Istituto comprensivo “Mazzini”
Scuole dell’ infanzia
“S. Agostino” ed “Acquaviva”
Anno scolastico 2007/2008
“Goldilocks and the three bears”
Bambini di 5 anni dei plessi
“S. Agostino” ed “Acquaviva”
DOCENTI: Carini Danila, Corona Sabina,
Pierdominici Silvia, Pirani Simonetta
- Motivare i bambini all’apprendimento della
lingua straniera attraverso attività ludiche.
- Sviluppare l’attitudine all’ascolto di un codice
diverso dal proprio.
- Rafforzare la consapevolezza della propria
identità personale.
- Stimolare la capacità di esprimersi con gli altri in
una lingua diversa.
- Favorire l’apertura e l’accoglienza verso le altre
culture per un arricchimento personale e
- Apprendimento lessico e strutture
di base per la comunicazione e la
comprensione di semplici
messaggi in L2.
- Conoscenza altre culture.
L’ insegnante realizzerà il suo intervento
in contesti comunicativi significativi per i
bambini all’interno dei quali attivare le
funzioni comunicative con vocaboli e
semplici strutture linguistiche.
I contenuti verteranno su competenze
quali salutare, presentarsi, contare e
saper rispondere a semplici domande.
La vera motivazione all’apprendimento di
una lingua straniera nella scuola
dell’infanzia è il gioco.
E’ importante allora proporre attività giocose
attraverso le quali comunicare realtà
significative per i bambini.
La nostra scuola ha prodotto la storia
“Goldilocks and the three bears” nella
versione illustrata dai bambini.
Goldilocks and the
three bears
Hello! I’m Goldilocks!
Hello! I’m Papa Bear!
Hello! I’m Mama Bear!
Hello! I’m Baby Bear!
The Bear family lives in the forest. They go for a
Papa Bear says: “Come on Mama Bear! Come on
Baby Bear! “
Goldilocks sees their house: “Oh, what a beautiful
She knocks on the door: “Toc, toc! Is anyone
Nobody is there ……… but the door is open!
Goldilocks comes into the house. There are three
bowls. She is hungry. There is a big bowl. It’s
Papa Bear’s bowl. “It’s too hot!”
There is a medium bowl. It’s Mama Bear’s bowl.
“It’s too cold!”
There is a small bowl. It’s Baby Bear’s bowl. “It’s
just right for me!”
There are three chairs. Goldilocks is tired. There is
a big chair. It’s Papa Bear’s chair. “It’s too hard!”
There is a medium chair: It’s Mama Bear’s chair.
“It’s too soft!”
There is a small chair: It’s Baby Bear’s chair.
“It’s just right for me!”
.................. CRASH!!!! “Oh, no! It’s broken!”
Goldilocks goes upstairs. There are three beds.
She is sleepy.
There is a big bed. It’s Papa Bear’s bed. “It’s too
There is a medium bed. It’s Mama Bear’s bed.
“It’s too soft !”
There is a small bed. It’s Baby Bear‘s bed.
“It’s just right for me!”
The Bears come back home.
“Look at my porridge!” says Papa Bear.
“Look at my porridge!” says Mama Bear.
“Look at my porridge!” says Baby bear.
“Look at my chair!” says Papa Bear.
“Look at my chair!” says Mama Bear.
“Look at my chair! It’s broken!” says Baby Bear.
The Bears go upstairs.
“Look at my bed!” says Papa Bear.
“Look at my bed!” says Mama Bear.
“Look at my bed! Someone is sleeping in my bed!”
says Baby Bear.
Goldilocks wakes up and sees the three bears.
“Help!” she shouts.
She runs down the stairs, opens the door and runs
into the forest. She never comes back again.

Progetto Comenius (S. Agostino-Acquaviva)