Malta onetack cup MALTA ONETACK SAILING Challenge Cup La Valletta, 20-26 Ottobre 2008 INDICE Premessa 1 / 2 Premessa 2 / 2 Il Turismo e la Vela Il Team Gli Obiettivi L’alleanza con Trapani Cento Cup Concept One Tack Cup Concept Malta Challenge Il Campo di Regata La Logistica La Formula I Partners I Partners del Media Boats International Group Communicazione Eventi Collaterali Budget Sponsor / Aziende Bufget Malta Pag. 4 Pag. 5 Pag. 6 Pag. 7 Pag. 8 Pag. 9 Pag. 10 Pag. 11 Pag. 12 Pag. 13 Pag. 14 Pag. 15 Pag. 16 Pag. 17 Pag. 18 Pag. 19 Pag. 20 Pag. 20 PREMESSE 1/2 Sailing has now become a universally accepted sport to watch and to appreciate. It is collectively considered as one of the purist forms of competition, characterize by a strong emotional element, by the challenge, as well as requiring to perform at high physical levels all while combined with superior technical abilities. All this is grouped into a sport that is also environmentally friendly. The "Middle Sea Race” is a highly rated offshore classic sailing race and the 2007 edition was just completed. It is believed that it will go down in history as one of the races characterized by records. In fact, the 2007 race had the most (44) boats withdrawn from the race due to very difficult meteorological conditions. The second record was one related to the speed reached by a contender named Rumbler. He in fact was able to the reduced the course record by 16 hours. Malta and its extraordinary port de La Valletta, were the perfect backdrop to hold the race in, reconfirming the great commitment by local authorities to hold important international vents. Our team in fact has presented to the Maltese authorities the project "Onetack Sailing Cup” (from October 22 to October 24 2008). This was done through a series of meetings in Malta to verify the visibility of holding such an event. It is believed that the best manner to present such an event would be to place it under the jurisdiction of the Department of Tourism and Culture of Malta. This document will present a snapshot photograph of the opportunity to create a first step in establishing the event “Onetack Sailing Cup”. Grand Harbour - Valletta PREMESSE 2/2 La Onetack, giovane ed innovativa azienda fiorentina in ambito di borse ed accessori moda, ha intrapreso un percorso per sviluppare la distribuzione e la notorietà del marchio sui mercati internazionali, attraverso la distribuzione delle attuali collezioni, lo sviluppo di nuovi progetti e l'apertura di flagship store in tutto il mondo. Da questa intensa attività di comunicazione si è ritenuto interessante pianificare un evento velico di importanza internazionale e si è identificato, come teatro ideale per realizzarlo, il paese di Malta che presenta, oltre a scenari suggestivi, un ottimo campo di regata. Il progetto “Onetack Sailing Cup” garantirebbe a Onetack e al Governo di Malta una grande esposizione mediatica con la promozione dei rispettivi Brand. (being updated) IL TURISMO E LA VELA Malta in the past, implemented a policy of promoting mass-market tourism as well as tourism related to the business community. In the recent past, Malta has also started to promote high-level/quality tourism as it has clearly demonstrated by materializing numerous important real-estate projects targeted toward the four and five star category. To support such a strategy it seems clear and evident that one would have to create specific and targeted Maltese events directed to consumers expecting four and five star levels not only during the traditionally high summer. But also during the low season. Thanks to a particularly tempered climate, Malta can be very successfully presented in a very attractive manner to the rest of the world as being the ideal destination. The Onetack Sailing Cup is an outcome of the collective desire by the Departments of Tourism and Culture of Malta and the Region of Sicily to leverage their strategic position of being in the Middle of the Mediterranean Sea. By taking advantage of their unique and desirable position of having wonderful seaports and more specifically being able to sail, both authorities are able to create valuable opportunities to promote themselves and increase both business opportunities and expand tourism. We are well aware as how the “Middle Sea Race” is considered to be one of the most important international regattas enabling it to attract the most prestigious and important boats and boat builders are available today. It should also be noted that the “Royal Club” with its very impressive vocation as well as its logistics support represents the ideal partner for such an international event to benefit from. IL TEAM La Quinta (Malta) Ltd: promotore del progetto verso le Istituzioni Maltesi Proxima Res Srl: società che vanta un’esperienza ventennale nell’ideazione e gestione di eventi. Si occuperà di organizzare le manifestazioni collaterali (glamour, fashion, food design, charity…) alla competizione tecnico-sportiva Leader Srl: società italiana con oltre 40 anni di storia e relazioni nel mondo del marketing e della