office of Settore servizi scolastici
Monday and Friday: 10 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. Tuesday: from 3 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.Thursday: from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
e-mail address: [email protected]
Internet web site:
Responsible: Chief Sector doct. Lucia Fantini
The Municipality values the enrollment’s applications and it
stablished a ranking with the name of the pupil which are admitted in
the State Infant School and the names of the which ones are in the
waiting list.
The admission lists can be viewed on the on th 15 th March of every
on the web site
c/o Education Service Sector - n.2 Raggio di Sole street - Padua
c/o the URP/PRO (ufficio relazioni con il pubblico - Public
Relations Office) of the City, n.1 Oberdan street – Padua
For subscription and information about State Infant schools
If you choose a State school, application forms have to be handed in
to the local school department in charge of the administration of the
chosen school – the so-called to the Comprehensive Institute – ,
usually before the end of January.
Further information can be given c/o the main office of the
Comprehensive Institute, with Public opening time: from Mondays
to Saturdays 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
The offices of the Direzioni Didattiche are the same as for the
Primary Schools. Further information will be found in the next
The ranking of the State Infant School are published c/o the
respective Comprehensive Institutes and on the web site www. ( if it is send by the Comprehensive Institutes)
The Infant school are free. Parents will only have to pay for the
longer time and the meals. There will be reduction or exemption for
particular situations.
The children have the lunch at the Infant school. Meals are not free,
the price covers only a part of the total cost.
Falilies can ask a particular diet for there children, foe religious or
health ragions.
Familes have to ask this filling in a form and delivering it to the
public offices.
They find the form at:
• on the web site
• c/o Education Service Sector - n.2 Raggio di Sole street Padua
• c/o child’s school
Each municipality in Veneto can run the infant school in
different ways. Therefore we suggest you to turn to the
following offices to get more precise information:
Formative and Education Service Office, Sport – Service Area
n.1 degli Alpini Avenue
Phone Number: 049 9709111
Web site:
Public Opening Time
Tuesdays 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm Wednesdays 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
Via Mezzaterra 45, 32100 Belluno
Scuole dell’Infanzia comunali
Phone numbers: 0437913441/ 0437913457
e-mail address: [email protected]
opening hours
Monday: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 – 10 a.m.
Thursday: 10 – 12 a.m./ 3 – 6 p.m.
Friday: 10 – 12 a.m.
Saturday: 9.30 – 12.30 a.m.
Didactic Circe of Feltre
n.3 Castaldi street– 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 83356 Fax: 0439 849672
Principal: Zatta Plinio
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Turn to the school offices of Rovigo city
Comprehensive Institute Adria Due
n. 28, Ragazzi del '99 street - 45010 Adria (RO)
Phone Number: 0426 902493; Fax: 0426 21714
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Turn to the school offices of Treviso city
Comprehensive Institute Castelfranco Veneto
n. 11, Avenale street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
Phone Number: 0423 493643 / 0423 495928 / 0423 491547
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:;
Ufficio Istruzione – Comune di Verona,Via Bertoni 4
Phone numbers: 0458079627
e-mail address: [email protected];
opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday also: 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
Comprehensive Institute “Cavalchini-Moro”
n.113, Vittorio Emanuele Avenue - 37069 Villafranca VR
Phone Number: 045 7900158 Fax: 045 6309094
E-mail: [email protected]
- Mestre/Carpanedo: Dott.ssa Rita [email protected], via
Poerio 1, tel. 041/2749038, Manuela Cossiga
[email protected], via Sernaglia 43 Mestre tel.
-Chirignago: Susanna Fabris tel. 041/5445324 Zelarino: Angela Dal
Corso tel. 041/5464341
-Marghera: Umberto Bertezzolo tel. 041/2525932
[email protected] Via della Rinascita 96,
Marghera, fax 041/2525933
- Favaro: Assistente sociale Giorgia Marella tel. 041/2746633,
[email protected] , segreterie 041/2746644,
041/2746675, orario di apertura al pubblico Lunedì 09.00-11.00,
Mercoledì 11.00-13.00
- Lido/Pellestrina : Via S. Gallo 32/A – Lido, tel. 041/2720513, fax
041/2720517. Orario di apertura al pubblico: 09.30-13.00, martedì
For further information see the web site of the City of Venice:; the headings “Genitori / servizi educative
0-6 – “Parents- Education Services 0-6”
I Didactic Circle
N. 2, Repubblica Avenue – 30015 Tombola
Phone Number: 041 401193 Fax: 041 5500814
Web Site:
E-mail: Bureau: [email protected]
Principal: Boscolo Erminio Bibi [email protected]
Services’ Director: [email protected]
II Didactic Circle
N. 25 San Marco street – 30015 Sottomarina
Phone Number: 041 5509259 Fax: 041 400821
Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]
Principal: Luigi de Perini
V Didactic Circle
Tirreno street – 30019 Sottomarina
Phone Number: 041 493264 Fax: 041 5542834
Web site: –
E-mail: [email protected]
Principal: Rodolfo Janes [email protected]
Via Levà degli Angeli 11, 36100 Vicenza
Direzione Didattica scuole
Phone Number: 0444222118
e-mail address: [email protected]
opening hours
Monday to Friday: 10 – 12 a.m.
Thursday and Tuesday also: 3,30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
State Education Office
J. da Ponte street- Office 1° Floor Social Service Sector
Phone Number: 0424 217144 Web Site:
Public Opening Time: Tuesdays from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
PRIMARY SCHOOL ( Scuola Elementare)
The Primary School (ex elementare) is the first degree of compulsory
school for all that children who will be 6 years old until the 31 th
August, for all the children who will be 6 years old from September
the 1 st to 30 April th of the next years, the school is optional. Primary
School last 5 years.
The enrollment and the attending to the State primary School are
free, moreover the resident City gives free the course’s books to all
pupils. At the Primary School pupils learn to read and to write;
pupils can study maths, history, geography, natural sciences, music
education, arts education, physical education. From the third class it
begins the English Teaching. The pupils are required to do the
homework at home.
Primary School is open from half September to first half of June; the
exact day changes every year, you can know it by the journal or
television or you can ask it at the Comprehensive Institute.
It is possible to download the school calendar on the web site: cittadino/bambini/infobambini/da 6 a 11 anni.
Organization, Time
Primary School are organized in different ways, they exist:
SHORT-TIME SCHOOL: 27-30 hours per week, from Monday
to Saturday with 1 or 2 re-entries in the afternoon
LONG-TIME SCHOOL: 34-37 hours per week, FROM
Monday to Friday with at least 3 re-entries in the afternoon
from 2.00 pm. In these Schools the refettory service is
FULL-TIME SCHOOL: 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday
from 8.15 am to 4.15 pm, with compulsory attending of the
The application form for the admission in a state school can be found
at the office of Direzione Didattica, which administrates the school
When you hand in the compiled application form, you have also to
hand in:
- self-certification of residence; family certificate (released by
the Registry Office of the municipality); vaccination
certificate of the child (released by the Vaccination Office of
Azienda Sanitaria Locale, the hospital);
- document of one parent.
For what concerns the independent schools it is better to contact
direct the school.
Who wants to change school has to ask the Direzione Didattica from
which the school depends and wait for its permission.
Application form has to be handed in to only one school. A second
choice has to be indicated but it will considered only if there are
oversubscriptions in the first school chosen. In these cases waiting
lists will be formed to regulate the access to the schools.
The passage from one school year to the next occurs automatically, it
is not necessary to enrol every year.
There are no fees to pay and the books are free.
If parents don’t want their child to attend catholic religion education,
they have to communicate it at the moment of the enrollment and
choose an alternative course.
Enrollment in a State Infant School in the city of Padua:
If the choice falls on an State Infant School, the application for the
enrollment have to be presented, in the time established by the
Department for education, to the Education Service Sector, n. 2,
Raggio di Sole street in Padua.
Public Opening Time
Mondays and Fridays from10.00 am to 01.15 pm,
from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm,
from10.00 am to 3.00 pm,
saturday 12 e 26 January from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
The ranking of the State Infant School will be published on the 14 th
March 2008;
on the web site
c/o Education Service Sector N.2, Raggio di Sole street Padoua
c/o the Notice Board (Albo pretorio) at Moroni Palace (the City
Hall) n.1, del Municipio street– Padua.
For enrollment and information about State Primary School
To the enrollment in a State Infant School the application form have
to be presented, in the time foreseen by the Department, to the
Comprehensive Institute which deal with the chosen School.
Further information or elucidations about State Infant School can be
required c/o the seat of the Comprehensive Institute, with public
opening time: Mondays- Saturdays from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
The ranking of the State Infant School will be published c/o the
respective Comprehensive Institute.
The Secondary School (Junior High School) is the second stage of
compulsory school for all the pupils who have passed the primary
school’s examination. It lasts three years ending with an exam, if the
pupil pass this examination he will get the secondary school’s
certificate. (certificate of Licenza Media).
Secondary school is free and there is a financial assistance to buy
In the secondary school children study:
Italian, history and geography, maths, science, two modern foreign
languages, Technology and Informatics, Art, Music and Physical
Education, catholic religion education (not compulsory).
If parents do not want their child to attend catholic religion
education, they have to communicate it at the moment of the
enrollment and choose one of the alternative courses offered by the
Families can choose between long time or short time. Each school
decides its timetable.
Parents and children should also choose a second modern foreign
language among Spanish, German and French.
Parents can choose that their sons will not study the catholic
Religion, they have to declare it at the enrollment time and they have
to assess among the alternative possibilities that the school can offer.
Secondary School starts in the middle of September (The precise
dates vary every year, you can know them on the journal or on
television or you can ask them at the School’s Bureau) and it finishes
in June, with some interruptions during Christmas and Easter
Holidays and other national or religion feasts.
Children have 29 teaching hours per week. In some school the hours
could be 30.
There could be also 3 additional hours lesson for optional activities.
Family is considered the first place where children receive education.
Thus, parents are invited to collaborate with the school.
In each class there is the co-ordinator teacher, who has the task to
coordinate the communication among students, parents and teachers.
Problems or suggestions related to the class or to the activities should
be communicated to him.
The co-ordinator has also the task to communicate with the parents,
usually through letters which are delivered by the students or through
written communication in the Libretto Personale (personal notebook)
of the students.
Parents can have individual talks with the teachers about their
children and their school life, their difficulties and their
improvements. Talks are in the morning. At the beginning of each
school year teachers communicate the precise day and time when it
is possible to talk to them.
During the school year schools organize two or more talks with the
teachers in the afternoon, since many parents work in the morning. In
these afternoons all teachers are present.
At the beginning of the school year parents of each class have a
meeting. In this meeting the activities of the school will be presented
and two representatives among the parents will be elected to become
member of the class council (consiglio di classe).
The class council is composed of all the teachers and it meets
periodically to discuss about the improvement or the problems of the
At the end of each quadrimestre (school-term of four months) parents
will be given a progress report of their children.
In many long time school there are school meals. Families have to
pay a fee for this facility. The fee cost may vary from school to
school. To get precise information it is better to turn to the
administration office of the school or to the co-ordinator teacher.
Some schools use the canteen of the municipality. It is possible to
request special diets for health diseases or religion beliefs.
