Karol Wojtyla
1978 - 2005
1920 - 2005
Vi ho cercato io,
ora voi siete
venuti da me..
"Pope John Paul II wrote history. Through his work, and
through his impressive personality he changed our world.“
German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
We have lost a very important religious figure
who dedicated his life to peace and justice for all.
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas
A good and faithful servant of God has been called home.
The world has lost a champion of peace and freedom.
US President George W Bush
We have always seen the Pope, and will always see him,
as a friend who was concerned for the poor,
who fought neoliberalism and strove for peace.
Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque
I have very warm recollections of meetings with the Pope.
He was wise, responsive, and open for dialogue.
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Giovanni Paolo II continuerà a vivere nei nostri cuori,
lo abbiamo amato per la forza delle idee e il coraggio
Italian President Carlo Azelio Ciampi
The world has lost a religious leader who was revered across people of all faiths and none.
He was an inspiration, a man of extraordinary faith, dignity and courage.
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair
Pope John Paul II was a man I held in high regard.
His experience in Poland,then a communist country,
and my own difficulties with communists,
gave us a common ground.
The Dalai Lama
Israel, the Jewish people and the entire world, lost
today a great champion of reconciliation and
brotherhood between the faiths.
Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom
“Don’t be Afraid…”
John Paul II's biography
Italiano – English – Deutsch
Espanol – Français – Portuguès
Thanks Papa!:)
By Benny

Thanx Pope