comunicazione con clienti di portata internazionale, in grado di promuovere il progetto a potenziali sponsor italiani Velaevento Gestioni Srl: società specializzata nella realizzazioni di eventi velici tra cui spiccano la “Trapani Cento Cup”, il “Campionato Europeo classe Asso 99” e la “Centomiglia del Garda”. Il suo amministratore, Dott. Cesare Pasotti, è anche stato impegnato professionalmente come Team Manager della sfida italiana di +39 alla 32° America’s Cup Onetack Sailing Cup Ltd: società maltese che verrà appositamente costituita per garantire una perfetta attività di coordinamento con le autorità locali maltesi ed una promozione-gestione internazionale della Onetack Sailing Cup (sono già in corso contatti con Dubai, Russia, Rio De Janeiro/Miami) Il Team rappresentato da Onetack Sailing Cup Ltd. sarà in grado di organizzare un evento velico di assoluto livello, ideare un calendario di eventi collaterali, attrarre sponsor ed aziende e promuovere Malta in tutto il mondo. MALTA ProximaRes GLI OBIETTIVI The objectives are as follows: Create an annual sailing event there will be considered top in its class throughout the world, and will be characterized by a week-long event capable of attracting international interest and substantial media exposure for Malta. Offer a credible and convincing platform to talk about and promote Malta. Promote quality tourism characterized by high added value. Establish a strong relationship between Malta and Trapani (this would allow to take advantage of unique laws presently available as well as appreciable Government/ Regional subsidies and financings) Consolidate the Maltese tradition of sailing as well as reinforce the influence of nautical tourism. Create a catalyst favoring the promotion of the Maltese Olympic sailing. Create a nautical Onetack School “match race" capable of organizing activities centered around corporate incentives and teambuilding activities very much appreciated in the corporate world. It would be fair to say that the nautical Onetack School would become a powerful mechanism to promote Malta thanks to its events, convention centers, corporate incentives, as well as other specifically designed activities. L’ALLEANZA CON TRAPANI CENTO CUP L’organizzazione intende creare un legame operativo tra la Onetack Sailing Cup e la Trapani Cento Cup (un evento che da anni miscela una regata velica a match race, di livello mondiale, con manifestazioni e spettacoli vari di contorno). In questo modo la Onetack Sailing Cup rappresenterebbe una concreta esperienza di Cooperazione Transfrontaliera per la valorizzazione del Turismo Relazione Integrato (vedi il Programma INTERREG IIIA Italia-Malta co-finanziato dal Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale – F.E.S.R.). La sinergia con la Trapani Cento Cup sarà rappresentata da: un programma di eventi di contorno riferiti a temi comuni (food & fashion) classifiche e montepremi finali che sommeranno i risultati delle due regate L’ALLEANZA CON Middle Sea Race Malta The Rolex Middle Sea Race The Rolex Middle Sea Race is a highly rated offshore classic, often mentioned in the same breath as the Rolex Fastnet, The Rolex Sydney Hobart and Newport-Bermuda as a "must do" race. The Royal Malta Yacht Club and the Royal Ocean Racing Club co-founded the race in 1968 and 2007 will be the 28th Edition. Save for a break between 1984 and 1995 the event has been run annually attracting 25 -30 yachts. In recent years, the number of entries has risen sharply to 68 boats thanks to a new Organising Committee who managed to bring Rolex on board as title sponsor for the Middle Sea Race. The race is a true challenge to skippers and crews who have to be at their very best to cope with the often changeable and demanding conditions. Equally, the race is blessed with unsurpassed scenery with its course, taking competitors close to a number of islands, which form marks of the course. Ted Turner described the MSR as "the most beautiful race course in the world". Apart from Turner, famous competitors have included Eric Tabarly, Cino Ricci, Herbert von Karajan, Jim Dolan, Sir Chay Blyth and Sir Francis Chichester (fresh from his round the world adventure). High profile boats from the world's top designers take part, most in pursuit of line honours and the record - competing yachts include the extreme Open 60s, Riviera di Rimini and Shining; the maxis, Mistress Quickly, Zephyrus IV and Sagamore; and the pocket rockets such as the 41-foot Strait Dealer and the DK46, Fidessa Fastwave CONCEPT: ONETACK SAILING CUP The concept behind the “Onetack Sailing Cup” would be as follows: The competitive element will be made up of two parts: The first part would be made up of a regatta using the “Match Race[1]” system and the Second part would be a regatta made up of a “Flotilla of Optimists”. The “Match Race” will be able to offer a considerable amount of prize-money in order to adequately attract prime international talent in the sail industry (such people as James Spithil, Paolo Cian, Ian Percy, Ben Ainslie, Torben Grael, as well as other