Food’s Quality and menu’s check are assured by the nutritionists of
the Municipality; parents can control the meal’s quality through the
ad hoc commission of the refectory set by each school.
The pupils can access at the Secondary School after they have pass
the primary school’s examination (Licenza elementare).
Application forms should be presented to the administration office of
the school chosen.
At the time of enrollment to a state school it should be handed in:
-self-certification of residence;
-family certificate (released by the Registry Office of the
-vaccination certificate of the child (released by the Vaccination
Office of Azienda Sanitaria Locale, the hospital);
-document of the student (also a copy of the visa or permit);
-reports of the school attended;
- Primary School’s certificate/diploma;
- The immigrant pupil has got the right to be registered even if he
hasn’t got the residence permit.
At the time of enrollment there is also a fee to pay, which includes
the insurance. The fee vary from school to school.
There could be financial assistance from the Region to buy the
student’s books.
For subscription in independent school, contact direct the schools.
For further information about the secondary state school, turn to
the administration offices of the schools. Here you find some
Comprehensive Institutes and Offices of the
Padua’s Municipality
1° Comprehensive Institute
n.9, Concariola street;
Phone Number: 049 8751027; Fax: 049 661459
Urban Units: Piazze e Savonarola
Primary Schools:
Carraresi, Corte Arco Vallaresso n.7; Phone Number: 049
Cesarotti Arria, n.17 Wiel street; Phone Number: 049 7398602
De Amicis, n.6 Citolo da Perugina street; Phone Number:049
Secondary Schools:
F. Petrarca, n.9Concariola street; Phone Number: 049 8751027
Giotto, n.1del Carmine street; Phone Number: 049 8759644
2° Comprehensive Institute
17, Agnusdei street, Phone Number: 049 8750981; Fax: 049
Urban Units: Santo, Portello, Prato della Valle, Fiera, Stazione
Infant Schools:
Fornasari, n.10 Gradenigo street; Phone Number: 049 8070303
Vittorino da Feltre, n.32 Galilei street; Phone Number: 049
Scuola dell’Infanzia Clinica Pediatrica, n.10 Giustiniani street
Primary Schools :
Ardigò, n.17 Agnus Dei street; Phone Number: 049 8750981
Luzzato Dina, n.1 Gradenigo street; Phone Number: 049 8070294
Scuola primaria Clinica Pediatrica, n.10 Giustiniani street
Secondary Schools:
G. Mameli, n.19Agnusdei street; Phone Number: 049 8751804
Scuola Media Mameli Sezione Ospedaliera, n.19, Agnusdei
street; Phone Number: 049 8751804
Pascoli, n.36G. Galilei street; Phone Number: 049 8750629
3° Comprehensive Institute
n.11 Lippi street; Phone Number: 049 619116 Fax 049 8751765
Urban Units: San Carlo (parte), Arcella (parte), San Bellino
Infant Schools:
Joan Mirò, Bramante street, Phone Number: 049 619079
Primary Schools:
Leopardi, n.4 Crivelli street; Phone Number: 049 612960
Succursale, n.8 Zize street; Phone Number: 049 8640113
Muratori, n.31 Bernardi street; Phone Number: 049 8641896
Secondary Schools:
Briosco, n.11 Lippi street; Phone Number: 049 619116
4° Comprehensive Institute
n.91J. da Montagnana street; Phone Number: 049 8644800; Fax: 049
Urban Units: Arcella (piece)
Infant Schools:
Street Bach, n.2 Bach street;
Primary Schools:
D’acquisto, n.2 Bach street; Phone Number: 049 604107
Rosmini, n.91 Jacopo da Montagnana street;
Phone Number: 049 8644800
Secondary Schools:
Zanella n.21, Arcella Avenue; Phone Number: 049 604241
5° Comprehensive Institute
19B Pierobon, street; Phone Number: 049 8644890; Fax: 049
Urban Units: San Carlo (parte), Pontevigodarzere
Infant Schools:
Boranga, n.14Benedetti street; Phone Number: 049 615432
Primary Schools:
Mantegna, n.28 Zanchi; street Phone Number: 049 8642280
Deledda, n.19 Cortivo street; Phone Number: 049 703061
Secondary Schools:
Donatello, n.19/B Pierobon street; Phone Number: 049 9606321
Copernico, n.25 Cortivo street, Pontevigodarzere; Phone Number:
049 703373
6° Comprehensive Institute
Secretariat and School Principal n.1 Bajardi street; Phone Number:
049 617932;
Fax: 049 607023
Urban Units: Mortise, Torre, Ponte di Brenta
Primary Schools:
Davila, n.5 Zatti street; Phone Number: 049 625042
Morante, n.1 Sonetto street; Phone Number: 049 61 77 44
Rodari, n.123 Mortise street; Phone Number: 049 611277
Tommaseo, n. 1/A, 6/A Fiorazzo; street Phone Number: 049
Secondary Schools:
Cristofori, n.1Fiorazzo street; Phone Number: 049 625746
Cellini, n.24 Bajardi street; Phone Number: 049 616655
Torre: school under construction
7° Comprehensive Institute
n.2 Snudo street; Phone Number: 049 776367 Fax: 049 7803800
Urban Units: Stanga, Forcellini, San Lazzaro, Zona Industriale, Isola
di Terranegra, Camin, Granze.
Primary Schools:
Ferrari, n.15 Granze street; Phone Number: 049 8702723 /
Forcellini, Filiasi street
Giovanni XXIII n.1;, Carli street Phone Number: 049 772395
S. Camillo, n.2 Snudo street; Phone Number: 049 776950
Secondary Schools:
Falconetto, n.16 Dorighello street; Phone Number: 049
Levi Civita (Camin), n.6 Basilicata street; Phone Number: 049
Pacinotti, n.2De Cristoforis street; Phone Number: 049 772285
8° Comprehensive Institute
1S. Osvaldo street; Phone Number: 049 754093; Fax: 049 8036162
Urban Units: Città Giardino, Sant’ Osvaldo, Madonna Pellegrina.
Infant Schools:
Bertacchi, n.17 Bertacchi street; Phone Number: 049 751619
Primary Schools:
Volta, n.1S. Osvaldo street; Phone Number: 049 757499
S. Rita, 2 Marchesini street; Phone Number: 049 755258
Manin, n.50 Tre Garofani street; Phone Number: 049 687104
Secondary Schools:
Todesco, n.16G. Leopardi street; Phone Number: 049 755880
9° Comprehensive Institute
17 Tassoni street; Phone Number: 049 684729; Fax: 049 684397
Urban Units: Guizza
Infant Schools:
Aquilone, n.3 dell’ Orna street; Phone Number: 049 690075
Primary Schools:
Ricci Curbastro, n.17 Tassoni street; Phone Number: 049 684729
Cornaro, n.15 Dell’Orna street; Phone Number: 049 685435
Oriani, n.1 delle Scuole street; Phone Number: 049 684226
Secondary Schools:
Marsilio, n.21 Dell'Orna street; Phone Number: 049 681433
10° Comprehensive Institute
n.14 Todesco street; Phone Number e Fax: 049 755255
Urban Units: Voltabarozzo, SS. Crocifisso, Salboro.
Infant Schools:
Luzzati, n.2/a Salboro street; Phone Number: 049 8010206
Primary Schools:
Quattro Martiri, n.30 Del Commissario street; Phone Number:
049 685624
Nievo, n.18 Vecchia street; Phone Number: 049 750174
Secondary Schools:
Salboro, n.6 Salboro street; Phone Number: 049 8010104
Stefanini, n.1 Vecchia street; Phone Number: 049 750608
11° Comprehensive Institute
3 Chieti street; Phone Number: 049 681211; Fax: 049 8809389
Urban Units: Sacra Famiglia, San Giuseppe, Porta Trento Sud.
Infant Schools:
Collodi, n.11 Narni street; Phone Number: 049 692324
Primary Schools:
Randi, n.23 Piave street: Phone Number: 049 8712112
Valeri, n 24 Montesanto street; Phone Number: 049 87117610
Zanibon, n.12 Siracusa street; Phone Number: 049 8759011
Secondary Schools:
Vivaldi, n.3 Chieti street Phone Number: 049681211
Vivaldi, seat of n.6 Moro street; Phone Number: 049 8721744
12° Comprehensive Institute
23, Bressanone street; Phone Number: 049 8827529 Fax 049
Urban Units: Mandria
Primary Schools:
Don Bosco, n.23 Bressanone street; Phone Number: 049
Della Vittoria, n.298 Armistiziostreet Phone Number: 049
Prati, n.154 Decorati al Valor Civile street; Phone Number: 049
Secondary Schools:
Ruzante, n.6 Adria street; Phone Number: 049 8827344
13° Comprehensive Institute
n.21 Vicentini street; Phone Number: 049 8713688
Urban Units: Brusegana, Cave, Brentelle
Infant Schools:
Peter Pan, n.57 Montanari street; Phone Number: 049
Primary Schools:
Arcobaleno, n.36 SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano street; Phone
Number: 049 720755
Fogazzaro, n.36 Chiesanuova street; Phone Number: 049
Gozzi, n.5 Montanari street; Phone Number: 049 8714688
Lombardo Radice, street Ciamician n.39 Phone Number: 049
Secondary Schools:
Boito, n.38 SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano street; Phone Number:
049 620204
Tartini, n.21Vicentini street; Phone Number: 049 8713688
14° Comprehensive Institute
n.206 Della Biscia street; Phone Number: 049 8900200
Urban Units: Porta Trento Nord, Sant’Ignazio, Montà, Ponterotto,
Sacro Cuore, Altichiero.
Infant Schools:
La Giraffa, n.11Brunelli Bonetti Street; Phone Number: 049
Primary Schools:
Mazzini, n.6 street Leogra; Phone Number: 049 601012
Petrarca, Sacro Cuore street; Phone Number: 049 611441
Lambruschini, n.5 Montà street; Phone Number: 049 713833
Montegrappa, n.186 Montà street; Phone Number: 049 713038
Secondary Schools:
Don Minzoni, n.41 Altichiero street; Phone Number: 049
Galilei, n.206 Della Biscia street; Phone Number: 049 8900200
1. School District 1 Pieve di Cadore;
n.7 Martiri della Libertà Sq.- 32044 Pieve di Cadore
Phone Number e Fax: 0435 32339
School District 1 includes the following State School shared by
Comprehensive Institutes:
Comprehensive Institute of Auronzo di Cadore; n.2.Vigo Sq;
Phone Number: 0435 9468; Fax: 0435 408189
Comprehensive Institute of Cortina d'Ampezzo
n.13, del Parco Street;
Phone Number: 0436 863755; Fax: 0436 879084
Comprehensive Institute of Comelico Superiore
Giovanni Paolo I Street, Phone Number e Fax: 0435 68894
Comprehensive Institute of Pieve di Cadore
Martiri Libertà Sq.
