MeetUp Italia
Il ciclo di incontri per espandere il vostro network e
approfondire le tematiche di attualità relative
al mercato italiano
Un cycle de rencontres pour élargir votre réseau et approfondir les thématiques d’actualité sur le marché italien
Mercoledì /Mercredi 12 febbraio/février
18h30 - 20h30 Hôtel Le Richemond, Genève
Con il contributo di
Avec le soutien de
Nel quadro del ciclo di incontri “MeetUp Italia”, la CCIS e la BAA (Bocconi Alumni Association) di Ginevra Vi invitano il 12 febbraio all’hotel Richemond dove per l’occasione il Dott. Piergiorgio Cecco, Managing Director di Maserati Suisse SA, e il Prof.
Alessandro Arbore, Associate Professor in Management Practice e Director of the Executive Master in Marketing & Sales,
Scuola di Direzione Aziendale (SDA) Bocconi che interverranno sui seguenti temi:
Maserati Quattroporte “The strategy of the sports limousine”
“The contribution of marketing to the company value: fighting misperceptions and misconceptions“
Seguirà per i partecipanti un cocktail
Iscrizioni: tramite il formulario in allegato da restituire entro e non oltre il 9 settembre per e-mail ([email protected]) o per fax
(022 906 85 99): l’iscrizione ha valore di contratto!
Costo partecipazione: per i soci CCIS e BAA CHF 45.-; per i non soci CHF 65.- da versare entro l’8 febbraio 2014
sul seguente Conto Postale 80-5941-0 o sul conto bancario CCIS presso il Credit Suisse, Paradeplatz, Zurich, IBAN : CH 9204
8350 245590 01002, SWIFT : CRES CH ZZ 80A.
Solo per i membri BAA versamento sul seguente conto:
Numero di conto: 65-73983-2; IBAN: CH940 9000 0006 5073 9832; BIC di PostFinance: POFICHBEXXX
Nome del conto: Bocconi Alumni Association Ginevra, 1209 Genève
Dans le cadre du cycle des rencontres d’affaires « MeetUp Italia », la CCIS et la BAA (Bocconi Alumni Association) de Genève
vous invitent à l’hôtel Le Richemond où per l’occasion M. Piergiorgio Cecco, Managing Director de Maserati Suisse SA et Prof.
Alessandro Arbore, Associate Professor in Management Practice et Director of the Executive Master in Marketing & Sales,
Scuola di Direzione Aziendale (SDA) Bocconi interviendront sur les sujets suivants:
Maserati Quattroporte “The strategy of the sports limousine”
“The contribution of marketing to the company value: fighting misperceptions and misconceptions“
A suivre un cocktail pour les participants.
Inscriptions: par formulaire ci-joint à rendre d’ici le 8 février par mail ([email protected]) ou par fax (022 906 85 99): l’inscription a valeur de contrat!
Frais de participation : CHF 45.- (membres CCIS); CHF 65.- (non membres CCIS) à verser au plus tard le 8 février sur le suivant CP 80-5941-0 ou sur notre compte bancaire chez Crédit Suisse, Paradeplatz, Zurich, IBAN : CH 9204 8350 245590 01002,
Que pour les membres BAA virement sur le compte suivant:
Nr.: 65-73983-2; IBAN: CH940 9000 0006 5073 9832; BIC di PostFinance: POFICHBEXXX
Adressé à: Bocconi Alumni Association Ginevra, 1209 Genève
Per maggiori informazioni/ Pour plus d’information:
Camera di commercio italiana per la Svizzera (CCIS)
Marianna Valle
Tel: 022 906 85 95
[email protected]
Bocconi Alumni Association (BAA) Ginevra
Presidente: Maria Pia Cappiello
IEmail: [email protected]
Piergiorgio Cecco
Managing Director
PIERGIORGIO CECCO is the Managing Director of Maserati Switzerland SA since 2006. Before his coming
at Maserati, he passed by several other companies, always in the automobile field. He started to work
at Ford Motor Company SA (Switzerland), where he remained 6 years (Sales Coordinator, Sales Promotion Coordinator, Brand Manager, Zone Manager). Then, he worked at BMW Switzerland for 5 years,
where he was the Development Manager and then the Marketing Manager. The next step of his career
brought him to Nyon at Ferrari (Sales Manager). Ferrari and Maserati formed an only group until the
end of 2005. After the separation of the two brands, due to the fact they became aware that customers
had different expectations, Piergiorgio Cecco followed Maserati setting up in the headquarters of
Schlieren, where he still is.
Alessandro Arbore
Associate Professor SDA
Université Bocconi
ALESSANDRO ARBORE is SDA Professor of Marketing at Bocconi University, Italy. He is the Director of
the Executive Master in Marketing and Sales (EMMS), in partnership with Esade Business School. He
holds a Ph.D. and a Master Degree from the George Washington University and was a visiting scholar at
the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is the author of international publications on ICT and strategic marketing topics. He loves to merge his teaching and research activities with
occasional consultancy on the field. He worked with both government institutions and private companies.
De 18h30 à 20h30, 12 febbraio/février - Hotel Le Richemond, Genève
Da compilare e inviare via mail: [email protected] o fax + entro e non oltre l‘8 febbraio
À remplir et envoyer par mail [email protected] ou fax: + au plus tard le 8 février
Cognome e Nome /Nom et Prénom__________________________________
Azienda / Entreprise_____________________________________________
Funzione / Rôle________________________________________________
Via / Adresse__________________________________________________
CAP/ Code postal__________
Città/ Ville_____________________________
Telefono/ Téléphone_______________
Sarò accompagnato/a da/ Je viens avec:___________________________________
Luogo e data/Lieu et date

INVITO - Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Svizzera