important athletes that have completed in the America's Cup). The regattas will be performed using the rules of “Round Robin” in the preliminary races and as well as in the semifinals and finals. Organize satellite/complimentary activities in order to support and trampoline the “Onetack Sailing Cup” into international success. These activities could be centered around musical/cultural events, promotional or fair-like events featuring specific products, as well as fashion/glamour events. The “Onetack Sailing Cup” will be integrated into the Worldwide Level 1 Circuit sailing competition. The international circuit will be professionally managed and will follow the “Match Race” system of The International Sailing Federation (ISAF). The Federation holds regattas in prestige as locations both under seashore as well as in lakes. The worldwide level 1 circuit sailing competitions attract the best teams and the most famous technical managers on the circuit today. Strategic alliances will be generated when the departments of other countries in order to duplicate and promote the model here within described relative to “Onetack Sailing Cup”. An initial list of potentially interested entities are: Dubai, Russia, Brazil, and Miami. Footnote[1]: “Match Race” is the most spectacular type of sail racing considering that it is easily understandable even for the less experts in the crowds. The races outdone by using identical vessels of medium to small dimensions, then allow to have short course regattas and that allow the skippers and their sailors truly show off their skills through impressive maneuvers in very contained spaces. The regattas in fact often take place very close to shore and therefore easily viewable by the spectators on the seating areas along the shore . CONCEPT: Malta Challenger Under the patronage of the Minister of Tourism & Culture - Malta Generate a viable and credible platform to allow Malta to be showcased to other European countries in the sector of sports for young children. With this in mind the “Onetack Sailing Cup” will create a segment called "Malta Challenger". Five regattas will make up the “Malta Challenger” and they are already included in the European “Optimists Class”. The “Optimists Class” includes a single format type boat and has already reached highest level of popularity within the young age group of 8 to 15 years and each time is attended by hundreds of participants. The “Malta Challenger” will award an additional prize for the first 15 participants who will qualify per regatta. Each of the 15 participants will have the opportunity to participate in the “Grand Finale” which will be held during the “Onetack Sailing Cup” in Malta. Malta will be optimally represented in each of the countries where the “Optimists Class” regattas “Malta Challenger” will take place. “Onetack Sailing Cup” will indeed allow future generations of tomorrow to interface with the sail champions of today thereby creating a truly one-of-the-kind sailing activity in the world. Malta will be seen as the protagonists and the catalyst by using its noble and prestigious past to lay down foundations for future generations to leave their mark on the sailing world. HON. DR FRANCIS ZAMMIT DIMECH, LL.D., M.A., M.P. Ministry of Tourism & Culture IL CAMPO DI REGATA Lo straordinario porto di Marsamxett, a La Valletta, rappresenta lo scenario perfetto; la location offre infatti da una parte il fascino architettonico delle fortificazioni e degli edifici storici, dall’altro l’opportunità unica di far svolgere il Match Race di fronte all’Excelsior Grand Hotel, base della Onetack Sailing Cup. Gli spettatori potranno seguire la competizione non solo dalle tribune, affacciate sul porto, ma anche dalla via di circonvallazione. L’evento, in questo modo, riuscirà a coinvolgere in modo eccezionale La Valletta e i suoi turisti divenendo un vero e proprio video di promozione di Malta Le regate saranno uno spettacolo godibile dal grande pubblico che affollerà le rive del porto di Marsamxett, in un quadro scenografico di grande suggestione. Gli allestimenti a terra, il Village, l’area di accoglienza e Hospitality, le tribune per il pubblico saranno localizzate presso gli spazi messi a disposizione dal Grand Hotel Excelsior. LA LOGISTICA A seguito dei sopralluoghi effettuati, si è potuto verificare la perfetta idoneità delle infrastrutture come l’Excelsior Grand Hotel Malta che dispone di una propria marina privata, di ampi spazi per l’area hospitality, area VIP e tribune spettatori. (indichiamo indicativamente le aree dedicate all’evento) Village: 10/15 gazebo espositivi, n.1 palco per gli spettacoli e gli eventi, pali per le bandiere delle nazioni partecipanti, n.1 tensostruttura per il servizio pubblico di ristorazione + spazio con tavoli, sedie e ombrelloni) Spazi tecnici: i gazebo per il paddock-atleti; n.1 gazebo grande per i materiali barche e la veleria Ufficio stampa (presso l’Hotel?) Sala eventi ufficiali (presso l’Hotel?) n.3 Uffici (segreteria di regata, uffici organizzazione) VIP zone: ristorazione, accoglienza con