Phone Number; 0435 31576; Fax: 0435 501351
Comprehensive Institute of Santo Stefano di Cadore
n.119, Udine Street
Phone Number: 0435 62256; Fax: 0435 64085
Comprehensive Institute of Domegge di Cadore
n.7, Garibaldi Street - Phone Number e Fax: 0435 72091
Comprehensive Institute of San Pietro di Cadore
Dante Presenaio Street, Phone Number: 0435 460013
2. School District 2 Agordo
c/o Primari School n.3 Patrioti Avenue- 32021 Agordo (BL)
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 63403
School District 2 includes the following State School shared by
Comprehensive Institutes and Didactic Circles:
Didactic Circle of Agordo, n.15, Sommariva Street Agordo
Phone Number: 0437 62148; Fax: 0437 643329
Comprehensive Institute of Alleghe,
n.6, Carducci Street, Caprile Alleghe
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 721159
Comprehensive Institute of Cencenighe Agordino, n.19, Tissi
Street Phone Number 0437 580226; Fax: 0437 580032
3. School District 3 Belluno
n.3, Mezzaterra Street - 32100 Belluno
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 9404
School District 3 includes the following State School shared by
Comprehensive Institutes and Didactic Circles:
Didactic Circle of Belluno I, n.4 Sq. Battisti Belluno
Phone Number: 0437 940190; Fax: 0437 942095
Didactic Circle of Belluno II
n.22, Simon da Cusighe Street, Belluno
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 944151
Didactic Circle of Belluno III
n.22, Simon da Cusighe Street, Belluno
Phone Number: 0437 948449
Didactic Circle of Sedico, n.17, Stadio Street, Sedico
Phone Number: 0437 82772; Fax: 0437 856930
Comprehensive Institute of Forno di Zoldo, D. Alighieri Sq.
Phone Number: 0437 78141; Fax: 0437 78137
Comprehensive Institute of Longarone
n.1 Mazzolà Sq.Longarone
Phone Number: 0437 770209; Fax: 0437 571668
Comprehensive Institute of Mel, n.5. S. Andrea Street Mel
Phone Number: 0437 753350; Fax: 0437 753021
Comprehensive Institute of Ponte nelle Alpi, n.41. Canevoi Street
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 998177
Comprehensive Institute of Puos D'Alpago,
n.18 Al Lago Street - 32015 Puos D'Alpago
Phone Number: 0437 454354 / 454112
Comprehensive Institute of Trichina
n.40 L. Bernard Street Trichiana
Phone Number: 0437554449 / 554677
School District 4 Feltre c/o Secondary School Luzzo 32032 Feltre
(BL) Phone Number: 0439 302885
School District 4 includes the following State School shared by
Comprehensive Institutes and Didactic Circles:
Didactic Circle of Feltre, n.4, Castaldi Street Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 2009 / 83356; Fax: 0439 849672
Comprehensive Institute of Cesiomaggiore, n.7, Grei Street
Phone Number e Fax: 0439 43004
Comprehensive Institute of Fonzaso, n.11, Dante Street
Phone Number: 0439 570240; Fax: 0439 570217
Comprehensive Institute of Lamon, n.54,Ferd Street
Phone Number: 0439 9007; Fax: 0439 793028
Comprehensive Institute of Pedavena, n.5, Foscolo Street
Phone Number: 0439 300223; Fax: 0439 317728
Comprehensive Institute of Quero, n.35/B, Nazionale Street
Phone Number e Fax: 0439 787111
Comprehensive Institute of Santa Giustina,
n.16, Cal de Formiga Street
Phone Number e Fax: 0437 858165
1° Comprehensive Institute, n.20,Burci Contrà,
Phone Number: 0444 544397, Fax: 0444 544083
E-mail: [email protected]
3° Comprehensive Institute “Scamozzi”, n.74, Einaudi Street,
Phone Number: 0444 530070, Fax: 0444 530069
E-mail: [email protected]
4° Comprehensive Institute c/o Secondary School A. Bartolin,
n.20,Palemone Street
Phone Number: 0444 500094, Fax: 0444 504659
E-mail: [email protected]
5° Comprehensive Institute, n.65,Cappuccini Str.,
Phone Number: 0444 327506, Fax: 0444 323869
E-mail: [email protected]
6° Comprehensive Institute, n.62, Massaria Street,
Phone Number: 0444 507859, Fax: 0444 507804
E-mail: [email protected]
7° Comprehensive Institute, n.97, Fiume Avenue
Phone Number: 0444 507219, Fax: 0444 501717
E-mail: [email protected]
8° Comprehensive Institute, 3,Carta, ,Street
Phone Number: 0444 565660, Fax: 0444 962546
E-mail: [email protected]
9° Comprehensive Institute, n.106, Bellini Street
Phone Number: 0444 562487, Fax: 0444 961905
E-mail: [email protected]
10° Comprehensive Institute, n.31, Colombo Street,
Phone Number: 0444 963986, Fax: 0444 564241
E-mail: [email protected]
11° Comprehensive Institute, n.13, Prati Street,
Phone Number: 0444 921348, Fax: 0444 922964
E-mail: [email protected]
Comprehensive Institute c/o scuola media G. Bortolan,
n.31, Piovene Street,
Phone Number: 0444 911223, Fax: 0444 917201
E-mail: [email protected]
Second Didactic Circle (to move)
c/o Primari School Alessandro Campesano;
n.1, Campesano Street - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 34717; Fax: 0424 512885
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
It includes the schools:
Infant School Ca' Baroncello
F.lli Bandiera street Phone Number: 0424 512397
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary School Generale Giardino
n. 5, S. Giovanni Bosco street Phone Number: 0424 34739.
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary School Don Cremona
Gobbi Street Phone Number:0424 529465
E-mail: [email protected]
Secondary School G. Bellavitis
Central Seat: n.4, Colombare Street
Phone Number: 0424 503078; Fax: 0424 504044
Branch Seat: Leoncavallo Street
Phone Number: 0424 566422
Secondary School J. Vittorelli
Web Site:
Central Seat: Trento Sq.
Phone Number: 0424 524932
Seat Fraccaro: Generale Basso Street
Phone Number: 0424 31041
Seat Marchesane: degli Alpini Street
Phone Number: 0424 500105
Board of education "A. DIAZ"; Castello, 4968/a – Venezia
School Principal: Dott. Riccardo Carlon
Phone Number: 041 5225470, Fax: 041 5239148
Board of education "SAN GIROLAMO";
Cannaregio, 3022/a - Venezia
School Principal: Dott. Concetta Franco
Phone Number: 041 717336 Fax: 041 721789
National Boarding School M. FOSCARINI;
Cannaregio, 4941 - Venezia
School Principal: Dott. Fiano Rocco
Phone Number: 041 5221970, Fax: 041 5239698
Comprehensive Institute di MURANO
Fondamenta Colleoni, n. 15 - Murano
School Principal: Dott. Gabriella Marinaro
Phone Number: 041 739107 Fax: 041 739789
Comprehensive Institute"B. GALUPPI";
107, S. Mauro Street, – Burano
School Principal: Dott. Stefano Simionato
Phone Number: 041 730106, Fax: 041 735663
Board of education "GIOVANNI XXIII"
n. 32, S. Gallo Street, - Lido di Venezia
School Principal: Dott. Angelo Amianti
Phone Number: 041 5260102, Fax: 041 5260063
Comprehensive Institute "P. LOREDAN"
n. 915, Sestiere Scarpa, - Pellestrina (VE)
School Principal: Dott. Roberto Sintini
Phone Number: 041 967057, Fax: 041 967683
Board of education "STREETLE SAN MARCO"
n. 67, San Marco, Avenue - Mestre
School Principal: Dott. Samà Maria Teresa
Phone Number: 041 958791, Fax: 041 952921
Board of education"J. TINTORETTO"
n. 16, Monte Berico Street - Mestre
School Principal: Dott. Mercedes Biasetto
Phone Number: 041 614177, Fax: 041 611111
Board of education "C. BATTISTI";
n. 74 Cappuccina Street, - Mestre
School Principal: Dott. Anna Giudici
Phone Number: 041 986509, Fax: 041 982770
Board of education "F. QUERINI"; n. 5, Catalani Street, - Mestre
School Principal: Dott. Annamaria Meneghel
Phone Number e Fax: 041 984807
Board of education "F. GRIMANI";
n. 5, B. Canal Street - Marghera
School Principal: Dott. Roberto Baretton
Phone Number: 041 920106, Fax: 041 5383465
Board of education "C. BASEGGIO";
n.203 Trieste Street - Marghera
School Principal: Dott. Claudio Marangon
Phone Number e Fax: 041 920530
First State Didactic Circle of Chioggia
n.2 Repubblica Avenue– 30015 Chioggia (VE)
Phone Number: 041 401193
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Second State Didactic Circle of Chioggia
n.25 San Marco Street– 30019 Sottomarina (VE)
Phone Number: 041 5509259; 041 5507012 - Fax: 041 400821
E-mail: School principal: [email protected]
Secretariat: [email protected]
Web Site:
Comprehensive Institute Borgo Milano
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Fedeli ,
n.26 Abruzzo Street - 37138
Phone Number: 045 562037 / 8101571
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Prof. Renato Parisi
Comprehensive Institute Saval - Parona
C/o Primary School Pertini, n.17 Fianchetti Street, 37138,
Phone Number: 045 562340, Fax: 045 576166
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Rosa Anna Tirante
Comprehensive Institute S. Bernardino – Borgo Trento
C/o Primary School Provolo
n.5, G. Camozzini Street, 37126,
Phone Number: 045 8349055, Fax: 045 8344488
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Prof. Michele Bottaro
Comprehensive Institute Ponte Crencano – Quinzano-Avesa
C/o Primary School Rosani, 74 Santini Street, , 37124,
Phone Number: 045 8340224, Fax: 045 914257
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Arturo Dal Degan
Comprehensive Institute Santa Lucia
C/o Primary School 6 Maggio, n.1 Mons. Bellomi Street - 37137,
Phone Number: 045 953031, Fax: 045 8621819
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Prof. Raffaele Piccinato
Comprehensive Institute Chievo-Bassona- B.go Nuovo
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Fainelli, 7, Puglie, Street 37139,
Phone Number: 045 565602, Fax: 045 572033
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Prof.ssa Renata Borghesani
Comprehensive Institute Stadio
C/o Primary School la Scuola Primaria Vivaldi, n.18 Scarabello
Street, 37138,
Phone Number: 045 8186041, Fax: 045 8109199
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Maria Chiara Cesaro
Comprehensive Institute Centro Storico
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Caliari, Dietro n.14 S.Eufemia
Street, 37121,
Phone Number: 045 595959, Fax: 045 8036207
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Fernanda Barile
Comprehensive Institute Valdonega
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Catullo, 1 Breccia S Giorgio
Street., 37129,
Phone Number: 045 912172, Fax: 045 8340533
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Eros Luzzitelli
Comprehensive Institute Borgo Roma Est
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Meneghetti, 40, B. Giuliari
Street, 37134
Phone Number: 045 501332, Fax: 045 504191
E-mail: ic10vr@gmailcom
School Principal: Dott.ssa Silvana Pozzan
Comprehensive Institute Borgo Roma – Ovest
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Mazza, 2, Udine Street, 37134,
Phone Number: 045 501349, Fax: 045 582044
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Lucia Bernardi
Comprehensive Institute Golosine
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Manzoni 20, Velino Street,
Phone Number: 045 950811, Fax: 045 956741
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Maria Linda Bubola
Comprehensive Institute Cadidavid- Palazzina
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Salgari, 12, D. Turazza Street,
Phone Number: 045 540982, Fax: 045 8550195
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Cabria Cristino
Comprehensive Institute San Massimo
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Don Milani n.3 Pole Street
Phone Number: 045 8900628, Fax: 045 8904650
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Prof. Giuseppe Venturi
Comprehensive Institute Borgo Venezia
C/o Primary School Carducci, 21, Betteloni Street, 37131,
Phone Number: 045 525551, Fax: 045 8402225
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Luciana Marconcini
Comprehensive Institute Valpantena
C/o Primary School Pascoli- Poiano, 2, Penne Mozze Sq., 37142,
Phone Number: 045 8700503, Fax: 04 8700037
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Morbioli Nicoletta
Comprehensive Institute Montorio
C/o Secondary School of1° degree Simeoni, 20 dei Gelsi Street,
Phone Number: 045 8840944, Fax: 045 8869196
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Luigi Vergani
Comprehensive Institute Veronetta e Porto
C/o Secondary School of 1° degree Aosta, 13, G. Trezza Street,
Phone Number: 045 8002922, Fax: 045 8008787
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Ernesto Passante
Comprehensive Institute Santa Croce
C/o Primary School Guarino da Verona, 15, S. Felice Extra Street,
Phone Number: 045 526583, Fax: 045 8402228
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Ernesto Severino
Comprehensive Institute San Michele
C/o primary School Dorigo, 59/a Salieri Street, 37132,
Phone Number: 045 974370, Fax: 045 8920052
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott. Tiziano Albrigi
Comprehensive Institute Madonna di Campagna
C/o Primary School Don Mercante, 59, Dolomiti Street 37132,
Phone Number: 045 972978, Fax: 045 8921273
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Dott.ssa Lidia Marcazzan
Comprehensive State Institute Cavalchini -Moro,
n.3 Vittorio Emanuele Avenue- 37069 Villafranca di Verona.
