17 years old
Jessica Jacobs
(1990 - 2008) FILM actres
On May 10, 2008 Jessie Jacobs was walking
along the platform at Cheltenham station when
she tripped and fell onto the tracks and into the
path of an oncoming train. She couldn't move
out of the way in time and died instantly from
her injuries when the train hit her. That day she
was on the way to meet her mother so they
could buy a birthday present for her older
brother Adam. Jacobs was 17 at the time of her
death. The police took several hours to find the
family because the teenager, who was arriving
home from an overnight stay with a friend, was
carrying fake ID
Ruslana Korshunova
Soledad Miranda - nome d'arte di
Soledad Rendón Bueno - (1943 –
Lisbona, 1970) un'attrice spagnola.
La carriera è interrotta brutalmente nell'estate
del 1970. All'età di ventisette anni, Soledad
Miranda muore tragicamente il 18 agosto
all'ospedale di San José, a Lisbona, dopo un
incidente stradale sulla Costa del Sol, nei
pressi dell'Hotel Estoril-Sol. Alla guida
dell'auto è il marito.
L'aspetto esile, quasi fragile, di quest'attrice
divenuta oggi un cult, cela un'energia
straordinaria e un erotismo autentico e
viscerale. Racconta lo stesso Franco che,
nella vita, appariva tutt'altro che un sexsymbol. La metamorfosi avveniva sul set.
Orish Grinstead
(1980 - 2008)
died on April 20, 2008, at the age of 27 from
kidney failure.[1] She had been suffering
from cancer and other undisclosed
Kristen Erin "Krissy"
Taylor (1978 – 1995) was
an American model.
On July 2, 1995, Niki Taylor found Krissy lying
unconscious on the floor of their family's home in
Florida. After attempts to revive Taylor by her family
and authorities failed, she was rushed to Memorial
Hospital West and pronounced dead at 5:39
a.m.[2] She was only 17 years old.
Taylor was known to have had allergies that
congested her upper respiratory system and she
used Primatene, an over-the-counter inhaler, to
combat shortness of breath. While the epinephrine
it contains can cause cardiac arrhythmia, it was
impossible to prove she had taken any just prior to
her death.[2]
The official cause of death was an acute asthma
attack complicated by sudden cardiac arrhythmia.
However, she had no prior history of asthma, and
no symptoms of a heart condition. Uncertain of the
medical examiner's diagnosis, the Taylor family
hired independent experts to study tissue samples
of Taylor's heart muscle, and concluded that the
more likely cause of her death was a rare cardiac
disease called arrhythmogenic right ventriculr
dysplasia.[citation needed]
Taylor’s mother, Barbara, is now
involved with the Cardiac Arrythmias
Research and Education (CARE)
Carol Willis
(1949 – 1971)
was an American model.
She was Playboy magazine's
Playmate of the Month for its July
1970 issue and her centerfold was
photographed by Pompeo Posar.[1]
She died in an automobile accident
in Laguna Beach, California

Diapositiva 1