spazio allestito per visione delle regate Porticciolo per ormeggi imbarcazioni di regata e gommoni di servizio Spazio e attrezzature per speakeraggio Torri per illuminazione regata notturna Spazi per esposizione pubblicitaria Maxischermo Spazio tecnico per regia radio-televisiva LA FORMULA I PARTNERS Provincia Regionale di Trapani Regione Sicilia Malta Sailing Federation I Partners del media Boat International Group Boat International Group is the leading global media business partner in the superyacht market and has been servicing it’s customers for over 23 years. Currently publishers of 7 magazines, annual supplements and luxurious hard back books, Boat International Group produce in excess of 1.5 million magazines a year and sell in over 55 different countries worldwide. The group also host the prestigious World Superyacht Awards in Venice each year, and has recently moved into the digital arena, acquiring Superyacht Media in December 2006. MAGAZINES Boat International – Distributed in 55 countries Boat International is the world’s only truly international, monthly, English language luxury yachting title. Boat International is the globally acknowledged authority in its field. Boat International USA – Since it was launched in 1997 Boat International USA has established itself as North America’s finest luxury yachting magazine and is now published 10 times a year. Boat International Russia – is the latest addition to our growing portfolio of luxury yacht magazines and is targeted squarely at a highly affluent, increasingly sophisticated market. Mer & Bateaux – with almost 30 years of publishing history and experience, Mer & Bateaux offers a unique insight into the French yachting market, as well as the latest news from the International superyacht industry. Meer & Yachten – Founded in 1991 and published six times a year, Meer & Yachten is the Superyacht magazine for German speaking readers all over the world. Dockwalk – Launched in 1998, Dockwalk enabled captains and crew to keep abreast of industry news as their jobs took them to exotic ports of call around the world. Today, in 2007, it is the number 1 monthly magazine for yachting industry professionals. COMUNICAZIONE L’organizzazione lavorerà per: preparare la brochure commerciale attribuire del Numero Unico dell’evento organizzare la presentazione ufficiale della Onetack Sailing Cup, che verrà promossa in abbinamento alla Trapani Cento Cup, alla BIT di Milano o Global (Febbraio 2008) organizzare una Conferenza Stampa Milano, 21-24 Febbraio 2008 redigere un Piano di Comunicazione redigere un Piano Pubblicitario commercializzare spazi commerciali BUDGET: SPONSOR/AZIENDE Verranno ideati ed organizzati eventi collaterali, che saranno finanziati da sponsor: - spazio ad aziende/espositori - fashion shows - design e costume - presenza di personaggi VIP - eventi food a tema… …una settimana di appuntamenti di altissimo interesse che attirerà sponsor e media facilitando la promozione di Malta che per una settimana diventerà la capitale mondiale della vela. BUDGET: MALTA USCITE: Note: i costi qui riportati fanno riferimento al solo evento sportivo (regata) e potrebbero subire variazioni (non superiori al 10%). Il costo dell’evento sportivo sarà a carico delle Istituzioni Maltesi Il calendario delle manifestazioni di contorno alla regata potrà essere realizzato grazie all’intervento di sponsor. 751.000,00 spese per Conferenza Stampa Buffet per giornalisti Materiali e attrezzature di allestimento Testimonials Rimborsi spese viaggio Testimonials Ospitalità Comunicazione e Pubblcità 5.000,00 4.000,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 2.000,00 7.000,00 spese per Presentazione Ufficiale Coordinamento generale e segreteria Buffet Materiali e attrezzature di allestimento Testimonials Ospitalità 5.000,00 10.000,00 10.000,00 15.000,00 10.000,00 spese per Villagge spazi tecnici ed espositivi Materiali e attrezzature di allestimento Personale Impianti 20.000,00 35.000,00 20.000,00 23.000,00 spese per Regate Contributo spese per ingaggio equipaggi Montepremi Imbarcazioni e gommoni Materiali e attrezzature tecniche per regate Personale (giudici, umpire e assistenza) 23.000,00 50.000,00 98.000,00 320.000,00 40.000,00 200.000,00 45.000,00 14.000,00 21.000,00 spese per Comunicazione e Pubblicità (compreso ospitalità giornalisti) 100.000,00 spese per progettazione e coordinamento manifestazione Malta Challenger ( 5 tappe) contributo economico manifestazioni iniziative di promozione e pubblicità Ospitalità Logistica per regata 60.000,00 100.000,00 30.000,00 15.000,00 50.000,00 5.000,00 Grazie LA QUINTA HEAD OFFICE Corso Plebisciti, 15, 20129 Milano, Italia Tel. +39 02 7385353 [email protected] LA QUINTA (MALTA) Ltd., Sede for: Albania; Algeria; Cyprus; Egypt; Gibraltar; Greece: Lebanon; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Monaco; Morocco; Portugal, Tunisia & Israel 13, Curate Fenech Street, Birzebbugia BBG 03, Malta Tel. +356 9933 3088; +356 21 651368; +356 21 417889 Fax. +356 21 650913; +356 21 662034 [email protected] [email protected]