Phone Number: 045 7900158; 045 7900185
Fax: 045 6309094
E-mail: [email protected]
Comprehensive State Institute di Dossobuono
c/o Secondary School
10 Dei Mille Street, - 37062 Dossobuono (Villafranca di Verona)
Phone Number: 045 513138 / 8617120 - Fax: 045 513474
E-mail: Dirigente: [email protected]
Segreteria: [email protected]
It includes the schools:
Primary School “V. Locchi”
n.32 Europa Avenue– Dossobuono
Phone Number:045 513754 E-mail: [email protected]
Primary School “Don C. Calabria” - Alpo,
Saluzzo Street, Alpo Phone Number: 045 513756
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary School “G. Zanella”
La Rizza Street; Rizza Phone Number: 045 8547013
Comprehensive Institute Adria Due
n. 28, Ragazzi del '99 Street - 45010 Adria (RO)
Phone Number: 0426 902493; Fax: 0426 21714
Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected]
It includes the schools:
Scuola dell’infanzia "G. Di Vittorio"
n.1 Di Vittorio Street - Adria Phone Number e Fax: 0426 41293
Primary School “E.De Amicis”
29, ArzeronStree t, - Adria
Phone Number e Fax: 0426 21879 / 943147
Primary School “Anna Frank”
n.28 Ragazzi del 99 Street – Adria
Phone Number: 0426 23629
Primary School “L.da Vinci”
Cengiaretto Street - Adria Phone Number: 0426 23630
Primary School “Madre Teresa di Calcutta”
Fraz.Baricetta – Adria Phone Number e Fax: 0426 46328
Primary School “G.Rodari”
Aldo Moro Street - Pettorazza Grimani
Phone Number e Fax: 0426 500157
Secondary School “A. Manzoni”
28, Ragazzi del 99 Street, - Adria
Phone Number: 0426 901720; Fax: 0426 21714
Secondary School “Dante Alighieri”
10, Roma Street, - Pettorazza Grimani
Phone Number e Fax: 0426 500041
Comprehensive Institute of Castelfranco Veneto
11, Avenale Street, - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
Phone Number: 0423 493643 / 0423 495928 / 0423 491547
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:;
It includes the schools:
Infant State School of Campigo
Calcara Street Phone Number: 0423 492659
Primary state Schools di Bella Venezia,
Bella Venezia street Phone Number: 0423 494769
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary State School Campigo
S. Lucia Street Phone Number: 0423 496032
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary State School Salvarosa
Montebelluna Street Phone Number: 0423 490549
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary State School Salvatronda
Centro Street Phone Number: 0423 490546
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary State School S. Floriano
4, Molino di Ferro Street, Phone Number: 0423 497066
E-mail: [email protected]
Primary State School Villarazzo
Valsugana Street Phone Number:0423 494770
E-mail: [email protected]
Secondary School of I° degree of S. Floriano
Postioma Street Phone Number: 0423 487055
E-mail: [email protected]
Reductions of the fee for school meals are available according to the
income of the families. For this reason it is necessary that the
families who request reductions hand in the certificate I.S.E.E.
(indicatore situazione economica equivalente= indicator of the
economic situation of the family) to the municipality of the city or
town where they live. I.S.E.E. can be realesed by a C.A.F. (office
(centro assistenza fiscale=office for tax counselling) or by a
If a family has 3 or more children, the costs of the fee automatically
C.A.F. Padova
- sedi Acli, CGIL, CISL
- Centro assistenza imprese coldiretti Triveneto srl Veneto via G.
Savelli 24 Padova 049/7818601 0498079668
- CAAF alarm impresa srl Veneto v.le dell'industria 66 Padova
- Centro autorizzato di assistenza fiscale APAC-CLAAI srl
Veneto, Corso Stati Uniti 50 Padova 049/8705579 049/7628829
- CAF imprese CNA Padova srl Veneto via croce rossa 56 Padova
- CAF via A.De Gasperi 3 Padova 049/8209785
Exemptions are available for those families who receive financial
assistance and support from the social services of the municipalità, if
they attest their economic situation.
The Region can decide to offer financial assistance through money or
through the donation of books to those students who are particularly
clever and whose families have low incomes. IN this case too it is
necessary to demonstrate the low incomes through the certificate
At the moment of the enrollment in the school families have to
declare whether they want their children to receive the catholic
religion education or not, by filling a form.
Who does not want to attend religion education, should choose an
alternative course among those offered by the school.
School Information Front Office for
immigrant teenager in the City of Padua
The Municipality of Padua, in order to help the families to
understand the Italian school system and the new arrived teenager in
the difficult choice of the school path, put in to operation the School
Information Front Office for immigrant teenager.It is a free Service
of the Municipality of Padua, it is promoted by the Veneto Region. It
is managed in convention with associations and cooperatives
operating in network with the services of the territory.
What it offers:
- Information about the Italian school system;
- School Guidance and school re-guidance
- Support to the immigrant families in the first contact with the
- Facilitation in the relations between family and school;
- Send to the Permanent Territorial Centre network (Centri
Territoriali Permanenti CTP) for the attendance of Italian
- Peer Education in the intercultural knowledge and in the
classroom conflicts’ management;
- Guidance and accompaniment c/o Health and Social Services of
ULSS 16 and psyicho-pedagocical support.
Where to find it and how to contact it:
Public Relations Office (URP)
Palazzo Moroni, n.1 del Municipio street
Phone Number: 049 8205363
Open-time: Wednesdays from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm; from 9.00am to
10.00 am by appointment calling: 347 1447466
• C/o the 6 West District n.18 Astichello Street
Open-time: Mondays from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm only on
appointment calling 340 0500591
• Unique Front Office c/o Prefect’s office n.27 Marsala Street
Open-time: Thursadys from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm.
Within the end of January, the parents of the students which are
attending the third year of secondary school of first stage have to fill
in a form. The form is provided by the secretary office of the school
that the students are attending. This is necessary to enrol the student
to the Secondary School of second stage that they have chosen. The
secretary office of the school will send the enrolment.
After having obtained the certificate “Diploma di Licenza Media” at
the end of the third years of secondary school-first stage, students
can decide to continue to go to school in one of Secondary School
Second Stage Institutes or they can choose a vocational or technical
training promoted by the Region and which lasts three years.
If they decide to continue, within July, they have to complete the
enrolment delivering all the documents to the Secondary School.
It is not possible to enrol at the same time in different school career.
However, if a student changes idea, it is possible to change school
career asking to the headmaster of the previous school the permit to
present to the new school.
Currently a re-organization is happening about the first and the
second part of education and formation.
It will be prepared a biennial course with the objective to provide the
students with key competences, so the student may build his project
and decide if to continue with school or training or work.
This new arrangement will be put in practice since school year
2009/20010. Until that moment the course of instruction continues in
the way explained here:
TYPES OF SCHOOLS Secondary School Second Stage
Gli Istituti di Secondo Grado
Structure and organization
There are a few types of secondary school-second stage: Licei,
Professional and Training Institute (Istituti Tecnici and Istituti
professionali) and Professional and Training System activated by
Professional Formation Centres (CFT).
The path lasts about five years, divided in two and three years, at the
end of Liceo students have to sit State Exam to obtain the certificate
“Diploma di Maturità”, which is binding to access to University or
Colleges of Higher Education. This kind of school gives a large
general cultural preparation, doesn’t give a professional title, but an
excellent preparation to access to University, High Artistic, Music or
Chorus Formation.
The students go to the school only in the morning for 25-34 hours a
week (only Artistic Liceo arrives to 39 hours, it is the only one in
witch the student have to go in the afternoon too). It is necessary for
students to have a lot of self-government because there is a lot of
study to do at home.
There are different types of Liceo, with different curricula:
Liceo Artistico (Art School) Liceo Classico (secondary school
focusing on humanities), Liceo Linguistico (Language High School),
Liceo Scientifico (secondary school focusing on sciences),
Scientifico Tecnologico (secondary school focusing on sciences and
technologies) (no latin language study), Liceo scientifico biologico
ambientale (secondary school focusing on sciences, environmental
sciences and biology, ) (no latin language study), Liceo Psicopedagogico (secondary school focusing on psychology and
pedagogy), Liceo delle scienze sociali (Social Science High School)
(no latin language study), Liceo delle scienze umane e della
comunicazione (Human Sciences and Communication High School).
Technical Institute
The school course lasts about five years, these types of schools offer
different school careers according to the choices of every single
student. They give a more specific preparation respect to the one of
High School, there are more school hours (30/38 in a week), often in
the afternoon too. The school subjects are divided into two different
areas (general culture subject like Italian language and literature,
mathematics, foreign language, history, sciences…) and specific area
(different subjects according to specific interest, like economic area,
business one, agrarian, alimentary, building, touristic, industrial,
aeronautic, information-technology).
Generally there is a common two-year period and a specializing three
years, in which there are more school hours dedicated to the
technical-professional subjects.
