Inspired Surfaces Limited UK Stocked Items March 2012 Code Name Ral CI. Pantone 0001 0010 0020 0028 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0210 0211 0214 0215 0218 0225 0227 0232 0234 0237 0244 0247 0248 0249 0254 0256 0264 0266 0273 0500 0507 0509 0510 0511 0515 0517 0523 0526 0527 0533 0534 0535 0536 0538 0543 0549 0553 0559 0561 0562 0564 0566 0569 0570 0571 0573 0576 0593 0594 0595 0605 0606 0607 0610 0614 0616 0619 0621 0622 0623 0627 0634 0636 0637 0638 0639 0641 0644 9016 9003 9010 9003 9002 1013 9002 10A01 (BS) Bianco Bianco Azzurro Bianco Industriale Bianco Nube Avorio Sabbia Rosa Antico Bianco Ghiaccio Magnolia Grigio Medio Grigio Perla Verde Tenero Blu Acciaio Beige Alabastro Bianco Mandorla Grigio Sasso Grafite Creta Porcellana Grigio Siliceo Verde Inglese Bianco Decò Grigio Gabbiano Giallo Pastello Azzurro Polare Avorio Cisa Azzuro Ice Aragosta Blu Notte Nero Carruba Vinaccia Verde Bosco Verde Malva Giallo Colorado Grigio Antracite Grigio Argento Verde Limone Bruno Antilope Rosa Baby Beige Isabella Amaranto Terracotta Verde Prato Cioccolato Nocciola Rosso Devil Verdone Giallo Mais Blu Caraibi Blu Valencia Verde Golf Rosso Oriente Giallo Primula Bruno Gazzella Blu Faenza Fucsia Grigio Nembo Glicine Lilla Lavanda Bruno Egizio Verdino Grigio Alpaca Blu Artico Verde Foresta Grigio Viola Grigio Ferro Verde Jaguar Verde Mare Verde Barbados Giallino Rosso Fragola Rosa Cammeo Crocus Turchese Pastello 7040 7038 5024 1015 1013 7004 9001 9010 9003 2002 5011 9004 8019 3007 6011 6019 1017 7024 7047 1000 1019 3009 6032 8025 3020 1003 6032 3003 5010 4006 7037 6003 6033 6028 3017 6034 NCS Plain Colours Sheet size (mm) 3050 3050 3050 3050 4200 4300 Rehau ABS x x x x x x Edge banding 1300 1300 1300 1300 1600 1850 Stocked to HGP (0.8mm) VGP (0.8mm) BTS (1.2mm) VGF (0.8mm) HGP (0.8mm) CGS (12.7mm) Match S 0500-N S 0502-B 10A1 (BS) S 0502-Y S 300 N S 0510-Y20R 400C S 1005-Y 482C S 1005-Y50R S 1002-B S 0505-Y20R 429U S 3502-B 428U S 2502-B 577C S 2030-G70Y 3025U S 4040-B 468U S 1010-Y30R S 1005-Y20R 4545C S 1005-Y10R Cool Gray 6U S 3502-R 430U S 4502-B 454C S 1005-Y20R S 0502-Y50R 406U S 2005-Y50R 558C S 1010-B70G S 052-R50B 5315U S 1002-Y 134C S 0520-Y20R 2706U S 0520-R70B S 1000-N R R R R R R R R R R R R R* R R R R R* R R R R R R R R R 179C 289U Black C 412C 5115U 371C 579C 129U 432U 427U 5777C 466U 488C 465U 202U 1605C 349C 439C 4635U 186C 553C 123C 293C 2995C 3415C 195C 100C R* R* R* R* R* R* R R R* R R R R R R* R R* R* R* R R R* R* R R* R* R* R R* R* R* R R R R R R R* R* R R* R* R* R* R R* R R R 287U 247U 431U 529U 263C 543U 5015C 5575U 407U 2718C 350C 406U 432U 343C 5483U 5535C 461C 1785C 503C 277U 5493U S 1080-Y80R S 7020-R70B S 9000-N S 8505-Y20R S 7010-R10B S 5040-G40Y S 1020-G40Y S 1060-Y30R S 8000-N S 1500-N S 2020-G80Y S 3010-Y20R S 0520-R S 3020-Y10R S 4050-R S 2060-Y40R S 4050-G10Y S 8010-Y30R S 6020-Y30R S 1080-Y90R S 7010-G10Y S 1070-Y20R S 3060-R90B S 1060-B S 3560-G S 2570-R S 0540-Y S 5010-Y50R S 4050-R80B S 2060-R30B S 5502-B S 2040-R50B S 0525-R60B S 2030-R90B S 2020-Y80R S 2010-B90G S 3502-Y S 2060-R70B S 6030-G30Y S 1502-Y50R S 7500-N S 6030-G S 3030-B30G S 7020-G S 0510-Y S 0565-R S 0510-R S 1020-R80B S 2020-B50G LUC* R*/LUC* LUC* R R* R* R* R* l l l l l l R* R* l R R* R* l R R* R* l R LUC* R* LUC* R* l R R* R* LUC* R*/LUC* R/LUC* l LUC* LUC* l l l l R* R*/LUC* R* R* R* R* l R* R* l l R* R* l R* LUC* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* l l l 0647 0648 0651 0660 0661 0662 0664 0665 0666 0669 0670 0673 0675 0682 0685 0689 0691 0692 0693 0698 0699 0700 0701 0702 0703 0709 0711 Giallo Bisanzio Giallo Murano Verde York Verde Acido Giallo Gallio Verde Cuba Verde Francese Verde Scozia Grigio Piombo Verde Polinesia Giallo Altamira Blu Violetto Blu Greco Arancio Blu Spazio Porpora Rosa Persia Verde Farm Rosso Rubino Rosso Ciliegia Arancio Tagete Grigio Vernice Cacao Blu Iris Arancio Marte Melanzana Blu Baia 1018 1016 6019 7044 6027 1018 5022 3004 6007 3005 3031 2009 7024 8017 2001 4007 129C 155U 573U 375C 379C 569C 5575C 5513C Warm gray 2U 318C 107C 534U 284U 1375C 280U 491U 158U 5605C 202U 485U 2X 165U Black 6 U 1817C Blue 072 U 180C 5115C S 0580-Y S 1020-Y20R S 1010-B90G S 0570-G30Y S 0550-G80Y S 3050-B70G S 2020-G30Y S 0510-B50G S 2005-Y20R S 2030-B70G S 0570-Y S 6020-R70B S 2030-R80B S 0570-Y50R S 5040-R70B S 5040-R S 1060-Y60R S 8010-G10Y S 5040-R10B S 1580-Y90R S 0580-Y70R S 7502-B S 8010-Y70R S 3060-R70B S 2570-Y70R S 7020-R20B R* R R R* R* R* R R R R R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R* R R* R* R* LUC* R* R* LUC* R* R* LUC* l LUC* LUC* l LUC* R* Texture Abreviations R Erre - Smooth, distinguished by its appeal to the touch, softening colours whilst highlighting the harmony of compositions. LUC Lucida - A mirror finish that affords a unique sheen to the materials surface. * Denotes that the sheet is offered for sale with a removable protective coating as standard. R* l