Note per far funzionare l’ipertesto, lavoro in Italiano e in Inglese Avviso per l’uso European Parliament Tourist Guide Sara’s Report Francesco’s Report Alessandro’s schedule Ringraziamenti Bibliografia Docenti e allievi Note e avvisi Departure Wednesday 10th March 2010 at 6.30 am (SHARP!!!) in front of school. Arrival Friday 12th March 2010 at about 9.30 pm in front of school Programme Wednesday morning: visit to the city of Colmar Wednesday afternoon: accommodation in the hotel Thursday morning: visit to the city of Strasburg Thursday afternoon: visit to the European Parliament and after shopping in Strasburg Friday morning: visit to the city of Freiburg Remember to wear warm clothes and don’t forget your camera What was the weather like? It was...... …snowy … and very cold!! But our first real stop was in Colmar, a small town with strange and beautiful colored rooftops. We saw the big Cathedral which had an impressive dome. After that we had a break in a “français café”, where we met a French couple, but obviously we didn’t speak French. Two months ago I went to Strasbourg (in France) with my class for a school trip. We stayed there for three beautiful days and it was amazing. We left Turin at 6:30 o’clock a.m. and there wasn’t sun in the sky yet. The journey was very long and quite boring but I also played and talked with my friends for the whole time. We stopped at service stations for three times or more. We arrived in Strasbourg at 6 o’clock p.m. and it was dark. We put our bags in the hotel: our bedrooms were very cool!! (there was a cooker too!). We had dinner at the restaurant, it was far far away from the hotel so we had to walk. The food wasn’t so good…but we ate anyway. The second day we woke up very early and the weather was very terrible, it was cold, and then, when we had a breakfast it started to snow! That day we spent all the time to visiting the city, with a French guide, who speaks fortunately Italian…He told us the story of Strasbourg and then, we visited some monuments and churches in the centre of the city. I like very much the “Notre Dame Cathedral”, it was fantastic, particularly the strange clock, near the exit of the church. We also saw the European Parliament, it was very big, and the European Council. In the afternoon we did some shopping at the “ La Fayette Galleries” and I bought some clothes, and other things…In the evening I and my friends played with cards, or talked, or sometimes discussed about our affairs, and we went to bed at 2 or 3 o’clock p.m… it depends. The evening was my prefer part of the day….I enjoyed myself very much!! The last day we left Strasbourg early but we had another stop in Freiburg, in Germany….That was the best day of the trip, we did another shopping together (without teachers) and I had an hot chocolate with my best friend while all my classmates were buying hot-dogs. We came back in Turin at 10:30 and our parents were here…to take us. This trip was amazing, I enjoyed everything in Strasbourg (but I also enjoyed the day we spent in Freiburg) , I would like to stay more days there but I’m so happy too that I can say….I love France! From 10th to 12th March 2010, I went to Strasbourg with my class, for a school trip. We went there by bus and Mrs Andreoni and Schirosi accompanied us in this beautiful French city. We left Turin at 6.30 a.m. and before the arrival in Strasbourg, we stopped in a town called Colmar. It was a very beautiful and interesting medieval town. Then we arrived in Strasbourg at about 6.00 p.m.. we went immediately to the hotel, where we left our bags. Our bedrooms were quite beautiful, and there we talked and played a lot. After that we had a dinner in a restaurant far away from the hotel, but the food wasn’t so good. On the second day we went out, in the morning, for a visit in the city with a French guide. We saw a lot of beautiful monuments and churches such the cathedral of Strasbourg. It was very high and beautiful with her pinnacles. I enjoyed it so much. After a quickly lunch we went in the afternoon to the European Parliament, where we took part of a discussion. At the end of this debate we did shopping in the city centre. Next we went to the restaurant, but this time food was good. Finally came back to the hotel and there we spent a fantastic evening. On the last day we left Strasbourg for Freiburg, a German city, and there we visited the cathedral: it was similar to the cathedral of Strasbourg. Finally we came back to Turin and we