At the end the students obtain a diploma that give a specific title (for
example book-keeper, commercial expert, touristic expert,
mechanical expert, chemist, surveyor, diet expert etc.). This course
gives a good preparation to enter in the world of work, but also it
permits to enter to the University or to choose High Formation
Istituti Professionali (Vocational or Training School or courses)
The school path lasts about three years, at the end the student obtain
the professional title of Operator (for example business management
operator, touristic enterprise operator, social services operator,
electric operator, mechanical operator, etc). At the end students can
decide between to enter in the world of work or to continue the
studies for two years (post-qualification) to gain a technical title
(business management technician, tourism service technician, social
services technician, electric enterprise technician, etc).
Students stay at school for 40 hours in a week, also during the
afternoon. The school subjects are divided into a common area
dedicated to culture education (for example Italian language,
mathematics, foreign language, history, sciences, etc…) and a
specific area proper of different professional course, laboratory
activities are included.
In the first two years the specific area covers 30 % of the total
school hours, in the third year they become 60 %, in 4° e 5° one-half
hours are dedicated to the base subjects and the other half to the
professional area.
There is also a professional area with 600 hours in two years (300
each year), including training activities aiming at professionalization;
it permits to reach a specialization with stages, these courses are
financed by each local Region.
Students alternate periods of practical work with periods of theory
lessons. The periods of practical work will be evaluated also by the
At the end of the first three years of “formazione professionale”
(vocational training/education) the student obtain a certificate
“Diploma di Qualifica”. If the student does not want to attend
university after concluding the school career, he can attend the fourth
year of training school obtaining the certificate “Qualifica
quadriennale”. Otherwise, if the student want to attend university he
have to attend a fifth school year, he sit the Exam “esame di stato”
and obtain the certificate “Diploma di Maturità”, the same certificate
of the High School-Liceo.
Art Institutes
This kind of school prepares students to artistic design and
production. They are articulated in a first course that lasts three
years, at the end students can obtain Art Master Title, it permits to
enter to the Arts Academy (Accademia delle Belle Arti).
The second part lasts about two years and it permits to reach the
Application Arts Title (Diploma di Maturità), necessary to access to
all University Faculties.
Some subjects are: life drawing, professional drawing, sculpture, art
history, laboratories, etc.
It is possible to change type of school, but it is important to speak
with the co-ordinator teachers of the school.
For further information it is better to contact directly the
administration office of the schools.
The secondary schools organize meetings where the courses and
counselling activities will be presented.
Moreover, in autumn some schools organize days of “Scuola
Aperta”, “Opened School”, to illustrate the school and its
programmes. Enrolment usually occur by the end of January.
In order to have the diploma recognized by the Italian Minister of
Education, it is necessary to send a formal written request to
Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione D.G. Scambi Culturali – Div. III,
via Ippolito Nievo 35 – 00135 Roma, enclosing the following
documents with it:
- A certified true copy of the diploma obtained in the origin
country and the Italian translation of it. The translation must be
certified by an official translator or by the competent authority of
the Italian Embassy of the country, where the diploma was
A declaration of the Embassy which attests: - the type of school
(state or independent school); - whether it is a primary or
secondary school; - the total amount of years of schooling of the
In Padova further information can be asked to:
Sportello Immigrazione (Immigration Office)
Via Manzoni 33/A
Opening time:
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday and Friday from 5 p.m. to
8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m.
To have further information about the secondary schools
contact direct the single schools. Here you find some
Istituto Professionale per il Commercio “Leonardo da Vinci”
via S. Giovanni di Verdara 36, 35137, Padova Tel. 049 8724155,
e-mail:[email protected]
Istituto Professionale Industriale “E. U. Ruzza” Via M.
Sammicheli 8, 35123 Padova  049 657287, e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Professionale Industriale “E. Bernardi” Via A. Manzoni
76 35126 Padova  049 755233, e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Professionale Statale per i Servizi Commerciali, Turistici
e della Pubblicità G. Valle, via T. Minio 13, 35134 Padova  049
8643020, e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Statale d’Arte “P. Selvatico” L.go Meneghetti 1, 35100
Padova  049 8758900 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Superiore di Istruzione Agraria “Duca degli Abruzzi”
via M. Merlin 1, 35143 Padova  049 8685455 e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Tecnico per le Attività Sociali “P. Scalcerle” Via Cave
174, 35136 Padova  049 720854 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “P. F. Calvi” Via Santa Chiara 10
35123 Padova  049 8242611 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e per Turismo “L. Einaudi” Via
delle Palme 1 35137 Padova  049656382 e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e per Geometri / Istituto Statale
d’Istruzione Specializzata per Sordi “A. Magarotto” Via delle
Cave 180 35136 Padova  049720700 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “A. Gramsci” Via Canestrini 78/1
35127 Padova  049 754400 e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “G. Marconi” Via A. Manzoni 80
35126 Padova  049 8040211 e-mail
[email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “F. Severi” Via Pettinati 46 35129
Padova  049 8658111 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “G. Natta” Via G. Leopardi 14 35126
Padova  049 8043611 e-mail [email protected]
Istituto Tecnico per Geometri “G. B. Belzoni” Via S. Speroni
39/41 35100 Padova  049 655157 e-mail
[email protected]
Liceo Artistico “A. Modigliani” Via degli Scrovegni 30 35121
Padova  049 8756076 e-mail [email protected]
Liceo Classico “Tito Livio” Riviera Tito Livio 9 35123 Padova 
049 8757324 e-mail [email protected]
Liceo Classico/Linguistico/delle Scienze Sociali “C.
Viale Codalunga, 1 35138 Padova  049 8752250 e-mail
[email protected]
Liceo delle Scienze Sociali “Duca d’Aosta” via del Santo 57
35123 Padova  049 8751040 e-mail
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico “A. Cornaro” via Riccoboni 14 35127 Padova 
049 755695 e-mail [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico “E. Curiel” via Durer 14 35132 Padova  049
612444 e-mail [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico “E. Fermi” Vittorio Emanuele II 50 35123
Padova  049 8803444 e-mail [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico “I. Nievo” via G. Barbarigo 38 35141 Padova 
049 662292 e-mail [email protected]
CITY OF BELLUNO codice avviamento postale 32100:
Liceo Classico TIZIANO Via Cavour, 2/d, tel: 0437-25207, fax:
0437-943234 - E-mail: [email protected]
Istituto Magistrale GIUSTINA RENIER loc. Mier Via C.
Marchesi, 71, tel: 0437- 940079, fax: 0437-940080 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico G. GALILEI Via Gregorio XVI, 33, tel: 0437950470, fax: 0437-950472 - E-mail: [email protected]
I. P. Commerciale T. CATULLO Via Garibaldi 10, tel:
0437/943066, fax: 0437/25073 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I. P. Industria e Artigianato A. BRUSTOLON loc. San Lorenzo
Via San Lorenzo, 19, tel: 0437950033, fax: 0437950177 - Email: [email protected]
I.T. Commerciale Pier Fortunato CALVI Via C. Marchesi, 73,
tel: 0437/944047, fax: 0437/944659- E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. Industriale G. SEGATO Via Jacopo Tasso, 11, tel: 0437
940159, fax: 0437 940973 - E-mail: [email protected]
Scondary-High School Polo di Feltre
12, Mazzini Avenue - 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 302480; Fax: 0439 317937
Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Section. I.P.S.I.A. "Rizzarda" di Feltre
-Section I.T.C. "Colotti" di Feltre
Science High School "Dal Piaz" di Feltre with Classical Section
Attached 2, Boscariz Street, - 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 301548; Fax: 0439 310506
E-mail: [email protected]
Professional College of Agriculture"Della Lucia" di Feltre
41,Vellai Street - 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 84020; Fax: 0439 89077
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Web Site:
Technical College "Negrelli" di Feltre
11, Colombo Street – 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 301540; Fax: 0439 303196
E-mail:[email protected]
Web Site:
Technical College for surveyor "Forcellini" di Feltre
18, Colombo Street - 32032 - Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 301390; Fax: 0439 303154
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
CITY OF ROVIGO codice avviamento postale 45100:
Istituto Magistrale CRISTINA ROCCATI Via Carducci, 8 tel:
0425 21012, fax: 0425 422710 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico P. PALEOCAPA Via De Gasperi, 19 tel: 0425
410833, E-mail: [email protected]
P. Commerciale MARCO POLO Via De Gasperi, 17, tel: 0425
360112, fax: 0425 410441 - E-mail: [email protected]
P. Industria e Artigianato Via Alfieri, 43 tel: 0425 30625 fax:
0425 410164 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. Commerciale EDMONDO DE AMICIS Via Parenzo, 16,
tel: 0425 21240, fax: 0425 422820 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale F. VIOLA Via De Gasperi, 21 tel: 0425410699
fax: 0425 35277 - E-mail: [email protected]
Liceo classico C.Bocchi, via Dante 4, 45011 Adria, tel. 0426
21107, fax 0426 21107 – E-mail [email protected]
Istituto Superiore O. MUNERATI loc. S. Apollinare Via
Cappello, 10 tel: 0425 492404, fax: 0425 492405 - E-mail:
Secondary-High School "G. Galilei"
E-mail: [email protected]
Sito Internet:
It includes:
Science High School, n.24, Maddalena Avenue
Phone Number e Fax: 0426 21881
Industrial Technical College, n.3, A. Moro Street
Phone Number: 0426 901467; Fax: 0426 41898
Business College and for surveyor "G. Maddalena"
n.17, Dante Alighieri Street
Phone Number: 0426 900667 / 900203
Fax: 0426 900921
Web Site:
State Institute for Hotel and Restaurant Administration
A. Moro Street
Phone Number: 0426 900220 / 0426 900221
Fax: 0426 900866
Web Site:
School of Music "A. Buzzolla"
n.2, Maddalena Avenue Phone Number: 0426 21686
Fax: 0426 41616
Web Site:
-Classical High School "C. Bocchi"
Classicail – Linguistic - Social Sciences
n.4, Dante Street
Phone Number: 0426 21107
Web Site:
College For tourism and commerce "C. Colombo"
n.33, S. Francesco Street
Phone Number: 0426 21178 / 0426 41773 / 0426 23583
Fax: 0426 900477
Technical College F. Viola Telecomunicazioni
n.3, A. Moro Street
Phone Number 04256 41898
Institute Michelangelo (s.r.l.) Linguistic College
n.65, Bettola Street - 45011 Adria (RO) Phone Number: 0426 4135
CITY OF TREVISO codice avviamento postale 31100:
Liceo Classico ANTONIO CANOVA Via Mura di San Teonisto,
16, tel: 0422 545312, fax: 0422 544780 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Magistrale DUCA DEGLI ABRUZZI Via Caccianiga n.
