Combating Homophobia. Local Policies for Equality on the grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Tavola Rotonda Round Table L’impegno degli Enti Locali The Local Governments Committment Il rapporto tra le politiche nazionali e le politiche delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche Locali e Regionali. The relationship between national and local/regional LGBT policies. Le relazioni tra le Amministrazioni Pubbliche Locali e Regionali e i loro interlocutori (associazioni LGBT, stakeholders etc.) The relationships between local and regional governments and their spokespeople (LGBT associations, stakeholders etc.). Le alleanze per il riconoscimento dei diritti: per appartenenza o per obbiettivi? Should the alliances for the acknowledgement of Rights be on the basis of membership or on the basis of goals? Project co-funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme Torino, 29 April 2011