arrived here at 9.30. It was a fantastic experience and I hope to repeat it in the future. The European Parliament from the river and the inside The statue outside the Parliament represents Mother Europe hugging her son The European Parliament (Europarl or EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council), it forms the bicameral legislative branch of the EU and has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world. The parliamentarians are known in English as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). They are elected every 5 years by universal adult suffrage and sit according to political allegiance; about a third are women .Before 1979 they were appointed by their national parliaments. As States are allocated seats according to population, the maximum number of MEPs is 736. However enlargements may lead to this number being exceeded until the following election, for example between 2007 and 2009 due to the accession of Romania and Bulgaria however the rules are due to be changed under the Treaty of Lisbon. The Common European Framework for the Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages was born here. An ideal geographical location Located in north-eastern France, alongside Switzerland and Germany, Alsace enjoys an ideal location in the heart of Europe. The region has 1.7 million inhabitants, and comprises two départements (counties), the Upper Alsace to the south and the Lower Alsace to the north. At 190 km in length and 50 km wide, Alsace is a moderately sized region. Its modest surface area (8 280 km²) makes it easy to discover, while at the same time offering a wide variety of landscapes ranging from forests and valleys to plains and peaks. A dynamic local economy Alsace is one of the most dynamic and prosperous regions in France. With its border location, Alsace is situated at Europe's economic crossroads around the Rhine. The region boasts an impressive modern infrastructure enabling it to fulfil its role as a trading centre between northern and southern Europe. “L’Europa in 12 lezioni” Pascal Fontaine - 2007 “Guida del Cittadino alle istituzioni dell’UE” 2007 “Esploriamo l’Europa”- 2008 “The European Parliament” - July 2009 “Il Parlamento Europeo” - luglio 2009 “Il Parlamento Europeo Campione di Valori Europei” 2008 editi dal Servizio Comunicazioni del Parlamento Europeo Un ringraziamento va: • al “Centro Europe Direct Torino” e Provincia di Torino, con cui sono stati realizzati due incontri di “avvicinamento” all’Europa • alle animatrici che hanno condotto le attività gioco e di sensibilizzazione alla cittadinanza. Il materiale che ci è stato consegnato ci ha permesso uno studio serio ed approfondito. • al Dott. Marco Marinai, DG Comunicazione, Unità Visite e seminari del Parlamento europeo, che ci ha accolto a Strasburgo. • alla Preside Prof Silvana Paterlino che ha voluto condividere con noi questa esperienza. ACCARDO MARTINA BEN CHAHED NABILA BERGAMO FABRIZIO BOLLATTINO MATTEO BOMBACI FRANCESCO CIANCIARUSO MONICA DA RE GAIA DI GENNARO LARA DI BENEDETTO DANIELE EULA CAMILLA FLORISTEANU ELENA DANIEL FROLA ALESSANDRO LUETTO ELENA MAREGA GIOVANNI MARTINO ANDREA MIGNOGNA FRANCESCA PISTORALE VALENTINA POZZI ALESSANDRO PROCACCIO CHRISTIAN ROMEO SIMONE ROTAR VASILE SACCA’ PASQUALE TOPINO LAURA TORAZZA GABRIELE VOGHERA SARA Referente del Progetto: Prof. Giuliana Andreoni Materie Letterarie e Approfondimento Cittadinanza e Costituzione Prof. Patrizia Schirosi Lingua Inglese ICT Note per far funzionare l’ipertesto: A questo ipertesto hanno partecipato gli allievi della 3 E Ogni pagina presenta l’ icona pagina indice che permette di tornare alla Basta fare click su qualsiasi parte della diapositiva per andare avanti. La pagina indice permette di spostarsi direttamente sulla pagina che si desidera vedere usando le “parole calde” (alcune prevedono la connessione ad Internet). Possono essere utili alla navigazione anche alcune immagini, riconoscibili come icone per spostarsi da una pagina all’altra. L’icona segnala che ci sono più pagine sull’argomento. INIZIO IPERTESTO BUONA NAVIGAZIONE! Questo ipertesto, i filmati e i materiali collegati sono per esclusivo uso didattico. Il lavoro è stato realizzato al fine di registrare un percorso di crescita nell’ambito di “Educazione alla Cittadinanza”. Sarà sicuramente, per tutti coloro che vi hanno partecipato, stimolo e memoria di un’esperienza ricca e significativa. Qualsiasi uso diverso da questo non è autorizzato. INIZIO IPERTESTO