5, tel: 0422 548383-541785, fax: 0422 543843 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico L. DA VINCI Viale Europa, 32, tel: 0422
23927 fax: 0422 432362 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.P. Alberghiero MASSIMO ALBERINI Via Caduti di Cefalonia
n. 19, tel: 0422 320204, fax: 0422 320510- E-mail:
[email protected]
I.P. Industria e Artigianato GIORGI Via Terraglio, 53, tel: 0422
402486, fax: 0422 404249 - E-mail: [email protected]
Liceo Artistico: Via Santa Caterina, 10, tel: 0422/543984
544687, fax: 0422/412015 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. Commerciale RICCATI-LUZZATTI: Piazza della Vittoria
3/4, tel: 0422 410104, fax: 0422 546383 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale E. Fermi Via S. Pelaio n. 37 tel: 0422-314311,
fax: 0422-314381 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. per Geometri Via Tronconi 2, tel: 0422 430310, fax: 0422
432545 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. per il Turismo MAZZOTTI Via Tronconi, 1, tel:
0422/431221, fax: 0422/431875 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore BESTA Via Borgo Cavour, 33, tel: 0422
410164, fax: 0422 548205 - E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
IPSAA Istituto Professionale di Stato per l'Agricoltura e l'Ambiente (
Vocational School for agricolture and enviroment) Conte di Cavour
n.17, Postioma Street
Phone Number: 0423 490615; Fax: 0423 721103
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
IPSIA Istituto professionale di Stato per l'industria e l'artigianato
(Vocational School for industry and craft) Galilei
n.6, Avenale Street – 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 495283; Fax: 0423 494661
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
IPSS Nightingale
n.22, Piuli Street – 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 472801: Fax: 0423 472390
E-mail: [email protected]
IPSSAR Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e
della Ristorazione (State Institute for Hotel and Restaurant
G. Maffioli
n.74, Valsugana Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 721661 Fax: 0423 498180
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
IPSSCT Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Commerciali
Turistici e della Pubblicità (Vocational School for Commercial and
Torusm Service and advertising)C. Rosselli
n.10, Rizzetti Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 494286 / 494291; Fax: 0423 721303
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
ITCG Business School and for surveyor Martini
n.40, Verdi Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
E-mail: segreteria [email protected]
ITIS Industrial Technical College Barsanti
n.19/b, dei Campani Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 492847; Fax: 0423 720622
E-mail: [email protected]
Classical high School Giorgione
n.25, Verdi Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 491072; Fax: 0423 496610
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:;
Liceo Classico R. FRANCHETTI loc. Mestre Corso del Popolo,
82 - 30172 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5315531, fax: 041-5328524 E-mail: didatt.franchetti@tin.
Istituto Magistrale STEFANINI loc. Mestre Via del Miglio, 30 30173 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-611574, fax: 041-5344159 E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico G. BRUNO loc. Mestre Via Baglioni, 26 30173 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5341989, fax: 041-5341456 - Email: [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico U. MORIN Via Asseggiano, 39 - 30174 VENEZIA, tel: 041-916129, fax: 041-5440928 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico G.B. BENEDETTI Castello, 2835 - 30122
VENEZIA, tel: 041-5225369, fax: 041-5230818 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico Scuola Navale Militare F. MOROSINI Viale
Piave 30/A - 30132 - VENEZIA, tel: 041/2441910, fax:
041/2441920 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.P. Commerciale A. MOZZONI loc. Mestre Via Rielta, 37
30174 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5346254, fax: 041-5344035 - Email: [email protected]
Istituto d'Arte Dorsoduro, 2613 - 30123 - VENEZIA, tel: 0415209189, fax: 041-5209368 - E-mail: [email protected]
Liceo Artistico Dorsoduro, 1012 - 30123 - VENEZIA, tel: 0415210669-5210702, fax: 041-5280686 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale C. ZUCCANTE Via Baglioni, 22 - 30173 VENEZIA, tel: 041-5341046, fax: 041-5341472 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. per il Turismo F. ALGAROTTI Cannaregio, 349/351 30121 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-716266, fax: 041-720054 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. per il Turismo ANDREA GRITTI loc. Mestre Via
L.A.Muratori, 7 - 30173 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5350505, fax:
041-5350557- E-mail: [email protected]
Istituto Superiore MARCO POLO Dorsoduro, 1073 - 30123
VENEZIA, tel: 041-5225252, fax: 041-2414154 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore A.BARBARIGO Castello, 6395/C - 30122
VENEZIA, tel: 041-2771293, fax: 041-2771289 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore F. FOSCARI Via E. C. Pertini, 13 - 30173
VENEZIA, tel: 041-615111, fax: 041-5346825 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore (St.) L.LUZZATTI A.GRAMSCI Via Perlan,
17 - 30174 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5441546, fax: 041-5441544 E-mail: [email protected]
Istituto Superiore (St.) VENDRAMIN CORNER Dorsoduro,
2376 - 30123 - VENEZIA, tel: 041-5246729, fax: 041-5246626 E-mail: [email protected]
High School G. Veronese
San Giovanni District – 30015 Chioggia (VE)
Phone Number: 041 5542997 / 5543371; Fax: 041 5544315
E-mail: Board of Education: [email protected]
Secretariat: [email protected]
Web Site:
I.T.C.S. Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale ( Business School)
Domenico Cestari
12/A San Giovanni District,– Chioggia (VE)
Phone Number: 041 4967600 / 041 4967674
Fax: 041 4967733
Web Site:
ITIS Industrial Technical College Augusto Righi
n.1097 Aldo Moro Street, San Giovanni District - Chioggia
Phone Number: 041 4965811
Web Site:
Liceo Classico S. MAFFEI Via A. Massalongo, 4 - 37121 VERONA, tel: 045 8001904, fax: 045 8009920 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Magistrale C. MONTANARI Vicolo Stimate, 4 - 37122 VERONA, tel: 045 8007311, fax: 045 8030091 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico A.MESSEDAGLIA: Stradone Maffei, 3 37121 - VERONA, tel: 045 596432, fax: 045 8035213 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico G.GALILEI Via S. Giacomo, 11 - 37135 VERONA, tel: 045 580689, fax: 045 505261 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Liceo Scientifico G.FRACASTORO Via Moschini, 11/a - 37129
- VERONA, tel: 045 8348772, fax: 045 8343626- E-mail:
[email protected]
I.P. Alberghiero A.BERTI loc. CHIEVO Via Areop. A. Berardi,
51 - 37139 - VERONA, tel: 045 569413, fax: 045 8100739 - Email: [email protected]
I.P. Industria e Artigianato E. FERMI P.le Guardini, 2 - 37138 VERONA, tel: 045 567144, fax: 045 8101038 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.P. Industria e Artigianato G. GIORGI Via Rismondo, 10 37129 - VERONA, tel: 045 8033568, fax: 045 8012358 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Commerciale A. PASOLI loc. Borgo Trieste Via Girolamo
dalla Corte, 15 - 37131 - VERONA, tel: 045 8920222, fax: 045
975353 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. Commerciale L. EINAUDI Via S.Giacomo, 13 - 37135 VERONA, tel: 045 501110, fax: 045 500548 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Commerciale LORGNA PINDEMONTE Corso Cavour, 19 37121 - VERONA, tel: 045 596144, fax: 045 8012624 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Commerciale MARCO POLO Via Moschini, 11/B - 37129 VERONA, tel: 045 8340752, fax: 045 8342047- E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale G. FERRARIS Via del Pontiere, 40 - 37122
VERONA, tel: 045 595855, fax: 045 8004630 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale G.MARCONI: Piazzale Guardini, 1 - 37138 VERONA, tel: 045 8101428, fax: 045 573497 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Nuova, 66 - 37122 - VERONA, tel: 045 8034199, fax: 045
8011462 - E-mail: [email protected]
Istituto Superiore M. SANMICHELI Piazza Bernardi, 2 - 37129
- VERONA, tel: 045 8003721, fax: 045 8002645 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore N. NANI U. BOCCIONI Via delle Coste, 6
37138 - VERONA, tel: 045 569548, fax: 045 569270 - E-mail:
[email protected]
ISISS Secondary School Carlo Anti
Central Seat: n.7b, Magenta street - 37069
Phone Number: 045 6303088; Fax: 045 6304842
Branch Seat in street Ospedale - Phone Number: 045 6301484
Web Site:
Science High school Enrico Medi
7/a, Magenta Street - 37069 – Villafranca di Verona
Phone Number: 045 7902067 - Fax: 045 6300817
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
CITY OF VICENZA codice avviamento postale 36100:
Liceo Classico PIGAFETTA Contrà Cordenons, tel:
0444/543884, fax: 0444/326027 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Magistrale Contra' Burci, 21, tel: 0444-320847, fax:
0444-326281 - E-mail: [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico QUADRI Via Baden Powell, 33, tel: 0444
928877, fax: 0444 928698 - E-mail: [email protected]
Liceo Scientifico P. LIOY Contrà Cordenons, 7, tel: 0444
324756-544510, fax 0444 544498 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.P. Commerciale ALMERICO DA SCHIO Via Cappellari, 21
tel: 0444 500344, fax: 0444 500459 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.P. per i Servizi Sociali BARTOLOMEO MONTAGNA Via
Mora, 93 tel: 0444 923446, fax: 0444 924092 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.P. Industria e Artigianato LAMPERTICO Viale G.G.Trissino,
30 tel: 0444504324, fax: 0444301244 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Commerciale FUSINIERI Via D'Annunzio, 15 tel:
0444563544, fax: 0444962574 - E-mail: [email protected]
I.T. Commerciale G. PIOVENE Corso S.S.Felice e Fortunato,
225 tel: 0444563755, fax: 325083/324620 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. Industriale ALESSANDRO ROSSI: Via Legione Gallieno,
52 tel: 0444-500566, fax: 0444-501808 - E-mail:
[email protected]
I.T. per Geometri CANOVA Viale Astichello, 195 tel:
0444/507330, fax: 0444/507358 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Istituto Superiore S. B. BOSCARDIN Via Baden Powell 35 tel:
0444928688, fax: 0444928775 - E-mail:
[email protected]
Classical High School G. B. Brocchi
n.78 Dei Martiri Avenue - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 220681
Web Site:
Science High School Jacopo Da Ponte
S. Tommaso D'Aquino Street – 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 522280; Fax: 0424 228073
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e Per Geometri Luigi Einaudi
n.8 S. Tommaso D'Aquino Street - 36061 Bassano del Grappa
Phone Number: 0424 521998
Industrial Technical College Enrico Fermi
n.12/14 S.Croce street - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 525318 / 220271; Fax: 0424 220271
School Principal [email protected]
Segreteria [email protected]
Sito Internet:
Vocational School A. Parolini
n.1 Rivoltella Bassa Street - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 525346
I.P.S.C.S.T. Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Commerciali,
Sociali e Turistici (Vocational School for Commercial, Social and
Tourism Service) G. A. Remondini
n.33 Travettore Street - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Phone Number: 0424 523592 / 228672; Fax: 0424 220037
Web Site:
The Region of Veneto and other public bodies organize and finance
vocational or training courses.
These courses aim to prepare students for a workplace. There are
many different courses.
To access to many of these courses it is necessary to possess the
certificate of Licenza Media.
For further information:
A complete list of the courses can be viewed on the website of the
Regione Veneto It gathers
useful information about the world of education, training and
A useful instrument to get information is also “Ulisse”,
www., a data bank of the vocational and
training courses. Ulisse offers also a description of the courses, how
to access, and search instrument to find the schools where the
courses take place.
You can also turn to the front office of Direzione Regionale Lavoro,
via Torino, 105 – Mestre Venezia. Opening time: Monday and
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12.30 a.m.
Or you can call at free cost the advice line 800998300 from Monday
to Friday.
Usually enrollment occurs by the end of January in the centers or
schools where the courses take place.
There is no precise date for enrollment. Each school decides the
deadline to present the application form.
