ANNO SCOLASTICO 2005/2006 Gli alunni delle classi quinte presentano il Regno Unito e la leggenda di San Giorgio e il drago. Il lavoro, su supporto cartaceo, è stato sviluppato nel corso delle attività opzionali del corrente anno scolastico. 1 2 There are four countries in the United Kingdom SCOTLAND NORTHERN IRELAND WALES ENGLAND 3 The four countries in the United Kingdom have their own capitals. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. ° The capital of England is London. °°° The capital of Wales is Cardiff. London is the capital of the United Kingdom ° o 4 The four countries also have their own flags. 5 The Union Jack is the flag of the United Kingdom 6 The four countries also have their own Patron saints and emblems. St. Andrew is the Patron saint of Scotland The Scottish emblem is a thistle. . St. David is the Patron saint of Wales. The Welsh emblem is a daffodil. St. George is the Patron saint of England. The English emblem is a red rose. St. Patrick is the Patron saint of Ireland. The Irish emblem is a shamrock. 7 THE END 8