- History
- Structure
- Angels and
A presentation by Alessandro Sbrilli, Giammarco Ricci and Tommaso Dezi
Santa Maria del Popolo:
a church in the center of Rome
Construction can be divided in
more phases:
-during the Crusades
-under Pope Paschal II
-under Pope Gregory IX
Reconstruction of the church by
Baccio Pontelli and Andrea Bregno
The enrichment of the interior
with the addition of Chapel Chigi
Bernini modifies the facade in
The inside plan has the form of a latin cross and
it’s divided in three naves.
Now I’m going to talk about:
- Right nave:
First chapel, Cybo Chapel, Basso della Rovere
Chapel, Costa Chapel
- High Altar
- Right and left transepts and Cerasi Chapel
- Vault and Dome
- Left nave:
Mellini Chapel, Chigi Chapel, Baptistery
• Finding the murderer
• The coming to the church
• The dome of Chapel Chigi:
a chapel full of pagan symbols
(stars, planets and zodiacal
• Another murder?

S.Maria del Popolo