To enrol the following documents are necessary:
- application form, signed by the parents in the case the student is
a minor;
- Model 181 released by the Ufficio per l’Impiego (Job office) or a
letter which declares the student to be unemployed;
- Copy of the diploma the student hold;
- Copy of an identity document;
- Certification of recidence, vaccination certificate, family
certificate, if requested.
The courses are free and at the end, after passing an exam, students
receive the certificate “attestato di qualifica”.
There are three different types of courses:
- courses of first level: these are directed to unemployed young
people who concluded also the secondary school and
unemployed young people aged more than 25 years old;
- courses of second level: for unemployed young people with the
Diploma of Secondary School-second stage and who are not yet
25 years old, or unemployed young people who are more than 25
years old;
- courses of third level: for young people with a university degree
who are not yet 27 years old or unemployed people who are
more than 27 years old.
AFL Estetica e Turismo – Consulenze internazionali S.A.S( Beauty
and Torusim – International counselling),
n.13 N.Tommaseo street
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 657399, Fax: 049 658301
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
C.I.O.F.S. / FP Veneto – C.F.P. Don Bosco,
N. Orsini street – 35139 Padova
Kind: Business and Service
Phone Number: 049 8732611 /049 8732602,
Fax 049 8732610 / 049 8732609
E-mail: [email protected], Sito web:
Vocational Training Centre for builder,
Basilicata street – 35127 Padova
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 761168, Fax 049 760940
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
Enaip Veneto (seat of Padova),
Ansuino da Forlì street – 35134 Padova
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 8641555 / 049 8658201, Fax 049 8640725
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
I.R.P.E.A. CFP, Beato Pellegrino street – 35137 Padova
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 8727201 / 049 8727300,
Fax 049 8727399 / 049 8727272
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Beauty School Primia S.R.L.,
Station Sq. – 35131 Padova
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 662020 / 049 654679, Fax 049 8765519
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
La Dimora Coop. – CFP Centro Nuove Opportunità,
Due Palazzi street – 35136 Padova
kind: tourism
Phone Number: 049 891176, Fax 049 8909553
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Province of Padua – CFP and vocational guidance Ettore Bentsik,
Nicolò da Lonigo street – 35124 Padova
Kind: Business and Service – Industry and crafts
Phone Number: 049 8044111, Fax 049 8802442
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Hairstyle School, Trieste street – 35100 Padova
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 049 8750373, Fax: 049 8750373
CFP Enaip Belluno, Rugo street – 32100 Belluno
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0437 944958, Fax 0437 944958
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
School Institute, F. Ostilio street – 32100 Belluno
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0437 942474, Fax 0437 942484
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Stella maris Street - 32032 Feltre
Kind: Tourism – Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0439 300237 / 300266
Fax: 0439 310285
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web Site:
E.N.A.I.P. Veneto Operative Unit,
G. Marconi avenue – 45100 Rovigo
Kind: Business and Service – Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0425 33671, Fax 0425 33296
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Province of Rovigo – Personal and Business Area – CFP,
della Pace avenue – 45100 Rovigo
Kind: Business and Service
Phone Number: 0425 386725, Fax 0425 386720
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Academy La Parigina srl, Felisset avenue – 31100 Treviso
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0422 307638, Fax 0422 307638
E-mail: scuola [email protected],
Web Site:
CFP Madonna del Grappa, Europa avenue – 31100 Treviso
Kind: Industry and Crafts– Business and Service
Phone Number: 0422 432849, Fax 0422 432849 / 0422 267400
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
C.P.I.P.E – School for builder in Treviso,
della Repubblica Avenue– 31100 Treviso
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0422 301141, Fax 0422 306136
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Enaip Veneto – Formative Service Centre in Treviso,
n.42, San Nicolò street – 31100 Treviso
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0422 540370, Fax 0422 549359
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Engim Veneto CFP Istituto Turazza,
n.11, Turazza street – 31100 Treviso
Kind: Industry and Crafts– Business and Service
Phone Number: 0422 412267 cellulare: 335 5025393,
Fax 0422 410446
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected],
Web Site:
C.F.P. FICIAP Castelfranco Veneto
n.4, Brenta Street - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto (TV)
Phone Number: 0423 497950; Fax 0423 722785
E-mail : [email protected]
Web Site:
Responsable: Luciana Conte
C.I.F. Centro di Formazione Professionale, Santa Croce – 30135
Kind: Tourism- Business and Service
Phone Number: 041 5240628 / 041 5241849, Fax 041 5240628
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
Isola Verde, Sant'Anna
Evening Courses: Bar and Hall Service Operator
Phone Number: 041 498088
E-mail: [email protected]
Responsible: Nicola Boscarato
IAL CISL Veneto CFP, S. Domenico alley– 37122 Verona
Kind: Agriculture
Phone Number: 045 8057711, Fax 045 8033904
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Associazione CFP CNOS/FAP San Zeno,
n.50, Don Minzoni street – 37138 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 8070111, Fax 045 8070112
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
CFP Don Calabria – Multifunctional Centre,
n.121, S.Marco street – 37138 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts- Tourism
Phone Number: 045 8184411 / 045 8184408, Fax 045 8184400
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
CFP San Giuseppe, Bolzano street – 37135 Verona
Kind: Business and Service
Phone Number: 045 8276993 / 045500398, Fax 045 8276994
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
CFP Istituto Canossiano Filiale Casa Madre FCC,
San Giuseppe street – 37123 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts– Business and Service
Phone Number: 045 8003043, Fax 045 8001690
[email protected],
CFP della Provincia di Verona, Belgio street – 37135 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 500412, Fax 045 500198
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
E.S.E.V. Ente Scuola Edile Veronese,
Zestreetni street – 37131 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 520035 / 045 8402666, Fax 045 523366
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
Enaip Veneto CSF Verona,
Bencivenga Biondani street (ex lungadige Galtarossa) – 37133
Kind: Industry and Crafts - Business and Service
Phone Number: 045 8015053, Fax 045 596678
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Hidria SRL, Betteloni street – 37131 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 527333, Fax 045 8485720
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
IAL Veneto – CFP, Belluzzo street – 37132 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 8700771, Fax 045 879023
E-mail: [email protected]
Istituto CLEF di Godino Filomena SNC,
n.6, Alberto Mario street – 37121 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 597080, Fax 045 8009855
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
Istituto Lunik di Furgeri Maria e Oscar SNC,
n.2d Porta Palio street– 37122 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 8007264, Fax 045 8019694
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
Le Grand Chic –School of Fashon,
Galvani street – 37138 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 572266, Fax 045 572310
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site: www.
Provincia Italiana Sacro Cuore – CSF Stimmatini,
n.20, Cavalcaselle street – 37124 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts -Alberghiero
Phone Number: 045 8349777, Fax 045 8349552
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Scuola di Estetica Anthos Dion,
Santo Spirito Square– 37122 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 595671, Fax 045 8020437
E-mail: [email protected]
Scuola Style Italiano, Carlo Cipolla street – 37131 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 529488, Fax 045 529379
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Scuola Trento SRL, Pasque Veronesi Square– 37121 Verona
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 045 8002500 /045 8011892,
Fax 045 8002500 /045 8003838
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
CFP IAL Villafranca
n.3, Novara Street - 37069 Villafranca
Sector: Industry and Crafts (elettric, elettronic)
Phone Number: 045 7900644; Fax 045 7900399
E-mail: [email protected]
Vicenza, n.13, Torino Street - 36100 Vicenza
Phone Number: 0444 226811, Fax 0444 320463
E-mail: [email protected]
Enaip Veneto, n.11 ,Napoli street – 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts – Business and Service - Tourism
Phone Number: 0444 541905, Fax 0444 545233
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Engim Veneto CFP Patronato Leone XIII,
Vittorio Veneto District– 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts – Business and Service
Phone Number: 0444 322903, Fax 0444 322361
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
School for builder, Torino street – 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0444 544395, Fax 0444 327612
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site:
Pia Società San Gaetano – Vocational Training,
Mora street – 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts - Tourism
Phone Number: 0444 933112, Fax 0444 933115
E-mail: [email protected], Sito web: www.
Art and profession School in Vicenza,
G. Rossini street – 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0444 960500, Fax 0444 963392
E-mail: [email protected],
Web Site: www.
Victory SRL, Leoncavallo street – 36100 Vicenza
Kind: Industry and Crafts
Phone Number: 0444 570098, Fax 0444 570098
E-mail: [email protected], Web Site:
B. Ferracina, n.84 ,Scalabrini street – Bassano del Grappa
Phone Number: 0424 503733, Fax 0424 504438
E-mail: [email protected]
Promoted Training
Vocational Training centre, private organizations and company are
engaged since many years in the organization of vocational training
and guidance courses promoted by: European Social Fund,
Department for Work and regions, for the sake of to allowed the
participants to gain skills and competences immediately spending in
the business market answering to the actual requests.
Organized Courses are address to a wide and articulated vocational
training offering opportunities to different users: post- compulsory
school, post- licence, post-degree.
The European Social Fund upgrade the “ continuous training”: fitting
of the workers (particularly for those who are threatened by the
unemployment, in redundancy fund or in mobility) to the industrial
changes and the evolution of the national economic system.
At this regard actions of training and vocational re-training,
counselling and guidance activities, as well as the development of
innovative training systems and of trainers re-training are financed;
the continues training is carry out in firm or by training centres.
How to access to the vocational training course
Through a participation’s call, the vocational training organization
specify all the details of the course which will be activated:
Admission’s requirements, documents necessary for the enrollment,
length, plan, possible stage in a firm, allowance of frequency. For the
admission at a course it is required a copy of the study certificate,
the unemployment certificate and the granting of other characteristics
specified in the calls themselves (age, sex, etc…).
Moreover it is frequent a selection of the applications that the
organization carry out to choose the persons who are more
suitable and determined through interviews, test and written
Where to find information about the courses
The calls are published on the national and local press. You can
directly turn to the organizing body for the enrollment and
other information, or you can contact the Regional and the
Provincial Authority for the vocational training where you can
consult the list or the Data Bank of the course in all the
regional and provincial territory too.
Many information and links to course’s lists are available on
the web site or on the web site and on the Regions and
Provinces’ web site; it is possible to contact the Free phone
Number of the Department for the Work 800444555 too.
Adult learning consists in two type of courses: short term courses
and long term courses, aimed to give the possibility of concluding
the cycle of schooling, thus obtaining Diploma di Scuola Superiore
(certificate of secondary school – second stage).
At the end of the courses the participants receive a certificate or
These courses take places in different locations, which are not
necessarily schools. They are coordinated by Centro Territoriale
Permanente (CTP), which have their administrative center in a
CTP offers counselling; literacy classes; modern foreign languages
classes; courses to improve skills and techniques for specific
The courses of Italian as Second Language are of different types
according to the level of the participants: elementary, intermediate,
upper-intermediate, advanced. At the end of the courses the
participants obtain the certificate CILS.
The courses focus on written and spoken language. They introduce
or improve the language necessary in day-to-day society: listening,
writing, speaking, reading, and grammar in the context of work,
family or community.
Courses last 8 months. This 8 months are divided in two periods of
four months each, called Quadrimestre.
Courses can take place in the morning, in the afternoon or in the
night, from 8.00 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. in Centri Territoriali Permanenti
At the end of the courses the following certificate will be released:
-certificate of attendance, indicating the amount of hours attended;
-certificate of the course, after having pass the final exam.
Who stops attending the course receives a certificate of attendance,
the libretto EDA-Educazione degli adulti (Adults Education)
declaring the credits obtained.
During the school year the council of C.T.P. can decide to pass the
students who have already a good knowledge of the Italian language
and obtained enough credits, to the courses which prepare to get the
diploma of Licenza Media.
Every year the Ministero dell’Istruzione (Department for Education
and Skills) establishes courses aimed to obtain the Licenza Media.
All people who are already 16 old at the moment of the enrollment or
will be 16 by the 31st December of the year of enrollment can apply.
The deadline for presenting the application form is set by the
Ministero and it is the 31st May, but some school accept application
form even after this deadline.
The application form must be addressed to the Director of the school
where the CTP take place. Together with the application form a
certificate of birth must be handed in and for those who are not yet
23 years old any relevant diploma or educational certificate they
Attendance at the courses is necessary to be admitted to the final
exam. The teaching hours are approximally 500. The courses last one
year. It could be that credits will be given if the entry tests at the
beginning of the year reveal that the student possess already some
In order to be admitted to these courses, foreign students need to
possess a certificate which attest that they attended a course of Italian
as Foreign Language.
The subjects are: Italian, History, Geography, Maths, English,
Technical Education.
Who passes the final exam receive the Diploma of Licenza Media.
Who stop attending the course receives, if requested, a certificate of
attendance, Libretto EDA, which declares the credits obtained.
The final exam take place at the end of the school year. It consists in
two written tests, Italian and maths, and an oral test on all the
subjects studied during the year, including eventual laboratories or
For further information contact direct the CPTs, here you find
some addresses:
Administration Office Secondary School A. Briosco
n.11 Lippi street – 35134 Padova,
Phone Number: 049 619116 / 8644736;
web site:
School Principal: Salemi Luigi
Secondary School Petrarca
n.9 Concariola street - 35139 Padova
Phone Number: 049 8751027, Fax 049 661459
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
School Principal: D’Onofrio Domenico
IX Board of Education "V. Zanibon"
n.17 Wiel Street - 35020 Padova
Phone Number: 049 8719499, Fax 0498721740
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal:Nespolo Ignazia
Secondary School. "E.C. Davila";
n.2 S. Francesco Street - 35028 Piove di Sacco
Phone Number: 049 5840085 Fax: 049 5840085
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Antico Ettore
Administration Office of the Secondary School of I° Ippolito Nievo
n.12 Mur di Cadola Street - 32100 Belluno
Phone Number: 0437 931814, Fax: 0437 30162
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Solazio Giuseppe
Two evening english’s corse for adults are activated
c/o S.M.S. “Rocca” - 32032 Feltre
Phone Number: 0439 840717, Fax 0439 849840
E-mail: [email protected]
Board of education IV Circle of Rovigo
n.4 Rhodigium Gallery - 45100 Rovigo
Phone Number: 0425 21751, Fax 0425 21751
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Longhi Marinella
Classical High School "C. Bocchi"
n.4 Dante Alighieri Street - 45011 Adria
Phone Number: 0426 21107 Fax 0426 21107
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
School Principal: Lodo Antonio
Administration Officie of the Secondary School of I° Coletti
n.1Abruzzo Street, Phone Number: 0422 230913, Fax 0422 436476
E-mail: [email protected]
Administration Officie of the Secondary School of I° L. Stefanini
n.353ª Armata Avenue,
Phone Number: 0422 582385, Fax 0422 546395
E-mail: [email protected]
Comprehensive Satet Institute n.3
n. 6Brigata C. Battisti Avenue, - 31033 Castelfranco Veneto
Phone Number: 0423 494312, Fax 0423 744447
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Ravaioli Rosvalda
Secondary School F. Morosini – Sovino
Canareggio, 4760 - 30100 Venezia
Phone Number: 041 5241118, Fax 041 524118
E-Mail: [email protected]
Secondary School "G. Cesare"
68 D Cappuccina Street, - 30172 Mestre
Phone Number: 041 981696, Fax 041959939
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
School Principal: Gumina Antonio
Secondary School. "Pascoli-Galilei"
n.2 Bacchiglione Street - 30019 Sottomarina
Phone Number: 041 5540585 Fax: 041 5543724
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Valentini Valentino
Board of Education VII Circle c/o S.E. "G.Carducci"
21, Betteloni Street - 37100 Verona
Phone Number: 045 525551, Fax 045 8402225
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Marconcini Luciana
Secondary School "Duca d'Aosta-Fava"
13, G. Trezza Street - 37126 Verona
Phone Number: 045 8002922, Fax 045 8008787
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Marcello Luigi
Secondary School "Dante Alighieri-Catullo"
Breccia S. Giorgio Street - 37138 Verona
Phone Number: 045 8000690, Fax 045 8035431
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Amadei Eliseo
Board of Education. VIII Circe of Verona S.E. "Giuliari"
Monte Rotondo Street - 37134 Verona
Phone Number: 045 508735, Fax 045 8279950
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Pozzan Silvana
Comprehensive Institute "Cavalchino-Moro"
3, Marconi Street - 37069 Villafranca
Phone Number: 045 7900158, Fax 045 7900185
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Beghini Valerio
Administration Office of the IX Comprehensive Institute
106, Bellini Street - 36100 Vicenza
Phone Number: 0444 562487, Fax 0444-961905
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
School Principal: Norbiato Alcide
Comprehensive Institute n.4
14, Palemone Street - 36100 Vicenza
Phone Number: 0444 500426, Fax 0444 509746
E-mail: [email protected]
School Principal: Vicari Anna Emanuela
Secondary School "Bellavitis"
4, Colombare Street - Bassano del Grappa
Phone Number: 0424 503078 Fax 0424 504044; Sito web:
[email protected]
School Principal: Guiotto Laura
The secondary schools of the territory offer evening classes for
adults who do not possess the diploma of scuola secondaria
superiore. The contents, the timetables vary from school to school.
Here you find some addresses of the school in Padova which have
offered evening classes:
Istituto Professionale per il Commercio “Leonardo da Vinci” via
S. Giovanni di Verdara 36  049 8724155
Istituto Professionale Industriale “E. U. Ruzza” Via M.
Sammicheli 8  049 657287
Phone Number: 049 657287, Fax:: 049 666398
E-mail: [email protected];
Web Site:
Istituto Statale d’Arte “P. Selvatico” L.go Meneghetti 1  049
Istituto Superiore di Istruzione Agraria “Duca degli Abruzzi” via
M. Merlin 1  049 8685455
Istituto Tecnico per le Attività Sociali “P. Scalcerle” Via Cave
174  049 720854
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “P. F. Calvi” Via Santa Chiara 10 
049 8242611
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale e per Turismo “L. Einaudi” Via
delle Palme 1  049656382
Liceo Artistico “A. Modigliani” Via degli Scrovegni 30  049
Istituto Tecnico Industriale “G. Marconi” Via Manzoni 80  049
Liceo Scientifico “I. Nievo” via G. Barbarigo 38  049 662292
Besides the ordinary daily courses, there are evening and p.m
classes, in the field of a Continuous training for Adults’ Project,
these course are designed to promote the vocational training and
the re-training of the workers.
The training Structure foreseens:
• flexible tieme, articulated froma Mondays to Fridays from 7.00
pm to 11.00 pm. And Saturdays from 8.00am to 6.00 pm, with
front office dedicated to personal additional activities and to
educational elaborations;
• alternation School/Job;
• study of commun area’s subjects (literature and history, foreign
language, maths and information technology, science, physical
education and religion) and of particolar courses’ subjects
(drawing, design, art history, materials technology, laboratory of
modeling and packaging);
• verification of formative credits through the school can
recognized the user’s acquired skills and it plans a personalized
Or you can visit the website:
Entry requirements
To enter university international students need to possess:
-a valid visa or work permit or family permit or residence permit or
student permit or an
indefinitive leave to remain;
-a diploma or educational certificate of secondary school-second
International student who have permission to stay in Italy and are in
possess of a permit or visa can enter the Italian Universities after
passing entry exams. Each Italian University reserve a number of
places for international students.
To access the Italian University international students have to hold
diploma or educational certificate of secondary school obtained after
a 12-year schooling period and valid also for entering the University
of their origin country.
Application requirements
Each candidate must present the application form direct to the
University chosen. You can apply for only one degree programme.
To have further information contact direct the University chosen.
If you are not yet in Italy, ask for information to the Italian Consulate
or Embassy of your own country.
All documents must be also in the Italian language. The translation
must be certified by the authorities of the Italian Consulates or
Embassies in the foreign countries.
Moreover, between April and May candidates have to hand in the
pre-application form with the necessary documents to the Italian
Embassy or Country of the country where they live.
Selection tests
International students must pass an exam which tests their
knowledge of the Italian language.
Who do not pass this exam, cannot enter Italian University.
To enter some degree programmes it is necessary to pass an
admission test, which the Italian students as well must sit.
As already mentioned Italian Univerisities reserve a number of
places for international students. This does not concern the
international student who are in Italy as asylum seekers.
Asylum seekers need only to pass the Italian language exam and the
admission test, if requested by the degree programmes chosen.
Between April and May asylum seekers must turn to the office
Servizio Sociale Internazionale (via Veneto, 66, Roma), which will
give them the right information to present the documents, the
application form and guidance notes.
For further information and assistance please contact
the Universities. Here you find the addresses:
Servizio Segreterie studenti
Casa Grimani,
Tel. 049 827 3131 Lungargine
Piovego, 2/3 - 35129 Padova
Venezia - Cà Foscari Call center 041
Fax: 0412347526-7536 (Literature,
Philosophy, History and Modern
Languages and Post-graduate courses
for teachers),
0412347915-7501 (Economics and
Email: [email protected]
G.B. Giustinian - Dorsoduro 1453 –
30123 (VE)
Venezia -IUAV
Santa Croce, 191 - 30135 Venezia
Tel. (+39) 0412571111
Verona - Via S. Francesco, 22 – 37129
Tel: 045/8028469, 045/8028260
Fax: 045/8028778
[email protected]
Useful websites: rubrica/ università/ voce studenti/ studenti stranieri / politica estera/ promozione cultura/ università
Padova: Via T. Minio 19/A 35123 Padova
Tel. e fax 049/600313 cel. 347/3498098
E-mail [email protected]
Bologna: Via Bartolomeo Maria da Monte 14 Bologna
Tel.051/460381 fax 051451928
E-mail [email protected]
Treviglio (BG): Via Zanovello 1 24047 Treviglio (BG)
Tel. 0363/40536
E-mail [email protected]
In copertina illustrazione di Martina Benoni.
Translated by Marzia Digito and Giada Schiavon.
The leaflet has been possible thanks to the cooperation of
CIOFS/FP Veneto - Centro di Formazione Professionale e Orientamento
“Don Bosco” di Padova - dott.ssa Giovanna Bettin.

Inglese - Amici dei Popoli Padova